Which windows for a bathhouse are better to choose - the pros and cons of the options

The bathhouse does not need natural sunlight, so the windows in it are installed quite small. Let's figure out which windows will be the most optimal for a bathhouse?

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Wooden windows

The most reliable and high-quality will, of course, be modern windows with wooden frames. They are not afraid of high humidity and sudden temperature changes. Also, such windows boast such properties as durability and tightness. These characteristics are ensured thanks to the presence of special impregnations and modern technologies.

Window frames are often coated with special varnishes and antiseptic impregnations, and this also affects the service of the product.

Wooden windows have certain advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • the material can retain heat;
  • You can restore products if scratches or minor defects appear.

Regarding the shortcomings, factory products have practically none. The only thing is that wooden windows have a high price.

Homemade wooden windows still have disadvantages:

  • may swell due to moisture. This leads to poor opening of the product;
  • in the absence of the necessary treatment, the wood will creak and dry out, cracks will appear;
  • mold appears;
  • Wooden frames must be maintained regularly.

Choosing a material: wood versus plastic

In our publications, we never tire of repeating that the bathhouse is a stronghold of exclusively natural materials. However, the steam room imposes very strict operating conditions for the same carpentry products, so there can be exactly three options:

  1. Use of plastic windows. It is acceptable if you have a Russian steam bath or Turkish hammam at your disposal. Very high humidity levels and fairly low peak temperatures will minimize the possibility of evaporation of volatile substances that can be harmful to health.
  2. Finnish dry steam sauna. Definitely requires the use of wooden structures. Temperatures above 87 degrees Celsius, for most structural plastics, have a negative effect on them, both in terms of maintaining the original parameters and in terms of basic safety for the health of others.
  3. This option is for true adherents and connoisseurs of natural materials. The essence is to use a window into the steam room, made from wood of certain, often rare and expensive types of wood, which have undergone multi-level processing and preparation. It is clear that this approach cannot be called budgetary and is associated with large expenses.

Important! On the question of whether it is possible to install a plastic window in a steam room. In addition to the resistance of the plastic profile to high humidity and damage from pathogenic microflora and pests, there is another important aspect. In the vast majority of cases, a window in a steam room of such a system is more energy efficient than its wooden counterparts.

How to choose the right wood

If you look at the price, then pine will be more affordable. Such windows are not suitable for a steam room. When the tree heats up, it will begin to release harmful resins.

In the case of a steam room, it is best to take windows from larch, beech or oak. These types of wood have the most important characteristics - durability and strength.

Typically, ash, aspen or linden are used to make windows and doors. When they are exposed to high temperatures, the aroma of essential oils is felt, which have a healing effect.

Pine laminated timber is used to make wooden windows with double-glazed windows. This applies to factory products. You can also consider combined models covered with oak veneer on top. Such windows will be cheaper than the oak version. As for the quality, it is at the same level for these options.

If you want a more expensive option, then you can take a closer look at mahogany. Such products not only look very beautiful, but will also last for many years. However, this variety cannot be used at low temperatures. Otherwise, the wood will simply lose its original appearance and crack.

Is it necessary or not?

Regarding the rest room, everything is somehow simpler - most people there make a window without any doubt. But the steam room... So much effort is put into keeping the heat there longer, so questions immediately arise with the window in the steam room.

However, many of those who ask these questions do not see much difference in what type of bathhouse this steam room belongs to. By the way, this is not strange, because many create “hybrids” already at the project level. And a bathhouse is a system in which all elements are interconnected. Therefore, we have to look into each specific case separately.

It depends on which bathhouse - ours or the Finnish one

What are the most common bathhouses in Russia? Russian and Finnish, and numerous products of their crossing, right? The latter is still worth explaining.

So, let's take the sauna and the Russian as two poles. One of them will have high temperature and low humidity, the other will have moderate temperature and high humidity. All hybrids have tolerable conditions for vapers .
DANGEROUS! The combination of high humidity and high temperature is dangerous for the body - excess moisture in the steam room prevents the body from cooling through evaporation, and the high temperature of the water condensing on the skin can lead to burns.
Humidity and temperature are considered the main components of a particular mode, and one gets the feeling that everything is quite simple - install the same electric heater with a steam generator, set the mode and enjoy. But no. One stove won't do the trick here. An equally important factor is the ventilation . Because the implementation of the regime depends on it.

