How to drink beer in a bathhouse correctly and is it worth doing it at all?

We often associate a bathhouse with alcohol and noisy recreation. But what can we say about beer in a bathhouse - is it good for us or bad for us?! There are quite a lot of lovers and connoisseurs of Russian steam baths, each with their own view and vision of bathhouse culture.

Some believe that beer is a harmless drink for bathing procedures. Others are firmly convinced of their incompatibility. I believe that there is a use for beer in a bathhouse! First, let's learn more about the foamy drink...

What is beer

Beer is one of the oldest drinks; it is believed that the cultivation of grain crops began for its sake. It was considered a drink of the poor and was ranked much lower than wine.

Beer was made where the climate did not allow grapes to be grown. Beer is a Slavic word that meant any drink. Over time, only an alcoholic drink began to be called this way. Traditionally, “beer” is understood as a low-alcohol drink, which is obtained as a result of fermentation of wort with the help of brewer’s yeast.

It turns out that everyone's favorite foamy beer is alcohol. How does alcohol affect us in the bathhouse kingdom?!

Potato pie

A crispy homemade snack that goes great with beer.

You will need:
250 g of potatoes, 150 ml of vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of salt.

Pass the potatoes through a Korean carrot grater, place in a colander, rinse under running water, let them drain, and add salt. Place the potatoes in boiling oil and fry in batches.

Alcohol and sauna

It is no secret that alcohol dulls reactions, impairs coordination of movements and weakens attention. The state of euphoria that alcohol causes gradually turns into drowsiness. Bath heat, hot water, hot stove stones, slippery floors and shelves are far from safe for a drunk person. Burns and falls are commonplace, the bathhouse punishes severely!

There were also cases when bathhouse attendants, stupefied by alcohol, simply fell asleep in the bathhouse and went crazy. The bathhouse is quite small, poorly ventilated and the carbon dioxide content in it is quite decent. It is the inhalation of carbon dioxide that enhances the effect of alcohol; it is very appropriate to recall the saying: “A drunken sea is knee-deep.”

Meanwhile, the blood is saturated with alcohol more and more. Bath heat and alcohol dilate blood vessels, increasing the load on the heart. And if the walls of the blood vessels are weak and thin, they give in and burst. As a result, a beautiful bruise on the body is guaranteed! It happens that a vessel can rupture in the brain - and this is much more serious than a bruise, it can lead to a stroke!

Even an absolutely healthy person’s blood pressure rises when visiting a bathhouse; this is natural. People suffering from hypertension and drinking alcohol in the bathhouse are suicides!

If you decide to do super experiments with alcohol in a bathhouse, then you must understand that you are going to double overload. High temperature, bath heat and steam, together with alcohol, force the heart to work in emergency mode. Such work can cause arrhythmia, heart attack, myocardial infarction.


A hearty and very tasty dish that is not so difficult to prepare at home.

You will need:
pita bread, 150 g of chicken, half a tomato and a pickled cucumber, a quarter of a small head of cabbage, 2 tbsp.
l. ketchup and mayonnaise. Preparation:

Shred and salt the cabbage, cut the cucumber into strips and the tomato into thin slices, fry the fillet. Mix ketchup and mayonnaise, pepper. Spread the pita bread, generously coat the center with sauce, place the cabbage, the rest of the vegetables and chicken on top, and coat with the dressing again. Wrap in an envelope and fry in a dry frying pan on both sides until a crust appears.

The harm of beer in the bathhouse

The effect of beer is well known - it increases sweating and kidney function. In the heat of a bath, a person sweats, loses quite a lot of fluid, and if you drink an intoxicating drink during bath procedures, banal dehydration of the body occurs. Agree, this is not very good.

By drinking beer between visits to the steam room, you increase the load on the body.

The bathhouse cleanses our body not only from the outside, all unnecessary waste comes out through open pores with sweat, we naturally get rid of toxins and impurities. What does beer do? Does it help the heat of the bath to make our body cleaner?

No! No! And no! In fact, the body becomes intoxicated; our liver and kidneys work to the limit against the background of dehydration. Beer during a bath is a real poison for the body!

There are other negative aspects of drinking beer. Of course, they only drink it cold. A warm, steamed body plus cold beer equals a sore throat, tonsil inflammation, and sore throat.

The beer production technology is such that the finished product retains its natural properties for only 2-3 days. Therefore, manufacturers came up with adding a variety of chemical elements. These are formaldehyde (used for embalming corpses), cobalt (a harmful heavy metal), and alcohol.

Alcohol is used as a preservative and to increase the strength of the foamy drink. And the stronger the drink, the more dangerous it is; it can easily cause poisoning. Very often a person loses control of himself, becomes stupid, and loses shame.

In addition to these harmful substances, beer contains quite a lot of phenols, methanol, formaldehyde and aldehydes, as well as fusel oils. All this is harmful, these are by-products from which a person is poisoned and sick.

Fried shrimps

Boiled shrimp are a classic snack for beer. Now try fried ones too!

You will need:
1 kg of shrimp, 250 g of ketchup, 50 ml of soy sauce, garlic to taste.

Thaw boiled shrimp, add salt and pour into hot oil. After 3 minutes, pour in soy sauce, ketchup, add garlic, stir. Fry until fully cooked.

