Do-it-yourself steam room in a bathhouse step by step: easy instructions with a description of all stages + 140 photo ideas

How is the floor finished in a steam room?

The process of finishing a bathhouse begins with organizing the floor. It is recommended to raise it 150-200 mm above the floor level in other rooms. This allows you to maintain heat in the steam room due to the absence of drafts.

Shunted plank flooring

It is best to use tiles, tongue and groove or edged boards as the material. The level of safety of moving indoors and its comfort will depend on the choice made. Flooring from boards is made on logs, which are placed on brick pillars. The base is sand or concrete. For installation, galvanized, bronze, brass or stainless steel fasteners are used.

Features of arranging a steam room

When building a steam room with your own hands, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

Selection of oven

The main parameters on which the operation of the device depends are: the number of stones and the duration of their heating, the heat resistance of the body, the grate material, the power consumption of the unit and its design. To provide heat, in addition to the steam room, to adjacent rooms with a total area of ​​22 square meters, a power of 24 kW is sufficient. Making a stove with your own hands will reduce the cost of arranging a bathhouse.

Choosing a stove is an important matter

Floor covering

The best solution for flooring materials would be to use porcelain tiles or natural stone. For safe movement, a boardwalk is laid. Thermal insulation of the floor is not required. In this case, one of the requirements for the floor is the installation of a hole for draining water. Wood as a flooring material is not the best option, since high humidity will lead to its deformation and rapid failure.


For a ceiling, a sufficient height is 2.2 m, which is due to the physical properties of steam and human physiology. If the ceiling height exceeds the specified value, will the steam rise? and the effect of its influence will be lost. Reducing the height will lead to discomfort during bath procedures, as there will be a risk of head injury and difficulties will arise when working with a broom.

Windows and doors

Window organization is not a requirement.

Wood or glass are the best material options for making doors. If a wooden door is tradition, then glass is practical.

Selecting a steam source and determining a location for the furnace

An important factor when choosing a stove is the method of generating steam, the energy source and the size of the steam room.

The traditional fuel is wood, but both electricity and gas can be used. There are several types of ovens.

Wood burning

Installing such a stove will provide a unique atmosphere in the bathhouse. Even the fact that such a device requires periodic cleaning of soot from the stones cannot spoil the pleasure of taking a bath procedure. To reduce the formation of soot, aspen wood should be used as fuel. To maintain a stable temperature, it is necessary to constantly monitor the combustion process.

Steam room with wood stove


The electric heater is very easy to use. Such an electrical appliance is compact, has sufficient power and allows you to quickly reach the required temperature. Its device does not require the organization of a chimney.

The electric heater is safe for the environment and humans, its maintenance is simplified as much as possible due to the use of automation, and its design features eliminate the possibility of injury. The main disadvantage of the device is its significant energy consumption.

Electric heater


The use of a gas furnace is characterized by ease of operation, high heating speed and maintenance of the set temperature in the steam room. A significant disadvantage of this device is the dimensions of the furnace and the significant need of the device for gas. The use of a furnace of this type is impractical if there is no connection to the gas main.

Types of heaters

The stove can be open or closed.

There are different types of heaters

In the case when several people plan to take bath procedures, the best choice would be an open type of heater. The firebox (the place where the fuel is burned) does not have fireproof masonry. It serves as a place for laying stones. This arrangement of the stove allows you to heat all the rooms of the bathhouse and allow the stones to heat up.

When exposed to water, heaters with such a device quickly lose temperature. This design is used in furnaces with electric heating.

A closed heater is a traditional way of constructing a Russian bath. At the same time, a large number of stones are located in a specially designated area of ​​the furnace. In this case, the steam exits through a special door, the level of which is located opposite the stones of the first row. This door must remain closed during fuel combustion. To warm up the steam room, open it in advance.

Making your own steam room

The steam room is installed during the construction of a Finnish sauna, a traditional Russian bath. Thanks to this room, owners and visitors can take a steam bath, because... Without it, the process resembles ordinary washing. To reduce costs, owners do a lot of the work themselves. The steam room in this case is distinguished by its brevity and simplicity. It contains a minimum of elements:

  • wooden benches with 2-3 tiers;
  • oven with stones for heating and creating steam.

This is useful: how to make a boiler for a bath yourself in a short time.

Insulation of walls, floors and ceilings

The execution option is included in the project. As a result of high-quality insulation, less heat is lost to the outside and fuel consumption is reduced. First they start with the ceiling, then the floor and walls. Frequency of work:

  1. Surfaces are cleaned of dust. A vapor barrier is fixed to the ceiling and a wooden counter-lattice is attached. It is needed so that the insulation layer does not come into contact with the insulation, since the latter loses its properties when wet.
  2. Mineral wool is fixed along the bars below using a stapler. For the top insulation, two layers are used, and for the walls, a single layer is used. A plank ceiling covering is installed underneath. It is made from planed boards, trying to place the elements without gaps.
  3. Since the floor is located close to the ground in conditions of dampness and high humidity from the ground, it is insulated from steam, moisture and heat loss. Typically, thick layers are placed between the joists over the already installed waterproofing, and the steam protection is attached last.
  4. Wall insulation is done in a similar way, but with one layer of mineral wool. Other types of material are also used, but polystyrene foam becomes unusable under such extreme conditions and is therefore not used.
  5. All surfaces are finished with clapboard, and the joints of the coating are treated with silicone sealant with the ability to work in extreme mode.

