Stove for a bath - how to make it yourself (photos, dimensions and drawings with diagrams). Wood-burning, with remote firebox, instructions, reviews and recommendations

Under no circumstances can a sauna be complete without a stove, but how much of the sauna space will it take up? The question is far from idle, even if you are not going to design stoves yourself. With purchased stoves, everything is more or less clear - just look at the product catalogs of the company you are interested in, where the dimensions are usually indicated. However, we decided to make your task easier and give the dimensions of the most popular metal stoves . Brick kilns come in different designs, but they are made proportional to the parameters of the bricks used.

Criteria for choosing a stove for a bath

The basic indicator is power. It is impossible to indicate universal numbers, but for a good model the coefficient should be optimal (8-10 kW) in order to heat the steam room and adjacent rooms.

At low power, the stove operates under wear and tear; it takes a long time to heat, wasting energy. A high rate will lead to imbalance and overheated air.

Other factors to consider:

  • type, shape of structure;
  • material;
  • type of fuel used;
  • steam source;
  • principle of operation;
  • type of heater.

Power is the main criterion for choosing a stove for a bath.

If a factory model is selected, it is desirable that the package includes a water container and a convector.

It is recommended to read consumer reviews, instructions, and check the product for compliance with GOST.

Project security

A brick sauna stove needs proper insulation from wooden surfaces - a rule, the violation of which sometimes ends in a fire. For bath procedures to be safe, several conditions must be met:

  • Foundation . A reliable foundation is needed, which is arranged according to certain rules.
  • Chimney . The pipe passes through the ceiling, ceiling elements and roof. When installing a chimney, it is necessary not only to protect adjacent surfaces from heat, but also to maintain the tightness of the steam room. The pipe is separated from all elements of the building by a gap filled with a layer of fire-resistant material.
  • Furnace location . The general rule is that wooden walls should be protected from heat. Therefore, there are minimum permitted distances: between the side surfaces of the stove and the walls - 50 cm, between the combustion door and the opposite wall - 150 cm.
  • Isolation . The wall behind the stove is protected by brickwork and metal sheets. A metal sheet (10 mm thick) is placed on the floor in front of the firebox as a protective measure against embers flying out of the flame.

The floor in front of the firebox is insulated with a layer of brick Source

Calculation of stove power for a bath

Average value: 1 kW = 1 cubic meter. The technique is as follows:

  1. Calculate the volume of the steam room. If the room is 3x2 m, the ceiling height is 2.3 m, then the figure is 13.8 cubic meters.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​window and door openings, multiply the resulting figure by 1.2 to calculate heat loss. Sum up the areas. If the window is 0.4 sq.m. and the door is 1.8 sq.m., then the total area is 2.2 sq.m.
  3. Find out the volume. Taking into account the indicated values ​​- 2.2x1.2 = 2.64 cubic meters.
  4. Add up the indicators. Result - 16.44 cubic meters.

If the bathhouse is unfinished and the thermal insulation is low, then the resulting figure should be multiplied by 1.6 (16.44x1.6 = 26.3). The desired value is 26-30 kW (if taken with a small margin).

As standard for factory units, the power is specified in the accompanying documentation. If it is missing, then the area of ​​the space is taken into account for the calculation. The volume of the firebox is calculated and multiplied by 0.5.

Sauna stove material

The service life of the product depends entirely on the thickness of the heater and the material. If previously they were made only of brick, now they also use chrome steel (to produce clean indoor air, without burning oxygen) or cast iron.

Steel furnaces

Factory heaters have advantages. Products:

  • lightweight, durable;
  • compact;
  • do not require foundation construction;
  • quickly warm up the room;
  • easy to install.

Steel stoves are lightweight and durable.

The disadvantage is that the fire safety level is low. The fire in the firebox must be maintained constantly, otherwise the room will quickly cool down due to the small heat capacity of the metal. The power may not be enough to heat large areas.

The best models are offered by Finnish ]Helo[/anchor], Harvia.

Cast iron stoves

Previously, users installed primitive potbelly stoves, although they are inferior to modern analogues in terms of safety and functionality. Manufacturers are now delivering safer, more durable units with increased heat transfer and heat capacity.

However, the devices have disadvantages, which include high price, fragility (cast iron can crack under loads and transportation) and dimensions, weight (a reliable foundation must be built before laying the stove).

