Wooden shower cabins: advantages and disadvantages, features of choice


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For most people nowadays, a dacha is not only a place for growing vegetables and fruits, but also a place for relaxation. Accordingly, in this case, the house should be equipped as much as possible, and in particular equipped with such a benefit of civilization as a shower, to which many are so accustomed when living in city apartments. The best choice for a summer residence are wooden shower cabins, which, in fact, are the subject of this article.

Wooden shower cubicle


Then the workpiece is turned over so that the working hoop is on top.
The set begins, each rivet gets its own number. Usually inscribed. So that if something happens, you can disassemble and reassemble the structure without interference. Once the entire perimeter is filled with rivets, the compaction process begins. At first this is done manually. The master, using spring clamps, tries to bring the boards as close to each other as possible. If the space freed up during compaction is not enough to insert even the smallest rivet, one of the numbered ones is replaced. Then a neck hoop is put on the bunch (the widest part of the barrel). With tension. After this, the working end hoop with spring clamps is slightly loosened. The opposite ends of the rivets diverge. To prevent the wood from breaking due to bending during the screeding process, the future barrel is heated for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes the skeleton is even briefly soaked in boiling water. Then follows the process of tying (twisting) on ​​the collar. The purpose of this technological operation is to bring together the scattered ends of the rivets.

The bottom is made of wooden rivets using dowels between the boards. The end hoop is removed for insertion. The ends of the frame diverge, but the rivets are held together by a bunch of hoops. A chamfer is cut along the diameter (in advance) where the bottom will sit. Installation is carried out manually and the result is secured with hoops. Then the entrance is cut out in the shower stalls. Since some of the rivets are missing, assembly is carried out using a special technology known only to the workshops involved in manufacturing.

Additional device features

Closed and combination cabins boast a huge number of amazing features. Control is performed by pressing the console buttons.

There are models:

  • with water tank and heating device;
  • with Turkish bath;
  • with a Finnish sauna;
  • with hydromassage;
  • with open bathroom;
  • with closed bathroom;
  • with cascade shower;
  • with rain shower;
  • with Charcot shower;
  • with chromotherapy;
  • with ozone therapy;
  • with aromatherapy;
  • with built-in receiver;
  • with built-in DVD player;
  • with a radiotelephone.

Models with additional functions are in great demand, however, devices with a steam generator, which creates the microclimate of a wonderful Finnish or Turkish bath, hold the palm. A shower cabin with a sauna is pleasure combined with health! Such equipment will certainly appeal to all family members. But that, as they say, is another story, we already have our own bathhouse...

Tips for choosing equipment

As we said above, the trendsetters in this area are the Germans, Italians, and, oddly enough, Czech manufacturers who have been making high-quality shower stands for a long time. China is not far behind, whose “craftsmen” are trying their best to produce something worthy, but in reality it turns out that even a product carefully copied from the products of famous brands turns out to be so poor that it does not bring its owner a drop of moral satisfaction. The most unpleasant thing in this whole story is that the Chinese comrades, without further ado, imitate the products of famous brands, easily changing the name, or even completely engaging in outright plagiarism. Therefore, here are some tips:

If funds and opportunities allow, purchase European products; Don't fall for the tricks of marketers. The presence of most of the functions in the booth is not needed, and if we are talking about Chinese products, then the more possibilities there are in their semi-finished product, the faster this “high-tech product” will fail; Focus on functionality first. In the vast majority of cases, in a bathhouse, an ordinary open cabin with good and reliable plumbing fittings is enough to simply take a shower. In this regard, it is worth taking a closer look at the Czechs

Excellent European quality, for quite reasonable money; If you choose a closed-type booth, then pay attention, in addition to the quality of the plumbing, to the quality and fit of the rollers and guides in systems with sliding doors and moving units in hinged ones. The supporting frame must be rigid, and the metal parts must be made of stainless steel

Pay special attention to the pallet. It should not “breathe”, and the body itself should be carefully reinforced with a polymer thread, the quality of which can be seen from the inside of the pallet. Avoid fittings made of silumin, centrifugal casting or injection molding. Such material is prone to fractures in places where stress is concentrated, and silumin cannot be welded, soldered or glued; If you prefer broadly functional designs, then consider the capabilities of your own communications to unlock the full potential of such products. For example, massage nozzles can only operate if there is sufficient pressure in the supply hydraulic line. If the water supply network does not provide the minimum required pressure, you will have to install a hydraulic accumulator with a supply pump; Transparent glass panels are more demanding in terms of quality and care. Frosted glass hides stains from hard water to a greater extent; Cabins with a built-in water heating tank, in most cases, have a boiler with a reduced resource, which is especially evident in conditions of water supply from main networks or wells and wells that are not equipped with a water treatment system.

What types of booths are most common?

Let's start with the general design features:

