Fir broom for a bath: features of cutting, preparation, storage, steaming and use

Going to the bathhouse without a broom is simply wasting time, many believe. The vast majority of people prefer to visit the steam room with a broom, but which option to choose from all the variety is a big question. Today you can easily find both oak and Birch broom, and an option from rarer and more expensive tree species.

But let's talk about the benefits and effects of birch brooms, because, despite the large range of products on sale, it is birch brooms that remain the most popular.

There is quite a lot of all kinds of information about both the beneficial properties of such brooms and their potential harm. But let's try to figure out which of all this is true and which is outright fiction?

Antiseptic effect

You can often read that birch brooms have antiseptic properties, and this, to some extent, is true. While in the steam room, the superficial vessels of the skin expand, and blows with a broom further stimulate blood flow. As a result, blood flow occurs, metabolic processes and immune defense improve.

It is largely due to this that birch brooms help fight infectious processes on the skin (but, as is clear from the description of the action, exactly the same effect can be obtained by using any other brooms). Do birch branches contain any substance that can have a detrimental effect on infectious agents? There is no definite answer to this question; perhaps birch actually contains phytoncides that can destroy bacteria, but it is quite possible that this is a far-fetched action, since there is no clinical evidence of such an effect.

What association first comes to mind when you mention a bathhouse or steam room? Of course - a broom. It’s hard to imagine a steam room without a bath broom.

A properly selected broom can not only give you a good whipping, but also act as an effective medicine and tonic.

Of course, massage with a broom is one of the most important bath procedures, which is designed to increase blood circulation, improve metabolism and open skin pores. But besides this, various brooms have a number of medicinal and healing properties.

There are three types of brooms for baths: deciduous, coniferous, herbal.

Deciduous brooms


A traditional Russian bathhouse is a birch broom. It effectively rids the skin of acne and has high antioxidant properties, which allows you to remove toxins, waste and salt from the body. Birch leaves absorb harmful substances and make the skin elastic and velvety.

It is useful to use a birch broom for people suffering from bronchial asthma, as it promotes the removal of sputum. Birch broom is recommended for use by people with kidney and musculoskeletal diseases. It is also recommended for use in the treatment of stretch marks and abrasions.


An oak bath broom stabilizes blood pressure and is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Oak leaves have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly calm the nervous system. Due to the content of essential oils and tannins, it makes the skin elastic and gives it a matte appearance.

An oak broom is useful for getting rid of shortness of breath, headaches, insomnia, irritability and sweating.


An important feature of linden broom is its high content of vitamin C, which improves immunity and easily fights colds and viral infections. In addition to this, a linden broom is an excellent diaphoretic and massage with it is an excellent gymnastics for the kidneys and urinary tract.

Linden is used as an antipyretic and analgesic and is useful for calming the nervous system.


Maple broom rids the body of waste and toxins, effectively fights inflammation, and has disinfecting properties. Helps reduce cough and effectively fights rashes.


Everyone knows the disinfecting and healing properties of eucalyptus essential oils. In addition to its inhalation effects, eucalyptus broom is effective in combating skin diseases, neuralgia, relieving radiculitis pain, treating sprains and muscle inflammation.


It is advisable not to use a rowan bath broom in the evening, as it has a stimulating effect and sets the body up for productive activity. Rowan broom is relevant for people with atherosclerosis and hypertension. It has a diaphoretic effect and is an antioxidant.

Coniferous brooms


Juniper contains natural antibiotics that can disinfect the air and prevent the formation of bacteria. Juniper broom promotes recovery from respiratory diseases and reduces high fever. And the pleasant aroma of juniper essential oils has an anti-stress effect.


A fir broom helps eliminate muscle and spine pain and improves immunity. Fir has bactericidal properties and a disinfecting effect. A fir broom will be useful for those who suffer from joint pain and respiratory tract diseases.

The air in the steam room, filled with the aroma of fir, is clean and fresh.

Herbal brooms


A nettle bath broom tones the body and skin, heals wounds and improves the functioning of the immune system. Nettle broom is useful for joint pain, has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Wormwood perfectly disinfects the air, eliminates headaches and fatigue. Wormwood broom increases blood flow, optimizes water-salt balance, metabolism and promotes weight loss.


Mint has an excellent inhalation effect, enhances brain function and increases concentration. A mint bath broom helps with insomnia and stress, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive and circulatory systems. Peppermint broom tones the skin and has analgesic properties.


A bamboo broom increases blood flow and is ideal for anti-cellulite massage. Bamboo gives skin and hair a glowing, healthy appearance and also fights stress.

Read about methods for steaming brooms in the article “Without a broom, a bathhouse does not steam, and the steam does not fry!”

A birch broom will relax your muscles

Can a birch broom relax muscles? Another good question that doesn’t have a clear answer. Most likely, birch brooms relax muscles due to a weak massage effect, which is achieved when using any brooms. Does a birch broom have any advantages in this sense? Most likely not.

