How to install a composite (fiberglass) font near a bathhouse - first-hand information

I recently decided it was time to add a plunge pool to my sauna. “Why not?” I thought. I was already tired of making do with a modest tub of water, I wanted real extreme sensations. To get out of the hot steam room and straight into the ice water! Since I am not a particularly skilled craftsman, I immediately dismissed the idea of ​​making a wooden or concrete font with my own hands - I can’t handle it! But composite hot tubs in the form of ready-made fiberglass forms interested me.

Not only can you choose a hot tub of almost any shape, but also, according to manufacturers, the strength of fiberglass is close to the strength of concrete. And buying what you want is not a problem - there are a lot of offers on Internet sites. Therefore, without thinking twice, I ordered a square-shaped font, the upper part of which is a cube with plan dimensions of 250x170 cm, and the lower part is a cube with dimensions of 190x110 cm. At the point where they connect, a ledge is formed on which you can stand and climb out of the font - this is very convenient at the installation stage, and during operation too, especially if for some reason there is no ladder.

After purchasing the hot tub, my brother and I immediately began installation. In total, the work took 2 days - for me, that’s very fast. Therefore, deciding that my experience could become an example for the public, I decided to post a description of the installation here. Use it!

What are there

According to the installation method, bath fonts can be portable or stationary. Portable ones are usually made of wood, sometimes metal. Their walls are rigid enough to independently withstand a lot of water and serve as good support for a person. Stationary ones are those that either hide in a pit dug for them, or around which a protective wall is erected.

By shape

The shape of the bowl varies. For a small room, corner baths are convenient: they take up little space. There are also round and oval ones. You already need to think about where to put them, but the approach is possible from any direction. Occasionally, rectangular or square bowls are found. In some layouts, this form also fits very well into the premises.

Wooden bath tubs can be found in different shapes. Corner models are convenient - they take up little space

Wooden bathtubs are often made in a round shape and resemble a large barrel. That, by the way, is sometimes called a barrel for a bath. There are double sauna barrels for contrasting procedures. Cold water is poured into one, warm water into the other. There is a platform between them to make it easier to cross.

By size

In terms of size, bathhouses or saunas come in single and double sizes, and there are four, five and even six seater ones. The smallest ones are wooden. They are one- and two-seaters.

The smallest volume of a plastic, composite or PVC hot tub is about one cubic meter, and corner models are often made small. At maximum they can hold up to 19-20 m3. You will need a lot of water and you will definitely have to arrange a cleaning system, as well as drainage and supply, and you may need a heating system.

Plastic hot tubs come in different shapes and sizes.

Fonts are installed either indoors (usually in the washing rooms of baths) or outdoors, not very far from the entrance. When installing outdoors, care must be taken to ensure that leaves, insects and debris do not fall into the bowl of water. To do this you need to do:

  • a shield that can be used to cover the water;
  • canopy, such as ready-made pavilions for swimming pools;
  • cover.

The whole point is that it is desirable to make sure that the sun at least partially heats the water. For example, polycarbonate can be used for a canopy. It is adapted to “existence” on the street, and transmits light well. Lids or blankets will also serve to ensure that the temperature does not drop so much during the night.

This is a ready-made pool cover, but you can make something similar yourself

Adjusting the water temperature

Fans of contrasting procedures love to plunge into cold water after a hot bath. If the font is installed in a bathhouse, it is unlikely to be cold - while the bathhouse warms up, while you steam, the font will heat up.

There is only one way out: add cold water from a tap or well. This can be done manually - by opening the tap or starting the pump, or you can make a simple automatic temperature maintenance unit. You will need a water temperature sensor and a solenoid valve for the pipeline. When the set temperature is exceeded, the valve opens the supply, and when the required value is reached, it closes. Only in this option you need to be sure that the drain is working properly, otherwise the entire room will become a font.

The beauty of the font is that it can be hot. Then it does not invigorate, as with contrast procedures, but relaxes. Also a very good effect. In this case, heating is done in the font. There are special electric heaters for this, but they work together with water purification systems. This is good for pools of at least medium size, but is rarely used for small-volume swimming pools - such equipment is expensive, although it adds comfort.

