Bath masks: a selection of the best recipes for masks for the face, body and hair + application rules

The healing properties of bath masks: why are they so effective?

The depth of influence of masks in a bathhouse is 2-3 times greater than in normal (home) conditions because:

  • more nutrients enter the enlarged pores;
  • cleansed and freed from toxins skin is better able to absorb the beneficial substances of the mask;
  • At high temperatures, blood circulation in the skin increases, so all processes of moisturizing, nourishing, and regenerating the skin occur faster with a more noticeable result.

Ready-made, store-bought masks are usually not taken into the bathhouse; homemade compositions from natural ingredients are much more popular. To prepare a healing mixture and literally “not lose face,” you must adhere to the following rules:

  • use only fresh products to prepare the mask;
  • mix the ingredients immediately before going to the bathhouse, ideally before applying to the skin.

What are the benefits of cosmetic products for the face in a bath?

The bathhouse itself is an excellent place to restore physical and mental health. The positive effect of alternating high and low temperatures in the bath has already been proven.

Warming and cooling the body allows you to increase the tone of blood vessels, get rid of toxins, and restore many functions of the nervous and other body systems. For a woman, increasing vascular tone is a direct path to sufficient blood supply to the facial skin. And this, in turn, helps improve the condition of the skin.

Cosmetic products are applied mainly after the bath. The steam in the steam room expands the pores on the body - this is a direct way for beneficial substances to penetrate the skin. In this case, a chemical process occurs, releasing toxins and receiving nutrition. If you apply a cleansing mask, you speed up the process of removing toxins. If it is necessary to moisturize the face, manipulations in the steam room will have a double effect, maximum hydration will occur due to steam and additional means.

Correct application of the mask is the key to success

A properly prepared mask is not a guarantee of success. In order for your skin to receive the maximum of beneficial substances from bath cosmetics, you need to be able to use them correctly. Especially a lot of controversy arises on the topic of when it is better to apply masks: during steaming or after visiting the steam room. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Ordinary face and body masks are applied in the bathhouse only after visiting the steam room. And then, not immediately, but after 10-15 minutes after the obligatory shower and washing off the remnants of sweat from the skin. If you rush and decide to pamper your skin in the steam room, then nothing good will come of it. The mask will simply drain from the skin along with sweat.

There is another type of mask, which just needs to be applied before entering the steam room. These are “perspiration-dispersing” masks and scrub masks that serve to cleanse the skin. “Sweat-dispersing” masks do this by increasing sweating in the steam room, and scrubs do this by exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis and increasing the respiratory activity of the skin. These masks do not serve to saturate the skin with useful substances, but to remove everything unnecessary from it.

It is also useful to make hair masks in the bathhouse. One might assume that it is best to apply a mask, wrap your head in a towel and go to the steam room so that your hair warms up and absorbs the healing components well. However, this cannot be done. Remember one of the main rules of the bath: the hair in the steam room must be dry. If you apply a mask, they will no longer be dry, which means the likelihood of getting heatstroke will increase several times. Therefore, apply the mask to your hair only after the last time you enter the steam room.


Tanya . I simply love the bathhouse and try to visit it more often. Since we live in an apartment, we have to go with a large group (it’s cheaper) to a recently opened complex near our house. The girls and I have long defined our set of events and we even have a schedule of procedures. First of all, you need to drink as much fluid as possible so that you have something to sweat. We usually use herbal tea and mineral water if someone doesn’t like it. After that, we steam in three sessions, alternating sessions with a shower and a pool. We leave cosmetic procedures for later, when the skin is cool.

