Bathhouse on wheels as a business with earnings from 100,000 rubles

A bathhouse on wheels as a business is an alternative to stationary establishments, which can be difficult to visit regularly. The reason is the workload, constant employment of modern city residents. The mobile sauna will arrive at the specified address at the appointed time. The mobile establishment is popular and designed for the future.

Starting investment, rubRevenue per month, rubNet profit, rubPayback period
600 000100 000 — 120 00070 000 — 90 0006 - 12 months

Project concept

The total initial costs for the implementation of the project are 600 thousand rubles (the founder’s own funds).
Annual profit – 720 thousand rubles.

Net profit taking into account taxation is 676,800 rubles.

The payback period is no later than 9-10 months from the date of opening of the enterprise.

The organizational and legal form of activity is an individual entrepreneur operating under a simplified taxation system (6% of profit).

This business plan for a bathhouse on wheels with calculations aims to substantiate the technical and economic conditions for creating a mobile facility - an enterprise for providing bathhouses and other types of services.

The social significance of the project is the creation of new jobs, an increase in tax revenues and insurance contributions to the municipal budget.

Important nuances of using a mobile sauna

A sauna on wheels can only be used in a static position. While the vehicle is moving, operation of the bath complex is prohibited. This violates safety regulations, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To ensure that your sauna on wheels serves you for a long time, take care of it. Keep the steam room door wide open after the session, and dry the shelves and wood frames outside - this way you will extend the service life and maintain the presentable appearance of the equipment. Be sure to take an awning with you in case of rain. This will preserve the wood from which the bathhouse is made.

After a year of operation, be sure to carry out maintenance of the bathhouse. Check the tightness of the connections and, if necessary, tighten them additionally. This problem can arise due to natural changes in the timber.

Description of the object

The sauna on wheels is being created as a small family business. The main source of investment is the founder’s own funds.

The main means of production of services of the enterprise is a vehicle, appropriately converted into a bathhouse. To do this, the founder purchases a used KamAZ-53212 car. All-metal van with a capacity of 35 cu. m allows you to place in it all the necessary premises to provide bathing services to six visitors at the same time. The 6x4 drive provides increased cross-country ability of the vehicle, including over rough terrain, and guarantees reliable access to places where services are provided. The load capacity of 10 tons allows you to place all the necessary sauna attributes, equipment and bath accessories in the van. The vehicle does not require significant maintenance and fuel costs.

The main criteria for choosing a car are:

  • Cost of the vehicle.
  • Technical condition.
  • Mileage.
  • Availability of all registration documents.
  • Availability of converting a van into a bathhouse.

The bathhouse is located in a van and consists of two compartments: a bathhouse with a steam room and a dressing room with a changing room, shower and guest area.

To equip a mobile bathhouse, the following equipment is purchased:

  • Furniture: table and six chairs.
  • Cabinets for personal belongings of visitors (6 pcs.).
  • Cabinet for bath accessories (1 pc.).
  • Hangers.
  • Rack for storing brooms (1 pc.).
  • TV (1 pc.).

The interior decoration of the premises is done in-house using natural wood (linden boards). Preference is given to this material because of its excellent aesthetic qualities and health-improving properties.

The design of the mobile bathhouse provides for the installation of a heater, water drains and placement of tanks directly in the vehicle van. These works are performed by professional specialists under a contract.

Car selection

You need to start this business by finding a suitable car that can be converted into a bathhouse on wheels. You need to choose vehicles with high cross-country ability. Spacious and comfortable baths are obtained on the basis of GAZ 66, GAZ 3308, ZIL 131. KamAZ or GAZ cars are also suitable, where the van can be divided into two zones. In the first there is a steam room with a stove, in the second there is a shower, locker room or dressing room. In general, these cars are easiest to convert into a mobile sauna that can accommodate a group of 4-6 people.

