Eucalyptus broom for a bath: features of preparation, drying, steaming and use

Frequent respiratory diseases, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis of various etiologies, skin diseases and much more can be cured by going to the bathhouse, where a eucalyptus broom will be used as a “medicine”.

The leaves of this tree are unique due to the content of essential oils that have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body. A properly prepared and steamed broom, and each of these stages has its own nuances, will make a trip to the bathhouse truly healing and effective, improving your health.

Eucalyptus broom: benefits

Eucalyptus is an evergreen plant from the Myrtaceae family, which is common in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania and other areas with tropical and subtropical climates. The fragrant leaves of eucalyptus contain a large amount of essential oils; the tree is able to extract a lot of water from the soil and saturate the air with disinfectants. Eucalyptus is widely used in medicine and cosmetology: healing decoctions, tinctures, essential oils, and juice are made from it. The use of a eucalyptus broom in a bathhouse is also of great benefit.


A eucalyptus broom is not the most common item for a bath in Russia, as this is associated with the procurement of raw materials. The fact is that under natural conditions, eucalyptus trees and shrubs belonging to the Myrtaceae family grow in a warm tropical or subtropical climate. There are many species of this plant, but only a few can withstand temperatures down to -15°C, and very few species that will survive frosts down to -23–24°C.

Currently, eucalyptus trees are cultivated in many countries, since the leaves of the plant contain essential oils that are widely used in medicine. Infusions, decoctions, and oil from the leaves have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic effects; they are used in the treatment of many diseases.

The use of eucalyptus brooms for bathing procedures is very justified; in the presence of high temperatures, essential oils are released. Inhaling vapors has a beneficial effect on the human body, oils have an effect on the skin.

And also you should not get rid of the water in which the broom was infused. If you pour it onto hot stones, you will enjoy a subtle healing aroma during the cleansing procedure. It should be noted that in addition to beneficial properties, eucalyptus brooms also have other advantages, namely:

  • the branches of the plant are quite elastic, they remain intact for a long time;
  • withstand constant overheating and high humidity levels;
  • When heated strongly, they release not only beneficial substances, but also a pleasant aroma.

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Those who like to steam bath do not always have the opportunity to prepare their own brooms for the sauna, especially eucalyptus ones. You can buy them in a specialized store. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • a high-quality broom cannot be very dry; excessive dryness can lead to rapid breakage of branches;
  • shake the broom - if a lot of leaves have fallen from it, it means that the harvesting technology was not followed;
  • the leaves should not be damaged or smell rotten or rotten.

Experienced bath attendants sometimes consider eucalyptus brooms not good enough because of their very thin flexible branches and long leaves; blows with such accessories are too soft and do not have the desired massage effect. Therefore, branches of other plants, for example juniper, are allowed in brooms. Eucalyptus branches are also added to birch or oak brooms. The price of eucalyptus brooms, as a rule, is slightly higher than that of birch or other products.

The benefits of eucalyptus broom for a bath

Although the eucalyptus broom is not traditional for the Russian bathhouse of the middle zone, due to its amazing smell and healing properties it has become quite popular. It helps well with eye diseases and skin damage, such as frostbite and burns. When used in an indoor bath, a eucalyptus broom has an antimicrobial effect, and therefore helps cure runny nose and nasal congestion. Breathing eucalyptus vapor has a positive effect on the respiratory system.

If you have a sprain or bruise, or pain in the joints or muscles, you should buy a eucalyptus broom for a bath: eucalyptus has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps the body regenerate faster. People suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism or radiculitis should buy a eucalyptus broom for steaming. The eucalyptus broom also has enormous benefits for the nervous system: bathing procedures with a silver eucalyptus broom will help relieve stress, fatigue, overexertion, improve your mood and fully relax.

Benefits and harms

Everyone knows about the benefits of bath procedures. This is not only a thorough cleansing of the body, but also a powerful healing effect on the entire body, strengthening the immune system. Under the influence of hot steam, pores open, dead cells are rejected, and toxins are removed. The bath increases blood circulation, better supplying all organs with oxygen and nutrients. Since the heart rate increases, the entire cardiovascular system is toned, and metabolism improves. And using a broom is an additional massage effect. Using a eucalyptus broom will greatly enhance the effect of bath procedures, because eucalyptus contains not only essential oils. The plant contains many other useful elements, namely:

  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • esters;
  • aldehydes;
  • bitterness;
  • macro- and microelements.

Eucalyptus has a beneficial effect on the skin, as it has a bactericidal and regenerating effect, the active substances stimulate biochemical processes in the epidermis. A regular procedure is indicated for people prone to acne and pustular inflammation. A visit to a bathhouse with a eucalyptus broom will help with muscle fatigue after heavy physical activity, and will have a good effect on joint pain.

