Linden lining - everything you need to know about this group of materials

What is good about linden lining for a bathhouse?

The unique atmosphere of pampering and health that reigns in the bathhouse does not leave a single person indifferent. And covering this room with high-quality material is one of the important points in construction.

Most often, baths are lined with wooden clapboard. When choosing lining for finishing a steam room in a bathhouse, take into account all the properties of the wood from which the material is made.

One of the most used types of wood for finishing the steam room of a bathhouse is lining made of linden wood. Let's figure out why. What are the pros and cons of this material?

Selection principles

When choosing a facing material, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  1. The humidity indicator should not exceed 14%.
  2. Grade and type of material. They must comply with GOST.
  3. The tenons must be intact and there must be no irregularities in the grooves.
  4. There should be no shadows, bark residues, or rotten knots on the surface of the boards.

Beam or log

You can find two types of panels on sale:

  1. Classic timber. Regular straight boards.
  2. Block house. Rounded wood panels that resemble a log.

The block house is dried in special chambers.

Characteristics of linden lining

Linden lining is made from solid linden, which is one of the most common and budget wood options. Solid linden is sawn, dried and profiled using special equipment.

As a rule, trees up to 50 years old are used to make lining. Because a tree up to 50 years old has a small number of knots. The presence of a large number of knots in wood leads to a large amount of waste during the production of lining.

Linden wood is soft and has low strength, making it easy and quick to process. The prevalence of linden in our latitudes is one of the greatest, so it is not expensive.

Linden lining is suitable for both shelves and wall cladding in a bathhouse.

Installation tips

Lathing under the lining is not a complicated process.

But small subtleties still exist:

  • after you calculate the lining for the bathhouse (divide the sum of all areas by the area of ​​one panel, it is indicated on the package) increase the result by 20%. This is the percentage of waste when fitting the material;
  • The same instructions recommend that in bath rooms where there will be direct contact of the surface with water, fasten the panels either vertically or diagonally to prevent the accumulation of water in the connecting grooves. For dry rooms, you can install the boards horizontally;
  • Lathing in a bathhouse should only be done with wooden beams - plastic and MDF are not used here;
  • The lining can be secured both with nails and with the help of special fasteners - clamps. An expert can hammer a nail so that it is not visible, but beginners cannot do this.

Tip: Clamps allow you to connect boards without the visible “interference” of a nail. This cladding looks more aesthetically pleasing.

What determines the cost of fake lining.

Types of lime lining:

Positive aspects of linden lining

It’s not for nothing that linden lining is in high demand among consumers.

Disadvantages of lime lining

Linden lining has few disadvantages, but they still exist.

Although these materials are similar in their characteristics, no tree has the same aroma and healing properties as linden.


What to process

They try not to treat the steam room with anything. But those who would like to preserve the pristine purity of the wood and those who are not happy about the idea of ​​making repairs in the coming years agree that in the steam room you can use impregnations based on vegetable (drying) oils to cover the lining in the steam room - linseed, for example, or paraffin, or wax or a mixture of natural oil and wax.

Silicone, for Elcon lining

The Finns will also offer acrylic varnishes for saunas - they seem to be considered safe, but here everyone decides for himself whether he needs it or not.

In other rooms, you can use any compositions to protect wood - these include impregnations, varnishes, and paints (!more about painting here), and do not forget about antiseptics. Only in the washing room it is better to take those compositions that are suitable for bathrooms.

You can read more about lining processing here.

Information about impregnated wood that has undergone industrial processing is presented here.

Which is better: linden or aspen lining?

Let's assume that the owner of the bathhouse has already made a choice in favor of hardwood for the interior lining of the bathhouse.
And then he is faced with the need to place a bet on one of the two most frequently offered materials with similar properties. You have to choose: lining for a bathhouse - aspen or linden? Is it possible to say which type of wood is best for a bathhouse? Well, the difference between them is really not too big . Nevertheless, we will try to define it more clearly, compare the real characteristics of one and the other breed, and the final decision, of course, is for the reader.

