Everything you need to know to choose a table for a bath and sauna

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Felix February 10, 2019Specialization: philological education. 20 years of experience as a builder. Of these, for the last 15 years he led a team as a foreman. I know everything about construction - from design and zero cycle to interior design. Hobbies: Vocals, psychology, quail breeding.

At the sauna table you can take a break from steam treatments and drink tea.

Greetings, my dear readers.

A good rest in the bathhouse is impossible without a durable, reliable and comfortable table. It is very important to know the rules for choosing it before purchasing or making it yourself. Let's figure out what and how you can make a wooden table for a bathhouse.

For baths and saunas

Other sections of our site talk a lot about the difference between a bathhouse and a sauna. But when it comes to tables, the difference between these types of national baths becomes completely insignificant , because the table in the bath or the table in the sauna will not be in the steam room, but in the relaxation room (or even on the veranda). If so, then let me consider this issue closed. We will talk further as if about tables for a bath, but implying that they are equally suitable for any sauna.

Healing properties of wood

A Russian bathhouse is a special place where you do more than just wash yourself. Here you can cleanse and strengthen the body. Hot steam helps cleanse the circulatory system, normalize the functioning of the heart, liver, lungs and other systems. This has been known since ancient times. In Rus', all diseases of internal organs were treated with a steam room. Therefore, the furniture for the bath should be appropriate. When making it, the bioenergy of each breed known from the Druid heritage is taken into account. Solid wood products produced in Moscow are not only amazingly beautiful, but also have healing properties.


There are several important features that describe a real table: shape, size, material and design. They can be used as the basis for classification, which is what we will do.

What are the shapes?

To begin with, let's highlight the two main structural elements of any table: the tabletop and the support. When it comes to shape, we primarily mean the shape of the tabletop. The main types are as follows:

  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • circle;
  • oval;
  • polyhedron (starting from a triangle).

As for the rest room, the best option would be one that makes efficient use of the available space. Round and oval tables are usually placed away from the walls, often in the center of the room. The rest can be attached to the wall on one side if necessary.
ON A NOTE! However, the absence of corners increases the “capacity” of your table. This is not bad if there are more guests than you planned when choosing furniture. Another way to increase capacity is to install an extendable table.

To size

This is perhaps the most important feature of a table because it determines capacity and is worth thinking about in advance . There is a certain relationship between the size of the tabletop and how many people can sit at such a table.

IMPORTANT! Assume that a person needs at least 60 centimeters of personal space in order not to feel cramped. This is the width of the seat.

That is, it is clear that a table of 120x60 cm can comfortably fit 6 people. But for a table for four, the side of the square or the radius of the circle should be 85 cm - in this case, the person sitting will have enough space in front of him.

The second important point is the depth of the seat . This is the area by which the chair is spaced from the table when seated. It is 70 cm. Pay attention to this value - it should not be reduced or occupied with something else.

ADVICE! For more detailed information on the sizes of tables and chairs for a bath, take a look at the page with ergonomic diagrams for tables of different shapes.

By material

Now this is an interesting point. When it comes to a Russian steam room, it would never even occur to anyone that there might not be a wooden table for a bath. But saunas are more variable in design , and if the style allows, then the material for the table can be glass in combination with metal , for example. However, it’s worth focusing on the majority, and besides, the tree can be different.


Different types of wood differ from each other in hardness, color, texture, amount of moisture absorbed, number of knots, presence or absence of resins , as well as many other parameters. But a log can also be cut in different ways, for example, there is a tangential cut , which reveals the beauty of the annual rings of the tree.

Of course, if you paint wood, then a lot can be ignored, but still...

Let's start with the fact that in addition to solid wood, chipboard, MDF and even thick plywood . We strongly do not recommend making your own or purchasing bath furniture from these materials. Because the humidity in it is high.

In principle, all the important characteristics of wood are mentioned in the article to which a link has already been given above. However, let's repeat briefly:

  1. Soft wood is easier to process, but it is easier to be mechanically damaged during use. These species include: linden, aspen, alder, poplar, spruce, pine, fir, etc.
  2. Medium hardness is inherent in: oak, birch, larch, elm, plane tree and other species.
  3. Very hard wood at the same time has high density and resistance to damage, including biological damage from rodents and insects. Almost all exotic species have high hardness, as well as those more familiar to us - white acacia, yew, dogwood, maple, etc.
  4. Resistance to decay is higher in conifers due to their resins.

