My personal rating of long-burning heating stoves 2013

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Hello my dear friend! Today I would like to talk about sauna stoves from the Teplodar company! The stoves are quite interesting and have their own peculiarity that you should pay attention to.

Teplodar sauna stoves are divided into 4 groups. Wood, electric, gas and coal. Both structural steel and high-alloy stainless steel are used. To a greater extent, Teplodar stoves are suitable for Finnish saunas or high-temperature baths. But there are some pretty interesting engineering ideas. They heat both from the steam room and from the adjacent room. But! The width of the tunnel is designed for a half-brick wall.

Features of Teplodar bath stoves

For many, one of the decisive factors influencing the choice is the material from which the firebox is made. So, “Teplodarovsky” fireboxes are made of stainless steel with a decent chromium content: the main part is made of stainless steel with 13% content, and the most “wearable” parts contain 17% chromium. Moreover, the thickness of the sheet is considerable - 4 mm. This is the only manufacturer in Russia that installs such thick-walled stainless steel fireboxes.

In general, Teplodar stoves have quite a few innovative solutions, many of which are patented. Recently, the invention of local designers has become especially popular - built-in steam generators.

Schematic representation of the Teplodar sauna stove

Metal stoves are good for everyone - they are easy to install, quickly heat up on their own and heat the steam room (if these are normal stoves), but in order to get “light” steam, and the temperature in the steam room was low (the conditions of a Russian bath), you need a lot of experience and a whole range of measures .

After analyzing all these “dances with tambourines,” the designers of “Teplodar” created their own steam generator. These are stainless steel plates with holes, welded around the perimeter of the firebox and in certain places of the firebox with a very high temperature. Water, falling on these plates and spreading, turns into finely dispersed dry steam - the temperature of these plates is more than 500 ° C, so the steam is really “light”. The video shows a test of a stove with a steam generator.

In order to be able to regulate the humidity in the steam room, two dispenser taps are provided in the water tank. They allow you to adjust the water supply from a “trickle” to a drip mode. In this way you can achieve the humidity in the room that you wanted.

Schematic representation of the sauna stove “Teplodar Sahara 10”

Almost any of the Teplodar wood stove lines can be retrofitted with a gas burner . The main requirement is a remote firebox (extended fuel channel). That’s why some people call Teplodar stoves gas-wood stoves.

The diameter of the chimneys in all Teplodar sauna stoves is one of the most common - 115mm ; the chimney outlets are located differently in different models: usually in the center, but there are also offset ones. There are models with built-in tanks for heating water; most Teplodara bathhouse stoves can be equipped with mounted or remote water tanks.

The stove installation diagram is included in every instruction manual for Teplodar stoves.

It must be said that each model of Teplodar stoves has quite detailed instructions, which contain a description of the operation and recommendations for installation, and there are diagrams of ventilation and smoke removal devices. All these documents are available on the manufacturer’s website and can be read or downloaded for detailed study.

Russian housekeeper: heating speed and fuel economy

The Russian housekeeper stove, the layout of which is noticeably different from the traditional design, is attractive due to its small size, economical consumption and unpretentiousness in the choice of fuel.

The efficiency is due to the specific structure of the smoke circulation, which ensures heating of the structure from bottom to top. Unlike the traditional Russian stove, this model warms up the lower layers of air and the floor. The housekeeper easily copes with the tasks of heating, cooking on the stove and baking in the oven. If desired, it is easy to supplement the design with a water heating box and provide the kitchen with hot water.

The scheme provides two fireboxes connected to each other. In summer mode, the firebox under the cooking chamber is used; here the wood burns very quickly, releasing maximum heat. In winter, the hearth is lit in the main firebox, and the small module is used for kitchen purposes and for heating in extreme cold. However, it is not recommended to often use two combustion chambers at the same time - this shortens the life of the structure.

Housekeeper diagram with water heating circuit

This compact model is 140 cm long and 89 cm wide and requires 750 bricks for construction. The water heating box is installed on the right side at the level of the fifth row; if hot water is not needed, this part is excluded from the diagram.

Models of stoves for baths "Teplodar"

At the moment, the smallest line is “Kuban”. It differs from the others in having a painted convector and two types of heater in one body: there is an open and closed heater. The built-in dispenser supplies water to the stones inside the oven, resulting in light steam. The stones of an open heater quickly warm up the room. The stove is available in only one modification, heated from an adjacent room, designed for heating steam rooms with a volume of 10-20 m3.

Wood-burning sauna stove "Teplodar Kuban"

An open and closed heater is also available in another Teplodar-Domna model. The Domna sauna stove has a combined convector: the side walls are made of mesh, and the front and rear walls are made of metal convectors.

The internal heater is equipped with a funnel and a dispenser for supplying water to stones heated to high temperatures. To regulate the temperature of the stones in the inner heater there is a special door. “Blast furnace” has a fairly decent height (1021 mm) and an elongated firebox; it heats up a room with a volume of 10-25 m3 in 35-50 minutes.

The Teplodar Domna sauna stove heats up the steam room in a matter of minutes

Rus stoves are quite popular. They are available in 7 versions with modifications, designed for heating steam rooms with a volume from 4 m3 (“Rus 9”) to 27 m3 (“Rus-Panorama”). More details about the Rus-Panorama stove are described in the video.

For those who deal with baths professionally or prefer to have a large margin of safety, there are “pro” modifications, which differ in that the fireboxes are made exclusively of stainless steel with a 17% chromium content . It must be said that the prices for these stoves are among the lowest. For example, Rus 9 costs from 7,790 rubles, Rus 18 – from 11,140.