Arrangement of benches and stove

The firebox in the steam room is positioned so that it is at least 35 cm from the nearby walls. The distance is considered safe from the point of view of fire safety requirements. Electric and metal fireboxes are purchased on the market, and brick fireplaces are laid by hand.

In modern saunas, various types of stoves are used, which have disadvantages and advantages:

  1. Metal hearths are inexpensive and quickly release heat to the interior. But after the combustion stops, the array cools down in a short period. When positioning, you need to make a protective casing.
  2. Brick options require some time to heat up. After stopping the fuel supply, they remain hot for a long time, therefore they are economical in operation and accumulate pure steam.
  3. Chlorite fireboxes made from soapstone are an effective type; they heat up for a long time and evenly, and the fireplaces cool down for a long time. Their warmth is comfortable and soft.
  4. Electric stoves do not require a chimney. Despite the rapid heat transfer, such options are often used, because control them from a distance, adjusting the temperature.

Without the convenience of shelves, it is impossible to properly create a steam room. The material used is dry boards and bars made of wood without resin content. Rocks that can withstand high temperatures without deformation are used. These are oak, cedar, alder, larch, birch and linden.

The dimensions of the benches depend on the size of the steam room and the number of visitors. The optimal width is 0.65 m, length 1.8 m. Under the lower shelves you can arrange a place to store the necessary bath accessories. For the frame, bars with a cross section of 50 x 50 mm are used, boards are taken with a thickness of 20 mm or more. A height of 70 cm is provided between tiers, and a height of 1 m to the ceiling from the top bench.

By design, there are stationary shelves, removable and retractable. Using the second type, the height of the benches is changed. Folding seats are removed as unnecessary and returned to their working position when the number of visitors increases.

Comfortable light

More often, baths and saunas are built with blank walls , without windows, so additional lamps are installed. Do not use bright light; on the contrary, twilight evokes a feeling of calm and relaxation. Lamps are placed so that they do not interfere with procedures and rest. One large lamp is placed above the entrance, and small appliances are placed on top of the shelves.

To ensure fire safety, lamps are enclosed in sealed metal housings. Conducting cables and wires must be insulated in accordance with regulatory requirements for work in wet areas. They are enclosed in a housing made of heat-resistant plastic. The switch is placed outside the steam room, at the entrance.

Interior decoration

The surfaces are sheathed with wooden clapboard or planed boards. The thickness of the material is required from 20 mm, it is advisable to use hardwood. Tiles and ceramic tiles are not used for the steam room; they are placed in the general section of the bathhouse.

The floor in the steam room is sometimes made of concrete - the performance properties of the coating allow you to feel comfortable when walking. Combined wall decoration is allowed inside. Part of the fence located near the stove is decorated with natural stone.

Do not use plywood or chipboard for hot rooms. The materials are made from sawdust, which in the mass can ignite. The chips are compressed using binding components, which release harmful volatile substances when heated.

There is a drain hole in the floor that leads water outside the steam room through a pipe. The flooring is made with a slope towards this element, the joining gaps around are treated with sealant or cement-sand mortar.

Preparing to build a sauna

When planning the construction of a steam room, you need to decide what size it will be. There should be 0.7 m2 per person in the sauna.

The steam room should not be cramped or very spacious. In the first option it will be uncomfortable, and in the other it will be quite cool, because it is difficult to heat a large room. It is preferable to create a steam room measuring 2x2.4 meters. But it is not allowed to deviate from ordinary decisions.

Sauna size designation

To a certain extent, the width of the steam room depends on the way a person is positioned on the shelf. If it is planned that a person relaxing in a bathhouse will sit on a platform, then the room is made miniature.

When it is decided to steam while lying down, more space is required to create a steam room. In this situation, the best width is considered to be equal to the height of the tallest person in the family, plus another 20 cm.

The dimensions of the shelf and bath are selected taking into account the position in which it is comfortable to steam

The height of the steam room can be from 2.2 to 2.4 meters. It is determined based on the height of the tallest visitor to the bathhouse. When entering the steam room, this person should not touch the ceiling with his head.

Frequently asked questions

A frame bath is one of the alternative design options. Therefore, when choosing or arranging a structure, doubts often arise about the correctness of certain actions. Most unprepared people have the same type of questions, which are best answered in advance:

Is it possible to remove excess moisture using natural ventilation?

Natural ventilation is unstable, as it depends on many external factors - weather, climatic and meteorological conditions. The result can be equally very effective or completely ineffective. If possible, forced ventilation should be used.

Which thermal insulator is better?

Mineral wool is usually chosen for the walls of a frame bath. It is somewhat inferior to polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, but is completely safe in terms of fire, which becomes a decisive argument.

How to decorate the floor of a frame bath?

There may be different options here. The best option is to make a thin concrete screed with a slope towards the water drainage system and lay tiles. This will help eliminate heat leaks and drafts.

What prevention is required for a frame bath?

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the outer cladding, as well as check the tightness of the thermal and vapor barrier of the internal premises. If the walls are sealed off from contact with moisture and are reliable, the structure will last a long time.

What is more profitable, purchasing a ready-made kit or building a bathhouse yourself?