At the same time, many people believe that a birch broom is softer and more pleasant than an oak one, for example, but this is rather a subjective assessment, and if someone prefers birch branches woven into a bunch, then other people prefer oak or alder branches, for example.

How to steam with a fir broom

Even after steaming a broom according to all the rules, do not rush to start steaming with it. It is necessary to warm up properly so that the skin steams and all the pores open. Fir needles will never be able to turn into tender leaves and will still prick a little.

However, I cannot call this process completely intolerant and unpleasant. The heat of the bath performs its task perfectly and the fir broom will not cause any damage to a steamed body...

To complete the process, it is better to use two brooms and have a reliable assistant. The one who will float must lie on the shelves. The steamer begins gentle stroking with a broom, moving down from the shoulders to the toes. Then synchronized movements along the sides are also performed, using both brooms. One broom processes one side, and the second the other.

After stroking, an element such as tapping is performed. Movements are performed along the thighs, calves to the feet. These massage actions must be performed four times. Then the steamer lifts both brooms up, above his head, “rakes in” hot air with them and applies and presses the brooms with his hands to the lumbar region. This movement must be performed the same four times.

Such poultices with hot air and fir brooms are performed over the entire surface of the back. Particular attention should be paid to the shoulder blades, shoulders and knee joints.

There is another way to soar with a fir broom. This is simple full body quilting. It should only be added that the movements must be performed easily and quickly, with the very tips of the broom. This method is great for those who steam in splendid isolation.

Steam in this way for about two minutes until the skin becomes slightly red. First, the back and lower back are treated. Then they move further - to the buttocks, thighs, calves and finish the procedure in the foot area.

Any brooms in the bathhouse are medicinal, we go with them to the bathhouse to get rid of ailments and diseases. This is how it has always been and will always be.

Steamed and soft pine needles release so many beneficial essential oils! They penetrate deep into our skin through open pores. The skin becomes soft and tender, it is rejuvenated. Fir also has a positive effect on joints, bones and muscles. It is for this reason that the fir broom is very popular among older people. It is used to treat rheumatism, arthritis and even neuralgia.

A fir broom can activate the brain, relieve fatigue and stress of a working day. A hot steam room with this prickly helper will increase sweating and improve blood circulation

Use for bronchial asthma

You can often hear that birch brooms should be used for bronchial asthma, as they help improve breathing. In fact, bronchial asthma is an allergic disease, in the severe case of which one should be treated with great caution when going to the bathhouse, and even more so when using any essential oils or even simply smelling brooms, for example, birch ones.

A birch broom is unlikely to help in the fight against bronchial asthma or any form of allergy, but it can cause aggravation of the allergic process without problems, so in such situations it is better to refuse to use any brooms at all, including birch ones.

Traditional uses of bay leaves

Speaking about the traditional use of this spice, we can highlight several main directions.

In cooking

Dried bay laurel leaves are a well-known and traditional spice in Russian cuisine. It is added to almost the entire range of sour and salty dishes, fried and stewed meats, sauces, and marinades. Pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut are somehow completely unusual without a bay leaf, just like classic salted herring or jellied pork leg. Separately, it is worth mentioning liqueurs and herbal balms that act as an aperitif. Bay leaf - awakens appetite and promotes digestion.

In medicine

Official and folk medicine recognize the ability of laurel leaves to calm fever, heal wounds, and fight urolithiasis. Essential oil is an effective antiseptic. It also has insecticidal properties, which made it possible to use it to combat blood-sucking insects, ants and fleas.

By the way! Chewing dry bay leaves in the manner of tobacco was popular to prevent infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery and malaria.

Effect on the body

By using a broom from this plant in a bathhouse, you can feel its beneficial effects the first time:

  1. The skin becomes silky and smooth.
  2. Hair becomes stronger and grows better.
  3. Acne disappears.
  4. Kidneys work better.
  5. Breathing becomes “light,” especially in smokers and asthmatics.

Even the blows of a broom on the body are pleasant, akin to a massage, since birch twigs are elastic and flexible. The process of using them brings pleasure and relaxes the muscles. Bath sheets, sticking to the body, remove toxins from the skin along with sweat.

Brooms also have contraindications. If you have serious heart ailments, you should not steam the accessory too much, as it will put an increased load on your heart. There is also an opinion that in some cases the resins contained in the plant will harm the kidneys and stomach.

Oak broom

This is the most durable broom available. Its leaves are always moderately dry, so they do not burn the body too much.

  • This broom is more suitable for people with oily skin, as it makes it matte and has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Recommended for people prone to hypertension, as the aroma of oak prevents an increase in blood pressure;
  • Well calms the nervous system and relieves tension.

Oak brooms are harvested in August and dried in the same way as birch brooms.

Tansy broom

  • A tansy broom eliminates fatigue, tones well and prepares a person for work. Hence, it is better to use it in the morning.
  • This broom is ideal for people with chronic kidney and bladder diseases.
  • It also helps with gout, joint inflammation, rheumatism, headaches, migraines and colds.

Prepared similarly to a birch broom

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