Insulation for baths and saunas: advantages, types, application features

Insulating a bathhouse solves the issue of accelerating warming up the interior space and maintaining comfortable warmth for a long time. The choice of thermal insulation for this purpose is a very important moment. Indeed, in addition to improved characteristics and certain advantages, the material used must be safe so as not to harm the health of visitors receiving strengthening procedures. Basalt wool is considered the best solution for insulating a bath. Let's consider working with this material in more detail.

The insulation is hidden, but its presence is felt in the level of comfort when visiting the bathhouse

Advantages of using insulation material

The steam room and the entire bathhouse are insulated not only because of the cold winters. A well-insulated building will also quickly heat up from a melted stove. However, when insulating a building, it is taken into account that different building structures are thermally insulated in different ways. During this process, insulating layers are created that differ in structure.

Insulating the steam room and the entire bath allows you to:

  • Organize proper circulation of moisture and steam . High-quality thermal insulation of building structures will prevent the appearance of water droplets on walls, ceilings and various finishing materials. Therefore, the cladding will be less exposed to negative influences. This will reduce the likelihood of it rotting. In addition, there will be less mold and mildew to form on it. Reducing the negative impact will have a positive effect on the appearance of the finishing material. It will retain its original appearance longer.

High-quality thermal insulation allows you to increase the service life of the bathhouse finish Source

  • Significantly reduce the amount of firewood needed to light the stove . If you use the right quality insulation for a sauna, then you will be able to heat the premises of the building faster. In this case, a significantly smaller amount of fuel will be required to light the stove structure. In addition, people will not have to wait long for the temperature in the steam room to reach the desired value.
  • Increase the level of comfort in all areas of the building . Thanks to high-quality insulation, people will not freeze in the dressing room and rest room. They will be able to shower in a special compartment at a comfortable ambient temperature.

Typically, insulation of a steam room in a bathhouse is done from the inside. This is a proven option for thermal insulation of building structures. Thanks to insulation, the service life of the entire structure increases. The use of high-quality thermal insulation will allow the owner to carry out repair work less frequently.

A proven insulation option is the internal thermal insulation of the steam room Source

On a note! It is always necessary to carry out additional insulation of the building structures of the bathhouse if the structure was originally built in violation of the technology. In addition, there are often incorrectly built stoves that quickly cool down. In this case, it is thermal insulation that will reduce heat loss through the walls, ceiling and floor.

Hardness index

The insulation is produced in three levels of rigidity:

  • Soft stone wool is made from the finest fibers. It has a huge number of cavities that hold air. Soft stone wool is used to insulate building facades, frame walls, and roofs. That is, in places where there will not be much mechanical impact
  • Medium hardness wool is made from medium fibers, they are stiffer. This type of insulation is used to insulate ventilation ducts, that is, where there is a strong air flow
  • Thick and durable fibers of rigid stone wool. This insulation is used for heavy loads. It can be used to insulate walls at an intermediate stage of construction, before reinforcement, concrete screed, etc.

Insulation materials used

Of course, now straw is no longer used to insulate buildings. After all, it is an ineffective heat insulator compared to modern materials. Instead, they use insulation for the steam room, created in high-tech production. Manufacturers produce it in large quantities.

On a note! The thickness of the heat insulator for a steam room is not regulated. However, the approximate values ​​of the material are indicated in SP 50.13330.2012. Experts advise using them as minimum values ​​when calculating the required thickness of the heat insulator. It is recommended not to reduce the specified values ​​in the rulebook.

Material thicknesses to ensure the necessary thermal insulation in accordance with current building codes in the Russian Federation Source
More often, foam plastic and mineral wool are used to reduce heat loss. After all, the heat-insulating layers of such materials will be the thinnest. The use of these heat insulators allows for effective heat conservation. However, do not forget about other thermal insulation materials.

The structures are insulated with non-flammable, non-toxic, moisture-resistant materials, which are also able to withstand the influence of heat for a long time. The process of thermal insulation is always given great attention. These works are carried out responsibly. Therefore, we use exclusively high-quality insulation for baths and saunas from trusted manufacturers.

Mineral wool based on basalt fiber

This type of insulation is a popular material option. Basalt fibers make it possible to create an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-flammable heat insulator that is not a source of release of harmful substances into the air.

Mineral wool has good resistance to water and steam. It is supplied in rolls. Manufacturers also make this material in the form of slabs, which are thicker.

Mineral wool in the form of slabs and rolls Source

The main advantages of mineral wool include:

  • Use of non-toxic phenol during the production of basalt fiber material. Therefore, the heat insulator is the so-called stone wool, which is resistant to fire. It does not burn and prevents the spread of fire.
  • Excellent noise absorption ability.
  • Minimal shrinkage, since mineral wool does not increase in volume when in contact with water and does not dry out if exposed to high temperatures. Its shape remains unchanged throughout the entire period of use.
  • Excellent hygroscopicity, which means the absence of the ability to absorb water.

