Birch broom for a bath: features of preparation, drying and methods of steaming

A massage with a birch bath broom is aromatherapy, a full-fledged physiotherapy procedure, and maximum relaxation. Assembling a broom is not as difficult as it might seem, and in drying and storage it has no equal.

If everything is done correctly, you can get a natural massage tool that will expel any ailment from the body and saturate the body with useful substances. Let's figure out whether the birch broom is as useful as it is attributed to, and what is needed for harvesting and storage.

The healing effects of birch branches

In Russian steam rooms, fragrant birch brooms are most in demand. After all, the branches of this tree are quite flexible, the leaves do not lose their elasticity even after drying. The described characteristics are preserved only when the process of cutting branches and drying them is carried out properly.

During paired procedures, healing leaves come into contact with the human body, absorb sweat and waste products, as a result of which the pores are effectively cleansed. Subsequently, the skin breathes well and intensively absorbs beneficial components. Typically, a birch bath broom is used at the very beginning of the steaming process, so that the medicinal plants used later have a better effect.

Bath procedures using a birch broom can effectively cleanse the skin Source

Buy or make it yourself?

In fact, there is no difference if you trust the person from whom you buy the brooms and have no doubts about the origin of the birch twigs and their environmental friendliness. The easiest way, of course, is to buy a broom directly in the bathhouse, because any self-respecting establishment should have a selection of fresh bath accessories by default.

It’s another matter if you like non-standard solutions and want to give yourself one hundred percent to the bath culture: a birch broom prepared with your own hands, carefully knitted from painstakingly selected and prepared twigs is a reason to brag to your friends and, of course, it’s much more psychologically pleasant to take a steam bath with such a broom. Shall we talk about savings? No, let's just do something fun!

Time to harvest birch brooms

It should be remembered that it is advisable to collect such plant materials from June to the first half of July (inclusive). The weather on this day must be clear and dry. Additionally, you should wait for the dew to dry. According to old beliefs, the best birch broom for a bath is made from twigs cut on Trinity Day. It is for this holiday that the trees are already gaining strength, the leaves are painted a rich dark green color, and they accumulate a large amount of valuable substances.

The main requirement for plant raw materials: the foliage should not be hard. In the second half of July, the trees begin to prepare for the autumn period, and the season for harvesting birch brooms ends. If it starts to rain on the planned day, the hike must be postponed. You cannot cut wet branches, as they will most likely turn black and acquire an unpleasant odor.

To check the readiness of the raw material, you need to pick a leaf from the tree and run your finger along its outside. The leaf should feel velvety to the touch, as if it were covered with light fluff. If the surface of the leaf is rough, then it is too late to prepare brooms for the bath. You should also not prepare branches ahead of time. Leaves that are too young do not adhere well to the branches, so they will crumble when dried, and the product itself will quickly lose its usefulness.

If catkins appear on a birch tree, then the period for harvesting birch brooms for a bath has already been missed Source


Why does the foliage on the inner branches fall off so abundantly?

It is possible that the material is overdried, and when steaming, it is in the middle of the broom that the highest temperature is observed.

What is good to combine with birch in a broom?

Coniferous trees and aromatic medicinal herbs are ideal. For chronic respiratory diseases, massages and aromatherapy with birch and linden brooms will help.

Does a broom need to be disinfected before use?

No, it is enough to hold it over the steam for a few seconds before using it directly.

Why do the leaves curl into tubes when dried?

Drying was carried out at high temperatures, as well as with the participation of ultraviolet light, which together led to extreme moisture evaporation and deformation.

Is it possible to take a steam bath with a birch broom if you have asthma?

It is possible and necessary, since moist air will soften the mucous membranes, and the faint aroma will not irritate.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the preparation and storage of birch brooms has some features, observing which you can obtain a truly high-quality, fragrant, useful and easy-to-use attribute of any bathhouse. A birch broom is universal and outperforms an oak broom in all respects. Can be used repeatedly, but requires proper drying.