This is a Japanese heated font “ofuro” or “furako” with a built-in stove

You can come up with a similar system yourself, or you can buy a Japanese bathhouse “furako” or “ofuro”. These are wooden barrels with water heated from a wood stove. There are models in which a special stove is located in the font - in a fenced off compartment, and there are models with a remote stove. Then only the heat exchanger remains in the bowl. The water warms up to a temperature of 40-45°C, after which you can enter it. You just need to dive to the level of your heart - this way the load will not be so significant. At first, the water seems hot, the pulse jumps, but then, when the body gets used to it, a relaxation phase begins. Every muscle relaxes, the heartbeat and nervous system calm down.

Another original way to have a hot tub

There are also cast iron vats mounted on poles. To heat the water, a fire is built under the font. The main thing is not to overheat, although in winter it will be difficult to do this, and in summer you can either refuse heating altogether, or simply bring it to a comfortable temperature. Fortunately, the water will cool slowly in summer.

How to choose the shape and size of the font

Buyers are often advised to purchase or make bathtubs designed for two or three people, but it is worth thinking about the place where the bathing container will be installed and the personal preferences of future users.

Bathing containers are produced with a height of 120 and 150 cm. The former are relevant for installation in bathhouses with ceilings less than 240 cm high, the latter are preferable to be buried or installed outdoors. It is worth knowing that in wooden fonts the “working” height is 110 and 140 cm, respectively, and another 10 cm are legs or stiffeners, between which the drain ladder is laid.

You can drain water from the font using a pump, stationary or submersible. This speeds up the process speed

It is comfortable for an adult to sit in a bathtub with a height of more than 1.2 meters, but in order to plunge headlong, it is better to choose a model with higher walls. If the font is deepened, then it will be convenient to jump into it with a running start. The larger the capacity, the more comfortable the water procedures will be.

Most experts note that wooden hot tubs with straight walls are prone to deformation. This applies to corner, rectangular, square and models with straight walls and rounded ends. It is better to purchase or make a wooden container of the correct oval or round shape.

Concrete hot tubs are easiest to pour in rectangular or square shapes, while plastic models serve equally well regardless of shape.

It is worth noting that for indoor installation an oval font is more relevant than a round one. Firstly, space in the room is saved, secondly, water consumption is reduced, thirdly, an oval product is easier to transport and carry into doorways, fourthly, it is easier to get out of such a font by holding the sides with your hands. But in oval containers it is more convenient to be alone or together, while round models can accommodate a much larger number of people.

Oval font in the interior

As for sizes, the most convenient are:

  • round bowls with a diameter of 120 cm;
  • oval dimensions from 78x120 cm.

Installation methods

You can install a plastic font in a washing bath, on a terrace, or just on the area in front of the house. The choice of location depends entirely on the preferences of the owners. To save space in small baths, there are corner models that are very comfortable and roomy.

Examples of the location of fonts in the bathhouse and on the terrace

Project 2. Font next to the shower

Project 3. Font on the veranda

Project 1. Font in the washing room

Plastic containers are installed in two ways: recessed and framed.

The in-depth method involves installing the container in a prepared pit.

Font in the bathhouse

When placed internally, all work is carried out during the construction of the bathhouse, and the walls and bottom of the pit are additionally insulated with penoplex or other material. The insulation will allow you to maintain the desired water temperature if you suddenly want to splash around in a warm plunge pool. Before starting installation, you should definitely consider the supply and drainage of water from the tank. Most often, a plastic pipe is laid at the bottom of the pit for drainage and led through a trench to the drainage hole. In the font itself, they carefully cut out a hole for the drain, connect the pipe and carefully seal the joints to avoid leakage.

Recessed plastic font

Outside the bathhouse, you can install a font in a deep way at any time. There are 2 options here - for concrete and sand. In the first case, formwork is placed in the pit, concrete is poured, and after drying, the bottom and walls are covered with waterproofing. In the second case, the inner surface of the pit is carefully leveled, the bottom is compacted with wet sand, and then the container is lowered into the pit. After leveling the font, the free space between the walls is also covered with sand and compacted.

Polypropylene font in a bathhouse

The frame method involves installing a supporting frame made of metal slats or timber around the font, followed by cladding with plastic or wooden panels or clapboard. A hole for the drain is cut out in the lower part of the container, a drain siphon is attached, and after installing the font in a permanent place, it is connected to the sewer.

Construction of a plastic font


There are many options for what a font could be made from. The most commonly found products on the market are:

  • made of stainless steel;
  • from a concrete ring;
  • made of polypropylene;
  • made of brick;
  • wooden;
  • acrylic;
  • inflatable;
  • stone.

