The benefits and harms of tar soap. Application for face and hair

Tar is a natural component that has been widely used since ancient times in cosmetology and folk medicine. It is part of many well-known products, which gives them a specific smell. Tar is used to heal all kinds of wounds on the skin, abscesses, and ulcers.

This substance is obtained from birch, which contains many useful components. The leaves, sap and bark of the tree are used in folk medicine to heal people from many ailments and illnesses. The well-known Vishnevsky ointment perfectly demonstrates the unique abilities of tar and its main (and only) negative side - its foul aroma.

What is included in tar soap?

The composition of tar soap may vary depending on the chosen manufacturer. Thus, in addition to tar, products from tar contain sodium salts of fatty acids of plant and animal origin, water, citric acid, table salt, triethanolamine, thickeners and other chemicals.

Samara uses palm and coconut oils. And at home you can get by only with natural products for cooking. It is easy to create using different recipes, but the most popular is a product based on baby soap.

If you have decided to prepare soap at home, you should understand that a pungent odor will spread throughout the entire preparation process, and it is difficult to get rid of it for several hours after completion (sometimes neither a hood nor an open window helps).

Here is a proven recipe for homemade tar soap:

  1. you need to prepare 100 g of plain water and regular baby soap, 2 tablespoons of any base oil (coconut, grape, pumpkin, flaxseed) and 1.5 tablespoons of birch tar;
  2. grate the soap, add water to it and heat the mixture in a water bath until the soap shavings are completely dissolved;
  3. wait for the resulting composition to cool slightly, add tar and oil to it, stir well;
  4. pour the mixture into molds, put in a cool place to harden (this process sometimes takes up to several days).

If desired, you can add your favorite essential oil or ground coffee - anything that can improve the aroma of the soap and add beneficial properties to it.

Sulfur baths in Tbilisi – official websites, addresses, contacts

In the summer, during the high season, there is an unprecedented rush in the baths. I advise you to book rooms at least a day in advance, because at the time of your request, most likely, all individual rooms will already be occupied, and you will not be able to comfortably visit the sulfur baths in Tbilisi.

Not all bathhouses have an official website . But if they exist, they serve more of a decorative function. Most often it is impossible to make a reservation through them, so it is better to do it on the spot. At the same time, you will be able to personally see all the options for the baths and rooms offered, as well as try the water temperature.

Below are the details of the most popular baths, with current contacts and price ranges:

  • Orbelianovskaya bathhouse – st. Abano, 2. Phone: +995. Website: Room prices range from 50 to 150 GEL, two VIP rooms for 300 and 500 GEL.
  • Gulo – Grishashvili St., 5. Phone: +995, +995 577 588 122, +995 599 588 122. Website:, The cost is from 30 to 200 GEL, the most popular numbers cost 70-80 GEL.
  • Queen's bath (or "Bohemia") - st. Grishashvili, 11. Phone 24. Website Cost – from 60 to 150 GEL.
  • Tsarskaya (or “Royal”) – st. Abano, 2. Phone: +995 322 721 066. Website Cost – from 65 to 120 GEL.
  • Bath of King Erekle – st. Abano, 2. Phone: +995. There is no common room, room prices range from 30 to 50 GEL.
  • Bathhouse No. 5 – st. Vakhtang Gorgasali, 3. Phone: +995. Common room – 3 GEL, offices 55-80 GEL.

In addition to them, in the Abanotubani area there are several more baths - VIP bath, Mirzoeva Bath, Sumbatovskaya, Bebutovskaya, "Bakhmaro" (or "Garrison"). All of them are compactly located within one block and getting around them all takes 5 minutes.

Useful properties of tar soap

Tar soap, made from natural tar, can effectively cope with diseases such as:

  • psoriasis plaques;
  • eczema;
  • allergic rashes;
  • dermatitis;
  • purulent acne, wounds;
  • boils;
  • skin inflammation;
  • scratches, cracks.

This is one of the most affordable products that can quickly and effectively relieve a person from itchy skin, relieve scabies, eliminate dandruff and acne.

The wide scope of application of tar soap is determined by its beneficial effect. It is used against a variety of ailments and common skin conditions.

1. Parasites (head and pubic lice) - a high result in the fight against lice and nits has been proven if the product is used for several days in a row (not only until the parasites disappear, but also after that, in order to prevent the degeneration of nits).

2. Skin diseases on the head - regardless of the cause of the disease, tar soap is used to treat skin rashes, psoriasis, irritation and scratching.

3. To treat acne and eliminate blackheads - acne will go away faster if you use the product daily for a week. Pores are cleaned, redness fades, and new rashes do not appear.

