Construction of a bathhouse from spruce - the main pros and cons

The construction market offers a large list of materials for the construction of various structures. Before starting the construction of residential buildings, warehouses, garages, the buyer purchases the material that has proven itself well. Therefore, choosing the necessary material does not cause much trouble. But the situation changes when you want to create a real Russian bathhouse in the courtyard of your private house. As already noted, the market offers a considerable list of materials for construction. However, a traditional bathhouse is made exclusively from wood materials.

And if during the construction of a residential building you know exactly what type of brick is needed, then when choosing a wood species you will have to rack your brains. Most people choose material made from spruce.

Material selection

When choosing timber, you should pay attention to its quality. The manufactured spruce beam must be even and smooth . You need to choose the material very carefully, because... there should be no knots on it. You also need to pay attention to the color of the log.

Spots of characteristic shades are a sign of rotting wood. The timber should be light and monochromatic without various pigmentations. It is necessary to carefully examine the timber for cracks. The fewer cracks in the wood, the longer it will last.

Questions and answers

Which tree is best for those with increased sensitivity to odors?

Poplar can be an excellent material. It is widely used even in baths and saunas for medical purposes.

Which wood has a high heat capacity?

Linden warms up quickly and does not require large expenses for heating the structure.

What kind of wood is better to decorate a bathhouse so as not to resort to interior decoration afterwards?

Aspen is perfect for this option. It does not release resin.

What wood is easy to process and can be used for cladding a bathhouse yourself?

Linden can be easily processed even with non-professional tools.

Would the lingering cedar smell be a problem?

It all depends on individual characteristics. Indeed, owners who are sensitive to odors note that they cannot enjoy its persistent aroma for long.

The main steps when creating a bathhouse from spruce

As with any construction, the first stage is the foundation . It is this that is the key to the stability of the future structure. In addition to stability, the foundation protects the structure from groundwater.

Then the laying of the timber begins. Each subsequent link is superimposed on the previous one. At the same time, at the junction points, the logs should fit perfectly on top of each other. To lay logs in the areas of window and door openings, the material must be adjusted in advance in size, based on the design of the bathhouse.

Fastenings and additional elements when building a spruce bathhouse must be purchased in advance, depending on the main material used.

In order to understand why many people choose this tree species, it is necessary to understand its positive and negative qualities.

Which tree to choose?

When constructing and finishing a bathhouse, you can use coniferous and deciduous wood.
The significant difference between these species is the amount of phytoncides released - special substances produced by plants.

They are able to kill some microorganisms and slow down their growth. Coniferous species contain much more of these beneficial substances.

However, choosing wood for a bathhouse based only on the usefulness of the material is wrong.

Other criteria should also be taken into account. For example, density, durability, resin content, price, etc.

Positive aspects of using spruce in the construction of a bathhouse

  • Spruce belongs to the category of coniferous trees. One of the main advantages of this material is its availability in the markets . Prices for this material leave much to be desired, so when building a bathhouse, you can choose the most optimal size of the structure based on your own budget.
  • Because This breed is easy to process; the material can be easily manipulated and modified at will.
  • Spruce is a fairly durable material, so when the wood dries, the deformation of the elements is insignificant, which helps to avoid cracks in the wooden elements.
  • It is worth noting that wood has the property of natural filtration. This allows you to minimize dampness in the bathhouse.
  • The use of coniferous wood is determined by the lightness of the material. Thanks to this property, there is a small load on the foundation. Therefore, when creating a foundation for a bathhouse, you can significantly save on the amount of necessary materials.
  • The quality of this material is reflected not only by its technical properties, but also visually. Spruce retains its shade of whiteness relatively longer than other tree species. Therefore, the process of treating the bathhouse with pesticides from the inside can be eliminated.

Advantages of a wooden bath

Private baths are built from almost any available material: brick, wood concrete and aerated concrete blocks, natural and artificial stone, wood.

Many developers prefer brick buildings, considering them more durable, strong and wear-resistant. However, a wooden bathhouse is absolutely not inferior to its brick counterparts in terms of operational parameters.

Advantages of a wooden building:

  • Low thermal conductivity of the material, which ensures the maintenance of a comfortable indoor microclimate.
  • Economical fuel consumption for heating wooden structures.
  • Safety, environmental friendliness and availability of the material.
  • Relatively low cash costs for maintaining the building.
  • High heat accumulation for a long period.

