4 by 5 bathhouse project: advantages, design features and examples

Having your own bathhouse on site is the dream of many. It’s nice to come at any time and take a steam bath with a broom, then drink tea on the veranda, without having to time it, because every hour of visiting is paid. In addition, today the choice of building materials is rich and varied, so building a bathhouse yourself is not so expensive.

The bathhouse can have different sizes; you should choose based on the size of the area, budget and the number of people who will go to take a steam bath. The 4x5 m bathhouse project is one of the most popular options, which is close to the ideal - the 6x4 m bathhouse project.

How can you decorate the outer walls of a 4x4 bath?

If the box is built from natural material - logs, then the surface is mechanically processed by grinding.
After this procedure, the external walls acquire a neat appearance. To ensure that the material can withstand negative external influences, fire and insects, the surface of the logs is treated with special compounds. The final application of paints and varnishes emphasizes the beauty and structure of the wood. After this treatment, the wood will last for many years. In addition to protecting the wood, high-quality impregnation will give it a distinctive lookSource hometi.ru

To give the bathhouse a modern look, the outer walls are sheathed:

  • Siding panels for facades

    . The most used materials are metal block house, ship board. An economical option involves the use of vinyl siding, which withstands all weather conditions, including resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Lining for external use

    (plastic or wooden).

There are other options for finishing the external walls of the bathhouse. This is an imitation of natural stone or torn brick. The advantage of such cladding is the original appearance of the building. But we must remember that additional finishing work and materials entail a significant increase in the cost of the entire construction. Therefore, when choosing a 4x4 bathhouse project, these points should be taken into account.

General characteristics:

Total area: 20 m2
Building size: 5x4 m

Number of storeys: 1st floor

Delivery up to 500 km: free.

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Attention! Fixed price without overpayments. We show the real price, which corresponds to the selected configuration and does not change during the discussion of the project or at the time of concluding the contract.

Standards for room sizes

The dimensions of bath windows can be 40x60 or 70x80 cm; the window in the washroom should be positioned higher. The front door should be made small and low so that heat does not escape outside. It is better to place internal doors perpendicularly to avoid drafts and colds (at a short distance from each other). Standards for ceiling heights vary minimally: from 2.1 to 2.4 m. Room volumes can be planned differently, it all depends on the needs of the owners and the number of rooms.

Steam room

You should not make it too narrow so that the bath does not overheat quickly. It is easy to calculate the minimum size based on the number of people who can steam at the same time: 1 m – a seat, 2.2 – a lying one. Number of seats + space for the stove + small passage to the shelves. The distance from the stove to the shelves should be at least 20-30 cm. The upper tier should be at least 115 cm from the ceiling.


The optimal volume of a washroom is 1.5x1.5 m. If you allocate a little more space to it, there will be enough space for a 1.2x1.2 m shower stall and trestle beds.


The ratio of the volumes of warm and cool rooms varies at the request of the owners. An option is available with a spacious steam room, shower and small dressing room, or with a maximally spacious relaxation room and a separate dressing room.

Creating a Project

Often, owners of land plots, in addition to a residential building and outbuildings, think about building a bathhouse. Of course, you can also buy a ready-made project, created taking into account the customer’s preferences. It is very convenient and fast, but very expensive. It’s not at all difficult to create a project yourself. Moreover, in such a square there is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild. Plus, you can add additional zones to the main zones in the bathhouse (if desired).


You can use standard projects that are freely available on the Internet. Such projects, if necessary, can always be adjusted at your discretion.

Before you start drawing up a project, you should understand how many rooms and what sizes will be in this bathhouse. The following premises must be present there:

  • rest room or dressing room;
  • sink or shower;
  • steam room

It is also important to consider the installation of ventilation and chimney. In order for the bathhouse to be visited by the whole family or with friends, it is worth taking this into account at the planning stage. You can sacrifice the size of the sink and visit it one at a time, but at the expense of this you can increase the steam room and the relaxation section.

What will we build from?

Considering the use of all possible material options for the construction of a 4x5 meter bathhouse, it is difficult to give preference to any one type. The average dimensions allow the construction of buildings on a frame basis, but you will have to spend money on additional insulation and finishing. A brick bathhouse, provided it is laid with ceramic stone, does not require additional decor, but such buildings also do not have a high degree of thermal savings.

