How a gas burner for a stove works - types, advantages of use

A gas nozzle is a godsend for heating a private home. This device has a number of advantages: simple design of the spray device, safety in operation and high efficiency, and therefore its use becomes economically feasible. A gas nozzle for a heating furnace is a device with the help of which a gas-air combustible mixture is created in order to ensure complete combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber. Fuel injectors have a wide range of applications in thermal power engineering. They are installed not only in household stoves, but also in heating boilers of low, medium and high power, operating on gaseous and liquid fuels.

Purpose and advantages of nozzles

Gas burners (or nozzles) are designed to operate the stove on gas. Like other similar devices, the nozzle mixes fuel - natural or liquefied gas with air. As a result, the temperature in the oven increases.

Most often, such gas products are installed in baths , where high temperatures are required for a long time. However, nothing prevents you from installing a nozzle in your home in order to save yourself from the usual methods of kindling. In addition, such products have a number of significant advantages:

  • Safety. Since such products work with explosive material, they are subject to strict requirements regarding reliability. You can verify this by reading the quality certificate.
  • Availability of automation. Most gas products are equipped with automatic temperature control , which provides not only economical fuel consumption, but also protection from overheating or explosion of the furnace.
  • Economical. As you know, gas is much cheaper than the cost of firewood, coal or electricity.
  • Variety of fuels used. Many devices can operate on natural or liquefied gas.
  • Ease of operation. The operation of gas devices for furnaces does not require any specific skills. In addition, some models can be operated from a special remote control.
  • Ergonomics. Storing coal, firewood or other flammable materials requires a lot of space. The supply of fuel to the injector comes from the gas column.

Gas heating of a private house: autonomous, main, air

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The heating method, in which flammable gases serve as fuel, involves placing heating devices in the rooms that are heated. Today, the most famous type of heating in country and multi-storey buildings can be called gas heating.

In the design of this type of heating system, in addition to the main devices, there are also gas pipelines, they create the conditions for fuel transfer and heat transfer, automatic devices that are needed to reliably operate the gas, a device that ensures hermetically sealed passage.

Types of designs

There are few different classes of heating equipment that run on combustible gas. Some devices are installed in country houses, while other installations are most suitable for heating industrial premises.

Equipment for modern heating stoves consists of: boilers, batteries, infrared heaters. As a rule, the latter device is used in rooms that are large. Quasars are usually mounted on the ceiling.

The design of electromagnetic heating is a box with a reflector turned towards the bottom with a faience attachment made of thin slabs with holes at the bottom.

There is a gap between the box and the nozzle. This is where the fuel mixture comes in and heats the tiles to a high temperature. Then the gas begins to burn on the hot earthenware nozzle, which gives heat to the houses, thus warming them up. When using this method, there is almost no combustion waste in the heating system, because the remaining gas waste is removed by ventilation.

Heating system with gas stove

Gas boilers

When you want to design gas heating in a private home, the best alternative is a heating boiler. The choice of this heating system must be approached very carefully, because the comfort and warmth in the house depends on it. The most important property of equipment burning natural gas is its boiler power. They can be small (4-65 kW), not very large (up to 1700 kW) and maximum (up to 15000 kW) capacity.

The type of gas burner and appliance depends on the power of the gas appliance. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account that wall-mounted heating boilers are of low power, while those standing on the floor are, on the contrary, large. They also have differences in the structure of the structure and what material the heat exchanger is made of. Copper heat exchangers are mainly used on the wall, while heat exchangers made of cast iron or steel are installed on the floor.

Boilers used in gas heating are 1-circuit or 2-circuit.

Single-circuit boilers are installed to heat only the room. The heated water leaves the water heater. 2-circuit boilers are installed not only for heating, but also to provide hot water. With low hot water consumption, such devices are flow-through and have a built-in storage boiler. In it, a gas burner heats water, or a coil is connected to the boiler.

Appliances for burning natural fuels have several components:

  • Gas-burner. This is a perforated quadrangular structure. The heating gas nozzle is located inside it.
  • Heat exchanger. A radiator with coolant and pipes is built inside this casing.
  • Circulating pump. With its help, pressure is generated in the line.
  • Expansion tank. It is not needed for permanent storage of water when it expands when heated.
  • Combustion waste collection device.
  • Automation for operation of the entire heating system.

Gas boiler design

Wall-mounted air heater

The most well-known method used for liquefied gas heating is conventional gas cylinders. Besides the reasonable price, it also has many other advantages.

The first is ease of assembly. Standard fasteners are used here, so assembling the pipes is easy and you can do it yourself. But still, specialists must configure this equipment.

Today's gas convectors are small. Therefore, they go well with any decor in the house.

The main advantage of such a system is its safe operation. Because everything is controlled by the boiler automation. Among other things, convectors last a long time. Of course, this depends on the material from which they are made, usually around twenty to fifty years.

Gas convectors can operate from a gas pipe, or also separately if there is a gas cylinder. The number of these cylinders depends on the size of the room. They can stand not only in rooms, but also in specially equipped cabinets, they are placed near the external walls of the house. When such gas cylinders are used, heating becomes convenient and cheap.

Wall gas heater

Assembly of gas heating equipment

Installing gas heating appliances in a house requires several periods:

  1. First, a design of the entire system is made, then the necessary equipment is purchased, after which the entire system is assembled and filled with water.
  2. When both the project and the heating scheme are completed and signed by the gas service specialists, all equipment has been purchased, the time has come for installation of the entire system.
  3. All assembly is done by specialists. First of all, pipelines and heating risers are assembled, automation and control devices are fixed. After everything, gas heating is started and optimized.

