Infrared sauna: benefits and harms, how often you can visit

This is a relatively recent invention that was made in Japan by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa. Despite the fact that such saunas became known only recently in Western countries, they have become quite widespread. Statistics show that in Europe alone, about 30 thousand infrared cabins are sold per year. Today their popularity is only growing. People install them in sports complexes, medical institutions and even at home.


  • Infrared sauna: operating principle
  • Types of emitters
  • Features of the effect on the body
  • The healing effect of an infrared sauna
  • Cosmetic effect
  • Contraindications
  • Features of the procedure
  • Pros and cons of infrared sauna
  • Advantages of an infrared sauna compared to traditional baths
  • Rules for visiting the infrared sauna
  • The benefits and harms of an infrared sauna
  • Infrared sauna for children
  • Infrared sauna for pregnant and nursing mothers
  • Conclusion


Who is not recommended to visit the IS

Certainly, infrared rays, within reasonable limits, have a huge number of advantages. They have 2 disadvantages:

  • you cannot be under their influence for a long time;
  • Under no circumstances should people with specific illnesses be visited.

The first minus is quite clear, but the second minus should be clarified. For certain diseases, high temperatures will lead to the active manifestation of the virus or disease. If you have such diseases, you should not expose your body to infrared rays. It is important to study contraindications.

A complete list of diseases for which visiting an infrared sauna is prohibited:

Liver and kidney diseases Infectious diseases Processes of putrefaction
Cachexia Cold Bleeding
Chronic alcoholism Parasitic diseases Tumors
Some forms of tuberculosis Any disease in the acute stage Postthrombophlebitic syndrome

Infrared sauna: operating principle

All people have different preferences. Some people like to visit saunas and turn trips to the bathhouse into good traditions. And some people have a hard time withstanding the heat and avoid such places. Most likely, opponents of saunas do not know about the existence of infrared saunas. They would probably change their minds regarding procedures of this type.

An infrared sauna (IR sauna) is a small room made of natural material, such as wood, where infrared emitters are installed. Under the influence of emitted waves, bodies that fall under their influence are heated.

Most often these are small cabins for 1-2 people, which can be found in fitness clubs, beauty salons, or even in some people’s homes.

In order to understand the principle of operation of such a sauna, you need to know what infrared waves are.

IR waves are part of the light spectrum that can heat objects. Such radiations cannot be seen, but they can be felt by the skin. The strongest source of infrared radiation is the sun. If you are under its direct rays, you feel warm. These are IR waves.

It should be noted that any body emits or transmits infrared radiation, including the human body.

All baths have one thing in common. In them, heat is transferred from one object to another. There are several ways to transfer heat:

  1. Contact - when you touch a cold object, you transfer your heat, i.e. infrared radiation comes from you, which is absorbed by the object you touch.
  2. Convection is an option when one object is heated thanks to intermediate coolants. Most often it is air or water. In a traditional sauna, the human body is heated by heated air.
  3. Wave - when objects are heated using infrared waves.

The operating principle of an infrared sauna is as follows. The person receiving this procedure is exposed to harmless infrared waves. They penetrate 4 cm into the skin and warm it, as well as joints, organs, etc. The person begins to sweat heavily, despite the fact that this radiation does not heat the air. Therefore, the temperature in the sauna itself does not rise above 50°C (in ordinary saunas it reaches 110°C).

Detoxification of the body

Many of the diseases facing modern society have their origins in unfavorable environments. Diseases virtually unknown 20 years ago, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, now exist in epidemic proportions and continue to grow every year. Children are the most likely victims of environmental changes.

Many people wonder why they feel exhausted, why their head seems “in a fog”, why do they constantly live with pain? The concentration of accumulated toxic substances in the body may be a primary factor in the poor health of millions of people. Heavy metals, pesticides, fuel combustion products and other chemical elements can be found in significant quantities in the body of virtually every person on our planet.

Recent studies have shown that heating the body in infrared saunas stimulates cells to remove toxic substances from the body through sweat and urine, including lead and mercury. Thus, infrared saunas can be considered as one of the elements (along with diet) of a deep cleansing program for the body.

