Useful properties of tar soap that you don’t know about

Recently, the popularity of tar soap has been gaining momentum again, because this product has a huge number of beneficial properties for both the face and hair. Therefore, in our article we will figure out what tar soap is and whether it is useful for humans.

You can react to it differently: some don’t like its smell, some don’t like its color, but this will not diminish the advantages of this product, because if you know how to use it correctly in a given situation, you can benefit from all available benefit. Below we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages that tar soap has, its properties, application, and how to use it correctly. We will also give examples of several effective masks for hair and skin.

What is tar soap used for: benefits and harms

The drug consists of 90% ordinary soap and 10% birch tar. Soap brings certain benefits to the skin, and in combination with tar it becomes an antiseptic and antiparasitic agent. Tar is a natural substance and has a rich structural formula, which includes:

  • xylene;
  • triazoles,
  • benzene;
  • phenol;
  • resinous substances;
  • toluene;
  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids.


Tar soap is effective for psoriasis, acne, and seborrhea.

Useful properties of the drug:

  • eliminates rashes, including allergic ones;
  • normalizes blood flow;
  • regenerates tissue cells,
  • eliminates scars and red spots;
  • dries.

Tar in combination with soap accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues, eliminates acne, dries wounds and scratches. Often used in the fight against food rashes and acne.

Tar soap is effective as a means of protection against infections. Quickly heals skin from microtraumas and diaper rash. Used to eliminate pigmentation. Among other benefits: strengthens hair, gives it shine and a healthy look.

Contraindications when using tar soap

When used daily, soap dries the skin excessively, so it is not recommended to use it several times a day. Do not rinse your hair with hot water; the substances it contains may clot. After this, the hair will become dull and ugly. Soap with tar can wash away chemical dyes from hair. In order not to spoil the shade, it is better to use the drug no more than once a week.

Soap has very few disadvantages. One of the serious ones is the smell. Some people may become intolerant. When using soap for the first time, you need to be careful. It is important to remember that the smell quickly disappears, and the drug does more good than harm.


Is it possible to use tar soap on hair? The benefits of birch tar are invaluable in this case, despite the fact that after its use everyone remains to their own opinion. Some say that after using this product, the hair becomes stiff and itching on the scalp begins. Others, on the contrary, claim that in just a few days they got rid of dandruff, and their hair became unusually beautiful and healthy. So who is right in this situation, let's figure it out?

Indeed, it has long been proven that tar soap, the benefits and harms of which in this case are unequal, fights dandruff. So why do some people report dullness and hair loss after using soap? The answer is obvious. This effect will be observed only after the first use, so do not be alarmed, because after just a few days of use you will notice a positive result. Your hair will become manageable, soft, and you can forget about dandruff altogether.

Top 10 best tar soaps

Tar soap is very useful and inexpensive. People of all income levels can use the hygiene product. Our rating of the best tar soaps includes products from well-known cosmetic companies that are most popular among users and have collected the largest number of positive reviews.

  1. Nevskaya cosmetics
  2. Recipes for cleanliness
  3. Stork
  4. Spring
  5. Svyatogorye
  6. Linom
  7. Aklen
  8. Spivak
  9. Pure traditions
  10. Naturotherapy

Manufacturers offer tar soap in bar, soft or liquid forms.

Nevskaya cosmetics

Soap from a Russian manufacturer made from natural birch tar without artificial dyes or additives. Among the active ingredients is a natural humectant - glycerin. The soap is intended for problematic acne skin.

Active componentsBirch tar, glycerin
PeculiaritiesTests carried out at ANO "Cosmetic Test" have proven the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug
, Russia

Price from 25 rub..


  1. Contains moisturizer.
  2. Foams profusely.


  1. Dries the skin.
  2. Not suitable for everyone.
  3. The composition contains substances that cause tissue irritation.

“I have naturally thin, almost transparent hair. Before washing my hair, I lather my hands and create a lot of foam. Then I apply a nourishing mask. After drying, hair does not look cemented, but becomes crumbly. I use the product twice a week. Soap thickens hair and gives density. This is noticeable visually. Soap will give strength to the fine structure of the hair.”

Recipes for cleanliness

Soap contains up to 10% tar and natural vegetable oils. Manufactured in accordance with GOST, does not contain synthetic components. Deeply cleanses tissues and eliminates inflammation. Suitable for making masks. The foam is applied to the skin for a few minutes. Natural peeling evens out the face. Palm oil in the composition of the product allows you to use the product for washing hair.