Advantages of main heating

Among the obvious advantages of this heating are several:

  • Low activity (instant access to the desired work mode, instant heating of the room);
  • High efficiency (80-95%);
  • There is no need to regularly provide a supply of fuel;
  • Does not depend on electricity;
  • Air conditioners, baths, area lighting, etc. operate from such heating;
  • the work process is almost completely automated;
  • these systems are commensurate with modern environmental standards because they produce very few harmful substances;
  • no operating costs;
  • you can change the temperature;
  • The price of the equipment is very good.

Autonomous gas heating

If you do not want to cut into a common highway, or there is none on the site, then you need to make an autonomous gas heating system. Such a system uses heat economically, and there will be no losses in the main line.

It is good to make a plan for such heating when creating a house project. Because you need to immediately find where the boiler room and gas tank will be located. Fuel from it must be supplied to the premises underground using a gas pipeline.

In addition, such a boiler room not only performs a heating function, but also provides hot water and gas supply to the gas stove.

Autonomous system diagram

Gas heating via air

In most cases, it is used in industry, warehouses and entertainment systems.

They also began to provide such heating to country houses.

The principle of operation of the air heating mechanism is that air masses enter the heat exchanger and are supplied into the room with the help of a fan. These devices are different - they depend on the type of fan, coolant, power.

Along with air heating, gas guns are also used. They come not only with gas, but also in cylinders. All these guns create direct heat and have no combustion waste. They are mainly used for heating warehouses, greenhouses, and open areas.

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Principle of operation

There are 2 types of such devices on the gas burner market:

Atmospheric nozzles draw air from the room where the stove is located. In addition, the operation does not require the use of complex automation. Thanks to this, the product has a simpler and more uncomplicated design. The main drawback is the requirement for good air circulation. Therefore, atmospheric burners should be installed in well-ventilated areas. However, some models have special sensors that monitor the oxygen level and, if its content is low, turn off the gas supply.

Supercharged products are equipped with complex automation , due to which they have a more complex design. Such products operate on the principle of forced air injection. Fans are responsible for this, regulating the pressure and volume of supplied oxygen. The main requirement for use is that air must be taken from the street.

Photos in the text to illustrate what was said

Atmospheric gas burner for furnace

Atmospheric nozzle with flame dividers

Gas burner with nozzle and power adjustment

Blast gas burners with nozzle

Turbocharged air injectors

Type of fuel used

Everything is much simpler here - the device can run only on gas or use several types of fuel. The first option is the simplest type of gas injectors and is the most popular in comparison with its “competitor”. As a rule, such products are installed in houses or apartments where there is a gas supply.

The second option has a more complex design, but can work with several types of fuel:

  • liquefied gas;
  • natural gas;
  • diesel fuel.

Of course, the cost of such varieties is higher. Therefore, they are more often purchased in cases where gasification of the house is planned in the near future.


Having a boiler at home brings many advantages, but it also has a number of disadvantages, and the user does not always know what to do correctly. Boiler faults are common to many types

It is important to promptly determine the cause of these faults before calling emergency services. List of the most common and most likely faults

First of all, if the boiler does not start, you need to check the circuit components:

  • network voltage;
  • faulty boiler fan switch or motor;
  • damaged boiler cables;
  • false triggering contacts of automation or commissioning equipment;
  • availability of water, whether the gas boiler is powered to the minimum required level specified by the equipment manufacturer.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Do-it-yourself water container. Where to install a cold water storage tank: location options and installation rules

If the boiler failure is not caused by any of these problems, the following procedure:

  1. Pay attention to the noises made by the boiler, because they are often the first witnesses of destruction. They can also be due to hot water trapped inside the firebox or due to the presence of air in the heating system due to clogged air ducts.
  2. Pipe rupture. It usually occurs due to problems with a jammed boiler feed valve, various scale-forming deposits in the boiler, or a malfunction of the condensate drainage systems.
  3. Failures due to exceeding the pressure and temperature readings, their corresponding sensors can trigger, for example, due to a broken thermometer or, conversely, which is especially dangerous as a result of real overheating of the boiler.
  4. The heating circuits are not working, possibly due to poor quality of feed water and scale formation in the boiler pipes.
  5. A problem occurs with the burner (flame breaks, gas accumulation causes detonation and explosion).

For some of these problems, mainly pressure or temperature, the boiler monitor displays an error message, then the system shuts down and automatically restarts. If the problem persists after restarting, it is best to call a professional to troubleshoot the problem. It should be noted, however, that most of these failures can be avoided.

The best prevention is to have your boiler inspected, maintained and cleaned annually, usually by a professional. This will prevent the pipes from clogging and bursting. Prevention is better than restoration, and a simple annual inspection will protect the equipment and the health of users from possible emergency situations.

Important points when choosing a nozzle

Sales consultants can help you choose a gas burner. But as you know, rely on others, but don’t make a mistake yourself. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a number of points before purchasing.

  • Features of the premises. First of all, this is the area. If it is less than 12 sq. m., then it would be more reasonable to buy a supercharged type, if larger - atmospheric. Ventilation also plays an important role. If the speed and volume of air circulation leaves much to be desired, it is worth purchasing a forced-air gas burner.
  • Oven type. If the stove runs only on gas, you need to purchase an atmospheric version. In other cases, the supercharged variety is perfect.
  • Power. The expression “the higher the power, the better” does not apply here. This value should be calculated based on the area of ​​the room. So, for 10 sq. m. requires 1 kW of energy.
  • Manufacturer country. When choosing gas equipment, you should remember that foreign products are of higher quality and more durable than domestic ones. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to American, German and Italian injectors.

Purchasing a gas injector will first of all help strengthen your financial situation, and only then free you from constant running around with firewood or coal. A gas stove is a very convenient and practical invention , but you must remember about the explosiveness of this fuel. Therefore, you should not purchase the cheapest and low-quality products.