  • Open cabins. Essentially, they are a functional screen that separates the space of the shower area from the rest of the interior. It has neither a pallet nor a roof. The air circulates freely and the microclimate of the shower corresponds to the indicators of the room where it is installed. Booths of this type are very common in the Czech Republic and Germany. The national manufacturers of these countries have gained the reputation of being trendsetters in this direction. An open cabin requires only the installation of a wall segment and the supply of communications to the place where the plumbing fittings of the product are connected. They fit perfectly into the fashionable interior of modern minimalism, which, in small steps, is penetrating more and more tightly and completely into domestic bathing practice. When using booths of this design, special attention should be paid to the finishing of the adjacent wall and floor. In this option, it will not be possible to hide defects behind the decorative walls of the box.
  • Closed cabins. A classic box with a pallet, a roof and a completely closed perimeter. Due to the relative isolation of the internal space from the external environment, advanced functionality can be used to a greater extent in such a system. For example, an individual steam generator, which can ensure the operation of the product in a mode reminiscent of a Turkish bath - hammam. Booths of this design do not require careful preparation of adjacent walls and floors, since their space is still covered by the area of ​​the product itself. In this direction, the trendsetters of the current fashion are the Italians, who create products that are only slightly inferior in functionality to space shuttles.
  • Combined designs. They combine the capabilities of both a shower compartment and, to varying degrees, a full bath. Like products of the previous type, they have a relatively isolated volume, which allows, on the one hand, to retain heat and the original volume of air, and on the other, to have full-fledged expanded capabilities. For example, the same steam generator, flavoring, etc. The bathtub, in turn, greatly expands the freedom of use and more fully satisfies the users' needs for comfort. For example, you can combine taking a warm bath with the generation of soft steam, and you will get something, albeit a distant resemblance to a Japanese bath - a barrel.

Attention! Due to the fact that the functionality of such systems is provided by a power supply that is reduced in voltage for safety reasons, you should very strictly adhere to the connection diagram and in no case make your own “improvements” to the electrical system.

Material from which the booths are made

There are many materials for the manufacture of such a technological product:

  • A shower cabin for a bath in an open country house can be made of glass. Famous brands do just that. Naturally, the glass used is either tempered glass, such as Stalinite, which upon impact does not form large fragments and simply crumbles into injury-proof crumbs, or triplex is used, the safe use of which is based on the fact that a thin polymer transparent film is technologically laid between the layers of glass, which and holds fragments on itself in case of destruction of the glass sheet. By the way, this technology has long been successfully used in the production of doors for Turkish baths. Naturally, other types of cabins can be made from glass, but, obviously, they cannot be made completely glass. The load-bearing frame, roof, pallet, as load-bearing structures, must be made of more durable material;
  • Acrylic combined with polystyrene. Acrylic elements, being more durable and resistant to external influences, are used mainly in the manufacture of pallets of varying degrees of depth and volume. Polystyrene, which is cheaper and amenable to processing and volumetric molding, is used for the manufacture of less critical parts, for example, the “tail” of the cabin;
  • Natural and artificial stone. “Aerobatics” in the production of such products. It is formed exclusively by high-tech casting or expensive mechanical processing, as, for example, in the case of natural precious stones. Ceramic panels are molded raw and then baked at high temperatures, which is also far from cheap for a particular manufacturer. Such products retain heat well, which is very important when using a combined cabin as a bath. Among other things, products of this kind have a very presentable appearance even in a minimalist design, without the use of additional decorative elements. However, it is worth undoubtedly recognizing that the cost of such products is prohibitive and using them in such a quality, say, as a shower cabin in a bathhouse in a country house, is not entirely rational;
  • A wooden shower cabin for a bath is also gaining popularity, especially when wood that is resistant to moisture, such as larch or oak, is used as a raw material. Wooden panels are beautifully processed and have a natural, organic look, so appropriate in a traditional Russian or Finnish bathhouse. If you correctly select the appropriate plumbing fittings of the appropriate quality, then a shower cabin in a bathhouse with your own hands can be made and have wide functionality and applicability;
  • The use of metal in the production of shower cabins comes down mainly to the creation of load-bearing frames, although, as production experiments, you can find products in which, in addition to the frame, a tray can be made from steel or cast iron. The thermal conductivity of the metal is good, however, the heat capacity leaves much to be desired, therefore, along with the large mass, the problem of rapid cooling should be included in the absolute liability of this kind of product.

Combined cabin as a technological product

Of course, a product that combines the capabilities of a bath and a shower looks very tempting. The role of a water tank is played by a deep tray, in which procedures can be performed while sitting, immersed in water to a depth sufficient for a comfortable stay. The height of the walls of such a pallet can be 400 or 600 mm. Obviously, such a size causes certain difficulties during entry and exit.

A word from Experienced! A rational solution to the problem seems to be the arrangement of a special podium in which such a product will be mounted. The height of the pallet wall will be sufficiently compensated by the height of the entrance. Naturally, the steps must be made of a material that provides high adhesion properties of the surface, minimizing the risk of falling and injury.

Since combined booths have the widest range of functions, for their installation and placement it is necessary to choose a place to ensure future service and maintenance of not only the device itself, but also the communication and power networks suitable for it.

Sizes and shape of shower stalls

For the sake of brevity, we will format this part of the section in the form of an information table:

Shower typeGeometric dimensions, length - width, mmGeometric shape
Open800×800 900×900 1000×1000Linear pallets, rectangular, square, round, elliptical. Corner pallets, square, rectangular and segmental, in the form of a quarter circle or ellipse.
Closed800×1200 900×1600 1250×1250Linear pallets, rectangular, square, round, elliptical. Corner pallets, square, rectangular and segmental, in the form of a quarter circle or ellipse.
Combined900×1200 1500×1500Linear pallets, rectangular, square, round, elliptical. Corner pallets, square, rectangular and segmental, in the form of a quarter circle or ellipse.

Remember! Obviously, the variety of shapes and sizes is much wider; only the main ones are reflected in the table, therefore, to select a booth for specific conditions, it is necessary to focus on the catalogs of manufacturing companies.