Typical Russian bath

In a Russian bath, the main thing is a steam cake , formed by light steam, which is formed by the instantaneous evaporation of water from surfaces heated to 400 degrees or higher. The cake should gather under the ceiling, not scatter, and maintain temperature. The bathhouse attendant scoops it up from there with a broom and lowers it onto the body lying on the shelf. No drafts during vaping - all cracks are closed almost completely. The ventilation system is designed so that it can be closed.

Finnish sauna, completely different ventilation rules

In a sauna, everything is different: the ventilation is never blocked , it provides a constant flow of fresh air, which quickly heats up from the iron stove, spreads throughout the room and slips out of it through the exhaust hole. Air is constantly drawn in through supply openings near the stove and under the door and exhausted out through a high exhaust vent on the opposite wall.

Should I do it in a Finnish sauna?

Ventilation hole in the ceiling of a Finnish sauna

So, if there is proper ventilation, the sauna works properly even without a window into the steam room. It is simply not part of the ventilation system, so it performs any other functions.

The Finns install windows in the steam room of the bathhouse when they want to admire the surrounding nature. Well, of course, there isn’t enough nature for everyone, some people have a clear view of only their neighbor’s garden from their bathhouse, so there’s no reason to install a panoramic window.

Other reasons may be:

  • a dislike of the volume without windows;
  • or the desire to let in at least a little sunshine.

One way or another, a window for a sauna steam room is an acceptable element, but structurally unnecessary.

Is it necessary to take a Russian bathhouse: arguments for it

But to the question of whether a window is needed in the steam room of a Russian bath, the answer is: according to tradition, it is necessary.

Firstly, traditional for Russia has always been a “black” bathhouse , in which there is simply no way without a window. All the smoke that filled the room as it heated was drawn out through it and through the door. Such ventilation using a window and a door is called “volley”.

It has also been preserved in bathhouses that are heated “white,” that is, they have a chimney. However, in this case, the function of burst ventilation is somewhat different: it is the expulsion not of smoke, but of exhaust air .

In a Russian bathhouse, volley ventilation is carried out between shifts of steamers or simply between visits . The oxygen-depleted air leaves, the cooled steam leaves, the temperature drops, and the steam room prepares for a new filling.

But this is only one option. We have already said that the modes are often mixed, the temperatures in a Russian are like in a sauna, so sometimes a window in the steam room of a bath is needed for a momentary influx of fresh air, lowering the temperature directly during the steaming.

The bathhouse in Karelia is a hybrid, neither Russian nor Finnish, but something in between

For example, there is such a theme: sticking your head out of an open window when your body is being fanned with might and main by a broom. Moreover, the size of such a window is strictly “under the head”.

It is clear that these are completely different “traditions”.

As for the other advantages: they are the same as for a sauna - sunlight, space, beauty outside the window.

Arguments against"

the heat loss associated with it .

IMPORTANT! It is known that each square of surface without thermal insulation in a steam room causes the stove to heat an extra 1.2 cubic meters of volume. That is, you measure the area of ​​the window, multiply by 1.2 and get an extra cubic capacity, which is added to the volume of your steam room. The furnace power must be designed for this total volume. (It goes without saying that glass doors, tiles, tiles, etc. surfaces count.)

But still, nowadays all the windows are double-glazed or double-glazed, and there the air layer itself is a good heat insulator , so passions about losses from a 30-centimeter window with double glass can be greatly exaggerated.

Plastic windows

Today, such options are used much more often; they have also begun to be installed in bathhouses.

Advantages of plastic frames

When the window frame is made of PVC, it has its advantages:

  • it is completely sealed and does not allow sounds to pass through;
  • does not absorb moisture, so it will not swell over time;
  • will last for many years;
  • does not require special care;
  • is resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • can be opened to ventilate the room.