4. Itching in the vagina will go away if you start washing with warm water and tar soap, which actively fights all kinds of viruses and fungi.

5. Dermatitis and seborrhea are complex skin diseases that birch tar copes well with, and therefore the use of soap based on it is highly effective.

6. Nail fungus - to eliminate the signs and causes of the disease, you must use the product daily, lathering the affected areas well.

7. Prevention of acute respiratory infections and viral infections - to prevent pathogenic microorganisms from entering the body, before leaving the house, you should wet your finger in water, lather it with tar soap and lubricate the nasal passages.

Operating principle of a sulfur bath

Tbilisi baths are unique. They have nothing in common with a Russian bath - steam rooms and brooms are not provided here.

They don't need:

  • prepare firewood;
  • drown;
  • collect and heat water.

Everything is controlled by nature itself: sources of hot water (temperature 240-420 C) come out of the ground, fill the pools and warm up the room. Hot spring water contains many minerals, most notably sulfur. Therefore, the baths are saturated with a specific smell. But for the sake of health and pleasure, you can endure it.

Contraindications and harm

Like any product, tar soap has its contraindications. It should not be used in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy, when the body undergoes strong hormonal changes;
  • during lactation - since tar is able to penetrate into all biological environments of the body, including breast milk;
  • if the skin is too dry and sensitive (if the effectiveness of the soap exceeds the consequences of its use, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams and oils).

If you use tar soap too often, consequences such as drying out of the skin and the formation of local allergic reactions may occur. Experts recommend using it no more than twice a week.

Carefully monitor your sensations: if any undesirable reactions occur (itching, pain at the site of application, redness), the soap must be thoroughly rinsed with warm running water and avoided in the future. The damage from tar cannot become significant, so you should not be afraid of any complications.

Skin population

Even clean human skin harbors many bacteria. This is an established community with a formed population ratio, which feeds on particles of dead epidermis, sebum and keratin hair scales. The number of bacteria on one square centimeter of skin can reach several hundred thousand individuals. Most of them are in protected from light and damp places - in the armpits or interdigital folds. The natural microflora
of human skin is not just a harmless parasite.
Humans' own bacteria inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms on the skin and are involved in the processing of skin proteins, free fatty acids and sebum. There is evidence in favor of a connection between the normal state of skin microflora and immunity. Active antibacterial components contained in special cosmetics kill bacteria
and disrupt their balance on the skin.
Other, more dangerous guests take the place of the dead. For example, inflammation-causing fungi or pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, hygiene products with pronounced antibacterial properties are indicated only when absolutely necessary: ​​heavy sweating and the accompanying odor - a sign of excessive growth of bacteria. Save the “disinfecting” soap for traveling by train or going to the country. And when buying soap, carefully read its composition indicated on the label. If triclosan
, this soap is classified as antibacterial.

How often can you wash with tar soap?

In order not to harm your body, you should follow these recommendations for using tar soap:

  • for intimate areas it should not be used more than three times a week;
  • for dry skin - no more than once a week (or with the use of additional softening creams, oils, compositions);
  • oily skin can be treated up to twice a day;
  • normal skin tolerates up to three treatments per week;
  • You can wash your hair with a normal state of the dermis every other day, foaming the soap well and applying it along the entire length of the curls.

Benefits and harm to the face

Tar soap is an effective peeling that can cleanse the skin of dead cells, oily shine and redness. By normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands and ensuring good blood flow to the facial skin, its nutrition and saturation with beneficial substances from cosmetics improves. Thanks to this effect, the skin remains beautiful and healthy for a long time.

Among the beneficial properties, the most famous are:

  • narrowing pores, eliminating blackheads;
  • acceleration of recovery processes;
  • wound healing;
  • elimination of itching and inflammation;
  • prevention and treatment of skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, allergic manifestations).

Application for face

The natural antiseptic can be used as a standalone product intended for washing or for preparing masks. To do this, you should take crushed tar soap from your own or commercial production, grate it and use it with the addition of other useful ingredients.

Recipe No. 1

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon olive or grape oil;
  • 7 drops of vitamin A and E;
  • grated tar soap.

Mix the ingredients and apply them to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The same composition is widely used for the head (hold for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water without using shampoo).

Recipe No. 2

To maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin, eliminate fine wrinkles and tighten the epidermal framework, you can prepare a mask based on the following ingredients:

  • 10 g tar soap shavings;
  • 10 healing clay (white or black);
  • 4 drops of oregano oil.

