Steam room in a bathhouse: detailed description and step-by-step instructions on how to make a high-quality steam room with your own hands (120 photos)

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Doctors strongly do not recommend wearing clothes in the sauna. Swimsuits, towels and even sheets are harmful for medical reasons.

Washed as if born again

In order to achieve such bliss, you must first work hard and equip your own bathhouse with a steam room. On a rare rural estate it is not there.

Given the current range of different materials, this construction is quite accessible to owners of a country or country house. And those who don’t know how will call the masters. We will give recommendations on how to build it yourself, and what stones are needed for a steam room in a bathhouse.

What to take to the steam room

To make bathing not only useful, but also comfortable, you need to have a certain set of bath accessories, which include the following items:

  • hair wash;
  • soap or shower gel;
  • washcloth;
  • a couple of towels;
  • massage mitten;
  • sheet or swimsuit;
  • slates;
  • special bath cap;
  • various infusions or decoctions of herbs for inhalation and hair rinsing;
  • Banya broom.

Accessories and hair and body care products for the steam room

Much depends on your preferences.

Create a sauna project

Before doing this, look at the photo of the steam room in the bathhouse or on the video. You will understand what is important in it and what is secondary. Next, compare what you see with your capabilities. But first, count the number of those who will be steaming with you at the same time and quite often.

Using it, calculate the area so that it is not crowded, and you will get the right steam room in the bathhouse.

Dimensions of the hot room. It is generally accepted that a company of three or four people will fit in a wall space of 2 x 2.5 meters with a ceiling height of up to two and a quarter meters. These are the best steam rooms for a bath.

Windows, doors... The former are not provided, although as you wish, the main thing is that heat does not escape through them. It is better when double-glazed windows are inserted into blind windows.

Doors should also not let out heat. To do this, make the canvas at the bottom of the box thirty centimeters shorter, and at the top also lower. Do not install from plastic, wood is better.

The highlight of the steam room is the firebox. The steam room must have a stove to provide hot air to the entire company. Place stones on the firebox in the steam room for the bath. These are river and sea pebbles, there are also more serious ones - gabbro-diabase, raspberry quartzite, and for health - jadeite.

Cool photos in the bathhouse

Photos about a bathhouse are more attractive if they are funny and have girls or girls in them. As they say, cool girls have fun, you!

First of all, the bathhouse is a place for a ritual of cleansing the soul and body, also a kind of health resort, where existing ailments were expelled, the body was warmed up, preventing diseases.

Secondly, light steam is inhalation, and a way to remove toxins through the pores on the body. Pouring cold water in a bathhouse, wiping with snow or swimming in an ice hole is a boost of energy for the coming week and the best method of hardening the body. And birch brooms are an excellent massager!

And not only men love to spy on how women behave in the sauna, but also naked girls happily stare at the guys.

How nice it is to gather in a cheerful group for a joint cleansing ritual. And there is no need to desecrate this place with alcoholic drinks. As a result, humor and laughter will come to you without additional doping. Spank each other with brooms, rub your backs!

The sauna is both fun and emotional release, and has health benefits for both! Girls love to steam (or rather, girls).

Look at the cool pictures where women are in large beer bath vats. Indeed, a heartwarming cool photo.

It is worth noting modern bath caps. This is truly a treasure trove of national humor and a reason to take funny photos.

In the old days, rituals and ceremonies were held in baths, because this is the most energetically pure place where evil spirits do not enter.

Many of today's funny pictures about a bathhouse are reduced to vulgarity. It's definitely a little depressing.

But in general, as popular wisdom says: Whoever takes a steam bath will not grow old until he is a hundred years old!

See also Design of a sauna and relaxation room (103 photos)

Of course, men find a lot of things to do in the steam room. For example, the best place to play on a three-string is for a rural area and for an urban one.

Politicians also love a gentle steam bath. It's surprising that there are no women in the picture below. As a result, some of the coolest photos in the bathhouse are with politicians.

Bathroom jokes often outstrip situations with girls in popularity.

Steam room material

Finest wood finish. The cheapest option is pine. But remember that under steam load it is short-lived. In addition, it releases resins that make breathing difficult.

The best steam backup for the forest beauty is linden wood. It is more resistant to thermal shock and softens the vapor for people to breathe. The long-lasting strength of linden is known to everyone.