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The unusual aroma, saturated with essential oils, has a calming effect on the nervous system and suppresses anxiety. You can also rinse your hair with the water in which the broom was steamed. The infusion strengthens hair follicles, helps get rid of dandruff, and treats seborrhea.

Eucalyptus will be of particular benefit in the presence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For frequent sore throats and runny noses, it is recommended to hold a broom to your face in a bathhouse and breathe for several minutes.

If eucalyptus broom is used correctly, there should be no side effects. However, the product should be discarded when there is hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to certain substances in the plant, and an allergic reaction occurs. This broom should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma or respiratory spasms . Also, visiting the bathhouse is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system or problems with blood pressure, epilepsy, inflammatory processes and malignant neoplasms. You should not expose the body to additional stress during a viral or chronic disease in the acute stage at elevated body temperature.

Eucalyptus bath broom: how to steam and how to use

Of course, the soft thin leaves of eucalyptus are not suitable for generating steam, so eucalyptus branches are often mixed with oak and juniper branches. A eucalyptus bath broom is great for people with sensitive skin: it provides a more gentle massage than birch and fir brooms. You can use a eucalyptus broom in another way, by placing it against your face: breathing hot air through eucalyptus leaves will be an excellent inhalation that helps improve immunity.

To steam a eucalyptus broom, you need to use two bowls of water: one with cold water and one with boiling water. The broom is lowered in them one by one for 15-20 minutes, the leaves gradually soften, and a rich aroma becomes noticeable in the room. The procedure must be carried out approximately half an hour before vaping.


How to do it?

Unfortunately, not all steam room lovers from Russia will be able to prepare brooms on their own. This can be done in the Caucasus, the southern coast of Crimea, or during labor-intensive cultivation in a greenhouse. Raw materials should be collected in warm, dry weather. It is better to do this in late summer - early autumn. You should not take tree branches located close to roads or industrial enterprises. When harvesting yourself, the collected branches are dried in a dark, well-ventilated room. Avoid exposing them to sunlight. You also need to make sure that the branches dry evenly, so it is best to hang them on a rope.

You can also dry the branches on a flat surface, in which case you will have to turn them over from time to time. You must not allow mold to appear on them and the process of rotting to begin. It is allowed to tie the branches both before the start of drying and after it is completed. This can be done using thick twine or a regular bandage.

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Before tying the branches, you need to prepare them: cut off the branches and leaves at their base using a sharp knife. Actions must be carried out carefully so that the wood remains undamaged. Thin shoots are placed inside the product, surrounding them on the outside with thicker branches. To store eucalyptus brooms, you do not need to create any special conditions, although it will not be superfluous to observe some nuances.

  • Accessories should be kept in a dry place with good ventilation, so you should not leave them inside the bathhouse. During the warm summer period, brooms can be stored outdoors under a canopy, for example, under the roof of a bathhouse. The main thing is to avoid exposure to sunlight.
  • When storing indoors, products should not be placed near heat sources, much less near sources of open fire (stove, fireplace, stove).

Eucalyptus bath broom: all the properties of a distant foreigner

Hello lovers of hot steam and connoisseurs of all bath and health procedures!

In previous articles we looked at “our dear” brooms, and now I propose to discuss the “intelligent foreigner” who proudly wins the hearts of many steamers.

Eucalyptus is an exotic tree for our country. You can meet him here only on the Black Sea coast. However, this does not prevent it from being used for medicinal purposes during bath procedures. Our true bathhouse lovers are never averse to trying something exotic. Let's see why?

From this article you will learn:

Cold and hot methods

These steaming methods are suitable for any wood brooms. The simplest of them is cold. To process, you will need to place the bundle in a container with cold water 10-12 hours before going to the steam room.

After the allotted time, the broom is completely ready for use. The hot method is more labor-intensive, but it allows you to achieve maximum softness and aroma of branches and leaves.

  • 5 hours before going to the bathhouse, you should rinse the broom well, first with warm and then with hot water.
  • Excess moisture should be shaken off well and the bundle should be placed in a tight bag.
  • After 40 minutes, the branches are rinsed again with hot water and held for 10-20 seconds over bath stones to remove excess moisture.
  • Two hours before going to the bathhouse, place the broom in a container under a lid with warm water. It takes 30-40 minutes to hold the bundle like this.
  • Periodically, the bundle needs to be turned over to achieve uniform steaming.
  • After the allotted time, the broom is placed with the handle down in some basin or bucket with warm water for 10 minutes.

