Do-it-yourself firewood maker: simple and complex options, materials, step-by-step instructions, 200+ real photos

The dream of every owner of a country house or summer house is to have a sauna or bathhouse on his small plot of land. The bathhouse is a wonderful relaxation, the best place to chat with friends. The bathhouse cures many diseases, and is popularly considered a real cure not only for colds, but also for other ailments. It relieves stress and makes you forget about annoying worries and problems. Therefore, people who decide to build a bathhouse first of all think about a beautiful interior, because they want to feel free and comfortable in it.

In a Russian bathhouse, the stove is heated with wood, which means that it must be prepared in advance. The owner provides a special place for storing firewood. This could be a barn, a fence behind the house, or a woodshed. This is for the main fuel supply.

But sometimes there is a need for several logs next to you during bath procedures. For such cases, it is advisable to have a special firewood rack for the bath . We must try to make it not only useful, but also an attractive thing that will help enliven the room, create comfort and a favorable environment for relaxation and pleasant time with guests.

What are they built from?

Before choosing the material from which you will make the firewood box, decide on the purpose and location. Stationary and portable outdoor firewood burners are made of brick, wood, metal, and stone. Indoors, they can be stationary or portable, used for their intended purpose or be part of the decor of the room.

The raw materials from which it will be made depend on this. For decorative firewood holders, dense fabrics, cord, jute, and glass are used. They are combined and decorated with various elements. Forged firewood racks near the fireplace look gorgeous.

Metal firewood rack for a summer residence

A metal firewood holder is the most durable and reliable. It is made from a lightweight aluminum profile, but for a small number of logs. It is possible to make a portable version.

A stationary woodshed made from a steel round or profile pipe or channel will be more reliable. The frame is covered with welded steel mesh. We cover the metal with primer-enamel or a protective layer of varnish. The fireplace may have a decorative stand for logs made of forged elements.

Wooden firewood for a summer residence

Wooden firewood is the most popular. It is easy to construct from scrap materials.

Any wooden blanks (boards, pallets, timber) are suitable for its construction. Making a beautiful woodshed is not an easy task. You need to show imagination and creativity, make the walls carved with beautiful patterns.

They must be ventilated to ventilate and dry the logs.

Construction of a wall-mounted firewood rack in a bathhouse

This structure can hold firewood for just a few fireboxes.
Fuel is stored in it so as not to have to go to a remote storage facility several times to get it. Before starting work on the construction of a firewood shed, it is important to equip a slope for precipitation drainage. The back wall of such a firewood shed will be the wall of the steam room. We carry out further work in this order:

  • In the corners of the future building we make holes 0.5-0.7 meters deep and install metal or wooden poles in them. The front ones should be lower in level than the rear ones by several centimeters.
  • We connect the pillars along the perimeter with four bars with a section of 5*5 cm.
  • We make the front and rear pillars from the same timber. The latter should be 10-15 cm higher.
  • We fill the flooring with slats 2 cm thick.
  • We connect the racks on the sides with jibs, and on top with longitudinal boards.
  • We stuff the sheathing on top and install the roofing material.
  • The walls can be lined with fine metal mesh.

The extension must be painted to protect the wood from the influence of precipitation, insects and rodents.
Watch a video about firewood racks for a metal bathhouse: You can make a firewood rack for a bathhouse with your own hands, even without special construction and carpentry skills. All that remains is to decide on the type of structure. Or you can equip both a stationary storage unit and a convenient portable model, which will additionally serve as a decorative stand for firewood.


Decorative firewood - can be indoors or outdoors. Be an additional functional and decorative element in the interior or be an element of landscape design.

firewood holder - installed indoors or in open and closed gazebos with a fireplace. They are made portable or stationary, organically fitting into the overall interior. They are made from wood, metal, thick fabric and other materials.

Types of woodsheds

You cannot throw logs randomly into a woodpile. They should be folded correctly for better preservation.

Methods for stacking firewood:

  1. Circular method
  2. "Stack"
  3. With stakes

Circular method

If you do not have a stationary woodshed, then you can stack the logs in the form of a barrel tower. It is necessary to drive a stake. It will serve as the basis of the structure being built.

Tie a fishing line or rope and draw a circle of a given diameter, depending on the amount of raw material. To prevent them from becoming damp and rotting, place tree bark or thick plastic film on the ground as a base.