The best option would be to assemble a log frame, but good wood is not cheap and therefore additional finishing will be required, both outside and inside. Treated wood eliminates this. High natural thermal insulation values ​​make it possible to avoid the need for additional wall insulation. But for such privileges, you will have to pay an amount almost equal in cost to building a brick bathhouse.

Structural features

Despite the choice of material, a 4x5 bathhouse requires a reliable foundation. Whether it is a strip base or a pile version - they must be capital, made in accordance with all standard indicators. Preliminary soil reconnaissance is required to determine the depth of the foundation. Even the most reliable strip foundation poured with reinforcement in several layers, provided that groundwater passes through it, will collapse in literally 2 years.

Having given preference to laying a log frame from untreated wood, after erecting the walls under the roof, it is necessary to allow the structure to stand for at least six months. Shrinkage processes occurring during this period of time minimize minor flaws. Insulation work will be easier to carry out, and besides, after shrinkage, the risk of breaking door structures and window openings is minimal.

Particular attention is paid to insulation, because, unlike small bathhouses, a structure with dimensions of 4x5 will be more difficult to warm up if the walls, floor and ceiling are poorly insulated. Provided that a recreation room will be installed in the attic, additionally insulate the rafter system

Heating inside the attic and temperature changes contribute to the accumulation of condensation, which can subsequently cause fungal deposits to appear on the wood.

The option of building a 4x5 bathhouse allows you to experiment with the layout of the premises. But this needs to be done thoughtfully so as not to harm the overall microclimate necessary to create comfort inside.

Construction of a bathhouse

Next, we will consider the construction of a bathhouse, but at the same time we will divide this work into stages.

Angle with claw connection

Purchase of timber

When purchasing material, you need to be careful and pay special attention to:

  • No cracks. If they are on the bars, then sooner or later they will lead to the appearance of a center of rot;
  • So that there are no pockets of rotting. If there is even a small hearth, then such material is not suitable for construction;
  • The timber must be completely intact and have no traces of damage from various bugs and insects.

Calculate the number of required bars

At this point we will calculate how much material a 5x4 timber bathhouse project will require, because in order to go to a hardware store you need to know the exact numbers.

We are considering a bathhouse with dimensions of 5 by 4 and a height of 2.5 meters. Depending on the construction area, you can buy timber 150*150 or 200*200 mm. If you live in the western and southern regions of Russia, then the first will be quite enough.

We suggest you perform a small calculation for a steam room made of 200*200 timber; it is suitable for more northern regions.

(4+5)*2*0.2*2.5=9 m3


  • (4+5) – width and height of the walls;
  • 2 – another pair of walls;
  • 0.2 – beam size, mm;
  • 2.5 – bathhouse ceiling height.

As you can see from the calculation, to build such a bathhouse we need nine cubes of material. To be more confident, you can add 10-15% on top - this will be one unit. As a result, we need to buy ten pieces of beams for our construction.

Construction process


To build a bathhouse for many years you need to make a high-quality foundation, for our construction you can take:

  • columnar base. To create it, you need to build formwork around the entire perimeter and fill it with concrete, while the pouring depth should be greater than the freezing of the soil. To ensure that the lower crowns do not deteriorate from moisture, it is necessary to ensure that the base is at least half a meter above the ground. The inside of the base must be covered with sand or crushed stone. After just a month, you can proceed to laying the timber;
  • strip foundation. For construction, you will need to make pillars from brick and place them around the perimeter, as well as in the corners and in the locations of future partitions. A concrete pad is made for each pillar to prevent subsidence. Between the supports you need to make a distance of one and a half meters, and in rare cases up to two.

Important. Regardless of what type of foundation you decide to make, experts strongly recommend strengthening it with reinforcement. This is the only way you can make a monolithic and strong structure.

We provide good waterproofing

High-quality waterproofing is a condition for a reliable and cozy bath.

The instructions below will help you do it yourself at your construction site:

  • You need to buy bitumen and roofing felt. The first one needs to be heated and poured onto the base of the foundation, immediately after this the roofing material should be spread;
  • As soon as this structure dries, we repeat the procedure;
  • For better adhesion, bricks can be placed on the roofing material.

Important. Before installing the first beam, it must be treated with oil or antiseptic agents. In this case, moisture will have less impact on it.