Why is it prohibited to use gas nozzles in furnaces? These kinds of questions have been regularly coming from visitors to over the past few months. Gas workers are demanding that the burners be dismantled and full-fledged gas boilers installed. Why is this happening? Have there been any changes in legislation? We are publishing clarifications on this matter, which were given by gas workers of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Gas workers prohibit using a stove with a gas burner (nozzle). Why?

The Public Electronic Newspaper (published in Bashkiria) received an appeal from residents of the village of Arslanovo, Buzdyak district of the republic. They reported that representatives of the gas service of the Buzdyak district are now carrying out repair work in the village. And they demand that all residents who still have brick stoves with a gas burner (nozzles) installed inside, immediately demolish these stoves. Otherwise they threaten to not connect the gas heating. Residents do not understand what law or document this requirement is based on, since this is not explained to them.

These journalists forwarded their questions to the local gas supply organization Gazprom Gas Distribution Ufa. A company representative said the following in response to an inquiry:

— The populated areas of the Buzdyaksky district were supplied with gas by collective and state farms in the 80-90s of the last century. And to do this quickly, they installed gas burners on existing wood stoves. They simply installed a burner without automation. And now this equipment does not meet the requirements for indoor gas equipment. They do not have automatic controls for traction or flame extinguishing. Their efficiency is low, and as a result, people overpay. And the service life of these devices has already expired twice - depending on the brand of the device, the service life ranges from eight to 15 years. Many accidents are recorded in houses with such stoves - people get burned, houses burn down due to overheating of the stove. Therefore, we recommend that residents replace their stoves with boilers. We offer them to purchase equipment and pay for installation in installments of up to six months, concluding an agreement directly with us, without banks. We work directly with factories, so our prices are not very high - from ten thousand. Many people enter into such agreements. For example, in the Tuymazinsky and Bakalinsky districts, stoves are being removed and equipment is being replaced everywhere.

In the Buzdyaksky district, for the second year now, we have been issuing orders to replace gas equipment with expired service life. And if residents do not comply with this instruction, then we have the right to turn off gas equipment.

According to a representative of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Ufa JSC, the organization in this case acts in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 N 410 “On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment” (with amendments and additions ).

What is the reason for the ban on gas workers using a stove with a gas nozzle?

A ban by representatives of gas services regarding the use of stoves with gas nozzles may be due to the poor technical condition of the heating device. Or using a homemade nozzle.

This is due to the fact that there have been numerous accidents in furnaces with homemade gas sprayers. In this case, the actions of city gas representatives comply with directive materials on the safe operation of gas equipment.

If the owner uses a factory-made nozzle for reconstruction with all the necessary documentation. And the reconstruction itself to convert the furnace to gas fuel was agreed upon with Gorgaz, then in this case there should be no ban on the operation of such equipment.

Purpose and advantages of nozzles

Gas burners (or nozzles) are designed to operate the stove on gas. Like other similar devices, the nozzle mixes fuel - natural or liquefied gas with air. As a result, the temperature in the oven increases.

Most often, such gas products are installed in baths , where high temperatures are required for a long time. However, nothing prevents you from installing a nozzle in your home in order to save yourself from the usual methods of kindling. In addition, such products have a number of significant advantages:

  • Safety. Since such products work with explosive material, they are subject to strict requirements regarding reliability. You can verify this by reading the quality certificate.
  • Availability of automation. Most gas products are equipped with automatic temperature control , which provides not only economical fuel consumption, but also protection from overheating or explosion of the furnace.
  • Economical. As you know, gas is much cheaper than the cost of firewood, coal or electricity.
  • Variety of fuels used. Many devices can operate on natural or liquefied gas.
  • Ease of operation. The operation of gas devices for furnaces does not require any specific skills. In addition, some models can be operated from a special remote control.
  • Ergonomics. Storing coal, firewood or other flammable materials requires a lot of space. The supply of fuel to the injector comes from the gas column.

Making a nozzle with your own hands

Before you start using a product made at home with your own hands, you need to go through the following procedures:

  • The burner must undergo a quality check at the local Rostechnadzor office in accordance with the regulations established in the Federal Law on the Safety of Buildings and Structures dated December 30, 2009.
  • After this check, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from Rostekhnadzor regarding the suitability of the burner for operation.

In order to start making the nozzle, you need the following materials:

  • A valve that will serve to regulate the fuel supply of the device. To supply gas to the burner, you must use the valve installed on the gas source.
  • Steel pipe. It is desirable that it have a thickness of up to 2 mm and a length of up to 100 mm.
  • Steel cap for making a fuel dispenser. You can also use a jet from a blowtorch.
  • Steel handle. It can be made from a regular fitting.
  • Rubber for handle lining.
  • Wire. It will be used for welding.

You will also need the following tools:

  • Welding machine.
  • Grinder for cutting parts.

For homemade production, an atmospheric nozzle is preferable due to the simplicity of its design. The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, screw the cap onto the valve. For example, if a standard VK-74 valve is used, then the cap has a conical thread.
  2. Then, by cutting the existing steel pipe with a grinder to the required size, the nozzle of the future nozzle is made - its basis.
  3. Next, the nozzle is welded to the cap using wire. In this case, the cap and nozzle should not touch.
  4. A piezoelectric element is installed , which is needed to activate the device.

After this, the product is ready for installation.

Attention! To install a system for supplying fuel to the stove from a central heating system, you need special equipment and experience working with gas systems.