Door opening system

At the present time, the following main types of door opening systems have been formed:

  • Folding - such doors ensure folding of the leaf along a vertical line and ensure that the unit is placed inside. Convenient for small rooms, but to some extent they restrict the internal volume and do not provide ease of entry and exit for large persons;
  • Hinged - open outward, as a result of which the internal volume remains unchanged. Demanding on room dimensions;
  • Pivot - similar to swing doors, however, the door drive is provided not by a canopy, but by a working pair of hinge - guide track, as a result of which the leaf is positioned in the doorway approximately equally, both inwards and outwards;
  • Sliding - the movement of the canvas is ensured by the principle of sliding along the plane of the cabin, similar to compartment doors. They save space to an excellent extent and do not make it difficult to enter or exit. One of the most common options.

Additional functions

The list of additional equipment is wide and varied. So, a shower stall can be equipped with:

  1. A water heating tank designed like a classic boiler.
  2. Steam generator, for use as a kind of Turkish bath.
  3. A flat radial vertical watering can of large diameter to simulate a tropical shower.
  4. Cascade shower system.
  5. High-pressure nozzles, for use as a hydromassage, based on the operating principle of a Charcot shower.
  6. The bathtub can be designed in both a simple and advanced design, with the function of aerating the volume of water and hydromassage.
  7. Devices for conducting sessions of ozone therapy, aromatherapy and mineral salt therapy.
  8. Equipping the interior space with entertainment and communication systems, such as radios, music players, cordless phones, etc.

Features of wooden shower cabins

Many people are skeptical about wooden cabins, because wood, as you know, does not tolerate moisture, and is also susceptible to rotting, parasitic insects, etc. In fact, the so-called thermowood is used to make showers.

Essentially it is ordinary wood, but processed at high temperatures (185-230 degrees Celsius). Moreover, no chemical additives are used during its processing, which is an extremely important point.

In the photo - heat-treated wood

Thanks to this processing, the material acquires the following qualities:

  • Rot resistant.
  • Strength and resistance to cracking.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Durability.
  • Wood becomes unsuitable for parasitic insects and mold.

The principle of this treatment is based on the fact that hemicellulose and lignin are evaporated from wood under the influence of high temperature. After this, the material stops absorbing excess moisture and becomes of better quality.

Thus, a wooden shower cabin for a bath is completely devoid of those disadvantages that are characteristic of ordinary wooden products.

Wooden cabin in a timber house


Among the advantages of wooden cabins, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Attractive appearance that fits perfectly into houses built of wood.
  • Environmental friendliness - wood itself is an environmentally friendly material, and, moreover, as mentioned above, no chemicals are used in the process of its processing.
  • Durability - such booths can last no less than traditional ones made of plastic.
  • Many manufacturers of such cabins can make them according to individual sketches, which allows the plumbing fixtures to fit perfectly into the interior of a bathroom or bathhouse. In addition, you can choose any accessories if you wish.
  • Do not require surface treatment or any maintenance.

Shower stall with forging elements


As for the shortcomings of the products in question, there are few of them.

However, for objectivity it is still worth familiarizing yourself with them:

  • High price - wooden booths are much more expensive than their counterparts made from traditional materials.
  • Installation of the cabin requires the presence of water supply and sewerage in the room. Therefore, before installing plumbing, it is necessary to carry out communications.
  • Difficulty in transportation - wooden structures cannot be disassembled in the same way as conventional ones made of plastic.

These products probably have no other drawbacks.

Shower cabin made of larch

Wood species

It must be admitted that most types of wood can be used in the manufacture of baths. People especially like conifers - pine and spruce. But when making barrels, the requirements are somewhat different, which is why the choice of craftsmen falls on other trees.

Oak wood


Oak is a recognized leader in the production of barrels. It is highly resistant to moisture and develops a rich black hue over time in the absence of oxygen. This process is called staining. Oak is used for the manufacture of products with a service life of many, many years, barrels of special density, including for wine. It is now clear why so many companies offer to make a shower cabin from this particular material.

In small quantities, in addition to the species listed below, beech, ash and chestnut can be used for the construction of baths and shower cabins. The limitation of coniferous species is due to the presence in the specified wood of a small amount of resins, the smell of which may not be pleasant to everyone. But if you like it, then use it for your health. For example, shower cabins made of larch can be widely found on sale. Fir and Siberian cedar are quite suitable for baths. But only in cases where the aroma of the resin is pleasant to the customer.

The disadvantage of coniferous trees in general is the numerous falling out clawed knots, cracking during drying is more severe than in deciduous trees.


The soft hardwood is known for the fact that the leaves of this tree tremble even in the calm. The material has a number of useful qualities, thanks to which it is possible to make shower cabins of any shape from it:

  • Lightness (unlike oak).
  • Elasticity, flexibility after soaking.
  • It splits perfectly into even chips and is processed well.

A wide variety of products are poured into barrels made of this material; with proper preparation of the inner surface using enamel, it is possible to transport vegetable and mineral oils. Aspen perfectly withstands significant overloads, as well as shaking during transportation.

Aspen pallet


Linden, in addition to the qualities inherent in pine, almost does not crack when dried. But the percentage of volume reduction during this process is significant. Linden is not afraid of the dampness of a Russian bath, it is not worn out by worms, and the surface does not warp. The board holds salt water well and can be used for SPA treatments.

Pine and spruce

Every master knows about the ease of working with pine. However, this wood easily rots when there is an abundance of moisture. Spruce can be used to make shower cabins. However, the wood of the Christmas tree is poorly planed and is prone to breakage.


The pallet of a wooden shower cabin for a bath is essentially a half-barrel covered with a traditional hoop. That is why we paid so much attention to coopers. It is customary to chop high-quality boards from tree trunks by hand. The tree is sawn into splints, each of which is marked in one or two rows. To obtain maximum joint density, radial splitting is used. In this case, after marking, the log is gradually split into two, four, eight, and so on parts until the desired size is obtained.