Since after a long steaming a lot of moisture can accumulate in the broom, it should be held over the stones for 10-15 seconds at the end.

Properties of eucalyptus broom

Firstly, a eucalyptus bath broom is very useful for colds. Its essential oils have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and perfectly clear the respiratory tract. The lungs and bronchi receive a good portion of healing air. And the pleasant smell creates a unique aroma in the bathhouse and calms the nerves.

Secondly, the eucalyptus broom relieves muscle fatigue well, helps with neuralgia, radiculitis and painful sensations in the joints. In case of sprains and bruises, it helps to quickly restore the body. Eucalyptus has a whitening effect on the skin, it becomes young and soft, and cleanses well.

Features of use in bath procedures

Among the features that the eucalyptus broom is endowed with, it is worth noting that thin flexible branches and long leaves require sufficient habit from the soarer to confidently work with such a tool in the “quilting” mode. Users note that such a broom lacks the necessary rigidity and a confident “response” to a particular movement.

By the way! This feature can be somewhat neutralized by the formation of a kind of broom hybrid. For example, 2/3 of the volume can be birch shoots and 1/3 - eucalyptus. You can work on the option with oak, in a 1 to 1 ratio.

In what cases should you use a eucalyptus broom for a bath:

  • Colds. For the best effect on the mucous membranes, “broom inhalation” is used, when a steamed broom is brought to the face and breathed through it for 4 - 5 minutes. Pouring 250 - 300 grams of water onto the heater, in which we previously prepared the broom for use, also provides shock doses;
  • Muscle fatigue, minor sprains and superficial skin cuts. Due to the fact that the eucalyptus bath broom is very gentle and delicate, the therapy for such conditions is softer and more dosed;
  • Nervous tension. The very specific aroma of eucalyptus oil helps to suppress anxiety, relieve insomnia, and calm nerves;
  • Acne and small superficial pustular skin lesions. The soft texture of the broom, combined with a powerful bactericidal and regenerating principle, can actively resist this disease.

How to steam a eucalyptus broom

This procedure is no different from the brooms we are used to. First, rinse it with cold water, and then put it in hot (not boiling water) for 15-20 minutes. Since the branches of eucalyptus are thin and brittle, you are not used to steaming with such a broom; you need to get used to it a little. It is very soft and pleasant to the touch. The complete opposite of a fir broom. You won’t be able to get the same invigorating massage as from a pine broom.

Try to use a eucalyptus broom for a bath to the maximum. Always use the same water in which you will steam the broom. You can pour it on the heater and get a healing aromatic bath. A kind of inhalation for the bronchi. You can wash yourself to rejuvenate and cleanse your skin, which is also a great option.

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How to steam?

Brooms made from some materials are steamed by holding them over steam. This does not apply to eucalyptus. It's quite easy to steam it. You can do this in 2 ways.

  • With the first method, you will need hot water (approximately 70°C) and a steaming container. The container should be of such a size that the broom fits in it all the way to the handle. You should not take too much volume so that the aromatic liquid, which can then be used, becomes more concentrated. The broom should be soaked for 15–20 minutes. During the soaking process, you should shake it several times, but it is not necessary to remove it from the water. Before the procedure, you can rinse with cold water.
  • With the second method, you will need 2 containers: for hot and for cold water. The broom is alternately dipped in hot and cold water, kept for 3-5 minutes in each container. The actions are repeated several times. A sign of readiness - branches, leaves, bark have become soft.

A fresh new broom does not need to be steamed. It can be applied by pouring it thoroughly with warm water. Even when cut, eucalyptus branches remarkably retain their properties.

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The broom can be used 4–5 times. To make it more durable, experts recommend adding birch or oak branches to the product. Proper drying after use will extend its service life.

Preparation and storage

I won’t say anything about preparing brooms, since in our country there are practically no eucalyptus. The best option is to buy a eucalyptus broom. In specialized stores, the price for it is almost the same as for birch or oak. For me, such prices seem strange.

Storing exotic brooms is no different from ordinary birch brooms. The main requirement is the absence of sun and a slight breeze. We bought it, hung it on the roof, and let it blow through until the next steam room.

Despite the fact that the eucalyptus bath broom is a “foreigner”, today it is used more and more often. 20-30 years ago, many had not even heard of it. So experiment, apply and choose the best for yourself.

Wisdom Quote: You have to study a lot to know even a little.



If the broom has already been used 4 times and has already outlived its usefulness, can it be burned in the oven for aroma?

It is possible, but it is better to dry it first, otherwise, when exposed to heat, essential oil will be released in large quantities, which will literally settle on the walls of the chimney and contribute to the accumulation of soot and soot.

