Properties of gabbro-diabase stone for a bath, subtleties of use for a sauna

History and origin

The appearance of powerful deposits of diabase, called traps, according to geologists, is caused by global changes in the depths of the planet. As a result of the processes, huge accumulations of magma approach the upper tier of the soil.

The largest deposit is located in Hindustan. Geologists say that the mineral appeared as a result of the release of magma to the surface of the earth after a collision with a huge meteorite.

The main deposits are formed in areas where volcanic lava and tuff are concentrated. Diabase is developed from sedimentary mountain deposits.

Features of education: interesting facts

Did you know that crimson quartzite contains up to 98% pure quartz. This is a unique phenomenon! The stone appeared as a result of the transformation of rocks over the centuries. Under the ground at great depths, under the influence of temperature and pressure, quartz sandstone was transformed into durable rock. The adhesions between individual grains are so strong that the mineral resembles a single homogeneous rock.

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For a bathhouse, crimson quartzite millet is a godsend. It is rightly called the royal bath stone; it is believed that in addition to steam and warmth in the room, it has a beneficial effect on the body and well-being. In a bathhouse where a mineral is used in a stove, a person feels light and comfortable, and gets the opportunity to be imbued with the strength and energy of a natural mineral.

For masonry, minerals of different sizes are used, with an average diameter of 5 to 25 cm. They begin by laying large stones, gradually reducing the diameter. The top of the oven is laid out with the smallest samples. It is believed that masonry made from cleaned stones will be the most durable.

In addition, an important point is the sorting of minerals. It is necessary to select samples without cracks or chips. Damaged rocks will disrupt the properties of the steam room and negatively affect the air circulation in the room.

You need to select stones for a bath carefully and manually, rejecting damaged ones for several reasons.

  1. The first sign is appearance. It is necessary to inspect the sample for the presence of chips, veins, and cracks. The ideal mineral is one with a uniform surface.
  2. The second sign is by sound. It is enough to tap the stone with a hammer to determine its quality. A suitable mineral “sounds” thin and loud. A dull sound indicates the presence of hidden flaws and, as a consequence, fragility.
  3. A simple way to reject low-quality stones is a fire test. Minerals are placed in the fire. Samples that pass the test can be considered suitable for the oven.

In conclusion, it remains to add that all types of bathhouses crumble over time and become unusable. This is a normal phenomenon for minerals and is difficult to avoid. This must be taken into account when laying the stove with crimson quartzite. From time to time you should sort through the stones to remove crumbs. In this way, it will be possible to prevent a decrease in smoke draft and deterioration in the operation of the furnace as a whole. The advantages of crimson quartzite over analogues for bathhouses is that it does not need to be sorted out as often.

Do you believe in the healing properties of an unusual mineral? Have you ever experienced its effect on yourself during bath procedures? Tell us about your impressions and share your opinion about the stone with your friends on social networks!

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What is the breed

As you can already judge from the name, this stone is a “transitional” link between diabase and gabbro. According to its characteristics, the rock is close to basalt and granite. It is a gabbro-diabase stone of a dark gray or greenish color. It contains, for example, minerals such as:

  • titanomagnetite;
  • plagioclase;
  • pyroxenes;
  • amphiboles.

None of these types of minerals release harmful substances into the air. And this is, of course, a big advantage of gabbro-diabase as a stone used in industry, construction and everyday life.


Gabbro-diabase is an igneous rock similar in composition to basalt. This is a natural stone with a low silica content (only 45–52%). It is distinguished by its black color with minor color inclusions. The high density makes it significantly more difficult to process.

Due to increased thermal conductivity, it heats up quickly and evenly. A sufficient level of heat capacity of the rock ensures good heat transfer and large steam release when water is supplied.

What is good about its mineral and chemical composition?

87% of the entire rock mass of the Earth is silicates or silicon compounds. But diversity from such chemical uniformity is obtained due to different percentages of silica and other oxides, as well as rarer impurities under different conditions of crystal formation.