Features of the production of linden boards

For industrial production, trees aged from 60 to 150 years are used. The round timber is sawed into boards and then dried.

There are two types of drying:

  • natural (boards are stacked and waited for several years);
  • chamber (use of drying chambers where wood is brought to the required humidity).

During drying, the material partially warps and cracks. Damaged materials are sent for recycling, while others are processed on machines. A groove and a ridge are formed on them, through which the planks are connected to each other, and the surfaces are processed and polished.

Which lining is better for a bathhouse: aspen or linden?

Better is a relative concept. And here, as always, we advise you to identify your priorities. In the meantime, let’s take a more detailed look at what both types of wood are.

Advantages and disadvantages of linden lining for a bath

Let's start with the fact that “linden lining” tacitly implies that wood from one of the species of this genus . They are very similar in properties, so you should not check with the seller what type of linden. In general, things get to the point where they can sell you aspen under the guise of linden and vice versa - even out of ignorance.

The different species differ slightly from each other, but there is evidence that the hybrid of large-leaved and heart-shaped has denser wood, and therefore slightly harder and more durable.

The color of linden wood is very light - from white to yellowish, sometimes, however, the shade is slightly reddish or towards brown, but more often it is yellowish, wood without visible textures, without any difference in the color of the core and sapwood. The texture of the linden tree is practically indistinguishable to the eye; the annual rings are not visible. Looks smooth, like plastic.

But the most important thing for those who are looking at linden lining for a bathhouse is its characteristics.

The low density of linden wood and its loose structure make it a favorable environment and food for fungi. And despite the fact that the humidity in the bathhouse is high, and this is exactly the condition that mushrooms need, it turns out that you should use linden in the bathhouse only with confidence in ventilation.

Because antiseptic in the steam room and washing room, and these are the wettest areas of the bathhouse. So it turns out that you either need to be prepared for frequent repairs of the lining, or minimize the time the wood is exposed to water. As an option, you can coat the wood with impregnations, which will significantly reduce the amount of moisture absorbed. (For information on impregnation, see the article Finding out how to treat lining in a bathhouse.). You may also want to consider purchasing impregnated wood.

In all reference books, linden's resistance to fungi is considered the minimum level for wood . However, it is worth asking why this tree is so persistently recommended by craftsmen and participants in various forums.

Of course, this can be called a tradition. It was once noticed that doors made of linden do not jam in the opening after bath procedures. This is a sign of slight swelling of linden under the influence of humidity. Therefore, linden is actively used for the production of furniture and windows.

Photo: bath door (linden)

But here’s what’s interesting: we ourselves easily repeated this common statement until we decided to look in the reference books. And this is what was discovered:

Features of surface finishing for baths and saunas

Despite the fact that clapboard cladding for baths and saunas is the same, there are small nuances in how to properly clapboard the ceiling or walls in a bathhouse.


False ceiling in the process of installation. Photo StroyDom

Neither the material nor the technology in this case differs from wall ones, but working with the ceiling is more difficult. You may need either a helper or supports to hold the long slats in position.

Installation of the ceiling begins from any side, but always perpendicular to the slats to which the fastening is made.

You can significantly speed up the installation of lining on the bathhouse ceiling using a pneumatic gun.


As already mentioned, there are nuances everywhere. Finishing the walls in a bathhouse with clapboard is often the final stage of insulation work, so do not forget that the thickness of the sheathing must be sufficient so that it creates a ventilation gap that helps dry both the clapboard itself and the vapor barrier covering the insulation.

Which is better, horizontally or vertically, see the article about clapboard cladding.

ADVICE! The recommended thickness of the sheathing slats is 30 mm.

The first lamella is attached from the top of the wall. In order for the top to be level, the tenon of this first board is usually cut off. According to the rules, the lining is installed with the tenon facing up so that in the future water does not flow into the lock joint.

