Infrared sauna: benefits and features of the procedures

A worthy alternative has appeared to traditional therapeutic and health remedies, where hot steam and heat are used as active ingredients - an infrared sauna. Since its appearance on the beauty services market, it has managed to gain considerable popularity among clients of beauty salons and health spa centers.

In this article we will tell you what an infrared bath is, what its benefits are and what rules need to be followed during the procedure.

What it is?

An infrared bath, or as it is more often called an IR sauna, is an invention of a doctor from Japan. For many years he has been looking for a way to warm the body of patients for whom traditional thermal procedures are contraindicated.

An infrared sauna is a wooden cabin in which special heaters based on infrared waves are installed. The main difference between the heat emitted by these devices and that produced in electric saunas is the absence of air heating.

IR rays penetrate directly into the human body through the skin to a depth of about 5 cm and heat it from the inside. At the same time, the process of increased sweating starts, blood begins to actively circulate, and metabolic processes accelerate.

The length of the thermal energy rays of our body is 6-20 microns. In the sauna they spread to 7-14 microns. Thanks to this, the vacationer perceives them in the form of soft, pleasant warmth.

The surface effect for those staying in the booth is reminiscent of the result of light exercise: the person’s pulse slightly quickens and sweating increases.

Structurally, an infrared sauna is a cabin made of natural wood, with special heaters installed inside. The dimensions of the cabin depend on the expected number of seats. The minimum size is 1 m wide and 1 – 1.5 m high. The cabin is designed so that a person sits on a bench.

Manufacturers offer a variety of models; there are also cabins designed for a larger number of visitors. They are most often presented in fitness clubs. In this case, more heaters are installed, the number of which is selected taking into account optimal performance.

Externally, an infrared sauna is almost no different from a thermal steam room. The difference is that the heating element here is an IR heater.

It consists of the following elements:

  • metal rectangular case.
  • infrared lamp.
  • screen to reflect heat waves.
  • thermal insulating gasket.
  • reflector that emits thermal energy.
  • heating element;
  • thermostat with a rotary mechanism designed to maintain a set temperature.

How is it different from Finnish?

The main difference between an infrared sauna and a Russian bath and electric sauna is the internal temperature and the heating principle.

Finnish sauna is a room where a person is exposed to dry heat, which heats up to 110 degrees Celsius, humidity - 25%. This ratio is easier to tolerate. The body does not heat up due to dry air; the sweat that is released evaporates from the skin instantly.

If you approach the construction of a Finnish sauna correctly, an additional therapeutic effect will be achieved through the use of wood, those varieties that release beneficial substances, accompanied by a favorable aroma.

In an infrared sauna, the body is warmed by the action of infrared waves. Their peculiarity is that it is not the air around that is heated, but the objects themselves and the human body.

The depth of heat penetration is many times greater than in a sauna: there, body heating reaches only 5 mm). Due to the more intense effect of temperature on the body, the process of eliminating harmful substances from the body occurs faster (up to 20%).

The result in IR depends on several factors:

  • session time - no more than 30 minutes;
  • infrared wavelength;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

Mechanism of action on the body

The process of visiting this sauna is radically different from sessions in a Finnish sauna and a Russian bath.

It looks like this:

  1. The cabin warms up to 35 - 38 degrees.
  2. In the first minutes, a person accumulates energy, and the body temperature rises to 38 degrees. There is little sweating at this time.
  3. At the second stage, blood circulation increases and sweat begins to be released more intensely. At the same time, waste and toxins begin to visit the body.
  4. 20 - 25 minutes after the start of the session, sweating decreases, since most of the water has already left the body, and it begins to warm up even more.
  5. After 30 minutes you need to leave the booth. But sweating at this time still continues due to the previously generated energy.

Operating principle

Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle have long been interested in the infrared sauna, as it has many benefits. First, let's look at what it is.

An infrared sauna is a special device represented by a compact cabin, the wall structures of which are made of environmentally friendly and safe wood. Ceramic emitters are built into the walls and benches.

The cabin can accommodate from 1 to 6 people, depending on the dimensions of the structure. Similar cabins are used in beauty and fitness centers, sports clubs, private houses and apartments.

The infrared cabin operates on the emitter principle. In active mode, safe, deep-penetrating infrared waves are released, which provide slow and uniform heating of the entire body. Maximum heating promotes increased sweating, improved blood flow and detoxification of the body.

The main difference between an infrared sauna and a traditional bath is the temperature, which does not exceed 55 degrees (in ordinary steam rooms it can reach 110 degrees).

In addition, no more than 20% of the energy released by the emitters is used to warm the air, while in a traditional bath up to 85% of the heat is spent heating the room.

What is the benefit

Visiting booths with IR emitters promotes healing and strengthening of the body.

An infrared sauna has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • promotes cell rejuvenation;
  • increases immunity;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • relieves muscle spasm;
  • reduces or completely eliminates headaches.
  • stimulates and normalizes kidney function.