As for the chemical composition of gabbro-diabase, it is practically indistinguishable from the chemical composition of basalt - this is the same magma of basic (=alkaline) composition, which crystallized at a different depth than basalt. The latter circumstance is responsible for which crystals are formed, and whether they are formed at all.

Here is the average percentage
chemical composition of basalt :

  • Al₂О₃ 12-17%
  • MgO 7-15%
  • CaO 6-13%
  • FeO 4-14%
  • Fe₂О₃ 0.5-11%
  • Na₂О 1.5-3.5%
  • TiO₂ 1.0-2.5%
  • К₂О 0.1-2%
  • Р₂О₅ up to 0.6%
  • MnO up to 0.3%

You see that it all consists of fairly inert oxides. Bath temperatures cannot destroy them; they were formed at higher temperatures. So for a bathhouse, the chemical properties of gabbro-diabase are essentially indifferent, since they pose neither a threat nor a benefit (may fans of the healing power of stones forgive us - we are not experts in this field).

However, please note: we are talking about an average composition! And it says nothing about, for example, that sulfur - both elemental and in the form of oxides - is one of the components of liquid magma. When cooling, it usually “pulls” metals from the magma, forming, for example, sulfides, which in the form of the same pyrite (iron sulfide) can crystallize inside the future gabbro-diabase.

But it is sulfides that are those impurities that can harm the health of the steamer. If there are stones in the heater with an admixture of sulfides, then with strong heating they will disintegrate, forming sulfur oxides, whose reaction with water forms acids. Inhaling their vapors burns the respiratory tract - it feels like a stinging, sore throat. It also hurts the eyes. In addition, it was not for nothing that the smell of sulfur and its compounds was considered “hellish.”

The presence and amount of sulfides depends on the composition of the magma in a particular area.

Do not think that sulfides are a specific “problem” of gabbro-diabase. In fact, this applies to all igneous rocks. And it will be problematic only in relation to the bathhouse. In general, sulfides are one of the types of ores from which people have been extracting metals since ancient times. In addition to compounds with sulfur, metals are also reduced from oxides.

The time of rock formation is so remote from the present moment that some changes could have occurred to them after the magma solidified. In particular, partial or complete replacement of some minerals could have occurred, which also means a change in chemical composition . But it is unlikely that stone sellers will distinguish between the usual and the substituted rock.

Those who find out the properties of gabbro-diabase as a stone for a bath should pay attention to
the deposit, but we will talk about this a little further in this article.
The minerals that make up gabbro-diabase depend on the conditions of its formation. And here we risk first delving into the intricacies of the correct naming of this stone, which precisely depends on the conditions of formation and replacement of some minerals by others. In general, you can read an even more complete article about the properties on our website.

Well, for now let’s just say that typical for gabbro-diabase is the content of approximately equal proportions of plagioclase and colored minerals (usually pyroxenes), as well as small amounts of accompanying ore minerals (in particular, those same sulfides, but they are, in fact, rather an exception than the rule).

The mineral composition of gabbro-diabase for a bath is important only in terms of sulfide content - if there are a lot of them, then you should refuse to purchase such a stone. If it’s a little, you can hope that they will burn out during the first fires.

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How to identify sulfides? Quite simply: look on the surface for small cubes and other crystalline formations that have a gray or yellow color and a distinct metallic luster, that is, they shimmer in the light like metal. Yes, that means opening each box and examining the stones.

Physical properties of the rock

The properties of gabbro-diabase, among other things, are distinguished by the following:

  • High degree of density - 3.07 g/cm3.
  • Compressive strength - 311 MPa.
  • Low degree of abrasion - 0.07 g/cm2.

This stone is also characterized by frost resistance. Gabbro-diabase tolerates temperature changes well. The breed can withstand up to 300 cycles of temperature fluctuations without harm. The radioactivity of this material is up to 74 becquerel/kg. In terms of strength, this type of diabase surpasses even granite.