The most economical option is an inflatable product. You can buy this in a specialized store. The container is installed both outside and inside the room. The only drawback is that in winter it is better to put the font in a heated room, since the material may crack from frost and cracks will appear through which water will leak.

Metal products, including stainless steel, are rarely used, and there are several reasons for this. They do not look very attractive and resemble a large basin, and the water inside quickly cools down. Among other things, such models are not cheap.

A font made of concrete can be placed above floor level or dug into the ground. This design is stationary and cannot be moved after installation.

The shape of the bowl can be arbitrary and depends only on the wishes of the owner of the bathhouse. The same applies to decorative finishing inside and outside.

The required rigidity is achieved thanks to reinforced walls and bottom. As an addition, you can build a ladder or steps, thanks to which it will be more convenient to operate the font.

The described design is distinguished by its convenience and, no less important, durability. If it is made by a master, he can build a mini-waterfall or create a hydromassage effect

Installed LED lighting always looks charming at night.

If you start making it yourself, you should familiarize yourself with many construction rules, including additionally installing a water supply system and making sure that all connecting sections have the necessary tightness.

You can also lay the tiles on top yourself. If you use high-quality building materials, then such a container will last a long time.

Plastic products have become very popular recently. Manufacturers are trying to expand their range and offer models of various geometric shapes.

Such products are ideal for those who do not want to waste time on finishing. Bowls are sold completely ready for installation, with decorative trim. Their service life is at least 50 years. Manufacturers use high-quality components in the plastic, so it does not lose color throughout its entire service life. Ultraviolet and cold do not cause any harm.

Wooden products have been and remain one of the most in demand on the modern market. They are made from various types of hardwood. This material absorbs water minimally and therefore lasts much longer. In addition, the tree heals and gives additional strength.


This is a good choice for those who want a hot tub with a healing effect. Larch and infusions from it rejuvenate the skin and tone the body.

The material can withstand high and low temperatures, so the product can be placed outside in winter.


This tree has good density, which is higher than that of larch. If we talk about positive characteristics, then cedar is a rich source of phytoncides. They have a negative effect on bacteria, so mold and mildew will not form on such a product.


Fonts are also made from aspen

The models do not have a very pronounced woody smell, which is important for those who have a negative attitude towards bright scents


The wood of this species has excellent resistance to temperature changes, it is durable and quite dense. It always has a pronounced tart aroma.


Oak products have always been popular. The positive properties of the wood of this tree have been known since ancient times. An oak font allows you to get the necessary charge of vivacity of body and spirit. Oak infusions have a positive effect on wounds - the healing process is faster. After taking a bath, a person’s sleep is restored and metabolism is normalized.

It is oak that is most often chosen as the material for making a font.

Criterias of choice

When choosing insulation, you need to consider a number of factors:

  1. To secure it to a wooden frame, it is better to choose foil with a backing. You can make it yourself from mineral wool, foamed polyethylene, or kraft paper.
  2. The material must withstand heating up to at least 100°C.
  3. On the packaging you can read what thermal radiation the foil insulation will reflect. The indicator must be at least 95%.
  4. The material must be durable.
  5. The foil and substrate should not emit harmful substances when heated strongly.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • environmental cleanliness;
  • high reflectivity;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to fungi and mold.

The main disadvantage is low mechanical strength. You need to work with it carefully so as not to damage it.

Manufacturers and prices


  • URSA;
  • "Izolon";
  • "Penofel".

The average price of 1 roll is 600 rubles.

How to install a composite (fiberglass) font near a bathhouse - first-hand information

I recently decided it was time to add a plunge pool to my sauna. “Why not?” I thought. I was already tired of making do with a modest tub of water, I wanted real extreme sensations. To get out of the hot steam room and straight into the ice water! Since I am not a particularly skilled craftsman, I immediately dismissed the idea of ​​making a wooden or concrete font with my own hands - I can’t handle it! But composite hot tubs in the form of ready-made fiberglass forms interested me.

Not only can you choose a hot tub of almost any shape, but also, according to manufacturers, the strength of fiberglass is close to the strength of concrete. And buying what you want is not a problem - there are a lot of offers on Internet sites. Therefore, without thinking twice, I ordered a square-shaped font, the upper part of which is a cube with plan dimensions of 250x170 cm, and the lower part is a cube with dimensions of 190x110 cm. At the point where they connect, a ledge is formed on which you can stand and climb out of the font - this is very convenient at the installation stage, and during operation too, especially if for some reason there is no ladder.

