Is it possible to have sex in a bathhouse and how to do it correctly

What's good about sex in a bathhouse?

There are many reasons to have sex in a bathhouse or sauna. And it's not just about natural nudity.

Your body becomes more sensitive

In the bath, pores are cleansed, the skin is freed from dead cells, and as a result, susceptibility to touch increases. In addition, blood flows to the genitals and other erogenous zones, which leads to rapid arousal.

Reduces stress levels

Constant stress leads to the accumulation of the hormone cortisol in the body, which reduces libido. But the heat of the bath, on the contrary, helps the body produce joy hormones - endorphins. After a couple of visits to the steam room, your head usually becomes light and empty. You are freed from grave doubts that prevent you from simply relaxing and enjoying yourself.

You don't have to think about cleanliness

You've already been in the shower. They whipped each other with a broom - if the date takes place in a Russian bathhouse. Or sweat it out in the Finnish sauna. And then we took a dip in the pool. Sweat and dirt are washed away: the issue of cleanliness and foreign odors goes away by itself.

Reason three: natural skin cleansing

We also know from school biology courses that the skin is the largest human organ and performs many functions. Along with the kidneys, it is part of the excretory system and removes toxins, metabolic products, drugs and salts from the body. However, due to clogged pores, these substances may be excreted in smaller quantities, which both increases the load on the kidneys and worsens the appearance of the skin itself.

In the bath and sauna, the skin and pores are cleansed quickly and effectively due to increased sweating and improved blood circulation. You can speed up the process and get even more benefits from it using a body scrub, which is best applied to steamed skin.

Why is sex in a bathhouse bad?

When going to a romantic meeting in a steam room, consider the following negative points.

Passion is fraught with injury

It's easy to slip and fall on a wet floor, especially if it's tiled. And if you move carelessly in a cramped steam room, there is always a risk of getting burned.

The body experiences a double load

Both bath procedures and sex are accompanied by serious energy costs. Not everyone is able to withstand such a double marathon. It will not be surprising if excitement quickly gives way to pleasant fatigue and you are too lazy to complete the process.

Fever negatively affects sperm quality

Research shows Can regular saunas harm sperm quality? that regular visits to the bathhouse reduce sperm production, destroy their DNA and reduce viability. To arrive at such disappointing results, the experiment participants steamed in a Finnish sauna for three months twice a week for 15 minutes, at a temperature of 80–90 °C. However, the habit did not lead to irreversible consequences. Already three months after the end of the experiment, the sperm returned to normal.

Reason one: the sauna relieves muscle tension

A sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, heavy physical labor, working 12 hours on your feet and even intense training in the gym - all these are loads that are not typical for the human body and negatively affect the functioning of the muscular corset. As a result, the neck, shoulders and back begin to, if not hurt, then remind themselves of themselves.

A bath will help you cope with unpleasant sensations. The muscles will warm up and the tone will decrease. Then, as it heats up, redox processes in muscle tissue will accelerate and blood circulation will improve. This, in turn, will lead to the restoration of muscle performance. At the same time, the pain syndrome will go away.

Traditionally, it is customary to steam with brooms made of oak, birch or eucalyptus branches - this is a kind of massage that makes visiting the bathhouse doubly useful.

When is sex in a bathhouse dangerous?

For some diseases, going to the bathhouse is generally contraindicated, not to mention having sex there. Eliminate What are the benefits and risks of a sauna? this is a pleasure from your erotic menu if you have:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • low blood pressure - under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate and pressure can drop to a critical point;
  • headache;
  • any rash;
  • elevated temperature;
  • chronic disease in the acute stage.

Doctors' opinion

Staying in a sauna in the nude has a medical basis. Exposure to high temperatures on the body provokes intense sweating. Sweat not only removes excess fluids, but also protects the skin from excessive overheating (drops of sweat cool the body). If you have clothes on your body, sweat is instantly absorbed and does not cool the skin. Because of this, the body may overheat. In young sauna visitors with strong blood vessels, it can pass without consequences, but people with excess body weight and hypertension are at risk.

The Germans follow the recommendation to go naked to saunas (even public ones). Moreover, the first point of the rules that guests of a German sauna will see is: “Von der Kleidung verboten” (“No clothing allowed”). The democratic nature of the Germans is not entirely appropriate in a more conservative Russia. If you plan to go to the sauna with us, you should wear a more covered outfit than a hat and flip-flops.

What's the best way to have sex in a bathhouse?

To reduce the risks and get the most out of the process, listen to these recommendations.

Avoid alcohol

The life hacker has already talked about why alcohol is a bad companion for sex. Let us add that alcohol is also not a friend to bath procedures. Your blood vessels are already dilated thanks to the heat, and strong drinks will enhance the effect of The sauna and alcohol. Instead of great sex, you risk fainting, arrhythmia, dizziness and other troubles.

Use oils and herbal infusions

To heighten your senses and recharge your energy, spray aromatic oils such as lavender, citrus or geranium on the wooden shelves in your steam room. You can sprinkle a decoction of medicinal plants on the stones.