Finished frame baths must be assembled. In addition, the user is tied to the proposed size and configuration of the room. As a result, the total cost is twice as much as with independent construction. Therefore, ready-made baths are purchased only by wealthy people who do not want to be distracted by solving construction issues.

Bath design options

At the beginning of construction work, a design for the future structure is developed. You can do this yourself by using one of the ready-made drawings on the Internet as a template. There is a good alternative that will save time - order a project from specialists. The same team will also handle step-by-step turnkey construction.

There are ready-made modular bathhouses on sale, which are simply assembled according to the principle of a designer and do not require external or internal finishing.

Most popular sizes:

  • 3x4 m;
  • 3x6 m;
  • 5x5 m;
  • 6x6 m;
  • 6x8 m.

If you decide to make sketches yourself, then you need to consider the following points:

Correct location of the building

It is important to organize a convenient supply of communications here. Type of soil on the site. The type of foundation depends on this

In particular, for a bathhouse with a swimming pool, it is important that groundwater does not wash away the structure. Construction layout, dimensions. If a two-story bathhouse is built, then the load on the frame will be greater. It is important to calculate in advance where to install the stove, determine the height of the chimney pipe, where it will go on the roof. The diagram must indicate where: ventilation, electrical wiring, sewage are located. The shape of the roof, the material for its flooring. The ceiling power is calculated.

For communications, it is advisable to draw up a separate drawing.

On a large estate, a whole bathhouse complex with a terrace, a relaxation room, a dining room, and a bedroom would look good. In such a building it is great to spend time with guests all year round.

Projects with an attic are popular. According to the standard plan, the recreation room on the ground floor occupies up to 20 square meters. m. From it there is a staircase upstairs, where the bedroom is located.

The cost does not differ significantly from a one-story bathhouse

Attention is paid to strengthening the foundation, since the load on it is greater

We recommend that you read:

  • Step-by-step construction of a bathhouse with a terrace
  • Frame bathhouse with gazebo

In most frame structures for the floor, they use an edged board (rough flooring) and tongue and groove board (finish flooring). All wooden elements are thoroughly treated with antiseptics.

It is convenient to use lining on partitions, walls, and ceilings. For thermal insulation, it is better to take mineral wool and lay 2 layers of vapor barrier on top.

The steam room will perfectly accommodate a wood-burning stove with a water tank. You can lay it out manually from brick or buy a factory made metal one.

Thematic material:

  • Brick stove for a bath
  • Metal stove for a bath

At dachas, small baths of 3 * 4 m are often installed. It is easier to make them in a square or rectangular shape. Bathhouses in the shape of a barrel, triangular, look unusual. The steam room can accommodate 2-3 people. Inside the building there are only main rooms:

  • steam room;
  • shower;
  • dressing room (dressing room).

A small veranda is allowed. The sauna is heated by a wood-burning stove or boiler.

The main advantages of a mini-bath are the speed of construction and low expenses.

Recommendations and tips

To facilitate the construction process, it is recommended to follow a few tips, because they can provide important assistance. These include:

  • Before you begin attaching a log or beam to the foundation, you need to lay a waterproofing layer.
  • It is recommended to fasten the corners in half a tree. This will allow them to be quickly replaced in case of rotting.
  • It is necessary to caulk the log house.
  • When building a roof, it is recommended to make the “ridge” as high as possible. This will protect the building from the wind.
  • When laying the first crown, you need to carefully apply the bitumen mass. It plays an important role, so the layer must be thick.

Arrangement of floors in the bathhouse

Scheme for laying thermal insulation of the floor in a steam room of a Russian bath

To finish the floors of the steam room, you need to use a material that is not afraid of the temperature and humidity conditions typical for a bath and does not emit any harmful substances. The ideal material in terms of its properties is aspen. This wood is inexpensive, looks beautiful, is easy to process and serves well. It is recommended to attach bath benches not to the floor, but to the walls - this way you can save additional space.

Bath floor

You can also use ceramic tiles to cover the floor in the bathhouse. This is a coating that is easier to install and less demanding to use, and can be easily installed with your own hands.

First step. Clean the base from dirt and fill it with a 15-centimeter layer of sand and gravel mixture. Compact the backfill.

Second step. Cover the backfill layer with concrete mixture. A 5cm fill will be sufficient. Level the concrete thoroughly.

Third step. After the concrete has hardened, lay ceramic tiles on it.

Finishing work. Conducting communications

Step-by-step construction of a bathhouse with your own hands also includes finishing work. These include finishing internal and external walls, if necessary, finishing the floor. The final stage of work includes communications. It conducts electricity and water.

Much attention should be paid to the installation of the stove, because it requires compliance with a large number of fire safety standards and requirements.

At this point, the construction of a bathhouse with your own hands can be considered complete.

Some nuances of construction

In order to competently make a steam room with your own hands, you need to know the nuances that can help in arranging a bathhouse. First of all, you need to find out what building materials and tools are needed for the work. The most important thing is the ability to correctly select and install the main elements of the steam room: floor, ceiling, shelves, stove, lighting, ventilation, door and window openings.

When building a bathhouse, it would be a good idea to take into account some nuances.

When choosing a stove, you need to pay attention to the following technological and design features: the number of stones and the rate of their heating, the material of the grate in the firebox, the heat resistance of the steel lining, power, and the appearance of the unit. On average, a steam room with an area of ​​22 m² requires a stove with a power of 24 kW

This will allow you to heat the steam room, as well as adjacent rooms: dressing room, washroom and locker room. If you wish, you can make a stove with your own hands. This will significantly save money.