After purchasing the hot tub, my brother and I immediately began installation. In total, the work took 2 days - for me, that’s very fast. Therefore, deciding that my experience could become an example for the public, I decided to post a description of the installation here. Use it!

Advantages of plastic hot tubs

In order to fully appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of a composite or plastic bowl over a regular wooden one, you need to have some experience using an oak or linden font. Periodic drying and cleaning of the barrel, washing and removing dirt from the seam joints, all this clearly does not add positivity. God forbid you forget a wooden font in the sun for a long time - there will be a lot of hassle with repairing and adjusting the rings.

Therefore, replacing a wooden barrel with a plastic one is a whole heap of bonuses and advantages:

  • Lightweight bowl design. Bringing and installing a container in the bathhouse or nearby on the site will not be difficult for a team of two or three people;
  • Durability, the average life of a polypropylene bathtub, even in a humid and hot bathhouse atmosphere, is 20-25 years, of course, provided that the stove is installed correctly and at least the simplest care;
  • Resistant to hot and cold water. The plastic wall of the font is absolutely inert to moisture, even if the bowl had to be used as a backup water storage, nothing will happen to the container.

Separately, we should remember the decorative qualities. Sometimes potential owners are put off by the stereotype of a plastic container that looks like a water tank. In fact, this is not entirely true; for those who appreciate aesthetics, you can always choose a plastic font made of polypropylene with an external stone finish, but more often with an imitation of oak plank.

A plastic font is easily recognized by the absence of hoops on the body. This model has heating from a remote stove, it can be installed either in a bathhouse or in the yard

Of course, such a barrel bath would simply be a copy of a mini-pool, which are usually built inside a bathhouse and are rarely taken outside the building, if the font were not equipped with heating in several versions. If you exclude the traditional heating of water using a hot stone for a Japanese furaco barrel, you can choose more convenient heating methods using a bottom electric heater, or choose a hot tub with a stove, a real wood-burning sauna firebox.

Material of manufacture


Making such a font is not difficult for a person who has built something with his own hands. The technology is simple - formwork, loading concrete mortar + the same floor.

This option has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Firstly, the high cost of materials. Cement first.
  • Secondly, by definition this is a recessed type structure. Consequently, several purely technical problems will have to be solved. The main difficulty is organizing reliable drainage. Since the depth of the font is selected based on the height of the average person, it is clear that this is not so easy to do. Such a mini-pool design is clearly not suitable for installation inside the house.
  • Thirdly, after installing a concrete font, redevelopment of the site (if necessary) will not be possible.


In this case, the concept of “do-it-yourself” comes down only to the external finishing of the finished tank. Containers of various capacities and shapes are not in short supply, so choosing the optimal model is quite simple.

This type of font can be easily dismantled and transported. The only drawback is that it is difficult to organize artificial heating. But the question here is: is it necessary? This is not typical for a Russian bathhouse, although our website contains recommendations specifically for independently designing such a structure. If you delve into the details, such containers are part of Japanese culture, but they were never used in Rus'.


No matter how much the “experts” of the bath business argue, it is generally accepted that it is the best option for a font. Working with wood is quite simple, although it has its own difficulties. The process of preparing the material itself will take a lot of time - drying, impregnation, giving the workpieces the required shape, caulking - there are enough nuances. But this kind of wooden font is the best for a bath.

What to consider when making a font

Not all wood is suitable for assembling a hot tub. It must be a rock, firstly, hard, and secondly, with minimal absorption of liquid. As a rule, cedar, larch, oak, and beech are chosen. It’s not worth talking about all the features of these breeds - the healing effect, antibacterial properties and the like, since everyone is familiar with them. But some features should be recalled for those who are accustomed to doing everything thoroughly, conscientiously.

  • Oak - barrels made from this tree last for hundreds of years. This wood has a dense structure and strength.
  • Larch - its peculiarity is that upon direct contact with liquids it becomes even harder. Unlike many conifers, it contains a unique, specific resin that prevents any rotting of the material.

What to think about

  • Optimal dimensions of the hot tub depending on the installation location.
  • Technology for connecting to utilities - drainage, water supply.
  • Ease of maintenance after use.

Example drawings

Each master determines specific sizes independently. Any font is assembled for a specific bathhouse. Therefore, it is enough to provide only a few standard drawings (based on 1 person) so that the principle of determining a convenient design option is clear.