Brick oven

They are fireproof and heat retaining. This is an option if you want to arrange a steam room like in a Russian bath. Although such heavy heaters are becoming a thing of the past, since the weight reaches 1200 kg, it is difficult to build and find a skilled stove maker.

The brick oven is fireproof.

In Rus', high-quality stone masonry for a sauna stove was considered art. These fireplaces retain heat for a long time, but are cumbersome when lighting and are oversized. They occupy most of the steam room and need to create a solid foundation.

Plank lining of the rough ceiling on wooden beams

The ideal option for a rough ceiling may well be considered to be padding the wooden floor beams with a regular shalevka or edged board.

There are three most proven flooring methods:

  • Fastening long boards along the lower ends of the rough floor;
  • Installation of boards on skull strips;
  • Flooring on the outer surface of wooden beams.

At first glance, the material options are not much different, but this is not entirely true, there are certain differences

Before hemming the rough ceiling along the beams, you need to pay attention to the structure of the attic and ceiling

Laying a wooden batten along the upper plane of the beam is used only in case of a serious need to increase the height of the ceiling or to arrange winter-type attic rooms. In this case, to reduce losses, the floor is insulated with an additional layer of mineral wool over the rough sheathing of wooden beams. Removing the logs from the insulation layer reduces heat loss and significantly improves vapor barrier.

Other oven selection options

When purchasing a design, take into account:

  1. Duration of operation of the unit. The device retains heat for a long time and operates for 3.5-4 hours without additional ignition.
  2. Heat storage capacity. The norm is 100 g of water per 1 cubic meter, so that the air from the steam room does not come out damp, heavy, and transparent. The temperature should not fall below 100˚C.
  3. The presence of a heat exchanger, thanks to which a high temperature is maintained in the bathhouse, saving on firewood.
  4. Price. Models with moderate power cost from 18,000 rubles.

What fuel does the stove use?

Firewood for igniting the firebox is an affordable material and even the only one if the region is not equipped with electricity or gas. The units are practical, durable and convenient. Disadvantages - the formation of ash after fuel combustion, the need to remove soot from the chimney and seal. It is characterized by a long, complex warm-up of the steam room (especially in wet weather) in contrast to other alternative options.

Firewood is an affordable material for lighting a stove.

Gas is used from mains or bottled gas. The installations are weighty, large, and difficult to install, so you can’t do it without a specialist. One of the advantages is that there is no need to constantly add firewood, keep the flame under control, or clean the ash pit. When operating gas appliances, it is enough to change the intensity of the fuel supply to keep the indoor temperature under control.

Disadvantages include a high fire hazard and replacement of containers when using bottled gas.

To connect the unit to the gas pipeline, you cannot do without the involvement of a professional.

Electric models do not have chimneys, and the appliances do not emit carbon monoxide. The user does not have to worry about poisoning from combustion products. However, the greater the power of the unit, the greater the energy consumption.

Electric models, despite their shortcomings, are in high demand. They are weightless, compact, fireproof, functional, and easy to operate. They heat rooms quickly and evenly and do not require a gas connection. Although the devices are not suitable for areas where electricity supply is intermittent. When connecting, it is important to ground the circuit.

Selecting a firebox type

This part is installed in 2 ways:

  1. Classic, without an external channel, with direct location in the steam room.
  2. With extension (located in the wall between the dressing room and the steam room).

The location of the firebox is possible directly in the steam room.

The first method is cheap, but has low fire safety ratings. The second option is more expensive, but more convenient. The stove is heated from the dressing room, and the firewood is laid without disturbing people steaming, and the microclimate in the steam room is not disturbed.

Steam source

The Russian stove emits light, dry steam when it reaches +85…+90°C. Although, when the air temperature is brought to high limits and the stones are heated to 500°C in order to produce finely dispersed steam, a person can get burned. To avoid this shortcoming, manufacturers began to produce alternative designs.

For example, with a steam generator, thanks to which the temperature in the steam room remains optimal even when there is oversaturation with the necessary steam.

Heater type

There are open and closed models. The first are safe models, but with high fuel consumption. They quickly warm up the air in the steam room due to the hot stones, but do not retain heat for long after the combustion of the fuel has finished. You can steam immediately after ignition, staying in the steam room as long as you like. It is advisable to install the devices when visiting the bathhouse frequently.