As for the material for the floor, tiles are best suited for a bathhouse, preferably made of porcelain stoneware or natural stone. On top of it you need to lay a wooden flooring so as not to slip when moving along the floor. It is not necessary to install thermal insulation for the floor, but it is necessary to make a drain hole for accelerated drainage of water. It is not recommended to make the floor itself from wood, since this material is susceptible to deformation under the influence of moisture.

The average ceiling height should not exceed 2.2 meters. This is due to the properties of steam and the physiological characteristics of a person. If you make the ceiling higher, all the steam will go up and you won’t get high-quality vaping. If you lower the ceiling too much, there is a risk of hitting your head on it when getting up from the shelf, or the broom will constantly hit the ceiling. Window openings are optional. Doors are best made of either wood or glass. A wooden door is a traditional option, while a glass door is practical, as it will not be exposed to moisture.

Video: how to equip a brick oven in the country

The construction of a steam room cannot be called too difficult a job. Diligence and following certain instructions will help with this. If everything is done according to the rules, then you will get a wonderful place to rest your soul and body, where you can also receive treatment.

  • Author: Olga Morozova
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Preparing a steam room project

Before you start arranging the steam room, prepare its design. It doesn’t have to be a lot of detailed drawings, but you can’t do without at least basic sketches. When developing a project, you need to start from the main element of the steam room - the stove.

Steam room project

Each sauna stove has its own characteristics and imposes individual requirements regarding the dimensions of the steam room, room ventilation, distance from installing shelves, etc.

When determining the appropriate size of the steam room, proceed from how many people will be visiting the bathhouse at the same time

Here it is important to think through everything thoroughly so that as a result, visitors to the steam room feel comfortable, and at the same time, there is no extra space left in the bathhouse that would be heated in vain. The optimal size of the steam room is 240x200 cm with a ceiling height of 220 cm

Lighting in the steam room

There is no need for windows in the steam room - artificial lighting will be more than enough

It is important to take into account the fact that each window will require increased thermal insulation measures (find out more about how to insulate windows), and this is an additional cost. The permissible maximum is a completely blind window measuring no more than 50x50 cm

At the same time, double-glazed windows must be of the highest quality, with good heat and sound insulation properties.

Blind window in the steam room

When drawing up a project, be sure to consider the organization of ventilation. Without high-quality air exchange, wood will deteriorate very quickly when exposed to moisture. Mold will begin to appear in the steam room, and in general the microclimate will become absolutely unsafe for humans.


When the room arrangement project is ready, you can move on to the gradual implementation of your plan. It is recommended to begin work on preparing the steam room for use with the installation of thermal insulation.

Steam room design ideas

The arrangement of the steam room is not very diverse and has a classic interior, which consists of multi-level benches and a stove-heater.

The layout of the shelves should suit different needs and personal preferences. When using the room zoning option, you can line the stove with stone and install benches made of wood.

When decorating a steam room, a popular design solution is to install windows through which you can observe the surrounding landscape.

That's basically all you need to know if you are installing and decorating a steam room in a bathhouse yourself. The work is not difficult, but building for yourself is just a pleasure. The most important thing is to do everything correctly and not miss any detail, and in this case any bath procedure will bring health to the whole body and indescribable pleasure.

Choosing the type of wood for making benches and deck chairs

To determine suitable raw materials, consider the following:

  1. The use of softwood lumber is contraindicated. Otherwise, when heated, resin begins to release, which sticks to the body.
  2. The wood must be resistant to conditions of high humidity, constant temperature changes, and have high-quality antiseptic protection. Otherwise, the shelves will rot and quickly become deformed.
  3. There should be no chips, burrs or other defects on the surface.
  4. Low thermal conductivity of the material is necessary so that the benches do not heat up and this does not cause discomfort for vacationers.

Let's look at the properties of the most popular breeds that are suitable for shelving in a Russian bathhouse.


Very popular among residents of the private sector due to the availability of raw materials and low price.

Other benefits of aspen include:

  • resistant to moisture;
  • does not rot;
  • does not deform;
  • has healing properties;
  • cleans the air of bacteria and germs;
  • does not require maintenance.

It is generally accepted that products made from aspen restore strength, give vigor, and act as a neutralizer of negative energy.

From constant exposure to moisture, aspen can change its shade to grayish.

Thermal aspen

Thermal aspen is wood that has been treated with high temperatures (over 200 degrees) and steam.

Resulting in:

  1. The humidity of the raw materials has decreased.
  2. Essential oils evaporated from the structure, which means the material became more resistant to fire.
  3. Density has increased. Therefore, thermoaspen absorbs less moisture.

Thermal aspen does not swell, does not rot, and lasts a long time. This material is considered a reliable decorative option for finishing bath rooms. Thermal aspen shelves and furniture look very beautiful.

Disadvantages: fragility and high price.


It is characterized by increased resistance to moisture. Has a strong solid structure. It is chosen for the manufacture of furniture, decoration in saunas, open verandas and gazebos.

Alder (black alder)

Alder is the optimal raw material for making steam room benches yourself.

Its advantages:

  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • does not deform;
  • does not change color even after years;
  • perfectly tolerates temperature changes and constant humidity.