When cutting, a reserve of 10% is usually taken for shrinkage. The surface in contact with water can be coated with enamel for greater durability. After cutting, the boards are dried naturally or artificially. High-quality lumber without special chambers is kept in stacks for a period of 4 to 6 months. In outdoor conditions, wood moisture content drops to 15-18%, after which the stack is moved indoors. In dryers, soft rocks dry in a few days, while hard rocks are stored for a week or more.

Shower and bath arrangement

The metal hoop for shower cabins is made of hot-rolled steel with a width of 20 to 55 mm and a thickness of 1.5 to 3.5 mm. The hoop can also be made of wood for decorative purposes; it is usually made from:

  1. Hazel.
  2. And you.
  3. Duba.
  4. Ash.
  5. Beech.
  6. Elm.
  7. Poplars.
  8. Alders.
  9. Ate.
  10. Birches.
  11. Bird cherry, etc.

The hoop is made from a long, flat (bed) soaked board, the ends are joined with locks. Handicraft production is often carried out using special machines, thanks to which soaking is not a necessary production step. As the wood dries, it retains its given shape and no longer requires holding. Before putting on the hoop goes through a number of additional procedures:

  • Steaming.
  • Cutting locks.
  • Hydration.
  • Planing.

Features of choice

When choosing a wooden cabin for a summer residence, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The type of wood from which the structure is made - it is desirable that the tree itself is strong enough and durable. For example, larch is an excellent option.
  • Design – a wooden shower cabin for a bathhouse or a bathroom in a country house should fit well into the surrounding interior and at the same time look attractive in itself.
  • The quality of the fittings, and this applies not only to such elements as a shower or faucet, but also to fastening rings, as well as other metal parts. They must be made of material that is not susceptible to corrosion.
  • Complete set - like a regular cabin, this product can have an overhead and hand shower, as well as additional options.

Cabin with high tray

The depth of the pan - the convenience of plumbing depends on this. For example, if elderly people live at the dacha, then you should not purchase a structure with a high side that is difficult to step over. It should be noted that there are booths without a pallet at all. Their installation involves installing a drain directly in the floor. In this case, for convenience, use a wooden flooring for the shower stall, which is placed on the floor. The location of the drain and other nuances, which will facilitate the installation of the structure in the future

This is especially important if you are going to connect the plumbing yourself. Coating – to increase service life, some manufacturers treat booths with additional compounds. It is extremely important that the protective coating does not contain harmful chemicals.

Doors for wooden cabins - can be made of glass or other material

Some cabins do not have doors at all, as they are designed to use curtains. In this case, the choice depends solely on your own preferences.

Cabin with curtain

Here, in fact, are all the most important points that should be taken into account when choosing a shower stall made of wood.



From the above, we can conclude that the best wooden shower cabins for baths are oak, and they are also the most expensive. To be fair, it must be said that the minimum asking price of 60 thousand rubles is quite affordable. Try to buy a wooden barrel for at least 300 liters and immediately be convinced of what has been said. Therefore, we did not become too picky.

It is recommended to pay attention to the fact that some products are equipped with a tray, while others have a grill. The mixer can be either with taps or without them (with only one shower head). The design of the doors is quite monotonous; there are sliding and swing doors in stock. Some shower cabins are completely equipped with a bare portal. Really, who needs a door in a bathhouse?

Otherwise, the choice follows the usual pattern. We recommend looking through the articles on this site, where each argument is discussed in detail in the text, and this is:

  • Installation problems.
  • Siphons.
  • Doors and rollers (including maintenance).
  • Faucets.
  • Interior furnishings (shelves).

Among other things, you can find the so-called thermowood in catalogs. Any cooper knows that the inside of a barrel is annealed to a golden color to better retain moisture. This is exactly what we are talking about, but in relation to a wooden shower cabin for a bath.

How to make a shower in a bathhouse

You can make a shower stall in a bathhouse yourself. This will require not so much special skills as competent calculation of communication and equipment power. The only exception is a gas heater. To install and connect the latter in the shower, you should call a special service.

Important! If you do not have the engineering skills to do the calculations, especially in a large bathhouse, it is better to contact a specialist.

Self-installation of a shower in a bathhouse

Installation of a stationary shower includes several stages:

arrangement of water drainage - as already mentioned, the sewerage system should be laid during the construction of the foundation of the bathhouse, it is very important to observe the slope of the pipe and the concrete base of the pan itself, since the water flows by gravity;

choice of heating method - each option requires its own method of water supply, so this issue is first decided, depending on the selected installation and its power, the water supply system is calculated;

water supply - pipes of a suitable type are selected, cut to length, installed using fittings and laid in accordance with the diagram; it is necessary to provide for the installation of a storage tank if the water supply pressure is low and if a storage or furnace tank is installed;

fastening the heating tank - usually it is placed on the wall, if it is a stove tank, then it is mounted on the chimney pipe;

system assembly - pipes are connected to the rest of the shower elements, including a watering can and mixer;

finishing work - depends on the method of installation of communications, if the installation is open, the walls and floor of the shower can be finished immediately after laying the finished pallet; if a hidden method is used, then the pipes are fixed to the rough wall or into the wall in special boxes, and then the frame is mounted and completed finishing of the bath.

Important! When arranging a shower in a bathhouse, elements should be provided to limit the splashing of water. As a rule, the shower is installed behind a partition; the latter can be made of concrete, wood or even plastic.

How to make a shower in a bathhouse from a stove

Installation of such a device is somewhat more complicated due to the need to secure an external heating tank to the chimney pipe.