We look for suitable recipes on the Internet, after three to five uses, we change the composition so that the skin does not get used to it and the effectiveness does not decrease. We prepare masks one by one, for everyone at once. This is convenient if, for example, you are going straight from work, and someone else can take it from home. I really like formulations with honey and natural coffee. After much debate, essential oils were rejected; everyone likes different scents and we never came to a consensus. In general, during the cold season we get completely healthy, sometimes we go to the bathhouse in the summer, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

A visit to the bathhouse is an excellent reason to relax with good company, have a pleasant rest and improve your health. For women, such a trip can become an analogue of advertised spa treatments. Homemade mixtures and affordable recipes will help you guard the beauty and youth of your skin. Having an excellent cleansing effect, the steam room will also help beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the epidermis and bring maximum benefits. By following simple rules for using such compositions, you can achieve very noticeable results and gain confidence in your beauty and health. We also recommend that you read reviews about the cream for toenail fungus in this material.

Bath masks for face and body – cleanse, moisturize, nourish

Moisturizing kefir mask

- kefir

One of the simplest but most effective products that instantly moisturizes dry, chapped skin. A layer of kefir is applied to the face and body and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

Purifying clay face mask

- white (blue) clay

- water

A wonderful remedy that relieves inflammation and reduces acne. To prepare the mask, clay is mixed with water until creamy and applied to the face. Wait for the clay to harden and carefully wash off with water, trying not to stretch the skin.

Rejuvenating mask

- cereals

- milk

- yolk

- 1 tsp. olive oil

A glass of oatmeal is poured with hot milk until it becomes mushy. After the mixture has cooled, add the yolk and olive oil to it, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to the skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Rules for using masks in the bathhouse

If you want to combine cosmetic care and a visit to the bathhouse, take into account the peculiarities of the location of blood vessels on the face and the following recommendations.

  1. Before visiting the sauna, prepare and place the product in a plastic container. The container must be clean and dry.
  2. All manipulations using cosmetic products are done after water procedures. Therefore, enjoy visiting the steam room, staying in the pool, and only then put on beauty on your face. The exception is cleansing masks, which are applied before entering the steam room and then washed off .
  3. With enlarged pores, the absorption of beneficial elements occurs much faster, for this reason, keep the mixture of cosmetic substances for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Remember: harmless products under the influence of temperatures and on heated skin can have an unexpected effect. Before using the product, carefully study its composition and contraindications for use.

“Sweat-dispersing” masks – increase sweating

Honey-salt mask

- honey

- salt

Honey and salt (sea or table) are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and carefully applied to the skin without rubbing. Then they go to the steam room for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, honey and salt will actively “squeeze” all toxins and dirt out of the pores.

Anti-cellulite salt-soda body mask

- salt

- soda

- water

This body mask is recommended to be used in a bath for all those who want to get rid of excess weight and correct the contours of their figure. Mix salt and soda in equal quantities, add water until a paste is obtained. Before entering the steam room, apply the mixture to the skin of the entire body, especially tightly to problem areas - buttocks, thighs, stomach. Then they go to the steam room for 20-25 minutes.

Mask recipes

Cosmetic mixtures used after the steam room are different. Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can use:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • anti-aging;
  • sweat-stimulating masks;
  • scrubs.

Which ones do you prefer? Write about it in the comments! And we will take a closer look at why they are made, and what recipes for masks are.

Cleansing and moisturizing

Cleansers and moisturizers for a steamed face are applied differently. There is a specific time for each product: apply cleansing mixtures before entering the steam room, moisturizing mixtures after the steam room.

The mixtures necessary to cleanse the skin are applied 15 minutes before entering the “hot” room. This is important, because steam cleanses pores more deeply than a cosmetic product. The mixture applied to the face before the bath will cleanse the epithelium; the steam will penetrate the inner layers of the skin, freeing it from dust, dirt and toxins.

Moisturizers are applied after the “hot” room, after 10-20 minutes. Steam dries out the top layer of the face, so moisturizing is necessary.

Cleansing mask with clay and water


  • blue or white clay;
  • water.

How to cook: mix the ingredients. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Mix thoroughly so that no clay clumps remain.