Dimensions – in “mm”.

What is required for production

The most suitable blank parameters:

  • The stand for the container is a timber with a cross-section of 100 or 150.
  • Board "twenty" width 100 - 120.
  • Bars 20 x 20 (to reinforce the bottom).
  • Strip steel - for ties.
  • Fasteners.

Cost of the finished bathtub

For those who prefer to buy a plastic tank and limit themselves only to its external design, it is worth providing approximate data. The cheapest model will cost between 32,000 – 42,000 rubles.

Well, what is more advisable - to purchase a ready-made font or assemble it yourself, from scratch, is up to you, dear reader, to decide.

Advantages of plastic hot tubs

Polypropylene and composite hot tubs have numerous advantages:

aesthetic appearance; light weight; durability; a wide variety of shapes and sizes; UV resistance; can withstand temperatures from -20 to +85°C; have an anti-slip coating; safe for health; undemanding in care; easy to install; resistant to minor damage.

Bath and sauna baths made of durable polypropylene can be made of any shape and size

Plastic baths and saunas

Many models are equipped with steps, seats, handrails, lighting, hydromassage and other devices.

Plastic swimming pool with lighting and hydromassage

The colors of the fonts are also quite varied - from white to dark blue and green. So that the plastic container does not stand out against the background of the bathhouse interior, it is lined with clapboard or wooden panels. The appearance of such a font is no worse than a wooden one.

Plastic hot tub trimmed with wood

Wood-lined plastic hot tub

There are three types of water drainage in such fonts:

cumulative; overflow; skimmer

Drain pipe

In the first option, the water leaves through the drain hole located in the bottom of the container. This method is very convenient if the font is used regularly and the water needs to be changed frequently. They install drains not only in open, but also in recessed fonts; When deepening a container, organizing drainage is a very labor-intensive task, so many people prefer to pump out water with a pump.

With the overflow type of drain, a special tray is mounted around the perimeter of the sides, a gutter is attached to it at an angle, and the end of the gutter is connected to the drain pipe. The container is filled to the very top, and the water that overflows over the edge of the font falls into the tray. From there it flows down a gutter into the sewer.

Skimmer for hot tub

Skimmer drainage of water is also quite simple and convenient: a small hole is cut out in the upper part of one of the walls of the font and a skimmer is installed on the outside. Once the water reaches a certain level, it is discharged through the skimmer into the sewer pipe.

Options for draining water in hot tubs

Organization of water drainage

The water in the font will have to be changed periodically. If there is such a possibility, water supply is supplied to the place where the bowl is installed. If there is no running water, you can pump it using a pump from a well or river.

Methods for organizing water drainage

But the water still needs to be diverted somewhere. There are several different ways:

  • A drain equipped with a plug on a chain is built into the bottom. The system is simple and clear: the drain is discharged into a sewer, drainage pit, etc.
  • A tray is placed around the perimeter of the bowl, which collects splashed water. This method is convenient in that the water will not spill, but you will probably have to completely drain it through a hole with a plug, or pump it out with a pump.
  • Another option works on the principle of a bathroom drain/overflow: a hole is made in the wall to which pipes leading into the sewer are connected. When a certain level is exceeded, excess water is drained through the drain hole.

If you plan to change the water often, you can get by with a stopper on a chain. This is an excellent option for small-volume barrel baths. If 2-3 cubes are already filled, you won’t change them often. That’s when devices that drain water from the surface come in handy: it’s usually on top that most of the contaminants float. You can refresh the water by turning on the supply for a while. In this case, the upper, most contaminated layer will go down the drain, and the water will become cleaner.

Which side drain is better? A more efficient option for a hot tub outdoors would be one with a hole in the wall. The overflow outlet will only work if the water is level with the side, and this is not entirely convenient.

Heated font - remote stove, only heat exchanger inside

Concrete plunge pool - a miniature pool “for centuries”

Despite all the advantages of a wooden font, the complexity of its manufacture is an obstacle for many home craftsmen. And in order to make a concrete font with your own hands, you don’t need any special knowledge - just be able to hold a shovel and use a concrete mixer. In this case, the sequence of work will be as follows:

1. We dig a hole for the font with a depth of 1.5 - 1.6 m.

2. Install the fittings. We lay the reinforcing mesh on the floor at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. You can raise the mesh by placing it on plastic clamps (“fungi”-stands) for the reinforcement. There is another way: drive 4 pins into the ground so that 5 cm remains on the surface, and only then put reinforcing mesh on them. We place reinforcing mesh on the sides.