Karelian porphyrite

Karelian stones for baths are very popular - one of them is porphyry. It is mined on the shores of Lake Onega, located in the south of Karelia.

Karelian porphyrite is solidified lava

The heat capacity of the rock makes it possible to maintain high temperatures in the steam room for a very long time and thereby save fuel and electricity. According to this indicator, porphyrite is not inferior to expensive jadeite.

This rock is essentially solidified volcanic lava and contains elements that are resistant to physical and chemical attack. Basically, these are oxides of calcium, silicon, and magnesium. The stone contains absolutely no harmful radionuclides and no less harmful sulfur compounds.

Useful properties of porphyrite:

The steam that these bath stones generate has healing properties. It can relieve headaches, stabilizes and equalizes our blood pressure, improves blood flow and has the most beneficial effect on the skin.

Distinctive features of gabbro-diabase and its benefits

The special features of diabase are strength and hardness. These properties are determined by its crystal lattice. This rock is holocrystalline and fine-grained. Its chemical and mineral composition is close to basalt. Diabase contains relatively little silica. The content of this element ranges from 45 to 52 percent. The structure of this natural stone is ophitic. Plagioclase crystals are randomly arranged. The latter is a formation of elongated crystals identical to each other in shape and size. The remaining spaces between them are filled with augite.

Gabbro-diabase takes its name from the Latin word “glaber”, which means “even, smooth”. It is a type of natural stone. At the same time, the peculiarity of diabase is its black color mixed with shades of another color.

The composition of gabbro-diabase can be distinguished:

  • biotite;
  • quartz;
  • limonite;
  • enstaite;
  • olivine;
  • calcite;
  • other.

Due to its strong strength, gabbro-diabase is very difficult to split into pieces. Processing stone requires technological work that takes a lot of time and effort. This is a rather labor-intensive process that cannot be done without special industrial equipment.

However, the main thing for the use of this natural stone is not its external characteristics, but the density and heat capacity of gabbro-diabase. Depending on the properties, this volcanic rock can be divided into subspecies. Diabases are divided into ordinary (or olivine-free), dolerites (or olivine), and quartz. In addition, among granite stones there are:

  • saussurion;
  • leucophyre;
  • mica;
  • low-colite and others.

The largest deposits of natural granites were found in the Onega region, on the Crimean peninsula, as well as in Australia and China. The most affordable is diabase from Crimean deposits. However, it has a drawback: large amounts of iron impurities were found in gabbro-diabase from Crimea. It is not suitable for use in bath rooms. It is used more for the construction of ritual monuments.

Stones from Karelia and Australia are of higher quality. They are superior to their Crimean relatives in all respects: durable, retain heat well, and are resistant to frost.

Born of Fire

This mineral is very close in composition and properties to basalt. It has the same holocrystalline fine-grained structure and igneous nature. This stone is characterized by a relatively low silica content. In most practical cases, the limit does not exceed 53%. The color of the stone, depending on its deposit, can be dark gray or greenish-black. Moreover, at a fracture, the coloring is lighter, and the polished stone acquires a rich, thick and deep dark color. First of all, due to the manifestation of refraction. Due to its peculiar, ophitic structure, this mineral quickly and completely accumulates heat, and also releases it evenly, which is a very useful, if not key, property in bath use. As a finishing material, dorelite also has a number of remarkable properties. It can be well processed using diamond tools and retains the quality of surface polishing for a long time. Among the stones of its price group, such properties are simply outstanding. Due to their good workability, such raw materials are often used for the production of mosaics, and in a rougher version as paving stones for pavements.

Briefly about the main physical properties of this stone:

  • Specific density - 3070 kg/cub.m;
  • Frost resistance - at least 300 cycles;
  • Water absorption - 0.1%;
  • Compressive strength - 1400 kg/;
  • Wear resistance during abrasion - 0.07 g/ I1;
  • Natural radioactive background - no more than 74 becquerels/kg.

