Sauna stove "Vesuvius": reviews, photos. Installation of the Vesuvius stove for a bath

Vesuvius ovens are manufactured with chambers of various diameters. At the same time, the models differ quite significantly in height. Ovens from the manufacturer are suitable for steam rooms with an area of ​​no more than 20 square meters. meters. In this case, convectors are mainly installed in an open type. The models are quite simple to use. If you believe customer reviews, the device reaches a high temperature quickly. Safety when using ovens is guaranteed by the manufacturer. However, in this situation, the correct installation of the model should be taken into account.

How to install the stove?

Installation of the Vesuvius stove begins with laying the base. As a rule, red brick is used for this. The height of the base must be at least 6 cm. It is also necessary to take care of the chimney. In this case, the floor material is assessed. All fire hazardous items must be kept at a safe distance from the stove. Sometimes specialists install partitions next to the camera. A heat-insulating apron is installed at the chimney connection point.

Drawings of a metal sauna stove, building a stove with your own hands

In order to make an iron stove for a bath from metal, you will need to first design it. First of all, you need to create a layout, indicating all the required dimensions in the drawing.

A sketch is a graphic image made to a certain scale. Stoves can be of any shape, size and made from different materials. There are a lot of stove designs and each of them differs in its functionality.

It’s better to start with the firebox, because the firebox is the first element in production. The dimensions of the firebox must be determined independently, based on the size of the steam room. The main thing to remember is that the height and width must be the same.

In almost all sketches the firebox consists of 2 parts. In the first part, wood is burned, and the second serves as a ash pit. Stones are placed on the top of the firebox; it needs to be made from a grate. On some layouts you can see ready-made elements that you can buy instead of boiling and cutting, these are: doors, handles, grilles.

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Review of the Vertical VK stove

This model (photo of the Vesuvius stove is shown below) is well suited for a room whose area does not exceed 12 square meters. meters. Its upper frame is made of stainless steel. The convector in the device is installed in an open type. The oven is safe to use. It is advisable to make the base for it from red brick. In this case, a very large area of ​​protective apron is not required. If you believe the opinions of buyers, problems with the ash pan occur quite rarely. The oven heats up quickly.

All combustion products are removed through the chimney. If necessary, you can clean the camera yourself. However, the model still has disadvantages. First of all, this is the small diameter of the blower. Problems sometimes arise with normal air circulation. The vault is of very high quality. It should also be noted that it can be used as a heating stove “Vesuvius”. The presented model can be purchased on the market for 35 thousand rubles.

"Vesuvius" with open or closed heater: the choice is yours

Since the structure for laying stones is located outside, it should be understood that it is unable to provide steam with the humidity that the very concept of “Russian bath” in its classical interpretation implies. If you are a fan of a real Russian steam room, with its inherent humidity and high temperature, then consider purchasing models that have a closed heater. If you love the specifics of the Russian bathhouse, but you are still attracted by the appearance of an open heater, the appearance of the stones laid in it, then you will have to acquire additional devices and fixtures, examples of which we will describe below.

According to experts, in an open-type heater there are no conditions for the stones to heat up to a temperature level that would make the steam really light. If the furnace power is high enough, it provides good heating of the stones. However, since the stones are open, they quickly release their heat into the steam room. This state of affairs makes the bathhouse more similar not to a Russian, but to a Finnish dry-air sauna.

It is easy to pour water onto stones placed in an open heater, but the resulting steam turns out to be “heavy”. To provide the couple with the desired “lightness,” bath professionals lay tubes between the stones that go deep into the stone mass, and through them water or herbal infusions are supplied. Since the temperature of the stones located near the firebox is much higher, the steam they produce is drier. Rising through the layer of stones laid on top, the steam is additionally dried and becomes finely dispersed, i.e. it turns into that “light” steam that is typical for a Russian bath.

However, this improvement of the heater using tubes is far from ideal: a heated stove does not allow you to calmly strain water into the tubes laid for this purpose, and there is a high risk of getting burned by the escaping clouds of steam. The matter is complicated by the fact that initially the tubes are laid purely intuitively. If the laying result is unsatisfactory, the stones have to be re-laid in order to move the tubes inserted into their mass. Thus, this improvement can only result in additional hassle for those who like to steam.