Place the firewood on it in a circle carefully and tightly so that the structure is stable and does not sag. By laying firewood about 0.5 m high, you can fill the middle by stacking them in any order, but quite tightly. Continue laying in this way until the barrel tower is about 1.5 m high.


Stacking of logs is often used. This type of installation requires support. The wall of a house, bathhouse or other building is suitable as a support; firewood grate for a summer residence. When laying, strictly control the slope towards the support. If you are laying two rows, then place thinner logs on the support and thicker ones on the outside. Due to the difference in size, there will be a slope towards the support.

If your structure stands separately from the wall, then use a wooden beam as a support. The height should be small, otherwise, under the pressure of the firewood, the support beams may break and the structure will fall apart.

With stakes

If it is not possible to lay it otherwise, you can use stakes as a support. The stakes must be those that will not bend from the logs. Drive them into the ground from several sides, forming a frame.

When stacking firewood, line each row with branches. They will play a reinforcing role. Place the logs in a checkerboard pattern. The top must be covered with any covering material that does not allow water to pass through.

Criterias of choice

  • Before starting construction of the firewood shed, we select selection criteria.
  • Money - based on the amount, we can decide on building materials and choose an acceptable option.
  • The dimensions of the firewood rack directly depend on the frequency and what you will use the firewood for. If you live and heat a living space or a bathhouse, then you need to build a large woodpile. If you rarely use your country house and grill barbecue, then build a small woodshed. You can make a simple canopy.

    Installation location:

  • The soil must be dry. In a low, damp place, firewood will quickly deteriorate (mould, rot, become damp, and therefore burn poorly). the approach must be deft so that firewood can be easily stacked and taken.
  • Accessibility - think about the location, brought firewood needs to be placed quickly so as not to carry it across the entire site, place the woodpile next to the unloading site. The woodcutter should not create shade for growing garden crops and vegetable gardens. Place a large woodpile near your house or bathhouse. etc., when using a firewood stand outdoors, it can be installed nearby. The main thing is to comply with fire safety rules, install at a sufficient distance so that sparks from the fire do not fall on the firewood.
  • The surface must be flat; on a sloped surface it will be difficult to lay the logs into a reliable, stable structure.
  • Type of construction. Depending on the size and location, we outline the type of structure.
  • The woodshed can be made open or closed. An open firewood shed can be in the form of a frame with a floor and a roof without walls, or it can have one, two or three walls. Looks beautiful as a gazebo. A closed woodshed is a solid structure similar to a barn.
  • Materials - taking into account the above points, decide on the materials.

Types of woodburners

There are many options for placing a woodshed near a bathhouse. At the same time, the owner can make changes to the basic elements at his own discretion based on ease of use.

The table shows the main types of storage and their features:

Type of firewoodNuances of construction
AttachedThe drain is installed so that moisture does not seep into the main building. It is necessary to install high-quality protection against tree pests.
Under the same roof as your homeIt is made in the same style as the main building. Particular attention is paid to fire safety.
AutonomousIt is necessary to isolate the building from the ground, setting a gap of at least 10 cm. The walls are made loose, leaving room for air exchange. It is possible to store brooms.
MobileThe compact dimensions of the model allow you to carry logs in your hands, but not more than 2 fireboxes. The storage facility is not capable of protecting firewood from precipitation.
Serial product with accessoriesFinished products can be purchased from 15,000 to 5,000 rubles. The model is equipped with compartments for logs, pokers and scoops. The item complements the design of the room.

Each option has advantages and disadvantages. However, in some situations, a minus can become an advantage. The owner of the bathhouse decides which design of the woodshed to choose, based on financial capabilities and taste preferences.

How to make a firewood shed at your dacha with your own hands

To build a woodshed for a summer residence, you do not need to have any special education. It is worth analyzing its purpose, collecting the necessary materials, making a drawing and getting to work.

What we take into account when building a firewood shed for a summer house:

-it should aesthetically fit into the landscape, in harmony with all buildings.

- logs must be protected from all atmospheric phenomena (rain, snow, sun rays).

- it must be installed in a shaded, well-ventilated area so that the logs are dry.

- place firewood on a permanent or temporary flooring (wooden or concrete base, plastic film), on top there must be a roof or temporary protection made of any waterproof material (slate, metal profile sheet, dense polyethylene film)

- the firewood must be carefully folded so that it does not fall over, so that it is convenient to take and not get injured.

