Everything you need to know about building a sauna from ceramic blocks

Construction using ceramic blocks is widely used in the construction of residential buildings.
This lightweight material, which has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, is excellent for laying walls.

In addition, it is allowed to build a bathhouse from warm ceramics. The design of the steam room can be anything, but compliance with all norms and rules for such premises is required, as well as preliminary drawing up of the project.

Bathhouse made of ceramic blocks: pros and cons

In Russia, there is a tradition of building bathhouses from wood, which is explained primarily by environmental friendliness, and secondly by a special microclimate that allows you to relax with a feeling of closeness to nature. However, few people know that there is another worthy competitor to wood for building a bathhouse. These are ceramic blocks (for example Porotherm, Gzhel, LSR, etc.), more details about which can be read in our article Ceramic blocks.

How to build with your own hands?

You can build a bathhouse from blocks yourself, without involving specialists, whose servants are often very expensive.

The main thing is to adhere to the step-by-step algorithm for constructing the structure:

First you need to draw up a project for the future bathhouse.

Then you should proceed to laying the foundation. To do this, you need to mark the area, dig a trench and make a 15 cm sand cushion at its bottom. The sand needs to be watered and compacted.

Now you need to make wooden formwork over the trench. Using a level, it is necessary to mark off the upper (horizontal) surface of the foundation.

A frame of reinforcement should be made in the inner part of the formwork.

Next, pour concrete into the formwork.

Advantages of a sauna made of ceramic blocks:

Fire safety!

This is one of the most important advantages over wood. One of our customers decided to build a sauna from ceramic blocks after the wooden sauna burned to the ground.

Environmental friendliness of the material

The ceramic block is made on the basis of clay without any chemical impurities, which is very important for a room such as a bathhouse.

Ceramic block is warmer than wood

The thermal conductivity coefficient of a ceramic block is lower than that of wood of the same thickness.

A ceramic wall does not shrink

This allows you to immediately begin exterior and interior decoration.

The cost of a bath made of ceramic blocks will be cheaper than a similar one made of wood

Mold does not form

100% hypoallergenic


In general, we definitely recommend building a sauna from ceramic blocks. In our experience, the products most often purchased for baths are from the Wienerberger plant - Porotherm.

As for construction and finishing technology, it is usually recommended to adhere to the classic bathhouse construction scheme. Many of our clients line the inside of the bathhouse walls with wood (linden, alder, etc.) - this measure fully satisfies the need for a “bathhouse aroma” and a special eco-atmosphere.

Source of the article: https://buildstock.ru/info/articles/84_banya-iz-keramicheskih-blokov-plyusy-i-minusy.html

I want to build a bathhouse! What is better: gas silicate or ceramic block?

Every owner of a private house may have a desire to build a permanent bathhouse. Wooden baths usually don't last very long. 20 years is often the age limit for them.

Of course, a bathhouse can be built from ordinary bricks, but we will consider options for large-format blocks, in case you are involved in the construction of this object personally. Because it is easier and faster to build walls from large-format blocks than from bricks.

The most common materials for building a bathhouse after wood are gas silicate and ceramic blocks.

There are two main reasons for the popularity of aerated concrete: its price and ease of processing. A ceramic block usually costs 20-30% more, and it has to be cut either with a special tool or with a large grinder.

But, nevertheless, experienced builders will recommend a ceramic block to their friends and relatives, and here’s why.

A ceramic block has 2-3 times less water absorption compared to a gas block. Thanks to this, the ceramic block does not require additional processing and waterproofing. If you do not completely waterproof the inside of a gas silicate bathhouse, then all the steam in the steam room will be instantly absorbed into the gas silicate walls. Wet gas silicate walls quickly become covered with mold. A ceramic block, on the contrary, is practically not susceptible to mold and mildew.

A sauna made of ceramic block does not require obligatory lining with plaster, brick or any other method. When wet, a ceramic block practically does not lose its heat-insulating and heat-accumulating properties. Gas silicate, saturated with moisture from the outside and inside, becomes a poor heat insulator. You can read more about the disadvantages of gas silicate here.

