Bath font - types, application features, installation options and placement features (110 photos)

Even the most modern bathroom cannot replace a Russian bath and the effect achieved in a steam room, where humid air slowly warms up. The amazing effect it has on the human body leads not only to cleansing the body, but also the spirit, which allows you to tune in to a positive mood and improve your body’s health.

The procedure for visiting a steam room necessarily includes a cooling and hardening procedure, for which it is necessary to prepare a special container.

Bath fonts presented in a wide variety of photos allow you to visually evaluate the huge range of proposed designs, their shapes and configurations.

Structural features of bathhouses

Since ancient times, the procedure of ablution after visiting the steam room was carried out by immersion in an ordinary wooden barrel with chilled water.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of such containers, made from all kinds of materials and having specific design features:

  • dousing or hanging containers for ablution with automatic filling;
  • recessed and built-in, maximally emphasizing the interior design;
  • open steam rooms installed outside the main building and maximally protected.

Before purchasing any design, you must carefully consider the location of the font, taking into account the design of the steam room and the surrounding area.

In addition, it is important to take into account the shape and material of an important accessory, the installation of which will ensure a harmonious completion of the procedure for visiting various types of baths.

Beautiful examples for inspiration

Stepped shelves in two tiers, tubs with a birch broom, a stove with stones, a small window with a wood-like frame and the soft light of spotlights create a relaxing environment.

The stove located opposite the floors is safe, no one will get burned on it, and at the same time it is convenient to pour water on the stones to add steam.

The soft lighting of the shelves in the steam room creates a “floating” effect, adding unusualness to the entire interior.

Carved shutters, wooden furniture and a pot-bellied samovar with steering wheels invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of a traditional Russian bathhouse with long tea parties and intimate conversations.

In the corner there is a shower stall and a font, opposite there are shelves with bath accessories and a basket for dirty laundry. Nothing extra. The open door invites you to soak in the hot air of the steam room.

They came together: wood and stone. Corner shelves, soft lighting, neat stove and rough cladding. Stunning unity of composition and style.

When the dressing room is a rest room. Small windows and curtains on the walls create a cozy atmosphere, and the benches are so pleasant to sit after bathing procedures.

For an overview of the 4 by 5 bathhouse, see the following video.

Different categories of fonts: division by material

The first fonts were bowl-shaped containers used for rituals associated with Epiphany holidays.

Currently, this category includes water tanks intended for carrying out the procedure of ablution and hardening after a steam room, which can be supplemented with various functionality.

The main classification involves dividing the constant attribute of a modern bath according to the type of material.

For the manufacture of tanks and bowls, natural wood, polymer and modified plastic, galvanized metal and durable concrete, wear-resistant acrylic can be used.


A long-lasting bathhouse, created from timber, can be erected on a strip or columnar foundation.

To construct a strip foundation, formwork is built and filled with concrete mixture. Inside the foundation there will be a strip of sand or crushed stone.

A couple of weeks after the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin laying the frame.

However, no matter what type of foundation you choose, it is important to strengthen it with reinforcement for durability.

You also cannot do without practical waterproofing created between the original crown and the base. For these purposes, bitumen is applied to the foundation surface in molten form, which is laid with an even layer of roofing material. As soon as it hardens, the procedure must be repeated.

If you have decided to build a reliable and beautiful bathhouse, then be sure to get a project and, based on our recommendations, make your dreams come true.


An excellent wooden bath font is created in the best traditions of domestic craftsmen; different types of wood are used for this.

Natural and high-quality material, after special treatment, retains its excellent performance characteristics and attractive appearance for a long time.

Questions and answers

Which font is better from the point of view of human health?

If you want to achieve maximum benefit from the procedure, it is better to install wooden or concrete tanks if possible.

How often should recessed hot tubs be cleaned?

As a rule, the water in them is not drained for a long time, which leads to the formation of plaque. If no antiseptic is added to the tank, then the tank should be flushed at least once every two weeks.