The main centers for the industrial development of this natural raw material should be considered Ukraine, Australia and the large Karelian-Finnish agglomeration, the development of which is carried out both in Finland and in Russia.

Important! It is worth noting that the stone in question, when extracted in quarries, lends itself well to hole drilling, as a result of which it can be extracted by explosive means, using the method of hydrodynamic destruction. Or you can make it homemade, and the old fashioned way, when a wooden wedge is tightly driven into the drilled hole, which is periodically moistened with plenty of water. The swollen tree slowly but surely breaks the stone in random order. To obtain ready-made shaped blocks with specified geometric shapes and sizes, the method of cable-diamond sawing is used.

For all its similarities with basalt, and with the same alkaline environment, dorelite is more resistant to temperature changes and is not so fragile. The causticity of basalt is determined by the large amount of volcanic glass in the massif - which is due to the rapid cooling of the quartzite-containing magmatic melt. In our hero, quartzites saturate the body to a much lesser extent, and slower cooling at the time of the birth of the ancient rock provoked the appearance of a more ordered and durable crystallized structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to good thermal properties, gabbro-diabase is a cheap stone . Which explains its popularity among connoisseurs of baths and saunas and is of particular importance in a number of cases:

  1. gabbro-diabase fills the most difficult areas of a stagnant heater with an increased thermal load. There will be no financial difficulties when replacing the mineral.
  2. Thanks to its smooth surface, the stone is easily cleaned of soot. When the contamination becomes irremovable, you can inexpensively purchase a new batch of the mineral.
  3. This rock can be used as a component of a combined backfill, placing it at the point of contact with the hottest part of the furnace.

According to bath attendants, gabbro-diabase also has its disadvantages when used as a bath stone:

  • low mechanical strength (it is easy to split);
  • short service life of the mineral (only 2 seasons);
  • The steam from this breed is “flat” and lacks subtlety (but this is more a matter of taste).

Mineral mining

Fossil deposits are extensive. The most popular and studied places are the Deccan Plateau in Hindustan, the plain in Argentina, and Brazil. Minerals are mined in Ireland, Finland, and Russia. In the Russian Federation, deposits are located in the Urals, Altai, and in the region of the East Siberian Upland. In South America, monoliths are characterized by voids in which the amethyst is located.

To ensure that the fossil is not damaged during the extraction process and maintains its structure, gentle methods are used. How the first one works:

  1. First, a hole is drilled into the mineral.
  2. Then explosives are placed so that the rock blocks remain at their maximum size after the explosion.

Another option is characterized by changing the bomb to use a hydraulic method. The pit is filled with water under pressure. She tears the rock apart.

The latter option implies that the minerals are mined using a professional stone cutter equipped with a diamond-wire sawing mechanism.

Interesting to know! To extract gabbro monolith, special crushing equipment is used, which at the output will allow you to pick up pieces of different sizes and shapes.

Place of Birth

Numerous deposits of diabase, available on all continents, are unequal in volume (the thickness of the lenses and layers of this mineral can vary: from tens of centimeters to several hundred meters) and the value of the extracted raw materials.

For example, Karelian black diabases are valued much higher than the greenish-gray rock mined in the quarries of the Crimea.

The quality of Australian diabases is identical to the characteristics of Karelian stones, but they are three times more expensive than the latter.

The largest diabase deposits are located in:

  • Brazil.
  • Great Britain.
  • Argentina.
  • Finland.
  • India.
  • Russia (the main suppliers of the mineral are: Crimea, Ural, Karelia, Altai and Eastern Siberia).

Diabase mining is carried out using gentle methods that allow maximum preservation of the integrity of the stones.