More expensive than linden. The structure is uniform.

To contrast the colors in the steam room, you can assemble racks of light and black alder.


Linden is often used to decorate steam rooms. It has a pleasant aroma that has a relaxing effect on a person.

Among the advantages of raw materials:

  • it is convenient to handle;
  • a light weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • smooth surface;
  • even over the years it does not lose its attractiveness;
  • tolerates temperature changes and humidity well.

For homemade shelves, it is recommended to take thoroughly dried linden, otherwise the structures will begin to darken.

Linden is more expensive than alder, but in terms of quality and properties these species are almost equal.


It is distinguished by soft and easy-to-work wood. Solid poplar has a light brown, sometimes white tone. Light in weight.

In terms of resistance to moisture and temperature changes, it is inferior to other breeds.

It is customary to make furniture and carved decorative elements from poplar.


The main advantage of maple is its strength. Products made from this raw material are difficult to break or damage, they do not crack.

Other advantages:

  • long service life;
  • ease of processing;
  • affordable price;
  • resistance to moisture, wear;
  • homogeneous structure.

Examples of maple with a beautiful texture are the “sugar” and “bird’s eye” types.

Abacha (abashi, abash)

Abash has gained wide popularity in recent years for finishing and making furniture for baths and saunas.

This is the name of African oak. It differs from other breeds in a lot of advantages:

  1. The raw material tolerates temperature changes well.
  2. Due to its strength, it can withstand heavy weight loads.
  3. Looks beautiful.
  4. Lasts a long time.
  5. Does not rot, does not crack.
  6. When heated, abash emits a pleasant odor, which has a positive effect on the human respiratory system.
  7. Wood without knots. It is easy to handle. The surface is smooth.
  8. Even over time it does not lose its original appearance.

In the absence of high-quality ventilation in the steam room, the abash begins to darken in places. This is expensive material.

But benches made from budget alder or linden will look no worse and last a long time.

Subtleties of material selection

A bathhouse with a steam room is installed in a log house made of logs or beams made of linden or aspen. These materials retain heat, smell pleasant and do not retain exhaust air in the room. Adherents of alternative options often install baths made of brick or laminated timber.

Insulation material

The walls and ceiling of the steam room are insulated both on the outside and on the inside using regular or foil-lined mineral wool.

Mineral wool is a high-quality raw material and inexpensive. Only foam glass, a material that is unusually resistant to the influence of high temperatures, can better perform its task of preserving heat in a bathhouse.

Mineral wool, rolled into a roll, is considered the best material for insulating a steam room

Expanded polystyrene is absolutely not suitable for insulating a bathhouse. Constantly heating up due to hot steam, it will begin to release toxins.

Waterproofing material

Glassine or foil is used as a waterproofing sheet. And the casing for attaching all the materials that protect the steam room from heat loss and fungal damage is made from wood that does not contain resin. We are talking about linden, alder, aspen and cedar. Materials made from these trees do not deteriorate for a long time, as they are not afraid of dampness and temperature changes.

Foil is ideal for protecting steam room walls from moisture

Decoration Materials

It is customary to decorate the steam room only with natural wood. Materials treated with chemicals are not suitable for covering surfaces in a steam room, as high temperatures cause them to release toxic substances into the air. This phenomenon does not happen with traditional lining, the planks of which are connected to each other according to the “tongue and groove” principle.

To decorate the steam room, it is advisable to purchase lining 15 mm thick. It is important to check the purchased material for splinters. There should be no defects in high-quality construction materials.

Lining has become the most popular material for finishing bath rooms

It is wiser to cover the floor of the steam room with boards or cover it with tiles. If the choice is made in favor of a wooden covering, then you should purchase material only from larch. There is no need to put insulation under the board floor, since practically no heat escapes from the steam room through the bottom.

A practical steam room owner will decide to cover the floor with tiles, which, unlike wood, can be easily washed and disinfected. It’s good if he also realizes that the tiles need to be glued to the lower zone of the walls, because drops of water often fall on this place.

Ceramic tiles do not deteriorate from exposure to moisture and are therefore often used to decorate steam rooms.

Door selection

Windows in the steam room should be completely abandoned, but the door should be such that it does not let precious heat out of the room. The temperature in the steam room will not drop if you build a 30 cm high threshold at the entrance to the steam room and make the door ceiling low.

By creating a threshold, less warm air will escape from the steam room

To make it convenient to enter the steam room, it is better to install the doors near the stove. They should open inward, to the side where the person entering cannot get burned due to accidental contact with the stove.

The door to the steam room should open without problems. This means there are no constipations or locks that could break due to dampness and extreme heat.

Wood and glass are considered good materials for making steam room doors . Boards, compared to glass, have more significant advantages, because they can be insulated. But a glass door can visually increase the area of ​​the steam room.

You may like the glass door because it seems to attract a person to relax in the steam room

Advantages and disadvantages of frame construction

Among the advantages of such a construction:

  1. Minimum assembly time. Carefully thought-out technology allows you to build baths of different sizes very quickly.
  2. Environmental friendliness of raw materials. The main material is wood. There will always be a pleasant aroma of natural wood inside the bathhouse.
  3. There is no need to pour a massive foundation under the building. A columnar base or screw piles (depending on the type of soil) will suffice.
  4. The structure warms up faster, unlike brick or log baths.
  5. Fuel economy. For a good heating of such a bathhouse, you will need 2–3 times less firewood than for a brick one.
  6. Low price for materials.
  7. Possibility of construction at any time and weather.