But there are other options for the base of a mobile sauna: a trailer, a bus, a platform frame on wheels. You can find many ideas for your project on the Internet. Each option will have a different budget and capacity. Therefore, before making your final decision, evaluate each option and choose the one that is best for you in terms of price. A used truck in good condition can be found for 200 thousand rubles.

Market analysis

Organizing a mobile sauna is not something unique in the field of business activity. Such projects have already been implemented, but due to various circumstances they have not received proper distribution. That is why the market niche is practically unoccupied today, and competition in this segment of activity is low.

The services of bathhouses on wheels are practically not in demand by residents of rural settlements, who for the most part have such facilities in their own households or use the services of stationary bathhouses of their fellow villagers.

The proposed business plan for a bathhouse on wheels is designed for a city with a population of 400-500 thousand people. The main target audience of service consumers is men's groups of up to six people (in accordance with the maximum capacity of the facility).

The bathhouse can serve companies of fishermen and hunters, country holiday camps, and vacationers in holiday destinations without the appropriate infrastructure.

The main feature of this enterprise is that the service itself travels to the consumer at his location at a specific point in time.

By expanding the range of services provided, a mobile bathhouse can act as a leisure center in places of public recreation. This significantly increases the profitability of the project.

Design and arrangement of a bathhouse

In parallel with searching and buying a car, you can design a mobile bathhouse. This point is very important, so don’t skimp on it. It is better to order the project from professionals who will take into account all the necessary requirements and characteristics: the weight of the structure, the load on the wheels and centers of gravity, the required power of the boiler or furnace.

A mobile bathhouse should have two rooms - a steam room and a dressing room.

The walls are lined with good wood. Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing linden or fir. A linden sauna always heats up in just half an hour. This material does not emit resin and does not flow. The windows are double glazed to retain heat. A chimney is installed on the roof. The bath door should open outwards.

The bathhouse is constructed in several stages:

  • design and layout of the structure;
  • installation of stiffeners and frame assembly;
  • thermal insulation;
  • interior decoration;
  • bathhouse equipment;
  • outer skin.

You can do this kind of construction yourself.
But it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. Please note that a sauna on wheels must be developed in accordance with sanitary rules and fire safety standards. You can seek such services from large auto repair shops.

When the construction work is completed, you can proceed to equipping the bathhouse. To do this you will need to purchase:

  • water heater;
  • water container;
  • generator;
  • shower cabin;
  • furniture for the recreation area.
  • bath paraphernalia: birch and oak brooms, wooden buckets, ladles, individual accessories (hats, slippers, etc.).

Construction and installation work and equipping the bathhouse with everything necessary will cost approximately 250 thousand rubles. If you do not plan to spend time and effort preparing a mobile sauna, then you can buy ready-made equipment. Its cost will be about 300-400 thousand rubles, depending on the specific project.

Individual entrepreneur registration

Starting a project to organize a bathhouse on wheels will require registering a business and obtaining the necessary permits. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents for submission to the competent authorities.

Upon registration of an individual entrepreneur:

  • Receipt for payment of the state fee for registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Notarized application for registration of individual entrepreneurs (form P21001).
  • Statement of intention to work according to the simplified tax system (form No. 26.2-1).
  • Copies of individual entrepreneur passport pages.

Upon registration of the object:

  • Permits from SES.
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate.
  • Permission from the traffic police to re-equip a car and place a heater in it.

To ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise, agreements are concluded:

  • From the laundry to washing bath accessories.
  • With the municipal service for waste removal.
  • With SES for deratization, disinfection and disinfestation.

Registration of this business requires opening a bank account.

Business registration

To register a bathhouse on wheels as a business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. The OKVED code should be 96.04 - Sports and recreational activities.

You will need to obtain permission from the traffic police, SES, and State Fire Supervision. The list of required documents may vary depending on the region, so check everything locally.

You should also have:

  • technical passport and other documents related to the operation of the vehicle; equipment certificates;
  • contracts with services that carry out disinfection and waste removal.