The finishing of the linden steam room can be alternated with other wood - birch, poplar or larch, which is rich in Russian forests. It has the property necessary for a damp room - it dries quickly, restoring its structure before the next fire in the heater.

You cannot cover a sauna with adhesive wood boards for non-residential premises. They are full of phenols, toxic and extremely flammable. And from moisture they will soon simply crumble into dust.

Advice to the owner of the steam room: do not get carried away with making the sauna as closed as possible. People need to breathe, but steam makes it difficult. There must be reasonable forced ventilation of the steam room.

Do not forget to arrange a drainage of excess moisture in the floor, preventing the formation of mold and dampness. And then all the conditions of the task will be met: how to make a steam room in a bathhouse?

The main stages of finishing a steam room

What material to choose as finishing?

The choice of material is an important stage when finishing a steam room.

At an affordable price, pine is not the best material for a steam room. This type of wood contains resins, which are released outward under the influence of elevated temperatures. The most suitable material in this case is linden. The features of this type of wood eliminate burns and make it possible to maintain the appearance of the cladding unchanged for a long time.

The possibility of using poplar, birch, or aspen is not excluded. Trees that belong to deciduous species dry quickly, thereby creating a specific microclimate in the steam room, and also have good durability.

The use of linoleum and wood slabs for finishing baths is strictly prohibited. In addition to the fact that these materials are fire hazards, they are dangerous to human health at high humidity and temperature.

Insulation of walls and ceilings

An important condition when setting up a steam room is the construction of a sealed room. For this task, mineral-based thermal insulation is used; it is insulated from steam using aluminum foil. To connect its edges, a special adhesive tape is used. Elevated temperatures make it impossible to use the film in this case, as a result of its deformation. Exterior finishing must include the construction of closed ventilation openings.

For cladding the ceiling, a planed board 2–3 cm thick is used. They are fastened to the beams using nails, which must be 3 times longer than the thickness of the board. You can improve the ventilation system by leaving a small gap between the boards and rounding their corners.

Finishing with lining

It must be said that lining, as a material for finishing bathhouse premises , has gained the greatest popularity. The characteristics of this material make it possible to provide the necessary thermal insulation and cover the surface of the walls, giving them an attractive appearance. Moreover, the excellent breathability of the material does not create conditions for the formation of mold and fungi, as well as the appearance of condensation.

Before laying the lining in the steam room, this material is left in it for a certain time so that it can adapt to the microclimate conditions. If there are significant defects in the surface of the walls, they must be corrected so that the material does not lie in “waves.” Fastening is carried out using screws or staples. We must not forget about the fact that it is most often impossible to achieve an ideal wall surface without installing lathing.

When selecting fasteners, it is necessary to take into account their operating conditions. Their material must withstand elevated temperatures and humidity, and also prevent the possibility of injury to steamers.

Floor finishing

The procedure for finishing the steam room begins with the organization of the floor. It is recommended to raise it 15-20 cm above the floor level in other rooms. This will make it possible to keep the steam room warm due to the absence of drafts. It is better to use edged or tongue-and-groove boards, as well as tiles as materials. The level of safety of indoor movement depends on this choice.

Flooring from boards is carried out on logs, which are installed on brick posts. The base for them is concrete or sand. For installation, fasteners made of bronze, galvanized, brass or stainless steel are used.

DIY steam room

Recommendations for lighting the steam room

The specific conditions of the steam room provide for some requirements for the organization of lighting in it:

  • to create diffused light, it is better to use matte lampshades;
  • The lampshade must be made of moisture-resistant and heat-resistant material;
  • lampshades must be reinforced;
  • lamps cannot be placed on the ceiling;
  • The maximum lamp power should be 50 W.

Floor construction

Naturally, it must be made of wood. The board is tongue-and-groove or precisely adjusted during normal cutting of the sidewalls. But only for a well-cleaned base with a good concrete screed.

The boards are placed with a slight slope to drain moisture, and so that the floor of the steam room is approximately fifteen centimeters higher than in the bathhouse.

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The logs are installed at intervals of one meter, but only under boards of thickness that do not bend under a person at this distance. Fasten the boards with anti-corrosion screws.

Fabrics for bath clothes

The basis of textiles from which all special wardrobe items for saunas and baths are sewn are linen, cotton and synthetic fibers.

