How to use honey in baths and saunas for health benefits

Honey in the bath

Hello, dear readers!

We all know very well about the wonderful medicinal properties of natural honey. Our ancestors also used it to treat various diseases.

They actively used honey in the bathhouse, and it was also an indispensable component of any feast. Today we go to the bathhouse not only to wash, steam, relax, but also to get benefits for our health.

One of the ways of such a health option is honey. I propose to expand on this point in more detail and see how to use honey in a bath or sauna with the greatest effect on the body.

Which honey to choose

Let's consider the most popular varieties that are successfully used in the modern Russian bathhouse. It doesn’t really matter which type you choose. The main condition is that it be natural and not fake.

  1. Lime. Light yellow in color, sometimes greenish in color, very pleasant taste. The most valuable type. Good for the prevention and treatment of the respiratory tract (sore throat, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, runny nose). Characterized by increased diaphoretic effect.
  2. Buckwheat. Brown in color with a reddish tint and a spicy aroma. It has a beneficial effect on kidney function, stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has pronounced antiseptic properties, healing wounds, boils and other purulent formations on the skin. In terms of its healing properties, it is not inferior to linden honey.
  3. Mixed floral. Depending on the place of collection (meadows, forest, mountains, steppe) it has different shades - from light yellow to dark brown. It has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It has an extremely pleasant taste. Field honey is considered the best.
  4. May. The highest grade of golden yellow color with exceptional taste and fragrant aroma. It got its name from the period when bees collected pollen from flowering plants: forest and garden berries, fruit trees, willow, willow, maple and many others. There is a well-founded opinion among the people that this product is the best and most useful. Since ancient times, it has been used in the treatment of many diseases: colds and other respiratory diseases, skin diseases, wound healing, eliminating headaches and normalizing the nervous system. Indispensable as a general tonic.
  5. Blended . It is obtained by artificially mixing different varieties in order to give the product a piquant taste. For example, honey that is too bitter is diluted with sweet honey.

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How to choose the right honey

Before buying honey, you must adhere to simple but effective rules. Firstly, the time of year you buy it matters a lot. So, in the summer or in September, the liquid state of honey is normal. But if the purchase was made in late autumn or winter, then it should already be crystallized.

True, the liquid and transparent state does not mean that it is one hundred percent fake. If you correctly and conscientiously bring it to this form, heating it in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 50°, then it will not lose its healing properties. But one cannot expect that this is really the case due to the dishonesty of the sellers. At least for now. You should not take risks, since this natural remedy, at best, can only be used as ordinary sugar.

Here are a few simple techniques to help determine the naturalness of a honey product:

  • Crystallized honey should have a homogeneous structure without any stratification;
  • If a blue color appears when a few drops of iodine diluted in water are added to honey, this indicates that it contains starch.
  • Natural honey completely dissolves in water without forming a film on its surface.
  • If you take a spoonful of honey and slowly pour it out, it should happen in a continuous stream with the formation of a small slide at the point of flow.
  • When twisting a teaspoon of honey, it should not splash or drip from it.

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The runny nose went away, but the nasal congestion remained

It also happens that there is no longer any discharge from the nose, but breathing is still difficult.

This may be due to various reasons:

  • dry indoor air;
  • a side effect of the medicine used during the illness;
  • use of vasoconstrictor drugs for more than 7 days, etc.

In all these cases, it is also necessary to establish a diagnosis - this may require additional tests. After which a course of therapy will either be prescribed, or it will be necessary to eliminate the external factor causing nasal congestion (maintain a normal level of air humidity, replace the medication, etc.).

Using honey in a bath or sauna

Many books and articles have been written on how to use honey in everyday life and about its beneficial properties. There is no point in dwelling on this topic - you can always learn about it from numerous sources in the literature or the Internet. Our task is to show how to use it for your health in a bathhouse or sauna.

Health benefits of honey

Natural honey, propolis and medicines based on them are widely used not only for the prevention and treatment of respiratory organs, but also to combat many skin inflammations and eliminate pain in the musculoskeletal system (back, lower back, joints). And what a storehouse of microelements and vitamins this is, there is no need to say.

In addition, this is an indispensable product for skin rejuvenation, which is of great importance for any woman. Take cellulite, for example, which has a devastating effect on her general physical condition and psychological mood! It has been noticed that honey rubbing helps to significantly speed up the healing of purulent formations on the skin, wounds, scratches, burns and other external injuries. Bath procedures using honey make our skin elastic, firm and youthful.

One cannot fail to mention the healing effects of the vapors emanating from honey products. This is nothing more than inhalation. By rubbing the honey mixture into the skin, we will simultaneously improve the functioning of the respiratory system, stop and eliminate the harmful effects of pathogenic microbes, allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. After all, it has long been proven that the most effective way to absorb medications is their use in the form of aerosols.