  1. At the stage of laying communications, a storage tank for cold and hot water is placed in the attic space. Prerequisite for operation: water supply from above.
  2. The tank is fixed to the chimney pipe as close to the stove as possible: here the temperature of the gases is highest and the water warms up faster.
  3. Titanium can only function if it is very precisely centered. The oven must be on a perfectly level base.
  4. Holes are made through the ceiling for pipes supplying and discharging water. 2 drainage outlets are connected to the heating tank and the hot water tank. The first is designed to supply heated water. The second ensures fluid circulation. A tee is connected to this pipe to provide hot water to the shower.
  5. Two pipes are also connected from the storage tank for cold water: one leads to the shower room, the second to the hot water tank.

Important! Installation of this system can be done after construction. In this case, it is unrealistic to lay the pipe in a hidden way, so finishing is done in any case before the system is assembled.

Finishing a shower in a bathhouse

You can decorate a shower room in different ways. The simplest method does not even involve tiling.

  1. In a wooden bath, the partitions separating the shower room from other rooms are treated with antiseptics and then primed with a waterproof compound. It is allowed to use a special waterproof varnish. You can decorate the shower in the bathhouse with clapboard - the latter is processed in the same way as wood. You can use plastic lining. It is more resistant to water and steam, although not as attractive as wood.
  2. A holder or hooks for towels, shelves for soap and shampoo are installed in the shower. You can use a shower holder that includes all these accessories.
  3. Between the partitions, if required, install a rod or rail and attach a waterproof curtain to it. The latter is optional.
  4. If the bathhouse is wooden, then the wall in the shower can be lined with tiles or artificial stone.

The material is selected in accordance with the interior of the bathhouse.

Do-it-yourself shower in the bathhouse

Organizing a shower in a bathhouse is not that difficult. Depending on the complexity of the design, there are 2 types:

  • summer or seasonal shower - installed in summer cottages and in those country houses that are used only in the summer, such a shower does not have a heating element, since the water tank is located directly on the roof of the building and during the day it heats up perfectly in the sun;
  • winter or stationary - the shower is installed in a bathhouse building, here a heating tank is mandatory, since the shower is used not only for contrast dousing, but also for hygiene procedures.

In any case, a shower in a bathhouse involves organizing a water supply system and a drainage system.

Layout of accommodation

The choice of location for the shower is determined by its design and the characteristics of the bath. Several factors are taken into account:

  • a stationary shower can be placed in any area except for the steam room; in fact, the shower room should be located as close as possible to the water intake points, in this case there will be no need to pull pipes over a long distance and thus you can save on construction;
  • if the bathhouse has a concrete floor with finishing, then you can install any options: a shower stall, a do-it-yourself pallet, and so on; if the floor in the building is made of wood, then only a metal pallet is installed: the concrete base does not have sufficient support and cracks quite quickly;
  • when organizing a summer shower, if there is no heating tank, it is enough to use a “bucket-waterfall”; here you only need to provide for the installation of a tap in order to fill the bucket with water.

Important! The location for the shower in the bathhouse is chosen during planning, since during construction it is necessary to lay a sewer system and a foundation for the pallet.

Floors and water drainage

A washing room in a bathhouse with a shower should be provided and organized during the laying of the foundation. In order for the shower to function fully, it is necessary to create an inlet and outlet, and this is much easier to do at the installation stage.

  1. First of all, they dig a cesspool where the used water is disposed of. The trench must be at least 3 m deep and up to 1 m wide. It is allowed to place the pit no closer than 3–5 m to the foundation of the bathhouse.

  2. The trench is reinforced with formwork and filled with cement. You can also use ready-made reinforced concrete rings.

  3. Then choose a place for the shower.
    From this area to the drainage hole, a trench is dug at an angle of 20 degrees. A polypropylene sewer pipe is laid here - from the shower drain to the pit. Since the drains flow out by gravity, it is highly undesirable for there to be turns or connections in this area: this increases the risk of blockages. The trench is filled with concrete screed. It is imperative to ensure that the slope of 20 degrees is maintained. Important! If the soil freezes to a depth of more than 1 m, the sewer pipe is thermally insulated with glass wool or expanded clay.
  4. In the future shower room, a metal sheet with a drain hole is installed so that the latter coincides with the end of the drain pipe. A drain is installed at its end: it prevents unpleasant odors from entering the washing room, and also does not allow the drainage system to become clogged. The sheet should lie with a slope. All joints are sealed with sealants, reinforced to strengthen the structure and filled with concrete. This is how you get a concrete shower tray. You can install it ready-made.

  5. The floor in the shower is tiled. This material perfectly withstands the test of water and steam and is quite easy to install.

If a shower is organized after the construction of the bathhouse, the floors in the future shower room will have to be dismantled. If the floor is wooden, then it is worth installing a ready-made pallet.

Engineering Communication

The necessary communications in the bathhouse that ensure the functioning of the shower include not only water drainage, but also supply. This is a little more difficult to do.

There are 2 main options for supplying the shower:

  • connection to the central water supply - if there is such a possibility, then the water supply is organized by laying an additional branch from the main pipe; a shower requires both cold water for mixing and water for heating;
  • supply from a well or lake - a pump is placed in the well, a water pipeline is laid from the well to the shower in the bathhouse, and the wiring is done here.

Heating is also possible in two ways. You can install a heating tank in the shower room. If the heating of the bath is carried out only with the help of a stove, then the device for heating water is located on the stove itself. This option is more economical.