If we are talking about a bathhouse, then it is recommended to install double-glazed windows. With their help, you can guarantee complete thermal insulation and tightness. Thanks to such windows, a stable microclimate is created indoors. Even if it is very cold outside.

Location of windows in the bathhouse

Any functional bath room requires the presence of windows. Regardless of the material from which the bathhouse is built, window structures are designed to perform basic functions:

  • Provide natural light, ventilation and ventilation in the premises.
  • Increase the safety of building operation.
  • Add attractiveness and aesthetics.

Based on the general layout of the bathhouse, window structures can have the following arrangement:

  • In the dressing room and corridor. Structurally, windows are practically no different from standard products; they are located on the entrance or façade of a building and provide additional lighting to the premises. Window frames are made of plastic or wood.
  • In the rest room. Indoors, it is allowed to use reinforced structures with increased sound and heat insulation characteristics. Window frames can withstand temperature fluctuations and high humidity.
  • In the washing area and shower. Here, small-sized structures are used, installed at the height of average human height. For rooms with special operating conditions, only moisture-resistant frames are suitable.
  • In the steam room. A room with extreme operating conditions, characterized by high temperatures and humidity. Therefore, to prevent possible heat loss and maintain an optimal microclimate in winter, the use of small structures consisting of heat-resistant glass and a window block is allowed.

PVC window selection options

Plastic windows are made to order, so you can choose the required number of glasses, cameras, profile type, fittings, design, and sizes. As for the size of the windows, everything depends on the bathhouse itself and its initial parameters. You can choose window designs of any shape - trapezoid, triangle, square, rectangle, circle. There is a large assortment here.

When choosing a plastic window, you should pay attention to the quality of the fittings and profile. It is recommended to take products from manufacturers from Turkey or Germany. But the use of domestic components that were manufactured according to German technologies is also allowed. It will cost less, but maintain high quality.

PVC windows are installed tightly, but you can also take models that can be opened. Depending on the mechanism, there may be rotary models, folding options, or tilt-and-turn models.

As for the tilting type, here you can only open the window from the top (the sash moves slightly away from the main frame); such a structure cannot be fully opened. The rotary version involves the full opening of the sash. And the last type of mechanism (tilt-and-turn) will make it possible to fully open the window or only for ventilation.

Window qualities such as sound insulation and thermal insulation will depend on how many cameras are installed in the structure. If there are 2 glasses, there will be 1 air chamber and so on. As the number of glasses increases, the number of air chambers also increases.

Dimensions and location

There are many variations on the theme of a window in a steam room: the size and location depend on the goals, preferences and even “beliefs” of the owner.

Number of windows

There is an option to make not one, but two windows in the steam room, but both are small. The first, which can be called the main one, is the one discussed above - a small window where you can stick your head out to cool down a little. And the second, even smaller in size, can be made next to the shelf - to improve the ventilation of this particular area, which is usually stagnant for moisture.

Here is another option for placing a window above the shelf

Number of glasses

There is no reason to install single glass. Firstly, even heat-resistant ones will be subject to strong temperature changes in winter. Double or double glazing is separated by the already mentioned layer of air. Due to this, the difference is significantly reduced.

RECOMMENDATION! The first glass can be made tempered - it is not afraid of high temperatures (however, in real Belarus there are none), and if it breaks, it breaks into fragments with a non-sharp edge. The outer glass can be made mirrored with one-way visibility.

For those who are thinking about the number of packages, we can say this: look at how cold the winters are in your region; if the temperature is below -30, then there will be no extra cameras. The second point is how much you are willing to pay for the window. By increasing the number of packages, you increase the cost. Add tempered glass, and everything will become clear whether you want such a window or not.

Should they open and in which direction?

Fixed windows (without the ability to open) are installed solely for the sake of light and space. We believe that they are not very profitable in a bathhouse. It's still better when the windows open.

REMEMBER! Regarding the side: the door from the steam room always opens outward, and the windows always open inward. (Although we also came across categorical statements that the window should open outward.)

Geometric shape

Here the owner has complete freedom of choice - squares and rectangles, oriented vertically and horizontally, with different ratios of length and width. For the sake of beauty, you can even install a round window.

There are no restrictions or rules associated with the form. Everything is purely at your discretion.