Peculiarities100% natural product containing palm oil
Weight90 gr
, Russia

Prices from 23 to 43 rubles


  1. Manufactured according to GOST.
  2. The active substance is natural tar.
  3. Effective against acne.
  4. Cleanses the skin.
  5. Suitable for washing hair.



“I have combination skin prone to acne. Acne occurs on the décolleté and back. That's why I use this product for my face and body. I wash my hands. After the foam forms, I add a couple of drops of fir essential oil. I wash with foam. As a result of this treatment, acne has become significantly less. The manufacturer recommends additional use of moisturizer, but I do not feel any tightness. I use the product no more than twice a week. The effect of the drug does not occur immediately, but with regular use.”

What harm can it do?

As for the harm of tar soap, it is, thanks to the natural composition of the product, minimized and consists of the following:

  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • It has a drying effect and can therefore cause dry skin or hair.
  • It has a strong, not entirely pleasant odor.

As you can see, the pros significantly outweigh the cons, but whether to make friends with tar soap or give preference to the latest products, everyone must decide based on their own experience.

After all, even despite thousands of rave reviews, there are always those for whom this product is not suitable for one reason or another. However, considering all the beneficial properties of tar soap, it is clearly worth a try.

Be healthy!


The soap is made from natural ingredients with the addition of vegetable oils and is suitable for daily use. Tar - has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. In combination with soap, it quickly cleanses the skin, accelerates metabolic processes in tissue cells, promotes rejuvenation, and accelerates hair growth.

Active IngredientOleum Rusci - natural birch tar
Weight140 g
ManufacturerStork, Russia, St. Petersburg

Budget cost from 20 to 25 rubles.


  1. Completely natural composition.
  2. Quickly dries out pimples.
  3. Cleanses the scalp from dandruff.



“I used the soap for one week, during which time there was not a single pimple left on my face. I used foam to wash my face. I secured the result with a white clay mask with five drops of lavender oil. Keep the composition on your face for 15 minutes. I didn’t have such good skin even after washing with expensive gels. The soap smells like campfire and smoked fish.”

Liquid soap with antibacterial effect “TANA”

Thanks to its special formula, Tana liquid tar soap has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, softens, moisturizes, and maintains the correct pH level.

Due to the content of birch tar, it is suitable for skin affected by psoriasis and various types of dermatitis.

  1. Directions for use: apply a small amount to the skin, massage lightly, rinse with warm water.
  2. Contraindications: individual intolerance.
  3. Storage conditions: in a dark place at room temperature.


Tar is a good natural antiseptic, improves blood supply to tissues, copes with frostbite, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Soap with this active ingredient has antiseptic properties and easily cleanses the skin. Regular use of tar soap helps get rid of skin fungus, seborrhea, boils, and acne.

Additional IngredientsPalm and coconut oil
Weight90 g
, Russia

Prices start from 19 rubles and go up to 45 rubles.


  1. Relieves inflammation.
  2. Made according to GOST.


Dries the skin.

“I used to use tar soap for a specific situation. Now using it on an ongoing basis as preventive protection. I use it for washing and washing the body, foot baths, preventing animals from fleas, washing clothes and insoles. For body and face using soap twice a month.”


In general, natural tar is well tolerated by the human body. However, you should definitely take into account contraindications to the use of tar.

If any unwanted reactions or side effects occur, you should stop using the tar product.

  • allergy;
  • sensitive, tender or dry skin;
  • increased photosensitivity;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • kidney diseases.


Handmade soap. Tar - helps get rid of acne and returns the skin to a healthy appearance. Olive oil - saturates the skin with vitamins A, D, E. Shea butter - promotes cell regeneration, makes the skin silky.

PeculiaritiesSelf made
Oils includedOlive, Shea, Palm, Coconut, Palm Kernel
Weight80 g
ManufacturerFactory "Ural Manufactory", Russia

Price 200 - 300 rub..


  1. 100% organic.
  2. Relieves acne.
  3. Suitable for washing hair.


You can purchase via the Internet or specialized stores.

“It took me two weeks for the inflammation and redness on my face, back and décolleté to disappear. I washed my face with soap 2 times a day, morning and evening. I made applications from a bar of soap on large subcutaneous elements. The subcutaneous area disappears in 3 days; normal acne disappears in one. I didn’t notice at what point the acne started to go away, I just suddenly realized that I was out of the habit of acne.”


The soap of the Belarusian brand follows classic soap-making technologies and is made from natural ingredients. Suitable for sensitive skin, intended for regular use. Has a powerful antiseptic effect. Copes with pimples and acne. Helps maintain a healthy appearance of the skin, saturates it with minerals and trace elements.