Furnace installation

When installing a finished unit in a furnace, take into account what materials it is made of:

The gas nozzle - the heart of the stove - must be of high quality and correctly installed. If this unit malfunctions, fuel-related problems may occur, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Principle of operation

There are 2 types of such devices on the gas burner market:

Atmospheric nozzles draw air from the room where the stove is located. In addition, the operation does not require the use of complex automation. Thanks to this, the product has a simpler and more uncomplicated design. The main drawback is the requirement for good air circulation. Therefore, atmospheric burners should be installed in well-ventilated areas. However, some models have special sensors that monitor the oxygen level and, if its content is low, turn off the gas supply.

Supercharged products are equipped with complex automation , due to which they have a more complex design. Such products operate on the principle of forced air injection. Fans are responsible for this, regulating the pressure and volume of supplied oxygen. The main requirement for use is that air must be taken from the street.


Ideally, when constructing a building, the foundation for the furnace will already be laid. Until recently, this is exactly what they did in the villages. What to do if there is no foundation? Let's build it with our own hands.

You need to dig a hole, the perimeter of which will be slightly (see 15) larger than the perimeter of the stove. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand, and the sides are reinforced. Then the concrete mixture is poured.

The concrete must harden well; up to 2 weeks are allotted for this. When working, check the surface with a level; it must be flat and strictly horizontal and 10-16 cm below the main floor. A roofing felt sheet folded in half is placed on top, then a steel sheet and an insulation bedding.

For stoves used in outdoor dachas, the foundation is not deep and just above the ground. The same applies to stoves that will be in the garden.

Type of fuel used

Everything is much simpler here - the device can run only on gas or use several types of fuel. The first option is the simplest type of gas injectors and is the most popular in comparison with its “competitor”. As a rule, such products are installed in houses or apartments where there is a gas supply.

The second option has a more complex design, but can work with several types of fuel:

  • liquefied gas;
  • natural gas;
  • diesel fuel.

Of course, the cost of such varieties is higher. Therefore, they are more often purchased in cases where gasification of the house is planned in the near future.

What is a heating nozzle in a house

A gas nozzle is a godsend for heating a private home. This device has a number of advantages: simple design of the spray device, safety in operation and high efficiency, and therefore its use becomes economically feasible. A gas nozzle for a heating furnace is a device with the help of which a gas-air combustible mixture is created in order to ensure complete combustion of fuel in the combustion chamber. Fuel injectors have a wide range of applications in thermal power engineering. They are installed not only in household stoves, but also in heating boilers of low, medium and high power, operating on gaseous and liquid fuels.

Important points when choosing a nozzle

Sales consultants can help you choose a gas burner. But as you know, rely on others, but don’t make a mistake yourself. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a number of points before purchasing.

  • Features of the premises. First of all, this is the area. If it is less than 12 sq. m., then it would be more reasonable to buy a supercharged type, if larger - atmospheric. Ventilation also plays an important role. If the speed and volume of air circulation leaves much to be desired, it is worth purchasing a forced-air gas burner.
  • Oven type. If the stove runs only on gas, you need to purchase an atmospheric version. In other cases, the supercharged variety is perfect.
  • Power. The expression “the higher the power, the better” does not apply here. This value should be calculated based on the area of ​​the room. So, for 10 sq. m. requires 1 kW of energy.
  • Manufacturer country. When choosing gas equipment, you should remember that foreign products are of higher quality and more durable than domestic ones. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to American, German and Italian injectors.

Purchasing a gas injector will first of all help strengthen your financial situation, and only then free you from constant running around with firewood or coal. A gas stove is a very convenient and practical invention , but you must remember about the explosiveness of this fuel. Therefore, you should not purchase the cheapest and low-quality products.

How to choose a good device?

The main characteristics of such products are:

When choosing a device, you need to keep the following factors in mind:

  • Simplicity of design. In this case, the cross-sections of the paths for the passage of gas must be the same and create minimal resistance to the gas.
  • Room size. For small rooms, an atmospheric device will be sufficient, but for larger rooms the power of such devices may not be enough.
  • Manufacturer of the product. Domestic and foreign (mostly products made in Germany are on the market) units have approximately the same cost, but some similar devices are designed for installation in specific types of stoves. For example, the domestic product AGG-15 is suitable for use only in stoves with a long channel for the fuel mixture.

Photo 2. Gas nozzle AGG-26, suitable for furnaces with a long channel.

  • Type of heating device.

Important! You need to know where the fuel will come from to the heating device: from individual cylinders or from the main pipe. This is also taken into account when installing the stove.

Purpose and types of jets

Natural gas NG G20 is mainly supplied to kitchens through city pipelines. It is supplied directly to the stove under a pressure of 20 mBar. In places where there is no gas pipeline, bottled gas, also called liquefied gas, is used. The most common of them is LPG G30. The pressure at the outlet of the cylinder is 50 mBar.

Due to the difference in the composition of the gas and its pressure when entering the furnace, the combustion of the gas-air mixture is significantly different. To even out the flame on the burner and avoid harmful soot, a jet was created. It is a regular threaded bolt, but only with an internal hole. People often call them injectors or nozzles. Their main difference is the caliber of the hole through which fuel is dosed.

Converting a stove to propane-butane is not the only reason when nozzles need to be replaced. You should also install other nozzles if on the stove burner:

  • soot appears and the fuel burns unevenly;
  • the flame comes off the burner and a hissing sound is heard;
  • The color of the flame is yellow-white, instead of blue.

Any of these actions indicates that the stove has inappropriate jets.


