The benefits and harms of an infrared cabin (IR) - its differences from a sauna

An infrared cabin is a structure that is designed to warm the body using IR emitters. In its shape and size it resembles a small closet, and in its operating principle it resembles a full-fledged sauna. The invention has an excellent healing effect and is a useful preventive agent for various diseases.

Relax in your own IR cabin

Sauna with an infrared emitter: how it works

An IR sauna is a small room made of natural wood, in which infrared emitters are installed. IR heaters, made of carbon, ceramic or metal, warm up the bodies in the room by emitting infrared waves. Saunas of this type are often found in modern fitness rooms and spas.

The key difference between an infrared sauna and other types of saunas lies in the essence of the concept of infrared waves. IR waves are electromagnetic radiation that tends to heat objects. Infrared heaters operate in the long-wave range that is safe for humans; the emitted waves penetrate 4 centimeters into the body, providing uniform heating, increased sweating, improved blood flow and detoxification of the body.

Infrared saunas differ from other types of saunas in the temperature conditions inside the cabin. In classic Russian steam rooms, the air temperature can slightly exceed one hundred degrees Celsius, while in infrared saunas the air does not heat above 60 degrees. Thermal radiation from IR heaters is not absorbed or dissipated by the air; all emitted energy is used to heat people in the room, which is why IR heaters are called direct heating. This feature of infrared saunas is reflected in the comfortable tolerance of the microclimate inside the cabin, as well as in the economical consumption of electricity.

Working elements and device

When choosing a compact infrared cabin, you should take into account its design features and structure. Depending on the type of IR emitters, the models available on the market are:

  1. Carbon (plates and films are placed inside).
  2. Ceramic (there is a tubular system inside).

When choosing a functional and comfortable sauna, it is advisable to give preference to the first type. However, ceramic structures have a better emitter, so they have the maximum effect on the human body when warmed up. There are also combined models that combine the advantages of both types.

Built-in radios or radios are used as additional elements for an infrared sauna. The design may also include a reinforced ventilation system or a massage shower.

IR sauna device

The structure of the sauna includes a cabin measuring about 95 by 95 centimeters for a single-seater model, infrared heaters for the upper body and legs, built into the walls of the cabin, benches and backrests made of wood, a glass door for a panoramic view, as well as integrated ventilation systems and sauna control panel. A classic electrical outlet is required for the sauna to operate. Heaters are mounted in different parts of the sauna box to ensure maximum coverage of the body with thermal radiation.

The location of the heaters and the interior decoration of the cabin with natural wood ensure that there are no temperature fluctuations along the length and height inside the sauna box. Integrated IR heaters are capable of heating surfaces up to 250 degrees, as a result, heat penetrates deeper into the human body, warming up the deeper layers of the skin, which is impossible in other types of saunas. People in the cabin can heat up to a temperature of 35-50 degrees, and the air humidity will remain at 50-60 percent.

Finishing the structure

A variety of materials can be used to decorate the cabin. In most cases, this is natural wood with antiseptic characteristics, although there are glass and fiberglass products equipped with a shower on the market.

The most optimal raw materials are linden, oak or cedar, since these materials are characterized by antibacterial and health-promoting parameters. However, often leading companies use popular types of cedar only as a marketing gimmick. Although elite wood looks very beautiful, its service life is much lower than that of linden or pine. At the same time, cedar structures are very expensive.

The advantages of finishing with high-quality wood are obvious and are as follows:

  1. Durability.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. No harmful emissions when heated.
  4. As the cabin heats up, it releases useful substances and odors.

And although plastic structures are much cheaper, they can emit toxic formaldehyde, becoming hazardous to health. As a result, instead of the expected therapeutic effect, the infrared cabin causes harm.

Experienced cosmetologists advise additionally finishing the floor and walls with high-quality Himalayan salt tiles. It is characterized by excellent healing qualities, which increase as it heats up and have a positive effect on the respiratory system and the general condition of the body. In traditional steam saunas it is impossible to implement such a plan, since under the influence of moisture the salt begins to break down.

Types of infrared emitters

The emitted wavelength determines the class of the IR emitter. Short-wave emitters with a wavelength of less than 2.7 microns can be installed in small cabins. Medium wave with a wavelength of up to 51 microns can heat objects within 300-500 degrees. Long-wave emitters with a wavelength of 51-200 microns are the safest for humans. Such waves penetrate deeply into the body and heat surfaces to a depth of up to 4 centimeters. Modern emitters are made from ceramics, carbon, metal alloys, or quartz glass.