Terry fabric frotte. Made from cotton. Its surface consists of pile (double or single loose loops). The main advantages of the material: absorbs moisture well, breathes, gives a light massage effect.

Waffle fabric. Made from the same cotton, but using a different method. The result is a canvas with square convex and concave cells. The structure of the material ensures high absorbency and breathability. Products made from waffle fabric do not shrink and retain their shape.

Linen and fabrics based on it. The competitive advantage of flax is its high antibacterial properties. This is why linen clothing is recommended for people with problem skin. The properties of the material are fully revealed in the sauna. Here the fabric demonstrates its unique ability to cool the skin at high temperatures and warm at low temperatures.

Microfiber. Synthetic material based on polyester. It absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through, is easy to dry and wash, but is not suitable for saunas - the oils that you rub into the skin penetrate deeply into the fibers, after which the microfiber loses its qualities.

DIY sunbeds

The same aesthetic exercise with wood. First, sketch out the silhouettes of what will ultimately decorate the steam room. Again, it is necessary to take into account the extreme operating conditions of wood - high temperature and humidity.

Boards made of poplar and oak, aspen and linden are suitable. What motivates this:

  • do not exude resin when heated;
  • quickly releases the absorbed moisture;
  • pleasant smell;
  • do not heat up to the stage of burning the body;
  • aesthetic and velvety surface.

Let's talk about brooms

Whisking a broom over the body of a steaming person is an old Russian massage tradition. Such movements enhance blood circulation, promote temperature contrast, increase sweating and accelerate metabolism in the human body.

A bath broom is an essential item!

Using a broom in a steam room helps open the pores of human skin and cleanse it of accumulated toxins and germs. When a broom is patted on a person's body, an antibacterial effect is created.

The fact is that broom leaves contain large quantities of volatile substances - phytoncides, which neutralize the negative effects of pathogens. It is also worth noting that in the process of light blows with a bath broom, essential oils get onto the skin. They speed up metabolism and slow down the aging process of the skin.

Experienced bathhouse attendants say that a broom made from fresh birch branches is considered the best. The price of such a product in specialized stores can be very high.

But you can do it yourself. Then you won’t have to pay at all.

Advice! If you use a dry bath broom, you need to know how to steam it correctly. Keep the broom in warm water for a while, and only then can you pour boiling water over it. Otherwise, the leaves on the branches may fall off.

Methods for using a broom in a bath

There are several ways to use a broom during bath procedures.


  • fan, stroke, quilt and whip the skin;
  • apply compresses to certain parts of the body;
  • perform stretching or rubbing.

It is better to use these techniques in a single complex.

Regular bathing procedures are the key to good health

The fanning procedure involves lightly waving a broom without directly touching the human body. You need to walk along the body several times, starting from the feet and ending with the head, and wave the broom, which creates a pleasant hot wind.

In turn, stroking is a leisurely movement of a broom along the body from the heels to the neck and back. The procedure can also be performed several times and on both sides. And when the temperature in the steam room is not high, you can not tear the broom away from the person at all.

Patting with a bath broom must be done carefully, without causing pain to the person. At first, do not whip the body sharply. It’s better to lift the broom up and shake it well. This way it will warm up to the optimal temperature faster.

The next time you swing the bath broom, you need to try to bring the steam to the body. When the first drops of sweat appear on the body, the pats are intensified.

This procedure begins from the back. You can also add a green compress during this procedure.

Bath procedures strengthen the immune system

A green compress is another method of using a broom in a steam room. To carry it out, you need to wave a broom in the air, place it on your body, whipping another bunch of branches on top of it.

A steaming effect is created, which in its effect on the human body resembles a compress. It improves heat exchange, reduces discomfort and muscle soreness, stimulates sweating and warms up the skin thoroughly.

Washing after the steam room

First, you need to thoroughly rub the body with a terry mitt and soap. This will remove the dead skin layer.

A mitten made of natural material will help remove dead skin layers

If some areas of the skin are covered with acne, you can use tar soap and salt:

  1. Lather your skin with soap;
  2. Next, pour a little salt onto the washcloth;
  3. Lightly scrub your body with a washcloth. Do not overdo it, otherwise you can damage the skin and get an inflammatory process.
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