Among the disadvantages of a frame bath:

  1. For year-round operation, the building will have to be insulated, which will entail additional costs.
  2. External and internal finishing of the structure is required.
  3. The bathhouse needs periodic antiseptic and fire retardant treatment.
  4. There is a high probability of the bathhouse shrinking after 1.5–2 years. Shrinkage can be up to 10 cm. Because of this, deformation of the finish occurs inside and outside.

Features of the construction of a bathhouse made of timber and foam blocks

The construction of a bathhouse from timber has a number of characteristic features:

  • No additional finishing is required when using laminated veneer lumber. It can only be carried out at your own request.
  • there is no need to carry out additional preparatory work beforehand
  • When using timber, there is no need to additionally insulate the building.
  • It is durable, attractive and environmentally friendly material.

Building a bathhouse from foam blocks is another option. It certainly has distinctive features. This:

  • The weight of the finished structure is small, therefore, the level of load on the foundation is low.
  • Thanks to the use of foam blocks in construction, protection of the bathhouse from frost and wind is more reliable.
  • Due to the porous structure of the material, a bathhouse can be erected in a short period of time.
  • You can work with it without using additional special tools.

Installation and insulation

Even if the steam room is made entirely of wood, it must be insulated. Thermal insulation will save money and also create favorable conditions for procedures. If the process of insulation and installation is carried out with your own hands, then you will need step-by-step instructions.

Ceiling: proper ventilation

If the steam room is wooden, then its ceiling is made according to the ceiling beam structure. A waterproofing film two millimeters thick is placed on top of them. Its strips should overlap, attached to each other with self-adhesive tape, and to the beams with staples using a construction stapler.

On top of the waterproofing tape are sheets of moisture-resistant plywood, which are joined along the beams. Next are boards with a thickness of forty millimeters, which must be joined very precisely. The next stage of insulation occurs inside the steam room. To do this, you need to lay insulation between the beams in such an order that it is stretched with the ceiling elements. This makes it impossible for cold to get inside.

The next step is to install a vapor barrier. Everything is done in the same way as in the case of waterproofing. And only after this the ceiling surface is formed.

Also, do not forget about the ventilation system, which is absolutely necessary. After all, a person who steams breathes hot steam, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. And there is no ventilation, no fresh air will come in, and there will be a lack of oxygen. In such a steam room, a person may simply begin to suffocate.

Therefore, the ventilation system occupies an important place in the construction of a steam room. It not only delivers fresh air to the room, but also dries it

For air circulation, two types of openings are needed: exhaust and supply. In order for air to enter the steam room, supply openings are needed, installed closer to the floor, and also located near the stove.

Pie walls

After this, the walls are insulated, or the so-called “pie” in the steam room, consisting of several elements. This is a wall covered with wooden beams, a heat insulator located between them, a vapor barrier, and also a sheathing constructed from slats.

The algorithm for wall insulation is as follows:

  • First of all, the beams are attached to the wall.
  • Later, it is necessary to lay a heat insulator here, with a thickness equal to the width of the bars.
  • After this, a layer of vapor barrier is placed, which in most cases is foil.
  • Then a sheathing of 50 by 50 millimeter slats is attached. Finishing at this stage can be done both vertically and horizontally.
  • The slats are aligned in one plane and secured with self-tapping screws.
  • Then the fishing line is stretched in three rows and vertical slats are attached every meter exactly along the marked fishing lines.
  • After finishing the sheathing, foil insulation is placed.
  • After this, the entire wall is covered with a vapor barrier coating. The gap between the ceiling and walls must be sealed with self-adhesive foil tape.


In order to start thermal insulation of the floor, you need to determine in advance what it will be: wooden, ceramic or concrete.

For a wooden floor, the base of the steam room in the bathhouse is made of logs, which are first installed between the foundation in the same plane. At the bottom along their edges, slats of 40 by 40 millimeters are nailed. Boards are placed on top of them, and then they are covered with a vapor barrier film, and only after all this the entire floor is covered with waterproofing in two layers. The plank floor rests very tightly on it.

To insulate a concrete floor, you need a completely different technology. First, the soil is leveled, for which sand, crushed stone and gravel are poured alternately. And then it all gets compacted tightly. The next step will be laying a frame made of metal mesh, and only then a layer of waterproofing film is laid.

Do not forget about ventilation in the steam room, which requires special care. After all, ventilation helps prevent moisture from collecting and also prevents fresh air from entering the steam room. For this purpose, special channels are made near the stove, above the floor level, in the wall - closer to the ceiling, and also in the ceiling itself. To regulate them, special valves are made.


The ventilation system is a very important point. Its absence or incorrect installation entails the following consequences:

  • the appearance of various types of bacteria and fungi;
  • rapid consumption of energy and heat, wasteful use of fuel;
  • There is no oxygen supply to a closed, unventilated room; as a result of being in it, you will eventually begin to breathe carbon dioxide, which can lead to loss of consciousness.

Natural ventilation can be done. To do this, there must be a small window and a vent in the oven. Air will enter through the first and exit through the second. A mechanical system of two fans works in the same way. One of them brings in fresh air, and the other removes carbon dioxide.

Your well-being depends on the correct design of the ventilation system.