Each stove has its own design features. Its construction must exactly correspond to the drawings. Let's figure out how to build a brick oven and give the average stages of construction:

  1. It is always correct to make the bottom row continuous. It is the basis of the stove, so close attention is paid to it: the corners must be clearly straight, the verticality of the walls is checked with a weight.
  2. The second and subsequent rows are made in strict accordance with the drawings. Sometimes, the second row is also laid solid, sometimes a door for the blower is placed in it, and sometimes it is placed next to it higher.
  3. To make it easy to remove ash, trim the edges of the bricks immediately at the construction stage so that they form a cone.
  4. When placing the grate, make a small niche for it so that it is slightly in the recess - this will have a positive effect on the efficiency of the stove. Leave a small (few mm) gap between the grate and the bricks. It will be filled with sand and concrete.
  5. When building a firebox, it is important to combine materials correctly: the inner surface is made of fireclay bricks, the outer surface is made of ceramic bricks.
  6. A cooking surface is built into the upper rows, if necessary. For it, it is better to take fireproof fireclay bricks.
  7. Keep track so you don't accidentally block your channels! After several rows, a damper and a ventilation door are formed.
  8. In the upper rows, the chambers begin to overlap: first the cooking chambers, then the thermal chambers. The top row of bricks covers all channels except the smoke channel.
  9. The chimney is removed. To do this, in the places where it passes through the floors and roof, gaps are left, which are filled with special insulation. A steel sheet is strengthened around the hole and secured with self-tapping screws to avoid accidental fire.
  10. For reliability, the stove can be tied with metal ties.
  11. After all work is completed, allow the structure to dry and settle. It is recommended not to heat the stove for about two weeks after building it yourself.

This is a rough plan for how to build a brick oven yourself. Carry out all work in accordance with safety precautions. Remove any remaining solution immediately. Plastering of internal surfaces is not allowed.

What types of gas ovens are there?

Stove GEFEST 1200С7 K8 on Yandex Market

GEFEST 900 stove on Yandex Market

Stove GEFEST 5100-02 0010 on Yandex Market

Gorenje GI 62 CLB stove on Yandex Market

Electrolux EKG 95010 CW stove on Yandex Market

Gas stoves are used to heat households and country houses, but such devices have gained the greatest popularity in the construction of bathhouses. Most often, for this case, they buy factory-made units that have a metal body. In this case, you need to choose the right model in terms of power and purpose, taking into account the operating conditions. Brick ovens are also being built.

Based on the method of generating heat, furnaces can be divided into two types:

  1. Having a combustion chamber. The gas enters the heating chamber and, when burned, heats its walls.
  2. Furnace with heat exchanger. In the designs of these heating units, gas enters a curved, heat-resistant steel tube, which acts as a heat exchanger.

In the second case, the furnaces are additionally equipped with a system of forced air supply and exhaust of combustion products.

Gas furnaces are distinguished by heat capacity. This indicator depends on the ability of the unit to accumulate heat.

According to this parameter, furnaces are divided into the following categories:

  1. Constant burning furnaces. They have thinner walls that cool quickly enough. However, there is a significant plus - they warm up the room just as quickly, releasing heat outside. In order to maintain a constant comfortable temperature in the room, the stove must be in the “on” mode. This is a typical country house option. You can come and immediately warm up.
  2. Batch furnace. This is a massive heat-intensive structure that is capable of giving off heat even after the gas is turned off. In order to retain heat, the channels and combustion chamber are lined with clay bricks. It is very convenient to install such stoves in baths. They will warm up the stones in a short time and begin to give off heat for a long time. For heating households, this option is also more acceptable.

Stove gas burners, which are installed in the stove of a household or a country house, are similar to each other. They have a combustion chamber (heat exchanger), a housing, a smoke exhaust system, channels for heated air and an automatic unit.

However, there is one obligatory part that has its own characteristics in each case - a gas burner for the stove. It is she who is responsible for the efficiency of the heating unit, power characteristics, economical fuel consumption, safe operation and other important parameters.

Single-stage atmospheric gas burners for a home stove are not difficult to use, they are easy to install in a heating unit. They don't need electrical power. This burner is placed on the front side, where the combustion door is located.

General rules for installing a chimney for a stove

Another condition for the normal operation of a gas stove is the installation of a chimney. For gas-fired stoves, smoke channels must be vertical, without ledges. The design of the chimney of a wood-burning stove is often not suitable for the removal of gas combustion products.

The slope of the chimney is allowed, but not more than 30°, and provided that the cross-section of pipes on inclined sections is not less than the cross-section of pipes installed vertically

You can refurbish an old chimney by lining it. Upgrade options:

  • Installation of a stainless steel pipe in the chimney duct. In this case, the diameter and height of the pipe should be selected according to the characteristics of the chimney duct. The gap between the walls of the chimney and the pipe is filled with non-flammable heat-insulating material such as expanded clay or foam glass.
  • Application of FuranFlex technology. The method involves placing an elastic polymer tube inside the channel, which, under pressure, takes its shape and hardens. The protective layer serves to insulate, seal and internally protect the chimney.

If none of the chimney modification options work, you will have to install a new one. Depending on the location of the stove, two options for installing a chimney are possible: an external attached one or an internal one.

The influence of the characteristics of the chimney on the safety of heating is such that it will necessarily be checked by the Fire Inspection authorities with the subsequent issuance of a written certificate, without which the equipment will not be connected to gas networks.

Replacing injectors

A specialist from the gas service will be able to change the jets efficiently and professionally. He has the necessary knowledge and qualifications to correctly adjust the gas supply when switching to another fuel. Especially considering that to use bottled gas it is necessary to additionally connect a reducer. But if you rely on the data contained in the correspondence table, then a home master can confidently cope with such work.

Below in the table you can find the required diameter of the gas nozzle depending on the fuel used.