Application of infrared cabin

Such sessions are considered by some people as a wonderful relaxation for body and soul, especially in booths equipped with effects for a pleasant pastime. Therefore they are used in this direction. If you choose the right cabin size, you can relax with your family or friends. Currently, cabin installation is popular in various places:

  • in the office;
  • apartment;
  • on a private plot;
  • in beauty salons and fitness centers;

Particularly popular is equipment for preparing and warming up athletes before a game or competition, or for relaxing after an important game. Due to the fact that the sunnas produce a lasting therapeutic effect, their installation has begun in modern medical clinics.

Benefits and harm to the body

An infrared sauna has a positive effect on a number of processes occurring in the body. Exposure to infrared waves helps to improve the health of the body and prevent colds due to the antibacterial effect it has on humans. Systematic sauna sessions improve blood circulation and increase the body's defenses, and also help normalize metabolism. Bath procedures stimulate improvement of kidney function, reduce blood cholesterol levels, normalize water balance in the body and help relieve pain symptoms after physical activity and in diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the body.

Testimony from doctors indicates that an infrared sauna will be especially useful for people suffering from poor circulation, excess weight, skin diseases, gastrointestinal problems, nervous system disorders, as well as those prone to frequent colds and suffering from muscle pain and spasms.

At the same time, there are a number of contraindications to the use of a sauna. People suffering from the acute stage of the disease with an elevated temperature are not recommended to go to the sauna. In addition, for arthritis, lactation, cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, gynecological diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, you should also not be exposed to infrared waves.

Contraindications for using the cabin

How an infrared sauna will affect a person depends on the wavelength, radiation intensity, exposure time, the size of the area of ​​impact of the rays, the body’s ability to tolerate heat and heat. Most of the action occurs on the skin and eyes.

Restrictions on use

Unfavorable combinations of the above points cause harm to a person, but the right choice has a beneficial effect. Restrictions exist for those patients who, due to their condition, cannot tolerate increased heat, for example, this applies to pregnant women or people with atherosclerosis or vascular diseases. Taking certain medications can have a negative effect on the body when the body temperature rises. Bruises and injuries should not be heated immediately after they occur.

Factors indicating the impossibility of using an infrared sauna

If a family plans to buy and install an infrared sauna , then it is necessary to clearly determine the permission for use for all its members. You should not use the sauna if:

  • there are malignant or benign formations or ulcers on the body and inside;
  • have thyroid disease;
  • chills, fever, infectious infection of the body;
  • external and internal bleeding;
  • fungus on a large area of ​​skin;
  • vascular atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease and chronic alcoholism.

There is no need to talk about the dangers of a sauna for a healthy person, except for those few cases when people abuse their time in the cabin and doctors’ recommendations fall on deaf ears.

Benefits of an infrared sauna

Comparing infrared saunas with analogues that use alternative heaters, we can highlight a number of strengths of infrared saunas.

  • Firstly, due to the low air temperatures in the cabin, it will be much easier for a person to tolerate the temperature regime and not suffer from physical discomfort caused by hot steam in the air.
  • Secondly, unlike the Russian steam room, the procedure will require only one entry into the sauna and, accordingly, will significantly save your time.
  • Thirdly, after taking an infrared sauna there is no feeling of drowsiness or fatigue, as after a classic steam room. And finally, infrared saunas are compact, mobile and allow you to take treatments at any time.

Selection criteria and operating features

An infrared sauna in an apartment or in a country house can provide the user with soft, pleasant warmth without increasing the nominal humidity and comfortable temperature conditions in the home, which, frankly, is difficult to expect from a classic bath. Very delicate integration into the internal living space and a minimum of inconvenience - this is the fundamental difference between a sauna and an infrared sauna, where the latter is very advantageous.

A few words about the selection criteria in light of the question, what is an infrared sauna and how not to make a mistake with the purchase.

So, once again about the concept of this technological item, such as a mini infrared sauna. This is a small-sized sealed wooden capsule - a cabin, equipped with all the necessary accessories for comfortable thermal procedures and equipped with an infrared wave emitter, which is closest in its physical nature to the natural thermal background of the human body. The façade can be equipped with glass doors and inserts made of tempered, injury-resistant, heat-resistant glass.