Cleansing the body of toxins is a prerequisite for preventing various diseases and health disorders. Along with healthy eating, fasting and various diets, the infrared system offers a wide range of proven benefits that go beyond traditional medicine. Regular sessions in an infrared cabin are an effective, easy-to-use and low-cost remedy. The greatest toxic danger is posed by fats and cholesterol that enter the body with food. The sweat released during a session in an infrared cabin includes water, fats, cholesterol and heavy metals. The sweat of people using an infrared cabin was studied and compared with the sweat produced in a regular sauna. The following results were obtained:

Released substanceRegular sauna/IR sauna
Other substances5-10 %15-20 %

After examining the sweat released during a session in the infrared cabin, the following components of other substances were established: lead 84 mg, cadmium 6.2 mg, nickel 1.2 mg, copper 0.11 mg, sodium 0.84 g (Green hospital1983) .

After comparing the amount of sweat produced and the ability to remove harmful substances in a regular sauna and an infrared cabin, it was found that during a session in an infrared cabin, two times more sweat and three times more other substances were released, which means that the ability of an infrared sauna to remove harmful substances six times the capacity of a conventional sauna. According to nutritionists, toxic substances that the body is not able to remove through certain organs accumulate in adipose tissue. Dr. Ishikawa (Japan) claims that a temperature of at least 45 degrees C is required to break down adipose tissue. The thermal effect of infrared radiation energy makes it possible to obtain this temperature in adipose tissue without excessive stress on the cardiovascular system, therefore the concentration of toxic substances released is much higher (compared to a conventional sauna).

Therefore, regular sessions of infrared radiation are the optimal way to remove harmful substances from the body. This refers not only to toxic substances that enter the body with food, but also alcohol and nicotine. An infrared sauna, used along with medications that remove harmful substances, in the presence of problems associated with the use of alcohol and nicotine, makes it possible to independently create a body cleansing program that does not require large expenses and minimally affects the patient’s normal rhythm of work or other activities.

Types of emitters

The most important element of an infrared sauna is the emitters. They are different, depending on the wavelength they produce. In turn, the waves are divided into:

  • Long – from 50 to 200 microns;
  • Medium – from 2.5 to 50 microns;
  • Short – up to 2.5 microns.

The shorter the wave, the more it heats objects.

Long waves are considered the safest. This is because they are as close as possible to the radiation that comes from a person (waves with a length of 70-200 microns emanate from our body). Therefore, the human body does not perceive radiation in this range as hostile.

Medium and short waves are used to heat large areas.

So, we found out that long waves should come from the emitter in an infrared sauna. Now let's look at the material from which the main element is made.

The following materials are used to produce infrared emitters:

  • Ceramics;
  • Metal (stainless steel, chromed or galvanized metal, incoloy);
  • Quartz glass.

Incoloy is a special alloy of chromium, iron and nickel. This is what is most often used in the manufacture of emitters for infrared saunas.

Features of the effect on the body

If you don't like hot baths, then an infrared sauna will definitely appeal to you. This is because the air temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 50-60°C. But, despite this, the rays penetrate deep enough into the body and warm the body better than in a regular bath.

For comparison, we note that in a Russian bath the body warms up by 3-5 mm, and in an infrared sauna - up to 4 cm.

This is because the infrared waves from the emitters have the same length as the heat waves emanating from a person. Therefore, our body perceives them as its own and does not prevent their penetration. The human body temperature rises to 38.5. This allows you to kill viruses and harmful microorganisms. This procedure has a rejuvenating, therapeutic and preventive effect.

How does the IP work?

Most of the cabins are made for one person. However, you can easily find options for 2-5 visitors. There should be more heaters in such cabins, but the temperature in the cabin should not be higher than permissible. The energy source, as mentioned earlier, is the electrical network.

Infrared sauna device:

  • interior decoration;
  • box;
  • heating elements;
  • glass door;
  • benches.

The calculation of internal parameters is done based on the parameters of the body in a sitting position so that there is enough space for comfortable rest and the space does not feel very enclosed. The average area for a comfortable stay inside will be 80 by 80 cm. Considering the thickness of the walls is 15 cm, the outside of the box will be 95 by 95 cm.

Heaters are installed at different ends to warm up the body as much as possible. Two in front, one under the bench, two behind the person sitting.

Infrared saunas often have more powerful heaters than other saunas. On the surface, the heater produces a temperature of 220 to 280 degrees. It is thanks to this temperature that heat penetrates much deeper, warming almost all layers of the skin.


The heat waves emitted by heaters are located within the usual limits of the human body. Because of this, the procedure becomes completely safe. The impact occurs not by heating the air to warm up the body, but by electromagnetic waves.