Disadvantages of using this type when building a bathhouse

  • The use of spruce in the construction of a bathhouse, along with its positive qualities, also has some disadvantages:
  • One of the negative qualities of using not only spruce, but also other types of wood is the release of resin . This property is especially active at high temperatures. And because The bathhouse requires exactly this temperature, which makes it inconvenient to use. Moreover, in some cases, this can negatively affect human health. Resin is released in smaller quantities only after a couple of years of operation of the bath. After about three years of using the sauna, the resin will no longer seep through the log. Because The release of resin is comparatively greater than that of other species; the tree is finished with material from deciduous plants.
  • Along with the cessation of resin secretion, the dried spruce will begin to accumulate moisture, and this is fraught with the appearance of fungus. To avoid exposure to fungus and mold, the log will have to be treated with special chemicals.
  • Over time, the log settles up to 14%. Because of this, you will have to make some efforts to preserve the positive properties and visual qualities of the bathhouse.
  • The outer walls of the bathhouse are exposed to natural phenomena: rain, sun, etc. This has a negative impact on conifers. In order to extend the life of the log, it is necessary to treat its outside with protective agents.

Coniferous wood for the construction of a bathhouse

The material has excellent performance characteristics that allow the construction of high-quality and durable buildings. To decide which wood is best to build a bathhouse from, you need to consider in detail all the pros and cons of the presented materials.


A pine bathhouse is the most popular option for private developers. This is largely due to the availability and ease of processing of the material. In addition, pine logs are resistant to deformation and drying out.

The disadvantages of wood include the high concentration of resin released when it is overheated. But after just a few years of operation of the structure, the volume of resinous emissions sharply decreases or stops altogether.

Under the influence of high humidity, pine is prone to rotting, darkening and mold. Therefore, it is important to ensure the preservation of its original appearance by treating the surface with antiseptic compounds.


Wood for a bath of this type is durable, wear-resistant, practical and durable. During use, larch acquires the necessary hardness, similar to that of an oak log.

In addition, wood is resistant to mold and damage by harmful microorganisms. When heated, it has a beneficial effect on the human body and practically does not release resinous compounds.

The only drawback of larch is its high cost.


In terms of its operational parameters, spruce is practically not inferior to pine. A cheap and easily processed material that can maintain the original whiteness of the fibers throughout its entire service life.

This is a budget option for those who want a simple and environmentally friendly building that does not require additional treatment with antiseptics.

The disadvantage of spruce is the ability to release large amounts of resin.

Cedar and fir

Cedar and fir wood are expensive materials that are not yet in sufficient demand on the domestic market. Despite this, cedar and fir have many advantages: they are resistant to shrinkage, cracking and mold. In addition, wood contains beneficial phytoncides and oils that are released into the air when heated.

With the right approach, you can build a beautiful and high-quality bathhouse from fir and cedar that will last for decades.

Selection of materials for different rooms

The microclimate of different rooms in the bathhouse is not the same, so you need to choose the material for the cladding, taking this circumstance into account.

Waiting room

The temperature in the rest room does not rise to critical levels and the humidity in this room is low. Therefore, any type of wood is suitable for finishing the dressing room.

Here you can save money by using low-price material:

Pine . This wood has a beautiful pattern and a pleasant shade, so it can be used to create coziness. The shade of pine wood is light pinkish, and becomes deeper over time. Scandinavian pine is particularly durable, although its cost is much higher than domestic ones.

Spruce . Linings and boards made from this wood undergo heat treatment during production, which gives them moisture resistance and strength. Spruce exudes a subtle, pleasant aroma and does not emit a lot of resin, like pine.


The washing room is most often located in front of the steam room, so it has a comfortable temperature. But it contains high humidity, so the materials are subject to special requirements regarding moisture resistance.

Often the walls are sheathed with larch - a stable, moisture-resistant material that dries quickly and does not deform.

Steam room

This is the most problematic place in the bathhouse. Because of the high temperature, you shouldn’t use conifers there, and because of the high humidity, deciduous trees will rot there, but if you don’t take too much care of them.

The best materials for a steam room:


Its cognac aroma and noble shade will delight you with its aesthetics and impeccable operation. Over time, the aroma becomes even more noble, and the shade also pleases with its nobility. But it will be difficult to buy smooth alder cladding, and it will cost a lot.


It has an excellent aroma, but its white surface forces you to handle it very carefully, not to pollute it, for example, with brooms and various infusions, essential oils - it is very easy to stain it, but it is difficult to wash it. Linden is chosen by connoisseurs of its subtle healing aroma and very careful bath attendants and steamers. Linden is an excellent option for those who like fairly high vaping temperatures, since its surface is not able to heat up.


Ideal for the steam room, although it has a slightly bitter aroma. Aspen has long been considered the material that drives away illness and disease, as well as bad thoughts. This is a real healing tree.


Sometimes the finishing of the bathhouse is made of ash. The material looks expensive and noble, the texture is dense and beautiful.


An excellent option for finishing a steam room. But processing it is difficult, the structure easily splits. But it contains gum, thanks to which the lining is maximally resistant to humidity and has high thermal insulation parameters for the room.