Since it is quite difficult to install the last lamellas - the last one does not want to go in because there is no space for its tenon, there is the following technique:

LIFE HACK! Connect the last two or three boards separately from the wall to form a block. Insert the entire block at once into the groove of the last board at an angle and press down so that the tenon fits into the groove. Attach the block slats to the sheathing using nails through the front side - it’s still not visible from below, and it will be easier to replace in the future.


The idea of ​​making bathhouse doors from clapboard can be implemented in two ways. We'll describe both, although we don't like one of them.

Let's start with the one that is unsympathetic. To implement it, you need to make a frame from a block of suitable thickness (starting from the future door frame and adding to the block the future thickness of the lining lamellas and heat insulator).

Mineral wool with foil is attached to the frame, so that the foil protects it on both sides - it is assumed that in this way you will protect it from steam. The lining is attached on top of the foil. The reverse side of the door is also covered with clapboard.

All that remains is to attach the hinges and handles.

What don't we like? I don’t like the presence of a surface inside the door on which condensation can settle. The design is sewn, it will take a long time to dry.

The second option looks more pleasant, but the point of covering the shield with clapboard is not entirely clear.

For the second option, you need a tongue-and-groove floorboard of sufficient thickness (again, start from the box). A shield is assembled from a tongue and groove board. Then this shield is covered with clapboard on both sides. That's all.

Dimensions of linden lining for a bath

Since readers are interested in the dimensions of linden lining for a bathhouse, we will try to satisfy their curiosity.

Let's start with the fact that asking the question as if there were a separate standard for linden lining is not entirely correct. Linden is a material, and the shape of the profile board is determined not by it, but by GOST or DIN - depending on which consumer it is produced for, because DIN is a Western standard. In Russia, DIN is used as a standard for the manufacture of Eurolining.

Unfortunately, the matter is not limited to two standards.

This is what Eurolining looks like according to DIN:

And here is the standard for the manufacture of Russian lining:

This is only one option; on sale the thickness can vary from 12 to 40 mm.

I would like to clarify for those who are planning to buy lining that it also happens that unscrupulous sellers name the width of the lining together with the tenon - this is a few millimeters more, then the tenon will disappear in the groove, and you will miss the required meters.

The shape of the lining can be with sharp or smooth chamfers, with an elongated tenon that creates a discharge between the lamellas, with or without relief. The lining imitates timber and rounded logs; the profile can be concave, convex, or straight. All these varieties can be successfully made from linden.

Therefore, in a situation where you want to calculate the required amount of lining before purchasing, you should contact the nearest sellers, see what they have, and then make a calculation from what they have. This is the most rational thing, because any manufacturer may have its own variations of the form and additions to GOST.

Types of modern lining: regular, euro, calm

All three types of lining differ in price, type of connection, and production process. The last two factors affect quality. The usual one is a quarter-planed board with chamfers along the longitudinal sides. Its humidity, as a rule, is natural, from 15 to 25%. The thickness is 15-20 mm. The surface is rough, there are no special requirements for manufacturing.

The “euro” profile is more in demand. It is also called softline.

The boards are connected in a tongue-and-groove manner to form a shelf—a special recess. Quite high demands are placed on production. The boards are dried to a moisture content of 8-12% and planed on high-precision machines on all sides. Next, the lumber undergoes sorting, where, after analyzing defects, it is divided into grades: Extra, A, B, C. Then the finished product is packaged in stretch or shrink film and sent for sale. Eurolining thickness: 12-16 mm, width 80-90 mm.

Calm lining differs from “euro” in profile. When connecting two panels, there is no recess-shelf. Lining width: 90-140 mm. Note that wide panels look great on the ceiling, forming a solid, smooth surface without gaps or differences. It is usually attached to walls horizontally to the floor. It is the best option for large rooms with high ceilings.

