What you need to know about electricians in the bathhouse: theoretical information about standards, connection diagrams and equipment

The bathhouse can be called the most fire-hazardous building or room. It is clear that the main cause of the fire is the stove, but you should not discount the electrical wiring , which (especially in wooden buildings) can lead to disaster. Compliance with regulations and the use of RCDs can protect against possible problems on her part .
We'll start with the standards.

Types, selection and do-it-yourself assembly of a step-down transformer for a bath

Electric shock is dangerous to human health and life. If protective grounding and an RCD are sufficient to protect against this danger under normal conditions, then bathhouses and saunas are damp rooms with increased danger. Additional protective measures are needed here, one of which is the use of a step-down transformer for the bathhouse.

  1. Why is there low voltage in the bathhouse?
  2. Benefits of reduced voltage
  3. Types of step-down transformers
  4. Electromagnetic
  5. Electronic (pulse)
  6. Why you can't use autotransformers
  7. Selecting a step-down transformer
  8. Input voltage
  9. Output voltage
  10. Power
  11. Degree of environmental protection
  12. Making a transformer for a bathhouse with your own hands

Why is there low voltage in the bathhouse?

Most sauna rooms use normal household voltage

220 V, but in the shower, steam room and other rooms with high humidity this is allowed subject to additional safety measures:

  • Installation of RCDs or automatic circuit breakers. These devices disconnect electrical appliances and wires when insulation is broken or people touch live parts.
  • The room must have a TN-CS grounding system. In this case, the distribution of the neutral wire “N” and the grounding conductor “PE” throughout the building is carried out with separate wires, which are connected in the water panel.
  • Availability of a potential equation system for the SUP. This is the connection of ALL metal parts of the structure - water and sewer pipes, lamp housings, window bars and other elements to each other and to grounding.

It is difficult to meet these requirements at home, so it is more advisable to lower the voltage to 36 or 12 volts. It is preferable to use 12V, as it is safer.

Reference! According to PUE 7.1.47, the use of electrical appliances with voltages higher than 12V inside a bathtub or shower tray is prohibited.

Why you can't use autotransformers

An autotransformer cannot be used to power electrical appliances in a bathhouse. In these devices, the secondary winding is connected to the primary and is energized.

Therefore, lamps connected from an autotransformer are also connected to a 220V network, which limits their use in showers, steam rooms and other rooms with high humidity.

Benefits of reduced voltage

Low voltage in baths and saunas has advantages:

  • 12 volts is safe for health and life;
  • electrical wiring in low voltage networks can be laid openly without the use of a corrugated pipe or cable duct at any height;
  • short circuit current is limited by the supply electrical transformer, which reduces the risk of fire;
  • installation and maintenance can be carried out by personnel who do not have the appropriate electrical safety clearance group.

Article on the topic: Which is better for a bathhouse - cinder block or foam block

Types of step-down transformers

To supply reduced voltage to the electrical network of the bathhouse and sauna, a step-down transformer for the bathhouse 220 to 12 V is used. These devices are of different types.


The windings in these devices are wound on a magnetic core made of transformer iron. They have lower efficiency, larger dimensions and lack of built-in protection against overload and short circuit.

The advantage is that it is easy to find a transformer of suitable power in old radio equipment and rewind the secondary winding yourself.

Important! LED strips cannot be connected to electromagnetic transformers, even through a diode bridge, due to light pulsations with a frequency of 100 Hz. It's subtle, but harmful to the eyes.

Electronic (pulse)

More modern devices, smaller dimensions and higher efficiency. Some models have internal overload protection.

Selecting a step-down transformer

The choice of electric transformer model is made according to several parameters.

Input voltage

In everyday life, a voltage of 220 volts is used, which must correspond to the parameters of the primary winding. To reduce the current and wire cross-section, models used in production are manufactured with a primary winding rated at 380V.

Output voltage

Should be 12V. If there are several terminals and no markings, a test switch is performed and the parameters of the coils are checked with a voltmeter.


It is selected based on the total power of all lamps connected to the transformer with a margin of 20%.