Considering the disadvantages of mineral wool, experts note the ability to transmit steam. Because of this, to create an effective thermal insulation layer, it is necessary to additionally use a vapor barrier material.

Mineral wool is usually laid together with a vapor barrier material Source

Mineral wool, like insulation in a bathhouse, is a relatively expensive heat insulator. In addition, craftsmen must always use protective equipment for hands, respiratory organs and eyes during installation. They usually protect all exposed areas of the body. Moreover, after completion of installation work, mineral wool will no longer pose any danger to humans.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and construction of baths of any complexity

Expanded polystyrene or just polystyrene foam

This type of heat insulator is used to insulate floors between rooms and the attic of a bathhouse. It can even be used outside the building. With its help, the floors and walls of the structure are thermally insulated.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling with polystyrene foam Source

Among all the advantages of expanded polystyrene, the following are its main advantages:

  • excellent resistance to moisture;
  • inability to maintain an open flame;
  • little weight;
  • low price;
  • resistance to mold formation and proliferation of microorganisms;
  • easy processing process.

Foam plastic, as insulation for a bathhouse, also has specific disadvantages. One of them is attractiveness to rodents. In particular, the material is eaten by mice. After this, the insulation properties of the insulation decrease.

In addition, the heat insulator releases toxic substances into the air if a fire occurs in the building. For this reason, polystyrene foam is not often installed in a steam room. After all, it is in such a room that a fire most often occurs in a bathhouse.

Polystyrene foam in a bathhouse is often installed in the dressing room, rest room Source

On a note! Modern industry produces various finishing elements from polystyrene foam, which are widely used in the renovation of premises. These are moldings, baseboards and so on. They can often be found in modern baths.

Foil insulation material

Whatever insulation is used for the steam room in the bathhouse, it is also necessary to install a vapor barrier film. It is the laying of foil heat insulator that allows you to reduce the amount of work. After all, such material is both insulation and vapor barrier. In addition, a heat insulator with foil is still capable of reflecting thermal radiation, the source of which is a sauna stove. Thanks to its use, a thermos effect occurs inside the steam room.

Foil insulating material prevents heat from escaping from the room through various gaps in building structures. To make it, manufacturers use:

  • foamed polyethylene;
  • fibers from basalt rock;
  • mineral raw materials;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Extruded polystyrene foam with an additional foil coating Source
The foil coating of the heat insulator is made of aluminum or metallized lavsan. Insulation with foil usually does not burn well and can withstand significant temperatures.

Its disadvantage is the price, which is higher than other heat insulators that do not have reflective properties. In addition, it is easily damaged mechanically. Therefore, they try to carefully install such material, the shiny side of which is turned inside the steam room.

Penoplex insulating material

This type of insulation is extruded polystyrene foam. It is widely used as a heat insulator in the construction of various structures. After all, the material is a budget option for insulation. The technology for its production at modern enterprises is well developed. The production of such a heat insulator is carried out using high-tech equipment.

Manufacturers produce penoplex in the form of slabs. This type of extruded polystyrene foam is easy to cut, which allows for quick installation on any building structures of the bathhouse.

Insulating the floor of a bathhouse with penoplex Source

The advantages of penoplex include:

  • ability to hold steam;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability reaching 40 years;
  • high compressive strength, since the heat insulator perfectly resists impact loads;
  • affordable price compared to similar modern insulation materials.

Penoplex is thermal insulation for a bathhouse that burns well. In addition, it is a toxic material in case of fire. If damage appears on it, then the thermal insulator does not restore its original shape. It is also of interest to insects and rodents. Developers will not be able to purchase it cheaper than polystyrene foam.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay as a floor insulation
Expanded clay gravel of various fractions is used to insulate attic floors, floors, and fill cavities in brickwork with “wells.” In terms of thermal conductivity, this material is inferior to many types of insulation, but its main advantage is its low price and versatility. In addition to the bulk insulation method, expanded clay granules can be used as a filler for lightweight concrete.


Features of the use of insulation in baths

Different materials are used to construct buildings. Therefore, their features are taken into account when choosing thermal insulation for a bath in a steam room. In addition, pay attention directly to the properties of the insulation. So thermal insulation must have minimal hygroscopicity. It is better if it is not able to absorb moisture at all.

In addition, the heat insulator must be a chemically passive material. It must not emit any toxic substances and not negatively affect human health and nature. Good insulation with low thermal conductivity is also able to maintain its original shape throughout the entire period of use.

The thermal insulator must still withstand even very high temperatures. He must treat non-combustible materials. In addition, it is recommended to use moisture- and steam-resistant thermal insulation on bath structures.

One of the options for steam and moisture resistant insulation material Source

If we take into account the main criteria, then among the entire range, foil basalt insulation for a bath is the best option. The features of its installation directly depend on the design of the building and the material used for its construction.


Ecowool insulation using a mechanized method
The material is made from recycled materials, which is waste paper, fluffed up and treated with fire retardants and antiseptics. It has a gray or light gray color, loose fibrous structure. The advantages of this fairly new type of insulation include:

  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • does not maintain an open fire for a long time;
  • resists rotting processes well; environmentally friendly, if you do not take into account its impregnation with fire retardants and antiseptics. But these substances are low-toxic and non-volatile.

