How to start a business producing bath brooms?

More and more people are thinking about starting their own business, because working “for someone else” suits few people.

The question immediately arises: “How much money will you need and where to get it?” It’s good if you already have start-up capital, but many people have to come up with something.

Most often you have to take out a loan or borrow from friends. But, there is another way out of this situation, or rather an idea for creating a business without much investment .

We will talk about creating a business using bath brooms, because starting capital is simply not needed to implement this business idea.

How much money does it take to make bath brooms?

Why choose this business idea:

  1. Does not require initial capital. This is one of the most important factors, if not the most important. A novice entrepreneur does not need to rack his brains about where to get money to start. A person does not need to take out loans and go into debt;
  2. Current idea. Nowadays, taking care of your health has become fashionable. For this reason, saunas and steam baths have become especially popular. And those who like to have a pleasant time in the bathhouse have not gone away, they are only becoming more numerous. Therefore, the construction of baths increased very quickly. In cities, old bathhouses are being actively reconstructed or new ones are being built. The bottom line is that the number of bathhouses increases, which means the number of potential clients increases;
  3. Limited item. Even with maximum use of a broom in a steam room, it will last for no more than one day. Thus, in public baths, brooms are changed at least once a day. And the golden rule for steam lovers is: “If you go to the bathhouse, buy a broom.” And indeed it is! Every time a person wants to take a steam bath, he will buy a broom. There are no reusable brooms;
  4. Universal business. This business does not require special knowledge or physical effort. For this reason, it is available for men, women and even teenagers. This may be especially true for teenagers, since there are not many options for earning money at their age;
  5. It's impossible to burn out. Another argument in favor of this business is that it is impossible to fail in it. If something goes wrong, the entrepreneur will not suffer losses. In other words, this is obviously a profitable business.
  6. Available raw materials. There will be no problems with raw materials at all, since birch trees grow everywhere. You should not limit yourself only to birch brooms, although they are in greatest demand. You can also make oak brooms; nettle and wormwood brooms are very effective. There are lovers of eucalyptus, linden, and coniferous brooms. Now brooms made from bare twigs of birch and aspen have become in demand;
  7. No expensive tools required. For this type of business you do not have to buy expensive equipment and tools. Processing can be carried out at home or directly in the field. You only need a few household tools to prepare brooms and secure them;
  8. Business with quick income. The broom dries for about a week, depending on the drying conditions. Thus, you can receive your first income within a week.

These are the main arguments in favor of business in the manufacture of bath brooms. They make it clear that this type of activity will definitely bring profit.

Moreover, you won’t have to wait long or incur high costs.

Do you need to formalize your activities?

Whether or not to register as an individual entrepreneur for the procurement of brooms, which lasts a maximum of two weeks, is up to you to decide. Private baths and saunas willingly take brooms without documents at a slightly lower price than from other suppliers.

If you are going to sell brooms at retail yourself, then official registration is required. How to register as an individual entrepreneur can be found in this source - How to choose tax systems for your business, read here -.

What other taxes does an individual entrepreneur pay, read this link.

Where to start making bath brooms

No special tools are required to prepare brooms.

All that will be needed:

  • a small convenient ax;
  • sharp knife;
  • strong threads, or any other material that is needed for tying brooms.

In addition, you need minimal knowledge in this matter, because there are certain nuances in this matter. You need to choose the right raw materials, know what time to prepare brooms.


The list of equipment needed to prepare brooms is ridiculously small:

EquipmentCost, ₽
Small hatchet500
Natural or polypropylene twine700
Sharp hunting or garden knife2’000

Although we have indicated prices for equipment, it is likely that you have most of the list on your farm. And a small life hack - instead of twine, you can use clamps, which eliminate the need to tie strong knots on brooms.

Raw material procurement technology

You need to choose a healthy tree, without dried branches or damage. Branches that are cut must be straight, elastic, thin and smooth. All broom leaves should be green.

Since ancient times, there has been a legend that birch brooms should be harvested on Trinity Day. This rule does not have to be followed, because you need a constant income.

For birch brooms the following rules:

  • time - beginning or mid-June;
  • sunny and dry day;
  • cut branches only in the morning, as soon as the dew has disappeared.

Oak brooms are harvested throughout the summer. At this time, you can also prepare brooms from birch twigs; they are also in demand. Thus, different types of brooms can be prepared at different times.

After the required number of branches for one broom has been cut, they need to be tied not very tightly. Brooms should be hung in a dry, well-ventilated room.

In this form they will dry for about 7-10 days. The finished broom should be green, well fixed, with a pleasant smell, which will intensify when exposed to steam.

Bottom line

Let me briefly summarize our work during the seasonal period at that time.

On average, per person per season was about 350-500 thousand rubles (2-2.5 months) before delivery to Moscow, after delivery to Moscow - 500-600 thousand rubles per season net, with the deduction of wages to hired workers.

In general, the amount is quite decent, but, of course, we also had to work hard! I also want to point out that this article is not a guide to guidance and application! This article is an example of what may work out and what may not, what points need to be taken into account in this type of earnings. I wish you maximum success in your endeavors!