I bought a broom for fabulous money by our standards, began to steam it in warm water, and the leaves began to fall off en masse. Should I throw away this broom?

No need to throw it away. In this case, the leaves are the very raw material that weakens the aroma and benefits. Place the remains of the broom into a fine mesh, spread the leaves evenly over it to cover the sharp branches, and wrap the mesh around it a few more times. Tie tightly with a rope and you can use the broom for its intended purpose.

Can a eucalyptus broom smell nothing at all?

If it is overdried and has been on sale for more than 3 years, then it may well be. You should not expect benefits from it, just like you should not buy it.

Which tree is best to combine eucalyptus in a broom?

The best option is birch, as it steams much faster than oak. If you need a pronounced antibacterial effect in the treatment of ENT diseases, then eucalyptus feels great when paired with linden and maple.

I read that to release essential oils, a broom needs to be doused with boiling water. But won't these ethers be destroyed then?

Boiling water is contraindicated for eucalyptus, and to achieve the aromatherapy effect, steaming in hot water will be enough. Not only will all the benefits go away from the boiling water, but the foliage will also fall off completely.

How to use a eucalyptus bath broom?

A eucalyptus sauna broom is considered an excellent remedy for colds. Inhalation with a eucalyptus broom will help cure inflamed bronchi and trachea and get rid of cough and runny nose. The leaves of the tree contain a lot of tannins, so this is one of the best remedies that will help restore vitality and energy.

In addition to colds, eucalyptus treats arthritis, joints, radiculitis and rheumatism. Its use relieves muscle pain, strengthens memory, stimulating a person’s mental abilities. After treatment with eucalyptus, you may notice a good mood, relief from fatigue and drowsiness. You are no longer afraid of stress, and the overall tone of the body increases.

And in medical practice

At one time, the popularity of cultivated plantings outside their natural habitat was facilitated by the theory that eucalyptus trees are able to actively disinfect the air and suppress the development of diseases such as malaria and a number of tropical fevers. At the moment, this information has not been objectively confirmed, which, however, does not prevent the Italians from producing an original liqueur from eucalyptus shoots and attributing to it the property of suppressing the development of wandering fever. However, you can’t think of anything you can think of to allow yourself to have a glass or two of spirits without being forbidden.

What is definitely worth recognizing is the fairly high content of eucalyptus oil in the shoots and leaves of this plant, in some species up to 4.5%. Its composition is quite complex and includes up to 40 components, the key ones being: cineole, coumaric and cinnamic acids, tannins. The main raw material for obtaining eucalyptus leaves is overwintered leaves from globular, rod-shaped and ashen eucalyptus, and the technology for obtaining raw materials involves collecting and drying leaves from each species separately from each other. Why is eucalyptus oil valuable and beneficial:

  1. Has pronounced disinfectant properties. In the same Great Britain, in the Victorian era, dry eucalyptus shoots were used to maintain sanitary conditions in washrooms in large port cities. It was even believed that this remedy was able to suppress the development of certain sexually transmitted diseases, which was also relevant for port cities.
  2. Helps cure colds, which are accompanied by nasal discharge, cough, and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. In a number of countries, eucalyptus oil is included in insecticidal preparations; in addition, eucalyptus leaves can, as an independent remedy, repel blood-sucking insects.

Since the oil content in eucalyptus leaves is quite noticeable, a eucalyptus broom can also serve well in a bathhouse.

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How and when can it be used?

How to use a eucalyptus broom for a bath - better as an object for massage. Small pats on the body will definitely do the trick. Thin branches have a beneficial effect on the skin without injuring it. You can safely create steam with a broom made from large leaves. To avoid steaming the water and pouring it onto the stones, you should immediately place the eucalyptus on them. This is a kind of inhalation that has a beneficial effect on the body.

Place a eucalyptus broom on your face and breathe in it for several minutes. This procedure works well on the respiratory system. It is especially useful for those who often suffer from a runny nose. The combined one will bring several times more benefits to both the body and the entire organism. It is enough to take birch and oak branches and weave them into eucalyptus.

Some general recommendations for using eucalyptus

  1. Before steaming with a eucalyptus broom, it should be washed and rinsed thoroughly;
  2. Pay attention to the leaf, it should not be flabby and soggy. During steaming, monitor their condition.
  3. Do not throw away the water under any circumstances; it can also be used for medicinal purposes. Eucalyptus infusion strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff and gives a pleasant aroma.
  4. If your broom is made from fresh branches, it is best to refrain from steaming it. Simply rinse in a hot shower to remove dirt.
  5. They can be used several times in a row, as the leaves retain their healing properties for a long time.