A feature of thermal radiation is their ability to transport energy through the air without heating the carrier itself, that is, the internal air environment. In the path of the waves, only the human body heats up, but not the atmosphere of the cabin. A very useful quality for those who physiologically cannot tolerate the harsh conditions of a traditional bath in terms of temperature and humidity. In general, the air temperature provided by a portable home infrared sauna does not exceed 50 degrees Celsius.

What you should pay attention to when selecting the necessary item from the wide range that includes infrared sauna cabins:

  • The geometric dimensions of the cabin, which determine the area of ​​useful internal space. Single cabins have dimensions of 1000x1000x1850 mm, where the first number is width, the second is depth, and the third is height. Double products are already larger: 1300×1200×1900. In principle, this is the maximum size that will fit in a close to standard bathroom or balcony. The three-seater model has dimensions of 1500×1500×1950 and can only be accommodated in large new buildings in apartment conditions. In principle, three and four-bed cabins are already a privilege of country houses and dachas. Anything that has a capacity of more than 4 people is rather a commercial product, the destiny of which is gyms, health centers, sanatoriums, and hotels. Shower cabins with an infrared sauna are a kind of compromise between a classic hygiene product and a wellness complex, and one must be aware that versatility often requires sacrificing practicality of use and durability;
  • Design, shape, interior material. There are a lot of options here. Corner, rectangular, hexagonal cabins in projection will fit well into any interior. The interior decoration is made of European or North American cedar, Canadian hemlock, linden and pine. Canadian hemlock and cedar have excellent consumer qualities, but their price is not always pleasant for the average consumer. Products made from European cedar are a good alternative, but lately this has not been encouraging with its price dynamics. Linden is a reasonable compromise between price and quality, with a standard set of basic consumer qualities. Pine and spruce close the ranking list. These are quite durable materials that successfully withstand heat, however, the raw materials must have a minimum of resin pockets, but this is more the responsibility of the manufacturer than of the consumer;
  • Type of infrared heater. One of the key positions in the design of the cabin and the context of the question of how to use an infrared sauna for a long time and without problems. Let's look at them in more detail.

The heater is the heart of the infrared cabin

What is an infrared sauna with a properly selected and, most importantly, high-quality and safe heater. This is a quick return to operating mode, effective and safe warming of the body, without side effects of thermal origin, high energy efficiency and durability. By type of construction they are as follows:

  1. Ceramic, consisting of a mineral tube with a wave generator, a reflector made of polished aluminum, and an anti-scald guard. Their emission peak is within 4.75 microns, and the emission coefficient does not exceed 90%.
  2. Incalloy - made of corrosion-resistant, durable chromium-nickel-iron alloy. They are characterized by high heat transfer, so safety fencing in this option is also relevant. The emission peak is advanced to 6.5 µm and the emissivity is 98%.
  3. Carbon. Polymer emitters have low heat transfer and are therefore safe in terms of domestic injuries and fire hazards. What is an infrared sauna equipped with carbon lamps? This is a peak radiation of 8.7 microns and 98% emission coefficient.
  4. Infrared foil is a soft film type heater. It fits along the entire perimeter of the cabin walls and perfectly heats the entire volume. Technical indicators are close or comparable to carbon type heaters.

Should I give preference to this type of bath?

We consider the situation in the outline of the question, what is an infrared sauna, against the backdrop of other traditional baths. It is compact and mobile, easily installed within a city apartment. Installation is simple and does not require approval from fire safety authorities. Such modules quickly warm up and reach operating mode; the waiting time rarely exceeds 12 - 15 minutes. The temperature inside does not exceed 50 degrees Celsius, which appeals to many lovers of delicate thermal procedures. Its energy efficiency is high. The amount of electricity required for its full operation ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 kW, which is provided by standard safety devices with a current cut-off power of 16 A. If the above impresses you, then this type of bathhouse is just for you.

Rules of use and operation

In this section we answer the question, how to use an infrared sauna correctly. The rules are simple and objective:

  1. We refrain from procedures immediately after eating. Let it take 1.5, or better yet 2 hours.
  2. The position in the booth is a free pose with a straight back, legs down and arms extended down. If complete relaxation is necessary and dimensions allow, then we lie down and relax on the shelf.
  3. Session - no more than 30 minutes.
  4. Compensation for fluid loss by the body with clean water, room temperature, still mineral water or warm green tea.
  5. After the procedure, a mandatory warm shower is required.