How to use: Apply the resulting product to your face, wait until it dries. Rinse gently with water so that the skin does not tighten.

Result: the mixture thoroughly cleanses the outer layers of the skin. Clay draws out harmful substances. Honey provides vitamins.

Cleansing and moisturizing mask “Russian Bath” from Avon

If you don’t have time to make a homemade mask before going to the bathhouse, Avon’s “Russian Bath” product is perfect for moisturizing and cleansing.

It deeply cleanses the skin of the face, gives tone, increases blood circulation through the vessels, and promotes the absorption of beneficial components. The product helps the skin become saturated with vitamins, moisturizes, and changes skin color.

Cleanser with honey, aloe and henna


  • henna (1 tbsp);
  • boiling water;
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • aloe juice (1 tsp).

How to prepare: pour boiling water over henna for 5 minutes. Add aloe juice and honey. Mix all ingredients well, then leave the mixture to sit for 20 minutes.

How to use: apply a thin layer of the mixture to your face, hold for 15-20 minutes, and carefully rinse off the product.

Result: a honey mask helps get rid of blackheads, free pores from fat and impurities. You will see how the structure of the skin has changed after several manipulations - it will become smooth, healthy, have an even color, and pockets of inflammation and irritation will go away.

Kefir moisturizer


  • kefir.

How to prepare: This product does not need to be prepared. Take only kefir and go fully armed and ready to moisturize your face after the steam room.

How to use: on the face, or on the body, apply kefir with a cotton pad. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The result: This affordable product helps maintain skin's elasticity and firmness while hydrating it. Can be used without a bath for dry, chapped skin.

You can find some more homemade recipes for moisturizing cosmetic products here.

Nourishing masks

Such cosmetic mixtures are useful for women not only in the sauna. After 45 years, they are recommended to be done at home 2 times a week. After the steam room, their effectiveness increases, the skin becomes soft and tender, like a baby’s. You can buy nourishing masks, or you can prepare them yourself.

Cocoa and milk mixture


  • cocoa powder (1 tbsp);
  • milk (1 tsp);
  • water;
  • cypress essential oil (2 drops).

How to prepare: mix the ingredients until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

How to use: apply the mask for 10 minutes with a special brush or cosmetic spatula, then rinse.

Result: this mixture affects the inner layers of the skin. Used against wrinkles, tones and gives elasticity. Skin steamed after a bath absorbs nutrients better. Thanks to this, it is saturated with organic acids, blood circulation and elasticity are restored.

Healthy mask with egg and almond oil


  • yolk from 1 egg;
  • almond oil (1 tsp);
  • St. John's wort decoction.

How to prepare: separate the yolk from the white, add almond oil to a bowl, then pour a small amount of St. John's wort infusion over the mixture.

How to use: Apply the product to your face, spreading it in a thin layer. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse off using a damp cotton pad.

Result: this homemade mixture not only nourishes, but also rejuvenates, cleanses and whitens. Using it 2 times a week, you can get rid of age spots.

For additional facial skin whitening products, see the link.

Anti-aging masks

Anti-aging masks are popular among women over 40 years old. Use the following simple recipes for rejuvenation.

Grapefruit in pursuit of youth


  • grapefruit pulp;
  • flour;
  • mineral water.

How to prepare: Grind the grapefruit pulp thoroughly until a paste forms. Mix all ingredients. Flour must be added until a thick mixture forms.

How to use: apply the “dough” to your face, wait 20 minutes and rinse.

Result: grapefruit pulp actively affects cells, helping to rejuvenate them.

But keep in mind that all citrus fruits can cause allergic reactions. To avoid danger, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin.

Rejuvenating mask with oatmeal


  • oat flakes (1 cup);
  • milk;
  • yolk;
  • olive oil (1 tsp).

How to prepare: Pour oatmeal into a glass to the brim. Mix them with hot milk, you should get a porridge. Wait for the mixture to cool, then add the olive oil and egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

How to use: Apply to face, wait 20 minutes.