We prepare the “tool” for the bath ourselves

Although this is an unusual plant, drying it is no different from other tree or plant branches. In order to dry a eucalyptus bath broom, you need to place it in a dark place. It should be well ventilated. Make sure that the sun's rays do not fall there. The temperature in the room itself should not be lower than that in the shade.

Storing a eucalyptus broom from a birch, fir or oak broom is due to the special fragility of the branches. If they are not handled correctly and with care, the leaves may fall off and the branches may break. Store them in dark places that are not exposed to daytime sunlight. Fold brooms in two pairs, i.e. 4 pieces. Remember, if someone puts their elbow or any object on them, your efforts will be over. Eucalyptus brooms can only be used for steaming infusions for rinsing hair.

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Precautions for use

As a rule, eucalyptus does not have a pronounced negative effect on the body. But in order to avoid various problems, you should always follow the recommendations and ensure that the use occurs in accordance with the recommended doses. You can always read on the packaging about how to brew decoctions from eucalyptus leaves and make various infusions for lotions from them, if the product was purchased at a pharmacy.

When used externally, do not forget about the always possible individual intolerance and possible allergic reactions. They can manifest themselves in redness and itching in the places where lotions were applied.

Quite interesting and worthy of attention is the fact that eucalyptus leaves do not have any therapeutic effect when consumed internally in people who have nephritis.

Despite its rather mild effect, eucalyptus leaf still has its contraindications for use. These include severe damage to the liver and kidneys. These drugs are not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.

For pregnant women, it is recommended that they take the plant in consultation with their doctor.

Eucalyptus leaves are not used for severe liver and kidney diseases, as well as for children under 2 years of age.

A little more about the benefits

Eucalyptus is most often valued and chosen for its beneficial effects on the human mucous membrane. Its medicinal properties are able to penetrate the respiratory tract and clear them of mucus during a runny nose and pathogenic bacteria.

Touching the skin, it whitens it, eliminates defects and damage. Makes it soft and elastic. Healthy oils improve blood circulation, and antibacterial substances keep it clean. Frequent use of eucalyptus branches will help maintain youthful body skin.

Methods for steaming bath brooms

Broom before steaming

The leaves of the broom should be elastic, not fly off or break.

It’s wise to start the story about how to prepare brooms for use with one of the most important tips: do not steam fresh bath brooms. Under the influence of boiling water, fresh foliage will “curl”, become heavy and begin to stick, its smell, as well as its beneficial properties, will significantly deteriorate. And you won’t be able to steam with a “boiled” broom. In this state, the product instantly accumulates heat and sticks to the body, severely burning. The steam will be damp, unpleasant and heavy. After undergoing bath procedures with such a broom, you will not feel invigorated and rested, but tired, exhausted and disappointed.

Dry brooms must be steamed. As noted, over time, each bath attendant comes to his own ideal way of conducting this event. Now you can choose from 4 of the most popular and successful methods.

First way. Steaming properly dried bath brooms

Leave the broom in a bowl of cool water for about half an hour. Pour out the cold water and fill the container with hot (but not boiling) water. Leave the broom in a bowl of hot water for 5 minutes.

Second way. Turning dry bath brooms into fresh ones

If time is of the essence, leave the brooms in a bowl of cool water for 15-20 hours. In terms of its characteristics, a product that has undergone such preparation will practically not differ from a fresh bath broom. Hot water treatment is not necessary.

Third way. For sudden trips to the steam room

If time is short, use this method. Put a kettle of water to boil. Fill the broom with boiling water. Cover the bowl with a broom with a lid or another bowl (so the steam will remain inside) and leave for 7-10 minutes.

Fourth way. For very dry brooms

If there is absolutely no time and you are already in the bathhouse, and the broom is very dry, use this method. The essence of the method comes down to alternately treating the product with boiling water and steam from stones. The procedure is as follows:

Do not rush to throw out the water in which the broom was steamed. Strain it and use it to rinse your hair.

If you prefer this method, be extremely careful - one careless movement and you will scald your skin. Make sure that leaves from the bath broom do not fall onto the heater. This is not fatal, but the pleasure from spending time in the steam room will not be the most complete. The problem is that upon contact with the heater, the leaves will catch fire with all the consequences in the form of burning, soot, unpleasant odor, etc. As a result, instead of enjoying the bath, you will have to clean the heater, ventilate the steam room and perform other unnecessary actions.

Have fun!

Eucalyptus steam room broom

Bath procedures bring a lot of benefits and pleasure; they strengthen physical strength and morale. A eucalyptus broom also adds to these benefits by helping with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and skin. In the steam room, the aroma of eucalyptus branches allows you to better relax, feel peace and tranquility.