You always need to choose the optimal building material personally! You shouldn’t entrust this to builders, because they always choose based on labor intensity. I hope this article will help you with this! I look forward to your ratings and comments!

Source of the article: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/dokavkirpiche/hochu-postroit-baniu-chto-luchshe-gazosilikat-ili-keramoblok-5dbadc262beb4900aeede5f0

Block selection

Now you can decide for yourself which blocks are best to build a bathhouse from. Blocks made of wood concrete, sawdust concrete, silicate and gas silicate blocks have increased hygroscopicity. Since the bathhouse is a source of moisture, their use necessarily requires additional coatings, which increases costs.

When considering other types of blocks, you should determine which qualities are of decisive importance to you and which are of secondary importance. If you need to make fastenings from the inside of the room, then you should not use polystyrene concrete blocks, because they are difficult to drill.

To calculate the total price for the purchase of blocks, we must take into account that the construction of a 4X4 bathhouse takes an average of 10 -11 cubic meters of blocks.

Bathhouse made of ceramic blocks: recommendations and features

Thanks to the growing popularity of ceramic blocks over the past few years, many future owners of private houses, country cottages and even country houses have begun to think about using this particular material. For a long time now, an increasing number of manufacturing plants in Russia have been mastering the production of warm ceramics. Some are repurposed and simply expand their range, while others are built from scratch. The increased popularity is not surprising and is easily explained by the numerous advantages of the material.

In addition to the construction of residential buildings, there is increasingly talk of building baths from ceramic blocks. What are the pros and cons of this choice and what are the features of building with warm ceramics? Let's get a look.

About the material

In fact, ceramic blocks are an enlarged type of brick. They are made from clay, have the same color and, in general, characteristics. But there is also a significant difference. Warm ceramics also known as porous bricks. What is “porous” and how does it affect technical characteristics?

As you know, the process of producing ceramic bricks includes stages such as molding and subsequent firing. So, during molding, a porous agent is mixed into the clay mass. This can be small wood shavings, buckwheat and other husks, etc. Then, during firing in the oven, the porosizer burns out and in its place tiny cavities are formed - the so-called air pores. It is thanks to them that in the future it turns out that the material retains heat perfectly. At least, much better than traditional ceramic bricks, which are hollow and, moreover, solid. More details about the characteristics can be found in the review of brick blocks.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is clear that the pros and cons of a bath made of ceramic blocks are closely related to the advantages and disadvantages of the material itself. Let us briefly list the main things you should focus on. So, the positive aspects include:

  • Fire safety. This is a very important factor for a bathhouse, especially if you plan to use wood.
  • Light weight, due to which the foundation may not be so massive.
  • Excellent level of thermal insulation. Warm ceramics are only slightly inferior to wood and gas blocks, but! This is in dry condition. If the humidity level increases (both wood and aerated concrete blocks strongly absorb moisture), then their advantage is practically neutralized.
  • High level of resistance to mold and mildew.
  • Long service life.
  • Environmentally friendly, because the raw material is ordinary clay - a pure natural material.
  • There is no need to use insulation, especially in blocks with a thickness of 440mm and 510mm (Porotherm 44 and analogues). Although, given that the bathhouse is not a living space, blocks with a thickness of 380mm and even 250mm will be quite sufficient.
  • Quick laying, which is made possible by the absence of vertical seams and large-format size.

Conclusions and recommendations

The pros and cons of a bathhouse made of ceramic blocks are generally the same as those of residential buildings built from this material. As for the project, more or less standard options are most often used. In any case, the overall configuration should minimally include:

  • Actually, the steam room itself.
  • Rest room (dressing room).
  • Veranda.

Additionally, you can make a billiard room and other rooms, it depends on your imagination and the available budget.

Draw up a project, or entrust it to professionals. Find out exactly how many ceramic blocks are in 1m3 of masonry in order to calculate the required amount of materials.