The most popular are:

  • The diamond sawing method consists of using special stone cutters equipped with diamond-coated ropes. The ropes are passed through pre-drilled holes and, continuously pulled using rope machines, blocks of the required size are cut out, which are then removed with an excavator.
  • The drilling and blasting method, in which holes (narrow holes) are drilled into the rock, into which an explosive is placed and an explosion is carried out to obtain blocks of the maximum size.
  • A hydraulic method involving the use of a hydrowedge installation. Hydraulic wedges are immersed in pre-drilled holes, which, under the pressure of hydraulic fluid, push the walls of the holes apart, splitting the monolithic formation into pieces.

To obtain crushed stone of different geometric shapes and sizes, various crushing and screening devices are used:

  • impact centrifugal granulators;
  • cone or jaw crushers;
  • crushers equipped with a cone-inertia system.

Application area

  • in architecture as an independent material or base stone;
  • in the production of crushed stone, rubble;
  • in the manufacture of decorative items (sculptures, engravings);
  • in the production of tombstones;
  • in precision engineering;
  • in heaters of bathhouse or sauna stoves.

Gabbrodolerite has medicinal properties. The stone has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, improves liver function and stabilizes the state of mind. Smooth, unprocessed minerals are used in stone therapy when heated. There are some contraindications to this procedure, so you should consult your doctor before undergoing it.

The amulet, made of gabbro material, gives its owner physical endurance and performance. This stone exhibits its magical properties only in strong-willed, active, purposeful people. It will not be of any use to weak and uninitiated individuals. At the same time, the owner of the amulet must believe in its power.


The main industry that takes almost all raw materials:

  • Blocks and slabs become the walls of buildings, road surfaces, the basis of fountains, swimming pools, and city reservoirs.
  • In the interior space these are stairs, wall cladding, fireplaces, balusters, and other figured products.
  • Crushed stone and crumbs are used as a strengthening and heat-insulating filler for concrete and other building mixtures.

Gabbro-diabase paving stones
The range of products expands the ease of stone processing. In addition, when heated, diabase becomes “plasticine”.

The cooled injection mold becomes even more expressive after the final polishing of the product. The strength and other characteristics of diabase do not deteriorate.

Densely black and evenly colored dark gray stones are especially valued.

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Diabase for baths

Diabase for baths is the most budget option in this segment. However, the low price of the stone does not mean the same quality: it corresponds to the “bath” purpose.

Diabase for baths

It should be taken into account that dolerite is almost always sold under the brand name “gabbro-diabase”. This is a younger breed, but the properties are similar to diabase:

  • heats up just as quickly;
  • does not cool down for a long time;
  • not afraid of heat, boiling water, sudden temperature changes.

When choosing a material for bath purposes, grain size matters. Raw materials of small fractions are better suited. The more “delicate” the texture, the longer the “heating-cooling” cycles the material will withstand.

They lay out the floor, walls, and put it in the oven.

The stone from Karelia requires caution. The sulfides in its composition emit a disgusting odor when heated; heating products can clog the respiratory tract.

This makes the use of the material problematic for people with bronchial asthma or similar diseases. But there is a way out:

  • It is easy to distinguish such raw materials by the nature of the surface.

Sulfides appear on the surface as specks or crystals that glitter with metal.

  • Even if you bought a bath stone from other deposits, after laying a new batch of stones, the stove is heated a couple of times. During this time, unnecessary impurities will be burned out.

Pure crushed dolerite, like diabase, is chemically safe and environmentally friendly. It has no contraindications.

Other areas

In the field of beauty, stone has found application among stone carvers. They create boxes, candelabra, photo frames, chess sets, and small plastic items.

Any product made from black or light gray diabase looks elegant. Such a gift is considered status.

Jewelers do not work with stone, so craftsmen also carve pendants, pendants, beads for bracelets or necklaces.

Black gabbro-diabase is used as a material for memorial complexes and tombstones.

Magic properties

Diabase pigeons

Diabase is endowed with pronounced magical properties, thanks to which it is able to:

  1. Provide support to its owner starting a new project, helping him overcome the difficulties of the initial period.
  2. Suggest the only correct way out of a critical situation.
  3. Create a comfortable microclimate in the family and work team.
  4. Provide assistance in promoting a stagnant business.
  5. Protect its owner from negativity coming from ill-wishers, energy vampires and envious people.
  6. Strengthen the performance of its owner.
  7. To help the owner not make mistakes in a difficult choice situation.