3. We put together formwork from OSB, reinforced with timber - for the inner wall. We install it 5 cm higher than our reinforcement mesh (so that the total thickness of the floor is 10 cm). We also make formwork for the outer wall of the font and install it directly on the bottom. If necessary, we provide a hole in the formwork for drainage.

4. Fill the walls with concrete at one time to create a monolith, then fill the bottom.

5. After a week, we dismantle the formwork, plaster the walls, and cover with mortar all the potholes, pits and other deformations remaining after removing the formwork. We level the floor with mortar according to the beacons.

6. Treat the surface of the hot tub with a waterproofing mixture (for example, Ceresit CR 65). Then we prime the surface and paint it with rubber paint. You can use other interior finishing options (tiles, film, etc.), but this option seems the most reasonable in a bathhouse.

7. We install a staircase, organize lighting with LED lamps or a jacuzzi - whatever your heart desires.

Pouring water into the font and filling the hole with sand

The remaining voids between the walls of the font and the pit must be filled with sand at the same time as the bowl is filled with water. Therefore, so that the collected water was clean and you could swim right away, we thoroughly washed the inside surface of the font.

Then they turned on the water from a hose. When the water level rose by 10-15 cm, they began to pour sand evenly from all sides of the bowl. The water level should always be higher than the sand level to prevent deformation of the walls of the font

The sand is poured in carefully, little by little. At the same time, you need to carefully compact it with a thin wooden stick.

This will help avoid air pockets inside the sand walls. Naturally, to facilitate this work, the pressure of water poured into the font should be small. Otherwise, you simply won’t have time; the water will rise too high and “inflate” the walls.

Filling the font with water and the gaps between the walls of the pit with sand

In about 5 hours, our font was filled with water, and the gaps in the hole were filled. Now you can go swimming!

Hot tub installation completed


Of course, you cannot leave sand gaps open. Firstly, it is unsightly, and secondly, sand will inevitably get into the water and pollute it. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the sanitary area around the font. We plan to lay non-slip porcelain tiles around the perimeter of the font and install a metal staircase. An awning can handle street debris, and a filter unit can deal with water “pollutants” (algae, for example). All this is planned to be done in the near future. Although we are still swimming with all our might – the feeling is indescribable!

Vladislav K.

Bath font - 115 photos of manufacturing options and the best finishing ideas

A bathhouse in a modern concept is a small pool with cool water into which you can plunge after a steam room. Its importance for health and pleasure cannot be overestimated. It is not difficult to make a font in a room equipped with running water and a heating device, and it can serve both as an attribute in contrasting water procedures, and autonomously - as a container for taking baths.

The photo shows the interiors of bathhouses with a font in various styles: it can be a concrete pit at floor level or a large wooden barrel with a ladder. The choice of models depends on individual preferences, but the presence of a concrete pool in the foundation pit must be foreseen at the design stage of the building for the bathhouse.

Floor-standing containers made of wood and plastic can be easily added at any time: installing pipes for supplying and draining water is not difficult.

According to tradition, the depth of the dipping container should be one and a half meters; other dimensions depend on how many people it is designed for. The idea of ​​making a font with your own hands or to order gives a certain freedom in choosing sizes and shapes.

Concrete font

The simplest shape of the pit is rectangular; it is dug in a designated area before proceeding with the flooring. After removing excess soil and leveling the walls, a hole is made in a corner convenient for planning at the bottom of the pit for a drain pipe, which is discharged into the sewer.

If necessary, the drain is equipped with a pump. The length of the pipe must be calculated with a margin; the excess part is cut off after pouring the concrete.

Depending on the installation features, the water supply pipe can be built into the wall, or a separate mixer can be installed.

For a waterproofing cushion, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand, which is soaked and compacted, then an even layer of gravel is poured. A reinforcement grid with cells of 20x20 or 30x30 cm is fixed to the bottom and walls, then formwork made of chipboard or OSB sheets with timber supports is laid around the perimeter, which forms the edge of the pool of the required height. The inner surface of the formwork must be insulated with film material.

To build a font, you need to use high-quality concrete with water resistance and strength standards. Cement grade 500 and higher, construction sand - purified coarse-grained, crushed stone with a fraction of 10 to 20 mm.