Prepare a birch broom

For a warming erotic massage in a Russian steam room, a fragrant birch broom is best suited. The oak or spruce version is good for men's health, but too harsh for delicate women's skin.

Don't have sex in a steam room

After foreplay in the steam room, cool off in the pool, then tease each other again in the steam room... And so on until passion covers you completely. You can merge in ecstasy in the dressing room, relaxation room or jacuzzi, but under no circumstances in the steam room. Sexual intercourse in hellish heat is too serious a test for the heart. And if you really want to have sex right on the bench in the steam room, cool the room at least halfway.

Reason four: a good stress reliever

They say that a bath can replace a psychotherapy session. We wouldn’t say this for sure, but in a sauna or steam room a person can really gain strength and relieve accumulated stress.

There are biological reasons for this. Firstly

, like any other bodily practice, the bathhouse literally forces you to focus on your sensations, so as not to accidentally miss the moment of overheating. Breathing becomes calmer and deeper, the nervous system calms down.

American neuroendocrinologist Christopher Lowry discovered that there is a certain area in the human brain whose neurons release large amounts of the “happy hormone” serotonin when the ambient temperature rises. So the sauna can officially be considered a stress reliever.


, a visit to a Russian bathhouse and sauna can also be called an aromatherapy session. Mixing the smells of wood, firewood and steamed brooms in itself is therapeutic (at high temperatures, essential oils are released from branches and wood), but you can enhance the effect by adding a couple of drops of your favorite aromatic oil to a ladle of water and splashing the mixture on the stones. You can read about which essential oil is suitable for a relaxing and calming effect in our article.

First entry into the steam room: rules and recommendations

The first entry into the steam room is the most important and possibly difficult, especially if we talk about the person who came to the bathhouse for the first time. Therefore, during the first run you need to be extremely careful and monitor your body’s reactions. If you feel unwell, you should immediately leave the steam room and rest for a while in a cooler room.

Women in the steam room

  • At this stage, brooms are not yet used; a person simply enters the steam room and sits on the 1st or 2nd step, that is, where it is coolest. The previously prepared brooms are placed on the upper shelves. They should lie there for at least 5 minutes.
  • After a few minutes, your body will respond: your heart rate will increase, your skin will begin to turn red, and you will begin to sweat.
  • If your health allows, climb the next steps, however, overdoing it during the first approach is still not recommended.
  • The total time that can and should be in the steam room at this stage is 5-10 minutes.
  • Next, we leave the steam room and relax. Remember, you shouldn’t visit often. You need to rest after the steam room for as long as you stayed in it or even a little more.

Spending your rest time correctly is also important, however, more on that a little later.



A bathhouse is, first of all, a healing of the soul and body, so it is important, after steaming the skin, to care for it properly. The products should contain natural ingredients; you can also use old proven beauty recipes. When visiting a bathhouse, you can combine business with pleasure: take a steam bath and take care of your skin. In the steam room, the skin pores expand, so any beneficial mixtures applied to the skin are easily absorbed. You can use honey. It should be rubbed over the skin with massage movements. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and gets rid of toxins. Honey also has an anti-cellulite effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system.


To cleanse the skin in the steam room, you can use scrubs. There is also plenty of this goodness on the market. But if you profess the principle: inexpensive and natural, then you can successfully use coffee grounds as a scrub, according to the classic recipe for use. What else should you take to the sauna as a scrub? The choice is very large and the question is rather a matter of personal preference and purely individual characteristics of the body. Crushed nuts with olive oil and sea salt can also play their role. It is necessary to plan in advance what to take with you to the sauna, otherwise something will be forgotten.


Using salt, you can cleanse the skin and remove the dead layer of the epidermis. It also enhances metabolic processes in the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. Salt is also used for salt inhalations and wraps. In this regard, the choice of the modern market is wide and vast. Both Himalayan salt and sea salt are presented, of various colors, textures, chemical composition and origin. For the first time, it is better, of course, to test an unknown sample in an extremely small volume, and then go to the normal consumption rate.

Bath salts are available on the market in a wide range


The oil can be in the form of vegetable fat, for example, unrefined virgin olive oil, for oil massage sessions. May be essential oil. Which, in essence, is a volatile aromatic hydrocarbon used for inhalation in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases and increasing the tone and immunity of the body as a whole. What experienced women take with them to the bathhouse is citrus essential oil. It improves your mood if you dissolve it in water and splash it on the stove stones. And it also effectively fights cellulite. But here, in addition to oil, you need a good experienced massage therapist who will conduct an anti-cellulite massage session using this product.

Bath wisdom

In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money. The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules.

A bathhouse without steam is like cabbage soup without fat.

Our bathhouse will wash everything away, clean everything, refresh it. Youth will open your body and inspire your mind and soul!

The grandfather sweated in the steam room, became slimmer and younger. He threatens his sons: I want to get married again!

Our guests from Moscow fell in love with the bathhouse. It must have been difficult for them to get used to the bath again.

In the bathhouse everyone is equal, like brothers, There are no generals, no leaders, No uniform, jeans, dresses, Only what people have.

Listen to folk wisdom

Is it possible to heat a stove with raw wood: useful information

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