In order to make the walls really warm and avoid the occurrence of so-called “cold bridges”, this is what you should do. When laying a bathhouse, it is advisable to use not traditional sand-cement mortar, but a special warm masonry mixture (Porotherm or similar).

The walls of the bathhouse should be made of ceramic blocks, both internal and external. For finishing work inside, you can use, for example, a blockhouse, and you will have the full feeling that you are inside a wooden room. On the outside, there are a lot of options, from facing bricks to plaster.

You should not make a foundation that is too complex and heavy, otherwise you will simply waste extra money and time. This applies, first of all, to projects of one-story baths. You can choose anything as a roofing material, as an option - a material similar to the roofing of your house. This way you can get a harmonious combination and overall color scheme.

Despite the fact that this material is not yet as common for bath construction as more traditional wood, it is excellent for this. Agree, we all have long had a picture of a classic bathhouse: such a small wooden “tower”. Therefore, many simply continue to act within established patterns. Large-format ceramic stones are a relatively new material for us, and have only been widely used for 10-15 years. Wood has been used for centuries. However, it has also been used for the construction of residential buildings in villages for centuries, but today we see that the bulk of cottages are still built from brick.

Source of the article: https://kerambloki.ru/banya-iz-keramicheskih-blokov.html

Project of a one-story bathhouse made of porotherm ceramic block

What is a heat block: In fact, it is a type of modern building material that has replaced the usual brick. Thermally efficient blocks have a composite structure, which ensures not only high reliability of the structure being built, but also guarantees the creation of a comfortable microclimate indoors.

Such blocks are positioned as a durable material that can last 100 years without losing its original properties. To understand the relevance of these statements, it makes sense to thoroughly understand the technical features of thermally efficient units and read customer reviews.

Manufacturers of heating blocks claim that their products help reduce home heating costs by at least three times .

Wall requirements

The thickness of the walls must be at least 380 mm; for this purpose, warm ceramic blocks of the appropriate size are produced.
For example, you can use stones with dimensions of 260x380x219 mm.

When searching for material from different manufacturers, you should pay attention to the name of the stone - its name will contain the number 38 , which indicates the length of the block.

The walls must be made of fireproof material, so ceramic blocks are just suitable for these purposes. If a fire occurs indoors, the material will be resistant to fire for 4-5 hours.

According to the standards, the walls of the steam room must be insulated not only from moisture, but also from steam . As you know, humid air constantly circulates indoors, so the walls must be protected.

It is recommended to insulate ceramic blocks from moisture, although their water absorption is low and vapor permeability is within 0.14 sq.m./m*h*Pa.

Composition and structure of the thermally efficient block

The efficiency of heat blocks is due to their multilayer structure. In particular, the finished product consists of three layers, each of which performs a specific function. It looks like this:

  • Facade layer Essentially, this is an external cladding that accurately copies natural materials. Manufacturers can produce blocks with imitation of natural stone, marble, and brick. To make the facade layer, cement, granite screenings or expanded clay, plasticizers, and dyes are used. By the way, thermoblocks with a surface layer of expanded clay are of rather low quality.

Expanded clay is a porous material with a lot of air inside. According to the laws of physics, when heated, the air begins to expand, which can lead to the destruction of the façade layer of the heat block. Of course, this process will take more than one year, however, the assertion about the durability of the material is already being called into question.

Therefore, it is better to purchase products that use granite screenings. This advice is especially relevant for residents of the southern regions.

Insulating layer

In the middle of the block there is extruded polystyrene foam - the most widely used insulation in modern construction. Thanks to this layer, high thermal insulation of interior spaces is achieved. It should be noted that the thickness of the insulation varies within 160 mm .

This is a very good indicator. Judge for yourself: a 42 cm with a 160 mm confidently replaces 80 cm of aerated concrete masonry. The savings and efficiency are obvious (see comparison table below).

However, there is a small nuance here: such thermal insulation is achieved only in cases where the density of polystyrene foam is 25 kg/m3 . Therefore, carefully read the technical characteristics of the material - unscrupulous manufacturers often use lower-density foam, trying to save money.

