Business plan for a wood-fired sauna: ready-made financial calculations

Every person at least once in his life has thought about opening his own business, thereby dreaming of stopping working “for his uncle” and significantly increasing his income. One good idea is a sauna. Here you can relax not only your body, but also your soul, so there will definitely be customers. The main thing is the right approach. We will talk about how to open a bath complex below.

Our business plan for a wood-fired sauna consists of several points:

  • bath format;
  • business development;
  • list of required documents;
  • business specifics;
  • choosing a structure for a bathhouse;
  • bathhouse equipment;
  • search for colleagues;
  • business profitability;
  • how to increase income from a bath business.

Bath format

The first thing you need to do to start a bathhouse business is to decide on the type of bathhouse. Currently the most popular of them are:

  • Turkish hammam;
  • Russian bath;
  • Finnish sauna;
  • Japanese ofuro;
  • transitional types, for example, Greek laconicum, Roman baths, Maslov's bathhouse.

You also need to choose the format of the establishment. This could be a public bathhouse or, say, a small family steam room. Despite the fact that the latter option is in fairly good demand, this niche is practically unoccupied.

Entertainment and wellness programs

Alcohol is considered to be one of the most banal and frequent entertainment elements of visiting a bathhouse in Russia. With a high degree of probability, it will become a permanent source of income for the enterprise. However, other entertainment options are also worth considering. For example, one bathhouse in St. Petersburg is located right on board the boat - as part of an additional service, visitors to the establishment are offered to dive into the water with scuba gear.

The wellness program, in turn, can be represented by some special services such as massage or tanning. It is important to remember that just visiting a bathhouse already gives the human body some healing and relaxes it. An interesting option would be to open a complex near a fitness center that does not have its own steam rooms or their cost is not competitive. This way you can find regular customers for your own bath business. In addition, it is permissible to enter into an agreement with representatives of the gym so that they conduct an advertising campaign in their establishment.

Bath business development

Opening a bath complex is only half the battle. In addition, you will need to gain and maintain a reputation, from time to time offering customers something new. For example, you can organize a mini SPA center or add a swimming pool. Such pleasant bonuses as:

  • salt cabinet;
  • attractions for children.

If the bath complex, like any other point, will sell alcohol, then you will need to obtain permission from government authorities in the form of a license. There is no point in giving up this point, since a modern wood-burning bathhouse is not just a place where you can wash yourself. People also come here to have fun, and strong drinks are the basis for a great time.

SWOT analysis

This type of analysis allows you to consider comprehensive factors that influence the business. They can be both internal and external.

External factors
1. Low level of regular costs.
2. Constantly increasing demand for services among consumers.

3. Increase in the standard of living of clients, which contributes to an increase in demand for services.

4. Offering a variety of additional services.

1. High level of competition.
2. The need to obtain a large amount of various documentation.

3. Changing tastes among consumers.

4. Constant increase in competition.

5. Serious initial costs.

6. Great requirements for the premises.

Internal factors
StrengthsWeak sides
1. No need to hire highly qualified personnel.
2. Providing quality service.

3. Use of effective advertising tools.

4. Use of high-quality equipment and materials.

1. Lack of long-term strategy.
2. Lack of experience and business reputation.

3. High level of risks.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the following aspects deserve the most attention:

  1. Selecting a room and bringing it into proper shape.
  2. Choosing quality equipment.
  3. Development of special offers for clients.
  4. Developing an effective promotion strategy.

List of required documents to open a bathhouse

In order to open a private or public bathhouse, you will also need to choose whether the activities will be carried out within the framework of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. As noted above, you should not give up alcohol. And a license to sell it is issued only to legal entities, which include an LLC. Otherwise, the individual entrepreneur in the case we are considering does not differ significantly from the LLC.

To register a limited liability company, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • The decision of the sole founder or the minutes of the general meeting on the creation of the organization.
  • Agreement on its establishment.
  • LLC Charter.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Notification of transition to the simplified tax system.

A limited liability company is registered with the Federal Tax Service (FTS). In addition to the documents listed above, you may also need a letter of guarantee to provide a legal address - if the premises are not owned, but rented.

As for the bathhouse specifically, among other things, you need:

  • permission of local authorities;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • fire service permit;
  • contract for sanitary treatment of premises;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • contract for washing and disinfection of textiles.

