Pros and cons of cedar baths, construction and finishing

If you are thinking about whether it is worth finishing the steam room in the bathhouse with cedar or not, then I want to share my experience with you. Perhaps this will help you decide.

I have been in construction for a very long time - since about 2009. In 2015, I ordered the first test machine of cedar forest from Novosibirsk. This wood immediately impressed me and has not let me go to such an extent that I have almost no waste left. Even the smallest pieces are used to produce furniture, decor, shelves, hangers and other bath accessories. Because you can’t even bring yourself to throw away such a tree.

So the short answer is YES, it definitely makes sense to line the sauna with cedar clapboard. You definitely won't regret it. Neither did I (I built my own bathhouse from cedar beams). All the magic lies in the properties of this tree.

Basic properties of cedar

Cedar is popular for finishing baths around the world. Many craftsmen recognize this breed as ideal for processing. The material looks expensive and gives the premises an elitist feel.

Cedar looks noble due to its structure and natural shades. The wood fibers are small, and the age rings are not clearly visible. The color can be yellow-pink, light or dark brown, less often it is replete with different colors. The polished surface looks gorgeous even without coating with varnishes and paints.

The species is included in the list of the strongest woods. It withstands high temperatures and sudden cooling, does not fade for a long time, does not crack or bend when heated.

In addition, cedar is practically not susceptible to rotting and insect infestation, and dries in the shortest possible time after moisture. This phenomenon is explained by the dense structure. The fibers lie so close that water does not seep through between them and pests cannot get through.

Oak log houses

When figuring out what kind of wood baths are built from, one cannot ignore oak. It is the most durable and expensive type of hardwood wood. Despite the fact that oak log houses are rare nowadays, they are often preferred by wealthy people. This material is durable, heavy and hard. A structure made from this type of wood turns out to be almost eternal, of course, with proper care.

To find out what is best to make a log house for a bathhouse from, you need to take into account that oak tolerates high humidity well, since it is almost as strong as stone. For this reason, this material is ideal for the construction of saunas. But when drying, oak logs can crack, so it is not recommended to use them in regions with a hot climate (for example, Kuban).

Since oak wood is very heavy, when building a sauna it is necessary to build a solid foundation.

Owners' opinions about cedar baths vary. Some are satisfied with the appearance and quality of construction. Other owners complain about independent work and unaccounted for mistakes due to little experience. But everyone agrees that taking water treatments and relaxing in such buildings is a pleasure.

You can verify this by searching the World Wide Web with the query – cedar bathhouse, reviews. You can also find photos of objects there, sometimes they are simply enchanting.

Influence on a person in a bathhouse

It is believed that cedar, when heated, releases essential oils into the air that have antibacterial properties. Beneficial steam penetrates the body not only through the respiratory system, but also through the pores of the skin. Thus, the human body becomes healthier and overall immunity increases.

It is especially useful for people with chronic diseases to be in a cedar bath:


upper respiratory tract

of cardio-vascular system

musculoskeletal system

The procedures are carried out outside periods of exacerbation, which significantly reduces the frequency of relapses.

In addition, cedar has a pronounced forest aroma. Natural smells have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental health.

Indirectly, the health benefits include a reduced release of resins compared to coniferous and deciduous trees. Despite the high content of viscous substances, cedar does not throw them out of the fibers, the surface does not overheat beyond measure, and therefore cannot cause a burn to the skin at the moment of contact.

In what forms is it sold?

Two types of cedar material can be used in the decoration of baths - lining (plank) and timber (log house). Logs can be used to construct the entire steam room building. Lining and timber are used to create interior, and less often, exterior finishes.


Less popular for interior decoration. It costs more, has a decent thickness.

The main advantage is that it retains the aromas and natural shine for years, even with intensive use of the sauna.


Lining can be called the main method of finishing steam rooms with cedar. There are a number of reasons for this.

Plunkets are thin boards with “locks” for interconnection. Interior decoration is more refined and extremely easy to install. In size, this lining does not differ from any standard one, so the calculations are easier to make.