Support layer

This is the internal part where the above expanded clay fully reveals its beneficial qualities. Porous stone significantly improves heat and sound insulation characteristics, while simultaneously helping to reduce the weight of the block.

It is the load-bearing part that bears the main dynamic load, therefore, in addition to expanded clay, there is gray M 500

As you can see, the composite structure of the heat-efficient block sets it apart from its analogues, however, this is only the beginning of our review.

How are heat blocks painted?

Upon completion of construction, the internal walls of the building are plastered, the facade and gables are cleaned of traces of glue, and, if necessary, the seams and joints are carefully rubbed with adhesive. Experts recommend building houses from unpainted polyblock. This is not just a whim or a desire to protect the facade from contamination.

Most often, different batches of painted polyblocks differ in shade. Moreover, a couple of years after the completion of construction, the difference becomes so obvious that the building turns into a spotty structure.

Types of building material

In terms of assortment, heat blocks also look quite attractive. The variety offered on the market can be divided into two groups.

By appearance. Here are the following types of blocks:

  • Private is a standard three-layer product.
  • Half - ½ part of a standard block.
  • Corner - helps to bring out the corners of the building.
  • Corner additional (external) – there is no façade layer on one side.
  • Corner additional (internal) – the façade layer is completely absent.
  • Internal corner - here the façade layer covers only a small area.
  • Window - has a special recess for the frame.
  • Half window – ½ part of the previous block.
  • Door – used for wall structures adjacent to the doorway.
  • External bay window – designed for laying bay windows.
  • Internal bay window - similar in purpose, but has practically no façade layer.
  • Garage - two-layer block without insulation.
  • Belt – designed for the seismic belt.
  • Lintel – for reinforced floors.

Thanks to this assortment, houses from thermal blocks are built as if in a children's Lego set - the necessary blocks are simply placed in their places.

In addition, manufactured heat blocks differ in the following characteristics:

  • Brand of expanded clay . This indicator determines the resistance to dynamic loads; accordingly, the higher the building, the greater the strength of the material. Expanded clay grades usually vary between 50-100.
  • Thermal insulation properties . The type of polystyrene foam plays a role here: regular and extruded. In the latter case, the thermal insulation is noticeably higher.
  • Structure . In particular, heat blocks can be monolithic or hollow. The second option is intended for the construction of reinforced structures: reinforcement is installed in voids and filled with mortar.

It should be noted that finished products differ in standard size.


Designations and markings of blocks may vary: each manufacturer is free to adhere to its own settings. Even the size is different, although it should most likely be standard.

By shape

Just like bricks, warm blocks can be face or row. Facing ones are usually used for wall cladding, although they are also, of course, suitable for main masonry. Solid elements are also used in construction - they are used to lay straight wall parts, additional elements - they are used to lay out corners, half elements - they are used for laying door and window openings.

To size

There are brands that produce stones with a height of 140 mm rather than 138 mm (standard size). Other sizes found on the market:

  • single 1NF – 250x120x65 mm (length/width/height);
  • one and a half 1.35 NF – 250x120x88;
  • double 2.1 NF – 250x120x138/140;
  • porous building stone 4.5 NF – 250x250x138;
  • block 10.8 NF – 380x250x219 (380 – length, 250 – width, 219 – height);
  • block 11.3 NF – 398x253x219;
  • block 14.5 NF – 510x250x219.

Large-format blocks, for example, are used for the construction of buildings with 10 floors. And the same standard aerated concrete with a similar weight is used in the construction of houses, the number of floors of which should be no more than 5 floors. Just like smooth hollow brick, if we compare further.

Technology of building a building from thermal blocks

Finding craftsmen to build a house from polyblocks is quite difficult. Firstly, artisan masons are not accustomed to precision masonry of a heating block in the context of the construction of an ordinary residential building, and secondly, working with three-layer stone is incredibly difficult physically. Unlike lightweight aerated concrete weighing 7-12 kg, one heat block weighs 30 kg. If during a shift during the construction of a house you try to lay at least one row on your own, without an assistant, without skills you can easily break your back.