For example, for 3 lamps with a power of 60 W, a power supply device with a power of at least P = 60 * 3 * 1.2 = 216 W is required.

Degree of environmental protection

There is an opinion that all electrical appliances, including electrical transformers, used in a bathhouse, must have a moisture protection rating of at least IP67. However, this only applies to equipment installed in wet areas.

The remaining rooms use conventional electrical appliances. Therefore, installing a step-down transformer with enhanced moisture protection in a bathhouse will lead to an increase in the cost of installing electrical wiring.

Making a transformer for a bathhouse with your own hands

If you have an electrical transformer of appropriate power, it can be converted into a transformer for a 220 to 12 volt bath.

Article on the topic: How not to be embarrassed to go to the bathhouse

To do this, you need to rewind the secondary winding:

  • measure the voltage Uout at the terminals of the device;
  • disassemble the magnetic circuit;
  • remove the coil;
  • unwind the primary winding, counting the turns Nstar;
  • calculate the required number of turns using the formula Nnew=Ncstar/Uout*12V;
  • calculate the current in the secondary winding using the formula I=Ptr/12;
  • Using special tables or using an online calculator, determine the required cross-section of the winding wire;
  • wind the secondary winding;
  • secure the wire and wrap the coil with keeper tape or glass tape;
  • assemble a magnetic circuit;
  • check the electrical transformer in operation.

In some tube receivers, the transformers have 2 6.3V windings. Series connection of these coils gives 12.6V, but the cross-section of the wires of these windings does not allow the use of this 12V transformer for a bath.

Switching lighting to a lower voltage increases the safety of people, but at the same time the current consumption of the lamps increases. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the power cables and circuit breakers.

How to install wiring in a sauna steam room: instructions, expert advice

An important stage in the construction of a bathhouse is the installation of electrical wiring. However, due to the fact that high humidity prevails in this structure, special knowledge is required to perform this work efficiently. If you are not confident that you can do everything correctly and comply with fire safety requirements, then it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

  • Safety requirements for electrical wiring Why is incorrect electrical wiring in a bathhouse dangerous?
  • Norms and rules for placing electrics in the bathhouse
      How to properly connect the electrical cable to the bathhouse
  • How to install an electrical panel
      What to consider when drawing up an electrical system diagram
  • Advice from professionals

    We recommend paying attention to the following points:

    • A common mistake is installing a non-built-in regulator for the electric heater in the steam room. This can be corrected by installing a limiter that will automatically disconnect the equipment from the network when it reaches 140 degrees.
    • In the steam room and shower there should not be any connections consisting of several pieces of cables twisted together. Any violation in the insulation is a risk of a sudden short circuit in the wiring and fire.
    • To save money, owners often lay the cable directly above the stove. This is prohibited by fire safety regulations. No matter how heat-resistant the cable turns out to be, there is always a risk of deformation and fire if there is constant exposure to high temperatures.
    • When there are many machines, it is unsafe. Many masters assure owners that the more machines installed in the bathhouse for each equipment, the lower the risk of network overload. But practice shows the opposite. The slightest poor-quality connection will cause a short circuit - it is enough to secure one circuit breaker at the input, which will turn off the power if the permissible load is exceeded.

    Laying an electrical cable is a critical stage in the construction of a bathhouse. An attempt to undertake installation without knowledge and experience threatens with dire consequences, including a fire. There is no need to skimp on material here. For advice and permission, it is better to immediately contact the responsible service. You should entrust the installation work to electricians or do it yourself, but under their guidance.

    Tags: , automatic, sconce, input, input automatic, view, choice, switch, house, , grounding, sign, cable, how, design, circuit, , installation, power, voltage, limiter, lighting, connection, potential, principle , wire, laying, start, , work, calculation, regulator, light, lamp, system, connection, diagram, ten, type, current, transformer, installation, phase, panel, electrical panel

    Safety requirements for electrical wiring

    No matter how simple the wiring diagram may be, in any case it must be assembled in compliance with certain rules and using special materials.
    And the point is not that in case of an error a short circuit may occur in a wet bath. The worst thing is that this can cause the death of a person. Therefore, if you are going to do all the work yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with the features of wiring.