Advantages of linden lining

Any tree from which facing materials are made has its own characteristics. Linden lining is notable for the fact that:

If you are interested in linden lining for a bathhouse, you can buy it from us. The cost depends on two factors: size and grade. It is noteworthy that linden lining of the “extra” grade differs in price from grade “A” by approximately 20%, and you can use exactly the one that fits your budget. The main difference between “extra” class lining is its absolute smoothness and the absence of knots, which is more important for commercial saunas than for private ones.

Of all existing materials, linden lining for saunas is considered the best. It has a pleasant light beige color, which visually enlarges the room; Linden clapboard can be used to cover both walls, ceilings and shelves in the sauna. The linden lining purchased from us is completely ready for use and does not require additional processing. Despite all the advantages, this material is far from the most expensive: linden lining price per m2 here starts from 550 rubles, despite the fact that there are both more expensive types of wood and more expensive stores. In our online store, linden lining usually has a width of 95 mm and a side thread that is convenient for assembly.

Buying linden lining

For many years now, the online store “Everything for Baths and Saunas” has been working only with trusted suppliers of wooden linings and sells only environmentally friendly materials. To buy it in the required quantity, you do not have to go to a warehouse or store. Just calculate how much finishing material and what length you need, and place an order on the website, saving several hours of time that can be spent on creating a sauna. Even if you are new to construction, the online store “Everything for Baths and Saunas” knows the slightest intricacies of creating a sauna, in particular, its cladding.

If you are going to buy linden lining in Moscow, the price should be adequate and in no case overpriced. Perhaps this issue deserves separate consideration, because linden lining for steam rooms is very popular, and many buyers do not even try to compare prices on the market. How much does linden for a bath cost in other stores? Prices vary, because linden lining from different sellers also differs in size, type of thread and many other qualities. When choosing who to order the lining from, please note that the price in Leroy Merlin is not lower than ours, but our purchase conditions may be more profitable for you. In general, the price of linden lining is average on the market compared to other similar materials. We are waiting for your orders.


What is

Almost all factories in Russia, whose field of activity is the production of construction wood (timber, boards, logs), also produce the so-called “profiled moldings”.
This is what lining, including linden, refers to. What is lining? This is an edged board with a thickness of 7-20 mm. The top layer (front surface) of each is planed. The average width of lime lining is 90-150 mm. This makes it possible to use it as finishing even in non-standard rooms. All products of profiled moldings have a distinctive feature - a special type of fastening. Each lamella is equipped with two fasteners - a groove on one side, a ridge on the other. Therefore, linden linings are often also called plastic panels (if they are made from it) or MDF.

In the Russian Federation, the most common and popular types of lining are considered to be wooden, made from: linden, oak, pine, larch, alder.


Lining is a type of boards for covering rooms. Not so long ago there was a period of wild popularity for finishing houses, rooms, balconies, verandas and various gazebos with clapboard. Now, with the development of the construction industry, designers have somewhat cooled down to this type of finishing. But there are still rooms in the house in which finishing boards will be the best option for decoration. First of all, these are baths, saunas and steam rooms.

The choice of a tree such as linden for finishing is very important. People who are interested in traditional medicine have long known about the healing properties of linden blossom and honey. But wood also has valuable properties. The quality characteristics allow the use of linden lining for both external and internal decoration of buildings.

Below are the advantages of linden cladding boards.

  • Structure. In terms of use for construction and furniture work, linden wood is an excellent option. By its nature, the trunk contains a small number of natural defects. The products are uniform, visually perfect, smooth and with minimal relief. This adds comfort to the interior decoration of baths.
  • Density. In washing rooms with a heating system, it is necessary to ensure ventilation and air exchange to avoid overheating of the environment. Wall and floor coverings should also not become scalding hot. In this regard, linden, which has a loose structure, is ideal (Density value is within 530 kg/m3).