Where is the best place to start installing a hot tub?

Before choosing a material, it is recommended to initially decide on the installation location and how the water supply and sewerage system will be connected.

Which hot tub is easiest to equip?

The simplest fonts are assembled from plastic bowls, but they are also the most harmful if we evaluate them from the point of view of environmental friendliness.

5. What volume of the font is best to choose?

It all depends on the area of ​​the room and your budget. There are small models with a volume of 1 cubic meter. m., and there are huge tanks with a volume of over 25 cubic meters. m.

A hot tub in a bathhouse is an excellent solution for healing the entire body and conducting contrast procedures. Suitable material and correct installation guarantee not only pleasure from the procedure, but also its maximum benefit.


This is a rather expensive solution and does not have any high aesthetics, so it is better to use different materials for decoration.

Galvanized metal or alloys must be cleaned with the procedure of draining the bowl, which is associated with additional costs for measures to care for the structure.

Why problems arise

First of all, you need to decide whether a bathroom is needed in the bathhouse. Maybe it’s easier to run to an existing toilet if necessary? This issue must be resolved taking into account all the features of the bathhouse itself and its comfort.

In most cases, the need for a toilet inside a bathhouse is quite urgent. As a rule, private areas are fenced off with an openwork or mesh fence, which does not allow you to run to the toilet undressed, and getting dressed and undressing spoils the entire bathing procedure. If the bathhouse is used in the cold season, then it is generally difficult to do without a warm internal toilet, especially during a leisurely process with relaxation in the relaxation room.

The bathroom is more suitable for a large bath or sauna with a relaxation room

What is the problem with placing a toilet in a bathhouse? The following circumstances can be highlighted:

  1. The need for a completely isolated area. Even taking into account the small dimensions of the bathroom, it is quite difficult to find additional space in a small bathhouse.
  2. Increased requirements for sewerage discharge. While wastewater from a bathhouse can be discharged into the soil through drainage wells, this cannot be done with toilet sewage. Feces must not be collected in pits or transported through chutes. They should be immediately collected in storage tanks or discharged outside through pipes. In this case, hydraulic locks are required that can eliminate odor.
  3. Ventilation. The role of ventilation is increasing, and in the bathroom it should have a forced exhaust character.
  4. Isolation. Water vapor should not penetrate into the toilet, which will condense on the structural elements. In addition, increased air temperature is also undesirable, because This all stimulates the spread of odors.


A high-quality and reliable plastic bath tub will last a long time and does not require special care or operating conditions.

Durable and inexpensive polypropylene bowls feature an antibacterial coating and are offered by manufacturers in a variety of shapes and configurations.

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Views based on shape

If you wish, you can make a tank of any shape you like. But in the classic version, it is recommended to install time-tested configurations.


Today it is considered the most popular form, as it fits easily in small baths, allowing several people to use the font at the same time. They do not require special skills during installation.


Taking into account the volume, they can be installed in small baths and huge complexes. Their structure resembles Japanese bathing barrels. Most often, these structures are equipped with heating and hydromassage.

Rectangular or square

Such forms are most often used for arranging in-depth structures. The main advantage of such bowls is ease of installation.


They are used only in small rooms, as they are installed in a corner to save space. If necessary, they can also be equipped with heating. Almost never installed in recesses.

An interesting option is the font, which has two reservoirs. One contains cold water, the other contains warm water. As a rule, such models have their own heating system or are connected to a sauna stove. In the latter case, it is necessary to provide a thermostat to regulate the water temperature


A type of polymer material is a more expensive solution than plastic, but is not inferior in quality.

Reinforced acrylic with an antibacterial coating requires the installation of a frame structure, which will ensure proper distribution of the load on the bowl.

Beautiful examples

A beautiful bathhouse, built according to all the rules. The quality of the design is immediately obvious: such a structure will last for decades. The bathhouse is equipped with two heating systems, which is very unusual.