If you wish and have the financial capabilities, you can seek help from specialists who will help in collecting the documents required to open a bathhouse complex. This will save the lion's share of time.

Primary activity

So, the steam room includes the provision of services for water procedures, namely steaming the client with water and steam. Sometimes this mechanism may change, for example, using a different water temperature. Vaping tanks also range from large vats and booths to huge public spaces.

Additional services:

  • low alcohol bar;
  • hookah;
  • fruit cocktails.

Specifics of the bath business

When renovating the building in which the bathhouse will be located, or remodeling it, you should remember some important points. Firstly, about the high probability of fire. For example, if you are planning to implement a business plan for a wood-burning bathhouse, then you need to make a separate entrance for visitors and an emergency exit intended for emergency situations. Also, special attention should be paid to windows and doors - they should open freely; it is not recommended to install bars on them. In addition, the room must be equipped with a supply and exhaust system and a ventilation grill must be made at the bottom of the door (a gap of approximately 3 cm between the door and the floor is allowed).

We must not forget about the dimensions of the steam room. Its maximum permitted area is 24 square meters. m, and the ceiling height should be in the range from 1.9 to 2.4 m. The presence of smoke control and irrigation systems in this room is mandatory.

A disadvantage of the bathhouse business is the need for relatively frequent (about once every 3-3 years) major repairs of the entire building. However, with stable revenue and decent profits, these costs will be quite affordable.


For information about what a resume should contain, read the article Structure of a Business Plan Summary.

The goal is to open the Oasis public bathhouse from scratch in the city of Perm. The establishment will be intended both for family holidays on certain days, and for separate pastimes. The bathhouse will be aimed at citizens with an average income. This class is the most actively using services of this type.

Depending on the days of the week, it will have its own program. The presence of two steam rooms: Russian and Turkish, will allow each client to choose the one they want, depending on their preferences. The presence of a small swimming pool will provide even more relaxation. The children's area on the street will provide an opportunity to have a great rest not only for adults, but also for children.

Initiator of the project

The work of opening a bathhouse will be carried out by a person who has previously worked in this field, but who has no previous experience in opening his own company. After studying the business “from the inside,” it becomes clear that this type of recreation is in great demand, and the absence of similar establishments in the area in which the activity is planned excludes the presence of strong competition.

Investment costs

Investment costs will amount to 4,233 rubles. Investment costs include:

  • Registration of an LLC - 10 thousand rubles,
  • Obtaining permits - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Acquisition of a land plot and registration of its ownership - 750 thousand rubles,
  • Construction of a bathhouse - 1,000 thousand rubles,
  • Repair and preparation for activities, including the purchase and commissioning of specialized fire fighting and other equipment, purchase, assembly and installation of furniture and interior items - 1,500 thousand rubles,
  • Installation of a swimming pool - 1,000 thousand rubles.

The bathhouse is located on a separate plot of land with access roads and has a separate entrance.

In addition to investment expenses, before reaching break-even operation, you will need to invest an additional 901 thousand rubles,

Project financing

The project will be financed partly from its own funds, and partly from the funds of the project initiator. The project organizer plans to invest 2,033.7 thousand from his own funds, of which 1,132.7 thousand rubles. will go to capital investments, and 901 thousand rubles. will be used to maintain the operation of the business until it reaches profitability. The remaining 3,100 thousand is taken out on credit at 15% per annum, the collateral for the loan will initially be the entrepreneur’s apartment and dacha, after the bathhouse is put into operation, the premises and land plot of the bathhouse will serve as collateral, and the property of the project initiator will be removed from the collateral.

Payback period

The calculation was made for 10 years. Inflation is taken at 10%. After the calculation, the following performance indicators were obtained:

  • The settlement period is 10 years.
  • Discount factor (WACC) - 13.66%.
  • Inflation - 10%.
  • The simple payback period is 4.33 years.
  • The discounted payback period is 5.25 years.
  • NPV - 4,018.35 thousand rubles.
  • IRR - 3.0%.

Suppliers and contractors

Construction, repair work, finishing, communications will be carried out by a contractor who will provide a discount due to the amount of work. A work schedule will be drawn up taking into account production breaks. Thanks to the work being carried out by one contractor, all preparations for the opening will be completed in the shortest possible time.