For the greatest efficiency of visiting the IS, it is desirable to provide a special microclimate and reduce the difference in temperature around the cabin. This effect is achieved by using natural wood to decorate the ceiling, floor and walls.

Thanks to this, the air temperature will not matter, and the body will heat up not due to the air, but precisely due to infrared radiation. The most favorable indicator is 50 degrees. And the minimum indicator for sweating is 35 degrees. At the beginning of the procedure, air humidity is about 40%, and by the end it rises to 60%.

The healing effect of an infrared sauna

In addition to comprehensive prevention and general health improvement of the body, an infrared sauna helps treat various diseases. Naturally, it is not used as the main method of treatment, but doctors include this procedure as part of complex therapy.

Infrared radiation promotes:

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • Stabilization of blood pressure;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Healing of wounds, various injuries (fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.);
  • Strengthening the protective properties of the body (increasing immunity);
  • Improving kidney function by increasing blood circulation;
  • Treatment of chronic ENT diseases;
  • Reduce and relieve pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • Rapid resorption of hematomas;
  • Reducing the pain of menstrual pain and headaches;
  • Eliminate stress;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, acne, pimples, dandruff, etc.);
  • Healing of scars and scars.

Benefits of infrared steam room

Having found out the properties of an infrared sauna, what it gives is easy to understand.

Some of the beneficial effects include:

  • lowering cholesterol levels
  • strengthening blood vessels
  • treatment of ENT diseases
  • rapid healing of hematomas and bruises
  • getting rid of dead skin particles
  • strengthening immunity
  • normalization of pressure
  • eliminating stress
  • improved sleep quality
  • wrinkle smoothing
  • reducing the pain of headaches

In short, an infrared sauna, the benefits of which are undeniable, brings a qualitatively new state to the body. There is no harm from it, if you take into account contraindications and do not neglect the rules of proper use.

  • Adults can be exposed to the rays for no more than 30 minutes, and children - 15 minutes.
  • Children wear a Panama hat on their head to avoid overheating.
  • Monitor the performance of the emitters.

It is not at all difficult to follow these rules.

Cosmetic effect

In addition to its health-improving, therapeutic and rejuvenating effects, an infrared sauna helps solve many cosmetic problems.

While under the influence of infrared waves, a person begins to sweat very much. Together with sweat, the skin is cleansed and dead cells are sloughed off. Such procedures are recommended for people with acne and pimples.

Very often, infrared cabins can be found in sports clubs. All because of the amazing property of an infrared sauna to help in the fight against extra pounds and cellulite.

30 minutes of such a thermal procedure can be compared to a 10-kilometer run in terms of the number of calories consumed.

But if you decide to lose weight only with the help of such a sauna, then the effect is unlikely to be noticeable. You will be able to lose extra pounds if you combine regular exercise, proper nutrition, visiting the sauna and using special cosmetics.

Athletes know another feature of the infrared sauna. The rays emanating from the emitters promote the resorption of lactic acid in the muscles, after which pain disappears and the body recovers faster.


Any health procedure has its contraindications. The infrared sauna is no exception. In order not to harm your health or aggravate the course of any disease, you need to know about situations in which sessions in an infrared sauna are contraindicated for a person.

  1. In case of exacerbation of skin diseases.
  2. While taking medications (radiation can cause side effects from medications).
  3. Oncological diseases, all kinds of tumors.
  4. For menstruation or other types of bleeding.
  5. For any diseases of the prostate gland.
  6. For mastopathy.
  7. After surgical interventions.
  8. For gynecological diseases such as: endometriosis, fibroma, fibroids, etc.
  9. For colds and other infectious diseases.
  10. Heart failure, too high or very low blood pressure, tachycardia, anemia.
  11. During exacerbation of cystitis and nephritis.
  12. For inflammation of the joint capsules, development of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).
  13. If there are any implants in the human body.

Beneficial effects of infrared therapy in an IR sauna for various chronic diseases

Therapeutic procedures in the infrared sauna belong to physiotherapy, which in turn is a complementary and alternative medicine throughout the world. It is widely used to diagnose and treat various diseases and defects. Increasing evidence suggests that convenient and non-invasive far infrared beams, a vital form of physical therapy, improve the health of patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. However, the molecular mechanisms by which IR therapy functions remain elusive. We present to your attention a review and synthesis of the results of previous studies, as well as the development of the molecular mechanisms of IR therapy for various types of diseases.