  • Color spectrum. Wood types affect natural shades. In general, linden boards are light in color, varying between yellow and brown. Some species can be almost white with a warm tint. This is convenient for use in small baths and any other premises.

  • Natural features. When using wood, the release of resin when heated usually causes great inconvenience. At high temperatures, the resin can burn the skin and irreversibly damage the textile item by sticking to it and ingraining itself into the structure of the fabric. In the case of linden, the risk is minimal due to the low resin content in its composition. The above-mentioned healing properties of lining also appear when heated. The boards are filled with essential oils, which with their vapors will saturate the atmosphere of the sauna and literally treat certain diseases, for example, colds or diseases of the nasopharynx and bronchi. And in general, being in a pleasantly smelling room with a natural sweetish aroma relaxes and tones, and also relieves stress.

  • Performance characteristics. Linden lining can withstand high temperatures and sudden changes, as well as high levels of humidity. This is very important for steam rooms and baths, since temperatures there reach 140 degrees and the humidity level is more than 90%. The durability of the board allows us to hope for its long service life. The cheapest types of lining can not lose their quality for 10 years. Elite types of materials, combined with proper care and cleaning, will last up to 30 years. Over time, the finish begins to darken, but this can also be corrected with additional processing.
  • Another undeniable advantage of linden cladding is the ease of its implementation. Even a not very trained finisher will be able to do the job at the proper level without much difficulty.

With all the range of advantages, any material also has its disadvantages.

  • Like any tree, lining can suffer from the influence of microorganisms, especially at high humidity. Mold and fungi can become a large-scale and difficult to eliminate problem if antibacterial treatment is not carried out in a timely manner.
  • When exposed to external factors and the proximity of metal structures, wood darkens over time.
  • Compared to other tree species, linden material is several times more expensive.

  • The only way to save money is to use small boards even in a large room, combining them with each other in different directions. But despite its environmental friendliness and safety, this type of finishing still remains the most suitable for a bathhouse.


The degree of humidity of the facing board can be natural and dry (the indicators of both should be within 10-15%). The difference between them is expressed in quality properties and cost. The dry variety will cost more, since the plant still undergoes an additional stage of processing - removing moisture. This type of lining is less likely to crack and warp.

Color spectrum

Linden lining has a rich range of colors - from almost white with a barely noticeable shade of gold to light brown or golden. One disadvantage of this type of lining is that the color of this type of wood is subject to age-related changes.

When choosing it for decoration, you need to be prepared for the fact that after 5 or 7 years the color of the walls, floor or ceiling may change noticeably. For example, linden, which grows in the central regions of Russia, will transform into an off-white shade. Brought from the Caucasus - deep pink.

Such color transformations most often occur under the influence of high temperatures, for example, in saunas, baths, baths. The original shade can, if desired, be restored by simple sanding.

Lining dimensions

Lining is lumber, which is a cut of natural wood (pine, larch, cedar, etc.). Installation of the molded product is very simple and does not require professional skills, and the optimal technical and aesthetic characteristics of wooden panels successfully compete with other finishing methods. The size of the lining is not the most important criterion that is used when purchasing material, but knowledge of the features of each model helps you choose the right product and correctly calculate the required order volume so as not to overpay.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main parameters of the lining, its purpose and methods of use.

How to sheathe

The technology of clapboard cladding is quite simple, but if you are hesitating between methods, choosing the easiest or most reliable, then you are better off reading a separate material, which we devoted exclusively to fastening methods.

If everything is clear with the installation methods, but questions remain regarding the sequence of work with individual surfaces or rooms, then we recommend following the link to the material where these nuances are discussed.

Main profile parameters according to GOST

The main parameters of the lining are regulated by GOST standards for profile parts made of wood for construction and for softwood lumber. As for the profile length, there are no strict regulations. As a rule, lining from 2 to 6 meters goes on sale. There are also no special requirements for the profile width; this parameter varies from 13 to 120 mm. Buyers, as a rule, prefer to purchase the type of profile that is convenient to transport.