In our opinion, stove models with a closed heater are the most suitable option for steam rooms, called Russian. However, greater convenience of their use is achieved provided that the open part of the heater can be closed and covered, which ensures regulation of heat transfer and heating of the stones themselves.

Differences between the “Vertical BC” model

Users generally speak well of this stove. It is easy to use, and the manufacturer provides a convenient ash tray. If necessary, you can always check the convector yourself. The lower frame of the model practically does not heat up. The back wall is solid. The cutter is provided with three holes. The furnace has a small afterburning chamber. Taking this into account, it is more advisable to use this device for steam rooms whose area does not exceed 15 square meters. meters. It is also important to note that the gate of the model is insulated. The ceiling is steel. This Vesuvius bath stove costs no more than 30 thousand rubles on the market.

Recommendations for use

The manufacturer of equipment for Vesuvius steam rooms prescribes recommendations for operating the device in the instructions for the models. You should familiarize yourself with them in advance and strictly follow them. This affects the service life of the device and the company’s warranty obligations. When working with company equipment, it is prohibited:

  1. Use peat, coke, gaseous and liquid materials as fuel. This does not comply with fire safety regulations. The combustion temperature may exceed that for which the device is designed.
  2. Firewood must not exceed the permissible dimensions of the firebox.
  3. Do not use the device if the tank is not filled with water.
  4. Install in residential areas for heating.
  5. The chimney can only be closed when the fire has completely gone out.
  6. Do not burn soot from the smoke duct.
  7. Make changes to the original design of the furnace.

Important! To prevent the destruction of cast iron, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for laying stones. You can water the stones for steam generation at a minimum interval of 5 minutes.

If these simple requirements are met, the company undertakes to eliminate all defects during the entire warranty period or replace the device free of charge.

Customers' opinions about the "Vertical HF" model

The specified Vesuvius sauna stove differs from other devices by the presence of a wide overlap. In this case, the camera is quite voluminous. If desired, the ash pan can be cleaned quickly. The oven is easy to install. The base for it is most often made of red brick. In this case, the chimney is usually wrapped in a heat-insulating apron. The model uses a regular convector. If you believe the opinions of customers, the stove lights up quickly.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the valve is quite small. In some cases, the furnace roof becomes dirty. The buyer is also required to periodically inspect the cutter. The holes need to be cleaned once a month. Today this stove for the Vesuvius bathhouse costs no more than 40 thousand rubles.

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  • One-story houses
  • Two-story houses
  • Houses with an attic
  • Small houses
  • Big houses
  • Country houses
  • Garden houses
  • Inexpensive houses
  • Houses without finishing
  • Houses made of laminated veneer lumber
  • Houses made of dry timber
  • Houses with a bay window
  • Houses 6x6
  • Sort up to 30 m2
  • Sort from 30 to 40 m2
  • Sort from 40 to 50 m2
  • Sort from 50 to 60 m2
  • Sort from 60 to 70 m2
  • Sort from 70 to 80 m2
  • Sort from 80 to 90 m2
  • Sort from 90 to 100 m2
  • Sort from 110 to 120 m2
  • Sort from 120 to 130 m2
  • Sort from 130 to 140 m2
  • Sort from 140 to 150 m2
  • Sort from 100 to 110 m2

What do they say about Lava-12?

These Vesuvius stoves generally receive good reviews. This is primarily due to the quality of the frame. According to buyers, it can withstand heavy loads. The device reaches its maximum temperature quickly. If necessary, the converter can be removed and cleaned. The model's remote tunnel is wide.

Another advantage is a high-quality ash pan, which rarely breaks. However, the bottom cover can sometimes become deformed. The model has a cutter with four holes. The afterburning chamber of the furnace is wide, but the model weighs a little. The valve used in the device is durable. If you believe the opinion of buyers, the gate can be removed independently. The manufacturer recommends using this stove in a steam room with an area of ​​no more than 12 square meters. meters.

Features of the Lava-14 furnace

Among the features of this model, it should be noted the high-quality ceiling, which is made of stainless steel. The blower in the device is installed as usual. In this case, a high roof is used in the furnace. If you believe the opinion of buyers, it rarely gets dirty. There is no gate in this case. Among the shortcomings, it is important to mention the valve. If used for a long time, it may become deformed.