A window whose area is calculated using the following formulas is considered optimal:

or 0.025 square meter of window for every cubic meter of steam room;

or 5% of the steam room floor area.

However, there is no prohibition on making larger windows. For example, when choosing a size, some base it on the possibility of using the window in the steam room as an emergency exit in case of fire. Then everyone determines the dimensions of the person crawling through.

A small window next to the shelf, easy to open and ventilate


Usually a window in a steam room is made above the top shelf. It can be located either in the middle above the shelf, or closer to the head, or even on the wall where the end of the shelf rests (that is, directly behind the head of the person being steamed).

Well, since it is above the shelf, then you need to know how the top shelf itself is counted. You can count from the ceiling: down 210 cm - this is the level of the shelf for the feet of the soarer, and from it up 75-80 cm - the height of the upper shelf. In other words, 130-135 cm from the ceiling.

Consequently, the window is made a little higher (= a little closer to the ceiling).

Another option: align the top edge of the window with the height of the top edge of the door to the steam room.

Regarding the door and stove: since it is recommended to place the door and stove on the same wall, the window is located on the opposite side of both. This is good for burst ventilation. It is also possible to place it on a perpendicular wall relative to the one where the door and stove are.

Orientation by cardinal directions

There are no strict recommendations in this regard. In practical terms , it is usually recommended to orient the bathhouse with the entrance door to the south .
And if you don’t want to change the front door too quickly, then it should be positioned so that it doesn’t rain, but this can easily be solved with a canopy or veranda. So it depends on the project where the outer wall of the steam room will go. But if you have a choice and a desire to admire the setting sun, then design it on the western side. However, this is pure aesthetics.

Combined windows

This type of window construction assumes that different combinations of materials were used for manufacturing. The following options could be created:

  • aluminum with plastic and wood;
  • aluminum with plastic;
  • aluminum with wood;
  • plastic with wood.

When several materials are combined, the properties of the structure are improved. But there are rules for combining materials:

  • The inside of the frame is covered with wooden planks. And the rest of the frame and partitions are made of plastic. To protect and decorate wood, you can coat it with varnish. It's worth doing several layers;
  • the entire frame is made of laminated veneer lumber; the outside of the window is made of plastic or aluminum slats. To do this, clamps are used that allow the wood to breathe;
  • Initially, two frames are made. A wooden frame is created inside, and metal or plastic is used outside. The frames are attached to each other using brackets. For glazing, use ordinary glass. If necessary, you can remove any frame.

Wooden window installation technology

In modern house construction, a log frame is most often used when constructing baths and saunas. In this case, a wooden window profile will look most harmonious. Installation work is carried out after complete shrinkage of the timber. And this takes at least a year. Only after this can you begin to prepare openings and installation. First, measurements are taken, after which the casing is fixed, wooden frames and glass are attached.

Measurements of window openings

Once the location of the window has been selected, you can begin taking measurements along the cleaned window opening. To do this, the master will need a construction tape measure and a level. If the opening was punched a little unevenly, all distortions can be easily leveled with the help of a properly manufactured and installed frame.

The calculation is made vertically and horizontally. The average value is the required block size. At the same time, we must not forget about standardization. According to GOST standards, it is necessary to leave space for technical holes (up to 5 cm at the bottom, up to 2 cm at the top, on the sides).

Fixation of casing, frames and glass

Installation work is impossible to imagine in the absence of casing. This wooden structure is a fixing box for the window frame. Timber is used as a raw material for making the box. The rectangular box, up to 4 cm thick, softly and structurally transitions into the window sill (lower part). All end parts serve as platbands.

The manufactured structure is fixed in the opening. Then the frame is fixed into the casing and double-glazed windows are inserted. Dowels, blocks, and anchors are used as fasteners.

Features of window installation

Windows in a timber bathhouse are installed only after the frame has completely settled. Otherwise, the frame will not fit tightly and will become deformed after some time. Usually a gap is left between the frame bar, which is located on top, and the logs. It can reach 10 cm. If the structure is made of stone or brick, then there is no need to wait for shrinkage to occur. Here you can immediately install windows.