The width and length of the profile are taken as a guide when it is necessary to determine the volume of products purchased. Regardless of the parameters of the lining, the installation principle of the product is identical, which is very convenient for the buyer. If repair or dismantling work is necessary, it will be very easy to find a similar profile of the required size.

On the product packaging, as a rule, the parameters are indicated in the following order: grade, thickness, width, length. The characteristics of the profile values ​​largely depend on the type of wood from which it is made. It should also be taken into account that Russian standards do not correspond to European ones.

Lining profiles for different types of premises

All modern types of lining are equipped with a convenient and reliable tongue-and-groove fastening. Whatever profile is chosen for interior decoration, installation will be equally simple. When deciding how to choose lining for a balcony, bathhouse or living rooms, you first decide on the type of lamellas, which will determine the appearance of the finished finish.

  • Eurolining is a classic lamella with a deep chamfer, visible in its finished form.
  • Soft-line - the same profile, but with a smoother rounding at the transition to the fastening.
  • Shtil is a profile enlarged relative to the chamfer; when finished, it appears perfectly smooth.
  • Landhouse - distinguished by patterns carved on the outer surface. It is inconvenient in the bathhouse, but an excellent option if you need to choose lining for interior decoration of the house.
  • A block house with imitation logs is appropriate everywhere, but requires maintaining the design of the entire room in one stylistic solution.

Use of lining depending on the length of the profile

Here are a few examples of the use of lining depending on the length of the profile:

Two-meter molded product

Profiled boards 2 meters long are often used for interior and exterior decoration of residential premises. Compact size and low specific weight facilitate the process of product delivery and installation. The type of wood, as mentioned above, plays an important role when using the material. So, for example, coniferous wood (cedar, pine, spruce, larch) have strength and good heat transfer. Therefore, 2-meter-long lining is often used for finishing saunas and baths, building facades, and attic space.

The two-meter lining made of hardwood is distinguished by the aesthetic beauty of its profile. No additional finishing or polishing of the frame is required. By their structure, deciduous trees do not contain resins, so they cannot be used in rooms with high levels of humidity. But such molded products are ideal for interior decoration.

Three-meter lining

A 3-meter long lining is considered a medium-sized molding product. The profile parameters are convenient for transportation and installation. The material cannot be used as an additional thermal insulation layer, but at the same time, a three-meter lining is capable of retaining heat in the room.

Strength and resistance to mechanical stress allows the profile to be used as a reliable finishing material - most often for the interior of premises.

Beautiful examples

In a small sauna, clapboard trim in different shades will look great. Stripes will give the room a more stylish look. And the effect of darkness and gloom can be avoided with the help of additional lighting on the ceiling.

At a minimum cost, even a very tiny steamy corner can be enhanced by finishing in different directions. Vertical and horizontal elements of the same shade highlight different surfaces, but at the same time look like one whole.

Contrasting colors will add an interesting accent. The main thing is not to get carried away with dark shades. They can highlight seat backs and vertical trim elements and lamps. If there is a large amount of it in the bathhouse it will be dark and uncomfortable.

If wooden walls and ceilings are too boring for you, you can add brightness using themed panels with artificial lighting. Images of hot stones, wood or fire will add warmth, comfort and relaxation to the interior.

Dependence of the price of lining on the dimensions

If you are planning to purchase lining, then keep in mind that its price depends on the dimensions of the profile. As a rule, the longer the molded product, the higher its cost. Four-meter and six-meter linings are more expensive, as they should not contain dead knots. The presence of such a defect affects the defective finish. As a rule, a long profile is used for hemming roof overhangs and in this case the wooden board must be flawless, without any flaws.

A small lining is easier to transport, and delivery, as a rule, also affects the final cost of the order. In any case, it turns out that purchasing oversized profiles is much more profitable, but, unfortunately, in some cases it is appropriate to use only a long wooden board.