The support of the mineral can be obtained by people who take an active life position. Passive and lazy individuals may not count on the help of a stone.

How to choose and use gabbro-diabase in a bath

A good stone for a stove should be heat-intensive and able to withstand high temperatures. Also, high-quality gabbro-diabase will not split when exposed to water. Its density must be high enough. Such a stone heats up steadily and distributes heat evenly. Since only natural stones can be used for baths and saunas, this stone is ideally suited for these purposes.

Selection and care of gabbro-diabase

Methods Result
There is a simple and accessible way for everyone to test this breed for strength. You should hit the stone with a hammer. A good stone will withstand impact.
You can use another method. To do this, you need to heat the gabbro-diabase until red, and then immediately place it in cold water. If no cracks appear on it, its quality is good.
Round-shaped diabases are usually used for heaters in baths and saunas. Stones with potholes may crack over time. If cracked stones appear among the stones, it is better to get rid of them. For this purpose, all diabases should be checked for integrity at least once a year.

Stones placed on the heater heat up quickly and maintain heat for a long time. Their presence favors the circulation of hot air in the bath. However, they also require care. Gabbro-diabases must be washed at least twice a year to remove the unpleasant odor from them.

In addition to being used for stoves, this breed is applicable for external and internal decoration of any room (including bathhouses). Thus, gabbro-diabase can act as a material for the base. Using special equipment, diabase is used to form tiles that have been polished and heat treated. It is used for decorative decoration of facades. Indoors, diabase is used as a material for finishing stairs, railings, window sills, and bathrooms. After all, one of its properties is resistance to high temperatures. For this reason, it can be safely used even when finishing a sauna stove.

As for the effect on our health, it is known: gabbro-diabase has a beneficial effect on nerve endings and has a good effect on the functioning of the organs of the urinary system. Thanks to its healing properties, massage with balls made from it has become widespread. This procedure has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the human body. Massage using diabase balls helps normalize blood pressure. An improvement in the functions of the cardiovascular system was also noted with regular use of this procedure.

For the heater it is necessary to use only natural stones. According to its characteristics and properties, the use of gabbro-diabase for a bath is the best option for maintaining heat in these rooms. Moreover, its benefits extend not only to the building in which bath procedures are carried out, but also to the human body.

Avoiding counterfeit

Despite the very low price and availability, some unscrupulous sellers try to sell an inexperienced consumer either an outright substandard product or replace it with anything as long as it’s cheaper. When choosing materials, we adhere to the following rules:

  • Granite is less durable in the heater than diabase. It is easily distinguished by significant inclusions of quartzites, which look like light crystals, visible and reliably distinguishable with the naked eye;
  • We definitely check the stone for the integrity of the massif and the absence of defects, first of all, for the presence of visible and hidden cracks;
  • The Karelian mineral is prone to high saturation with accompanying sulfites, which is guaranteed to result in the appearance of sulfur secretions when the heater is intensely heated;
  • To save money, you can monitor nearby construction sites for the presence of this mineral. Very often, this stone is used as rubble during construction work, and as crushed stone for equipping cushions when constructing highways. The purchase of raw materials, in this case, can result in an absolutely symbolic amount;
  • If such a stone is not available, you can use a similar alternative, both in price and in consumer properties. Porphyrite and dunite can act as replacements.

Care of the heater

Laying stone in the heater is an important part of preparing for the steam room. To ensure that the stones last a long time, several operations are performed:

  1. Inspection - before placing stones in the furnace, they must be carefully examined; all stones with cracks, chips, or a layered structure are rejected.
  2. Soaking and washing - the stones are soaked in salt water for an hour, then thoroughly washed with a brush, but without chemical cleaning agents, and dried at room temperature.
  3. The placement of stones should ensure free circulation of air in the heater, which is achieved by their vertical arrangement, and the stones are laid in three tiers: large ones at the bottom, then medium ones and smaller ones.
  4. Hardening - heat until red in the bottom row of the masonry, then pour cold water over it. Damaged stones are discarded.