With proper care, planks can last up to 20 years, while the intensity of the odor is reduced slightly.

All lining is divided into grades:

extra The highest grade. Knots, burrs, uneven color and texture are excluded. Selected trees are taken for production, and the finished lining is subjected to additional procedures to extract resins and treatment to increase shine. Has standard mounting grooves;

calm. Various options for processing cedar are formed into a lining without a shelf on the tenon side. The result looks uniform, the seams are almost invisible to the eye. It will not be possible to achieve such an effect with any other lining;

eurolining. It has different quality, but is equipped with enlarged ridges and spikes for the most even joining. There are also special grooves on the back side for air circulation. The surface is smooth, with the ability to dry in record time.

The choice of variety is made depending on the desired effect.


In construction stores and other specialized sales points you can find Siberian and Canadian cedar. There have been many years of debate among bathhouse attendants about whether there are differences between these two varieties. Let's look at the facts.


Grown in Siberia and Altai. In harsh conditions, cedar develops especially strong, as it grows new rings year after year to survive stressful air temperatures. Each tree can live for 8-10 hundred years and reach 2 meters in girth near the root with a height of up to 50 meters.

Specimens 200-250 years old are used in construction. Further, the wood changes its structure somewhat and loses its value for processing for finishing.

As a rule, it has a straw-yellow color with a pink core.


Canadian red cedar is also known as giant or folded arborvitae. The wood contains the substance thujaplicin, a natural antibacterial agent.

Tuyaplicin is active against fungi and bacteria, similar to antibiotics in medicine. Mushrooms that provoke rotting are especially sensitive to it. Therefore, Canadian cedar is even more resistant to damage than Siberian cedar.

Expert opinion

Yaremchuk Svetlana Sergeevna

The owner of a SPA salon knows everything about beauty treatments

As for the effect on health, tuiaplicin does not have any additional effects on the respiratory organs and blood vessels. Doctors use the substance only in the treatment of acne and pimples. Thus, baths with Canadian cedar can help in the fight for clear skin.

Giant thuja has a red wood undertone. Such interiors look as cozy and noble as possible.

The thermal conductivity of Canadian cedar is slightly lower than that of Siberian cedar. Therefore, in a hot steam room, this wood will remain somewhat cooler to the touch. For each bath attendant, this fact can be both a personal plus and a minus.

In general, both types have the basic properties of strength, heat resistance without deformation, and moisture repellence.

What is

Cedar in the natural environment
Cedar is perfect for any interior in which there is a desire to create simplicity and at the same time elegance. It is very easy to process and is used all over the world.

The shades of wood can be very diverse - the range of colors is quite large - from pale shades to pinkish. The annual rings on cedar wood do not stand out much, so it looks elegant and noble in the interior.

Are there any disadvantages

  • The main disadvantage of cedar trim is the cost. Prices start at approximately 3,000 rubles for a package of 10 lining boards or timber. You won't be able to find this material cheaper. Depending on the variety and processing, the amount can rise up to 12-15 thousand rubles per package.
  • The second disadvantage is the dishonesty of manufacturers. Often ordinary pine, larch or thuja are passed off as cedar. The buyer overpays for a product that does not correspond to what was declared and is actually cheaper. A similar problem occurs when the resin is not removed from the cedar lining, but is presented as an “estra” grade.

Owner reviews

There are many opinions on the Internet about cedar wood baths. Most buyers who spent large sums on building material were satisfied with the result. Performance characteristics such as reliability, durability, easy processing, stability and wear resistance were noted at a high level.

Designers noted the attractiveness of the variety, the richness of the color and the expressiveness of the pattern. Among the many positive reviews, there are also negative ones. Some consider it inappropriate to spend such amounts on cedar and advise choosing a more affordable and common option.

The following video provides an overview of the giant bathhouse made of Siberian cedar.