PeculiaritiesSuitable for daily use, recommended for sensitive skin
IncludedSiberian tar, glycerin - natural moisturizer
Weight140 g
ManufacturerPharmaceutical, Belarus

Prices vary greatly on resources 20 - 300 rubles.


  1. Sold in pharmacies.
  2. Foams well.
  3. Relieves dandruff.
  4. Removes oily shine.


Tightens the skin.

“I’ve been using it for 3 weeks. During this time, the block did not crack, did not soften, and looks like new. Foams great. Immediately after washing, you feel a drying sensation. And it's great for my oily skin. I cleared out all the pimples on my décolleté and back simply by using soap every day instead of shower gel.”

Scope of application and beneficial effects

If you ask me where such soap is used, it is easier to list where it is not used. The main area in which the healing folk remedy is involved is the prevention and treatment of diseases of the human body resulting from infectious, parasitic and purulent infections.

In medicine and medical cosmetology it is recommended in the following cases:

  • parasitology - to get rid of lice (it not only kills adult individuals, but also gets rid of nits, preventing re-infection by new parasites hatched from them), it helps against fleas;
  • dermatology and gynecology - against fungus (nail fungus is eliminated after a couple of months with regular use, just like skin dermatitis), it is also used for thrush (candidiasis);
  • virology – for the treatment of papillomas caused by human papillomavirus;
  • cosmetology for the face, with the appearance of acne, acne, acne of any etiology, and they treat not only the face, but also the body, if a person, for example, has psoriasis;
  • from hair loss, dandruff, excessive fat production, seborrhea.

You can wash your hair with tar soap if you experience negative consequences from parasites, metabolic disorders, or internal diseases.

Wash regularly and use as a hair remedy, treat and cleanse feet for mycotic infections of the feet, between the toes and on the nail plates.

Intimate hygiene with such a remedy eliminates problems in the genitourinary system caused by mycoses and their intense vital activity, stops their growth and development, thanks to its beneficial properties.

The exception is cases when external manifestations of the disease are associated with internal diseases that will have to be treated with the help of a specialist. But after prescribing the appropriate medications, and knowing how to use a folk remedy, you can quickly eliminate all negative external manifestations.


A unique type of soap with natural birch tar improves blood supply to the skin and promotes tissue regeneration. The composition of the cosmetic product is completely natural, without artificial dyes, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Recommended for use on problem skin, for face and neck care. The soap is thoroughly foamed and applied to the face. If necessary, repeat the procedure. It is recommended to store in a cool, dark place for no more than 36 months.

Active IngredientBirch bark tar
ViewLump in box
Weight75 gr
, Russia

Price 20 - 50 rub..


  1. Natural composition.
  2. Suitable for oily skin.
  3. Quickly removes acne.


With caution for sensitive skin types.

“I constantly use tar soap. This is the first time I purchased a product from this manufacturer. It lathers well and the aroma is not particularly strong compared to other products with tar. Cleanses the skin well and is not particularly drying. All inflammation disappears the next morning. Acne on the back goes away within a week. Now I use it to wash my hands. Soap cleanses perfectly and is an excellent antiseptic.”

Tar soap for lice

People have long used tar in the fight against lice and nits. Its popularity is quite understandable due to the absence of serious side effects and contraindications. However, the pediculicidal capabilities of this remedy are very insignificant. In order to completely expel lice, you will have to make a lot of effort. Be prepared for the fact that it will take quite a long time to be treated with tar soap for lice.

To remove lice and wash your hair, it is more convenient to use liquid tar soap. The most popular methods of expelling lice:

  • First recipe. Wet your hair with warm water and thoroughly lather with soap. After 10 minutes, rinse it off with warm water and comb your hair with a comb.
  • Second recipe. Wet your hair with warm water and lather your hair very well. Wrap with plastic wrap and a towel and leave for an hour. Rinse off the soap and comb your hair with a comb.


Birch tar in combination with soap heals wounds, scratches, and dries out inflammatory elements. Unlike ordinary tar, it does not change the color of skin and hair. Suitable for the prevention of skin and viral ailments. The pungent odor of the product remains on the body for no more than 10 minutes. Designed for all types of fabrics, does not cause irritation.

Oils includedCastor, Coconut, Olive, Palm
PeculiaritiesHandmade soap
ManufacturerSoap-making, Russia
Weight100 gr

The price of soap starts from 106 rubles and ends at 155 rubles.