Another disadvantage is the small dispenser. The combustion chamber is small in size. The grate in the device is located above the converter. The external tunnel has a diameter of 2.4 cm. The lower frame is made of steel. The Vesuvius sauna stove will cost the buyer about 42 thousand rubles.

Types of devices

The furnace provides several options for placing heat exchangers: Coil or water circuit - a steel structure that can be located both inside the furnace and outside, for example, between the furnace wall and the casing. Its use is not limited to metal stoves - water circuits can also be built into brick ones.

The shape and size can vary significantly from a simple C-shaped, once bent tube with fittings, which is located inside the firebox, to a water jacket around the entire body. IMPORTANT! The correct location of the metal pipe inside the furnace is always such that the open flame does not touch it in any area. It should be remembered that even stainless steel undergoes oxidation in a flame. A large tank that touches the walls of the furnace with the wall or bottom (or both) can also be considered a type of heat exchanger. consider it a type of heat exchanger. Note! By taking away heat from the stove body to heat water, you reduce the operating power of the stove. But in the design of all stoves there is an element that in most cases (but not in all!) becomes the cause of significant heat loss - this is the chimney, where very hot stove gases are sent (if the stove does not have a smoke circulation system). The second type of heat exchangers tries to correct this shortcoming. For this purpose, either a small flow-through tank of 5-10 liters is hung around the pipe, connected to a large tank outside the steam room, or a full-fledged tank, from where hot water is supplied to the washing room. (In the latter case, there are more difficulties with fastening.)

Photo: samovar-type heat exchanger

Photo: heat exchanger tank on a pipe By the way! The external tank, among other things, also serves as a heater for the room in which it is installed (dressing room or washing room).

But for true connoisseurs of the spirit of the Russian bath, the “Vesuvius” “Premium” model range was specially created. Convection-ventilated lining made of pure mountain coils is the secret of such stoves. They warm up quickly, and retain heat and a stable temperature for a really long time. Plus, the stylish appearance of the stone and the healing properties of the coil itself.

Model "Lava-16 SV"

These Vesuvius stoves have good reviews, but it should be borne in mind that they are suitable for rooms whose area does not exceed 15 square meters. meters. The lower frame of the model is made of stainless steel as standard. Many buyers praise this oven for its high-quality convector. It is installed on the model immediately above the frame. If necessary, you can clean the ash pan yourself.

The back wall of the stove is low. Three hole cutter. In this case, the design does not provide for a dispenser. The stove's vent is small. Installing a chimney is quite simple. According to the owners of the model, the valve rarely overheats. During installation, the chimney apron should be very tight. Today a stove costs about 33 thousand rubles.

Installation base

Any modern heating device weighs relatively little, but add to this the mass of stones in a mesh casing, water in the tank, loaded logs, and brick lining. As a result, the load constantly experienced by the floor is quite serious. If the firebox stands on four point legs, over time they can push through the wooden covering.

If the floors are non-flammable, they do not need to be additionally shielded. A screed poured over the ground will already be a sufficient solution. Although it is still better to lay a separate fire-resistant base in any case. The main thing is that the total weight of equipment and fuel does not exceed 700 kg.

Opinion about “Legend of VK”

Users have different opinions about this stove. When considering the advantages, it is important to note the high-quality overlap. According to the owners, it is easy to clean. The vault in this case is installed wide, and air circulates normally in the system. The gate deserves special attention. It is installed as standard under the camera, and a thermal insulation layer is provided under it.

If we talk about the disadvantages, it is important to note the rather weak valve. Sometimes the ash pan in the device does not extend. The model has a cutter with three holes. The rear wall of the structure is small. The convector is located near the frame and is very narrow. This Vesuvius stove costs about 35 thousand rubles on the market.

What is interesting about the “Legend BC” stove?

This Vesuvius stove stands out from other models due to its large chamber. The bottom frame of the model is wide. In turn, the remote tunnel is provided with a large diameter. The ash pan in the presented stove is installed as usual. At the same time, the back wall is deformed quite rarely during operation of the model. If you believe the opinion of customers, problems with the grate in the system periodically arise. The cutter under the camera has three holes.