The effect of infrared rays on cardiovascular diseases

It has been proven that infrared rays have a protective effect on cardiovascular diseases. Several weeks of sauna treatment markedly increased flow-mediated endothelium-dependent dilatation of the brachial artery ( P < 0.001), which was associated with increased cardiopulmonary exercise capacity. Because endothelial dysfunction is commonly observed in patients with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity, and smoking patients, sauna treatments likely have a therapeutic role in patients with coronary artery risk factors, suggesting that IR sauna treatments improve function of the vascular endothelium.

Compelling evidence has shown that vascular endothelial function is closely related to endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which catalyzes the amino acid L-arginine into L-citrulline and nitric oxide (NO) in the endothelium. NO is an important vasodilator that prevents the progression of atherosclerosis by dilating blood vessels and inhibiting certain arterial disorders such as platelet aggregation and smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation.


Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases caused by either insufficient insulin production (type 1) or the development of insulin resistance (type 2). Most cases of diabetes can be divided into two broad etiopathogenetic categories: type 1 diabetes mellitus, caused by the inability of the pancreas to secrete insulin; and type 2 diabetes, caused by the body's inability to properly respond (eg, resistance) to the action of insulin or the insulin secretory response. A person with diabetes (type 1 or 2) has high levels of sugar in the blood, which damages blood vessels, nerves, kidneys, and other body systems.

American scientists demonstrated that repeated dry sauna therapy using infrared rays reduced the level of 8-epi-prostaglandin F 2α (a marker of oxidative stress) in urine, and that diabetes was associated with increased oxidative stress, which has a pronounced effect on insulin resistance. In addition, IR therapy is suggested to have benefits in promoting blood flow restoration and new vessel formation by improving the homing process of EPCs by reducing oxidative stress in the ischemic hindlimbs of diabetic mice.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is progressive kidney dysfunction that occurs over months or years. long-term exposure to FIR increases access flow (Qa), reduces the incidence and relative incidence of AVF dysfunction, and improves unassisted AVF patency in patients with CKD.

Features of the procedure

Visiting an infrared sauna is very different from a traditional procedure.

  1. Firstly, the session duration is 30 minutes. This is exactly how long it takes to get the maximum effect. However, you cannot leave the infrared cabin during this time. You can open the door (this will not affect the quality of the procedure in any way).
  2. Secondly, while in such a sauna it is very important to take the necessary position. You should sit on a bench with your feet on the floor. The back remains straight. The emitters are mounted both in the walls and under the seat. Therefore, it is in a sitting position that you can get the maximum effect from an infrared sauna.
  3. Thirdly, during and after the procedure you need to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.
  4. Fourthly, you should not take a cold shower after visiting the infrared sauna. The body does not perceive such a session as overheating. Therefore, just take a warm shower to wash away sweat and moisturize your skin.

Using the table, we will look at the main differences between a regular sauna and an infrared sauna.

Comparison criteriaIR saunaRussian bath
Sauna heating time10-15 minutes1-2 hours
Temperature inside the sauna45-55°C90-110°С
Total duration of the procedure0.5 hours1-2 hours
Feelings after the procedureEnergy boostDrowsiness and fatigue
How often can you do itEvery dayNo more than once a week
Energy consumptionLowHigh

Features of the session

The bath procedure in an infrared sauna is significantly different from what we are used to. Here the session is not accompanied by work with birch, fir, oak and other brooms. During the procedure, the body does not perceive it as overheating of the body, so contrasting water procedures will be unnecessary.

A full session lasts about half an hour. At this time, the ideal position relative to all infrared emitters would be a sitting position, with your legs down, your arms extended along your body and your back straight. It is important to know that during the session the body loses a large amount of moisture, so it needs to be compensated. Green tea or mineral water is best suited for this purpose, which should be consumed after the session in an amount sufficient to quench thirst.

Pros and cons of infrared sauna

Based on the features of such health procedures, the following advantages :

  1. Easy to tolerate by humans. Because the temperature in an infrared sauna is not very high, most people feel quite good throughout the entire session.
  2. The procedure takes quite a bit of time. If a regular sauna involves several short visits, after which time is needed for recovery, then you need to enter the infrared sauna once.
  3. Sessions can be carried out even in the morning. After the sauna you will not feel “broken” and tired. On the contrary, such a procedure will give you strength and energy for the whole day.
  4. Compactness. This sauna can be installed even at home. It takes up minimal space and consumes little energy (less than an electric kettle).