Therefore, before planning the construction of a full-size building from three-layer blocks, it makes sense to practice on less critical objects, for example, building a bathhouse from heat blocks. There is much less work, and the experience gained is simply invaluable.

Video report. Interior finishing and insulation of a small block bathhouse

The porous structure of foam concrete is due to closed bubbles throughout the entire volume. Its components are sand, cement and foaming agent. Foam concrete gets wet less than aerated concrete, but retains heat better.

Its strength is an order of magnitude less than that of ordinary, even non-reinforced concrete. Therefore, spacious and high baths made of foam blocks are built with an additional supporting frame.

The durability of buildings made of foam blocks with one or two floors requires competent design, high-quality work and the use of elements with the same physical characteristics. The uniformity of the material is especially important in the front layer of the masonry, in the joints of the structural elements of the bathhouse.

Dimensions and specifications

Let's start with the external parameters. Thermally efficient blocks have standard sizes, regardless of the manufacturer. It looks like this:

  1. 200*300*200
  2. 400*300*200
  3. 400*200*300
  4. 530*200*300
  5. 500*300*200

Values ​​are given in millimeters. If we talk about technical characteristics, we can highlight the following features:

Density of façade/base layer1 800/1 690 kg/m3
Density of polystyrene foam25 kg/m3
Density of façade/base layer1 800/1 690 kg/m3
Frost resistance of façade/bearing layer100/50 cycles
Depth of façade layerfrom 50 mm
Insulation thickness160-200 mm
Base layer depth150-200 mm
Thermal resistance4.78 m2*S/W
Weight31 kg
Concrete grade by strengthnot lower than M 200

These values ​​are specified in the regulatory and technical documentation and must be strictly observed, with the exception of the weight of the block, which depends on the layer thickness and external dimensions.

Thermally efficient blockSolid ceramic brickCeramic hollow brickTreeNon-autoclaved foam concreteGas-ash-concrete block
Density, kg/m31200 (bearing layer) 1800 (outer layer)17001400400-500600500
Strength gradeM75M100-M300M75-M50M15-M35M35-M50
Dry thermal conductivity coefficient0,080,80,60,140,16-0,180,12
Frost resistance gradeF50F25-50F25-50F15-35F50
Processing capabilityYesNoNoYesYesYes
Assembly with glueYesNoNoNoNoYes

Read more about brick at the link >>>

Characteristics of warm ceramics

For ceramic blocks with insulation, certain characteristics are established that will help you choose the material necessary for construction:

  • strength grade – M75;
  • frost resistance – F25;
  • heat transfer resistance – 5.09, this indicator is also used when calculating wall thickness in different regions;
  • water absorption – 15%;
  • sound insulation 56 dB.

One of the most popular sizes of such stone is 380x248x249mm, but there are also much larger blocks. The height of the products ranges from 65-219 mm, width 80-510 mm, and length 185-510 mm. Blocks come in different formats, each identified by a specific combination of letters and numbers, here are a few examples:

  1. 12 (6.7 NF);
  2. 20 (9.0 NF);
  3. 30 (8.4 NF).

Ceramic blocks can be additional, single or double.

Pros and cons of a three-layer block

We come to the main part: a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation blocks. This material appeared on the market relatively recently, however, builders have already formed a certain opinion about its strengths and weaknesses. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the consumer findings.


  • Environmental Safety . The raw materials used in production belong to the category of chemically neutral materials. Therefore, regardless of operating conditions, there is no need to worry about the release of toxic substances.
  • Resistant to any environment . Thermal blocks are not covered with mold and mildew, the façade layer is resistant to moisture and sudden temperature changes.
  • Thermal resistance . A wall one heat block thick can replace two-meter brickwork. It should be noted that there are no analogues to thermally efficient units on the market for this indicator yet.
  • Variety . The products are presented in a truly wide range, so you can build residential buildings and technical premises without any problems.
  • Installation speed . Thanks to the three-layer construction, the installation of one block combines the exterior finishing and the installation of insulation. Accordingly, construction efficiency increases 3 times .
  • Low structural weight of the building . The heat block is considered a lightweight material, so you can save on the strength of the foundation.
  • Does not need leveling . By purchasing quality products from trusted manufacturers, you can begin finishing the interior walls without prior preparation.
  • Low cost . Most suppliers claim that the heat block is the cheapest material on the market. This is not entirely true, but construction from such blocks will actually be cheaper than using brick, gas and foam concrete blocks.