It is distinguished by soft and ductile wood, can be processed with ease, and is extremely beautiful. The high value of cedar is its special smell and amazing effect on the body.

Advice! For additional strength, the wood used for steam rooms and washing rooms can be heat treated. The material prepared in this way is more resistant to a humid environment, resistant to fungal diseases and takes on a chocolate-brown hue.

Comparative analysis

The thermal conductivity of the materials is approximately the same. In spruce, due to the higher air content in the wood, this figure is slightly higher. But pine walls can be much thicker, since the diameter of the tree trunks of this species is larger.

The durability indicators of spruce are lower due to high moisture absorption, which can provoke the occurrence of fungi, mold, and rotting. The resin content in its wood is lower, and, accordingly, their release into the atmosphere is also lower.

On a note! The evenness and smoothness of the trunks greatly simplifies the processing of pine. The difficulty of working with spruce is due to the knotty nature of the species, but this is compensated by the high decorative qualities of the log house.

Both types of wood darken in approximately the same time, but pine untreated with special compounds gradually acquires a more intense brownish-red hue. This problem can be solved by installing decorative cladding or using special impregnations.

Important! Wood treatment compositions must be safe for health, not melt when heated, and not emit odors or toxic substances!

The ability of spruce to absorb and remove moisture outside causes greater “dryness” of bathhouse structures than those made of pine, which is at the same time subject to “blueing.”

The price of both types of wood is approximately the same, and they can be easily combined provided that healthy raw materials are chosen and the logs are prepared correctly. For example, pine is the optimal material for constructing lower crowns exposed to strong humidity, and spruce is ideal for constructing the upper part of walls, since it has high heat-saving and decorative qualities.

What should you remember when choosing wood for baths and saunas?

Before you decide what type of wood you will take for your sauna or bathhouse and its finishing, you need to take into account some nuances.

If you decide to buy resinous wood for this purpose, then remember that it is not suitable for finishing a steam room. After all, when the tree heats up, resin will begin to release, it will simply drip down. This also applies to other elements made from resinous rock.

If necessary, you can protect the wood from moisture. For this purpose, special water-repellent agents are used. But it is strictly forbidden to use paints and varnishes. If you plan to carry out active water procedures in the bathhouse, then it is better to purchase moisture-resistant wood for finishing. Then you will not spend additional money on treating the wood with special impregnations.

Now you know the main points regarding wood, which is suitable for finishing saunas and baths. You may already have a general picture of the appearance. In addition to a beautiful finish, wood will also have a positive effect on the visitor’s body. Therefore, think over everything carefully and go buy a tree.

You can order the finishing of a Russian bath or Finnish sauna on our website or by calling: 8 (499) 110-97-56.

Requirements for materials for finishing a bath. What to look for when choosing

When choosing materials, it is advisable to take into account the following parameters:

  • grade;
  • presence of darkening and roughness on the surface;
  • type of tree.

Of course, it is important that the lumber is safe and does not emit harmful substances when heated. Large suppliers strictly monitor compliance with this condition.

The appearance is of great importance: it is good if the board has a beautiful shade that will successfully combine with bath furniture, as well as with other interior elements.

Properties of spruce logs

Practical and economical for construction, this breed is quite widespread. To the east of the Urals grows Siberian spruce, to the west - European spruce, which practically do not differ in quality. The cut wood has a pinkish or yellowish tint and exhibits annual rings of varying thickness.

  • Quite durable, soft wood with low weight;
  • Good heat saving properties;
  • Durability of structures;
  • Releases a pleasant and distinctive resinous odor when heated.

Disadvantages of spruce logs:

  • Quite significant shrinkage, which over time can provoke the appearance of deep cracks;
  • The trunks are not as straight as those of pine;
  • Many branches and twigs;
  • Abundant content of resins that are released to the surface for a long time.


Diagram of a bathhouse with a high roof: 1 - lower trim;
2 - wooden cladding; 3 — frame racks; 4 — upper trim; 5 - fencing of the loggia; 6 — frontal board; 7 - rafter leg; 8 - sheathing; 9 - strut. Linden is a material for true experts and connoisseurs of the Russian bath. The microclimate that this wood creates cannot be confused with anything else.

Light, fragrant wood gives the Russian steam room a unique healing effect. A linden bath improves immunity, treats colds, and relieves liver diseases.

This material is easy to process. The log house made from it is lightweight; a massive foundation is not required. Linden has a low heat capacity, which is why such baths warm up quickly, which means you can save on firewood.

A steam room made of this material retains heat perfectly and does not cool down for a long time. When drying, the log does not shrink. The structure is suitable for its intended purpose immediately after its construction. All these qualities have made the linden tree the people's “bath tree.”