Closed models are also produced with a special damper to isolate the top row of stone backfill. Previously, units with increased efficiency were installed in public steam rooms. Now - to the Russian baths for uniform heating of the room. The design independently retains heat for up to 12 hours, although it takes a long time to heat to obtain the desired temperature. You won’t be able to steam until the stones are completely warmed up. Soot quickly accumulates on them.

By type there are open and closed models.

Technical equipment of the furnace

Modern functional models include:

  1. Convector (air passing through the casing and screen is evenly heated, creating optimal conditions in the steam room).
  2. Reservoir for heating liquid. The portable container is suitable for baths with high traffic. Built-in - for a family of no more than 3-4 people (to provide plenty of hot water).
  3. Heat exchanger to heat other rooms, incl. locker room

Combined products are popular. Heat is delivered to adjacent rooms by moving liquid through radiators. The steam room is heated by convection.

In order for the design to be able to produce dry, light steam (not every device can), experts additionally advise buying an electric steam generator for comfort in the bathhouse.

Furnace shape

Models come in the form of a rectangle or cylinder.

The most common stoves are rectangular in shape.

Classic rectangular ovens are the best because they heat evenly.

For cylindrical analogues, the lower and upper walls can become very hot or remain cold.

Primary requirements

As mentioned above, furnace fireboxes are available in any design. If the combustion chamber meets all regulatory and technical requirements, then the home owner does not have to worry that the design will consume a lot of fuel or poorly heat the house.

If you install modern stoves for a bathhouse or home, then they already have a properly thought-out system for convection of air flows in the area where the combustion process itself occurs. Moreover, they are equipped with spacious fireboxes that allow maximum storage of wood and coal, thereby saving fuel used, and at the same time being able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house for as long as possible.

Based on the laws of physics, we can remember that a correct and high-quality combustion process occurs only if a sufficient amount of oxygen penetrates into the chamber. To implement this option, many different designs have been developed, but the grate has remained the most popular for decades.

This product is made of cast iron, and is subsequently installed inside the combustion chamber. It serves to maintain the poured volume of solid fuel used during the combustion process. The grille has holes located along its base, which facilitate the penetration of air flows into the chamber. To improve traction, there is a blower, through which ash is also removed.

The location of the grate should be in the middle of the firebox of a stove for a bathhouse or a country house, slightly below the firebox door, approximately two bricks apart, and the horizontal holes are directed along the combustion chamber.

The slope of the grate is from two to five centimeters, which is determined by the size of the ovens. For better kindling and creation of proper draft, the element is mounted with a slope towards the chimney pipe. It is in this way that ideal conditions are created for uniform combustion of fuel inside a metal or brick stove, when the smoke flakes off the fire without collecting inside the firebox.

Features of room heating

There are hot and cold ovens, taking into account the degree of heating of the walls. The room will quickly become warm if the surface of the heater heats up to +100°C. This is a good option when the bathhouse is not equipped with constant heating. Although it is difficult to monitor the temperature in the steam room. The air may overheat or remain cold.

A hot stove is suitable for a private steam room because it transfers heat well through the outer walls. But you can get burned and it is difficult to regulate the heating temperature.

The walls of a cold oven heat up to +40…+45°C (no more). Cold air enters through special channels and returns in a heated form. Such stoves are safe and convenient. They are distinguished by a stable thermal regime. Although the steam room takes a long time to warm up. This option is not suitable for quickly heating up the stove and visiting the bathhouse.

Suitable pipe sizes

Steel pipe as the main raw material for the furnace has a number of advantages. Among them:

  • resistance to damage;
  • good level of heat transfer;
  • rapid heating of the room;
  • minimal expansion when heated;
  • use of any type of fuel;
  • minimum number of welds.

The disadvantages of a metal stove are the same rapid cooling of the room as heating, uneven distribution of heat in the room. To eliminate them, the stove is often lined with bricks.

530 mm

For a steam room of standard sizes, a pipe measuring 530 millimeters is good. A stove made from it will be quite powerful; the wood will burn for a long time, providing good performance. Available in horizontal and vertical versions.

640 mm

A good material option for a large steam room in a bath complex. The large firebox allows you to place a lot of firewood at once, increasing the break between loads to 8 hours.

