Bath font: step-by-step instructions on how to make it yourself (master class + 90 photos)

How to choose the right font for a sauna, investing your money with maximum benefit? Before you start thinking about purchasing, you should know how one hot tub differs from another. You can really get lost in the large assortment. Products on the market may cause significant problems for the client in the future. To make the right choice for quality, it is necessary to take into account a number of criteria according to which the most suitable model can be determined. Use the practical tips in this article and photo examples to help you choose a good font for a bath.

How to choose a location for installation?

Hot tubs are usually installed in a bathhouse, with a separate room or place in the shower room allocated for this purpose. At the same time, you need to remember that the font bowl itself is quite large, and, in addition, you will need space for water supply and sewer pipes, since filling the container manually is very troublesome.

You can also additionally install a waterfall bucket above the bowl. It is a mini-font, with a pipe connected to it and a mechanism installed inside to protect against overflowing with water. By pulling the rope attached to the bucket, you can give yourself a contrast shower.

Owners of a small bathhouse should consider installing an outdoor hot tub. It can be additionally heated. You can also install a greenhouse above the font to preserve heat.

Those who like to plunge into icy water can install a chiller that cools the water to a temperature of +3°. However, this installation will require a separate room due to its large dimensions.


A font is a small tank or container filled with lukewarm or cool water. People plunge into it after basic bath procedures and visiting the steam room. Today you can find various types of fonts from small barrels to full-fledged pools.

If you have an additional budget, the tank can be equipped with a heating system, massage and other necessary functions. Classic models are a wooden tank with water without any additional features.

Contrast procedures in the font can improve the functioning of the heart, the condition of the skin, hair and the entire body as a whole.

How to choose a font material?

Bathing bowls are made from various materials. All materials have their own advantages and disadvantages and belong to different price categories. There are several types of fonts:

  • Wooden;
  • Concrete;
  • Metal;
  • Plastic;
  • Combined.

Wooden bath tubs undoubtedly have the most healing properties for the body. However, they are very difficult to operate and manufacture.

Natural wood begins to dry out over time, causing water leaks. To avoid this, when creating, use a locking connection of boards. The barrels are also tightened with metal rims, which need to be tightened regularly to eliminate the consequences of drying out.

Concrete hot tubs are practical, durable, and comfortable. They can be installed both outdoors and indoors. Such fonts are usually made according to a special design, which makes each of them unique. The disadvantages of concrete bowls include the long and complex process of creation and difficulties with access to the pipeline in case of any breakdowns.

Metal hot tubs are less common than other types due to the fact that they quickly lose heat, are expensive, and touching them is not always pleasant. They are usually made in the form of a cauldron suspended over a fire.

Bathtubs made of polypropylene and plastic are much cheaper than all other varieties, which is why they are popular. Their service life is more than 30 years. At the same time, the material is not afraid of temperature changes, which allows you to use the bowl both outdoors and indoors; the container does not crack or leak, maintaining its beautiful appearance.

Fonts of a combined design combine the advantages of two varieties. For example, a hot tub made of wood and plastic has the beauty of a product made of natural wood and the tightness of a plastic liner.

Placement method

There are several types of vessels, differing in the method of placement: 1. Open tank. This is one of the most popular options. The container is located on the floor of the room. Connection to water supply and sewerage systems is provided. An open font for a Russian bath is made in cases where it is impossible to build a structure of another type.

2. Recessed tank. This solution is a pool of sufficient depth, but of insignificant length and width. A structure of this type should be planned when developing a sauna project. Sometimes a similar structure is located at the porch of a building.

3. Sprinkler system.
This type of product is built into the ceiling or wall. A special mechanism allows a person to douse himself with water immediately after leaving the steam room. It is triggered by tension on a rope or lever. This solution takes up little space and is easy to install. All presented types have their own design and functional features. Therefore, the issue of choice should be approached delicately.

How to choose the shape and size of the font?

You can find fonts of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. However, it is believed that wooden containers with straight walls (corner, square, rectangular) are more prone to deformation.

Therefore, a wiser decision would be to buy a round or oval font. This does not apply to bowls made of plastic and concrete. They serve owners equally well regardless of shape.

