Insulation of a log house: caulk or sealant

Today, houses and baths made of logs are gaining immense popularity. A log house is a wooden frame, the walls of which are assembled from numbered logs. The main problem that owners of such wooden properties face is the appearance of gaps and cracks between the seams.

Houses based on a wooden frame are becoming increasingly popular. Wood is an environmentally friendly and reliable material for construction.

And sooner or later the question arises of how to get rid of them. For these purposes, both tow for caulking and sealant are used. What to use?

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How to caulk correctly

The caulking process involves insulating the seams between logs using fiber tape. Practice shows that only if the joints are sealed, high-quality thermal insulation can be guaranteed. The tape, in turn, should be knocked into a tight roller. It is necessary to ensure that the fiber ribbon does not twist, because... twisted fibers have significantly lower thermal protection efficiency.

What it is?

Log sealant is a one-component product, produced on an acrylic basis. This material is used to seal seams, gaps, and joints between wooden products (mainly logs). Despite the characteristic name, such acrylic mixtures can be used to treat the following types of surfaces:

  • Concrete.
  • Metal.
  • Polymer concrete.
  • Polyvinyl chloride.
  • Brick.
  • Stone.
  • Foam concrete.

But their main purpose is to seal seams in suburban buildings that are built from logs. Log sealants can be used in the construction of wooden structures of any type: country houses, cottages, bathhouses, outbuildings, verandas, etc. Sealants repair cracks and defects in lumber, solid wood and other wood products.

“Warm seam” with sealant

Another insulation technology is a “warm seam” using sealing compounds. Acrylic rubber compounds are most often used. This is explained by their ability to stretch with temperature changes, maintaining reliable protection against cold air and moisture. In addition, working with such sealants is not difficult.

Features of use

The sealant, which is used to seal cracks in a log house, is one-component (there are no two-component mixtures of this type on the market). Therefore, the composition is immediately ready for use after squeezing it out of the package.

It cannot be diluted with anything - upon contact with other mixtures, it will quickly lose its performance characteristics and will become unsuitable for application into the space between joints. Features of using acrylic sealant for log houses include:

  • If it is intended to be applied in winter at sub-zero temperatures outside, it is necessary to keep the composition for 12-24 hours in a warm room before use.
  • Before applying sealant to the seams of the log house, the surface to be treated must be carefully prepared: cleaned of dirt, debris, excess moisture, snow, etc.
  • Log sealant can be applied to dry and wet surfaces (the presence of moisture will not affect the performance characteristics of the composition in any way).
  • It is not recommended to work with such a sealing compound if it is raining outside and the humidity is more than 90%.
  • To seal the seams between logs more firmly and reliably, it is recommended to use polyethylene strands. This approach will allow you to apply a smaller amount of sealing compound, but secure it better at the joint of the logs.
  • If it is too hot and stuffy outside, and humidity levels are minimal, then during the work all treated areas must be additionally moistened with plain water before applying the sealant for the log house.
  • Do not allow the sealing mixture to come into contact with exposed skin or eyes. If the material gets on your skin, it should be removed immediately and the area should be washed with clean running water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with water and immediately contact a medical facility.

Comparison of methods

The “Warm seam” technology is a new solution in wooden construction. Most craftsmen with extensive experience continue to give preference to traditional methods using tow or jute, pointing, among other things, to the lower cost of such work.

In turn, do not forget that you will need to caulk the log house at least twice, and when using sealants, a single treatment of all seams and joints is sufficient. The caulking process is longer and more labor intensive. In comparison, the use of sealants is much simpler and does not require much time and physical effort. No hammering into the seams, just apply the sealant using a gun to the top of the seam, and the excess compound is carefully removed.

Summing up, conclusions

To summarize, we can conclude: both types of processing of seams and cracks of log houses are relevant. Both tow and sealant hold the thermal insulation perfectly. Some experienced builders recommend using both materials when processing, sealing large cracks with tow and small ones with sealant.

But most professionals still advise using a sealant, arguing that it is better to invest once than to carry out the difficult and very expensive procedure of caulking the walls from year to year.

The variety of companies offering their services in this direction allows you to choose the best and less expensive option. Thus, your property will delight you and your loved ones for many years. In any case, the decision is yours!

Basic rules for insulating a log house

The construction of a log house involves laying logs with inter-crown insulation, and in some cases without it. At the same time, it is impossible for the logs to fit together as completely as possible, which leads to drafts and penetration of cold. The situation gets worse after one year, when the house begins to shrink, forming new cracks. Not only cold air penetrates through them, but also moisture, leading to rotting of the wood.

The caulking procedure is carried out several times. The first procedure is carried out after 12-18 months from the date of construction, when the house has given the necessary shrinkage. A repeat procedure will be organized after another 24-36 months, depending on the condition of the structure. It is possible that the procedure will have to be repeated in the future. This depends not only on the quality of the materials used, but also on the quality of work.

Caulking is not so easy; you need tools and practical experience, so in most cases specialists are invited. To achieve maximum effect, the log house must be insulated on both sides, both inside and outside. In general, the amount of work turns out to be quite significant, requiring significant effort and time.

It is worth taking into account such an important point as increasing the height of the house. On average, it will add about 50-70mm after the first caulking, so it is not recommended to carry out interior finishing work before insulation.

The cost of work depends on several factors:

  • Dimensions of the log house;
  • The quality of its construction;
  • Type of inter-crown insulation.

Environmental friendliness comes first

When working with wood, every owner must not forget that this is a material of natural origin , so the question arises: is it worth using synthetic compounds that can negate the naturalness of a wooden house, if such methods of sealing gaps as using felt, tow and hemp. It’s hard to disagree with this, because for many centuries our grandfathers used natural materials that form an ideal combination with a wooden house. But you shouldn’t immediately write off acrylic sealants, which are just as environmentally friendly in composition as their natural counterparts.