426 mm

This diameter is enough for a small steam room in a seasonal building, where bathing procedures are combined with washing or dousing with cold water in one room.

It is important to note that cast pipes without seams are an excellent option for small furnace parts; their diameter does not exceed 250 mm. To make the main part of the furnace, it is better to take pieces of spiral pipes - they are reliable and will cost the same as scrap metal. If you can’t find these, you should take straight-seam ones.

Wood stove selection options

When purchasing equipment, consider:

  1. Bath microclimate, temperature and humidity ratio. It all depends on the method and heating rate. The air will be dry, the temperature and speed will be increased if the metal furnace overheats. It is better if the surface area of ​​the product is small.
  2. Steam quality. Water turns into the latter at +100°C. The optimal value for humans is +35...+40 °C, achieved with the help of stones in an open heater.

Do not overheat the stones above +400°C to obtain fine steam. Otherwise, the steam room overheats beyond its normal limits.

When purchasing equipment, consider the quality of the steam.

When choosing, take into account the heating speed of the furnace. This happens most quickly in steel structures and cast iron models with greater heat capacity and wall thickness. Brick units heat up the slowest.

An important parameter when choosing is ease of maintenance, length and quality of firewood. The latter are placed from below, from above into the firebox. However, experience comes only after handling the unit. Consumers do not always realize what they might encounter after a purchase. Therefore, it is better to buy a familiar, proven model for ease of use.

Design Features

Structurally, furnaces are divided into:

  1. Classic ones, in which the firebox is equipped with a solid metal or glass door. The stones are placed on top of the heater.
  2. Mesh. The casing is assembled from metal rods.
  3. With a steam generator.

The classic stove is equipped with a solid metal or glass door.

Traditional designs are simple. They consist of an ash pan, a heater, a chimney, a flue, and a firebox. Additionally, a tank may be included for heating water and placing it on the chimney for convenience. This way the gases will heat the water in the container and not escape through the pipe.

Fuel loading is carried out:

  • internal, through the steam room;
  • external, from adjacent rooms (dressing room).

Stone capacity

Large boulders are placed down. The smaller ones go up. It is better to place them less often in relation to each other, leaving gaps. On average, 2-3 packs of 25 kg are used for 1 square meter of steam room.

The stones come in round shapes with processed edges. This is the best choice for air circulation. If oblong boulders are used, they are stacked vertically for uniform heating.

Principle of operation

Wood burning stoves are divided into the following types:

  1. Prolonged heating. Stones in small quantities are heated to +350°C. The outside of the heater is lined with metal sheets to prevent burns.
  2. Periodic, i.e. with loading the largest number of stones into the unit, heating them with the forces of an open flame. The option is well suited for a private steam room, since there is no partition. You can add water to the stones because it will not release soot particles into the surrounding air.

Wood-burning stoves come in long-term and intermittent heating types.

Warm-up time

The units are distinguished:

  1. Simple ones where you need to add fuel frequently. On 1 tab the device works for 8-10 hours.
  2. Long burning with 2 modes. First, the stove heats up, then the temperature is maintained in it.


Various manufacturers supply stoves to the market. The leaders are:

  1. Harvia. Finnish suppliers offer floor-standing and traditional units in designer designs (corner, wall-mounted) and different in functionality. Branded wood-burning models from Harvia operate flawlessly, are characterized by long-term operation and high quality. The fireboxes are made of high-strength steel with a thickness of 1 cm or more. The outside is covered with fire-resistant paint. They will not lose their original characteristics even after prolonged use.
  2. Helo (Finland). It produces stylish, economical, smoothly heating electric options, budget and premium.
  3. "Hephaestus." Reliable ovens without seams.
  4. Bonfire. High-quality, inexpensive devices in stock.
  5. Tylo (Sweden). Units with convenient remote control modules.

Harvia offers a wide range of ovens.

Pros and cons of choosing a wood stove

When choosing, you should take into account the design features, technical characteristics of the device and pay attention to additional options and tank volume.

To wash the whole family, you need at least 100 liters of hot water in the bathhouse.

A visit to the bathhouse should be comfortable. Therefore, it is good if the package includes a steam generator and a panoramic door, and a beautiful soapstone lining is applied to the heater or coil.