Rules for harvesting birch brooms

When making bath accessories with your own hands, you need to follow the following useful recommendations:

  • High-quality bundles can only be obtained from young, strong branches with elastic, succulent leaves. The latter's plates must be smooth; damage and pest infestation are unacceptable. An important point is the absence of earrings.
  • The branches need to be thin, they can withstand mechanical loads better.
  • The collection of plant materials for the preparation of bath brooms should be carried out in ecological territories that are located at a distance from highways and industrial areas.
  • To get a high-quality, functional workpiece, you only need to cut the lower branched branches.
  • Cutting the material should be done only on a sunny day, in the second half of it.

Helpful information! It is possible to get rid of periodic rashes on the skin surface and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands if you regularly use a bunch of oak branches. It makes the skin clean, fresh and silky. When to prepare oak brooms for a bath: late August - early September.

Harvesting birch brooms for baths should be carried out in environmentally friendly areas, far from industrial areas Source

Express steaming

The method is ideal for those brooms that are frankly overdried and there is a risk that when they get wet, all the foliage will fall off.

For steaming you need:

  1. Place the broom in warm water for 2 minutes.
  2. Carefully remove it, but do not shake off the water.
  3. Bring it under the hot stones and lightly and gently shake it so that the dripping water creates steam.

In just 5 minutes you will have a bath accessory completely ready for use. The work should be done carefully so that oak leaves do not fall on the coals, otherwise the aroma will not be the most pleasant.


  • Quickly restores broom while retaining nutrients
  • The sheet does not get wet
  • The branches become very soft and elastic


  • Leaves may come off with sudden movements

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

If an oak broom has dropped its leaves (this also happens), then it is better not to use it, since the bare branches will scratch the skin.

Correct knitting

After timely collection of high-quality plant raw materials, its assembly is carried out. When preparing brooms, the following rules are usually followed:

  • Knitting is made from elastic, flexible twigs with well-developed leaves. All insufficiently blossomed, damaged leaves are removed in advance.
  • The branches must have more than two branches so that the finished bundle is voluminous and thick enough.
  • For assembly, you need to take branches about 50 cm long and no more than 5 mm thick.
  • The diameter of the handle of the finished product cannot be more than 6 cm.
  • Knitting is performed immediately after harvesting the brooms. This will prevent their premature deformation and drying out.
  • The recommended handle length is 15 cm. High quality products are ensured by multiple ligation of branches with twine near the foliage: a handle with a free end is much more convenient to use. It does not slip out even with intense movements.

Advice! For knitting brooms, a rope is used, with which it is easy to form a comfortable handle. This will prevent damage to the surface of your hands when using the finished product.

The finished bundle of birch branches should be thick, with a comfortable handle Source

How to properly steam a broom so that it lasts for several times

To feel all the benefits, you need to know how to steam a birch bath broom. A dry bundle can be steamed in two ways:

  • Place the leaves in boiling water and leave for half an hour. During this time they should soften. If the rods leave marks when used, you still need to keep the bundle in boiling water.
  • Place the leaves in cold water and wrap in a wet cloth. Then the bundle should be placed in a bag overnight. Before the steam room, you should place it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then you can use it.

Dry brooms need to be steamed well so that they do not leave marks on the skin, but at the same time, the main thing is not to over-expose them so that they do not become sour.

Advice! Do not throw away the water in which the broom was steamed. It can be used to rinse hair.

Drying technology

In order for the bundles for the bath to serve for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right time for harvesting birch brooms, tie them properly, and dry them properly. In practice, several simple methods of drying such products are used, each of them requires the implementation of almost the same rules.

Products made from birch branches are dried exclusively in the open air; the place chosen for drying should be dark, protected from the sun and strong drafts. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, leaves lose their elasticity, shape, and rich color. A ventilated attic is good for drying. It is recommended to hang the bundles with a handle from the base and place them on a horizontal plane.

In places where bath brooms are dried, drafts should not be allowed, otherwise the leaves will dry out, become brittle, and lose their beneficial properties. Source

Frequent turning of fragrant birch brooms guarantees their high-quality drying. At first, the products are laid out at a distance; over time, they can be placed more densely. This arrangement ensures proper air exchange.

If the bundles are dried in the attic, they are carefully hung from the logs and left in this position until completely dry. The roof ensures uniform drying of the foliage and preserves the shape of the bunches.

If you follow the technology, the bundles of birch twigs will turn out dense, fragrant, and the foliage will retain its rich dark green color.

Benefits for the body

Birch leaves contain a huge amount of useful elements that are deposited on the skin under the influence of steam and heat.