In general, obtaining permits for a bathhouse on wheels is not difficult.


The mobile bathhouse provides a standard list of services provided for establishments of this type: hourly orders, advance reservations, steam service, provision of brooms, etc. From the moment the enterprise reaches break-even operation, the following will be available in the bathhouse:

  • Relaxing and wellness treatments.
  • Various types of massage.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Medicinal herbal teas.
  • Inhalations.

A free Wi-Fi network access point will be organized at the facility. Prices for services are determined based on the size of the average bill for a given type of activity in the region. The cost of the minimum order (session - 2 hours) is 2 thousand rubles on weekdays, 3 thousand rubles on weekends and holidays.

When setting prices for services, the influence of seasonal factors is taken into account.


At the initial stage, investments in this expense item will be minimal. A bathhouse on wheels is organized as a small business enterprise, in which all the main functions at the initial stage of the project are performed by the founder and adult members of his family. General management of the work of the bathhouse is carried out directly by the individual entrepreneur. He also performs the functions of a driver and, if necessary, a steamer. Reception of visitors, their service, provision of necessary bath accessories and payments are entrusted to adult family members of the project owner. As an analysis of the activities of such establishments shows, the most common is the opening of bathhouses on wheels by young married couples aged 30-35 years.

This form of organizing the activities of an enterprise and distributing responsibilities allows, at the first stage of project implementation, to save significant funds on attracting third-party employees and thereby significantly increase the profitability of the services provided.

Useful advertising tips

In order for people to know about a business, advertising must be chosen wisely.


  • on the radio - focus on specific target groups - motorists, visitors to catering establishments. Run the text with a certain frequency - it must be remembered;
  • a video on the Internet will bring income if it is filmed professionally;
  • discounts – provide to those who have already visited your establishment. The goal is to convert the visitor to the category of regular;
  • advertisements – place them where this service is free. Their effect is average, the method is justified only without investment.

Promotion of services on the market

The main factor in the promotion of mobile bathhouse services in the market is its reputation, based on the quality of service, convenience, cleanliness, staff responsibility and pricing flexibility. For this project, a very attractive move is the presence of advertising on the car itself. The van is designed as a mobile advertising object in the appropriate style. A professional company is involved in the design.

In addition, the following are carried out as regular advertising and marketing activities:

  • Distribution of printed advertising products (flyers, booklets, business cards, invitations) directly at the site itself, as well as in high-traffic areas in the city.
  • Bulk SMS sending.
  • Creation of audio and video about the company with systematic broadcast on local television and public transport.
  • Advertising and promotional campaigns with discounts on bathhouse services.

After reaching the break-even point, the company is considering concluding cooperation agreements with shopping and entertainment establishments, clubs and communities of interest, and company administrations for servicing corporate events in countryside recreation areas.

The introduction of a loyalty program is considered an important way to promote business. As part of this activity, the business plan for a bathhouse on wheels involves the publication and distribution of special cards:

  • Cumulative.
  • Discounts.
  • Club ones.

Several types of loyalty cards will allow you to differentiate the cost of services by target consumer groups and thus compensate for potential losses in other areas of business.

As part of the loyalty program, the founder regularly conducts surveys of visitors about the quality of service. This will allow not only to form a permanent client audience, but also to develop a bank of positive reviews about the work of the enterprise for subsequent dissemination through social networks and other information resources.

Selecting suppliers (where to order cars and sauna materials)

Trust equipment and interior decoration only to professional specialists - all activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of fire safety and sanitary standards.

Such services are provided by large automobile workshops. Paraphernalia must be ordered from trusted suppliers - require quality certificates for the entire range.

As for brooms, trust their manufacture to those who know how to do it correctly. A poorly assembled broom will quickly become unusable and will not provide comfort during use .