    The first thing you need to know is that there are certain requirements of PUE (electrical installation rules), which must be strictly observed when installing electrics in a bathhouse. Among them, we can highlight certain standards that apply to wet and dangerous objects.

    They state that the installation of the necessary fittings can only be done in the dressing room . Carrying out such work in the steam room and washing department is prohibited. It is worth mentioning special instructions regarding lamps used for baths, which must have special protective shades with a sealed connection.

    To ensure maximum safety, it is recommended that this work be carried out by specialists. However, if you have experience in this area, then you can install the wiring in the bathhouse yourself.

    Theoretically, a simple wiring diagram for a log bathhouse is sufficient. However, given that today the bathhouse has turned into a more functional structure, it is necessary to use a more complex power supply circuit.

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    many modern electrical devices are installed in bathhouses , including an electric stove, temperature sensors, heated floors, a refrigerator, TV sockets, etc. Sometimes you come across particularly unique buildings, where an illuminated swimming pool, a pumping station and a heat gun are installed.

    Why is incorrect electrical wiring in a bathhouse dangerous?

    The main cause of fire is related to steam, since it consists of water droplets, which have excellent electrical conductivity. If the owner, due to his carelessness, decides to install a socket or switch in a place where steam can easily reach them, then condensation will appear on the conductive elements, and this increases the likelihood of a fire or short circuit.
    In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to approach this issue professionally: before installing electrical devices, it is necessary to perform calculations and draw up a diagram , and this requires knowledge in electrical engineering.

    Of course, not every owner will want to spend money on paying for the services of a qualified electrician, so many often decide to do all the work themselves. However, it is important to remember that your knowledge should be sufficient to enable you to comply with all the necessary rules and regulations.

    If you are planning to install sockets and switches in a bathhouse, then you will not have to purchase a special tool for this. Everything can be done using a regular drill and a special attachment.

    However, first you will have to draw up a diagram on which you must indicate the location of all nodes - sockets, switches and branch boxes. Decide right away which devices you are going to use and where. Only then, based on the available information, will you be able to calculate the total power of all sources and select a cable of the appropriate cross-section and size.

    Posts 1 page 23 of 23

    Share105-07-2007 10:44:57

    Share205-07-2007 22:18:47

    Hi Dan. If the bathhouse is made entirely of wood, then there is no need to install a 10 mA RCD. I recommend installing a 300 mA input RCD. Because in the absence of conductive floors (concrete, tiles) and nearby grounded parts (pipes, batteries, metal frame, etc.), the ground fault current will be large. And if you install a 10 or 30 mA RCD in such a room, there will be false alarms from capacitive currents. In this case, it is necessary to re-ground and connect to it the housings of all electrical equipment of the bathhouse with SEPARATE conductors (lamps, water heaters, heaters, microwave ovens, etc.) Good luck to everyone.

    Share305-07-2007 22:22:49

    Black humor about the title of the topic. “You won’t hear the bullet that finds you, and the rest will fly by. "(V.S. Vysotsky).

    Edited by CergeyB2006 (08-07-2007 21:57:42)

    Share406-07-2007 09:25:21

    Share508-07-2007 22:08:58

    Share612-07-2007 17:16:05

    Dear CergeyB2006 wrote everything correctly, as it should be. However, given the current state of the networks, re-grounding is a very controversial issue. If there is no confidence in the quality of the re-grounding of the overhead line, the neighbors did not make grounding loops for themselves, I would not recommend being a pioneer in this area. Sufficient electrical safety measures would be the following. 1. Installation of an RCD on a two-wire line. In this case, the RCD will operate upon direct contact. It will jump, but not to death. The RCD setting is 30mA. With normal wiring there will be no false alarms. 2. Insulation of metal cases. For example, a tank heated by a heating element should be insulated and covered, for example, with a wooden, decorative casing.

    DAN And pull out the wiring from under the aluminum panels and run it some other way. However, it is difficult to give advice in absentia.