The undeniable advantages include a high level of sound insulation and resistance to open fire: the material does not ignite and does not support combustion.

Of course, it was not without its drawbacks . The following points are considered to be the weak points of thermoblocks:

  • Weight. It was mentioned above that the average mass of a block varies within 30 kilograms . Accordingly, it will be very difficult to carry out construction work alone.
  • Joints . Here the three-layer construction plays a negative role: the joint will go right through the wall. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the gaps between the blocks, otherwise the high thermal efficiency will be reduced to zero.
  • Durability . Undoubtedly, heat blocks are products that are resistant to dynamic loads, but only up to certain limits. In particular, the material is suitable for buildings whose height does not exceed 3 floors . If we are talking about multi-story construction, a reinforced concrete frame is needed, which will be filled with heating blocks.
  • Geometry . If we are talking about high-quality thermally efficient blocks from the manufacturer, there are usually no complaints about this point. However, some companies do not pay enough attention to the geometry of the blocks, so builders have to rack their brains to put this puzzle together.

Design nuances

The design of baths is regulated by the document SNiP II-L.13-62, which has recently been amended. According to the document, the steam room should be located in a separate building, its height should not exceed 2 floors. If, nevertheless, there is a bathhouse on 2 floors on the site, then according to the rules, rooms with a wet regime should be located above rooms with a wet regime.

To draw up a bathhouse project, you need to take into account several factors :

  • placement of the building on the site;
  • Consumables;
  • layout of rooms and their number;
  • the presence of window openings and doors;
  • type of heating devices;
  • communications supply;
  • climatic conditions.

If you plan to build a large bathhouse for at least ten people, then it is recommended to provide for all the nuances in the project. It is necessary to design rooms such as a waiting room, a locker room, a shower room, a steam room, a cooling area, a relaxation room, and a toilet. At your discretion, you can add other rooms.

You can draw up a project yourself or contact a design bureau. The latter option is considered preferable, since the bureau has contacts of organizations where the project can be confirmed and construction can begin legally.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, you have decided to choose thermal blocks for construction. There are pros and cons to any material. Heat-saving products made from expanded clay concrete and expanded polystyrene have undoubted advantages over similar building materials:

  1. Large overall dimensions, high geometric accuracy, light weight, and the presence of a textured layer make them indispensable for the construction of private houses, country buildings, and country cottages.
  2. No construction waste.
  3. When constructing low-rise structures, there is no need to use lifting mechanisms.
  4. Low-skilled workers can erect the walls of buildings with high quality.
  5. Finishing of internal walls is carried out without their preliminary preparation.
  6. Possibility of any architectural facade solutions without significant increase in cost.
  7. Reducing the time required for laying walls due to thin mortar joints of masonry adhesives made from dry dispersed mixtures.
  8. Significant reduction in the labor intensity of masonry operations.

When building housing, every developer is interested in the question: should he build thermal walls, what are their pros and cons? It is worth dwelling on their disadvantages:

  1. Weak vapor permeability. The building creates a greenhouse effect. Effective ventilation is necessary.
  2. The laying density should be high, preferably using polyurethane foam.
  3. Uneven edges of blocks. It is necessary to find a good manufacturer to avoid installation problems.
  4. Impossibility of constructing buildings higher than 9 floors. Often the manufacturer limits the height of houses being built to 3-4 floors.

Despite the presence of shortcomings, heat blocks still have disproportionately more advantages.