Exotic guest from Australia

The first part of the word "eucalyptus" - "eu" - is translated from Greek as "good" or "good." "Kalyptos" means "closed", which refers to the flower buds embedded in a calyx. Europeans became acquainted with the tree from the warm regions of Australia and the islands of the Southern Hemisphere quite late, in the 19th century. Three species of the genus Eucalyptus - globular, ash-shaped and twig-shaped - are equally used in medicine. Wood is used in construction as a very durable material.

In Russia, eucalyptus has long been called a “marvelous” tree for its foreign origin and enormous size (up to 40 m). Then scientists proposed growing the most cold-resistant species in the subtropics of the Caucasus and Crimea. Now in Russia, essential oil, bagged leaves and bath brooms from eucalyptus are produced mainly on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

Many fans of the Russian bathhouse are unaware of the interesting features of this marvelous tree that does not provide shade. Eucalyptus leaves are positioned edge-on to the sun and can change with age. By appearance or even from a photo of the finished broom, you can determine which branches were used to make it.

Young eucalyptus leaves are broadly lanceolate, up to 10 cm long, soft, shiny, light or dark green in color with a bluish-silver tint. With age, the tissues become coarser, the color fades, and the leaf blade lengthens. Old leaves are pointed, reach 18–27 cm in length, they are pale green in color, often crescent-shaped.

Features of preparation and drying

Thin leafy shoots with evergreen leaves are cut from April to November. But the best in terms of healing qualities is considered to be a broom prepared from November to February. Some of the branches are cut off from the trees, and shoots are cut that are suitable in length and shape. The leaves are completely torn off from the remaining branches. Eucalyptus grows well after harvesting brooms and leaves.

The branches in the broom should be laid as shown in the photo on the right. The stronger, curved leaves are located on the inside, and the smaller ones are located on the outside. The handle is usually thin, because the thick shoots are not leafy and soft enough; they are not suitable for a bath broom. The branches, collected in a bunch, are hung to dry.

Air dry in a barn or attic where there is good ventilation. Do not leave in the sun or place in a dryer at temperatures above +40°C. Heating eucalyptus leaves leads to loss of essential oil, the main healing component. With proper drying and proper storage, the broom retains its green color and specific aroma.

The effects of eucalyptus on the body

In folk and scientific medicine, water infusion, alcohol tincture and essential oil are used. In addition, extracts from eucalyptus leaves are included in tablets, alcohol and oil solutions. Although the methods for extracting healing substances differ, the effect of treatment with various drugs is approximately the same.

The effect of essential oil, decoction and bath broom on the body:

bactericidal and fungicidal (kills bacterial and fungal cells),

An aqueous infusion of fresh or dried leaves can be drunk as a cough tea for sore throat, acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Infusions and tinctures are used for rinsing for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For the same ailments and runny nose, they do steam inhalation and wear special aroma pendants with essential oil on the chest.

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During the cold season, with ARVI, pustular skin diseases, you can steam with a eucalyptus broom in a bathhouse or add a decoction of leaves and twigs to a hot bath. Furunculosis, burns, frostbite and eye inflammation are treated with washes or lotions with water infusion. Solutions with it are also used for douching and tampons for female diseases.

Essential oil is a colorless liquid with a specific odor. A complex of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves is included in the tablets, alcohol and oil solution “Chlorophyllipt”. These are green-colored preparations with a pleasant sweetish taste. Essential oil and extracts are included in syrups, aerosols and tablets used to treat respiratory diseases, bronchitis and whooping cough in children.

Benefits of eucalyptus broom

The evergreen leaves of the plant contain phytoncides, essential oil, tannins and bitter substances, and organic acids. The amount of oil varies from 0.5 to 4.5%. Its main components: cineole, tanning compounds, cinnamic and coumaric acids, gallotannins (strong antimicrobial substances). For medicine, cineole, pinene, phellandrene and sesquiterpenes are of greatest importance. Geraniol and limonene give the oil a pleasant aroma.

The effect of using a eucalyptus broom in a steam room:

Those who prefer to combine plants can be advised to include eucalyptus branches in brooms from other tree species, such as birch or linden. This is doubly useful and even more reliable. After all, you still need to get used to eucalyptus, get used to it.

From plant residues after harvesting branches and herbs, you can make bath steams. Read how here.

Tips for using in a steam room

The leaves of the exotic tree release essential oil when steamed, which has a positive effect on colds, coughs and many other diseases. The aroma of eucalyptus is inhaled slowly, deeply, so that the beneficial substances penetrate the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the bloodstream.