It is quite difficult to name the disadvantages of this procedure. Disadvantages may appear if the booth is not used correctly or the rules for staying in it are ignored.

Benefits and indications for use

Without a doubt, regular visits to the infrared sauna, taking into account the basic rules and regimen, can improve your overall health and get rid of many common diseases. In the absence of significant contraindications, the patient may notice:

  1. Improving the condition of the skin. After just a few procedures, the skin will become perfectly clean and healthy.
  2. Raising tone, a surge of vigor.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system and improving vascular elasticity.
  4. Losing excess weight.

An infrared sauna can reduce wrinkles and cellulite, as well as give a person a good mood and healthy rest. Due to the improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes, experts in the field of neurology and surgery advise performing procedures in an infrared sauna for:

  1. Development of colds and flu.
  2. Fight against various hair parasites, including lice.
  3. Insufficient blood circulation, which leads to the development of cold feet syndrome.
  4. The appearance of muscle pain after prolonged sports training.

And this is not a complete list of the beneficial effects that the IR cabin has on the human body. It can also help:

  1. Effective treatment of itching.
  2. Combating severe pain in the joints and lower back.
  3. Eliminate chronic fatigue.
  4. Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. In this case, the sauna is additionally finished with rare types of wood, which are capable of releasing a lot of useful substances and essential oils when heated.

With regular exposure to infrared radiation on the body, you can notice a lot of miraculous effects that no other treatment method can provide.

Advantages of an infrared sauna compared to traditional baths

The actions of all baths and saunas are aimed at warming up the human body. The difference between the types of baths is the resulting effect.

While a person is inside the sauna, he actively sweats. Sweat releases water and solids such as sodium, copper, lead, etc. When using an infrared sauna, the sweat produced is 80% water and 20% toxins and solids. While in a regular bath, sweat consists of 95% water and only 5% consists of harmful substances.

In addition, with infrared wave exposure, deep heating of tissues and organs is observed, which cannot be said about a Russian bath or Finnish sauna.

Rules for visiting the infrared sauna

An infrared sauna has a positive effect on the human body. But in order to get the maximum desired result from being under IR waves, you need to know how to visit such saunas.

Here are the basic rules for staying in an infrared sauna.

  1. Before taking treatment procedures, you must wash off all makeup from your face and rinse in the shower. Under no circumstances should you use any cosmetic products (creams, lotions, scrubs, etc.) before visiting the sauna. This can lead to an allergic reaction and even burns.
  2. In order for a visit to the sauna to bring maximum benefits, it is not recommended to eat food before going to the sauna and immediately after it. It is better if you eat 1 hour before entering the infrared cabin. At the same time, we recommend eating something light.
  3. While in the infrared sauna, wipe off sweat with a dry towel. The fluid released on the skin prevents the penetration of heat and slows down the warming up of the body.
  4. After completing the procedure, drink plenty of fluids. By warming up your body, infrared rays dehydrate the body quite strongly. Therefore, to restore water balance, we recommend drinking clean water or warm green tea.
  5. After taking a sauna, you can rinse off in a warm shower. It would be a good idea to rest for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cosmetics can be applied to the skin after taking water procedures.

So, myth one: an infrared cabin can cause harm to health.

Arguing their position with arguments about the little knowledge of infrared radiation, opponents of the infrared sauna unreasonably compare it with ultraviolet, x-ray, microwave or radioactive radiation harmful to human health. In fact, infrared waves have been known to mankind for more than two hundred years. Claims about the dangers of directed infrared radiation are actually unsubstantiated. On the contrary, they are refuted by modern scientific knowledge about the nature of infrared waves. Read more about this in the article “Infrared cabins (part I). The infrared sauna is all about the technology.” Remember! An infrared sauna can have a negative impact on human health only if it is used incorrectly or used despite existing medical contraindications.

It is enough to follow simple recommendations so that your infrared cabin always brings only benefits to your health:

  • Make sure that the air temperature in the cabin during the session does not exceed 53 C;
  • Since infrared radiation promotes active sweating, it is very important to maintain fluid balance in the body (drink enough water before, during and after the session);
  • Do not use active body cosmetics (lotions, creams, etc.) before the session;
  • Your first experience of using an infrared sauna should not be very long (start with 10-15 minutes, as you get used to it you can increase the session to 45 minutes or more);
  • Sit quietly and do not make sudden movements for 5 minutes after the end of the session, as even after leaving the cabin, increased sweating and blood circulation are observed.

