The best drinks in the bathhouse and sauna: what to prepare for the benefit of the body

Drinking in the bathhouse means harming yourself.

When our body is hot, we sweat. And the compensation mechanism immediately turns on, a feeling of thirst arises that we strive to quench. Sweating is a process that our body needs. Toxins and harmful substances are eliminated with sweat, and the body eliminates everything unnecessary. How much sweat a person normally produces in a bathhouse is unknown; it is very individual. This can be affected by the time spent in the steam room and the degree of its heating. Another thing is important: when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, hammam or Egyptian bath, you feel thirsty.

The debate continues: to drink or not to drink in the steam room?

Opinion one: losing fluid will help you lose extra pounds. Weighing yourself after a bath can make you happy with your reduced weight. But within a day the weight will return just as easily. A session of intense massage after the steam room and refusal of a rich meal really lead to weight loss. Is your goal to “lose” weight? Instead of drinking, rinse your mouth with a sip of mineral water or a drink with a pleasant sourness. Extreme thirst? Drink in moderation, preferably after the bath, in the relaxation room.

Second opinion: you should definitely drink! The sauna removes about a liter of water from the body. And this is in half an hour of soaring! Dehydration is not good for your health and hydration. Experienced steamers feel the needs of their body, know exactly the time and amount of liquid they need.

We'll talk about the best drinks for a bath. Let's say right away that this is not beer. Beer and any alcohol are a strong blow to the body, which is already trying to cope with the loads of hot steam. Strong energy drinks are prohibited: your body only needs doping with steam, which dilates all blood vessels. Pressure changes and heart problems make adjustments to the list of drinks that are healthy for you. Do not drink strongly brewed tea and coffee if you have chronic diseases. Can't imagine a sauna without strong drinks? Drink them after your visits to the steam room are over and your heart is beating again at its usual rhythm.

Rules for drinking drinks in the bathhouse

When carrying out procedures in a bathhouse or sauna, a certain drinking regimen is provided, which must be observed for health benefits. It includes the following rules:

  • The optimal choice for saunas and baths is acidified liquid of moderate temperature (from 25 to 60 degrees). It can quickly quench thirst and replenish the necessary supply of water in the body.
  • You need to drink liquid moderately and in small sips, while chilled drinks will warm up to body temperature, and hot drinks will cool down.
  • It is not recommended to drink drinks with ice, which can create an unnecessary contrast between increased body temperature and liquid.
  • You should not drink large amounts of liquid at one time. The best option is from 200 to 400 mg per hour. This is enough to replenish the necessary water supply in the body.
  • Taking small, frequent fluids is best for maintaining hydration.
  • It is recommended to exclude alcoholic drinks when visiting the steam room.

What to drink in the bath to get maximum benefits for the body? There is only one answer – tasty and healthy drinks, the choice of which is extremely large.

Getting ready to go to the sauna.

All day, on the eve of your visit to the sauna, you need to drink a lot of liquids, especially mineral water, and eat easily digestible foods, avoiding heavy and fatty foods. The last meal should be 2 hours before visiting the steam room. It is better to use natural mineral water without gas as a drink. Natural juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas and kvass are also suitable. You will have to stop drinking black, green tea and coffee. All alcohol is prohibited. Neither before the sauna, nor directly during your stay in it, drinking alcoholic beverages is not only prohibited, but also dangerous to your health.

Toning teas: green and black

Bath tea is one of the most popular drinks that can be consumed both before the start of the procedures and after their completion. Black tea with a little sugar will invigorate and give you strength.

To fill the body with energy, it is enough to take moderately strong black tea, chilled or warm.

Iced tea will cool and refresh a warm body, while warm tea will speed up sweating and the elimination of toxins.

No less popular is green tea in the bath. It can be prepared with the addition of honey, milk or ginger. This is a wonderful remedy for quenching thirst and cleansing the body. People with blood pressure problems should not overuse green tea.

In general, green and black tea has a good effect on human health, improves metabolic processes, removes waste and toxins, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and well-being.

Various types of tea contain more than 300 unique chemical components that have powerful anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and strengthening effects. In addition, teas can improve the functioning of the digestive system, central nervous system, heart and kidneys.

Hot tea after a bath promotes rapid relaxation, rest and recovery. A fragrant slice of lemon or a teaspoon of sugar syrup added to warm tea will turn it into a light tonic drink.

What drinks do not go well with a sauna?