A proper ventilation system is:

  • arrangement of air in layers: below it is colder, rising to the ceiling, the temperature rises;
  • the general temperature does not go astray;
  • CO2 and other impurities are replaced by oxygen.

To achieve this effect, two rules must be followed.

  1. The hole where oxygen will enter should be at the very bottom. Ideally, near the stove. This will ensure a flow of cold air to the floor. Near the stove it will mix with the hot one, which means the temperature balance will not be disturbed.
  2. The second rule concerns the exhaust vent. It needs to be done exactly the opposite: away from the stove and higher.

Install dampers in ventilation openings to regulate air circulation.

How to make a bench for a bath: choosing materials

If a bathhouse building can be constructed from a variety of building materials, then bathhouse benches and other furniture can only be made of wood.

When choosing materials, they simultaneously select the type of construction that would be combined with the style of the building. But in any case, there are certain rules for choosing wood based on experience and many years of practice.

Criteria for choosing wood for a bathhouse bench:

  • The steam room uses benches made of hardwood that can withstand high temperatures and humidity - oak, linden and larch. The aroma of these trees has healing properties.
  • Benches made of aspen and larch can be used in the washing room, since these materials tolerate high humidity well at relatively low air temperatures.
  • Furniture made from linden, aspen, larch, maple, oak or birch can be used in the relaxation room, however, due to increased moisture, all bath benches must be treated with special impregnations.

Benches and benches made of pine are never installed in the steam room, since under the influence of high temperatures, resin is released from the wood, which leaves marks on the body, but most importantly, it can cause a burn to the body.

There are increased requirements for the material of bath benches:

  • Moisture resistance, allowing the furniture to be used for a long time in conditions of high humidity.
  • Low thermal conductivity, in which the bench does not overheat in high temperature conditions, threatening burns.
  • High density wood so that it does not quickly become saturated with water, otherwise cracks will appear on the bench during use, it will rot and warp.
  • High drying speed. The bath bench should dry quickly and be easy to clean.

Linden is the best material for making bath benches, especially for use in steam rooms: it tolerates high temperatures well and is resistant to moisture, easy to process and emits a pleasant aroma. Aspen has also proven itself well, but over time, the furniture in the bathhouse begins to rot from the inside.

Installation of bath benches

The shape, size and design features of such devices are strictly individual. It all depends on the preferences and imagination of the person.

The main task is to choose the right material for making benches, which can be used for a long time in the humid environment of a steam room with sudden temperature changes. It is worth considering that people will be located on these devices, that is, placing regular and significant loads on the wood is inevitable.

A hypoallergenic material with a smooth texture, from which no resin is released, and there are no knots or cracks, is suitable. The best option would be boards made of linden, oak, poplar, and aspen, which have the following advantages:

  • quick drying;
  • no release of toxic components into the environment;
  • creating a natural aroma;
  • attractive appearance;
  • The surface is pleasant to the touch when heated and does not burn human skin.

The main requirement for steam room shelves in a bathhouse is the presence of rounded edges. Usually they are located along the wall in 2 or 3 tiers, opposite which the stove is installed. This option is the most optimal and traditional. The project is created on an individual basis.

The shelves are mounted at a distance from the stove that prevents skin burning (at least 50 cm). The space from the installed benches to the ceiling should vary from 1 to 1.2 m.

Wall decoration

It is best to use lining for finishing bath walls. Before starting work, bring the lining into the steam room and leave it there for a day or two so that the material has time to adapt to the surrounding conditions. All wood must be treated with an antiseptic. In general, the work is extremely simple and is performed in several stages.

First stage. Assemble the frame. When choosing a material for assembling the frame, consider the expected level of the upcoming load. If the shelves will be attached to the walls, the sheathing should be assembled from bars. If the shelves will not be attached to the walls, the frame can be made of slats.

Assemble the frame

When choosing an option for fastening the sheathing elements, be guided by how the lining will be secured in the future. If you attach the sheets vertically, fix the slats or beams horizontally, and vice versa.

Attach the first and last slats to the wall. Use self-tapping screws for fastening. Select the pitch of the sheathing in accordance with the width of the insulation boards.

Second phase. Attach waterproofing (polyethylene film) over the sheathing and begin laying the insulation. For insulation, mineral wool is most often used.

Attach waterproofing over the sheathing

Third stage. Secure a vapor barrier material over the laid insulation. To fix vapor barrier membranes, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler.

Mineral wool, vapor barrier and clapboard finishing

Fourth stage. Proceed with the installation of the lining. Start attaching the sheathing sheets from the far corner of the steam room. The lining can be secured with self-tapping screws or other convenient fasteners. Cover all the walls of the steam room with clapboard.

In the case of finishing a bathhouse, it is strongly not recommended to use varnishes and paints for finishing the lining.

How to calculate a door and install it

At the last stage, the door is installed. The best material for it would be tempered glass or solid wood. The most important thing is that it should close tightly without letting out heat. The work takes place in several stages:

  1. Assemble a box from timber (100x150 mm). Adjust the door to fit it.
  2. A little smaller than the groove located on the box, you need to cut a tenon at the end of the beam.
  3. Place the threshold first and then the sides of the box.
  4. Set the top of the “pipe” 3–5 cm below the opening to allow free movement of the beams during shrinkage.
  5. Do not screw the casing to the beam. Caulk well the gaps between it and the wall.
  6. Hang the doors and nail the trims with regular nails.