Over many millions of years of tireless work of bees, they have developed a truly unique product, the analogue of which does not exist in nature. With over four hundred important biological compounds, honey has everything the human body needs for normal functioning. This includes almost the entire list of vital vitamins and all the necessary microelements. Its energy value is only comparable to protein products: 100 grams of honey contains more than 400 kilocalories of energy. In addition, due to its natural origin, it is completely absorbed by the human body.

Patients with diabetes, treatment of diseases of the nervous system and digestive tract, restoration of strength, normalization of metabolic processes, prevention of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, fight against skin diseases - these are the few things that bee honey gives us.

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Rubbing in the steam room

Everything is very simple:

  • We go into a well-heated steam room and wait for the first sweat to appear.
  • We quickly leave the steam room, wash off the sweat in a warm shower, wipe ourselves dry with a bath towel, and without waiting for the skin to cool, we return back.
  • Without sparing the honey, carefully and thinly rub it into the skin of the legs, arms, neck, abdomen and other parts of the body. It's good if someone helps you do this in hard-to-reach places.
  • We enjoy for 5-15 minutes until the honey is completely absorbed into the open pores of the skin and begins its beneficial effect on our body.
  • We go out and rinse off in a warm shower. And definitely without soap, otherwise we will negate all the healing properties of honey rubbing.
  • If you wish, you can repeat all the above steps several times (depending on how you feel).

There is no need to hope that you will immediately achieve the desired results and your skin will become as young as a baby’s. To do this, you need to regularly visit the bathhouse or sauna, not forgetting to take bee honey with you. And then the result will be obvious - the skin will become firm, velvety and elastic.

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Rubbing in after vaping

This procedure will also not cause any particular difficulties. Its difference from the previous one is that rubbing is done after a good steaming in the steam room. A birch or oak broom will help with this.

  • We make several visits to the steam room and steam the whole body well.
  • After finishing the steam procedures, wash off the sweat and wipe yourself dry with a bath towel.
  • In a dressing room or other suitable room, rub the prepared honey into the skin with massage movements of the hands, using rubbing and stroking techniques.
  • During subsequent visits to the steam room, you should limit yourself from sudden exposure to hot steam. It is enough to sit and relax for a few minutes on the bottom shelf. Sit in the dressing room and wait until the honey is completely absorbed by the skin.
  • The “honey” procedures end with a warm shower and always without soap.

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Using honey and salt mixtures

A good effect is achieved using a special body scrub based on natural honey and table salt (preferably sea salt). You can prepare it according to the following recipe:

  1. For this purpose you will need two tablespoons of honey and 50-100 grams of salt.
  2. Pour honey into a heated ceramic bowl and sprinkle salt on top. Take the container to the steam room and place it near the heater. You don’t need to pour in all the salt at once, but do it gradually as it settles to the bottom.
  3. It is important not to overheat both the dishes and the composition itself, because when heated above 50°, the beneficial properties of honey disappear.
  4. When all the poured salt has settled, the prepared honey-salt solution is ready for use. The prepared volume of the mixture should be enough for one visit to the bathhouse.

Before rubbing, you need to steam well, following the generally accepted rules of steaming in a Russian bath. And the rubbing procedure itself looks like this:

  • Sitting on the top shelf, rub the honey-salt mixture into the skin of your body with light circular movements of your hands. Be careful as undissolved salt crystals may scratch your skin.
  • Sit in the dressing room and wait until the mixture is completely absorbed.
  • Rinse in a warm shower and dry with a dry towel. You can sit, relax and drink a cup or two of herbal tea with honey.

Salt, being a kind of abrasive material, acts as a treasure that removes dead skin particles and opens its pores. In addition, it is an excellent diaphoretic and antibacterial agent. Together with honey, salt also increases the secretion of sweat, which leads to the normalization of all physiological processes in the body. Honey-salt mixture is an excellent remedy against cellulite and excess weight.

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Useful tips

  1. If you mix propolis with natural honey and place it on the stones of a sauna stove, the substances released will enhance the healing effect of the steam on the respiratory system.
  2. The combined use of honey and essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper, sage or pine needles will significantly increase its healing effect.
  3. Before using honey, check to see if it causes any allergic reactions in you.
  4. A honey mixture with the addition of oatmeal gives good results. In this case, salt is replaced with oatmeal.
  5. Honey in a bath with the addition of aloe juice is an excellent remedy for the prevention of facial skin.

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Go to the main content article about bath procedures.

  • Aromas for baths and how to prepare them
  • How and what to drink in the bath
  • Water procedures in the bathhouse
  • How to breathe properly in a bathhouse

PS How to choose quality honey.

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The benefits of honey

After rubbing the body with honey in the bath, intense sweating is activated. The sweat released in the steam room removes many toxins and waste from the body. Cleanses the pores of the skin; the stronger the sweating in the bath, the greater the healing effect we get.

Bee honey on the skin not only increases sweating itself, it also improves cleansing and has a healing effect. Heals wounds, relieves inflammation.

After honey, the skin smoothes out, becomes elastic and clean, wrinkles disappear. In addition, honey relieves pain in joints, muscles and spine. It is good to use honey therapy for colds (when there is no high temperature).

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