Equipment and furniture for the bathhouse will be purchased from suppliers with whom the organizer previously worked. They not only sell equipment, but also provide maintenance, and the furniture offered by these suppliers is made specifically for baths, which allows it to remain like new for a long time under rather difficult operating conditions.


The main purpose of the establishment is to relax in steam rooms: Russian and Turkish. An infrared sauna cabin will be installed. This variety is due to the different tastes of clients: some want it hot, some are interested in healing the body, some want to relax in a calm environment. After warming up your body, you have the opportunity to cheer up and dive into a small cool pool equipped with lighting.

The common seating area includes a large table and a kitchen corner, allowing you to bring your own food, cook it and serve it to guests. There is also a plasma TV with satellite TV and karaoke equipment.

The presence of a children's area outside will make recreation for children interesting.

Lovers of fresh air will enjoy the barbecue, gazebos and swings in the local area.

The reception sells food and alcoholic beverages, but you can bring your own food into the establishment. And although healthy relaxation is encouraged in the bathhouse, drinking alcoholic beverages is permitted, and alcohol is also available for sale.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.


Bath building

The ideal building for a bathhouse, or for any other establishment, is one that is located in the city center. In this case, there will definitely be no end to customers.

According to current Russian legislation, one person in a steam room, regardless of its type and format, should have 5 square meters. m. To this value it is necessary to add the area of ​​such premises as:

  • shower;
  • bathroom;
  • restroom;
  • bar;
  • mini SPA center;
  • swimming pool, etc.

The first three of the above premises are mandatory. The rest are optional. As a rule, a normal wood-burning bathhouse, which has the minimum for such an establishment, has an area of ​​150 square meters. m. But you shouldn’t overdo it either: the bath complex with an area of ​​over 300 sq. m. m is too much.

The cost of renting such premises starts from 150 thousand rubles, and this is only in small towns. For the same money, it is quite possible to find an old, but good-quality room and make cosmetic repairs to it.

Which equipment to choose

It is better to start building a bathhouse from scratch, rather than restore old buildings.

After building the room, you will need to equip it by purchasing the following items:

  • Furniture.
  • Stoves and fireplaces.
  • Decor elements.
  • Pool equipment, etc.

Additionally, it is also worth taking care of consumables: brooms, steamers, disposable slippers, hats, mittens, scoops, etc.

Bathhouse equipment

The set of equipment for a bath depends mainly on its type and format. More precisely, from the services that will be provided. The most basic thing for a steam room is a stove - wood-burning (if the sauna is wood-fired) or electric and a steam generator. For a Finnish sauna you will need an infrared prefabricated structure. Little things you need:

  • blocks for doors;
  • climate control system;
  • brooms.

To purchase equipment for a bathhouse, you should set aside from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. This price range is explained by the fact that some equipment may be used. This price does not include a mini SPA center and a bar, which will cost about the same amount each.

How to promote a bathhouse, sauna from scratch: marketing and advertising of business

Advertising of baths and saunas can begin 1-2 weeks before opening.

Standard methods for promoting such establishments are:

  • Flyer distribution.
  • Posting advertisements.
  • Advertising in media and transport.
  • Submitting advertisements on local online forums (on the Internet).

No one is about. As practice shows, it works well to attract customers.

Help : It will be relevant for any business to develop promotions, for example, “two hours for the price of one”, a system of discounts for loyal customers, various bonuses.

If you create comfortable conditions for visitors, competitors are unlikely to lure them away.

We are looking for employees

Nowadays, personnel is one of the main components of success. That is why its selection should be approached with all responsibility. The business plan of the bath complex assumes the following employees on staff:

Manager15,000 rubles
Stoker17,000 rubles
Stoker's assistant12,000 rubles
Cook20,000 rubles
Handymen in the kitchen, 2 people10,000 rubles each
Electrician12,000 rubles
Cleaning woman8,000 rubles
Security guard15,000 rubles

Thus, monthly staff costs amount to 119,000 rubles. This is just the minimum. When the bath business develops, you will also need:

Bartender15,000 rubles
Masseur18,000 rubles
Cosmetologist18,000 rubles

Total – 51,000 rubles. But by then this amount will most likely not be as significant as in the initial stages.