How to use it in a bath

Cedar trim in baths can be used in many ways:

wall covering;


upholstery of seating areas and shelves;

decorative inserts on other types of finishes;

design of mirrors, dressing rooms, locker rooms;

laying on all elements and surfaces of the room.

In this case, the finishing can be done in one tone of wood or in several. The play of different varieties and colors looks beautiful when dark elements are implanted with a pattern inside light ones or vice versa. No less beautiful is the alternation of the direction of laying timber or lining horizontally and vertically, diagonally. Thus, you can create amazing drawings depending on your imagination.

Manual cutting

Wood harvested by hand is actively used to create durable and reliable building materials. This method is actively used when processing coniferous varieties. Professional companies prepare products in winter for the whole year ahead.

Hand-cut cedar is ideal for building bathhouses, country houses, gazebos and other structures.

Trees are cut down at night. The bark is removed manually using an ax. During the process, no more than 0.5 centimeters of the layer is removed to protect the tree from negative environmental factors. If necessary, antiseptics are used.

Before sending the material to store shelves, it must rest for about six months. The material is stacked on top of each other with a lattice and protected with a canopy, leaving space on the side for ventilation.

Installation recommendations

The installation of cedar timber or lining differs little from the technologies for working with other wood.

To begin with, prepare the surfaces and lay out all the electrical wiring. A sheathing is formed on top, to which the wood will be attached.

Insulation and vapor barrier material (special aluminum foil) are placed on the sheathing. Next, install the lining or timber directly, let the sheathed surfaces stand for a couple of days and apply an antiseptic composition or varnish for saunas and baths.

IMPORTANT! Before starting work, the cedar must be kept without packaging for 40-48 hours at room temperature. A horizontal position is maintained so that the wood straightens and adapts to the microclimate of the room.


The cedar in the bathhouse decoration has darkened, why?

It is common for both cedar lining and timber to change shade somewhat over time. If darkening is not associated with mechanical damage to the surface, then it is natural and does not in any way reduce the quality of the wood. If damage is detected, the area must be treated with an antiseptic and repaired with a special wood putty.

Why do you come across the “extra” grade of cedar lining with knots? This is a lie?

Some manufacturers are confident that knots impart greater aroma to cedar and are left there on purpose. This is usually indicated in the product description. If there are doubts about the quality or authenticity of the tree, it is better to inquire about the availability of a certificate for the product and study reviews of the supplier with the seller.

The sauna has an infrared oven. Will cedar fade?

Cedar withstands all types of radiation and heat. An additional guarantee of color preservation will be the treatment of surfaces with varnish for baths and saunas.

If Canadian cedar is thuja, and Siberian cedar is pine, is it worth buying them or is it more logical to take pine itself or thuja?

Cedar representatives of these species have a characteristic aroma and density that are not inherent in other varieties of the families. Essentially, they are not similar.

What is better, timber or lining?

Lining is more convenient to install, especially if the surfaces are round or the room is small. It is thinner, more flexible, and easier to form the desired shape.

Cedar finishing materials for baths are a great way to add coziness to a steam room. The smells of the forest along with steam will allow you to relax and distance yourself as much as possible from everyday work. In addition, this is a great way to refine a room, giving it an expensive look, similar to luxury country houses.

Requirements for lining for the steam room and living room

Of course, since the living room in the bathhouse, steam room and washing room are characterized by different temperature and humidity conditions, the requirements for the cladding material are somewhat different. If a steam room requires lining with low thermal conductivity and resistance to high humidity and temperature, then for lining a living room, aesthetic qualities, cost and service life come first.

So, the most important requirements for the material for covering a steam room:

  1. Environmental friendliness. At high temperatures, all substances contained in the material are released into the steam room air. Therefore, plastic panels in the steam room are unacceptable, therefore antiseptics are not used in the steam room.
  2. Low thermal conductivity. The lower it is, the lower the risk of getting burned by leaning against the wall, and the lower the heat loss in the bathhouse.
  3. High resistance to water.
  4. Beauty.
  5. Reasonable cost
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