The benefits of beer in the bathhouse

And yet, with all its shortcomings and harmful effects, beer in a bathhouse still has benefits.

The secret is how to apply and consume the foamy drink. The most beneficial, aromatic effect of beer is this: dilute the beer in hot water and pour it on the heater! Oh, what an unprecedented bread aroma there will be in your bathhouse! The proportions for dilution are as follows: 500 grams per liter of water. beer.

Beer aromatherapy helps cope with irritability and stressful situations. It is considered one of the best remedies in the fight against insomnia.

Beer steam helps fight skin irritations and acne, as it contains special vitamins that stimulate collagen production. If you apply beer foam to the skin of your face and neck, you will only get positive results. Small wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will become elastic.

Beer masks are very useful for hair; after this treatment, the hair becomes smooth, shiny, and the ends stop splitting. I recommend using only “live” beer to prepare masks.

Beer hair mask

Heat one glass of beer, add one tablespoon of olive oil. The mask is ready! Apply it to clean hair, rubbing thoroughly into the scalp.

The mask must be left on for at least 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Beer mask with kefir

This mask is used to moisturize and grow hair. To prepare the mask you will need 0.5 cups of beer and 0.5 cups of kefir. Mix beer and kefir, apply the finished mixture to your hair. The mask must be left on for 20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

French fries

This snack is in no way inferior to the alternative from McDonald's and is easy to prepare with your own hands.

You will need:
1 kg of potatoes, 100 ml of sunflower oil, salt.

Pour the oil into a thick-bottomed saucepan and place on the heat until it boils. Cut the potatoes into strips, add salt, throw them into hot oil for 3-5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon.

Beer and sauna

How many people, so many opinions. Some claim that they have been drinking, drinking and will continue to drink beer in the bathhouse - it is pleasant and healthy. Well, adequate adults should understand what they are doing. But in the old days they never allowed drunks into the bathhouse.

Beer is an amazing drink, if it were not now diluted with various chemical elements, then perhaps this conversation would not have happened...

I'm sure that in moderation, beer won't do much harm. Experts also confirm this - one or two mugs of aromatic foamy beer two hours after a good bath will be an excellent addition to the bath ceremony and will only be beneficial!

Lavash chips

Another recipe for a classic beer snack made from simple ingredients.

You will need:
2 thin pita breads, 150 ml of sour cream, 50 g of hard cheese, seasonings at your discretion.

Mix sour cream with spices and spices, place the pita bread on a baking sheet, brush with sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cut the cake into strips, then into squares or triangles, bake at 180 degrees for 7 minutes.

Cake “Milk Girl”: 5 homemade recipes

Salad "Beer"

If you want to prepare something more substantial for beer than just sandwiches or chips, use this recipe!

You will need:
100 g of smoked sausage, 2 pickled cucumbers, 100 g of canned beans, carrots, lettuce, 20 g of rye crackers, 30 g of mayonnaise.

Cut the boiled carrots into cubes, cucumbers and sausage into strips. Combine the ingredients and add lettuce, beans, and mayonnaise. Before serving, sprinkle with crackers.

Oatmeal sticks

This appetizer can be eaten with any sauce or meat.

You will need:
250 g of oatmeal, 100 g of flour, 60 g of Dutch cheese and butter, 50 ml of milk.

Combine cereal, seasonings, flour, pour in melted butter and milk, add grated cheese. Knead the dough with your hands, roll it into a flat cake 4 mm thick, cut into 1 cm strips, place on a baking sheet with parchment. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.


A light, tasty and at the same time very inexpensive beer snack for a large company.

You will need:
2 tortillas, 80 g of hard cheese, 150 g of olives, a bunch of green onions and dill.

Chop the greens, grate the cheese, cut the olives into rings and place on the tortilla. Cover the top with the second dough. Place in a dry frying pan, frying on both sides until the cheese is completely melted.

Grilled cheese

Delicate, chewy inside and crispy outside cheese will be an excellent solution for a “foamy” party.

You will need:
200 g of cheese (preferably feta cheese), breading, sesame seeds, egg.

Cut the cheese into slices up to 1 cm thick. Beat the egg in one bowl and mix the crackers with sesame seeds in another. Heat the oil in a frying pan, dip the cheese pieces first in the egg, then in the breading and fry until crusty.

Bean pate

We invite you to try a piquant and spicy snack on crackers with beer.

You will need:
300 g beans, onion, 1 tbsp.
l. soy sauce, sunflower oil (+30 ml for crackers), spicy adjika, balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar and tomato paste, 35 ml cream (20%), 180 g flour, 120-150 ml water, garlic and spices to taste. Preparation:

Boil the beans in advance, fry the onion with sugar, after caramelization, pour in vinegar and soy sauce, turn off the heat after a minute. Grind the beans with onions, seasonings and cream in a blender, put the pate in the refrigerator. Mix oil, adjika, tomato paste, garlic, add water, add the mixture to the sifted flour, knead the dough, wrap it in film and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Roll out the flatbread to 5 mm thickness, cut out crackers with a mold or glass, bake on parchment at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Spread the resulting salty cookies with pate.

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