Main useful qualities:

  1. Excellent for helping to rid the body of waste and toxins, making the skin soft and silky.
  2. Very beneficial effect on the kidneys and urinary system.
  3. They have a beneficial effect on people with chronic respiratory diseases, asthmatic patients and people addicted to smoking.
  4. They contain a large amount of essential oils, which are useful for skin diseases and acne.
  5. They are elastic and bend well, which are excellent qualities for massage procedures.

How to store

If the preparation of birch brooms is carried out in accordance with all requirements, then the finished products will certainly be of high quality. Then all that remains is to preserve them correctly. To do this, you should find a cool, well-ventilated room. As the latter, it is possible to use an attic space, a barn, a storage room, or a balcony. Improper storage of such bundles can lead to complete falling off of the leaves and deformation.

If the preparation of brooms was extensive, a large number of products were obtained, they can be placed on the shelf in batches. To prevent the leaves from stagnating later, the folded bunches need to be ventilated periodically: change their location. When storing on the balcony, additional protection from the sun is required. Otherwise, the leaves will immediately turn yellow and fall off completely.

If you properly store birch brooms in hay, then over time they will become even more useful and fragrant Source


A properly assembled and well-dried broom will serve you more than once. It can and should be used repeatedly, since in birch branches the beneficial substances are released in stages.

After bath procedures, be sure to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Rinse the broom under running water to remove soap scum and epithelial cells.
  2. Gently shake off any moisture.
  3. Place over hot oven for 1-2 minutes, alternating sides constantly.
  4. Hang the broom in the cooling steam room when the temperature drops below 45℃.
  5. When the oven has completely cooled down (usually the next day), the broom should be taken to a well-ventilated and warm place for further drying. If the dressing room is heated, then it is quite possible to leave it there.

The main condition is complete drying. If there is moisture inside the broom and it does not dry out well, then mold will not take long to appear.

As for storing previously unused brooms, after complete drying they need to be moved to a warm and dry place, devoid of light. It is better if it is a pantry where preparations are stored and there is no access for insects and rodents.

Common Mistakes

Inexperienced bath attendants, when preparing brooms for a bath for the first time, often make mistakes. This happens due to a lack of experience, necessary knowledge and skills. It is possible to prevent such problems if you study other people’s common mistakes:

  • The collection of birch branches is not carried out in a timely manner: too early or late. This subsequently reduces the quality of the finished products.
  • Birch branches are cut on a rainy day or before noon, when the dew on the leaves has not yet dried.
  • The process of knitting prepared raw materials is disrupted.
  • The requirements for drying technology are not met: the bundles are exposed to the negative influence of the sun.

When preparing brooms for a bathhouse, only a few strictly comply with all the requirements. To prevent the mistakes described above, it is worth following all stages of the technological process and storing finished products correctly.

Important! After the first frost, harvesting plant materials (cutting birch branches) is strictly not recommended. In any case, it will only be a waste of time.

In order to avoid mistakes when drying birch brooms, it is important to familiarize yourself with common mistakes in advance Source

What are they: characteristics

A sharp and fragrant broom is a must-have attribute of any bathhouse.

They are:

RowanaceaeBird cherry, etc.

The healing capabilities of bath attributes lie in the physical effects and pharmacological effects of various active substances. Popular sauna attributes can be made from any wood or grass. Important conditions: the elasticity of the finished broom and the absence of harmful substances.

The effect of a broom directly depends on the material. This can be stimulation of blood circulation, relaxation, and cleansing of the skin. The use of a bunch of branches in a bathhouse is strictly prohibited on a full stomach and for people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The process of massaging with a bunch of branches in a steam room can have an excellent relaxing effect. This helps strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process of the skin. It is necessary to whip with a damp, pre-soaked broom. It is possible to use additional aromatic oils for soaking.


A broom is an integral attribute of a bathhouse; more than one visit is not complete without it. The unique aroma of birch fills the steam room, improving your mood and well-being. Afterwards, it’s nice to take a dip in a cool pond (find out here whether pregnant women can go to the bathhouse).

Only a broom assembled according to all the rules will serve as a good assistant in strengthening the protective functions of the body. The timing of material collection is of paramount importance. The video in this article will go into more detail about the nuances of this process.

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