Does a bath help with coronavirus? Expert answer

How is a bath useful? How does a bath affect the body? Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold? Let's figure it out together with the therapist.

Many people believe that a hot bath or sauna is a cure for all diseases. And if you visit it regularly, you can completely strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of disease. But everything is not so simple.

Marina Kazakova


A bathhouse is primarily the effect of high temperature on the human body. Accordingly, different systems and organs will have different effects.

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Is it possible to visit the bathhouse during coronavirus?

The Russian bath has many benefits, which even a child knows about. But what happens if you go to it at the very height of the disease? A person who feels well, without signs of influenza or ARVI, but suspects possible infection, can go to the bathhouse.

You should go into it so that there is no one nearby, that is, alone, no group steam rooms. Some experts claim that at the initial stage of coronavirus infection it will be beneficial - the lungs will become clear, the cough will begin to clear up.

A visit becomes impossible if the body temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher. This is a dangerous procedure, during which the condition will begin to worsen. The body is already fighting the virus, and additional stress will not lead to anything good.

What diseases can a bath help cure?

Problems with heart function

These include:

  • hypertension (stages 1 and 2),
  • hypotension,
  • ischemic disease.

Respiratory diseases

  • pharyngitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • tonsillitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • rhinitis,
  • bronchial asthma.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • polyarthritis,
  • various types of rheumatism (not during exacerbation),
  • circulatory disorders,
  • lumbar and sacral radiculitis,
  • gout.

Pathologies of internal organs

  • disruption of the biliary system,
  • glomerulonephritis (kidney disease) during remission,
  • cholecystitis without the presence of stones.


  • infertility and absence of menstruation,
  • mild stages of menopause,
  • diseases of the genital organs without exacerbation.

But in some conditions the bath is contraindicated.

Are saunas and coronavirus compatible?

A person infected with Covid-19 can spend as much time as they want in the steam room. No matter how hot the air around you is, when it gets inside the body, it will not raise a record temperature.

So is it possible to visit a Russian bathhouse during coronavirus? The danger lies in the fact that a weakened body may not be able to cope with the load. Doctors never cease to claim that the steam room is entertainment for a healthy person.

To understand which bathhouse may be safer, it is recommended to look at the table:

Scandinavian nameRussian nameMaximum temperature, °CHumidity in %
Dry saunaSauna90-1105-10
Wet saunaHot Russian bath75-9020-35
Steam saunaClassical45-6540-65
Steam bathTurkish40-45Almost 100

If you go in the absence of symptoms, then only to a bathhouse where the temperature is not too high and the humidity is the same.

Rubbing, inhalation and healthy drinks

When you come to the bathhouse with a runny nose, you simply need to use therapeutic rubdowns, which will increase sweating and relieve throat irritation. You can rub it with a solution of honey and salt (1:1), you can also use special products purchased in the store.

It’s worth remembering again about the wet steam in the Russian steam room. You can enhance the effect of such inhalation with essential oils made from pine, juniper, fir, eucalyptus, lavender or geranium. The purchased oil must be dissolved in water (10-20 drops per 1 liter), after which, pour it over the walls or use an aromatic evaporator. It is not recommended to spill oil on stones, as it can catch fire, filling the steam room with an unpleasant odor.

The last folk remedy that will alleviate your illness is bath drinks. While in the steam room, the human body loses a large amount of moisture, so in between visits it is necessary to replenish the water supply. To heal, we recommend drinking teas made from chamomile, linden, thyme, elderberry, mint or lemon balm. You can add lemon, raspberry jam and honey to tea in moderation.


Now you can decide for yourself whether you can go to the bathhouse with a runny nose and other symptoms of a cold. Remember that visiting a bathhouse when you are sick is not only a useful, but also a dangerous procedure, so if you feel that the trip could turn out badly, do not risk it.

Does it kill coronavirus in humans?

Can a sauna kill coronavirus if you steam in it regularly? The situation is twofold. High temperature will only help if pathogen particles are on the surface of objects.

An infected person who comes to this place will not be cured. The steam room is not able to destroy the virus in the body. No matter how hot it is around, nothing will change inside the body. Accordingly, Covid-19 reacts calmly to the situation around it.

Features of bath procedures for women

Often, when women take a steam bath , they may experience weakness. This largely depends on the regular cycle of critical days. In this case, it is worth understanding how to steam in each specific situation. It is forbidden to walk with heavy bleeding so that girls do not suffer from negative consequences.

It is very important for a guy to perform comfortably. It is best to choose those days when you feel good. In this case, if the girls take a steam bath, they will experience a surge of strength.

It is additionally important that girls take a steam bath exclusively with their heads covered, without damaging their hair. They also definitely need a guy without jewelry, everything should be removed in advance.

How does a bath affect coronavirus?

The lifespan of Covid-19 in a steam room is short, provided that the surrounding temperature is at least 55°C. It is known that activity is lost in heat, completely destroyed at 56 degrees Celsius.

Even though a bath can have an effect on the virus, it will take time. Particles of the pathogen that enter the heated air continue to be active for some time. The patient continues to be dangerous to others.

If you feel slightly unwell, avoid visiting the steam room. Not only your own health is at risk, but also the health of those around you.

How steam works

To understand how to properly steam with a broom in a bathhouse, it is worth learning the movements, as well as understanding exactly how steam works. If you go to the bathhouse , your body immediately begins to produce sweat. It is along with it that pollution and various harmful substances come out. This helps to heal the body.

Additionally, blood circulation is activated and nourishes the organs and dermis with useful substances. As a result, the procedure has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Is it possible to get infected with coronavirus in a bathhouse?