Wood stoves are purchased where electricity and gas are not available. The heater can be heated to the desired temperature while maintaining the required conditions in the steam room for a long time.

The disadvantage is that you often have to throw logs into the firebox to prevent the flame from dying out. When burned, wood produces smoke and carbon monoxide. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of installing a good exhaust chimney.

Electric oven selection parameters

The following aspects are taken into account:

  1. Power indicator.
  2. The area of ​​the room where the device is planned to be used.
  3. Type of heating element (tubular, tape, combined heating element).
  4. Facing.
  5. Design.

When choosing an electric oven, power is taken into account.

Main selection criteria

The stoves operate on electricity, so the package must include a remote control, built-in. The first one is much more convenient to use.

The heater or heating element is an important element of electric heaters:

  1. The tube-shaped part heats up to high temperatures, but its service life is short. It is better if the heating element is made of stainless material.
  2. The tape element is characterized by fast heating, efficiency, and environmental friendliness. It lasts a long time, consumes little oxygen and does not dry out the air much.
  3. Combined (tape together with a ceramic part) is an expensive heating element device. However, it has the highest temperature characteristics and has a good rate of heating the room.

The material of the furnace is taken into account. The standard case is metal. The lining itself is made of soap magnesite and soap chlorite to improve the external properties of the unit and protect owners from ultraviolet radiation.

If you decide to choose an electric sauna stove, then you need to ask the seller for a quality certificate. The unit must comply with fire safety parameters. It’s good when the heater accumulates heat, creates a uniform background and has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Advantages of electric heaters

Advantages of the models:

  1. Compact, do not take up much usable space, unlike solid fuel and gas analogues.
  2. Easy to use (if fully automated), available for controlling temperature and moisture indicators.
  3. Environmentally friendly because they do not have a chimney. Dust, smoke, and ash will not fly around the room.
  4. They have a long service life.
  5. Easy to use. After installation, the user will only have to turn on the device and wait for it to heat up.

Electric heaters are compact and easy to use.

Electric heaters are equipped with sensitive automation and safety shutdown devices. There will be no problems during operation and combustion of fuel.

The models quickly warm up the steam room and create soft and uniform heat. Moreover, you can install the device in any convenient place: against the wall, in the center of the room.

Modern features

Technologies enable manufacturers to produce different types of stoves with functionality and optimal technical characteristics.

If there is a source of electricity nearby, you can install an electric heater with a timer and remote control to ensure comfortable use.

By choosing a wood-burning stove, you will retain heat even after heating once. The continuous combustion model is suitable for a sauna where many people steam during the day. Installation with gas heating is economical. The main thing is to organize a fireproof base.

Pros and cons of choosing an electric oven

If you choose an electric heater, its advantages are that:

  1. Can be installed anywhere in the steam room since no foundation is required. The main thing is that there is an outlet nearby.
  2. The air in the steam room warms up quickly.
  3. The level of security increases.
  4. The temperature and optimal mode are automatically adjusted, and it is possible to regulate the water/steam supply.
  5. There is no need to take care of the chimney to ensure normal draft.

The electric heater can be installed anywhere in the steam room.

For installation in a city apartment or sauna, electric portals are the most advantageous option.


When choosing a stove for a steam room, you need to take into account many factors and, above all, dimensions. After all, an overly large unit placed in a cramped steam room will not leave room for visitors. At the same time, a compact oven may not provide sufficient heating. You will find more useful information by watching the video in this article.

Many owners of modern buildings, especially suburban ones, use stoves to heat their premises. The market for thematic devices offers a wide range of products that vary in size, function and dimensions, as well as technical characteristics.

Unfortunately, not all homeowners know that the height of the firebox in a stove must be of a certain size, and this element is present in all designs without exception; it also differs in configuration and size, which depends on the type of device and the type of fuel used. Taking this fact into account, it is necessary to consider in detail the question of what size of the firebox will be ideal in a given case.

Gas oven selection options

The units are distinguished by their high rate of room heating and efficiency. There is no need to add fuel as it burns or monitor the remaining amount.

When buying a device, take into account the power of the equipment and:

  1. Device dimensions. It is better to choose a small model, and with an extended remote channel for fuel.
  2. Gas consumption (the lower it is, the better the device works).

Additionally, take into account that there are universal devices that can operate on both gas and wood.