If we are talking about ordinary window structures without double-glazed windows, then the installation process will be simpler. But here you will need skill.

You can order the finishing of a Russian bath or Finnish sauna on our website or by calling: 8 (499) 110-97-56.

Purpose and functions of a window in a steam room

In a steam room, you can identify several main practical areas that the presence of a window opening here provides: lighting, ventilation, providing visibility and the possibility of evacuation in case of an emergency. Let's take a closer look at them.


In the present time of electric lighting and evening bath gatherings, this function has, for the most part, a purely theoretical significance. Indeed, in order to provide a steam room with natural light, the window opening must be large, the room must not be shaded by anything, and you need to have time to steam at least before 5 o’clock in the afternoon, before the sun has yet fallen below the horizon.

Providing an overview

Again, this function is of rather theoretical significance. Very often, bathhouses are placed in the corner of a site, on its border, and you can’t count on a view like from the Vorobyovy Gory observation deck. In order to look at something, you need to be at the level of the window opening, in the upper zone of the room, and not everyone can do this in terms of pure physiology. And finally, in 90% of cases the window will be foggy and it will hardly be possible to see anything significant through it. Is there a need for a window in the steam room of a bath, through which one can successfully view only the whimsical running of droplets along the surface - a big question.

Possibility of evacuation

This point is more serious. The valiant fire department strongly advises that in rooms with a high fire danger, it is possible to organize emergency exits or adapt window openings for these purposes. It is clear that the window opening for these purposes must be located at an accessible height and its size must be appropriate, otherwise, after several training sessions, an ordinary bathhouse visitor can turn into an extraordinary window maker.

Ventilation and temperature and humidity control

The most useful and pragmatic item on this list. The presence of a window allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out the following operations:

  1. Regulating the temperature and humidity, naturally, in terms of reducing them, which, you see, is sometimes also very useful.
  2. Provide a volley system or, as old-school bathhouse attendants also call it, cross-ventilation. This is predetermined by the creation of conditions for directed and stable movement of air flow, which guarantees effective drying of the steam room upon completion of the procedures. An open window and door creates a draft that will remove moisture even from hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Carry out in practice a regime of standby flow ventilation if stationary ventilation ducts and their mouths were not provided structurally.

Important! As we see from the presented data, a casement window is of greater practical importance than a fixed window.

Technology for manufacturing a window for a steam room

Manufactured window designs can be found in relevant stores. However, in order to save money and if you have free time, you can build it yourself. To do this, it is not necessary to have carpentry skills; you must strictly follow the instructions and adhere to our recommendations.

Selection of material for the window in the steam room

Despite the growing popularity of metal-plastic profiles, the best option for a steam room is traditional wooden structures. They have excellent performance characteristics:

  • Environmental friendliness
    . The tree does not emit toxic fumes when heated. This is a completely natural material.
  • Heat and moisture resistance
    . The window can withstand high temperatures and humidity, as well as their changes.
  • Possibility of repair
    . If the structure is damaged, it can be tinted, scratches removed, adjusted or the fittings replaced.
  • Aesthetic appearance
    . Wooden windows in the log house are in harmony with the overall design of the structure.

For these purposes, it is recommended to use hardwood (oak, birch, linden), since coniferous wood releases resins when heated. As for metal-plastic products, they simply cannot withstand exposure to an aggressive environment. Under the influence of high temperature and humidity conditions, they can become deformed, emit an unpleasant odor, and crack. In addition, condensation accumulates on the plastic window in the steam room, which leads to rotting of the lining under the opening.

Instructions for making a wooden window for a steam room

First you need to decide on the size of the future structure. Usually it is calculated in a construction project on the principle of 0.025 m2 per 1 m3 of steam room volume. On average, this amounts to 5% of the area. For example, if the dimensions of the room are 2x3 meters and the height is 2 meters, then the window will be 30 cm in size. When making a window for a steam room with your own hands, remember that the window sash must open. Installing a “blind” structure does not make sense.