Building a woodpile from various materials with your own hands is not a tricky thing. The easiest way to do this is from wood.

What do you need for this?


1 Wooden beams and boards;

2 Screws, wood screws or nails

3 For nails, a hammer, for screws and self-tapping screws, a screwdriver and a bit with a corresponding slot or a screwdriver;

4 hacksaw or jigsaw with wood file;

5 roulette;

6 boards 250mm wide, at least 25mm thick, 3m long - 4 pcs., 2m long - 1 pc.

Construction stages

1 You have a question: “How to build a woodshed from wood at the dacha with your own hands?” We need to know the amount of firewood that we will place in it. If you only need firewood to barbecue or light a fireplace in cool weather for the season, then you will need a small firewood shed of 1.5-2m3.

This can be a free-standing structure or randomly folded blocks. If they are needed for a bathhouse, for frying barbecue, and for heating the house, then it is worth building a woodpile with your own hands, taking into account the consumption of firewood for 2-2 years. It takes from 2.5 to 6 cubic meters of firewood per year to heat a house. Only after a year does the firewood dry out well enough and produce good heat when burning.

Wet firewood (recently prepared) burns poorly, produces a lot of smoke and produces almost no heat.

2 Choosing a place on the site for firewood

Take seriously the issue of choosing a place for a woodshed. Consider whether you are ready to build it stationary or a portable option will do.

If you plan to heat a house or bathhouse, then it would be reasonable to locate it near them or make an adjacent canopy. The approach to the woodpile should be convenient; it is advisable to lay paths to it. The place itself should be dry and shaded. It is better to pave the base of the woodpile, pour a concrete blind area, or, alternatively, use wooden pallets so that the firewood does not have contact with the ground.

3 Let’s start building a wood firewood shed with our own hands

The simplest option:

1 Take two three-meter boards 250mm wide for the base

2 Cut a two-meter board into 25 cm pieces, take 4 pieces for the base

3 For vertical racks, cut 4 boards of 1.5 m each

4 We twist the boards for vertical posts and short boards together, then screw three-meter boards to them

5 We fix the remaining 25 cm of boards in vertical boards in the middle and on top.

6 It is advisable to treat the structure with an antiseptic or paint it so that it does not deteriorate under the influence of precipitation.

7 Making a canopy

If you have a free-standing woodpile and it is not possible to make a stationary canopy, use any covering material (roofing felt, polycarbonate, slate sheet, etc.)

For a woodshed built with your own hands, you can make a pitched roof.

The main function of a canopy is protection. It protects against natural phenomena and also provides ventilation for wooden chocks. It is necessary so that the logs dry out and are not exposed to putrefactive fungi.

Cover the canopy with sheets of metal profiles, colored or galvanized, slate, polycarbonate, brick, etc.

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Outdoor firewood rack for a summer residence

If the size of the barn allows, wooden logs are placed inside. The advantages of such placement are as follows:

firewood is not exposed to atmospheric conditions;

aesthetic, they are not scattered on the site;

there is no need to build additional outbuildings;

firewood can be stored for a long time without changing its characteristics;

they are hidden from prying eyes and unscrupulous neighbors.

DIY firewood shed

If the size of the barn does not allow you to place wooden logs inside, make an extension to the barn from the outside.


-saving space and materials;

-convenience, all buildings are nearby, no need to go far;

- additional thermal insulation of the adjacent room.

1 Install the extension on a flat surface. It’s good if the blind area is already made of concrete, brick, tiles or asphalt.

2 Make a base from bricks, concrete blocks or wooden pallets. The base is necessary for ventilating the firewood.

3 The frame can be made of metal pipes or wooden blocks. Metal pipes can be used round, profile or channel. If you plan to use the woodpile for a long time, assemble a solid structure by digging the woodpile posts into the ground to a depth of 0.5 m

4 If you use metal pipes as racks, then make the walls of the woodpile from welded mesh by screwing or welding it.

5 If you use wooden beams as racks, then the walls can be covered on one, two or three sides, depending on the design of the building. Suitable materials include slats, boards and other materials.

The main thing to remember is that the structure must be ventilated.

There is one drawback. Insects and wood pests come with the delivered firewood. Therefore, it is worth protecting the wall of the shed adjacent to the woodpile. It can be treated with special protective agents or a sheet of metal nailed to the wall.