Design features of a gas furnace

Classic gas burner devices consist of the following components:

  • housings with a gas burner inside;
  • water tank;
  • a pallet placed at the top (to lay stones);
  • removal of combustion products;
  • cobblestones;
  • a thermostat and a safety element so that users can monitor the temperature in the steam room and turn off the fuel supply in case of an emergency.

Features of the furnace design.

Key recommendations for selection

The equipment must be certified (you should ask the seller). This is the first and key recommendation when choosing. You should handle the gas burner carefully - strictly follow the selection rules and safety precautions during operation.

It is recommended to find out the power, efficiency of the unit when purchasing and what is the gas consumption of each burner.

It is necessary to check the design features of the equipment taking into account the characteristics and area of ​​the room. The safest, most versatile, and inexpensive are gas-wood stoves.

It is worth refusing to buy if the seller is trying to sell the product by offering it for next to nothing at a discount.

Requirements for installing gas sauna stoves

You can’t take risks by installing gas equipment yourself.

Important installation requirements:

  • there is a distance from the stove to the nearest wall of at least 50 cm;
  • installation at a fire-resistant distance in compliance with all dimensions from the openings to the gas burner (see the instructions for the unit);
  • use only stainless pipes when connecting the chimney to gas equipment, extending the pipe into the pipe by at least 50%, taking into account the diameter;
  • opening the door outwards;
  • installation of a smoke exhaust pipe at a height of 50 cm from the burner;
  • sealing the junction of the chimney with the gas system.

The sauna stove must be installed at a fire-resistant distance.

Pros and cons of choosing a gas stove for a bath

The models differ from their wood-burning counterparts because:

  • deprived of an ash pit and firebox;
  • compact, the devices can be installed in the tightest steam room;
  • Easy to use, just set the desired mode.

The disadvantages include:

  • impossibility of installation where there is no gas supply;
  • low fire and explosion safety;
  • difficulties and dangers during self-installation.

It is better to entrust the installation of gas equipment to professionals.

How to calculate the chimney diameter

When designing a chimney, you need to choose the material to use. And the material largely depends on what fuel will be used for heating. After all, the chimney is designed to remove combustion residues of one fuel, and will not work with another. For example, a brick chimney works well with firewood, but is not suitable for heating appliances using gas fuel.

In addition, a correct calculation of the diameter of the household pipe is necessary. If the chimney is used for one heating device, the problem can be solved by reviewing the technical documents provided by the factory that manufactured the device. And if several different systems are connected to one pipe, then to calculate the chimney, you need knowledge of the laws of thermodynamics, professional calculation, especially the diameter of the pipe. It is wrong to think that a larger diameter is needed.

Swedish method

Among the different methods for calculating the diameter, the optimally suitable scheme is important, especially if the devices are low-temperature and long-burning.

To determine the height, the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney pipe to the internal combustion chamber is taken into account. The height of the pipe is determined according to the schedule:

Where f is the area of ​​the chimney cut, and F is the area of ​​the firebox.

Let, for example, the cross-sectional area of ​​the firebox F be 70*45=3150 sq. cm, and the cross-section of the chimney pipe f is 26*15=390. The ratio between the given parameters is (390/3150)*100%=12.3%. Having checked the result obtained with the graph, we see that the height of the chimney is approximately 5 m.

Important! This calculation method is more suitable for fireplace appliances, because it does not take into account the volume of air inside the firebox. Important! In the case of installing a chimney for complex heating systems, it is important to calculate the parameters of the chimney pipe

Important! In the case of installing a chimney for complex heating systems, it is important to calculate the parameters of the chimney pipe

Exact calculation

To calculate the required cross-section of the chimney, be sure to take into account all its characteristics. For example, you can perform a standard calculation of the size of a chimney connected to a wood-burning stove. Take the following data for calculations:

  • the temperature of combustion waste in the pipe is t=150°C;
  • the speed of passage of waste through the pipeline is 2 m/s;
  • The combustion rate of wood B is 10 kg/h.

If you follow these indicators, you can start doing calculations. For this purpose, calculate the amount of combustion products released using the formula:

Here V is equal to the amount of air required for combustion of fuel at a speed of v = 10 kg/hour. It is equal to 10 m³/kg.