Bath stove "Teplodar Rus"

A stove with an open mesh heater “Sibirsky Utes” (4 modifications) is cast at a high rate of heating the room. This is achieved thanks to a patented perforated convector, which creates an excellent convection flow that quickly heats up the stones. You can increase the humidity of the air, which inevitably “dries out” when heated quickly, using the built-in steam generator (water can be supplied half an hour after the start of the fire). A steam room of 10-20 m3 “Utes” heats up in 50 minutes (similar models from other manufacturers take 2-4 hours).

Bath stove "Teplodar Sibirskiy Utes"

Cascade stoves have an unusual appearance: the smooth curved lines of the convector look original. The side walls of the Cascade firebox are made of thick structural steel. This allows you to firmly hold the considerable weight of the stones (66 kg). The upper part of the firebox, which bears the greatest thermal load, is made of stainless steel. This combination has proven itself well during operation and has a fairly long service life (see video).

Like most modern Teplodar models, the Cascades have built-in proprietary steam generators. These furnaces are designed for 10-18m3.

Bath stove "Teplodar Cascade" with a panoramic door with heat-resistant glass

Siberia stoves are long-lived. They have been produced for 14 years now. They have one of the highest dynamics of heating the air in the room (designed for 10-20 cubic meters): from 0°C to 100°C in 30 minutes. This is the best option for dry air saunas. There is an option with a panoramic door and a “pro” door.

Bath stove "Teplodar Sibir"

“Sahara” is one of Teplodar’s new developments. When creating it, even the postulates of Feng Shui were taken into account - the stove has no sharp corners. The Sahara 16, 24 and Pro modifications use a domed heater and a symmetrical firebox, while Sahara 10 has a two-chamber heater. The convector casing promotes the rapid spread of heat - the steam room warms up within half an hour. There are modifications of the “Sahara”, equipped with a steam generator, into which water can be supplied within 15-20 minutes after the start of combustion.

Bath stove “Teplodar Sahara”

Not long ago a bathhouse stove “New Rus'” appeared in Teplodar. It is positioned as a stove for a Russian bath - it heats the room more gently, and even after prolonged burning, the air in the steam room does not overheat. The steam generator device has also been improved, and the heating of the stones has been improved. The result is drier, almost invisible steam and a low temperature in the steam room.

The differences between the “Rus” and “New Rus” stoves are described in the video.

The choice is extensive. It's easy to get confused. To prevent this from happening, decide on the type of heater - open, closed or combined. Then, based on the volume of your steam room, select models and carefully study the parameters and characteristics, see which one will “become” better specifically in your case. As a rule, this will leave two or three options. Well, then, rely on personal preferences and intuition.

Product advantages

The advantage of Teplodar heating equipment is the speed and uniformity of heating.
Each Teplodar heater has its own advantages, but the equipment of this brand has common advantages:

  • targeted selection;
  • increased efficiency;
  • fuel economy;
  • safety due to protective covers and self-cooling doors;
  • ease of transportation due to compactness and ergonomics;
  • speed and uniformity of heating.

There are options for long-term heating, as well as those equipped with hobs and panoramic fireplace doors. Important advantages are ease of operation and relatively low price.

All these advantages have made Teplodar units popular, which is confirmed by the emergence of new models and positive reviews from owners.

Owner reviews about Teplodar stoves

Actually, there are not many reviews from owners. For the most part, there is controversy on forums regarding various manufacturers of metal sauna stoves, and among those who sell them. So, based on all these statements, it is difficult to draw conclusions about which oven is better. Here are the reviews we were able to find:

“I will not answer you to such an interpretation of the question, because I do not think that stoves from Teplodar are significantly better or significantly worse than stoves from other manufacturers. My personal rule is that all stoves are good, it is only necessary for a specific buyer to choose what suits him personally best based on a number of factors. This summer, I sent a Rus 12 stove to my relative as a gift on the Volga near Tolyatti. Selection criteria - oven 10-12 cubic meters, compact, with a blind door, with a remote, without unnecessary bells and whistles. I chose from Cuirassiers, Termofors and Teplodars. Due to the required geometric dimensions of the furnace, I settled on Rus'. Feedback from a relative - he is satisfied with the operation of the stove, it reaches a temperature of 70-80 degrees in the steam room in about 30 minutes. Compared to an old homemade stove, it consumes an order of magnitude less wood. The man is happy. That's it in a nutshell. I think I partially answered your question about “Why..” And I repeat once again, I believe that there are no good or bad stoves. There is a problem of meeting our needs. From somewhere from the classics... If a person is content with what he has, then he is happy.”

“The Teplodar is a good stove, I have a heating stove in my bathhouse, and a heating teplodar in my house. In Novosibirsk they know how to make stoves. I didn’t hang the tank on a pipe, it’s faster and more convenient to make boiling water in a kettle in the dressing room, but the tank takes up a lot of heat, and the steam room takes a long time to warm up, but I can make a sauna in 1-1.5 hours at sub-zero temperatures, even though I don’t have insulation, and the timber is 100.”

Stove power selection

Good advice from an experienced stove maker Before buying a stove, you need to decide on the power.
Be sure to take into account the square footage of the heated space and the power consumption when heating the incoming fresh air. “Rus” stoves are ideal for small and large steam rooms, as they are capable of heating rooms with a volume of 4 to 18 cubic meters. When choosing power, calculate the volume of the steam room and add for each square. meter of glass door or window 1 cubic meter. meter of the estimated volume of the furnace. You should not buy sauna stoves with more power than you need. In this case, it may turn out that the miser pays twice. Those bathhouse owners who purchased a unit that is too powerful will experience overheating of the steam room, which will make it difficult to create the desired microclimate.

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