The infrared sauna has few contraindications. So, it is not shown if there is:

  • Any inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Any tumors or suspicions of them;
  • Tendency to bleed;
  • Ulcers, infectious and fungal lesions of the skin;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Various cardiovascular diseases;
  • Severe diseases of internal organs;
  • Diseases requiring medication;
  • Injuries that caused swelling of the joints.

Attention! The use of an infrared sauna by pregnant women is only possible after mandatory consultation with a doctor. We hope you do not have any strict contraindications to visiting the infrared cabin. Wonderful! Then together we will understand the “mythical” and real properties of the infrared sauna further.

The benefits and harms of an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna definitely brings maximum benefits to the body. But if you do not adhere to the rules of staying in the bathhouse and neglect the advice that we will discuss below, you can cause harm to the body.

  1. Monitor the wavelength and radiation power. Otherwise you may get burned.
  2. Consider the individual characteristics of your body and read the contraindications. If necessary, consult your doctor.
  3. for yourself how long to stay in the infrared sauna. For an adult, 1 session lasts 30 minutes, and for a child – 15 minutes.

Infrared sauna for children

Infrared waves have a positive effect not only on the adult body, but also on children. With proper stay in such a sauna, the child improves his health, becomes calmer and his general condition improves.

But in order for your stay in the sauna to bring the desired result, you need to know about precautions when children are there.

  • The child's time in the infrared sauna should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The radiation power should be 65%. This figure for women is 75%, and for men 85%.
  • Children need to wear a Panama hat on their heads to prevent them from getting heatstroke.

Children are recommended to visit salt infrared saunas . They differ from ordinary ones in that the finishing material used is not wood, but tiles made of Himalayan salt.

We strongly recommend that you consult with your pediatrician before taking your child to an infrared sauna.

Finishing the structure

A variety of materials can be used to decorate the cabin. In most cases, this is natural wood with antiseptic characteristics, although there are glass and fiberglass products equipped with a shower on the market.

The most optimal raw materials are linden, oak or cedar, since these materials are characterized by antibacterial and health-promoting parameters. However, often leading companies use popular types of cedar only as a marketing gimmick. Although elite wood looks very beautiful, its service life is much lower than that of linden or pine. At the same time, cedar structures are very expensive.

The advantages of finishing with high-quality wood are obvious and are as follows:

  1. Durability.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. No harmful emissions when heated.
  4. As the cabin heats up, it releases useful substances and odors.

And although plastic structures are much cheaper, they can emit toxic formaldehyde, becoming hazardous to health. As a result, instead of the expected therapeutic effect, the infrared cabin causes harm.

Experienced cosmetologists advise additionally finishing the floor and walls with high-quality Himalayan salt tiles. It is characterized by excellent healing qualities, which increase as it heats up and have a positive effect on the respiratory system and the general condition of the body. In traditional steam saunas it is impossible to implement such a plan, since under the influence of moisture the salt begins to break down.

Infrared sauna for pregnant and nursing mothers

During pregnancy, no one forbids carrying out such health procedures. But in an interesting situation, you need to be especially careful with infrared saunas. This is due to the fact that the rays warm up absolutely the entire body, including the stomach and lower back. No one can say how a pregnant woman’s body will react to such procedures.

If you really want to soak up the infrared waves, be sure to tell your doctor about your intentions to visit the sauna.

There are also no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but you must understand that in the sauna the body temperature rises to 38.5°C, and this can lead to the milk “burning out.”

If you have given birth to a baby and are not breastfeeding, you can go to an infrared sauna no earlier than 6 weeks after giving birth. Otherwise, this may lead to bleeding and worsening of your condition.

Muscles and joints

Infrared waves have a proven positive effect on joint muscles, eliminating problems such as cramps, arthritic pain, especially in the shoulders and upper shoulder girdle, muscle pain, menstrual pain, rheumatism, sciatica and pain in various organs. Infrared heat helps combat stiff limbs. When warmed up in the infrared cabin, finger mobility increases by 20%. The reaction of other stiff joints and connective tissue is similar.

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