It turns out:

Then calculate the required diameter:

Model ratings

The main purpose of heaters is to heat the bath room and create a comfortable microclimate in it. But the models may differ in shape, appearance, and characteristics. Therefore, it is worth considering the best units, selected based on ratings and customer reviews.

The best wood-burning stove for a sauna

The Vesuvius Skif 22 model is popular among consumers. From the main characteristics:

  • power - 22 kW;
  • unit dimensions (width, height) - 560x740 mm;
  • built-in “clean glass” system, so virtually no soot settles on the heater.

Vesuvius Skif 22 is a popular stove model.

Price - from 17 thousand rubles.

A good model is “Kastor KARHU”. The outer body and door are made of steel alloy. From the characteristics:

  • weight - from 30 kg;
  • Sauna volume (cub.m.): 8 – 40

Kastor KARHU is a popular stove model.

The cost of equipment is from 43,000 rubles.

“Sauna stove GFS-ZK in mesh 18” is a cast iron unit. Key equipment indicators:

  • The volume of the steam room is 18 m³;
  • Efficiency - up to 87%;
  • Recommended weight of stones: 140 kg

Hephaestus GFS-ZK in grid 18 - cast iron stove for a bath.

Price - 56 thousand rubles.

The best electric stove for a sauna

A good device is the Mini Cirrus Rock 2 CRR2-30NS-P. Among the main equipment indicators:

  • weight of stones - 46 kg;
  • sauna volume - 2-4 cubic meters;
  • power - 3 kW;

The unit is equipped with a remote control, the price of the device is from 34 thousand rubles.

A good model, according to consumer reviews, is Harvia Vega Pro BC-165. Main characteristics:

  • power - 17 kW;
  • weight - 15 kg;
  • dimensions - 435x640 mm.

The cost of the unit is about 50 thousand rubles.

Harvia Vega Pro BC165 is a stylish and efficient electric oven.

A reliable model is the Harvia Cilindro PC70F electric oven with a built-in remote control. The characteristics include:

  • dimensions - 360x930 mm;
  • power - 7 kW.

You can purchase the design from 37 thousand rubles.

Harvia Delta D36E is popular. From the characteristics:

  • power 3.6 kW;
  • dimensions - 340x635 mm;
  • weight - 8 kg.

Harvia Delta D36 is a compact electric heater.

Price - 19 thousand rubles.

Best steel stove

The Kalita Druzhina model has positive reviews. The volume of the combustion chamber is about 40 liters. The unit is designed for bath rooms up to 16-18 cubic meters.


  • laconic style;
  • ease of use;
  • light weight (can be easily moved around the territory).

However, the working surface does not allow the device to be used in a large room. The model hums when wood is actively burning.

From a pro's point of view

Cast iron wood burning units are chosen from the following: Harvia, Kastor, Hephaestus, IKI, Feringer

From a hobbyist's point of view

Users like the following cast iron bath models - “Hephaestus”, Harvia, Koster.

From the point of view of undemanding vapers

Undemanding or inexperienced steamers prefer cast iron wood-burning structures Hephaestus, Feringer, IKI From steel units - Harvia, Helo

Electric oven Harvia Vega Compact BC35 Steel, built-in remote control included

The best sauna stove with a water tank

There is no universal model. According to user surveys and calculations using a separate method, the Harvia 20 RS PRO was recognized as the best stove with a water tank. This is a compact, simple, easy-to-use model. It is no worse in build quality and features than other premium analogues.

The loading of stones inside reaches 40 kg. The unit has a built-in heat exchanger. The chimney is made as a labyrinth, which increases efficiency.

The best stove for a bath with a heat exchanger

The unit from the economy class line is “TERMOFOR VITRIVIA”. The package includes a heat exchanger.

The model is distinguished by its complete set and low price. Creates a moderate indoor climate. The water does not boil, but remains hot for a long time.

The disadvantage is that the stones heat up slowly.

Video description

About the detailed process of laying a heater in the following video:


When the clay mortar is ready, start laying. It is recommended to start with the construction of a brick wall that protects the adjacent wall from critical heating. The laying of bath stoves is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • Before starting work, stock up on a printed order .
  • The bricks are laid according to plan ; Castings are inserted as needed.
  • Experienced stove makers prefer to lay each row first “dry” , without mortar. This preliminary fitting significantly improves the process and allows you to avoid difficult mistakes. The method makes it possible to accurately select bricks and try on castings.
  • Formation of the first row . An important stage on which the geometry of the furnace depends. At the end of the row, check the corners.
  • Laying out the body . The second row (and subsequent ones) are laid offset so that each seam falls in the middle of the brick from the previous row. This staggered arrangement ensures the reliability of the design.