We assemble the opening window into the steam room like this:

  1. We assemble a frame according to size from profiled timber with a cross-section of 12x4.5 cm. We fasten the elements with waterproof wood glue or PVA using the “joint to joint” method with spikes and eyes.
  2. We make additional fixation of the parts at the corners using galvanized self-tapping screws.
  3. We cut eight blanks for the window sash from timber with a cross-section of 5.5x4.5 cm with eyes and tenons.
  4. We connect the parts into two frames using glue.
  5. We mill a groove in the frame, and a corresponding tenon in the sash, cutting out the cutouts at right angles.
  6. We process the resulting tenons and grooves using a hand router, setting it at a certain angle for cutting identical workpieces.
  7. We use a router to make grooves for the glass, one at a time on each part. At the same time, be sure to ensure that the cutting angle is maintained.
  8. We carry out the initial assembly of the window frame and sashes.
  9. We check the evenness, angles and, if necessary, adjust the elements.
  10. We apply PVA glue to the butt joints and fasten them together.
  11. We additionally fix the frame parts using self-tapping screws.
  12. We connect the sash elements together with clamps.
  13. We insert 4 mm thick glass into the groove of the sashes and secure it from the inside with glazing beads and nails. We treat the external seams between the glass and the frame with silicone sealant.
  14. We install wooden handles and galvanized hinges.
  15. We glue self-adhesive sealing tape around the perimeter of the sash.

Please note that there should be no metal handles or latches on the inside of the wooden window in the steam room. In case of accidental contact in a heated steam room, you can get burned.

For glazing the inner sash, it is better to choose tempered glass.

Parameters of other rooms (locker rooms, dressing room, shower)

When drawing up a bath plan, it is important to pay attention to the size of other rooms.

Locker room

The locker room is located at the entrance to the building. In small baths, it also acts as a dressing room. The width is kept to a minimum of 1 to 1.2 m. The length depends on the shape of the building.

Shower room (washing area)

The area of ​​the washing room must be determined, taking into account that 1.5 square meters is used for 1 person. m area.

In a bathhouse for 4 guests, the shower room with a font should be at least 2 * 2.1 m.

Waiting room

A dressing room in a small building (for 3-4 people) can simultaneously perform several functions:

  1. Act as a relaxation room.
  2. Serve as a vestibule - a transition between the steam room and the street.
  3. Used as a fuel storage room, to put a beautiful woodpile, a neat container for coal.
  4. To be a locker room.

To keep the dressing room bright, it is better to install large windows. Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are well suited. Installation is carried out at a level of 1 m from the floor.

Overview of species

The presence of a window in a log bathhouse must be thought through during the design process; moreover, it is an integral part of such a room. Although a sauna does not require natural light, the structure is required to provide ventilation. The market offers different product options from leading manufacturers, each of them has its own features, technical and operational characteristics, as well as advantages that attract consumers. Therefore, you can consider each type of window separately to figure out which design will be the best choice for use in a bathhouse.


The modern market often offers products made from natural wood, which have become quite popular. In addition, the material undergoes special processing, due to which the structure becomes resistant to moisture, various temperatures and other atmospheric factors.

It should be noted the main advantages of natural wood - it “breathes”, therefore a favorable microclimate is created in the room, and this is important. Frames made of alder and linden look noble and aesthetically pleasing, and also add solidity to the interior

A wooden surface can accumulate heat well, and you can’t do without it in a bathhouse. Of course, over time the structure will have to be restored, but this does not take much time, and besides, it can be restored to presentability without any problems. Scuffs or scratches do not appear on the surface of the wood so quickly.

With a little skill and time, you can independently make a window with the required dimensions and shape for a steam room, and it is also several times cheaper than ordering a factory design. Of course, you will have to take care of choosing a quality breed that will be stable and durable. Wooden windows also require special care to maintain their integrity and beauty.

The cost of such structures is an order of magnitude higher than other analogues, but many prefer this option because of its environmental friendliness. To prevent damage from mold or insects, the product will need to be carefully maintained. But these small disadvantages do not outweigh all the advantages.

The most unpretentious option is considered to be pine, which is easy to process, moreover, it has high resistance to moisture and will not be afraid of temperature changes. As for strength and durability, larch, oak and beech are in great demand for these indicators, from which bath windows are often made. But since people often go to the sauna not only to relax, but also to improve their health, you can consider such types of wood as aspen, ash, linden, which, when heated, emit a pleasant smell and have healing properties.