Profitability of bath business

Now we can talk about how profitable the business plan for the bath complex is from an economic point of view. As we managed to find out, opening a bathhouse will require from 3 to 5 million rubles. This amount includes:

  • renovation of premises;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • wages to employees for a month of their work;
  • purchasing food and beverages;
  • tax contributions to the state budget;
  • unplanned expenses.

Every year you will need from 7 to 10 million. Our business plan for the bath complex assumes a cost of services of 500 rubles per hour and 2,500 rubles in the evenings for renting the entire complex. With such indicators, revenue for the year will be approximately 13 million rubles. With a profit of 3 million rubles, the payback period for the business is 2.5 years.

Current expenses

To ensure the normal operation of the bath, it is necessary to purchase bath attributes and consumables. Current expenses will be associated with the acquisition and payment of:

  • Firewood.
  • Utilities.
  • Laundry service.

The sales plan for services is calculated taking into account the influence of the seasonal factor. As a rule, starting from the end of spring, fewer and fewer clients use the bathhouse services. Sales of services increase in the fall and reach their peak in winter, especially during the holidays.

The popularity of the bath complex and its recognition have a significant impact on the number of visitors.

Based on this, the predicted occupancy volume of the bathhouse will be:

  • During the first year of operation: 35-40%.
  • Second: 45-50%.
  • Third: 65-70%.


The success of the entire endeavor depends on how correct the choice of the type and format of the bathhouse is. This is the basis of success. The most popular in our country, which is quite logical, is the Russian bathhouse. Having given preference to one of the options, you should not dwell on it. Explore other areas and gradually implement them into life.

For example, the Japanese bathhouse is quite unique for Russia. Its essence boils down to immersing a person first in one barrel containing a decoction of medicinal herbs, and then in another - with sawdust heated at a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. The final stage of this procedure is a massage using sea stones.

If your budget is limited, then it’s fashionable to try installing a hot tub. Most models are designed for 10 people, so it will be a good place to relax after a hard week of work with friends.

In addition, salt cabins have recently become increasingly popular among bathhouse lovers. They are equipped with special lamps that permeate the air with tiny particles of salt that is beneficial to humans.


You will have to select employees with a valid health certificate, among whom will be the following professionals:

  1. One or more bathhouse attendants.
  2. Administrator.
  3. Cleaners.
  4. Kitchen staff, if available.
  5. Masseur.
  6. Specialist in charge of inventory.

Be sure to include employee salaries in your expense item, this will make your task much easier.

Video: home business in a Russian bath.

Wide range of services

A bathhouse that consists of a vestibule, steam room, relaxation room, shower and toilet is unlikely to attract interest. If there is something additional in it, for example, a hall for health procedures, then people will not bypass such an establishment, since all of us want to try something new. This option is especially relevant if you are planning to open a public bathhouse.

In a limited space, you can definitely turn around - organize a children's corner where kids can go about their business and not disturb their parents while they relax and have fun.

Production plan

The technical characteristics of the Russian bath will be as follows:

  • Steam room - 5.93 m2.
  • Shower room - 5.93 m2.
  • Rest room - 18.97 m2.
  • Utility block - 11.33 m2.
  • Terrace - 31.43 m2.

This bathhouse layout meets all SES and fire safety requirements.

The main material for the construction of a Russian bathhouse is rounded logs. This material was not chosen by chance. Rounded wood is very convenient for building installation, economical in subsequent finishing, and also very practical, aesthetically pleasing and durable.

A log house made of rounded logs retains heat perfectly and creates a cozy atmosphere indoors. In addition, the construction of a bathhouse from this material is extremely favorable in terms of price-quality ratio. The guarantee for a bathhouse made of rounded logs is 15 years.


The ideal option for a bath business is, of course, the city center. But, to put it mildly, not every individual entrepreneur has the money to rent premises in such a place, much less buy it. Therefore, find a building at least near the road. If this is not possible, and the bathhouse is located in an area with little traffic, then a competent advertising campaign should be carried out.

Thus, opening a bathhouse and achieving success in this area is not so difficult. The main thing is to carefully consider all aspects of this undertaking, which, we hope, the bathhouse business plan with calculations given above helped with.

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