The stones are laid in layers, the bottom ones are larger, the top ones are smaller.

Safety requires constant monitoring of the heater: dirty or carbonated stones must be washed and dried in a timely manner. If the bathhouse is used frequently, the stones are inspected every 3–4 months and damaged ones are replaced with new ones. To produce steam, water them with hot water, without aromatic oils. This additive should be poured into water in a separate heat-resistant container and placed on stones. This will get rid of carbon deposits and increase the service life of the masonry.

Use for baths and saunas

The rock does not emit harmful substances and is able to accumulate heat and retain it for a long time. These qualities make it possible to use gabbro-diabase for baths. What type of stone is more suitable for an electric heater? It is possible to use solid high-density stones that do not have cracks or other damage, and the type of diabase does not matter.

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The heater filler needs to be washed 1-2 times a year. This will ensure that any accumulated odor gets rid of. If the sauna is heated regularly, the filler will have to be completely replaced after 3-4 years. Over time, the stones begin to crumble, which reduces heat transfer. This is a disadvantage of this fossil.

Gabbrodolerite is used not only for the heater, but also for the interior decoration of the dressing room. This will ensure that the room remains warm and will make the interior more attractive. Gabbro can also be used as a facing stone on the outside of a structure.

Mining locations

Large deposits of the mineral are noted in three main regions: Crimea, Australia and the Russian Onega region. The cheapest is Ukrainian gabbro-diabase. The Crimean breed contains a large amount of iron impurities, which reduces the quality of raw materials. Australian and Russian stones are almost identical in composition, but their overseas counterpart has a very high cost.

The Karelian mineral is distinguished by its deep, rich black color, aesthetic appearance and reliable resistance to aggressive external environments. Indicative characteristics significantly distinguish Russian gabbro-diabase from the rest.

Reviews from numerous customers confirm not only the practical durability and reliability of the natural material, but also the unique property of accumulating and preserving heat. The optimal ratio of quality and cost makes Karelian stone the most in demand not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world.

How much is the breed worth?

If desired, you can purchase this stone for a bath at any time from any company specializing in the supply and installation of stove equipment. Gabbro-diabase is usually sold by weight - in kilograms, packaged in boxes. The cost of stone from different suppliers may vary. However, most often this breed is sold for no more than 250-300 rubles. for 20 kg.

Are there any contraindications for stones in the bath?

Since people ask specifically about “contraindications,” I would like to clarify this issue. Well, it is clear that it came from medicine, and in this sense, of course, cannot be considered at all, unless one indulges in free speculation about the “healing properties of stones.”

But we do not think that any Paracelsus or ancient Chinese doctor, speaking about the effect of stones on the human body, had in mind half a ton of gabbro-diabase in a sauna stove.

Still, you can be rational and consider that the main task of the stone in a sauna stove is the accumulation and transfer of heat. Both ceramics and metal successfully cope with this task. In this sense, it is contraindicated to use... yes, the same marble or granite, that is, something that will not withstand the conditions of heating and cooling.

In general, don't complicate what's simple. The heart and blood vessels are much more influenced by the temperature and humidity ratio in your steam room than the type of stones in the stove.

Varieties with photos

The formation of a mineral rock is influenced by many factors that determine the presence of certain properties. Gabbrodolerites are divided into several varieties depending on their composition. The most common type of diabase is the rock anorthosite, which consists primarily of plagioclase.

Another type of gabbrodolerite is norite (hornblende fossil), which contains not only plagioclase, but also orthorhombic pyroxenes. Varieties of norite: gabronorite (contains up to 5% clinopyroxene), olivine norite-diabase (includes from 5 to 35% olivine).