Burner typeGas type and pressure
NG G20 (20 mBar)LPG G30 (50 mBar)NG G25 (20 mBar)LPG G30 (30 mBar)
Small0.75mm0.43 mm0.70mm0.50 mm
Average0.92mm0.55 mm0.92mm0.65mm
Big1.15 mm0.60mm1.15 mm0.75mm
Oven burner1.20 mm0.65mm1.15 mm0.75mm
Grill burner0.95 mm0.60mm0.95 mm0.65mm

On the burners

For those who decide to change the jets with their own hands, below is an algorithm of actions that must be followed:

  • to gain access to the burner, you need to remove the top cover of the gas stove, which is secured with screws;

  • then you should remove the tips with nozzles from the traverse with the burners, for which you first need to find the latch (outwardly resembling a clothespin), effortlessly squeeze its ends and carefully remove it;

  • Next, the tip should be released from the socket and removed from the gas pipeline tube;

  • an O-ring will remain in the tip, which needs to be removed from there and put back on the tube;

  • the next step is to carefully unscrew the jets using a socket wrench counterclockwise (if the nozzle is stuck and does not budge, it is recommended to use a vice);
  • and finally, new nozzles need to be screwed into each tip, and then reinstalled.

Due to the low pressure in the network, sealing the threaded connection is not required. How to lubricate the o-ring. How smoothly the burner will burn depends on how carefully and correctly the reassembly of the structure is carried out.

In modern gas stoves, the process of converting to use other fuels is even simpler. To get to the burners, you only need to remove the grates with the burners. After this, you can easily remove the tips and replace the jets with new ones.

In the oven

To change the jets in a gas oven, you need to follow these steps:

  • open the oven door and the lower oven compartment completely;
  • pull towards you and pull out the floor of the oven compartment;
  • unscrew the fastenings of the gas burner and move it to the side;
  • a nozzle is hidden in a special housing on the left (if the stove has not been in use for long, the nozzle will easily unscrew from this position, and if the nozzle has become stuck, then you need to continue disassembling so as not to strip the thread);
  • remove the left side wall by unscrewing the three fastening screws;
  • Using a 17mm wrench, unscrew the nut and move the pipeline to the side;
  • unscrew the last two screws that secure the nozzle body to the wall;
  • treat the stuck thread with kerosene or WD-40 and use a vice for convenience when unscrewing the jet (if necessary);
  • install a new injector.

Then you need to carefully install the oven in the reverse order.

Gas heating - air, autonomous, necessary equipment

Today, the most common type of heating in private and apartment buildings is gas heating. A gas heating system involves the location of heating devices inside the room that is heated. The gas heating system, in addition to the main devices, also includes gas pipelines that provide fuel supply and heat release, automatic devices designed to safely use gas, and shut-off and control valves.

Gas heating of a private house

There are several different types of heating equipment that operate on gas fuel. Some equipment is used for private homes, while other types are more suitable for heating industrial buildings.

Equipment for gas heating includes: boilers, convectors, infrared gas emitters. Usually the latter type is used in those rooms that have a large area. Emitters are placed mainly under the ceiling.

An infrared gas heating system is a casing that has a reflector facing the floor with a ceramic nozzle made of flat tiles with holes at the bottom.

There is space between the casing and the nozzle. This is where the fuel mixture is supplied, heating the tiles to high temperatures. After this, gas combustion occurs on a hot ceramic nozzle, which radiates heat into the room, thus heating it. When using this type of heating equipment, there are almost no gas combustion products; their remains are removed by the ventilation system.

Gas infrared heater

If you need to install gas heating in a private home, then the best option would be a gas boiler. It is necessary to choose such gas heating equipment carefully, since the comfort and warmth in the room depends on the boiler.

The most significant characteristic of a gas boiler is power. Thus, gas boilers come in small (4-65 kW), medium (up to 1700 kW) and large (up to 15000 kW) power.

A gas boiler

Depending on the power of the gas boiler, the type of burner and unit is selected. In addition, it should be taken into account that wall-mounted heating devices usually have low power, while floor-mounted heating devices have high power. Also, floor and wall models differ in that they have a different design and heat exchanger material. For wall-mounted options, copper heat exchangers are most often used, and for floor-mounted ones, steel or cast iron are used.

In addition, boilers that use gas heating systems can be single-circuit or double-circuit.

Single-circuit boilers heat only the room. So, hot water comes from a storage boiler. Double-circuit boilers are designed not only for heating purposes, but also for supplying hot water. Such boilers can be flow-through (with low hot water consumption) and with a built-in storage boiler (an independent gas burner heats the water, or a coil is indirectly connected to the boiler).

Gas boilers consist of several elements:

  • Gas-burner. This is a perforated rectangular design. Inside it consists of elements such as a gas nozzle for heating.
  • Heat exchanger. A radiator with coolant pipes is built inside this box.
  • Circulation pump. Thanks to it, pressure is ensured in the line.
  • Expansion tank. Designed for temporary removal of the heat carrier during its heating and expansion.
  • Combustion product removal device.
  • Automation. This is the boiler operation control unit.

Gas boiler diagram

Gas convectors

A common method that uses natural gas heating is gas cylinders. In addition to the affordable price, this method has a number of other advantages.

Firstly, we note the ease of installation. Standardized fastening elements are used here, so pipe installation is simple and you can do it yourself. But setting up the equipment should be done by professionals.

Modern gas convectors are very compact. Thanks to this, they fit well into any interior.

A special advantage is safety. After all, everything here is controlled by automation. In addition, gas convectors are durable. Their service life depends on the material, on average it is 20-50 years.

Gas convector

Gas convectors are capable of operating from the gas main, as well as autonomously if there is a cylinder with liquefied gas. The number of installed cylinders depends on the area of ​​the room. Such cylinders are installed not only indoors, but also in special cabinets located near the outer wall of the building. If gas heating containers such as cylinders are used, the heating will be very comfortable and economical.

Installation of a gas heating system

To install a gas space heating system, several steps must be completed. First of all, a heating system design is drawn up, then all equipment is purchased, after which the system is installed and filled with a coolant.