DIY woodshed

As mentioned above, the woodpile can be stationary or portable.

They can be both inside the house and outside.

Stationary outdoor firewood sheds are often built separately. They can be in the form of a closed firewood shed or in the form of a very simple canopy. Such a woodshed can be placed far from the house and other outbuildings for fire safety purposes.

When building it, you need to fill the foundation in compliance with all the rules. Dig a ditch around the perimeter of the woodshed under construction to a depth of soil freezing of up to 1 m. We fill in layers of sand and crushed stone and compact each layer thoroughly. We pour the concrete foundation.

You don't have to fill the foundation. To do this, remove the top layer of soil, cover it with sand and compact it well. Place a base of stone tiles on the sand, on which wooden beams should be laid.

Next we install the frame. We sew up the walls. Walls can be made of logs, boards, wooden planks, metal pickets, polycarbonate. The main condition is that the firewood shed must be well ventilated.

We cover the roof with any available building material.

Drawing of a woodcutter with dimensions

Manufacturing technology for a mobile woodpile for a bathhouse

You can build a metal, wooden, or wicker structure with your own hands. The main thing is to first decide on the dimensions. It should be roomy enough so that it is convenient to transport the amount of firewood per firebox from the main storage to the stove. However, at the same time, it is important that it is comfortable.

Metal portable firewood for the bathhouse

To make it, we will need four metal rods about 35 cm long and two about 1.7 meters long.
We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We weld four identical twigs into a square.
  2. We bend two rods in the shape of the letter Y. The distance between the “legs” should be equal to the length of the sides.
  3. We weld the sidewalls to the resulting frame. As a result, the arcs will rise up, and the tips will protrude beyond the base, forming a kind of support.
  4. We weld metal plates to the legs. This will give the structure stability.
  5. We weld a few more rods at the base and walls. This will prevent the firewood from falling out.

To make the structure last longer, it is advisable to paint it.

Do-it-yourself wicker woodpile for a bathhouse

To make such a firewood box, you need to stock up on wooden slats, willow rods and metal wire.
We work in this order:

  • We knock together a square base from four wooden slats.
  • Every three centimeters we drill holes on two opposite slats.
  • We insert willow twigs into the holes made. In the middle, instead of rods, we insert a wire, the ends of which are bent with pliers.
  • We bend the racks at the desired angle and intertwine them with thin rods.
  • At the end of the weaving, we bend all the posts, bring them behind the adjacent ones and weave them from the inside.
  • We wrap the handles with several rods and cover the ends.

It is advisable to soak the vine in water before use. This way it will be more pliable. In addition, it is recommended to pre-treat it with an antiseptic composition to increase service life.

How to make a wooden firewood rack for a bathhouse

For these purposes, you can use wood of any species.
For production we will need slats and a board 1-1.5 cm thick. We adhere to the following instructions in our work:

  1. We cut out two trapezoidal elements with a height of 20 cm from the board. The width of one side is 25 cm, the second is 30 cm.
  2. At a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the wide side, cut a hole in the middle 9 cm wide and 3 cm high.
  3. We round and sand the walls of the hole with fine-grained paper.
  4. We connect the lower parts of the two parts together with slats 45 cm long, which we nail close to each other. We use nails as fasteners.
  5. We nail two slats on each side, forming peculiar walls. Leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm between them.
  6. We round the backs above the arms. This can be done before assembling the entire structure.
  7. We carefully sand all surfaces, first with coarse and then with fine-grained paper. This is necessary to protect against splinters during operation.

In order for such a woodpile to last longer, it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic composition.

Firewood holders for fireplaces and stoves

If you have a stove or fireplace in your house or enclosed gazebo, then you need another firewood rack. It can be stationary or portable.

A stationary firewood rack is made in the form of special niches or shelves next to the stove or fireplace, which fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

If during the renovation you did not think about or plan for such a niche, then a portable stand for firewood will be the way out of this situation. It can also be used in small enclosed gazebos.

Forged firewood stands are very original and beautifully made, which can be used not only for storing firewood, but also as a chair-bench.

Baskets woven from wicker are also used as firewood. But they are not durable, so they have not gained much popularity.

Housewives handicrafts sew decorative covers for woodpiles from burlap and weave from thick rope. They look very modern and original.

Using imagination and creativity, craftswomen decorate homemade woodpiles with appliques and embroidery. And you can knit or sew an original design piece.



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