    Share712-07-2007 18:48:27

    Dear Anatoly Alexandrovich. In general, I agree, except: A metal case should under no circumstances be isolated from the ground, maybe that’s the case. through the water it doesn’t seem like much. It must be connected to the protective ground (third wire in the Euro socket). I believe that re-grounding is mandatory. If you have any doubts about the grounding of the overhead line, then do not connect it to the working neutral wire (N), but only to the protective wire (PE), then the RCD will work at 100 and will not shy away at all. For reliability and confidence, it is better to walk along the main line several supports on both sides of the connection and find a thick metal wire running from the wire to the ground. You can kick it near the ground with your foot to check its integrity, but it’s better not to touch it with your hands (in case it rotted away from the ground electrode). Good luck.

    Edited by CergeyB2006 (12-07-2007 18:49:47)

    Share802-08-2007 17:25:37

    In general, I agree, except: A metal case should under no circumstances be isolated from the ground, maybe that’s the case. through the water it doesn’t seem like much.

    To on. need to stand on the ground or be in contact with pipes, etc. sinking into the ground. The likelihood of all this in wood is very low.

    I believe that re-grounding is mandatory. If you have any doubts about the grounding of the overhead line, then do not connect it to the working neutral wire (N), but only to the protective wire (PE), then the RCD will work at 100% and will not shy away at all..

    That's it. Then protection against electric shock will fall solely on the RCD. The result is a TT system, which the PUE recommends doing in exceptional cases. Then it’s better to just have an RCD on two wires.

    For reliability and confidence, it is better to walk along the main line several supports on both sides of the connection and find a thick metal wire running from the wire to the ground. You can kick it near the ground with your foot to check its integrity, but it’s better not to touch it with your hands (in case it rotted away from the ground electrode)..


    Norms and rules for placing electrics in the bathhouse

    The most common and simplest option for laying electrical wiring in a bathhouse is in the form of a separate line from the main distribution panel. It allows you to ensure safety for the owners and create a separate grounding loop.
    It is necessary to lay electrical wiring in the most inconspicuous places, so corners opposite doorways are not suitable for it. And also the requirement regarding its installation near heating sources must be met - placing wiring next to stoves, pipes and generators is allowed at a distance of at least 1.5 m .

    There are two main methods that can be used for laying electrical wiring in a bathhouse with clapboard trim:

    1. Hidden. Suitable for organizing power supply in brick or block buildings, it is prohibited to use in wooden ones. For this purpose, grooved channels are made, pre-finished with asbestos insulation.
    2. Open. In this case, electrical cables are laid directly on the surface of the wall, most common in wooden buildings.

    When installing wiring, you must follow a number of rules:

    • Power must be supplied to consumption sources through an AV or a residual current device (RCD). To provide lighting in the washroom or steam room, it is necessary to connect a step-down transformer to the network.
    • For wiring, it is recommended to use copper non-flammable cable type VVGngLS 3x2.5.
    • Installation of the main elements of the power supply system, including the electrical panel, current distribution box, central switch, can only be carried out in the dressing room.
    • To lay an electrical cable from one room to the next, make a hole in the wall. Here it is also necessary to comply with fire safety rules: a 0.5-inch steel tube must be inserted into the hole. Making a hole in a wooden wall is only allowed in the middle of the link; in no case should it be made at the joints or seams.
    • A special plastic or metal corrugation is used as an electrical cable insulator. It will protect the system from fire, and if damage occurs, the rock will simply melt. When installing sockets and switches, a steel or asbestos plate must be installed in the hole.
    • When laying wiring in wooden buildings, it is prohibited to place the electrical cable in transitional ceilings and under the floor. The system must be installed in an open manner. To increase safety, it is allowed to attach asbestos material to the bottom of the wall.
    • To connect several wires, you can only use terminals; twisting the wiring is unacceptable.

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    How to properly connect the electrical cable to the bathhouse

    Any other option, except when the cable is routed in the bathhouse through a through hole in the tree, is considered a violation of fire safety rules.
    Running a cable from the house to the bathhouse, if the buildings are located at a short distance from each other, is quite simple. Difficulties may arise when you have to solve the issue of organizing power supply for a free-standing bathhouse. In this case, you will need to route the power cable into the bathhouse from the main electrical panel. When connecting electrical wiring to a bathhouse, you can use two methods that differ in installation features: ground and air .