After the project and gas heating scheme have been drawn up and agreed upon with the gas service, all materials and equipment have been purchased, it is time to install the heating system. Installation must be done by professionals. First, lines and heating risers are installed, automation for control, and special devices for regulation are installed. Next, the heating system is launched and optimized.

Advantages of a gas heating system

Among the obvious advantages of a gas heating system, we note the following:

  • low inertia (quick access to the required operating mode, quick heating of the premises);
  • high efficiency (80-95%);
  • there is no need to constantly provide fuel reserves;
  • independence from electrical energy;
  • air conditioning systems, bathhouses, area lighting, etc. can operate from a gas heater;
  • the functioning process is as automated as possible;
  • such systems comply with modern environmental standards, as they emit a minimum of harmful substances;
  • no operating costs;
  • temperature can be adjusted;
  • the cost of the equipment is quite acceptable.

Autonomous gas heating system

If you do not want to connect to a common highway, or it is not available on the site, then you can install autonomous gas heating. Thanks to such a system, heat consumption will be rational, and there will be no losses in the main networks.

Autonomous gas heating system

It is best to create a project for an autonomous gas heating system when designing a house. After all, the location for the boiler room and gas tank must be determined immediately. Fuel from the gas tank to the house must be supplied underground using a gas pipeline.

In addition to the fact that such a heating system performs the heating function, it is also capable of providing a constant supply of hot water and heating from a gas stove.

Other ways to use natural gas for heating

Air-fired gas heating is becoming increasingly common. It is usually used in industrial enterprises, warehouses, and entertainment complexes.

Recently, gas air heating has begun to be used in private homes.

The meaning of air heating devices is that air is supplied through a heat exchanger using a fan. Such devices can be different - depending on the type of fan, coolant, power.

Air gas heating

Along with air gas heating, gas heating guns are also used. Such guns (heaters) are available not only with natural gas, but also with bottled gas. All guns are direct heating; they do not use combustion product removal. They are usually used for heating warehouses, greenhouses, and open areas.

Product cost

Gefest400 RUR
Moravia 1436650 RUR
Indesit650 RUR
Hansa650 RUR
Flama550 RUR
Darina700 RUR
Ricci590 RUR

From the above it follows that the operation of changing jets is not difficult and is quite within the capabilities of any person without special education. And installing the right nozzles will not only save gas fuel consumption, but will also rid the room of soot and unpleasant odors.

Answers from experts

When operating gas stoves, various types of gas are used. The most common is natural gas - NG G20 (20 mBar), it is used in modern household gas pipelines. Also, in cases where there is no natural gas supply system, bottled or liquefied gas is still used - LPG G30 (50 mBar). Since the combustion process also occurs differently for different types of gas, when connecting a gas stove it is necessary to use the appropriate gas burner nozzles. The table shows the average jet parameters for most models of gas stoves.

More than with a balloon, and depending on the power of the burner. Either look at the passport, or select it.

plates must be included

Ignition type

All burners can be divided according to the type of ignition:

  1. Electronic type. They do not have a constantly working igniter. Requires electricity to operate. Electric ignition is one of the most convenient inventions for modern heating units. Thanks to him, the operation of the stoves has become as comfortable as possible. Electric ignition makes it possible to light the burner flame safely, without using available wicks or lighters.
  2. Burners with piezo ignition. No electricity needed.

Sometimes special working conditions are required, for example, burners are placed in a sauna stove, which must distribute the flame well. These are dividers or ordinary distribution tubes. This is how kitchen gas ovens work.

The fuel consumption passing through the burner can vary widely and depend on its design.

Gas burners for your furnace should be safe and energy efficient. This can be achieved if all technical requirements are met. Self-indulgence in this matter can only do harm. Therefore, the installation of gas burners must be carried out by specialists.

Types of burners

This design for the furnace is reliable equipment that is used for long-term operation; it is based on high-quality materials, careful multi-level control, which makes it possible to provide high-quality finished products. The most popular brands on the domestic market are installations for the Mosklimat TERMO stove and fireplace. Weishaupt. Giersch. Western Line. Buderus.

Tags: stove, install, nozzle

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Types of appliances using natural or liquefied gas

Gas injectors are distinguished by the type of fuel used in the system. They are available for natural gas from the mains or for liquefied gas from a cylinder. They have different diameters and operating pressures. As a rule, burners for both types of fuel are included with the heating device.

Injectors are classified according to the principle of operation of the device, how the gas-oxygen mixture is prepared, how the gas is supplied to the combustion chamber and some other features. There are two main types of injectors: fan or atmospheric.


The design of these nozzles is considered complex and includes a built-in fan and turbine , which is why they are also called forced-fan nozzles. Air is forced injected in controlled volumes, so the combustible mixture is prepared in strict proportions. A boiler with such components is productive and economical. Used in devices with a high degree of automation.

Important! This type depends on electricity. Without electricity, the gas supply will be cut off!

Advantages of fan injectors:

  • economical, reduce fuel consumption;
  • combustion is under absolute control;
  • power is adjustable;
  • The efficiency is significantly higher than that of atmospheric ones;
  • can be used in houses where there is no chimney;
  • no need to reconfigure for a different type of fuel.

Photo 2. Fan-type nozzle for a gas boiler. The device contains a fan and a turbine for pumping air.

  • high price;
  • energy dependence on electricity.


This type of equipment is usually used in floor-standing boilers for houses with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters. The power is adjusted at the factory.

Reference. When changing the type of fuel, reconfiguration is required.

These burners take air to prepare a combustible mixture directly from the room where the heating device is installed, that is, from the atmosphere, hence the name. The atmospheric nozzle operates on the principle of an elementary ejector . Pressurized gas is directed through specially shaped nozzles. These nozzles have access to normal air from the room, which is drawn into the system.