As for sizes, the most popular are round hot tubs with a diameter of 120 cm and oval ones with a size of 78x120 cm. In general, the main advice when buying a hot tub is to come and look at it “live”, and only after that make a decision, since images in catalogs do not always give a clear idea of ​​the dimensions and appearance of the model.

Preparing for work

What do you need to know before installation? It should be understood that production is not for everyone. If you have doubts about this, it is better not to take on the matter, but to entrust it to professionals.

One wrong step during installation is guaranteed to cause leakage. Of course, you can buy a ready-made barrel, but in this situation you will have to overpay. Therefore, the best option is to use the services of a specialist.

If the decision was made to build the container without outside help, then the following should be taken into account:

  1. Water supply and removal. Proper installation of utility networks will allow you to comfortably collect water and remove it from the “pool”.
  2. The liquid should not remain in the keg for more than a few hours. This is fraught with the risk of mold and mildew, especially for wooden systems.
  3. Wood processing requires serious financial investments.

Considering all of the above, you should understand that it will not be easy for a beginner to cope with this task, but if the desire to work with your own hands is greater than the need to save money, then you can get to work.

Advantages of hot tubs

In addition to the fact that being in the font is pleasant in itself, immersion in the font heals the body. For example, dipping into a bowl of cold water hardens the body, tones the skin and has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system.

Being in a heated font helps get rid of cellulite, removes toxins from the body and speeds up metabolic processes.

Other advantages of hot tubs include ease of care and durability.


When choosing a font for your sauna or bathroom, be guided by your lifestyle, preferences and capabilities. If you are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to caring for a wooden container, then choose handmade work from a professional cooper.

If you lead the busy life of a modern person and need a practical, safe and beautiful font, then we recommend a modern combined option. Go to our store and choose the best models that we have collected for you.

Disadvantages of fonts

Like any thing, the font has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Among them are large dimensions, high cost even for plastic hot tubs and the need to purchase additional equipment.

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How to make a font yourself?

It’s not at all difficult to make a bathhouse with your own hands if you have some woodworking skills. To do this, the first step is to calculate the required materials. Then the slats for the bottom and walls of the font are prepared. Next, the bottom is assembled from individual elements and the drain is connected to it.

The next step will be to assemble the walls by aligning the groove on them and the tenon on the bottom of the font. The joints are coated with sealant. After this, metal hoops are attached to the walls and tighten them.

The last step will be leveling the bottom and walls with sandpaper and installing additional elements (ladders, benches inside, etc.)

Plastic and metal are less popular options

Plastic is a material for the lazy. The font is constructed from a ready-made polymer vessel. In this case, you just need to sheathe it with boards. It is recommended to use slats to save money. In order for the structure to be stable, it is necessary to mount a frame. It is made from beams, after which the slats themselves are attached to it. Next, you need to place the container here and mask the upper end of the product. But this is not always possible to do the first time.

There are also metal products on the sauna product market. They have not gained much popularity among bathhouse lovers and installers. There were three reasons for this:

  • difficult delivery of the bowl to the place of use;
  • installation difficulties;
  • the design does not always fit into the interior design.

This product also has few advantages, or rather just one – the ability to maintain a low water temperature.

Prices for hot tubs

After a detailed consideration of all possible options for hot tubs, it’s time to find out their approximate cost.

A wooden barrel for two people will cost 36,000 rubles. A larger volume option will cost from 70,000 rubles. Prices for plastic hot tubs start at 12,000 rubles, and a stainless steel hot tub for 2-3 people will cost 120,000 rubles. The price for combined and concrete swimming pools is individual for each project.

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If, after reading this article, you wanted to order a bathhouse project with a font, then you realized how pleasant and beneficial for your health regular immersion in a font can be. In this case, look at the photo of the bathhouse below, choose your option and go for it.

Style direction

As for style, bowl manufacturers are already doing their best! There are bathtubs on the market made in exquisite historical styles, multifunctional modern, colorful ethnic styles. I don’t see the point in listing all the styles, since this will certainly take the whole day, or even more.

But I will say one thing: containers in historical directions will ideally fit into bathhouses owned by people who want to enjoy the spirit of bygone days. Innovative bowls are perfect for steam room owners who keep up with the times. Marvelous ethnic tanks are perfect for saunas of individuals who adore the flavor of picturesque countries.

Thus, dear friends, the font will fit perfectly into bathhouses decorated in a wide variety of styles.

Photo of a bathhouse

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