The mixing is done in the proportion of 1 part cement - 3 parts sand and 5 parts crushed stone with the gradual addition of water, then, according to the proportions indicated on the packaging, special additives are introduced to increase the water resistance of concrete.

The mixture is poured first into the wall openings, then onto the pit floor, after which compaction is carried out with a vibrator. It takes at least 7 days for the concrete to completely bond and dry. After a week, you can remove the formwork, repair the defects and make a thin face screed for the floor.

The next stage is finishing. The inside of the tank can be covered with ceramic tiles or painted with pool paint.

A concrete bath font must be equipped with a comfortable and safe staircase with handrails.

Wooden font

In order to make a wooden bath font with your own hands, you need to have experience and knowledge. This simple, at first glance, design of a large barrel with outlets for water and an adjacent staircase from the outside must be durable and airtight.

At the first stage, you need a professional drawing in several projections with an exact breakdown of the dimensions and number of required blanks. The boards for the walls are sawn, then milled along the edges to create semicircular tongues and grooves that will hold them together along the radius.

Also, blanks for the bottom are made using the tongue-and-groove system, and it is necessary to ensure an ideal fit and a smooth surface of the prefabricated parts.

When cutting the bottom and assembling the walls, precise calculation and accuracy are also required. At the last stage, the assembled cylinder is tightened with at least three metal rims, which are secured by screwing on a bolt. Then all that remains is to build a ladder and install a small bench inside the barrel.

A less labor-intensive option that preserves the special comfort of the wooden finish is to purchase a plastic bath tub and decorate the outside with decorative slats.

Bath font - 115 photos of manufacturing options and the best ideas for finishing work

Photos and instructions for making concrete and wooden bathhouses. Expert advice on how to build a font for a sauna. Review of the best options and methods for their implementation.

Materials for production

If we talk about a do-it-yourself bathhouse, the range here is not very large: it is quite possible to independently build a structure from concrete or wood. Factory models are made of plastic or metal - steel or cast iron.


Such a container can be located both in the fresh air and inside the bathhouse. Its dimensions depend only on the requirements of its owners. A pit is required for a concrete font. The outside walls are treated with rubber paint, ceramics, and waterproofing film intended for swimming pools. For ease of descent into the font, concrete steps are made or a metal ladder is fixed.

Concrete construction is the most demanding: you need a well-designed project, which indicates the locations of water supply and drainage systems; the craftsman is required to have skills in working with such monolithic structures. Making a structure from concrete will take a lot of time, since it only takes about 30 days for the solution to harden, and it will take a lot of effort.


This material for the construction of a bathhouse and the construction of a font remains the best option. The work involved in preparing the wood is not entirely simple. Not every material is suitable for creating such a “tub”. Hardness and minimal absorption of liquid are mandatory conditions, so there are few worthy contenders left. These are beech, oak, cedar, larch, but the best candidates for a bath are the second and last.

  1. Oak. Barrels made of “mighty” wood will serve for a very long time, since the material is distinguished by a dense structure and enviable strength.
  2. Larch. Direct contact with water makes it stronger. The second advantage of wood is its unique resin, which prevents rotting.

Ecological cleanliness is another advantage of wood. To prevent the font from drying out, it must be filled with water at least once a week, and after the procedures it must be covered with wooden flooring, a lid or film.


In this case, the work ahead of the craftsman comes down to finishing the purchased container, and the range of them is quite large. Ground installation of a plastic font involves decorating it with wood. This product, covered with slats, is practically indistinguishable from the natural original, so it will fit perfectly into the wooden interior of the bathhouse.

Installation in the ground involves digging and concreting a pit, as well as insulating it. A wooden podium is often installed around the structure, “resting” on a metal frame. In this case, there is no need to waste time waiting for the concrete to harden, since the bowl can be installed immediately after dismantling the formwork.


Stainless steel is the last, not the most popular option. Such a container is made of sheet material, but the master needs a welding machine and the ability to handle it. This structure cannot be called a font; it is a vat, which is usually mounted over a fire. Its “vocation” is to warm up the body; the font has the exact opposite task. At the bottom of this metal “vessel” a floor is made of boards, or river stones are laid, and wooden railings are fixed along the contour of the structure.


Self-construction of a font cannot be called prohibitively difficult. All that is required from the master is diligence, patience and consistency of actions. If this is your first time encountering such work, it is advisable to keep detailed step-by-step instructions on hand, as well as listen to some useful recommendations.