But, unfortunately, linden log houses also have their disadvantages. The first (most important) drawback is the friability of the wood, due to which the tree has poor resistance to rot and all kinds of wood fungi. The linden structure is short-lived and difficult to maintain. After each use, you will have to dry the bath thoroughly.

It will also be necessary to periodically replace the logs from the log house if they rot. In addition, calibrated, high-quality linden logs suitable in size for the steam room are not so easy to find, and they are expensive compared to pine needles. However, you can’t think of a better steam room than one made from linden.

Log house

A log house is a building that is built from thick rounded wooden beams. The bars are adjusted to each other. Modern baths are built from solid logs or beams or from a newer material - laminated veneer lumber. Glued laminated timber consists of wooden plates glued together. They are first dried well, and only then glued together. Such timber is visually no different from solid timber.

The difference in materials is that solid timber has a higher humidity, so after installing the bathhouse it can “shrink and deform.” Glued laminated timber is not in danger of shrinking, it will not “lead”. During manufacturing, laminated veneer lumber is treated with various antiseptics in order to protect the product from rotting, mold, mildew, insects, etc.

Which one is better to make floors from?

It is best to make the floors in the bathhouse from larch wood. This is the best option, because the temperature near the floor is always low, so there is no risk of resin release there. And if water pours onto the floor, then larch will withstand such an attack better than other species. However, this does not eliminate the need for thoroughly drying the bath. Because larch (and many other species) behaves well with constant contact with water, but water-air is still fraught with decay for it.

BY THE WAY! It is not necessary to make the floors of the entire bathhouse from expensive larch; you can limit yourself to only the steam room and washing room.

In other rooms, much less moisture gets on the floor and you can use a standard floorboard, for example, spruce or pine . See also the article: What is the best material to make a steam room floor from: tips, instructions, diagrams and videos.


Cedar is considered the most elite building wood, having enormous strength and low thermal conductivity. Compared to brick, cedar has an index of 1/5, i.e. 10 cm of cedar replaces 50 cm of brick. Therefore, baths built from cedar are very warm. Even without additional insulation, you can safely steam in cedar barrel saunas at -25 degrees!

In addition to strength, cedar has a number of very important advantages over its counterparts. The phytoncides secreted by cedar are considered medicinal. Houses made from cedar will be the cleanest and easiest to breathe in.

Benefits of cedar wood

  1. Low thermal conductivity - retains heat well
  2. Healing phytoncides for healing the body
  3. Strength
  4. Rot resistance
  5. Does not require additional antiseptic treatment

Cedar wood has a beautiful texture and a pinkish tint. It lends itself well to processing. If we compare pine and cedar in terms of resistance to rotting and cracking, then cedar has absolute superiority in this regard.

Disadvantages of cedar wood

  1. Relatively high price (more expensive than pine)

With all the advantages of cedar, there is also a minus - cedar is more expensive than pine, which means baths made of cedar will cost more. But they will last longer and you can steam in them even in cold winters.

Cedar is the best wood for a bathhouse. Cedar phytoncides heal the body. The saunas are durable and warm, you can take a steam bath in winter

Due to the antiseptic properties, cedar baths and houses are free of mold fungi and microbes. Cedar baths have a special advantage - an extraordinary aroma, light air and healing steam.

Qualities of pine logs

This species has a wide growing area, second only to larch, which, combined with the properties of its wood, makes it the most popular material for log bathhouses. Pine has a high yield of industrial wood, and burs predominantly produce smooth, even trunks. The core of the tree is red-brown in color, and the outer layers are light yellow.

  • High strength with low weight;
  • Ease of processing;
  • Minor shrinkage without cracking;
  • Not a very high concentration of resins;
  • The property of releasing beneficial essential oils with a pleasant aroma when heated;
  • Reasonable price.

The disadvantages of pine include some difficulty in impregnation with protective compounds due to the content of resins in the wood.

What is important to know about wood quality

In addition to the type of wood, it is important to consider the quality of the material when purchasing.

Its operational characteristics are determined by the class:

Extra – the highest quality, without knots or defects.

A - also has impeccable qualities, but it can show a texture typical for this breed.

B – small knots and pronounced patterns are possible.

C is the lowest quality grade with noticeable knots and uneven texture.

For finishing steam rooms, it is optimal to use Extra, A-class lining and a mixture of A and B. This is due to the fact that large knots with overheating and constant changes in humidity can lead to deformation of the entire canvas and the formation of traumatic chips and splinters.

Class C lining can only be recommended for dressing rooms, rest rooms and other auxiliary premises.

If the premises are sheathed with edged boards, it is also worth considering the quality of the material. In the steam room and washing room, it is recommended to use extra-class and first-class boards. Second grade material has knots that will not withstand temperature changes. This board can be used to decorate rest rooms.

The service life of wood siding and the preservation of its remarkable appearance will depend on proper treatment with protective solutions and periodic maintenance.

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