Important! For long-term and safe operation, booths of this type must be installed in a dry, well-ventilated place, on a level and solid base. Power outlets must be rated for power. If the product is installed in a niche, then its parameters must exceed the dimensions of the booth by 50 - 80 mm in width, 50 - 60 mm in depth and 250 - 300 mm in height. Air gaps between the side edges and walls provide the necessary level of safe use.

The healing effects of an infrared sauna

Deeply penetrating IR waves can have a healing effect on the human body. In particular, it is noted that systematic use of the sauna reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The walls of blood vessels become more elastic and stronger. There is a decrease in muscle pain after physical activity, as well as rapid resorption of bruises and tissue regeneration after injuries and bruises. The procedures help relieve some chronic diseases of the ears, nose and throat. With a systemic visit, a decrease in blood cholesterol levels and stabilization of blood pressure are observed. People who regularly visit an infrared sauna are less susceptible to colds due to improved immune function of the body. In addition, the procedures help normalize sleep, appetite, and relieve stress, having a positive effect on the nervous system.

Separately, the cosmetic effect of visiting the sauna should be highlighted. By warming up even the deep layers of the skin, toxins and associated harmful substances are quickly removed from the body along with sweat, and the pores are cleansed. The skin begins to “breathe” better, becomes more elastic, delicate and soft. A visit to an infrared sauna will give a noticeable positive effect for problems with dandruff, acne, pimples and psoriasis.

Using an infrared sauna, a person can get rid of extra pounds of weight. Professional athletes often resort to saunas to quickly lose excess weight. In one half-hour procedure, a person can burn as many calories as he burns during a ten-kilometer run. By regularly visiting the sauna and observing the duration of the procedure, you can become slimmer.

Safety rules when visiting an infrared sauna

The opinion about the harmful effects of infrared waves on the human body is erroneous. Heaters emit waves that are natural to humans, such as heat from direct sunlight (which is also infrared radiation). Failure to comply with the duration of the sauna procedure or violation of the doctor’s direct prohibition of contraindications can have a negative impact on health. To avoid any adverse consequences, a number of rules should be followed:

  • you should not touch the heating elements, you should be at a distance of 15 centimeters from the emitters;
  • it is important to observe the duration of the procedure and not exceed 30 minutes of being indoors;
  • drink liquid before or after taking a sauna to avoid dehydration;
  • you should be seated during the procedure to ensure uniform heating of the body;
  • You should not douse yourself with ice water during or after the procedure, and you should remove sweat with a towel so as not to reduce the effect of IR waves on the skin;
  • For a therapeutic effect, it is better to take the procedure in the evening;
  • children should visit the infrared sauna only in the presence of an adult, and the child should wear a hat to avoid overheating;
  • You should consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications to the use of procedures;
  • You should avoid visiting an infrared sauna during pregnancy.

Differences in the operation of an infrared cabin and a Finnish sauna

An infrared sauna uses a method of heating the body rather than the air using a wave method, while a Finnish sauna is heated using a converter method of heat movement. First, the oven warms up, from which the stones receive heat and transfer it to the air space, only after that the body heats up. Therefore, there are differences in the use of these two types of saunas:

  • In traditional baths, the air becomes very hot, the combustion of oxygen leads to a feeling of stuffiness, and ventilation of the room is required, which reduces the heating of the body. In a modern infrared sauna, the rays warm the body, but the air does not become hot, which means that stuffiness does not appear.
  • Infrared rays penetrate deep into the body, the body heats up through natural sweating, which occurs at 45–60ºС. Under these conditions, sweat consists of 20% solids and 80% moisture. In a Finnish sauna, sweating begins at a temperature of 110ºC; sweat contains 5% solid components and 95% moisture.
  • The mass of moisture leaving the body in an infrared cabin within 30 minutes is 2.5–3 times higher than that for a Finnish sauna. If you use the cabin regularly, the amount of sweat increases compared to the first visit.

How to buy an infrared sauna?

After reading the information about what an infrared sauna is, what elements it consists of, and what therapeutic effect it has, you may want to purchase such a sauna for your country house or apartment. We are the official federal distributor of IR saunas in Russia and deliver through our own logistics service in Moscow and St. Petersburg and third-party companies in the regions. Saunas are delivered disassembled as a set of parts, which can be assembled by our specialists or by you yourself according to our instructions. Our saunas come with a one-year warranty, plus five years on our carbon heaters. Our company provides warranty and post-warranty service for products. You can familiarize yourself with the range and order an infrared sauna on our website by filling out an application or calling.

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