    The simplest seems to be the air method, which requires the installation of additional supports in the form of pillars. The line is laid using SIP cable . When laying it, it is not necessary to use an additional structure of cables. Such wiring can serve for more than 20 years.

    The SIP cable must be led along poles from the main building to the bathhouse, and before inserting it into the building itself, a special hole is made into which a metal pipe or asbestos insulator must first be inserted.

    The above-ground cable laying method is more labor-intensive. It requires additional measures and the use of special devices. However, the end result is worth all the effort , since the line will be open and you will not have to install poles that make the landscape less attractive.

    The wiring is laid using durable copper cable VBBShV 3x2.5, armored . In principle, it is also possible to use an unarmored cable, however, it will be deprived of a protective layer, so with this option it is placed in a special protective metal pipe.

    The cable is laid underground at a depth of at least 700 mm . The laying site should be marked with signs, for example, a decorative stone. This will allow you to quickly find it in case of damage or the need to replace it. After laying the cable, all that remains is to correctly install the shield.

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    PUE standards

    PUE is “Rules for the construction of electrical installations”.
    A rather extensive Talmud, in which you can find individual statements relating to the bathhouse, or more precisely, to a room with a high fire hazard, humidity and temperature. IMPORTANT! Information about the bathhouse in the PUE is scattered; you will not find there a separate chapter about bathhouses, saunas, and washrooms.
    We have collected all available information for you, the rest applies to general cases. Let's start with the electrical panel. Of course, you will not allocate a separate room for it; most likely it will be a small closet , but you should take into account that in the bathhouse it must be reliably waterproofed. Here's what the PUE says about it:

    We’ll talk about the contents of the cabinet a little lower, but here’s what the rules say about the need for an RCD :

    Along the way, we note another point that concerns the minimum degree of protection class of such a cabinet if it is located in a fire hazardous area:

    Wiring runs from the panel to all rooms. How to carry it out correctly - inside the walls or on the surface? The standards say that a hidden one is preferable, but this only to hot and humid rooms - a sauna (this means a sauna steam room), a bathtub and a shower room. In other rooms of the bathhouse, you can follow the recommendation about the preference for open wiring in a wooden structure.

    As you can see, if it is possible to lay wires inside bath walls, then only in plastic sleeves, and the plastic must be non-flammable, that is, not support combustion (you can’t expect anything more from corrugation).

    In the event that you have to connect or extend wires, the PUE recommends the following:

    Now about wet rooms. Neither switches nor other distribution or control means should be located inside the steam room or washing room:

    ADVICE! This suggests the idea that it is necessary to plan the placement of electrics for a bathhouse at the drawing stage - only in this case you will not have to rack your brains about how to conduct wiring in a building that is not conducive to compliance with standards.

    As for the degree of protection of the installed equipment, for these premises it must comply with the following paragraph of the PUE:

    Sockets inside the washing room and steam room are prohibited by the following clause:

    Requirements for lamps in fire hazardous areas and the minimum degree of their protection in the following paragraphs of the PUE:

    Finally, let us mention the point regarding potential equalization:

    Steam room feature

    A steam room in a bathhouse is at the same time the hottest and most humid room. Both have a significant impact on wiring requirements.

    IMPORTANT! The most important prohibition is that there should be no wiring inside the walls or along their surface in the steam room. It is all done outside this room, and only connectors for connecting lighting are inserted inside.

    Yes, inside the steam room of a regular bath there are only electrical appliances for lighting. And the switches for the lamps are outside.

    Metal sleeves are used to pass wires through the wall . This is the only acceptable case of using metal tubes inside walls.

    As you saw above, you cannot make any sockets inside the steam room. Power plants such as electric furnaces are discussed in the next chapter.

    Features of a sauna with an electric stove

    The electrics in a bathhouse with an electric furnace are supplemented by a group of wires that are intended for power plants . In principle, you can have a brick or iron wood-burning stove, but if you put a washing machine in the bathhouse, you will still have to create a power group all devices except lighting .