The dispenser in this case is installed on the lower frame. The valve design is designed to be durable and is made of steel. The blower is installed in the furnace under the remote tunnel. Today, the buyer has the opportunity to purchase the specified Vesuvius stove for 40 thousand rubles.

Parameters of the “Legend HF” furnace

Owners usually respond positively to this stove. The model has quite a lot of advantages. In particular, it should be noted that the ceiling is very durable. The lower frame is made entirely of stainless steel and is not subject to corrosion, which is why the Vesuvius sauna stove has good reviews. The convector is installed on it wide. The remote tunnel, according to the documentation, has a diameter of 2.3 cm. The ash pan can be pulled out quite simply.

If you believe the opinion of buyers, then there are no problems with it. The grate is installed with a special mesh. It heats up extremely slowly. The model has a regular dispenser, the valve underneath is made of steel. According to buyers, the gate comes with a thermal insulation film, so it is safe to use. The vault in this case is wide. The model on the market costs no more than 35 thousand rubles.

Here I want to show the option of installing a stove with a remote firebox using brickwork.

First you need to make sure the foundation on which the stove and brickwork will be placed is reliable.

It is better if you have a special foundation prepared for this structure.

For convenience, I will call the brick wall around the combustion tunnel a portal.

In my example, in addition to the portal of the remote firebox, the entire corner in which the stove is located is made of brickwork.

This solution effectively protects flammable walls near the stove.

A brick wall built next to a log house wall takes up space and this is a minus.

But the plus is that there will be no difficulties when shrinking the log house because the wall and the frame are completely autonomous.

It is not necessary to make the wall high; the height specified in the installation instructions for your stove is sufficient.

Compensation gaps between the brick and the frame.

The brickwork should not be connected to the log house, otherwise the log house will shrink and destroy it.

Or vice versa, if the portal turns out to be stronger, the frame, resting against the brickwork, will begin to crack on its own.

To avoid this, it is necessary to leave compensation gaps between the masonry and the frame to allow for shrinkage.

A recess in the brick wall to move the stove inside the steam room.

In the example, a brick corner was added inside the steam room, and because of this, the stove has to be moved further from the wall of the log house.

The stove is not designed for such a strong extension (the tunnel is not sufficient), so here a recess is made in the brick portal.

You cannot press brick against iron.

When laying a brick portal for a metal furnace tunnel, it is important to leave expansion gaps around the tunnel.

When heated, iron will expand and push the brickwork apart.

To compensate for this movement, a gap of 5 mm is sufficient.

Characteristics of the Legend Lux ​​model

This Vesuvius stove is suitable for steam rooms with an area of ​​about 12 square meters. meters. The convector in the device is installed on the lower frame. The oven is easy to use. The ash pan for this purpose is of a pull-out type. The external tunnel is 2.2 cm in diameter. The immediate rear wall is not wide. The grate in the design is located next to the convector.

The cut-off valve in the oven has three holes. The afterburner is large, so heating is quick. In this case, steam can be easily obtained using a dispenser. The model has a blower with a vault. The ceiling on the frame is made of steel and is not subject to deformation. On the market, this stove will cost the buyer about 42 thousand rubles.

Manufacturer's lineup

Potbelly stove Mini
produces several types of wood stoves.

Potbelly stove

The potbelly stove from the Vesuvius brand is produced in the Mini modification and is intended for installation in a small room - a garage, greenhouse, attic. Structural steel 5 mm thick is used to manufacture the unit.


  • beautiful details;
  • comfortable handle;
  • warms small rooms up to 100 m3 well;
  • welded joints are invisible.


  • there are no holes in the blower;
  • produced without grates;
  • There is no drawer or door to clean out ash.

Product weight – 20 kg, height – 450 mm, width – 300 mm, depth – 500 mm.


The Vesuvius stove-fireplace is produced in several modifications.

Skif line includes 26 devices that differ in size. The stove body is welded, the firebox has a remote structure, and the ash tray slides out. The ventilation casing is made in the form of a mesh.

Series features:

  • heating rooms with a volume of 6-40 cubic meters;
  • possibility of laying up to 60 kg of stones;
  • decorative design of the door (panoramic, made of heat-resistant glass);
  • large capacity of the ventilation casing - stones heat up to 350 degrees;
  • long-term heat accumulation.