Mix everything and gently apply to the skin of the face. Leave the mask for 15 minutes and rinse with running water. To increase the effectiveness of such a mask, after removing it, the areas affected by pimples and acne should be wiped with boric alcohol.

Masks and mixtures made from natural ingredients and tar soap can improve the condition of the skin not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. So, using any of the above masks will eliminate the signs of allergic reactions and irritation after shaving.

For acne

Getting rid of acne using tar soap is the easiest and most affordable way to improve your appearance. To do this, grind a piece of soap (5 g) on ​​a grater, dissolve it in warm water, add a few drops of lemon. If you wash your face with this mixture for a week, the skin will dry out well and the inflammation will go away.

Benefits and harm to hair

The product is no less useful and effective for hair than for the face. It is used to improve the health of curls, improve their appearance, strengthen hair follicles, and combat baldness. The composition is based on a powerful natural antiseptic that copes with damage to the hair follicle by fungi and parasites, improves the overall appearance, saturates the roots with oxygen and fills them with the necessary energy.

But there are several limitations to using tar soap for hair:

  • for excessively damaged and dry hair, you should limit the use of the product;
  • no need to keep your hair soapy for more than 5 minutes;
  • apply no more than once a week;
  • the course of treatment should be long (a month to a month and a half when applied once every 7 days);
  • To maintain normal moisture levels, you need to use hair conditioners and oils after using tar soap.

If you listen to all the advice, you can improve the condition of your curls, make them strong and beautiful, and saturate them with useful substances.

Application for hair

Recipe No. 1. For baldness

To prepare the composition, you need to take 1 tablespoon of tar soap shavings, add 5 drops of vitamin A to it. Mix the ingredients and apply to the scalp and hair along the entire length for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Recipe No. 2. Vitamin saturation


  • tar soap shavings - 1 tablespoon;
  • warm water – 50-70 ml;
  • olive oil (grape oil can be used) – 1 tablespoon;
  • Vitamin E and A – 7 drops each.

Dissolve the shavings in water, foam the composition and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair and along its entire length, leave it for half an hour. Rinse your hair with warm water using a mild shampoo and conditioner. This procedure can be performed no more than once a week.

Recipe No. 3. Improved hair condition

  • castor oil – 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 tsp;
  • lemon or tangerine oil – 2 drops;
  • tar soap shavings - 2 tsp.

First you need to mix all the oils and then add the rest of the ingredients. The mask must be rubbed into the hair roots and left for 15 minutes. After this, rinse thoroughly with water and apply balm or conditioner.

To combat lice

To eliminate parasites from the scalp, you need to wash your hair with tar soap for several days in a row, thoroughly rubbing it into the hair roots (to get rid of nits). Leave the product on for at least 10 minutes and then rinse off with warm running water.

Tar soap for intimate hygiene

Gynecologists say that tar soap can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various types of sexual diseases. It copes well with injuries and microcracks, protects against the penetration of fungi and viruses, eliminates skin parasites and inflammation.

For intimate hygiene, special compositions based on tar soap are sold, which have a softer texture. These are cream soaps, gels, foams - all of them do not damage the delicate skin in the intimate area. But such products should be used no more than 2-3 times a week.

From thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is a common disease among women, regardless of their lifestyle, attitude to hygiene and other indicators. Fungi of the genus Candida live in the rectum, from where they easily enter the vagina at the slightest decrease in immunity, after using antibiotics, etc. The parasite actively multiplies, poisoning the life of a woman, causing itching and redness of the mucous membranes. You can get rid of it using a simple and affordable remedy - tar soap. It has an alkaline reaction, which mushrooms do not like.

When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to wash with warm water and tar soap and repeat this procedure up to three times a week.

ATTENTION! Tar soap is no longer able to overcome advanced processes; to treat it, consult a gynecologist.


According to legend, King Vakhtang Gorgasali, with the help of his hunting falcon, discovered a source of thermal water. At this place, he ordered the construction of the first sulfur bath to begin. Which ultimately led to the formation of a new city, which later received the name Tbilisi. Over the years, the Abanotubani area grew and increased in size. New steam rooms appeared, and old ones were destroyed.

View of the roofs of the sulfur baths from the Narikala Fortress, © Natalia Semchina

Some of the most ancient and surviving are: Bath of King Heraclius, Kazennaya, Bebutovskaya and Sumbatovskaya. Traditionally, sulfur baths were not only a place for ablution, but also a center of cultural and business life. Important issues were discussed here, events were held, and even wooed children.

When is it used?