It is not necessary to build a bathhouse from rounded logs for it to look representative. Planed logs look unusual and original

This design attracts attention and decorates the area.

An extremely unusual log bathhouse made from a large diameter log house

Please note that such accent buildings can only be placed in the appropriate setting, placing them against the backdrop of a forest or matching them with a house already built in the same style. It is also extremely difficult to achieve the optimal level of thermal insulation, so it is better to entrust such construction to a professional

Another bathhouse against the backdrop of the forest. Structures made from logs of such a large diameter look like toys, however, this building is quite spacious and functional, despite its apparent diminutiveness.

In decoration, you can use interesting and original techniques, for example, highlighting the windows with dark colors, thereby complementing the ensemble of the roof and contrasting sections of the log house.

In this case, there is not a full-fledged room under the roof, but an attic in which all sorts of things are stored. If you wish, you can also arrange a place to store firewood there, but it is not very convenient to run upstairs for firewood every time.

On the second floor of such a bathhouse there is a full-fledged room. If desired, you could make a small balcony under the roof itself, equipping another corner for tea parties and gatherings with friends.

Bathhouses often look like full-fledged residential buildings, especially when they have a second floor. Here the second floor is a full-fledged living room, which is well lit, judging by the windows in the roof and on the side, and is visited extremely often.

Bathhouses made of roughly processed logs are a tribute to fashion, ecology and Scandinavian style. Complete with mirrored doors, the building looks ultra-modern while maintaining a rustic flavor.

A log sauna is an excellent purchase that will faithfully serve you for many years. Built with your own hands, it will preserve the warmth of intimate conversations with friends or household members, while forever preserving a piece of the soul of the builder. If you are still wondering whether to build a log bathhouse, then the answer is unequivocal - yes.

Tips for building a bathhouse are waiting for you in the next video.


The concrete structure is no different in reliability from a polypropylene bath font, but it can be made independently in the desired shape.

Durable containers can be repaired with your own hands and used for aesthetic design using a variety of decorating and finishing materials at your discretion.

Examples of finished buildings

On the Internet you can find unusual ideas for building a bathhouse with a swimming pool. Most of them involve placing the font outdoors in close proximity to the steam room. Such a pool is protected by windbreaks in the form of trees and shrubs. There are paths made of paving slabs around the bowl. It is pleasant to walk on it barefoot, and it is not afraid of water.

The water in the font tends to bloom, so ready-made projects imply the presence of an expensive water recycling system. Regular water cleaning and water disinfection makes the bathing process not only enjoyable, but also safe.

The pool attached to the bathhouse is securely closed to prevent debris and dust from entering the water. This project is also good because in the cold season the reservoir can be used for heating the room. In order not to build a separate extension, you can use a garage to organize a pool.

Modern bath complexes look like a fairytale castle. An outdoor swimming pool, equipped with beautiful lighting and a counterflow system, adds uniqueness to the summer cottage area. The counterflow system is remotely adjustable, which provides additional convenience.

Bath complexes are often designed taking into account the wishes of adults. But there are a lot of interesting ideas that involve organizing children's leisure time. To prevent children from getting bored, you can arrange a playground. To do this, it is enough to place a sandbox, swing, carousel and hammock near the gazebo or attic. And for safe swimming, you need to purchase an inflatable children's pool, in which children can splash happily while adults swim in a large plunge pool.

You will see a detailed overview of the project for a timber bathhouse with an attic floor and a swimming pool in the following video.

Site selection rules

The location of the building should be no closer than two and a half meters from the fence of the neighboring site. But in order to avoid conflicts, it is best to coordinate this issue with your neighbors and obtain their written consent.

  • The building must be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from residential buildings.
  • Also, you cannot build a future bathhouse closer than 20 meters from the place of water supply.
  • It is desirable that the entrance of the building is located in the south direction, and the windows in the west.
  • It is better to construct the building on a higher site for natural water drainage.

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