The placement of stones in the casing around the perimeter of the furnace eliminates the effect of infrared rays on the metal.

Fireplace PK-01
Fireplace PK is manufactured by Vesuvius in corner and straight modifications. Direct models include:

  • PK-03 (224) – equipped with a cast-iron hob, fire-resistant door, and thin lining. After the first laying, the firewood burns for up to 5 hours. Equipment power – 12 kW.
  • PK-02 (205) – produced with a hob and a combustion intensity control system. The stove is decorated with ceramic inserts. You can connect an electric fan to it. Power is 12 kW.
  • PK-01 (270) – steel fireplace unit with a heat-resistant door. At the bottom of the firebox there are 3 cast iron grates. Using the blower, you can regulate the combustion modes. Device power – 9 kW.

Corner models are represented by the PK-01 (220) series. The wood-burning fireplace is made of steel with soapstone lining (beige, red, marbled). Oven height – 843 mm, width – 752 mm, depth – 586 mm. Power is 9 kW.

Fireplaces are manufactured for a chimney with a diameter of 115 mm.

Sauna stoves

The Vesuvius brand stove, which is suitable for a bath or sauna, is also available in several series.

The Legend series is an open heater that weighs almost 160 kg. It is equipped with an extended firebox, which is suitable for heating rooms up to 28 m3. The devices are compatible with chimneys with a diameter of 115 mm and can be installed in steam rooms of 8-30 cubic meters.

Line differences:

  • heating a stone mass weighing 210 kg from all sides;
  • built-in converter casing;
  • possibility of heating from a steam room or an adjacent room;
  • firebox made of 3 elements.

The Legend is the fastest unit from the brand’s line.

Hurricane The
Hurricane series is distinguished by forged parts. Models 12 (260), 28 (270), 16 (205) and 28 (224) differ only in size. They heat from the steam room, an adjacent room. The units are designed for a steam room of 6-30 cubic meters.

Line differences:

  • firebox of 3 elements;
  • ceramic seam at the junction;
  • operating temperature – 1200 degrees;
  • closed heater;
  • malleable convection ventilated casing.

The Standard modification is equipped with a leak-proof door DT-3.


Several modifications of the Sensation that are heated from a steam room or an adjacent room. The ventilated heater is designed for granite rocks weighing 60 kg.

Series features:

  • rapid heating of stones up to 350 degrees;
  • stability of temperature and steam production;
  • removable outer casing;
  • complete with cast iron door.

The Sensation line is designed for Finnish (dry), Russian (wet and steam), Turkish (steam bath).

The budget line Optimum with a firebox of 30x20 cm is made of metal 5 mm thick. The mesh-shaped casing holds 110 kg of stones. It is produced in two models with different types of firebox use (steam room, adjacent room).

Series differences:

  • warming up a steam room with a volume of 6-14 square meters;
  • cast iron grates;
  • molded pattern on the door;
  • ash pan in the form of a shovel.

Oven height – 58 cm, width – 50 cm, depth – 56 cm.

The Lava and Rusich series are stoves that are installed in a bathhouse or sauna. Manufactured with a cylindrical or rectangular casing. The rulers are similar in design:

  • Rusich - modifications designed for 40 kg of stones provide light and dry steam. The rectangular firebox is reinforced at the top, rear (8 mm) and side (6 mm). The temperature of the stones increases gradually, without overheating. The steam room can be used in Hammam mode.
  • Lava – available with fire-resistant glazed doors. The draft is adjusted using a damper. The weight of stones for laying is 50 kg.

The Rusich series includes 20 models, the Lava series - 23.


Solid fuel boiler

Features of the Triumph stove

The Triumph line is made of cast iron. Model 180 T/O has a water circuit and a heat exchanger, model 180 is produced without it. The units are installed in rooms up to 180 m3.

Series features:

  • equipment weight – 98 kg;
  • oven width – 485 mm, height – 615 mm, depth – 505 mm;
  • bolted connection of elements;
  • processing joints using a ceramic cord;
  • two cast iron elements 1 mm thick near the firebox;
  • combustion chamber with a door made of fireproof glass;
  • presence of combustion intensity adjustment.

The operational period of the Triumph series is more than 30 years.

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