Fireclay bricks are used for laying the firebox Source

Answers on questions

Owners often ask different questions, which only specialists can answer.

How to choose a stove for a bath

You should definitely study information about the product before purchasing, compare prices and choose the best brand based on owner reviews and ratings.

The main criteria when choosing a design:

  • power and efficiency;
  • the presence of a steam generator, convection;
  • shape, location of the pipe;
  • equipped with a water tank;
  • materials, type of heating.

The model must comply with operating conditions and technical documentation, be reliable and durable. You need to start purchasing only after studying all the details and nuances, ratings and consumer reviews, and consulting with a specialist.

Which one is better to put in the bathhouse?

Having studied the models, it is worth concluding that it is better to install in a bathhouse a structure that will heat a large volume of the room and will be safe.

The following models with heated air volume of 25 cubic meters or more are suitable for large and small steam rooms - “Vesuvius Scythian”, “Hephaestus PB”. The units retain heat for a long time and heat the room in 0.5 hours. They are easy to operate and can withstand high thermal loads (450ºC).

Which sauna stove is better - steel or cast iron?

Everyone chooses based on preferences and situation.

Steel structures, unlike cast iron ones, do not require a high-quality foundation because they are lighter in weight. They heat up the room quickly. However, cast iron retains heat longer.

Do-it-yourself pipe stove: step-by-step instructions

Below we will analyze step by step how to make a stove yourself at home, how to weld its individual parts together, how to install and finish it.

Required materials and tools

During the work you will need the following set:

  1. For the firebox, water tank - a piece of pipe 500-550 mm in diameter, 8-15 mm thick, 1.5 m long.
  2. For a heater - a piece of pipe up to 8 mm thick, with a diameter of 310-340 mm.
  3. For the chimney - a piece of pipe 2-5 mm thick, with a diameter of 150 mm.
  4. A piece of sheet steel up to 12 mm thick.
  5. Factory grate or reinforcement bars to weld yourself.
  6. Doors for firebox, ash pan, hinges.
  7. Arc welding machine with electrodes or semi-automatic.
  8. Grinder with metal wheels and grinding attachments.
  9. Electric drill, other plumbing tools.

After preparing the tools, you can begin the main part of the work.

Assembly and welding

Vertical and horizontal furnaces have differences when connecting parts. Therefore, we will analyze the creation of each type separately.

Vertical ovens

For a small stove, pieces of pipe 1.5 m long are enough.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We are laying out the foundation for the furnace. It must be larger than the size of the stove on each side by at least 20-30 cm. Reinforcement with reinforcement is required. The recommended height of the foundation above the floor is 20 cm (more is possible). We lay bricks on top.
  2. We take a piece of pipe 1 m long. At the bottom, carefully cut out a hole 50*200 mm with a grinder. The bottom should be completely flat. This part will serve as a ash pit.
  3. Now we need to strengthen the bottom of the firebox, which will be above the ash door. We cut a circle from a sheet of metal with a thickness of at least 12 mm. There will be a grate in the center.
  4. We make an indent of 50 mm from the bottom of the oven. We cut the opening for the firebox. The average door dimensions are 250*300 mm. It’s easier to buy a ready-made one and weld the hinges.
  5. We weld a rectangular piece of metal at the corners on top of the firebox. You will get a kind of cut-off device. The hot air that will pass between the walls of the pipe and the cut-off valve better warms up the walls of the stove.
  6. We place a heater on top of the firebox. The bottom will be a lattice of rods. The thickness of the rods is from 12 to 16 mm. We make an indent of up to 1 m and weld the heater to the firebox. The door for it can also be bought ready-made.
  7. We cover the top of the heater with an iron water tank. It can be welded from a piece of metal that is left over. A length of 1.5 m is enough. We leave a hole for the pipe, make a lid, and attach the tap.

Experts recommend not to take up a welding machine or grinder without having the skills to work with them.

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