Difficulties and errors

several difficulties and mistakes during construction :

  • a standard cement-sand mortar for masonry is used instead of thermal insulation;
  • the foundation for the masonry is not leveled and the walls turn out crooked;
  • the thickness of the stone for the walls is incorrectly selected;
  • Waterproofing was not installed before finishing and before laying the walls.

If you follow clear instructions or hire workers from an experienced team, then there will be no problems.

Independent reviews of owners that were found on the Internet

There are much more enthusiastic reviews about heat blocks than negative ones. Even those builders who express dissatisfaction with the material mention only minor nuances, without affecting the main technical characteristics.

About 80% of respondents agreed with the high quality of heating blocks, ease of storage and transportation, speed of installation and reduced foundation costs. At the same time, about 10% of respondents express doubts about the durability of the material declared by the manufacturers. In their opinion, in 100 years any modern blog will lose at least half of its original qualities.

Let's move on directly to the reviews, which were taken at random from one of the construction forums.

Tatiana. Volgograd. I was very disappointed with the exterior decoration.

After going through a lot of options, my husband and I couldn’t find the right texture. Maybe I'm too demanding, but it seems to me that it is better to make the heat blocks smooth on both sides.

Sergey. Vladimir. I am glad that I built a house from thermal blocks.

There are no complaints about the material at all; the manufacturers' characteristics are fully confirmed. We've spent the winter in the new house for two seasons now, no complaints: it's warm and cozy.

Igor. Sizran. I had only heard about such blocks before...

I heard a lot about such blocks, but for a long time I did not dare to make a choice in favor of this material. Chance helped. Driving past the unfinished building, which has been standing for three years now, I noticed that the walls were made of heating blocks. I became interested and decided to take a closer look. The walls are not crumbling, they look quite decent, although they stand without a roof. Definitely quality material.

It should be noted that a lot of complaints are caused by the broken geometry of the blocks. People literally suffer trying to fit inappropriate products. This is a really sore subject. However, a lot here depends on the manufacturer, so we advise you to make a responsible choice.

Construction time: aerated concrete is several times shorter, but brick will last longer

Brick, as mentioned above, is a heavy building material. The weight of a square meter of a wall with a thickness of 380 mm is 3-5 times higher than the weight of a similar wall made of autoclaved aerated concrete. Heavy walls significantly increase the actual cost of the building - most often this is due to additional costs for transportation, land and foundation work.

Currently, only qualified specialists can build a brick house, but anyone can build a house from cellular concrete blocks. Due to the small size and the use of mortar, it is necessary to level almost every brick, which greatly delays the construction process.

And then the “ball” again moves to aerated concrete.

With large and even blocks of aerated concrete, using simple tools and an accessible adhesive mixture, it takes no more than five days to build one floor.

“The process of laying aerated concrete blocks with glue is quite simple, its consumption is about 25 kg per m3 of masonry,” Anton Sheboldasov (Bonolit) introduces the matter. — Kneading the mixture with a drill and mixer, as well as lifting and moving the glue, does not cause problems. Laying ceramics (TC) in modern realities can only be done with mortar; it is important to understand that the use of any type of mortar entails a lot of labor in preparing and subsequently moving it around the perimeter of the house under construction. And the thermal characteristics of the erected walls very much depend on the type of masonry mortar used and the thickness of the seam. Only due to poor quality of masonry joints, heat loss through the joints can be more than 30%.

Processing ceramics is also difficult. Chipping is almost impossible. For cutting, you have to buy expensive tools and consumables that wear out quickly. Blocks often split when cut, making the formation of openings and additional elements very difficult.

The listed points lengthen the construction time using ceramics.

In the case of aerated concrete, everything is done much simpler and more practical; cutting is carried out with a durable hacksaw without defects or waste.

Main material of the structure

The main rule in the construction of a bathhouse is the choice of materials of natural origin.
The most popular option is made of wood. Also, recently, bathhouse designs made from natural building blocks have become increasingly common: aerated concrete, foam concrete, gas silicate, cinder blocks, expanded clay concrete, sawdust concrete, ceramics. Building on the basis of ready-made blocks turns out to be cheaper and more convenient, while the qualities of the material required for a bathhouse remain at the proper level. In the project of our one-story bathhouse in Ulyanovsk, the choice of specialists fell on porotherm ceramic blocks.