What is an equivalent substitute for gabbro-diabase?

First of all, instead of dolerite, related rocks are suitable - gabbro and diabase . But sellers are unlikely to go into such details. They will most likely only be able to offer “gabbro-diabase” from another deposit. There is no stone that would be equal to it in price. All the rest are in buckets and boxes - more expensive. But the same porphyrite or dunite is not much more expensive.

IMPORTANT! There is no point in buying Finnish gabbro-diabase - the price will be more expensive and that’s where the differences end.

Alternatively, you can collect stones from a quarry or even order them there for delivery. After all, gabbro-diabase or dolerite are the very stones that are often used in road construction.

Here's what definitely won't work : granite and basalt. Both are igneous, but the first is composed of minerals with different thermal expansion, and the second contains unstable volcanic glass. Both will soon require replacement.

Let us remind you once again that no stones of sedimentary origin are suitable for a heater.

Buy or collect

It is not necessary to spend money on purchasing components of this kind; they can easily be found and collected in nature. The mountain slopes and river banks are full of abundant varieties and forms of excellent specimens.

But choosing the right options will take time and effort; assembly can take up to 6 hours. Such stones have already been tested by the sun and water, so finding worthy ones will not be difficult.

As for purchasing, there are quite good sets on the market that are suitable for every stove. Professionals in their field will select suitable items even for the most skeptical buyers.

This solution would be appropriate for people with a limited amount of free time due to work or business, so experienced craftsmen advise turning to such shops.

Gabbro-diabase for baths: reviews

In everyday life, this stone is most often used in steam rooms. Reviews from bathhouse owners about this breed are mostly positive. The shape of gabbro-diabase is flattened. Therefore, it is very easy to install it in the heater. At the same time, such stones can retain heat for quite a long time.

Bathhouse owners believe that some of the disadvantages of gabbro-diabase are that after prolonged use it begins to crumble. However, this disadvantage is observed in all stones used in steam rooms. Sauna stoves have to be cleaned when using any rocks. Meanwhile, diabase is cheaper than many other breeds intended for steam rooms. Therefore, bathhouse owners do not incur any extra costs when using it in heaters.

When heated very strongly, judging by reviews, this breed is capable of emitting a characteristic odor. But most bathhouse owners do not consider this a disadvantage of stone. The smell, judging by the reviews, of gabbro-diabase is not unpleasant or harmful.

According to the owners of suburban areas, this breed has only two main disadvantages. Firstly, when using a stone in a steam room, you cannot use essential oils. Such substances leave indelible marks on gabbro-diabase. It is also highly recommended not to allow stones of this variety to come into contact with open fire. Because of this, their service life is significantly reduced.

Where can it be used?

According to sanitary and hygienic standards, gabbro-diabase stone is one of the rocks permitted for use in construction with background radiation not exceeding permissible standards. This material is used quite widely in industry.

One of the features of gabbro-diabase is its interesting fine-grained structure. This stone is polished better than, for example, granite and basalt. Therefore, it is sometimes used as a facing material in the construction of buildings and structures. This breed can also be used:

  • for the manufacture of paving stones (for example, exactly this material was used on Red Square in Moscow);
  • in precision engineering.

Very often, tombstones are made from such stone. Polished black gabbro-diabase looks very solid and presentable. Therefore, tombstones made from it, like no other, create an appropriate mournful and solemn atmosphere at the burial site. For the manufacture of monuments, Karelian diabase is usually used, which can maintain polish for a long time.

Very often this breed is used to create optimal temperature conditions in baths. That is, they simply put these inexpensive stones in the heaters. Dense gabbro-diabase can retain heat very well and for a long time. In addition, the material is absolutely environmentally friendly.

Like granite, gabbro-diabase is often used in the interiors of apartments and houses. This material is used, for example, to make countertops, railings and window sills. Such products actually look very impressive. In addition, they also have very good performance characteristics.

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