This option has been in great demand for many years. The popularity of PVC structures cannot be denied due to the number of advantages that they have. Such products are great not only for residential but also commercial premises, so they are also often used in saunas. However, it should be understood that the plastic structure cannot be placed in a place where the temperature is too high, which can negatively affect the material, so other options are more suitable for the steam room.

Temperature changes are also not so dangerous for this material. A huge advantage of double-glazed windows is that they are sealed and easy to care for. Such products are offered not only in white, but also in other shades, some of which can imitate natural materials, such as mahogany or pine.


During the production of such structures, metal, wood and plastic can be used in different proportions. For example, on the market you can find wood-aluminum windows, wood-plastic, aluminum-plastic and others

Thanks to the combination of several materials, the durability of the product increases significantly, as well as its energy-saving properties, which is no less important. Wood-aluminum and wood-plastic combinations are in great demand.

Such windows can also be used in a steam room without any problems, since the metal or plastic part of the structure is located on the street side, and all connections will be sealed, and the risk of burns is minimized.

Distance between shelves of different designs

There is material on our website that describes in detail what shelf designs can be used in a bathhouse. Here we will limit ourselves to briefly talking about the principle of this or that design, and how it affects the occupied space.


By arranging the shelves in the shape of the letter L, you can use the space of a small steam room more efficiently. This corner design is suitable for both baths and saunas.

The length of each arm can vary as much as you like, but a fairly common option is one where the long side is a full-fledged lounger where you can stretch out to your full height, while the short side is a more compact place where you can sit half-sitting. However, it all depends on the dimensions of the steam room - the short side is also often stretched from wall to wall.

If at the same time there is a desire to make a lying place on the short side, then it is worth considering the option with a foot rest, which allows you to stretch them out. The options are shown in the picture above.

How are the tiers of corner shelves for a bath arranged? There are no fundamental differences in the design of a corner shelf from a straight one. All recommendations for length and width given above apply to it. The distance between the shelves here is calculated only vertically. You need to focus on the height from the popliteal fold to the floor - this is the distance between the tiers.


In this case, a parallel arrangement of benches along two walls is assumed (variation - U-shaped structure). Such a choice is possible only in sufficiently spacious steam rooms, if an arrangement of two or three tiers is also assumed. However, the single-tier option is also suitable for a medium-sized steam room.

The distance between two shelves at opposite walls will depend on the length of the wall separating them, and on the width of each of them. But during design, it should be assumed that the space between the shelves should be sufficient for two people to move. This is about 80 cm.

Folding and removable

The folding design is no different in size from the stationary one. This is just a way to save space or free it up for cleaning.

It is worth noting that choosing this one removes restrictions for steam rooms with a minimum area. Of course, a wide shelf should be folded upward if there is another tier underneath it.

Removable ones differ from folding ones in that only the flooring is removed - this is done for ease of drying and cleaning. But the frame is often made stationary, so there is no reduction in the occupied space. The dimensions of this variety will again depend on the area of ​​the room and the type of bathhouse.

Retractable and mobile

In the article mentioned above, we already said that creating a convenient retractable structure in a bathhouse is quite problematic due to the tendency of wood to swell (if guides are made from it). In this regard, we were inclined to prefer mobile benches that can be used as a lower tier, and the rest of the time stored under the upper shelf.

The height of the benches can vary from 20 cm (they are usually used as a step, making it easier to climb or as a footrest) to a standard height of 40-50 cm, like a normal seat. The width is still the same - 40-60 cm (no more, because it is unlikely to be used as a lounger). The length is arbitrary, the maximum is slightly less than the top tier, so that you can easily slide it under it.

Material and design

It is necessary to study what a plastic double-glazed window represents.


Polyvinyl chloride is the main material of metal-plastic sheets. To make double-glazed windows, polyvinyl chloride is modified. In its pure form, the material does not tolerate temperature changes; it is strengthened, making it resistant to ultraviolet rays and frost.