The actual scheme is simple: a common water pipeline is run from the pump in the well to a storage tank in the bathhouse. There are 2 pipes leading from the tank: the top one supplies hot water, passing through the heating tank, and the one located just below supplies cold water. The pipes are brought to the shower head, connected and valves are installed.

When installing the system, several rules must be followed:

  • pipes with hot water should always be located above the drains with cold water, otherwise the heated air rises up to the cold pipes, cools down and provides condensation on the water supply itself and on the walls of the bathhouse;
  • all cables are placed at least 10 cm above the water supply;
  • if hidden communications are installed under the shower finishing, then the water pipes are insulated, this is done in order to prevent condensation from settling.

Important! For good pressure, sometimes an additional pump is needed.

Methods for heating water for showers

It is preferable to have not only cold, but also hot water in the shower. For this purpose, a water heating tank is installed. You can use a variety of options.

  1. Instantaneous water heater - water heats up as it passes through the device. To ensure such rapid heating, the tank must have high power - from 2 to 7 kW, and, accordingly, consume a lot of electricity. At the same time, the device is compact, fireproof and highly reliable. Installation of the product is extremely simple: the tank is placed on the wall, connected to a pipe supplying water on one side, and to a watering can on the other.

  2. Cumulative. It has a much larger volume - from 10 to 200 liters. Since the water here is heated gradually, it should be collected first. The water heats up to +55– +80 degrees, so you should install a mixer in the shower. Heating takes time: 100 liters of liquid will warm up in 3 hours. Installation of the device is somewhat more difficult due to its large weight and volume. The device may only be mounted on a solid load-bearing wall.
  3. Heating stove tank - such a device is fixed directly to the chimney. While the oven is operating, it becomes very hot and this heat can be used. No additional heating costs are needed. Installing the system is more complicated: firstly, you must achieve the correct ratio of the volume of the tank relative to the volume of the chimney in the bathhouse. Secondly, water can only be supplied to the tank from above, that is, the water storage tank must be located above the installation level.

The choice is made taking into account financial capabilities and the need for the amount of hot water.

Materials for arranging a shower in a bathhouse

Construction of a bathhouse with shower and toilet requires appropriate materials and tools.

First of all, you should select pipes:

  • metal - very durable, but have considerable weight, installation will require at least a welding machine, in addition, the products are susceptible to corrosion and require constant care;

  • polyethylene - very easy to install - you can equip a shower room in a couple of hours, the products are lightweight, insensitive to corrosion, but can withstand heating only up to +60 degrees; if the tank heats the water to a higher temperature, it is worth installing more reliable drainage systems in this area;

  • polypropylene - very light, durable and easy to install, can withstand heating up to +80 degrees, especially those reinforced with aluminum foil, this is the best option for a shower.

Shut-off valves – for hot and cold water. Metal parts are used.

You will need special fittings for polypropylene pipes: couplings, adapters, angles, clamps, and so on. The quantity depends on the length of the system.

Heat exchanger for a bath - flow-through, storage or titanium type.

Shower accessories – mixer, watering can, flexible hose, valves, holder.

A storage tank is required if a storage heater is installed rather than a flow-through heater.

A soldering iron for plastic pipes or a welding machine for metal ones, as well as other tools necessary for measuring and cutting pipes, hoses, thermal insulation, and so on.

In addition, you will need materials for finishing the shower, in accordance with the chosen style of the bath.

Design Features

A bathhouse with a bathroom requires a special approach to design, because... Already at this stage, issues of not only the placement of the toilet on the plan, but also the supply of water supply, organization of sewerage and ventilation should be worked out. There are many standard bathhouse designs that you can safely use on your site.

You can choose options for large buildings: a two-story bathhouse with a bathroom or a design for a bathhouse with a bathroom and an attic. In such structures, a certain problem arises with ventilation. Thus, a bathhouse with an attic and a bathroom requires the passage of a ventilation riser through the living space, which requires its reliable insulation and placement along the edge of the attic.

Figure 2. Project of a 6x6 m bathhouse with a bathroom

Typical popular projects include the following:

  • 6x6 bathhouse (the design with a bathroom is shown in Fig. 2);
  • a bathhouse made of timber with a toilet (Fig. 3);
  • bathhouse with shower and toilet (Fig. 4).

Figure 3. Project of a bathhouse made of timber with a toilet

It is somewhat more difficult to allocate space in small buildings, but standard options are provided for them as well. Thus, 4x5 bathhouse projects with a bathroom and even a 2x6 bathhouse project with a small bathroom are available for implementation. In small bathhouses, mobile options are more often installed, especially when the desire to increase comfort arose after several years of their operation.

A bathhouse with a bathroom is not only a tribute to fashion and prestige. With frequent and year-round bathing procedures, organizing such convenience becomes a necessity. The desire for such a little comfort arises especially acutely when there is a rest room, and also when there are small children in the family. It is best to plan a toilet inside a bathhouse at the design stage, but the problem can be solved in an existing establishment.

Washing room with shower and dousing bucket in the bathhouse

If the room has a concrete floor, you can install any booth you like or make a pallet yourself. If the floor is wooden, it is recommended to install exclusively purchased models. You, of course, can make a pallet yourself, but the concrete base on such a floor will not have rigid support, so it will probably crack over time.

If you do not plan to supply hot water to the shower, you can simply install a “waterfall bucket” made of wood. The only thing that needs to be done is to provide a special tap so that the bucket is filled with water.

Shower in the bath: design

The design of the shower is determined by the style of the bath itself. In fact, there is not too much choice here.

The simplest option is a ready-made shower stall. Despite the utilitarian “technical” appearance, such a product looks equally good in a tiled room, a wooden one or a log house.