The material can absorb moisture, but also easily releases it into the surrounding space when a certain level of air dryness is reached. After drying, the thermal insulation properties of ecowool remain at the same level. Before applying ecowool to the surface of the insulated structure, the material must be slightly moistened. The lignin contained in its composition, under the influence of water, binds the fibers together and adheres well to any surface. Can be used to insulate attic floors using the dry method. It is not recommended to use it inside bathhouses, since the material will not have time to dry after each use of the bathhouse.

Video description

One of the options for insulating a brick bath is shown in the video:

Bathhouse made of timber

If small timber was used to construct the building, then not only the steam room in the wooden bathhouse is insulated, but also all other rooms. Complex thermal insulation is also carried out when the structure was originally built from low-quality materials.

If the timber bathhouse was built in strict compliance with the technology, then all the cracks are caulked. In addition, the wood is treated with special substances that prevent the formation of fungi and mold. In this case, to insulate a steam room, basalt wool, which has a foil coating, is usually used. Fiber insulation and foil can also be used separately.

Expanded clay concrete bath

If the structure is built from expanded clay concrete blocks, then insulation is carried out using moisture-resistant heat-insulating material. After all, the walls in this bathhouse have a porous structure. Therefore, they themselves will retain heat perfectly. However, such structures are negatively affected by high humidity.

One of the options for moisture-resistant heat insulator Source

For baths made of expanded clay concrete blocks, basalt wool is also often used. At the same time, a vapor barrier layer and waterproofing are laid. Additionally, it is recommended to install a ventilation system.

On a note! If a foil thermal insulator is used, the insulating layer may have a small thickness. However, in any case, it is additionally necessary to install waterproofing.

What is basalt wool

It has already been mentioned that basalt insulation belongs to the group of mineral materials. Its distinctive feature is the production raw materials used. To obtain the fibers of the future heat insulator, rock materials are used. Therefore, basalt wool is often called stone wool.

The production technology involves obtaining a liquid rock melt in a furnace at 1400-1500°C, from which fiber is drawn. Binding components are used to bind the resulting fibers into a homogeneous array. Correct selection of the binder base helps to significantly improve the characteristics of stone wool. After forming the structure, setting the direction of the layers and obtaining the required density, the finished material is cut to a standard size and packaged. Forms of release: mats, soft rolls, hard slabs.

Briefly about the main thing

Thanks to the heat insulator in the bathhouse, it is possible to organize effective circulation of steam and moisture, reduce the amount of firewood used, and significantly increase the level of comfort in using the premises.

In such buildings, basalt wool, polystyrene foam, foil insulation material, penoplex and even polyurethane foam are often used. However, the most popular material is still fiber insulation. However, it is recommended to mount a layer of foil along with it.

If the bathhouse is built from timber, following the technology, then usually only the steam room is insulated. When the walls are made of bricks, the structures are thermally insulated in 2 layers. If expanded clay concrete blocks are used, then a moisture-resistant heat insulator is used.

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Insulating a bathhouse from the inside with your own hands: log house

Insulating a chopped and well-caulked bathhouse from the inside would be a tragic mistake. This is not only pointless and destructive for the walls, it contradicts the very idea of ​​a chopped bathhouse.

Log houses for baths are made for two reasons:

  1. To get a classic Russian steam bath, which takes a long time to heat and maintains the required level of heat and humidity for a long time. It is the tree that accumulates heat and moisture and gradually “gives it away”. In this case, the inside of the bathhouse cannot be lined; You will also have to come to terms with the high consumption of firewood.
  2. For the image. No bathhouse looks as cool in appearance as a chopped one. But I often don’t want to waste time and firewood; I want the bathhouse to be heated in an hour, so insulation, vapor barrier and clapboard cladding are done. The log house works only as an external frame; the meaning of the material is lost. In this case, it is cheaper and more correct to build a frame bathhouse.

It happens that a person gets a ready-made bathhouse from a log house, and for various reasons it can be cold. Such a bathhouse can be insulated, but only from the outside.

The pie looks like this:

  • insulation;
  • wind protection;
  • vertical sheathing to create a ventilation gap;
  • outer skin.

And you can put foil on the inside and line it with clapboard, not forgetting about the ventilation gap.

Here's what KochevniK recommends:

  • We put foil on the beam and fasten it with a construction stapler;
  • We seal ALL joints with foil tape;
  • We fill the vertical slats with a thickness of 1-2 cm;
  • We fill the lining horizontally, leaving gaps at the top and bottom for air circulation.

In a chopped bathhouse, only the floor and ceiling are insulated!

If the ceiling of a chopped bathhouse is made of thick boards, it is not necessary to use insulation, but then the following is poured onto the ceiling in a cold attic:

  • ash;
  • sand;
  • expanded clay (it is preferable that the granules be of different sizes);
  • clay coating.
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