After a session in the infrared sauna, a person feels:

  • psychological comfort;
  • relaxation;
  • reduction of muscle pain;
  • lightness in the body.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

A significant advantage of an infrared sauna is ease of use and mobility. Installation of the booth does not require a lot of free space, the controls are simple.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors do not have a clear opinion about the benefits and harms of infrared saunas. Some experts believe that such radiation is unnatural and has a detrimental effect on the body. Others argue that this opinion is wrong. The human body itself emits a small amount of infrared rays.

In the cabin, the heaters are positioned so that the waves are in a safe range. It can be called natural, so such radiation does not harm humans.

However, a number of conditions and diseases are direct contraindications to visiting an infrared sauna.

Intense heating of the body can cause harm:

  • during menstruation due to the possible onset of bleeding;
  • in the first 6 months after surgery;
  • during exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • if there are benign and malignant tumors in the body, problems with blood circulation;
  • in some forms of diabetes;
  • together with taking certain medications (according to the instructions for them);
  • with intolerance to elevated temperatures.
  • in the presence of gynecological diseases: endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, mastopathy.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to visit the infrared sauna during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to refrain from visiting the infrared cabin if you have silicone implants. Sharp pain may occur at the implantation sites, which will lead to surgical intervention. The aesthetic effect of visiting an infrared sauna can also quickly disappear.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of an infrared sauna, in contrast to the Russian bath and Finnish sauna, are as follows:

  • Fast warm-up. It does not need to be heated for a long time like a Russian bathhouse or warmed up like a Finnish one. Heating occurs in just 10 minutes.
  • The effect of an infrared sauna is felt better than when visiting other steam rooms. This is evidenced by many users of IR booths.
  • An infrared sauna can be installed even in a city apartment, so there is no need to travel outside the city to visit a bathhouse.
  • This type of bath is considered the safest, because there are practically no thermal loads. In this regard, the list of possible contraindications is much shorter.
  • The disadvantages of this type of bath include the inability to use cosmetics - various scrubs, oils, creams. If you lubricate the skin, you can get an allergic reaction, because the components of the products penetrate too deeply into the body.

Subtleties of device selection

The first important point when choosing a “health assistant” is its size. You should start from the availability of free space in your home. The standard single (100x100x185 cm) model, as well as some double (130x120x190 cm) cabins, are the best choice for an ordinary city apartment.

This design can be installed directly in the bathroom, on a loggia or in a specially equipped niche. Triple-sized models are more suitable for spacious apartments. Do not forget that the IR cabin can always be ordered to individual sizes.

As for the shape, the infrared sauna can be corner, classic rectangular, complex and original hexagonal.

Natural wood is usually used for interior cladding. Possible breed options include:

  1. Canadian cedar. It has the ability to enhance the effect of infrared waves and reduces the cabin heating time by up to 5 times. Contains essential oils and phytoncides in abundance.
  2. Canadian hemlock. Durable, durable, highly aesthetic material. Very rich in essential oils and phytoncides.
  3. Linden. Homogeneous, pure material with a pleasant aroma. Has a powerful calming and healing effect. An ideal solution for people suffering from allergies.
  4. Pine. Material with high strength and resistance to rotting. Does not crack when dry.

An infrared sauna can be combined with a shower. This design is an excellent home station for cleansing and healing.

Infrared saunas also differ in the type of heater. Both the quality and speed of heating depend on it. The following emitters are used for IR booths:

  • Incalloaceae. The most durable heaters have the highest heat transfer rate. Made from an alloy of nickel, chromium and iron. Installed on walls.
  • Film. Mounted directly in the cabin walls along their entire height. They ensure maximum uniform heating and save useful space.
  • Ceramic.
  • Carbon.

Visiting rules

Procedures in an infrared sauna will only be beneficial if you follow the rules for visiting it:

  1. The session lasts approximately 40 minutes and causes increased sweating. To prevent your body from becoming dehydrated, drink a glass of water or green tea before visiting the sauna. You should not drink sweet or carbonated drinks.
  2. You should not visit the sauna immediately after eating. The interval between food intake and the procedure should be 1.5 – 2 hours. The snack should be light, without consuming fatty or difficult-to-digest foods.
  3. The duration of the first session should not exceed 25 minutes, and the temperature should not exceed 45 degrees.
  4. Before the procedure in the infrared sauna, take a hot shower to open the skin pores.
  5. Do not apply oils or creams to your skin before the session. The body must be dry and clean.
  6. Wash off any sweat immediately, as it prevents the rays from penetrating under the skin.
  7. To achieve the desired effect, the session must be continuous. It is not recommended to leave the booth and re-enter it.
  8. Take a shower after the procedure to wash away any toxins released in sweat. Then rest without making sudden movements for about 10 to 15 minutes. If necessary, apply cream or oil to the skin.
  9. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the infrared sauna should be visited regularly, up to twice a week. Wellness course – 10 – 12 sessions. You can visit the sauna every other day, but not more often.