You need to understand that not every drink is suitable for a bath. Some of them not only will not bring any benefit, but can cause illness, thereby ruining your vacation and even contributing to serious health problems.

Beer and alcohol

Few people think about the effect even weak alcohol can have on a person in a bathhouse. Most of them are simply trying to get as many alcoholic drinks as possible in order to properly enjoy their vacation.

Under no circumstances should you do this. Yes, the same beer perfectly relieves thirst, but for a short time, while putting a colossal load on the heart and kidneys. This differs from normal conditions in that in a steam room these organs are already working to the limit of their capabilities.

The point is not entirely that visiting a bathhouse for the body is practically no different from strong physical activity: alcohol, entering the body, begins to sharply expand the blood vessels, and then also sharply narrow them. The more alcohol, the stronger its influence.

Even beer drunk in a bathhouse increases the likelihood of a heart attack, arrhythmia or stroke. You shouldn’t risk your health and life - after all, the bathhouse exists to improve your health, not ruin it.

The only acceptable option is to allow yourself one can of low-alcohol drink and drink it slowly, gradually.

Coffee and black tea

Coffee and black tea are also not the best choice of drinks in the bathhouse. It's all about the increased caffeine content, which increases blood pressure and the already strong load on the heart and blood vessels due to high temperatures. This can cause headaches, dizziness, and there is a risk of heart attack and stroke.

Revitalizing herbal tinctures and decoctions

Herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions are another category of equally popular drinks that can be drunk in a sauna or bathhouse. It features drinks made from medicinal herbs and berries.

Herbal tea for baths is absolutely not inferior to traditional teas in its healing characteristics. Such mixtures contain a large number of active components that help replenish water balance and improve the biochemical parameters of the body.

Thus, the most popular are teas brewed with field herbs - chamomile, thyme, lemon balm, mint and St. John's wort. Also used are flowers, leaves of shrubs and trees - linden, raspberry, viburnum, rose hips, strawberries, blackberries, elderberries and blueberries.

When using medicinal herbs, what tea is best to drink in a bath?

  • Tonic tea. It restores strength well and energizes. To prepare the drink, blueberry, strawberry, lingonberry and wild strawberry leaves are used, as well as rose hips.
  • Soothing tea. Affects the central nervous system and muscles, relieves fatigue and irritability. Chamomile, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort and oregano are used for brewing.
  • Breast tea. Good for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, eliminates prolonged cough. The main ingredients are coltsfoot leaves, plantain and licorice.
  • Sweatshop tea. Used to quickly warm up the body and increase sweating. Sudorific bath tea can be prepared from linden and raspberry inflorescences.

How to drink water in the sauna?

Professionals know that when you come to the sauna, you should not rush to a bottle of water and the first two visits to the steam room must be done dry. This is done to prepare the body for the active release of sweat and the removal of toxins. The first entry into the steam room is done to warm up the body and continues until the “first drop from the nose.” Afterwards, you need to go out and take a short break before the main sweat. If you drink water at this moment, your body will increase sweating, but the cleansing effect will disappear, since all toxins and waste simply will not have time to be released from the deeper tissues of the body.

After the third visit to the steam room, having sweated thoroughly, you need to start drinking generously and a lot. If you drink mineral water, it should be at room temperature so that it does not linger in the body and speeds up the process of replenishing lost salts and nutrients.

Do not skimp on your health - choose mineral water only from trusted manufacturers. Our online store offers a wide range of natural mineral water of low mineralization, suitable for use during bathing procedures: Selters, Vovic, Evian, Vittel, Arkhyz and.

Refreshing bread kvass

Kvass is one of the most popular drinks that can be consumed after a bath. It perfectly quenches thirst and gives vigor after a hot steam room. Kvass is consumed chilled and has a spicy taste, thick foam and bready aroma. If desired, you can prepare it yourself at home.

A simple recipe for bread kvass

Black bread is cut into cubes and dried in the oven until crispy. Place the crackers in a deep container and pour boiling water over them, leave for up to 3 hours.

Strain the bread wort into an enamel pan through a piece of gauze, add diluted yeast and sugar and cover with a clean towel. Leave to ferment for 14 hours.

The fermented mass is filtered into bottles, 3-4 raisins are added (per 0.5 liter container) and closed tightly.

The liquid is kept in the room for a couple of hours and then put away in a cool place.

For 5 liters of clean water: 500 g of crackers, 100 g of sugar, 10 g of yeast, 20 g of raisins.