Laying roofing felt on the base

Laying the crowns

  • You need to lay slats with dimensions of 15*15 cm on the foundation. In the process, we make the distance between them within 250-300 mm;
  • Then we lay the first layer of beams pre-treated with an antiseptic on them;
  • We settle the first crown, we will not fix it yet - first you need to check its horizontal position, for this we take a building level;
  • If all is well, then you need to secure the crown and fill the voids with polyurethane foam;
  • Next, a layer of bath insulation is laid on the installed crown. We take moss (tow) and arrange it so that there is a margin (10 cm) at the edges - it will be needed for caulking in the future;
  • We place the second crown on the insulation and secure it with pins;
  • We lay out the remaining crowns in this way, but do not fasten the last two, because we will have to install the ceiling beams after shrinking;
  • At the final stage, the walls of the bathhouse are caulked using special tools.

The principle of laying crowns

Tips from the pros

To ensure that your future bathhouse pleases you for many years, listen to the advice of professionals:

  • Fiber optic lighting luminaires do not dazzle the eyes and can withstand high temperatures (up to 200 degrees). This is a safe and durable light that is easy for both installation and design work.
  • If you are planning to set up a steam room in the spirit of a Russian bath with wet steam, install a water tank in it. If you prefer to breathe dry air, place the tank in the washing compartment and connect it to the stove using a heat exchanger.
  • When choosing a stove, give preference to heater stoves: they take a long time to warm up, but take a long time to cool down and give off heat for a long time. Modern designs of metal stoves warm up a room in two hours, but they do not retain heat well and require constant addition of firewood.

Pay attention to the color design of the future bathhouse. Golden, burgundy and red tones charge with energy

Beige, gold and green help you get into a working mood. The combination of brown, azure and yellow colors will give peace and tranquility. The absence of sharp corners will visually expand small bath rooms and give the interior a stylish and bewitching look.

  • You can divide the bathhouse using partitions. The instability of frame wooden walls to small pests is compensated by their lightness and environmental friendliness. Laying bricks will take a long time, but brick partitions are “unpretentious.” It is almost impossible to lay communications through glass, however, it is durable and heat-resistant, it does not need finishing, it is easy to clean.
  • Ordinary natural stone can be used as a finishing material. It is ideal for finishing and for the stove in the steam room and for the walls of the washing room, giving the premises a unique look.


The area of ​​the bathhouse “8 by 8” allows you to experiment with the organization of space and develop it vertically in a non-standard way.

A high frame bathhouse will become unusual if sun loungers are built into the main volume of the first floor along the walls - for overnight guests, for example.

Under the ceiling of the mezzanine there will be a steam room, shower room, bathroom, and kitchen. The common ceiling of the recreation room and the one and a half floor - an impromptu recreation room - will be the cladding of the gable roof.

The rafter system will have to be supported by independent supports.

A large area given over to non-bath rooms often forces one to create an additional exit from the washing room - to the terrace, to the pool, to the gazebo.


The area of ​​the washing compartment must be calculated based on 1 m/sq. per person. Of course, if you wish, you can either increase or decrease the area of ​​this room. The size of the sink can be planned in principle to any size at the owner’s request), but from practice it is recommended to make this room no more than 2 meters. A larger sink would simply not be practical. With this layout, it is possible to additionally install benches for placing bath accessories.


It is imperative to install ventilation in this compartment. Install vents or a full window.

To ensure that the room is well ventilated, some builders think about the placement of ventilation in the floor and ceiling, so that there will be a constant flow of fresh air in the room with good circulation. This is very important in order to get rid of dampness and in the case of wooden floors to prevent rotting of the wood. If the decoration is made of ceramic tiles, then a window will be enough.


Baths 4 by 5 meters are the most acceptable format for a family of 4-6 people. Construction begins with the selection and preparation of a site and drawing up a project.

The bathhouse consists of the following premises:

  • steam room;
  • washing room;
  • dressing room

Most often, logs are used to build walls, so you should keep in mind that the internal space will be slightly smaller than the external space by the thickness of the logs.

It is also possible to use materials:

  • timber;
  • stone;
  • shell rock;
  • cinder blocks;
  • foam concrete.

Most often, the object is built from timber or logs 25 cm thick, cut into a “bowl”; the internal dimensions of the room will be only about 15 square meters.

BO-4 5×4

You can make any changes to the project in the size of the house (bath), roof, partitions, doors, windows and stairs. Redevelopment of rooms (within the planned consumption of materials) is free.