  1. Added cosmetic oils.
  2. Natural ingredients.
  3. Handmade.


Can only be purchased online.

“I have normal skin without oily shine. There are allergic reactions in the form of red spots, and from time to time, pinpoint subcutaneous pimples appear. I consider tar soap a healing agent; it has strong antibacterial properties. I prefer to use it when necessary. Recently, internal painful acne began to appear on my back and face. I decided to purchase this soap with oil additives. This product has skin care properties. After opening the package, a resinous smell of petroleum products is felt. I used the product daily for one week. During this time, the pimples resolved and the wounds dried out.”

How to prepare tar soap?

The process of making tar soap at home is quite simple.

Take 300 g of baby soap (3 pieces of 100 g each) with an alkaline concentration of no more than 1%, without a strong odor. Grate it and pour it into a pan (absolutely clean!). Add 4-5 tbsp. birch tar, 30 ml aloe vera, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil (any).

Place the pan with the prepared ingredients in a steam bath. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to the consistency of a paste (do not bring to a boil!).

Quickly, before it cools, divide into molds and leave to harden.

Pure traditions

In the production of soap, purified birch bark tar recommended for the pharmaceutical industry was used. Glycerin in the product prevents dry skin, but does not affect the antibacterial properties of the drug.

Additional componentsGlycerol
EffectNourishes, moisturizes
Weight140 g
, Russia, Kazan

Cost 23 - 64 rubles.


  1. The smell of tar is slightly perceptible.
  2. Foams well.
  3. Performs antibacterial functions.


It wears out quickly.

“I can recommend this version of soap to those who don’t really like the smell of tar. After opening the package, you notice a milky-soapy smell, the aroma of tar is barely perceptible. After washing, the aroma is almost not felt, but the product tightens the skin, so I additionally use a moisturizer. Use soap as a hand sanitizer. I believe that the natural composition is safer than the aggressive components of other antibacterial products. Soap quickly helps deal with acne and scratches. The wounds heal within a couple of days.”


The soap contains 1% natural tar and anti-inflammatory components. It has antiseptic properties and accelerates tissue regeneration. Intended for: seborrhea, psoriasis, neuroallergodermatosis, teenage rashes. Stimulates blood flow to the surface of the skin, exfoliates dead epithelial tissue.

IncludedBirch tar, witch hazel extract, aloe vera gel, ginseng, chamomile, mint, sage, beet extract
Quantity500 ml
, Russia Moscow

Prices in stores 450 - 850 rubles.


  1. A bottle with a dispenser retains the specific smell of soap.
  2. The composition is more gentle compared to regular soap.
  3. Added 10 anti-inflammatory natural ingredients


  1. Liquid.
  2. Doesn't lather well on sponge.
  3. Soap contains benzyl alcohol, sodium laureth sulfate

“The soap smells like tar, but I love that smell, so there were no problems. I have been using the drug for 3 weeks. During this time, the deep, painful rashes resolved. There are few comedones on my face, but the soap eliminated a few closed ones perfectly. The product is very drying, I use a moisturizer after it.”

Birch tar

We are talking about a product of dry distillation of the upper part of birch bark (birch bark). It is a dense liquid, characterized by an oily consistency, dark color, and specific odor.

Its medicinal properties are represented by disinfectant, antibacterial, stimulating effects; in weak concentrations (up to 5%), the benefit lies in the regenerative effect on the skin epithelium.

The substance is part of various ointments and cosmetics.

DIY tar soap

Tar is a natural substance that is obtained from birch resin. If you have tar in pure form at home, you can make soap.

Homemade soap with tar and essential oil

Grate 200 grams of baby soap on a coarse grater and pour in a little water. Boil in a water bath until completely dissolved. Add 20 grams of tar and 10 grams of essential oil suitable for the purpose of the procedure. Mix thoroughly and pour the mixture into molds.

Useful properties of tar soap

Women often use soap to eliminate cosmetic imperfections. It is of particular benefit if the skin is of oily or combination type, since the product has a drying property. The healing ability allows the use of a folk remedy for inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the skin surface and wounds. This allows you to activate the regeneration process. The benefits and harms of soap with tar for the skin and hair have long been known to many. The most pronounced beneficial properties include:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • fungus treatment;
  • reduction of itching;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • liberation of the body from toxic substances;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • preventing the growth of tumors;
  • getting rid of parasites and pathogens;
  • high-quality cleansing of the skin surface;
  • exfoliating properties;
  • reduction of redness.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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