Herbal teas

Herbal tea is very famous among people. It is used as a medicine, girls use it for weight loss, and older people use it for cleansing.

The most useful herbal teas are those brewed from natural herbs, collected somewhere in the forest with your own hands. Among the most common herbs from which teas are brewed are mint, lemon balm, chamomile, rose hips, raspberry and strawberry leaves.

There are a great many recipes for herbal teas. Again, this is a matter of taste and personal preference. In order to make such a drink for relaxing in a bathhouse, no special recipe is required. It is enough to take one tablespoon of crushed collection per standard glass. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused under the lid for several minutes.

Invigorating berry juice

If you like sour drinks with a pronounced berry note, then fruit drinks are the best choice. They are prepared from natural wild berries: lingonberries, cranberries, blackberries, strawberries - and contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

The record holder for the content of vitamins C and PP is cranberry juice. It normalizes blood pressure, relieves fever, quenches thirst, and improves immunity. In addition, cranberries are rich in flavonoids - natural antioxidants that protect the body from the effects of pathogenic microflora and prevent the development of malignant tumors.

Cranberry juice is a powerful tool in the fight against heart attacks, strokes and cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.

What is useful to drink in a bathhouse: sbiten with St. John's wort

To prepare sbiten with St. John's wort you need to take: 150 g of honey, 2 tsp. chopped dried St. John's wort, 2 buds of cloves, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, a pinch of crushed ginger, 2 liters of water, sugar to taste.


Dilute honey in 1 glass of water and heat slightly over low heat. Then add the remaining water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add spices and chopped dried St. John's wort to the drink. If desired, you can add a little sugar. Let the finished sbiten brew for 10-15 minutes and drink it hot.

Note. Sbiten is a traditional Russian drink. It has a long history. The first written mentions of sbiten and its recipes appeared nine centuries ago, but the drink itself is certainly much more ancient.

The main components of sbiten are honey, sugar, water and spices. But from ancient times it was customary to add various herbs to it to give the drink healing properties. Honey itself is a powerful healer; it contains vitamins B, C and PP. It is also rich in micro- and macroelements. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron and other minerals. The addition of medicinal herbs gives sbiten, in addition to its general health-improving properties, some narrowly targeted ones. Traditionally in Rus', St. John's wort, sage, elecampane, chamomile, mint, sweet clover, thyme, and oregano were added to sbiten. And the most commonly used spices were cinnamon, cloves, pepper, cardamom, ginger and bay leaf.

Knowing the principle of preparing sbiten, you can easily create your own, unique recipe for this drink, adding to it your favorite spices and medicinal herbs that are most beneficial for you.

What tea to drink in the bath: a hot drink with black currant leaves

To prepare a hot drink from tea with blackcurrant leaves you need: 1 tbsp. l. chopped currant leaves, 1 tsp. green tea, 0.5 liters of boiling water for brewing leaves, 200 ml of boiling water for brewing tea, sugar to taste.


Place thoroughly washed and chopped blackcurrant leaves in a spacious container and pour boiling water over them. Then cover with a lid and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Brew green tea in the usual way, and then mix with infusion of currant leaves. Add sugar to taste before use.

Note. The leaves and young shoots of black currant contain many useful and essential substances for the body. These are vitamins, primarily vitamin C, phytoncides, flavonoids, minerals (manganese salts, magnesium, copper, etc.). The high content of vitamin C makes a drink made from currant leaves an indispensable remedy for vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity. This tea is a good tonic, restores strength after prolonged physical exertion or illness, and restores vigor when overworked.

Black currant leaves contain a significant amount of antioxidants - substances that prevent the development of cancer and slow down the aging of the body. Currant leaf is very useful for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The drink also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and hematopoietic organs. Currant tea is very useful for colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and flu. It has an antimicrobial effect and relieves cough.

In old age, tea made from currant leaves helps strengthen vision, normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, and support brain activity.

Drinking after the bath

After leaving the steam room, sweating does not stop, so it is so important to continue to take care of replenishing lost moisture.
Toning and relaxing teas, mineral or regular drinking water, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions and infusions are again suitable for this.

At the same time, you should drink drinks in small sips; you should not drink more than 150-200 ml at once.

If you are very thirsty, you can drink water with lemon. But, if you ate more than three hours ago before going to the bathhouse, it is better to discard this option so as not to provoke abdominal pain, exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

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