When choosing a suitable shape for a future homemade font, you should not stop only at round or oval designs. The tank can have a square, rectangular or even angular shape. Choose an option that seems most convenient to you and will not look cumbersome. To build a font, one must take into account the fact that its dimensions depend on the number of people who will use it at the same time. If desired, the tank can be supplemented with various useful components: benches, stairs, a special filter for water purification, a heating mechanism and even hydromassage. When constructing a high-quality and durable concrete font, it is recommended to finish its walls with a material that has water-resistant properties. This can be ceramic tiles of a suitable design or a film coating. To make descending into the container as convenient as possible, it is advisable to install a strong iron ladder or bring monolithic steps to the edge for descent and immersion. Before starting preparatory work, it is recommended in all cases to make detailed drawings of the future structure. They must indicate all the dimensional parameters and features of the planned tank. Having a font design at hand will make it much easier to make it error-free. When preparing a trench for the subsequent installation of a concrete font, you can dig it, making a slight slope towards the drainage pit and lay a pipe into it. Many users prefer this type of drainage system. When making a concrete font, the solution begins to be poured from the bottom. Here it is recommended to resort to additional processing of the solution using a special submersible vibrator. This stage should not be neglected, since it increases the water-repellent characteristics of concrete. For many craftsmen, making a font from concrete mortar seems too complicated and time-consuming. In this case, reinforced concrete rings may be a way out of the situation. It is quite possible to make a font out of them. Such materials turn out to be no less reliable and durable. If making a full-fledged font seems like an unnecessary undertaking to you, you can get by with a simpler option - install a large ladle for pouring. This simple device is placed on the wall in a bathhouse and a rope is attached to the container. As soon as the user pulls it, the ladle or fixed bucket turns over and water pours onto the person. More recessed fonts look much more impressive. To make them even more original, you can install backlighting

Such designs never go unnoticed. However, it must be borne in mind that it will be almost impossible to move them from one place to another. If you decide to build a good wooden font, it is very important to pay due attention to the quality of the materials you choose. Please note that there are no signs of rot on the wood, attacks by insects devouring natural material, mold or mildew. There should also be no dents or cracks on the wood - such parts are not allowed to be used for the construction of tanks. The most striking and attractive finish for a concrete font is mosaic tiles

If you want to decorate a bathhouse or area (in the case of an outdoor tank) with a stylish and expensive-looking tank, it is advisable to use a mosaic for this. True, such high-quality finishing material may not have the most affordable price tag.

Independently making a high-quality font from natural wood, concrete or suitable available materials rarely takes a lot of free time. The master must have in stock all the necessary tools and instructions for making the tank.

To learn how to assemble a font with your own hands, watch the following video.


Wood is a representative of natural and environmentally friendly materials. At the same time, a wooden font is the most expensive of the open structures.

The price depends on the type of wood, since each of them has unique properties:

  1. Oak normalizes sleep and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also makes human skin healthier;
  2. Cedar in a wooden bath has the same properties as oak: a beneficial effect on the nervous system, skin and sleep;
  3. Larch wood is the most durable and durable material that promotes physical and spiritual relaxation of a person;
  4. The beech bath has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and also promotes healthy skin.

The disadvantage of a wooden bathtub is the need for constant maintenance, since the material will begin to rot if it is not treated with special substances.

How to choose a location for installation?

Hot tubs are usually installed in a bathhouse, with a separate room or place in the shower room allocated for this purpose. At the same time, you need to remember that the font bowl itself is quite large, and, in addition, you will need space for water supply and sewer pipes, since filling the container manually is very troublesome.

You can also additionally install a waterfall bucket above the bowl. It is a mini-font, with a pipe connected to it and a mechanism installed inside to protect against overflowing with water. By pulling the rope attached to the bucket, you can give yourself a contrast shower.

Features of the tank installation work determine its functionality and operational capabilities. Modern fonts are divided into three categories: recessed, poured and open.


Devices of this type are small in size and equipped with a functional ladder. The layout of the font is carried out together with the design of the bathhouse.


Similar structures are built into the ceiling or wall surfaces of the bathhouse.

The working mechanism is equipped with a wooden bucket or bucket for water, which is fixed on a special lever. The container turns, overturns the water and returns to its place. This type of hot tub is easy to install and maintain.


This is a rather expensive solution and does not have any high aesthetics, so it is better to use different materials for decoration.

Galvanized metal or alloys must be cleaned with the procedure of draining the bowl, which is associated with additional costs for measures to care for the structure.

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