Windows in the steam room

When produced from quality materials, PVC sheets are safe. The composition contains modifiers, additives, pigments, stabilizers; when exposed to temperatures, the substances are “preserved” inside the cavity of the window block.

Often, a low-quality product is attractive due to its low price; it is better to pay more than to save, putting your health at risk.


The PVC frame is hollow, with a metal profile and partitions inside that provide rigidity.

Window design

When temperature changes, the material changes shape, so a metal profile is needed.

The metal frame comes in two types of sections:

  1. closed form;
  2. open form.


Now that we have more or less figured out what size a steam room should be in a bathhouse, let’s move on to the washing room.
There, as you know, they traditionally wash from basins, and, if possible, run hot water and wash in the shower - on a tray or in a shower stall. Sources of hot water can be either external - a water supply network, or internal - water heated by a stove. For the latter, heat exchangers and tanks in contact with the furnace on one side are used. So, the tank also takes up space.

If it is installed on a stove, it takes up space in the steam room; if it is installed in a soap room, and is heated using a heat exchanger, then, accordingly, at the installation site. It is also possible to install it in the dressing room.

BY THE WAY! Wherever the tank is located, heating it will raise the temperature in that room, so it can be thought of as a radiator or heater.

Therefore, it is more advisable, of course, to put it in the washing room. But here there are possible options depending on expediency, look at your specifics.

So, to wash while sitting from a nearby basin, you need a bench. Long enough to fit a basin. The best thing is one bench per person. You still need a place for pouring. And for some - under the font.

And if you have a shower, then benches are no longer essential, except for all sorts of procedures. You can also install a shower from the tank - raise it higher or use forced pressure.

Optimal washing

When you have completely decided on what exactly you want to see in your soap bar, including the water supply system, then you can start drawing a plan.
Let's assume that the basins are still in use. Then make benches for two people and enter their dimensions into the plan. It’s comfortable to sit with a seat depth of 40 cm, but it’s also possible, for example, 30 cm. One person occupies roughly 60 cm. Plus a basin. A meter bench should be enough.

But you can connect two benches if necessary to make one sunbed, then one bench should be at least 180 cm in length.

Pallets come in different sizes - from 80x80 to 140x80 (in fact, there are many variations, you can always choose a pallet to suit your ideas about a comfortable shower). If you are planning a shower, enter the area of ​​the tray.

The size of the steam room and washing room in the bathhouse will vary greatly depending on their contents - some have a soap room and a sink, others also have a combined bathroom. We repeat: Optima is your own plan of what you want. Arrange the objects so that it is convenient - the parameters of the room will immediately become visible.

Of course, we will not be unfounded and will give as an example a new drawing of a bathhouse, with rather modest but successful dimensions of a steam room and a washing room.

Rest room, washing room and steam room: dimensions and layout.

Please note that the tank can be mounted high, so it is quite possible to place a bench under it. The size of the pair, by the way, is quite decent - 230x200 cm.

Which is better for a bath?

So, which window is better to put in your bathhouse? Here the opinions of experts are very different, and some say whether it is necessary to install double-glazed windows in the bathhouse at all. In fact, in the steam room itself, a window is very necessary. This is a mandatory step that must be done just like doors. It can be used to periodically ventilate the room and introduce fresh air. Even in the steam room itself, you can directly install it approximately under the ceiling. This is done so that when you have finished your procedures, you can open the window and ventilate it. In this way we achieve moderate humidity and prolong the life of the building itself. This way there will be less fungus and other unpleasant moments. Of course, after the temperature in the room has dropped, it is worth closing the door to prevent debris and dust from getting in from the street.

Most experienced and reputable builders believe that wooden ones are better. I agree with them, because wood is a universal and good building material and it breathes. If it was produced by a self-respecting company, it will treat it against bugs and other things. But, if you don’t have extra money and you need to install some kind of window, then you can install a plastic one

It doesn’t matter whether you have a Russian or a Finnish sauna, you will still need a window for ventilation. It may be very small, but you must have it! And by the way, I would advise you to have the window installation in the steam room done by specialists

If you do the installation incorrectly, it is unlikely to work properly.

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