You can install the door in another way: cut grooves in the opening, install wooden beams in it. Their edge should not reach the very top of the opening; it is necessary to leave a gap of 5–10 cm. Attach the box to the beams.

Step-by-step instructions for installing electrical wiring in a bathhouse with your own hands

Before work, a general scheme for the electrification of the bathhouse must be prepared. Beginners should not undertake such a process without the supervision of a specialist. This should only be done under the clear guidance of a specialist, otherwise it risks a short circuit due to connection errors.

The distribution box, sockets, and switches can only be installed in a dry room. A dressing room or rest room would be suitable.

The entire installation process consists of four steps.

Electrical panel installation

Occurs subject to the following conditions:

  1. The place for installation is dry, well ventilated.
  2. Condensation does not accumulate in the room, there is no high humidity.
  3. You can freely approach the shield.
  4. The area of ​​the room is brightly lit.
  5. The recommended mounting height of the box is 1.5 – 1.8 m from the floor.
  6. In small baths, it is permissible to use a three-core cable for single-phase wiring.

Electrical wiring starts from the central panel.

It is equipped with:

  • input circuit breaker;
  • RCD;
  • automatic machines for boiler, electric heater, lamps.

The power calculation for each individual machine is also carried out.


Depending on the material of the bath, an open or closed installation method is used (discussed in the section above). Near the electric one they often run a wire for the Internet and telephony.

Output of switches and sockets

When the cable is laid, you can begin to assemble sockets and switches. The recommended installation distance is 90 cm from the floor. They are fixed in all rooms except the steam room. If the elements will be located near the steam room, then it is better to choose options with protective covers.

Lighting installation

For lighting, devices of protection class IP44 are used.

In the steam room and shower room, waterproof lamps are installed that are mounted on the wall.

Fiber optic lamps are in demand. They are resistant to temperature changes, humidity, and provide soft, diffused, relaxing light.

Built-in lamps look great, especially when the finishing is done with clapboard.

The recommended body material is metal; it is better to take lamp shades from glass. These are the requirements for lamps in a steam room. In other rooms there are no restrictions on the choice of lighting fixtures.

Important Rules

It is useful for novice builders to learn a number of rules, thanks to which the bathhouse will last for many years:

  • do not build a steam room too close to a pond to eliminate the risk of flooding, or near a road;
  • decide on the location - a separate building or an extension to the house;
  • ventilation and wastewater disposal are important tasks that should be solved at the design stage;
  • the building must be located taking into account the cardinal directions and wind direction, preferably in the southern part of the site, protected from the wind, with access to the west;
  • a very careful attitude should be taken to fire safety, especially if the bathhouse is adjacent to the house;
  • To maintain normal relations with neighbors, consider the size and location of the bathhouse so that the owners of the neighboring property do not experience discomfort and do not make complaints.

Preparation of tools and materials

To assemble the table for the bathhouse, you need to prepare the following tools and materials.


  • any saw - hand saw, miter saw, circular saw, even a jigsaw;
  • (possibly) an electric drill with drills to match the diameter of the dowels;
  • any grinding machine - manual, grinder, regular electric.

ATTENTION! It is assumed that you purchased high-quality material, and you will not have to joint the boards, bringing them to uniform dimensions

Choosing wood

As you know, almost all bath furniture, including bath tables, are made from three types of wood:

  • Aspen;
  • Abashi;
  • Linden.

Note that their properties and characteristics are of high quality, and are simply ideal for use in rooms with high humidity and temperature conditions. Let's take a closer look at their distinctive qualities:

  1. Low level of thermal conductivity;
  2. No defects;
  3. Density and strength of the material;
  4. Absence of any problems during wood processing;
  5. Lack of resins in the structure of the material.

Today, linden and aspen are considered the most popular types of wood, since they have a fairly reasonable and competitive price on the building materials market. Abashi wood is often used for more expensive finishing, so a table made from such material will be quite presentable in its external characteristics. In turn, it will be distinguished by a unique creamy shade, which will have its original appearance for quite a long period of time.

If you do not want to spend a considerable amount of money on decorative wood, then purchase linden. The use of this material will make it possible to produce fairly high-quality furniture, which will be characterized not only by a beautiful appearance, but also by a long service life. When the final choice of building material has been made, the actual work should begin.

  1. Tabletop board – 50 x 100 x 1200 (mm), 8 pcs.
  2. Mounting strip – 50 x 100 x 700 (mm), 2 pcs.
  3. Leg – 50 x 50 x 650 (mm), 4 pcs.
  4. Crossbar – 25 x 100 x 750 (mm), 2 pcs.
  5. Longitudinal crossbar – 25 x 100 x 1050 (mm), 2 pcs.

Date: September 25, 2021

How to install the stove correctly

Its efficiency depends on the correct installation of the stove, including how much firewood will be consumed at one time, as well as the feasibility of using a steam room.

Experts advise:

  • prepare the base for the stove in advance;
  • cover it with bricks on all sides;
  • install a metal passage into the roof opening to install the chimney;
  • install a pipe or damper on the stove, attach a tank and remove the chimney through the hole, while insulating it with non-combustible material;
  • Also make a hole in the roof of the roof, to which you attach a sheet of metal and run a pipe into it.
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