    ATTENTION! Since the stove power should be calculated at the rate of 1-1.5 kW per cubic meter of space, we get quite a decent load even for a conventional steam room of 2x2x2 meters - 8-12 kW.

    Typically, electric ovens are already equipped with power cords with sufficient protection from high temperatures. Therefore, it is enough to simply take the power cord outside the steam room and connect it to an outlet (with grounding!) in the adjacent room.

    In addition, it is recommended to create a separate grounding loop for the entire steam room in which the electric stove is installed. This is done at the construction stage, during work with floor waterproofing . A steel mesh should be laid over the waterproofing, and a steel strip should be laid around the perimeter. Later, the strip is welded to the mesh and the electrical panel is brought to zero.

    ADVICE! If you install a 30 mA difavtomat in the panel, you can connect the stove to the network directly. Otherwise, you will need a device that will monitor the steam room for overheating or a short circuit.

    How to install an electrical panel

    The first step is to decide on the location where the electrical panel will be installed. When choosing it, you must follow a number of rules:

    • the location chosen for the electrical panel must be ventilated and dry;
    • it cannot be installed where condensation may form and accumulate on internal elements;
    • free access must be provided to the installation site of the electrical panel;
    • when choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account its illumination - it is advisable to install the electrical panel in a sunny area;
    • you should choose the height of the box correctly, its upper part should be located no lower than 150–180 cm from the floor;
    • In case of laying single-phase wiring, it is allowed to use a three-core cable.

    What to consider when drawing up an electrical system diagram

    The choice of electrical wiring in the bathhouse should be made taking into account the installation location of electrical appliances and other elements. Their installation can only be done in dry rooms .
    This is the only way to comply with fire safety rules, as well as reduce the corrosion process on parts. Even if the device body is made of plastic, there will still be metal elements in the mechanism.

    Among the devices there are those that already have protection. They are considered safe and can be used in the washroom. The most famous among them are shower cabins, bathtubs with massage systems, SPA equipment, etc.

    In the steam room it is allowed to install only those lighting devices that have a metal base and necessarily a glass protective structure . The lamps must be installed on the wall with a distance of 20 cm from the ceiling.

    The transformer that supplies electricity to the bathhouse has a maximum voltage of 220 V. A current with a voltage of 12 V can be supplied to the steam room and washing room.

    Although this is a discrepancy with the PUE standards, which state that 42 V is allowed in dangerous buildings. However, a 36 V light bulb is taken into account here, and they are very rare for most modern baths.

    If the owner decides to install a washing machine or dishwasher in the bathhouse, then a separate grounded outlet . Particular attention should be paid to choosing the location for their installation, which should be dry. For the water heating tank, it is necessary to lay a separate wire, which should be routed separately from the general system.

    Construction of a bathhouse requires special knowledge from the owner. This is especially true for such a stage as laying electrical wiring. This is important because mistakes can lead to serious consequences, sometimes even death. Therefore, to ensure safety in the bathhouse, the owner must know the fire safety requirements and strictly comply with them .

    First of all, he must know in what places the elements of the electrical system can be installed so that, as a result of the use of electrical appliances, they do not lead to a short circuit or fire and do not cause harm to the health and life of people.

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    Connecting an RCD and a machine: diagram and rules

    Today we all use many electrical appliances. The number of which is growing every year, this happens due to availability, and because of necessity, and thanks to the effective marketing of manufacturers.

    In turn, with an increase in electrical consumers, the load on the network also increases, which leads to short circuits, breakdowns, and in some cases, fires. Therefore, with the advent of new electrical appliances, new protective shutdown devices for consumer networks also appeared.

    An RCD is an electrical device whose functions include disconnecting energy consumers and opening the circuit if the current exceeds a specified maximum permissible value. This device constantly compares the actual and set current value and, if a deviation from the set parameter is detected, opens the circuit.

    When is an RCD necessary?

    Among the general variety of electrical appliances, I would like to highlight those that consume the greatest amount of electricity, and therefore have the maximum load on the network, these include:

    • Refrigerators and freezers;
    • Microwaves;
    • Electric ovens;
    • Electric kettles;
    • Electric fireplaces, fan heaters and heaters;
    • Washing machines;
    • Air conditioners;
    • Boilers.