How to sell bath brooms

To sell goods, you can contact city baths, saunas, health centers, recreation centers, etc. In any city there are areas where cottages and private houses are built.

There is a reason to offer your product there. You can go sell it the old fashioned way at the market, or near the highways. Tourists often stop and buy goods.

In the age of modern technology, it is worth turning to the Internet and submitting advertisements to various bulletin boards. It would be a good idea to place an ad in the newspaper.

No one has canceled word of mouth either; if you have high-quality brooms, then this rumor will quickly spread throughout the city.

You can use such an effective type of product sales as advertising mailing lists, but for this you will definitely have to create your own website.

The effectiveness of targeted mail has been proven over the years.

First profit

And now the moment of truth has come - the sale of goods. Taking several samples of his bath brooms, he visited the city bathhouse and offered the products to the director. She said that they already have their own supplier. Having found out the price at which the bathhouse buys brooms, I offered my own for 10 rubles cheaper and without any paperwork and accounting. How to become an accountant. The director couldn't resist.

As a result, birch brooms cost 30 rubles, and oak brooms cost 50 rubles. The total came out to about 46,000 rubles. This is a month of hard work.

I gained experience, drew conclusions, 46,000 rubles is still a small amount, considering that you need to deduct gasoline costs. In 2014, I set my sights on retail. I got a job as a courier for one company, saved up a small amount and repaired the balcony - paying special attention to the seams so that droplets of water did not get inside. I also started saving money for advertising, hoping to collect about 70,000 rubles by May, but at the start of the season I had a little less than 50,000 rubles on hand.

How much can you earn on bath brooms?

The approximate cost of one broom, depending on its composition, is from 70 to 120 rubles. It is not difficult to calculate that by selling ten brooms a day, you can earn about 1000 rubles.

In large cities, the cost of brooms is much higher, especially in winter. Thus, in a month you can earn up to 30 thousand rubles.

An entrepreneur's income will depend on his hard work. From the amount of effort he puts into his work.

It would be ideal if you could organize a warehouse for long-term storage of brooms.

In this case, they can be sold all year round, receiving a stable income.

Seasonality of business

It should be noted right away that preparing bath brooms as a business is a very short-term activity. There is no specific time for harvesting throughout the country; the difference in climate zones is too great. However, there are several conditions by which you can determine that it is time to start harvesting.

  • Young, strong, medium-sized foliage without damage or growths is best suited for brooms.
  • The harvesting time for birch, oak, linden, and other types of brooms varies. They are not done at the same time.
  • The production of bath brooms occurs before the trees bloom.

However, there is still one rule for the entire country when preparing brooms. Even if you “missed” the moment when there were young leaves on the trees, remember that according to popular belief, brooms for a bath can be prepared until July 12 - Peter’s Day.

In central Russia and the Urals, the period for harvesting brooms and its duration is approximately two weeks, starting in mid-June.

According to popular belief, the preparation of brooms for the bathhouse begins after the Orthodox holiday - Trinity Day.

What documents are needed to open

To start producing bath brooms, you will need to register as a business entity in accordance with the established procedure. It is not at all necessary to initially register a legal entity. But if you decide to take such a step, then it is better to register a limited liability company. In the future, this will help to avoid unnecessary expenses for paying taxes. However, for this area of ​​activity, an individual entrepreneur is quite sufficient. In addition, it will not take much time, a maximum of 5 days and will require a minimum package of documents:

  1. application and photocopy of passport;
  2. receipt for payment of state duty.

You will also need to open a bank account and register with government agencies. At the start of production you must have in stock:

  • registration certificate;
  • ownership of the premises or lease agreement;
  • an agreement with a company whose field of activity is related to timber harvesting and which will supply branches.

New season

Having gained strength for the next season, having gathered together again, having previously called and discussed the details with our customer, we got down to business, this time taking with us some wives and some girlfriends.

The earth is full of rumors, and already during our seasonal earnings, calls began to arrive from people interested in purchasing.

The calls were from nearby small towns, orders for volumes were very modest, but still this was already an increase, which could not but rejoice. At this pace, we completed another season of painstaking, but very profitable work in the village, calculated the capital and were quite pleasantly surprised.

So we worked together and amicably for a couple more seasons. The volumes were approximately the same during this time - the main customer from Kazan had enough of the quantity that was agreed upon before, and for small customers (some came, others left) also, in general, the quantity, up or down, was not changed. In principle, this was more than enough for us; we did not count on greater expansion and increase in volumes, and, most likely, we physically could not have managed it without attracting new workers to our ranks.

Order from Moscow

But still it happened, a man from Moscow came to us and offered quite attractive conditions: towards the end of the season, he sends a truck from Moscow to us, we prepare, knit and load it, besides, the purchase price was several times higher than We sold this before.

In general, there was a lot to think about, but there was only one problem - if we accepted this offer and agreed to prepare an additional order, then we would not have enough hands, and we simply would not have time.

What helped us out were the savings that we managed to earn during previous working seasons. Having agreed with the proposal from Moscow, having discussed all the nuances, we put out an advertisement for temporary work, and also invited those in the village who were sitting idle and wanted to earn money. As a result, we found 12-15 people and got to work.

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