What are the advantages of ceramics over other materials for building baths and why are porotherm ceramic blocks attractive?

Ceramic blocks are, first of all, an environmentally friendly material. They allow steam to pass through perfectly, have good heat and sound insulation properties, and high thermal resistance.

porotherm ceramic blocks are very durable and wear-resistant when exposed to various environments: ultraviolet radiation, alkali, acids. The use of porotherm blocks with a thickness of 380 – 510 mm allows you to do without additional insulation. A big plus is the ability to save on additional materials that are usually used in the construction of walls: plaster, glue for processing vertical seams and surface finishing. Porotherm slabs are perfectly flat and have a special tongue-and-groove connection, thanks to which vertical seams do not need to be processed. The dimensions of the blocks make it possible to build walls 4 times faster than with conventional bricks.

Advantages of warm ceramics

The main advantages of using ceramic blocks:

  • Ecological cleanliness. For their manufacture, only clay, water and sawdust are used. If a manufacturer cares about the quality of his products, he performs multi-stage cleaning, due to which all impurities will be removed from them. Therefore, living in a block house is safe for health.
  • Low thermal conductivity. A house made of ceramic blocks is warm in winter and cool in summer. It always maintains a comfortable temperature.
    An additional benefit is savings on heating bills.

    In terms of their energy-saving indicators, the blocks are comparable to wood. Block houses do not require additional insulation.

  • Absence of “cold bridges”. Blocks laid on a warm adhesive solution do not transfer heat through the seams.
  • Fast construction of objects. This is possible thanks to a simple tongue-groove joining system at the ends.
  • Ease. The light weight of the building elements makes it possible to avoid pouring a massive foundation, which has a positive effect on the price of the entire project.
  • Affordable price. In terms of technical characteristics, the blocks are not inferior to bricks, but are several times cheaper. Depending on the size, one block can replace 10 to 15 bricks.
  • High noise insulation. The material is hollow, so the house will always be quiet.
  • Possibility of use for the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions.
  • High vapor permeability of the material. Thanks to the fact that the walls “breathe”, living in such a house is always comfortable.
  • Strength. The blocks do not collapse under their own weight.
  • Frost resistance. They can withstand up to 50 freezing cycles, which guarantees a minimum service life of 50 years. In practice it exceeds 100 years.
  • Low level of water absorption. The blocks quickly remove excess moisture.
  • High speed of construction. If you have experience, the facility can be erected in the shortest possible time.
  • Availability and wide range. Many factories and companies are engaged in the production of blocks, so the buyer has a choice.
  • Attractive appearance. Unlike gray analogues, a ceramic block project looks decent even without cladding.

Verified manufacturing plants

Who can you trust when planning to buy a heating block? The products are quite popular, therefore they are produced in Russia by several well-known companies. Let's look at the three most trusted suppliers.

  • "Klimovsky heating block" . Strict adherence to the conditions of the technological process during production in accordance with GOST and TU. Using original high-quality raw materials. Checking materials for radiation hazards. Laboratory testing of produced concrete for compression and other characteristics. Time-tested quality.
  • “Thermal block. RF" . Representative offices of this production company are located in the cities of Domodedovo and Smolensk. The company has its own production, complies with GOST , and offers a wide range of finished products.
  • "Warm house" . The company operates in the Moscow region and produces high-quality products at affordable prices. The main raw material is Egyptian white cement, which is resistant to any external influences, has increased strength and a long service life.
  • "Balashikha plant" . Our own production is located in the village of Sobolikha, Moscow region. This company has been producing heating blocks for more than 5 years, and all customers note the high quality of the products.

Source of the article: https://xn—-otbebwlggc.xn--p1ai/stroitelstvo/banya-iz-teploblokov-2.html

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