Bathhouse 4 by 4: construction features

The construction of such a bathhouse, like any other, includes a number of stages:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Construction of walls.
  3. Roof installation.
  4. Interior and exterior finishing.

Let's look at each of the stages in more detail.

Step 1. Installation of the foundation

The type of foundation directly depends on the material from which the bathhouse will be built. If you settled on timber, you can make a lightweight strip foundation, columnar or pile.

Rounded logs, blocks and bricks are heavier materials, so a more reliable foundation is needed: a full-fledged strip or monolithic one.

The type of foundation is also affected by the soil. If the groundwater level is high, then it is better to opt for a pile or screw foundation.

After installing the foundation, it is necessary to do waterproofing. The most popular and simplest option is roofing felt, laid out in two layers.

Step 2. Construction of walls

You can assemble a log house with your own hands from different materials: timber, rounded logs, brick or aerated concrete. Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you look at 4 by 4 baths, you will notice that most prefer to build them from timber. Timber is a convenient and practical material that gives minimal shrinkage, has a fairly low cost, and is also lightweight, which eliminates the need to make a reinforced foundation.

The construction of a bathhouse made of timber is carried out in stages. For the first crown, larger beams are used, usually made of larch, which has high performance properties. To build other rows, cheaper wood is used.

It is important to lay out the first crown as evenly as possible so that the building itself is even.

Step 3. Install the roof

Any convenient roofing material is suitable for the roof: corrugated sheeting, andulin, slate, tiles. It can have a single or double slope design. If you are making a roof with your own hands, then keep in mind that it will be much easier to assemble a pitched roof.

Step 4. Interior and exterior decoration

Before finishing, you need to make hydro- and thermal insulation.

For interior decoration, lining is usually used. It can be placed both vertically and horizontally. It is suitable for finishing both walls and ceilings.

If you used wood to build the bathhouse, then you don’t have to do any external finishing. It is enough to sand the surface and coat it with a special solution that will protect the walls from insects, environmental influences and increase their fire resistance.

After finishing, you need to install the stove and arrange the furniture.

The construction of a 4 by 4 bathhouse does not require large financial investments and a large area, while such a structure will accommodate all the premises necessary for a comfortable stay. That is why the 4x4 bathhouse project is considered one of the most popular layout options.

Construction works

In order for the service life of the bath to be long, the norms and requirements must be observed during construction. The whole process consists of several stages:

  1. Selecting a location and marking the site.
  2. Purchase of building materials.
  3. Construction of the foundation.
  4. Walling.
  5. Installation of doors and windows.
  6. Roof and roof installation.
  7. Finishing facilities.

Choosing the location of the bath

The ease of use and service life of the steam room depend on the correct choice of place for construction. There are several features:

  1. A bathhouse with your own hands should be built on a hill. If it is not there, then it is recommended to erect an artificial hill. In this case, it takes a year for the soil to settle.
  2. Water pipes. The best option for quickly drawing water into the steam room is a well.
  3. Delivery and storage of fuel materials. Storage space should be selected at the planning stage.

Selecting materials for the foundation, walls and roof

The foundation should be arranged taking into account the building material chosen for the walls:

  1. For log, timber and frame buildings, a pile or columnar foundation is suitable.
  2. For heavier buildings made of bricks and blocks, a strip is required.

Corrugated sheets or metal tiles can be used as roofing material.

Marking and foundation

When the bathhouse diagram according to the drawings is ready, you can begin marking the site. To do this, in strict accordance with the project, pegs with a taut rope are installed in the corners. If you plan to install a pile or columnar foundation, then in this case it is necessary to install pegs in all places where the supports will stand.

After installing the formwork, the trench is filled with concrete and reinforcement elements.

Professionals warn: with such dimensions, the baths with a relaxation room are a five-wall structure. For this reason, the partition is laid at the foundation stage.

Walling. Windows and doors

The first stage of brickwork, foam blocks or crown (when erecting a building from logs and timber) is considered extremely important. The entire further course of work depends on the correctness of its implementation. After finishing the laying of the first row, it is worth checking it using a level. If there is a distortion, it is better to redo it right away. The second row begins to be laid from the corner.

Already at this stage, the location of windows and doorways is noted. You need to remember: frames and doors can only be installed in a finished building. These elements for steam rooms are best made of wood.