Result: the components of the mask are rich in beneficial substances. They contain vitamins E, B, fatty acids, biotin, antioxidants. As a result, a woman receives rejuvenation, vitamin nutrition, elasticity and hydration of the skin for her face.

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Steaming masks

Such products help to quickly remove all toxins and dirt from the surface of the face. They increase sweat production.

Mask “Facial Bath 50”

How to use: Apply the product to damp skin, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. Please note that the area around the eyes remains unsmeared.

Result: the steaming mask “Facial Bath 50ºC” is used primarily for oily skin types, allowing it to cleanse and improve its condition. Steams the face, stimulating blood circulation. The product contains tea tree oil and chamomile extract. These components have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They dry out irritations and soothe. After using it, you can see how your pores have narrowed and your tone has evened out.

Mask with honey and salt


  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • salt (1 tbsp).

How to prepare: you need to take honey and salt in a 1:1 ratio. Mix and apply to skin.

How to use: Do not rub the product on your face, this will damage the skin. With this mask, go to the steam room, stay there for a maximum of 20 minutes. Leave the bath room, plunge into the pool, after washing your face.

Result: The result of applying a mixture of honey and salt will be the active release of sweat along with toxins and clogged dirt in the pores. This mask is used as a scrub, but it also helps increase sweat production.

Both the Organic Kitchen mask, “Facial Bath 50ºC”, and the honey-salt mixture prepare the face for thorough care and nutrition.

If for some reason you don’t want or can’t go to the bathhouse, but want to get a similar effect, then we recommend Alpika steaming gel.

Masks-scrubs - getting rid of excess

Honey scrub

- 5 tbsp. honey

- 1 tbsp. fine salt (crushed sea or table “extra”)

This composition acts both as a “sweat-dispersing” mask and as a scrub. The ingredients are mixed and then rubbed into the skin with massage movements directly in the steam room. You need to act carefully to remove the upper “unnecessary” particles of the epidermis, but not to damage the living skin.

Coffee and honey scrub

- coffee grounds

- honey

- a few drops of essential oil (ylang-ylang, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit)

Coffee grounds are combined with honey and a few drops of essential oil. During a visit to the steam room, the resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the face and body in a circular motion until slight redness appears. Wash off after leaving the steam room.

Contraindications to using masks in the bath

If you have areas of inflammation, irritation, or rashes on your face, performing a cosmetic procedure in a bathhouse is prohibited. The results of such manipulation are unpredictable - the infection may spread more.

In addition, consider other factors why masks in the sauna for the face and whole body are contraindicated:

  • vascular diseases;
  • heart problems;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • allergy;
  • during pregnancy, not only masks are contraindicated, but also, in principle, baths;
  • physiologically close location of blood vessels to the skin.

In such conditions, you should think carefully about whether it’s worth steaming at all.

Honey mask for dry skin

A honey-based mask is recommended for those with dry skin to saturate it with beneficial substances. To prepare it, take 200-300 ml of hot water, add oatmeal, 50 g of sour cream and 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the body and face immediately after leaving the steam room. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water.

Body scrubs

Prepare a body scrub to cleanse your skin of dead particles and prepare it for applying nourishing masks. Let's look at several scrub recipes.


Take natural coffee grounds, apply it to your body and massage with gentle movements. This can be done with your hands or use a special massage sponge or mitten. Then, without washing the scrub off your body, go to the steam room. Hot steam will enhance the effect of the cosmetic product. You can make a scrub with honey and coffee.


Mix ground cinnamon (you can buy it at a spice store) and liquid honey in equal proportions. Apply to skin and massage, then head to the steam room. Honey-cinnamon scrub leaves skin soft and velvety.


Take pre-dried orange peel and grind it in a coffee grinder. Rub the resulting powder onto your body before entering the steam room. Orange essentials tones the skin, tightens pores, reduces oiliness, and also gives an excellent aroma.