Russian - most often does not involve a shower, but a “bucket-waterfall” - necessarily wooden and voluminous. However, the latter can serve an exclusively decorative role. In such cases, it is better to hide communications and the shower itself as much as possible: only the watering can, holder and valves remain visible on the wooden walls.

Finishing with tiles allows you to get a shower in any style except rustic. To do this, just select the appropriate type of ceramic tile. If a techno or hi-tech style is implemented, communications along with shower accessories can be safely left in sight. However, in this case, metal pipes must be used or at least given that appearance.

Loft and even modern modern assume one brick wall next to tiled walls.

Cladding with artificial stone turns the shower into an accessory from an oriental fairy tale. This is the most expensive and most effective option.


You can arrange a shower in the bathhouse with your own hands. Moreover, it is possible to use several installation schemes, different water heating tanks and even different methods of water supply. However, some work - for example, connecting a gas heater for a warm shower - should only be carried out by specialists.

Some advice from experts

To ensure that the device brings exceptionally pleasant emotions, pay attention to the recommendations of professionals:

  • if your goal is to take a shower after a steam room, take a closer look at open models, since there is no point in purchasing expensive products with a number of functions that will not be in demand;
  • if you are an admirer of water procedures and a healthy lifestyle, buy a combined product that harmoniously combines the benefits of both a bath and a shower;
  • if you want to relax in comfort after the steam room, give preference to closed products;
  • if the room in which you want to install the cabin cannot boast of impressive dimensions, purchase a device with a corner tray and folding or rotating doors;
  • if the room has a large area, take a closer look at products with a geometrically correct tray shape and sliding or hinged doors;
  • if you have children, then buy a device with a deep base;
  • If there are elderly people, purchase equipment with a flat or low base.

To implement your ideas, it is quite reasonable to use the services of professionals. They will competently and quickly establish communications, and also put everything in its place...

In general, be guided by personal preferences, but take into account the recommendations of experts. Whatever they say, a shower stall is very appropriate in a bathhouse, as it gives comfort, benefit and beauty! Good luck with your choice, dear readers! Bye.

Wisdom Quote: It doesn’t matter how hard you work, the main thing is the result. https://www.youtube.com/embed/tcDyKBllyfo

Elegant shower stall: selection criteria

So, before attacking stores, you should study the shower stalls inside and out. However, now we will do this.

Types of booths

There are the following types of sanitary equipment:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • combined.

Open cabins feature a prefabricated design. The plumbing fixture consists of a pan connected to the sewer riser and walls that are mounted around its perimeter. It does not have an upper base, which prevents the installation of additional devices with which you can equip a tropical or Russian shower. That is, you will have to be content with a watering can connected with a hose to the mixer. In addition, when installing the cabin, you can refuse to buy a pallet, since design gurus prefer a monolithic lower base made of durable concrete and finished with wonderful innovative raw materials.

Recognized advantages of open products:

  • aesthetics;
  • ergonomics;
  • functionality;
  • simplicity of design;
  • low cost;
  • huge selection.

Negative points of open models:

  • capital installation;
  • no additional features;
  • increased air humidity in the room during operation due to the lack of a roof in the cabin;
  • difficulties arise when repairing communication pipes.

Enclosed cabins are distinguished by their autonomous design. The device consists of walls, lower and upper bases - a pallet and a roof. The box is equipped with a huge number of additional functions that provide indescribable pleasure.

Advantages of closed devices:

  • multifunctionality;
  • ergonomics;
  • comfort;
  • presentable;
  • isolation;
  • a set of amazing features;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • a wide range of.

The disadvantage of closed models is their high price.

Combined cabins are boxes that differ from their relatives by the presence of a deep lower base, which plays the role of a comfortable bath. The models perfectly combine the advantages of modern bathtubs, which demonstrate the presence of additional functions, and the advantages of open and closed cabins.

“Here’s another thing, why do you need a box with a bathtub in a bathhouse? Some bad manners!” - gourmets of velvety steam will say. Just imagine: you took a good steam bath, refreshed yourself in the icy “rain,” plunged into relaxing fragrant water in the bath, closed your eyes and indulged in daydreaming. In addition, the cabin is a wonderful alternative to a hot tub, the price of which could easily give some people a heart attack.

Advantages of combined models:

  • a combination of the recognized advantages of a bathtub and a stall;
  • amazing design;
  • impressive functionality;
  • luxurious comfort;
  • simple installation;
  • huge selection.

Disadvantages of combined models:

  • relatively high price;
  • large dimensions.

By installing multifunctional equipment in the bathhouse, with a bucket, basin and ladle - you can say goodbye to relics of the past! The cabin, let’s say, is a newfangled trend that caresses the interior of the steam room with fashionability and comfort!

Shower equipment dimensions

To choose the optimal size cabin, you should focus on the area of ​​the room in the bathhouse intended for installing the device, and taste preferences.

The popular sizes of open and closed models are:

  • 1000×1000 mm;
  • 900×900 mm;
  • 800×800 mm.

Popular dimensions of combined models are:

  • 1500×1500 mm;
  • 1250×1250 mm;
  • 900×1600 mm;
  • 900×1200 mm;
  • 800×1200 mm.

These dimensions are typical for equipment of geometrically regular shapes. In addition to these dimensions, there are others. As a result, the cabin will easily fit into a room of any size and shape.

Shape of booths (pallets)

Pallets in the form of:

  • rectangle;
  • square;
  • circle;
  • semicircle.

For tiny rooms and rooms with irregular geometry, corner pallets in the form of:

  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • quarter circle;
  • quarter ellipse.

Thus, the shower stall is delightful, both for miniature rooms and for rooms with a royal area.