ATTENTION! Wooden tables for the bathhouse can be made from any wood that the owner likes, because the relaxation room is a cool room with moderate (compared to the steam room and washing room) humidity.

By design

The design is more about supports for the tabletop. They really can be very, very different. The number of legs on the table varies from 1 to 4 (extra legs may appear in particularly long individuals).

  1. Biped with a king

    When there is only one leg, it is attached to the cross, which gives it stability. In this case, the connection of the leg with the cross and the tabletop is often additionally strengthened with jibs.

  2. A two-legged table also needs increased stability, which is achieved with crossbars that turn both legs into inverted T shapes. Another crossbar (called a “tsar”) fastens the legs together so that they do not loosen or move apart.
  3. A three-legged table is usually made light, like a coffee table; it is stable, but not too much.
  4. Four legs is the most common design. A common way to add additional rigidity to the attachment of legs to the tabletop is to use ribs that cover the outside of the attachment. However, no one bothers to connect the legs at the bottom with the help of transverse or diagonal beams, or with the help of a spacer in the form of the letter I (in another font it has visible upper and lower bars).
  5. However, the matter is not limited to this, because there are a couple more designs of legless tables. One of these options is hanging. Moreover, you can hang it from the ceiling or the wall.


Why not consider separately a variety that can increase the usable area by folding an unused table? There are two types of folding table

  • held horizontally by a pair of chains or other flexible attachment to the wall;
  • resting on a folding support from below.

ADVICE! When choosing the design of such a table, pay attention to where the greatest load is applied. It is undesirable for these to be loops.

The stop itself can be attached to the wall or rest on the floor.

Photo source

IMPORTANT! The folding table cannot be large. Usually its size is such that the maximum number of people behind it is no more than 3.

In shape it can be semicircular, semi-oval or square, rectangular .


Since any of the tables you choose will be in the bathhouse, you definitely need to take care of the covering. This can be either paint or varnish. Nothing prevents you from first covering the wood with an antiseptic, and only then with varnish or paint.

Again, there are no restrictions on the use of this or that coating . You don’t even have to spend money on more expensive imported bath varnishes - they are designed for washing or steam rooms, and in the relaxation room you can cover everything that is suitable for residential premises.


Whether you make it yourself or buy it in a store, sets made in the same style are more attractive.

Benches and tables

Since our website contains materials that contain a lot of interesting information about what bath benches are like or how to make them yourself, we will limit ourselves to presenting a few photographs of sets of benches and tables for a bathhouse - perhaps they will inspire you something of its own.

Tables and chairs

We will do the same with tables and chairs for the bathhouse.

Primary requirements

Furniture for a bath must meet the following requirements:

  • Moisture resistance. This is one of the main conditions for the use of interior items in the bathhouse.
  • Resistance to aggressive biological environments. If this requirement is not met, mold and mildew will quickly appear on the surface.
  • Environmental friendliness. Furniture should not contain harmful components and large amounts of resins. Only this guarantees the safety of its use.
  • Low thermal conductivity. If the interior items do not meet this requirement, they will quickly heat up, which will make it impossible to use them in the bathhouse.
  • Resistance to high temperatures and temperature changes. Since sauna rooms are constantly heated and cooled, the furniture must withstand such changes.
  • Ease of processing. Products should be easy to sand, which guarantees their visual appeal without the use of paint and varnish coatings.
  • Use only metal fasteners. The fact is that glue, liquid nails or other similar materials emit toxic fumes when heated. For this reason, it is not recommended to use interior items in the bathhouse, in the manufacture of which these compositions were used.
  • Good ventilation. This guarantees a long service life of the products. If the furniture is poorly ventilated, rotting processes will soon begin inside the material and the products will become unusable.

It is best to make bath furniture to order from craftsmen who specialize in these interior items. Only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the products and their compliance with the specified requirements.

How to make it yourself

We have already said more than once that carpentry requires the availability of tools and experience. If you have both, we suggest you use the diagrams that we present in this article. By the way, there beginner carpenters will also find instructions for making a very simple table for a sauna or bathhouse.

Of course, for a simple table made of good, even boards and thin timber, there is no need for serious tools, especially if you place the parts on self-tapping screws. All you need is a saw, some sandpaper and a screwdriver . But this is the minimum. And if you want something more serious, then you need to master working with wood, characteristic connections that are suitable specifically for wooden parts.

For those who want to try their hand, we found a suitable video.

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