Bathhouse on wheels as a business with earnings from 100 thousand rubles

More recently, a new and very interesting type of business has appeared - a do-it-yourself sauna on wheels. Its originality lies in the mobility of the steam room, which is “on wheels”. Thanks to this innovation in bath services, everyone can take a good breath in a good place. For example, the company was going to go on vacation. We found everyone’s favorite place in the fresh air, everything is organized the way you like it. Everything is fine, but something is missing. Naturally, baths. It was invented for such cases. All you have to do is call and a real Russian steam room will come wherever it is convenient for you. Moreover, everything is not plot, but real: the wood stove and even the brooms.

For example, you didn’t plan to go to the bathhouse, but due to some circumstances you wanted to or simply decided to take a steam bath. For example, a planned trip to the dacha may end in a real Russian steam room. can come to any place where the client wishes, for example, fishing, nature and even home, so as a business this option is very attractive. The price for such a service is no different from the cost of a traditional bath. The only advantage is that it is mobile and can go wherever you want in a short time. The inside of the bathhouse is decorated in such a way that everyone feels comfortable and forgets that they are on wheels. The foundations of the “sauna on wheels” have been maintained at the highest level. Moreover, such a business is in demand all year round.

Mobile sauna - features

A mobile bathhouse is a vehicle where a steam room and dressing room are located in a converted van. This type of business activity is not tied to a specific territory. The bathhouse on wheels provides services where the consumer wants.

One of the important requirements when organizing a business will be complete independence from external sources. Regardless of location, a mobile sauna should always have water and light.

Most people use this type of service in winter. Jumping into the snow straight from the steam room or plunging into an ice hole is truly Russian fun. In summer, demand declines. Therefore, it is worth incentivizing customers by providing discounts and free additional hours. Thanks to mobility, in summer you can expand the range of services by going to the river bank, to the forest, to a tourist base, etc.

Where to start a bathhouse business on wheels

First, you need to register a business, register an individual entrepreneur, obtain permission from the SES and fire safety service, and also resolve the issue with the traffic police. After this you will need to get transport. The main criteria for choosing it are the volume of the body and the cross-country ability of the vehicle. Any cargo transport is suitable for this - a car, van or large bus, which needs to be converted to your needs. Equip with a stove, cover the interior with linden boards or beams. It is also worth equipping a steam room (putting barrels with cold and hot water), you can add several small windows (for forced ventilation). Make an opening in the roof for installing a chimney. Settle such nuances as renting a garage (or parking), purchasing coal and firewood (for kindling). The setting of a bathhouse on wheels is not much different from a stationary one. A sofa, a stereo system and a TV - for the comfort of clients’ stay and the opportunity to raise fees for additional services.

Where to buy and how to set up a sauna on wheels

You can develop the project yourself by drawing a bathhouse manually or using a special program. Designers can prepare a bathhouse plan, taking into account: weight, wheel load, stove power. After creating the plan, it will be clear how much material will be needed to make the bath.

A sauna on wheels, like a regular sauna, includes a dressing room and the steam room itself. The interior is decorated with fir or linden, sometimes alder is used for interior decoration. Linden is a universal material for jars because it heats up quickly without releasing resin. Fir is also suitable; it does not emit harmful substances.

According to the rules, the stove or boiler should be installed outside. A chimney is installed on the roof. Double-glazed windows should be installed: they will not freeze and retain heat. The construction of the bath takes place in several stages:

  • a project is drawn up;
  • the frame is assembled;
  • thermal insulation is provided;
  • the bathhouse is lined inside;
  • the necessary equipment is imported;
  • The bathhouse is sheathed on the outside.

A sauna on wheels must meet all the requirements of the SES and Fire Inspectorate, so it is better to entrust its construction to professionals. Large auto repair shops provide these types of work. The cost of this type of service varies from 200 to 500 thousand rubles.

You can also buy a ready-made sauna on wheels - there are many such advertisements on the Internet. The price of a used bathhouse starts from 150,000 rubles; a new bathhouse from the manufacturer will cost more.

What equipment is needed for a sauna on wheels?

It costs a lot of money to equip a bathhouse, but by renting it out, you will quickly recoup your losses. To save a little at the first stage, it is best to use an army body for this; it will require less money than others. After you have purchased the car, you need to buy a stove and install it outside so that all fire safety requirements are met. A bench will be convenient, and you can’t do without a large water tank. Whether all these things are bought or made with your own hands, there will not be much difference. It will cost the same amount of money, but in addition, the work will take a lot of time. It is necessary to build a chimney to the firebox and supply water, it should be cold and hot for bathing procedures and washing. Cladding with clapboard is done after installing the stove.

Now you need to think about the interior design. This includes rugs, flooring, to provide steam, you need basins, brooms made of various materials, towels and a dousing tub. More interesting business ideas for bathhouses can be found online. You need to understand that when renting out, you can also charge a good surcharge for the interior.

Preference should be given to linden during cladding. Why to her? Because this is the most suitable material for this, unpleasant odors are not absorbed into it and are not released; another advantage is that it does not leak. Customers will love this design and will feel as if they smell fresh air. You need to try to make a choice in favor of one style, so that everything is natural, from natural materials, and when renting, remind about this.

Choosing a car for a mobile sauna

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