According to reviews, the benefits of tar soap for the face are ensured only if it is used for normal and oily skin. Dermatologists recommend washing with this product for teenagers. Tar soap allows you to:

  • eliminate age spots;
  • get rid of greasiness;
  • improve the structure of the epidermis;
  • restore the natural healthy tone of the face;
  • eliminate skin mites on the face;
  • cure acne, pimples;
  • tighten pores;
  • eliminate neurodermatitis, dermatitis;
  • restore skin after burns and frostbite;
  • normalize cells after wounds;
  • remove dead skin cells from the dermis.

It turns out that many skin imperfections can be eliminated with this simple and effective remedy. And you don’t have to spend a lot on this.

The most important

Clean skin is not sterile - it is home to millions of beneficial bacteria that help it function properly.
Excessive use of antibacterial soap upsets the balance of beneficial microflora. And aggressive detergents dry out the skin and lead to premature aging. Therefore, you need to wash twice a day, but without trying to wash off absolutely everything from her. Tags:

  • Appearance
  • Hygiene
  • Leather

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Reviews (from comments on the site)

Irina Dolmatova, 24 years old

I was desperate and couldn't find suitable care for my problem skin. I struggled with inflammation for a long time, but nothing helped, and I didn’t have money for expensive products. Then they advised me to use tar soap. I used it several times a week, the smell is very unpleasant, but it is tolerable. The soap helped me cleanse my face and no more inflammation appeared.

Alevtina Ushakova, 35 years old

For a long time, a product containing birch tar has helped me cleanse my face. My grandmother recommended it to me. With my skin type, I can only use this soap 2 times a week, but this is enough for me to get the same results as after visiting a professional cosmetologist. What makes me especially happy about this product is that it has a completely environmentally friendly and safe composition.

Anna Kolesnichenko, 27 years old

I've been using this product to cleanse my face since high school. It rids my skin of blackheads, redness and acne. It also helps to perfectly tighten the face and give it a fresher look. This remedy has been the most effective for me for many years. Recently I started mixing foam with my skincare masks, it makes my skin perfect. I don't have any irritation or other troubles.


Although the product has an unpleasant odor, it is considered an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetic products, which is confirmed by positive reviews. Washing your face with tar soap is allowed because of the possibility of treating and preventing skin diseases. This remedy is known:

  • drying and whitening effect;
  • exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells;
  • disinfectant and therapeutic effect;
  • strengthening the skin;
  • improving blood flow;
  • regenerating effect;
  • property of eliminating parasites;
  • calming effect;
  • antiseptic effect.

This is a unique and budget-friendly product. In cosmetology, it solves many problems of the skin of the face, body, and hair. Due to its therapeutic effects, soap is used to treat women's ailments, burns, frostbite, insect bites, eczema, psoriasis, and herpes. It serves as a replacement for oxolinic ointment.

This is an effective remedy, the results of which last for 2-3 weeks with regular use. According to reviews, you should wash your face with tar soap because it eliminates many skin problems.


According to reviews, the benefits of tar soap for the face are ensured by its regular use. The product comes in the form of a solid bar, cream and liquid. In addition, you can make the product yourself at home if you buy birch tar at the pharmacy.

The liquid product has a transparent yellow tint and is available in bottles of 250, 300, 500 ml. It may have a liquid, creamy consistency. This soap perfectly cleanses the skin and eliminates pigmentation, although it does not tighten the skin.

Liquid soap has a drying effect, whitens age spots, and gets rid of rashes. During soaping, the skin softens, the foam is soft and velvety.

For oily skin, it is advisable to choose solid soap. It reduces the production of sebum, gives a matte appearance, eliminates pimples, blackheads, and red spots. It performs a gentle peeling that destroys the cell structure. The best brands are:

  1. "Nizhny Novgorod".
  2. "Stork".
  3. "Spivak".
  4. "Agafya."
  5. "Nevskaya cosmetics"

Solid soap is available in the form of a bar weighing 90, 100, 140, 150 g. What volume to choose depends on personal preference.


According to reviews, tar soap for facial skin increases blood flow to epidermal cells. Its healing effect is soft and delicate. The result is noticeable after 1 procedure. According to reviews, tar soap for acne on the face affects large areas of rashes, reduces inflammation, irritation and redness.

The period for removing the problem depends on its severity level. But in any situation the therapeutic effect is visible. The face will be younger, cleaner and more well-groomed. Even during long-term procedures, soap does not dry out the skin. It quickly eliminates boils. In addition to removing the dermatological problem, the product has a disinfectant effect.

According to reviews, tar soap for acne on the face should be used as part of complex therapy with medications. This will eliminate the inflammatory process. But you should not use many products at the same time, so as not to harm the skin.

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