The higher the ambient temperature, the weaker the virus feels. It seems that visiting the bathhouse is not only possible, but also necessary, because it is some kind of salvation, but no.

A person does not get into the steam room right away. Upon entering the room, the infected person comes into contact with objects. The temperature here is constant, and the conditions can hardly be called sterile. The risk of the pandemic spreading increases several times.

Danger comes from every visitor to the bathhouse. It is unknown whether a person is sick or a carrier without knowing it. Being in such conditions, it is almost impossible to maintain distance, so there is a risk of becoming infected through airborne droplets.

Contrast procedures

The Russian steam room has always been associated with a sharp difference between heat and cold. People jump into an ice hole, a swimming pool or snow, and their ice barrels are doused. In fact, such procedures are contraindicated for beginners. It is enough to take a good steam and then relax in a cool room.

It is worth understanding how the bath works , it accelerates the blood supply and opens the pores. Temperature changes are beneficial for a strong body, but if you are not used to it, they can cause you to feel unwell. Often, a Russian steam bath in a bathhouse can even cause loss of consciousness. That is why it is imperative to take into account which particular steaming technique is suitable for a particular situation and focus on your feelings, this is the easiest way to understand how to take a bath correctly .

Prevention of coronavirus in the bathhouse

Since childhood, we have been taught that the steam room is a way to increase immunity and harden ourselves.

Here's how you can prevent the spread of a dangerous virus:

  • Hot and humid steam is a kind of inhalation for the upper respiratory tract. By inhaling such air, it is possible to clear everything of accumulated phlegm.
  • Regular visits to the bathhouse help improve metabolic processes and increase the production of white blood cells, which, in turn, fight the virus.
  • The circulation of blood and lymph increases, leukocytes will begin to reach the source of infection many times faster.
  • Increased sweating increases the elimination of toxins, which can slow down the healing process.

“Black saunas” are especially effective. In ancient Rus' they were considered the cleanest and safest. Unfortunately, such establishments are rare these days.

Massage with a broom

If you decide to cure yourself of a cold in a Russian bath, use a broom for massage. Its use will speed up blood circulation, increase sweating, improve the elimination of waste and toxins, speed up metabolism and relieve muscle tension. Brooms can be made from branches of different wood, on which its healing properties depend.

We recommend using one of the following steam room brooms:

  • A linden broom will allow you to relax and also increase sweating;
  • A coniferous broom can be made from fir, juniper or spruce branches. This broom improves sweating, disinfects the air and fills the steam room with a pleasant aroma.
  • The birch broom is the most popular among steam room guests. It promotes the rapid removal of phlegm and relieves pain in muscles and joints.
  • A eucalyptus broom is better than all other options for those who come to the steam room to fight ARVI. Eucalyptus will destroy harmful microorganisms and relieve you of cough, runny nose and sore throat. You can do eucalyptus inhalation for the respiratory tract. To do this, brew a broom in hot water, then press it to your face and inhale the air filled with eucalyptus vapor.


The list of prohibitions is quite long and, of course, it includes the item “acute viral infections.” High blood pressure, inflammation - with such diseases, you can wash quickly in the bathhouse, but do not sit for hours, and certainly not take a steam bath.

You will have to refuse a visit in the following cases:

  • lung diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • myocarditis, heart failure, ischemia;
  • history of stroke;
  • skin diseases.

As you know, coronavirus attacks the respiratory system, and pneumonia becomes a real test for the patient. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of a virus inside you, protect yourself from any stress, especially from visiting the bathhouse.

Based on everything, we can conclude that going to the steam room for Covid-19 for the purpose of treatment or prevention is not worth it. Countries are doing everything possible to ensure that the epidemic ends as soon as possible and there are fewer victims. As soon as the epidemiological situation improves, all steam rooms and public baths will immediately be open and free to visit. In the meantime, we just have to be patient and follow the safety rules.

Who can and who can’t?

– What are the contraindications for older people who visit the bathhouse?

– Old age in itself is not a contraindication for visiting the bathhouse. But you need to approach this process wisely - it is better to consult a doctor before visiting the steam room. A great danger is the activation of the degeneration of cells into malignant ones in the presence of precancerous diseases. You may not even know about them! You should also refrain from bathing if you have a hereditary risk of cancer. After 40 years, the threat of neoplasms increases significantly.

There are also contraindications to bath procedures for hypertension, tuberculosis, coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, tumors, bronchial asthma, nervous disorders, varicose veins and exacerbation of all chronic diseases. I do not recommend going to the steam room after a heart attack or stroke.

How often can an elderly person go to the sauna? More details

– What happens to the body when we take a steam bath?

– A visit to the bathhouse has a wonderful effect on the condition of the skin - it is cleansed of pathogenic bacteria and renewed due to the exfoliation of the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. After the bath, the skin is tender and soft. Increasing blood flow in the muscles helps eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve pain and eliminate congestion. Steam in the bath also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and stimulates the work of the heart muscle. The number of functioning capillaries in the body increases, due to which the necessary substances reach even the most remote corners of the body. The delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues improves, metabolism accelerates - thanks to the “steam room” you can really lose weight.

Article on the topic

Let's go to the bathhouse. For what diseases is the steam room contraindicated?

Visiting the bathhouse is useful for respiratory diseases. By increasing the breathing rate, hot air cleanses the mucous membranes of dust and microbes accumulated on them and has a drying effect. The steam room also benefits the immune system. Deep warming has a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system. In patients with osteochondrosis and myalgia, the elasticity of tissues, including cartilage, increases. This increases the mobility of the joints and spine.

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