Depth of booths (lower base)

The market is replete with a huge variety of shower cabins. Both flat (entirely) pallets level with the floor and very high ones, towering 40–50 cm or more above it, are in great demand. When purchasing a booth, you should take into account the features of communication nodes. For example, flat or low pallets require the installation of a pedestal or raising the floor level, which is extremely expensive and troublesome. A more convenient, but no less expensive way to install such pallets is to connect the base to the communication nodes using a sololift - a special pump designed for pumping out sewage water.

High pallets do not require additional financial investments and effort to build this or that device, but you will have to overcome the sides every time. Therefore, experts recommend not to be lazy and make one or two steps to avoid injuries.

Materials used to make pallets

Pallets are made from the following raw materials:

  • artificial stone that is not susceptible to the destructive effects of mechanical, climatic, thermal and chemical factors, but its price is impressive;
  • natural stone, famous for its noble appearance and first-class technical characteristics, its disadvantage is its high price;
  • cast iron, known for wear resistance and durability, but it is very heavy;
  • steel, which demonstrates strength, but it gives off heat very quickly and cools down at lightning speed;
  • earthenware, famous for its aesthetics and long service life, but it is very fragile;
  • acrylic, known for its resistance to the destructive effects of negative environmental factors, low price and elegant appearance.

Also, pallets are often made of wood, wood, and ceramics, but they are less popular.

Door opening systems

In order not to disfigure the interior, you should pay attention to the doors, namely the opening system.

There are the following types of doors:

  • folding - good for booths installed in tiny rooms, because they are compact - they fold in two and open inward;
  • hinged ones - ideal for equipment intended for rooms of royal size, as they open outwards, their advantage is their wide opening, which allows people with a large build to visit the shower stall;
  • rotary - an excellent solution for products installed in mini-rooms, since the design is equipped with a track that allows the hinge to move smoothly, due to which the door opens easily;
  • hinged - an excellent option for booths installed in medium-sized rooms; at the ends of the doors there are two rotary hinges - bottom and top, which makes the model safe, reliable, convenient and beautiful;
  • sliding – an amazing solution for sanitary installations with huge dimensions. They significantly save space due to the presence of panels that overlap each other.

As you can see, you can choose shower equipment with doors that highlight the advantages and skillfully hide the disadvantages.

Materials used to make booth doors and walls

The doors and walls of the shower device are made from the following raw materials:

  • aesthetic polystyrene;
  • attractive organic glass;
  • original triplex;
  • beautiful glass.

Polystyrene is a material known for a number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractiveness;
  • strength;
  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • reasonable price.

There are also negative points:

  • whimsical care;
  • short service life.

Organic glass has the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • modest weight;
  • attractive appearance;
  • reasonable price.

There is a drawback - susceptibility to scratches, which cannot be eliminated.

Triplex is a type of tempered glued glass, famous for a number of advantages:

  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • aesthetics;
  • reliability;
  • security.

The disadvantage of the material is the high price.

Glass will delight you with the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractiveness;
  • biological passivity;
  • strength;
  • security;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of care.

No deficiencies found.

Some secrets

  • An outdoor shower can be built with a float intake, as in Figure A, then the washable one will use only the upper heated layer of water.
  • To save water, you can install a foot pedal, which, when pressed, will open the tap using a spring.
  • Also, for better heating of the water, you can make an outlet from the tank in the form of a coil, in which the water will heat up faster and “go” to the top, passing cold water into the coil.
  • Most often, the water in a summer shower for a dacha is heated only by the sun, but if you connect a water heater, the warm water can also be used in the kitchen for washing dishes, having previously made the necessary wiring.


The price of wood is steep, but if the manufacturer is ready to give a 10-year guarantee, then within the specified period any self-respecting hotel with a Finnish sauna or Russian bathhouse is quite capable of recouping 60 thousand rubles with considerable profit. Therefore, such an interesting design decision is unlikely to contradict the sanity of the enterprise's business plan.

Modern shower in the bath

General information

For many summer residents, a country house is a place of unity with nature. It is for this reason that they prefer wooden country houses decorated with accessories made from natural materials. Agree, a traditional modern shower stall made of plastic will look somewhat ridiculous in such a house.

But a wooden structure would be perfect for such a house. Therefore, recently wooden cabins have become very popular. As a rule, these products are stylized as wooden barrels, which makes it possible to give the room coziness and emphasize its natural style.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The procedure for constructing a shower stall and useful practical tips:

There are many options for installing a summer wooden shower cabin. Here we looked at one of the simple ones, which, if desired, is easy to implement with your own hands. The advantages of choosing a scheme with wood are not only in the ease of its manufacture - this design fits well into the overall project of the ecology of a summer cottage.

If you had to set up a summer shower in your country house or countryside, you can tell us about it and add a photo of your homemade product in the block below. There you can ask questions or share valuable advice on the topic of the article with our readers.

Why do you need a shower in a bathhouse?

A wooden shower cabin in a bathhouse is needed in order to fulfill all the traditions. According to centuries-old traditions, after a steam room you need to quickly rinse with cold water. Since ancient times it was snow and river flows. But in connection with today's ecology, it is scary to use such proven means. The sediments are now dirty, and so is the river bed. All that remains is to douse yourself with ice water from a tub, or take a refreshing shower.

A wooden cabin is required because it looks good and is environmentally friendly. Although, strictly speaking, ABS and glass perfectly hold boiling water up to 100 degrees Celsius, especially ice water. Consequently, the need for wooden shower cabins arises at a time when it is necessary to create a special rustic coziness and maintain a unique style.

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