Manufacturers take a very careful approach to the process of manufacturing seam sealants, observing strict safety requirements at every stage. As a result, they manage to create products that do not emit toxic substances and do not cause any harm to both humans and pets. Modern sealants shatter the opinions of individual consumers regarding the violation of wood structure by sealants. Therefore, in terms of environmental friendliness, there are no differences between caulk and sealants.

Materials for caulking seams

Today, the most widely used methods for insulating wooden log houses are:

  • Tow. Material with low thermal conductivity, not conducive to the formation of bacteria. Working with it is difficult, and the resulting result cannot boast of aesthetic appearance;
  • Linen. Elastic and durable material at an affordable price. Its weakness is its poor resistance to insects and love from birds, pecking the fiber from the seams;
  • Jute. The breathable material is practically impervious to rotting, reliably retains heat inside the building, and is not of interest to birds. Being an imported product, it has a fairly high cost;
  • Moss. An outdated type of insulation originally used. Its use is possible only during the construction of a house, and it is impossible to insulate it for an already finished structure.

Using caulking can significantly increase the thermal efficiency of a building, make it more comfortable, and reduce monthly heating costs. In turn, work must be carried out after the log frame has shrinked, but before finishing work is completed.

You can caulk a house in one of two ways:

  • Stretch. Used for small gaps by filling the seams.
  • To the set. The material is formed into a ball and then sealed with loops. Suitable for cases with large gaps between logs.

Some characteristics

In order to keep a log house warm, cracks and crevices must be sealed during its construction.

When the tightness of a structure is broken, many unpleasant problems arise that require immediate solutions. This includes a sharp increase in energy costs as a result of a decrease in room temperature. And the appearance of mold due to wetting and damage to the wood. A sharp increase in humidity in the house.

But the most global one is the rapid destruction of the structure itself. In this case, you can lose your property or invest considerable funds in its restoration and repair. Therefore, it is better to take care of this problem in advance and solve it at the very beginning.

There are two main ways to eliminate gaps and cracks in buildings made of logs: caulking the log frame with tow or using sealant. Which way is better? What are their differences? How durable is this or that material? In order to answer this question, you should consider each option separately.

Sealants for insulating a log house

Today, the market offers a huge range of sealants, varying in both quality and price range. Among the representatives of the mid-price segment, combining affordability and high performance, it is necessary to highlight Remmers products. Sealants from American brands are more expensive, but their properties have minimal advantages.

Benefits of caulking

  • Reduced heating costs;
  • Use of environmentally friendly, natural material;
  • Protection against gaps during shrinkage;
  • Low cost.

Advantages of sealant

  • Simplicity and high processing speed;
  • No need for re-processing;
  • Immunity to insects and birds in the absence of toxins in the composition;
  • Attractive appearance with the ability to select colors;
  • Great versatility of the material.

Each type provides its own advantages, and the maximum effect can be achieved through double use: caulking the seams and covering them with sealant on top. Such protection will ensure complete impermeability to cold outside air and moisture, providing long-lasting protection without the need for re-treatment. At the same time, the appearance of cracks in cases of further shrinkage of the log house will be excluded.


The service life of these sealant options is 30 years, which is a recognized European standard.

Remmers acryl 100from 30 years old
Ramsauer acryl 160from 30 years old

Let's compare with inexpensive sealants

Eurotexfrom 3 to 8 years
VGTfrom 2 to 8 years

You should be very responsible when choosing a sealant brand or seek advice from certified professionals.


Photo: jute tape for caulking a log house, bathhouse and jute rope - intended for finishing the space between the logs - the inter-log seam.

The most popular natural sealant due to the ability to use it to give a variety of inter-crown cracks an attractive appearance. The jute seal is made from purified fibers of the tree of the same name, as a result of which the cord made from this material has excellent strength. Jute trees grow in water throughout Southeast Asia. This explains its excellent resistance to high moisture.

Advantages of jute

Thanks to these unique properties, the sealant made from it is very popular for caulking various inter-crown cracks. By well concentrating moisture in the inter-crown space, jute uniquely prevents the creation of favorable conditions for the formation and growth of colonies of mold, fungi, and destructive bacteria. The dense structure allows you to create a reliable insulating barrier, preventing the penetration of unfavorable atmospheric factors over a long period. The unique ability of jute not to deteriorate under prolonged exposure to high temperatures and high moisture promotes its use as a decorative frame for various cracks in the inter-crown zone of a log house.


The most common natural inter-crown sealant due to its widespread growth in various regions. The location of the area where the wooden frame is being constructed allows the use of different types of moss for caulking: cuckoo flax, reindeer moss, sphagnum. It is used for reliable sealing of various gaps in the space between the crowns of a log house. Natural material helps create a reliable barrier to the penetration of drafts, noise, and cold air into the log house. Thanks to this, the rooms are filled with a comfortable and warm microclimate for a long time.

Moss of any composition has unique natural sorbing characteristics. This is an original, unique natural sponge that has the ability to absorb large amounts of moisture, far exceeding its own weight. This is a kind of moisture concentrator in the space between the crowns of the log house, uniquely destroying favorable conditions for the formation and growth of colonies of various destructive bacteria.

The uniqueness of caulking with moss

Moss has the ability to crumble at high ambient temperatures, despite the concentration of a large volume of moisture. Since it dries quickly at high ambient temperatures. As a result, it is recommended to caulk the moss together with tow or decoratively cover it with a jute seal.

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