The finished mixture comes out through slits located a little further away, where ignition occurs. The air becomes rarefied as it travels from the nozzle to the outlet, which creates a constant draft.

Advantages of atmospheric devices:

  • simplicity of design;
  • low price;
  • noiselessness;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • do not depend on electricity.
  • you cannot adjust the power yourself;
  • low efficiency;
  • need a chimney.

Burners are divided according to the possibility of power regulation:

  • Single stage - no adjustment possible.
  • Two-stage - two modes of operation of the heating device.
  • Smooth two-stage - allow you to smoothly transition from the first stage to the second. Something between two-stage and modulating burners.
  • Modulating option - it is possible to regulate in the range from 10 to 100 percent.

Tips for cleaning and care

  • Close the valve for supplying natural gas to the device;
  • Carefully remove the burner;
  • Mark the location of the injectors and then unscrew them;
  • Clean the nozzles with a brush or a special needle;
  • The burner is cleaned with a stiff brush and purged with a pumping device;
  • The nozzles for the gas boiler are installed back;
  • The burner is attached to the boiler.

In order for a gas boiler to work without failures, you need to choose the right type of burner, carefully studying all the characteristics. In addition, the device should be carefully looked after, otherwise it can quickly fail.

Stove gas burner - what is it, principle of operation, features

A gas burner is a special device for burning natural gas and transferring the generated thermal energy to a heating circuit, a container of water or a metal heat sink to heat the room. In this way, the potential energy of the gas substance is converted into heat, which in turn is used in domestic conditions for heating or heating water. Therefore, installations of this type are used in stoves for baths or houses, as well as in heating boilers.

Regardless of the set of technical characteristics and purpose, gas burners consist of the following main components:

  • An injector is an element that directly supplies gas to the combustion chamber.
  • Ignition device - creates a spark to ignite the fuel.
  • Flame sensor – monitors the presence and stability of the flame.
  • Automation unit - controls the heating level and other specified characteristics that affect the operation of the equipment.

Gas burner with an automatic control unit Source
In the classic version, such a burner directly heats the stove body - that is, when gas, rather than wood, is used to produce fire. However, there is often a need to heat water or effectively heat neighboring rooms. Then the device is combined with a tank or thermal circuit.

Operating principle

Using a heating unit as an example, the operating principle of a gas burner comes down to the following algorithm:

  1. As soon as the temperature of the coolant in the radiators drops below the set value, the temperature sensor detects the situation and sends a signal to a special control unit.
  2. The gas supply valve opens.
  3. Simultaneously with the flow of fuel to the injector, the ignition system is activated.
  4. A flame is formed in the combustion chamber, heating the thermal circuit.
  5. As the coolant reaches the specified heating level, the temperature sensor responds to the reverse command - shutting off the gas supply and extinguishing the burner.

During the entire period while there is a flame in the chamber, the tracking sensor operates. If the fire suddenly goes out, it immediately informs the automation unit about the event, which in turn sends a command to stop the fuel supply.

Construction of a gas burner for a sauna stove Source


In addition to compliance with safety standards, the installation of equipment of this type in a domestic environment must meet the following general requirements:

  • Silence . This parameter not only affects the level of comfort in using the equipment, but is also an indicator of the efficiency and serviceability of its operation. For example, a gas burner operates with excessive noise with an imperfect design of the combustion chamber, which will indicate its low efficiency. In addition, the occurrence of popping noises during startup indicates that the ignition system is not functioning properly.
  • Durability . The more reliable and high-quality the device is made, the longer and more stable the equipment will operate. This set of properties can only be guaranteed by a well-known manufacturer. On the contrary, for models from cheap and unknown companies, burners often fail and have to be replaced periodically, which only increases the final costs.

Schematic design of a gas stove for a bath Source

  • High efficiency . This characteristic is influenced not only by the main ones, but also by additional elements, for example, the exhaust system. And the parameter itself sets efficiency, productivity, completeness of fuel combustion, and the degree of purity of exhaust gases, on which the environmental situation of the house and site will depend.

On a note! There are universal models of gas furnaces. In addition to operating from the main burner, they can produce heat by burning solid or liquid fuels, and also use electricity if necessary.

Features of installation in a bathhouse

In order for a gas burner to operate efficiently and safely in a sauna stove, its installation must meet the following set of requirements:

  1. Quite a strong influx and outflow of air in the room.
  2. Possibility of traction adjustment.
  3. The volume of the room is at least 12 m³.
  4. Compliance with fire safety measures.
  5. High-quality thermal insulation of the chimney.

An example of using a gas stove in a bath Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in engineering systems (heating, water supply, sewerage and others) and related work

To put the equipment into operation, you will definitely need permission from Rostechnadzor. Moreover, if it is powered by liquefied gas, it will require a special storage facility to store the containers. A gas cylinder is not allowed to be placed nearby - in the bathhouse itself or in the dressing room.

The use of such a burner for a bath is justified by the following advantages:

  • Fast heating of water and stove body. The steam room is ready for use within 1 hour after startup.
  • Compact equipment. Takes up much less space than a classic wood stove.
  • Precise control of the heating level set by sensors.
  • High system security when using automation.
  • Economical consumption of energy resources. It’s a third more profitable than using firewood, and twice as profitable as using electric analogues.
  • Environmental Safety. The stove does not become clogged with ash or soot and does not need to be cleaned. In addition, carbon monoxide is not generated.

However, the operation of gas equipment is always associated with the danger of an explosion and the need for strict compliance with norms and requirements, which, perhaps, limits its main disadvantages.

Compactness, safety and fast heating are the main properties of a gas stove Source stovecenter73.rf

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