The size of the lining depending on the type of wood

The type of wood from which the lumber is made also affects the final profile size. The most popular varieties of trees from which molded products are made are larch, cedar, and Angara pine. The main parameters, grades and prices of lining in our company are presented in the table below

Pine/sprucelarchLindencedarAngarsk pine
thicknessFrom 12.5 mm to 13 mm14 mm14 mm14 mm14 mm
length6 metersFrom 3 to 4 metersFrom 1 to 3 meters2 to 3 metersFrom 2.4 to 4 meters
WidthFrom 96 mm to 140 mmFrom 96 mm to 140 mm96 mm140 mmFrom 90 to 115 mm
PriceFrom 270 rubles per m2From 450 rubles per m2From 700 rubles per m2From 650 rubles per m2From 550 rubles per m2

How to correctly calculate the amount of lining?

First you need to calculate the working area, and then the number of boards.

Let's consider the covering of a dressing room with a width of 4, a length of 5, and a height of 3 meters.

We break it down into components whose area is easy to calculate.

In our case, these are 4 rectangles, two of which are 4x3 in size, and two more are 5x3. Then we calculate the total area of ​​the walls: (2x4x3)+(2x5x3) = 24 + 30 = 54 square meters.

To calculate the number of panels individually, divide the total area by the size of the usable area of ​​one board. With a board width of 100 mm, 30 pieces of 4 m each and 30 pieces of 5 m are required.

Please note that to cover the dressing room indicated in our example on walls 4 m long (24 sq. m), it is better to buy lining at least 4 meters long with a 15% margin for trimming. For walls 5 m long, choose boards from 5 m with the same margin for waste.

In addition, if there are window and door openings, you should subtract their area so as not to overpay.

Tips and recommendations for choosing the size of the lining

To choose the optimal size and type of lining, first of all you need to know exactly the parameters of the room (length, width, height) where the finishing will be carried out. If we are talking about the facade of a building, it is also necessary to take into account the parameters of the roof. If we multiply the width and height of the space to be finished, we get the number of square meters. This formula is convenient to use if the space requiring finishing has the correct shape.

If the room has an irregular or complex shape, it is necessary to separately calculate the parameters of individual sections and then summarize the obtained indicators.

In order to calculate the required amount of lining, you need to multiply the parameters of the room by the parameters of the thickness of the lining. And if you want to find out how many panels are in one cube, you need to multiply the length, width and thickness of the selected lumber. It is advisable to increase the resulting result by 15% in case of an unforeseen situation that may arise during the finishing process.

If such mathematical calculations make it difficult for you, then the easiest way is to contact representatives of the company where you are going to purchase the lining. Also, as a rule, the website of profiling organizations has an online calculator function that allows you to determine the preliminary order amount.

Area calculation

The sequence for calculating the area of ​​the surface to be covered is best calculated using the example of a house measuring 6x10, where the ceiling and walls will be sheathed.

Then we calculate the quadrature of the first room. Let's say the length is 6 m, width - 5 and height - 2.5 meters.

Then everything is extremely simple, as taught in school:

  1. Long side - multiply the height by the length 6x2.5 = 15 m2;
  2. The wall opposite has the same dimensions, for this reason we multiply the result by two 15x2 = 30 m2;
  3. Using the same principle, we calculate the square footage of the wall, which is smaller than 5x2.5 = 12.5 m2, multiplying the resulting result again by two 12.5x2 = 23 m2;
  4. To calculate the ceiling area, multiply the width by the length of the room 5x6 = 30 m2;
  5. We add up the data obtained and get the coverage area of ​​this room 30+23+30=83 m2;

In the same way, we calculate the area of ​​​​the remaining rooms, add the result together, and we will know the total quadrature of the entire surface.

We calculate the square footage of the balcony in the same way, except that in this case it is most convenient to divide each side into its constituent figures.

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