A dry broom must first be rinsed with warm and cold water, only then placed in a vat of hot water and covered with a lid for 10 minutes. After steaming, for better release of eucalyptus essential oil, the broom can be held over hot stones. You should steam carefully, because the narrow leathery leaves can cut thin, delicate skin. If you plan to use the broom again, shake it off the water and hang it to dry.

Our ancestors visited the bathhouse to cleanse and put their body and spirit in order. Modern man goes to the steam room for the same purpose. Therefore, bath attributes and actions with them have remained almost unchanged for hundreds of years.


Eucalyptus and its place in the plant world

This tree of the Myrtaceae family amazes with its height and speed of growth. Let's just say that in the wild it is not uncommon to find specimens whose height is 100 meters. This plant can amaze the unaccustomed to the speed of its development and growth, especially in the first 10 to 15 years. In favorable conditions on fertile soils, by the age of 10, the height of a young eucalyptus is about 25 meters, with a trunk girth of 90 - 110 cm. It is this quality that stimulates the cultivation of eucalyptus trees in the south of the European continent. At the same time, due to the abundant growth of plant mass, it is believed that eucalyptus plantings are capable of draining excessively wet soils. Just a double benefit.

By the way! It is worth noting that eucalyptus does not grow in frankly marshy areas. He does not like saline soils and soil with a high lime content.

It is quite obvious that such a fast-growing tree should become a valuable source of wood and cellulose. Indeed, timber from this species, in the past, was actively used in shipbuilding and railway construction, as a raw material for sleepers, and in Australia today, eucalyptus is the main source of raw material for the pulp and paper industry.

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How to steam a eucalyptus bath broom?

For the prevention and treatment of colds, it is recommended to steam with a eucalyptus broom. Its color can range from blue to faint green with a silvery tint. The branches and leaves of a beautiful elongated shape contain beneficial substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. High concentration of essential oils. Their aroma has a relaxing effect and eliminates fatigue.

In addition to fighting colds, eucalyptus is effective for:

Eucalyptus boosts immunity, improves memory and mood, and allows you to tune into a positive mood. Small wounds or cuts on the skin heal faster after visiting a steam room with a eucalyptus broom. The healing properties of the plant have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Washing in the bath

If you wash properly in a bathhouse and wash off sweat and toxins in a timely manner, you can forget about many chronic diseases. Before entering the steam room, you need to take a warm shower and wash off any existing skin secretions. Active sweating will begin inside the steam room, so it is better that your skin is clean.

After each exit from the steam room, you must take a shower. Together with sweat, the body removes accumulated toxins. They need to be washed off, especially if you plan to take a dip in the communal pool after the steam room.

At the end of steaming, you can take a shower and wash with shampoo, soap and a hard washcloth. This will remove dead skin cells, making the skin more elastic and beautiful.

Be sure to visit the Russian bathhouse!

Step-by-step process for steaming a eucalyptus bath broom

Preparing for a visit to the steam room with a eucalyptus broom is not so difficult. Just listen to the advice on how to properly steam a eucalyptus bath broom. Before preparing for steaming, be sure to rinse the broom in cool water.

You must follow these steps to prepare your accessory for vaping:

The appearance of a rich eucalyptus aroma and softening of the leaves indicate that the broom is ready. It is worth steaming a bath broom 20-30 minutes before visiting the steam room.

How to properly soak a eucalyptus bath broom?

A good alternative to steaming is soaking a broom.

We will talk further about how to soak a eucalyptus bath broom.

If the broom is ready for bath procedures, do not rush to pour out the remaining water after soaking. The liquid can be used for washing or poured onto stones and walls.

Terms of use

In order for the bath procedure to be useful, you need to use a product made from an exotic plant as follows:

  • Before the first use, the broom must be thoroughly washed;
  • during the steaming process, you need to ensure that the leaves do not become too soft;
  • since the product does not have great rigidity, it will provide only a light massage; the use of a eucalyptus broom is more suitable for health procedures;
  • after the first sweat appears, rub a broom over the body in the direction from head to feet; Do not press the product tightly against the skin;
  • first, use a broom with large leaves to inject steam around yourself, and then begin massaging pats on the body; the first blows should be smooth and not strong, then gradually the movements accelerate, the force of the blows increases;
  • blows should not be too sharp and strong, as they can cause pain; in addition, marks may remain on the body;
  • The bath procedure should not last more than 5 minutes; You can make several visits, alternating them with a short rest in the dressing room.

The next video talks about eucalyptus bath brooms.


During the soaking process, some of the beneficial substances pass into liquid, so the water in which the broom has lain can be used to produce steam, foot baths or rinse the body.

The technology for steaming a broom varies depending on its condition. A broom can be dry, overdried, fresh or frozen.