Mix almonds ground in a coffee grinder and oatmeal in equal proportions. Apply all over the body, massage the skin, paying special attention to areas where it has become rough and stiff. Now, without washing the mixture off your body, go to the steam room.


Take honey, but not liquid, but thick, preferably candied. Apply it to your body and massage. Pay special attention to areas with cellulite. After a honey scrub, the skin becomes very soft and velvety, and cellulite is reduced.

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Whitening mask with honey and lemon

Another popular bath mask is a mask with honey and lemon. Honey saturates the skin with nutrients, and lemon helps reduce the color intensity of freckles and small age spots. To prepare, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey.

Its regular use allows you to lighten your skin tone and make age spots less noticeable.

Therapeutic effects of bath procedures

The bathhouse for women has long been not just a place for good relaxation and pastime, but also a unique spa treatment.

Hot steam and high humidity contribute to the effective effects of cosmetics on the female body.

The bath has a powerful therapeutic effect on all body systems, which is manifested in the following:

  • stimulation of sweat glands, deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • general detoxification;
  • warming and cleansing the respiratory system;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • eliminating stagnant processes in the circulatory system;
  • removing residual lactic acid from muscle tissue, relieving fatigue and tension;
  • regulating the acidity of gastric juice and improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • strengthening metabolic processes in cells;
  • prevention of diseases associated with high cholesterol levels.

Gentle peeling in the bath includes the procedure of preliminary steaming the body with hot steam and treatment with a broom made of oak or birch branches. The next stage is the application of special cosmetics that gently cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

The most popular are homemade scrubs and bath masks. Natural compositions have a gentle effect on the skin - cleanse, nourish and moisturize. In addition, they improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and remove excess fluid from the body.

Regular use of bath cosmetics helps fight excess weight and cellulite.

In addition, masks and scrubs for baths strengthen and nourish hair follicles and prevent the formation of dandruff and split ends.

The best recipes for baths and saunas

When choosing ingredients for bath masks, preference should be given to those that do not have a curdling effect at high temperatures. According to reviews from bathhouse fans, the following mask recipes have the best effect on the skin.

  • With oatmeal The required amount of oatmeal is soaked in water before the bath. After swelling, add a spoonful of sour cream.
  • With yeast A tablespoon of wet yeast is mixed with one mashed protein. A spoon of olive oil is added to the mixture. This mask, used in a bath, is especially good for older women - it optimally refreshes aging skin and gives it a second youth.
  • With kelp You need to take a tablespoon of dry seaweed (kelp) and mix it with a spoon of fresh cottage cheese. This recipe is suitable for those who have severe pigmentation on the face, and the skin itself is too dry.
  • Bath scrub The body scrub used in the bath is prepared from sea salt and honey. You will need one pack of salt (250 mg), 200 ml of liquid honey. Both components are mixed with each other and applied to the face with massaging movements. These sauna masks are also suitable for the whole body; they are usually left on the skin for 5 - 7 minutes and only then washed off.
  • With beekeeping products Melted propolis and honey are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting mask is suitable for removing blackheads, effectively relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin. It is best to apply it after using a scrub.
  • With cognac A tablespoon of cognac is mixed with olive oil, taken in equal proportions. An egg yolk is added to the cognac mixture. To obtain optimal results from such a mask, it is important to maintain a high exposure temperature, so it is recommended to apply it directly in the steam room.
  • With cucumber Grated and slightly squeezed cucumber is applied to the face, area near the eyes, and neck. It is recommended to make this mask while lying down, otherwise all the vegetable pulp will drain from the face.
  • With lemon juice A spoonful of squeezed lemon juice is mixed with an equal amount of olive oil, then one mashed yolk is added to the mask.

Cosmetics based on natural products will bring undoubted benefits to any skin, and their use in a bath only multiplies the positive effect on the skin.

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