Financial plan

Calculation of initial costs

Expense itemAmount, in rub.
Purchase of a car with a KamAZ-53212 van (used)300 000
Equipping a bathhouse for the provision of services (construction of a stove, arrangement of drains, installation of tanks, etc.)200 000
Garage rental (2 months advance)20 000
Purchase of consumables (fuel for a car, coals and firewood for a stove, brooms, basins, ladles and other bath accessories)30 000
Advertising activities (payment for advertisements in the media, production of booklets and printing of leaflets)30 000
Business registration and other expenses20 000
Total600 000

Distribution of current expenses

ArticleAmount of expenses per month
Garage rental10 000
Purchase of consumables (fuel for a car, coals and firewood for a stove, brooms, washing services for towels and sheets)30 000
Advertising events (payment for regular advertisements in the media)10 000
other expenses10 000
Payment of taxes and insurance fees3 600
Total63 600


This type of activity is associated with an average level of potential risks. The main ones are:

  • Increasing competition in the market for services in this type of activity.
  • Seasonal factors influencing the demand for mobile sauna services.
  • Unfavorable weather and climatic conditions.
  • Failure of vehicles and bathhouse equipment.
  • Flawed marketing strategy.
  • General decline in the purchasing potential of the population.

Seasonal fluctuations in demand have the most significant impact on the progress of the project. However, these risks are predictable and can be offset by revenue from additional services, which are also seasonal. For example, if there is a drop in demand for bathhouse services in the summer, then at this time the company’s activities can be concentrated on servicing places of public recreation in suburban areas. In such cases, rental of sun loungers, mattresses, sports equipment and much more is organized, which can easily be placed in a car, delivered to the service point and generate additional income.

Business risks

Like any other business, a mobile sauna is subject to risks. The following problems may arise here:

  • seasonality of demand;
  • breakdown of the car or bathhouse equipment;
  • increased competition in the segment;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • management errors, decreased quality of service;
  • a general decline in the purchasing power of the population;
  • household vandalism: damage to furniture, equipment;
  • errors during design, construction or operation.


The example of the presented calculations for a business plan for a bathhouse on wheels shows that this area can become a highly profitable enterprise with a competent approach to organizing the entire process of its creation. With a total initial investment of 600 thousand rubles, the costs will pay off no later than 9-10 months from the moment the mobile sauna is opened. The implementation of the project does not require personnel costs at the initial stage of implementation, since all functions are performed by the founder and members of his family.

The most difficult component of business is calculating compensation for the decline in sales of services caused by seasonal factors. The main resource for compensation of losses is a competent marketing policy and the introduction of additional services provided by a bathhouse on wheels.

If all recommendations of the business plan are strictly followed, the profitability of the project will be at least 30%.

The project is promising from the point of view of liquidity (the vehicle remains the property of the founder) and reorientation of the business to a different direction, as well as based on the prospects for expanding activities (creating several more mobile bathhouses or concluding mutually beneficial agreements for joint customer service with other similar business entities).

Deciding on a car and bathhouse style

The principle of equipping a mobile sauna is based on the use of a vehicle with a special body - a steam room is made there.

Preference is given to cars that have good cross-country ability. Complexes based on the GAZ and KAMAZ brands meet this requirement. The steam room installed on the basis of such machines will be comfortable and spacious - the bathhouse can accommodate 6 people at the same time.

The advantages of cars are the presence of a van made of metal. Additionally, you can equip a separate trailer - then a tractor will come in handy. He will make the complex mobile. Note! Financial investments in this case will be 20-25% more expensive.

The ideal solution is vans that are initially divided into two parts. The first contains a steam room and a stove. In the second, they will equip a shower stall, a dressing room, and organize a locker room.

You will have to spend up to half a million rubles on the internal preparation of the van.

The design style of the complex is chosen in the best traditions. Walls lined with linden are popular - the wood does not leak and does not release resin.

To win regular customers, you need to provide visitors with a high degree of comfort. Additionally install:

  • TV;
  • karaoke center;
  • mini bar;
  • fridge.
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