A fresh broom is simply rinsed several times in warm water.

The dried broom should be rinsed several times in warm or cool water, then placed in a bowl of warm water for 15 minutes and covered with a second one to make the steaming process more complete. It is important that the water is not hot, but warm. After boiling water, the leaves quickly fall off, and the broom will have to be thrown away.

If you keep the broom in water, for example, soak it for half an hour instead of 10 minutes, the result will be disastrous - the leaves will become heavier, become limp, and fly off after one visit to the steam room.

Boiling water is useful only in one case - when the broom is too dry. They deal with it as follows:

  1. Immerse in scalding hot water for 30 seconds.
  2. Place on heated stones to allow steam to rise to soften the hard wood.
  3. If the branches are still too stiff, repeat.

Steam from a dry broom lying on the stove will saturate the air with healing phytoncides.

Characteristics of a useful accessory

The bath product helps to eliminate the first symptoms of colds.
The essential oils included in its composition have a positive effect on the mucous membrane and help restore the patency of the respiratory tract. During inhalation, the lungs and bronchi are saturated with healing air. The steam room is filled with a refreshing, soothing aroma. Eucalyptus branches relieve pain in muscles and joints, help eliminate the symptoms of neuralgia and radiculitis. The adoption of bath procedures with the described accessory for bruises is indicated. The plant rejuvenates the skin and makes it very soft. Regular use of gum tree whitens the skin.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of eucalyptus bath brooms

Air vapors soaked in healing oils have a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs and make breathing easier.

Steaming relieves joint and muscle pain that could arise after long workouts.

The unique aroma of a healing plant will relieve tension and help eliminate stress after a hard day at work. During the procedure, the person steaming will be able to relax well and recharge in a great mood.

The twigs have a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its elasticity. When steaming, the skin is completely cleansed and saturated with micronutrients that are included in the leaves.

After vaping, your mood will improve significantly and you will feel rested. To avoid negative impacts, measures should be taken regarding the frequency of the procedure. As you can see, the accessory has many positive aspects; its disadvantages include only the fact that for the Russian Federation, a representative of evergreen woody plants of the Myrtaceae family is exotic, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to find it on sale. Now you know about the benefits and harms of a eucalyptus bath broom. Next, we will consider in more detail the options for properly preparing the described product for use.

Option one

In order to preserve the healing infusion from the gum tree for a long time, you must follow the following instructions:

pour a small amount of boiling water into the container;

then place the eucalyptus leaves in it for about 30 minutes;

Afterwards, the plant accessory is carefully removed from the water, and the finished decoction is used as aromatherapy in the steam room;

the resulting infusion is sprayed onto the walls of the steam room and onto the heater.

When to harvest

If you are lucky enough to come across a eucalyptus tree, you can make your own broom. The cut rods should be 50-60 cm long, and harvesting is best done in late September - early October. Please note that there are several types of eucalyptus, and for a bath broom it is better to use a twig-shaped variety. Visually, it is similar to willow, with thinner and more flexible branches. You cannot collect eucalyptus after rain; the leaves must be completely dry. Dry them tied up, and when storing, avoid exposure to direct sunlight and moisture.


The most common mistake is overexposure in hot liquid. At the same time, all useful compounds and volatile phytoncides pass from the leaves and bark into the water, and the wood loses its odor. In addition, an overheated accessory will not last long. Its leaves and needles will fall off after 2-3 visits to the steam room. The same thing happens when using boiling water.

A coniferous broom needs to be steamed 10-15 minutes longer than a deciduous one, otherwise it will remain prickly and damage the skin.

You need to make sure that after shaking off the water or heating it on the heater, there are no leaves left on the stones. They will begin to smoke, and an unpleasant odor will remain in the steam room.

Bath broom made of oak branches: features, efficiency

This broom is also used quite often. It is especially praised by those with oily skin types. Which is not surprising - just remember the composition of oak leaves. There are quercitrin, quercetin, essential oils, tannins. The entire specified range helps to make rather capricious skin prone to oiliness elastic, cleansed, and gives a long-awaited matte finish.

In addition to everything written, such a broom is extremely useful for various skin diseases. It significantly improves blood circulation and helps reduce blood pressure.

A significant advantage of oak leaves is that they are large and dense. This means that heat will be retained better.

There is no need to pay attention to brooms consisting of thick branches. Despite the fact that oak is strongly associated with massiveness, it is worth keeping in mind that it is preferable to look for brooms consisting of thin branches

They grow at the bottom of the tree and are the most flexible. A massage done with such branches will be as gentle as possible and bring an amazing effect.

Oak brooms for baths

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