Carefully! Failure to follow the instructions for visiting infrared saunas, as well as exceeding the session time, can be harmful to health. During a long session, the load on the heart increases greatly, and body temperature rises to critical levels.

Installation recommendations

The installation of an infrared sauna can be done with your own hands, and quite quickly. The main thing is to choose a good place for it. For fire safety reasons, placing this equipment in living rooms and basements is prohibited.

At the same time, no special permission is required to install a “home clinic”. The infrared sauna is connected to a regular outlet.

The device must be located in a dry, well-ventilated room on a perfectly flat surface (it is best if it is tile). Installation of the cabin close to the walls is not allowed - gaps of at least 3-4 cm are required on each side.

The distance to the ceiling should be 30 centimeters or more.

IR sauna for weight loss

Numerous reviews indicate that regular visits to the infrared sauna help to significantly lose excess weight. Weight loss occurs due to the evaporation of water accumulated in the body and the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Sauna visitors notice the loss of extra pounds after the first sessions. Increased breakdown of adipose tissue begins in the body, and toxins leave the body, which slow down metabolism.

To lose weight, you should follow the following procedure for visiting the infrared cabin:

  1. Procedures are carried out regularly – 1 – 2 times a week.
  2. Don't rely only on an infrared sauna. At the same time, you need to reduce the caloric content of food and increase physical activity.
  3. After sessions, you need to replenish the lack of fluid in the body. You need to drink clean water or green tea.
  4. To tighten the skin after procedures, you should use anti-cellulite or fat-burning creams and combine their application with massage.

A combination of proper nutrition, physical activity and visiting an infrared sauna can give incredible results in the fight against extra pounds. In just 2-3 months you can lose significant weight.

Heat sessions for pregnant women

The question of whether an infrared sauna is beneficial for pregnant women depends on each individual situation. Remember: sessions can only take place after consultation with the attending physician, since it is during this period that a new life is formed in the female body and significant transformations are carried out.

Using an infrared sauna for pregnant women Source: center-reservation-hotels.rf

Benefit or harm during pregnancy Source

How to choose an IR booth

When purchasing an infrared sauna for your home, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:


Manufacturers offer cabins with 1, 2, 3 or more seats. Large cabins are designed for installation in country houses, if there is sufficient space. For city apartments, it is better to choose models designed for 1-2 people. If necessary, you can visit them on a first-come, first-served basis.

Shape and design

It all depends on taste preferences. There are models of square, angular or round shape. The main parameter in this case is the configuration of the room where the booth will be installed.

Interior decoration

Only natural wood is acceptable. Which variety – it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. Cedar has maximum healing power.

Attention! If your “infrared sauna” uses underfloor heating mats, a film heater or elements hidden behind the walls of the cabin, then such a cabin belongs to low-temperature panel saunas, but not to infrared saunas.

Emitter types

Infrared emitters can be classified according to the length and range of emitted waves into the following types:

  • Short - from 2.6 microns with a heater temperature of 800 degrees and above.
  • Medium - from 2.6 to 51 microns with a heater temperature from 320 to 620 degrees.
  • Long - from 51 to 200 microns with a heater temperature of up to 320 degrees.

Important! The shorter the wavelength, the more intense the heating of surrounding objects.

Long waves are the safest and most comfortable, and this can be explained by the fact that the human body is capable of emitting thermal radiation in the long-wave range from 65 to 200 microns. Long waves provide deep penetration and warming of the entire body.

Small infrared cabins are equipped with short-wave emitters for floor, wall and ceiling placement.

For the production of IR emitters, modern heat-resistant and durable materials are used:

  • Ceramics.
  • Steel – stainless, galvanized or chrome plated.
  • Incoloy is a special alloy of nickel, iron and chromium.
  • Quartz glass.

Emitters are selected based on the technical parameters of the cabin - material, dimensions and design.

Popular questions

Will the IR sauna fit through the doors of my apartment and fit inside?

The IR sauna is collapsible, which means it can be carried through any doorway. When it comes to sizes, there are many options to suit any area.

Is it possible to coat the seat and the ladder with oil for the shelves of baths and saunas?

There are no contraindications to this, nor is there any need. The oil will close the pores of the wood and, at least from the seat and ladders, medicinal phytoncides will not flow into the cabin.

Which infrared sauna is more fireproof - with ceramic or carbon heaters?

Both are equally fireproof. The maximum temperature of the carbon film is 60C. This is clearly not enough for wood to ignite spontaneously under any conditions.

Can children use the infrared sauna?

It is possible if there are no contraindications. It is permissible to visit this type of bath from 3 years of age. But the session time should be reduced to 15 minutes. Extreme care must be taken since children's skin is much thinner and heat transfer is not perfect. Be sure to consult with your pediatrician before your first visit.

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