Roof of the bathhouse

After the walls are erected, the roof must be installed. This work can also be done without the involvement of specialists:

  1. After the walls are built, ceiling beams are laid and covered with boards.
  2. The next stage is the installation of the rafter system and sheathing.
  3. The roof can be represented by corrugated sheets or tiles.
  4. The final stage of installation includes installing a drain.

Material selection

When choosing material for building a 5x5 bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements of SNiP for objects built on private territory.

There are few conditions for choosing material:

  • quality;
  • strength;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • high resistance to significant temperature changes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • price.

In addition, the designs of future 3x5 baths and the location of buildings on the site play an important role.

The traditional material for building baths is wood. Real Russian baths 4x5 or 5x6 are made from wood. Walls made of wood have:

  1. Vapor permeability.
  2. Low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  3. Resistant to sudden changes in temperature conditions.

Among the disadvantages of wood are:

  • susceptibility to shrinkage;
  • the need for periodic care;
  • tendency to absorb moisture with subsequent swelling and cracking when drying;
  • release of resin (conifers) when heated.

For the construction of 6x5 wooden baths, log houses made of chopped or rounded logs, edged, glued profiled timber are used.

Rounded logs are obtained by processing tree trunks using special equipment. After processing it is a smooth, even cylinder with cut out cups and grooves. During manufacturing, the outer layer of wood is destroyed, so the service life of the rounded log is reduced.

Edged timber is made from tree trunks by removing part of the section along the entire length. It has a rectangular end shape and a standard length of 6 meters.

Profiled timber is made from solid pieces by gluing. The cross section has a complex shape due to a system of grooves and protrusions. The quality of the material for the construction of walls, combined with high-quality insulation, ensures the absence of cold bridges. Glued laminated timber practically does not shrink.

In the construction of 5x5 baths, brick is often used. It is used more in steppe regions, where it is much more difficult and expensive to buy lumber.

In the construction of 5x5 baths, red brick is used. It is made from environmentally friendly material - clay. Bricks make durable buildings.

The advantages of brick are expressed in the following qualities:

  1. Durability.
  2. The correct shape of the product.
  3. Does not require additional finishing.
  4. Possibility to lay out any architectural forms.
  5. Contains no toxic substances.
  6. Non-flammability.
  7. Resistant to moisture absorption.
  8. The disadvantages of brick buildings include:
  9. The need for a solid foundation.
  10. High heat capacity.
  11. The need for additional thermal insulation.
  12. Availability of special knowledge and skills for making masonry.
  13. Material price.

Traditional wood and brick have been replaced by modern building materials - foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks. Despite the similar characteristics of the new materials, the technology for their production is slightly different, as can be seen from their name.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  • light weight of the product, simplifying its transportation and laying;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high noise insulation qualities;
  • passivity to chemical influences and decay processes;
  • high degree of vapor permeability;
  • high processing potential;
  • convenient block sizes.

Aerated concrete is made by adding a suspension of aluminum powder to a dry mixture of cement and sand. Upon contact with water, gas bubbles form, which after hardening give a porous structure. Aerated concrete, unlike foam concrete, is more susceptible to moisture. To avoid destruction of the material, it is necessary to provide reliable hydro and vapor barrier, as well as internal and external wall decoration.


The timber itself as a material has many advantages, as do buildings made from it:

  • By deciding to use this material for construction, you will save a lot on the construction time;
  • The very good thing is that the entire construction can be done with your own hands without anyone’s help;
  • The shrinkage of the walls and the building itself is small - no more than ten centimeters;
  • For construction, it is not a log house that is purchased, but beams. This method is more preferable, because the purchased log house can lead;
  • The price of the material itself is lower than the same rounded log. As a result, building a bathhouse will cost less;
  • Working with timber, you can make a structure with different sizes and layouts.

Bath decoration

The decor of the bathhouse begins with the interior walls. For finishing use tiles, tiles or water-repellent imitation of wood or stone. For a country-style bathhouse, wood with any pattern is suitable. In the Scandinavian direction, white wood or marble and stone are welcome. Provence or loft harmonizes perfectly with tiles or tiles in warm or light colors. Depending on the height, the ceiling is left wooden, and frame inserts are made for LED lighting.

An artificial pond can be organized on the terrace, if there is one on the 2nd floor. A living room with an aquarium or artificial fountain will create a harmonious and lively environment. Decorative items: pillows, paintings, embroidery and figurines are chosen only to suit the style of the bathhouse interior. The exception is the national style of the setting.

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