    As we can see, all of the equipment listed has become necessary today, and the cost of each such device is quite high for frequent replacement, so it is worth thinking about purchasing and installing an RCD.

    Next we will talk about how to connect this device and machines. For a more clear example, below are instructions for connecting an RCD and a circuit breaker.

    For the device to operate effectively, it must not only be included in the circuit, but also positioned correctly in it, so below we will describe how to correctly connect the RCD and the machine. So, if the current in the circuit deviates from the specified parameter, the circuit opens, but the device itself remains unprotected, which is why it is installed in conjunction with a circuit breaker.

    There are common errors in connecting RCDs, the most common of which we will describe below. This equipment must be included in the circuit breaker circuit. In turn, if an overload or short circuit occurs, the circuit breaker will turn off the entire circuit, and the RCD included in it will protect against current leaks and turn off the entire circuit located after it.

    Number of connected machines

    Sometimes the question arises: how many machines can be connected to one RCD? The answer to this question will be the correspondence of the amount of current consumed with the characteristics of the device itself. Naturally, in some cases, for a neat appearance of the electrical cabinet, we will have to limit ourselves to the number of machines that will allow us to place the dimensions of the cabinet and move everything unnecessary outside of it. Therefore, connecting equipment and a machine is quite a creative job.

    To ensure that the connection diagram for RCDs and circuit breakers in the apartment does not become a mess of tangled wires, it is recommended to lay out all the equipment in the closet without screwing it on. Thus, we will see its future location in an electrical cabinet that has not yet been screwed to the wall. This approach requires that the installation diagram of the safety device and circuit breakers be combined with the dimensions of the cabinet.

    Checking the RCD connection

    You should always remember that we can check the correct connection of RCDs and machines using the “T” (test) button immediately after turning on the power. If, when you press the button, the circuit does not disassemble and the electrical appliances do not turn off, you should look for an error in the connection.

    Structurally, it is not envisaged that the device will be able to protect itself, so to answer the question: is the RCD installed before the machine or after it? And here you should think about protecting the RCD itself, which implies its location in the circuit of the machine. The installation of equipment before or after the machine is also controlled by pressing the test button, which helps to avoid connection errors.

    When starting assembly, don't panic. If you are not sure whether the RCD is located in front of the machine or after it (if you have not encountered such a connection before), it is better to seek advice or help from a specialized specialist.

    If you don’t know how to choose an RCD, contact ABC-electro consultants https://avselectro.ru/catalog/4248-ustrojstva-zashitnogo-otklyuchen - there is a large selection of models and excellent service for you.

    Now it has become popular to divide the electrical system into groups of consumers, which makes it possible to use one RCD for several machines; for example, in a three-story house you can install one machine on each floor, and the device will monitor current leakage in the circuits of all three machines. Today we have a huge selection of similar equipment and machines, from the manufacturer to the technical characteristics. In order not to pay twice, you should first calculate the expected number of consumers in order to understand the load on the network. Based on this parameter, you can select a protective device.

    It should also be remembered that the simpler the connection diagram for circuit breakers and RCDs in the panel, the easier it is to understand it, so it is recommended to sign which machine disconnects which consumers. Such inscriptions greatly simplify troubleshooting in the circuit.

    Source: https://baniaisauna.ru/5336-podklyuchenie-uzo-i-avtomata-sxema-i-pravila.html

    Lighting in the bath: installation features

    The bathhouse is a special type of room. This is due to the fact that it contains high humidity and constant exposure to different temperatures. That is why lighting in a bathhouse needs additional protection and special installation.

    Amateur photo of using several lighting fixtures in the steam room section

    Electricity in the bathhouse: consumer groups

    Consumer groups are arbitrary groups of devices that are powered by current. They are arbitrary because it depends on your choice (or on the choice of an electrician) on what basis you will group devices.

    There are two options:

    • or group by room - all consumers of a relaxation room, steam room, washing room, for example;
    • or by uniformity - all sockets, all lamps, all power plants.

    ADVICE! Mark the names of consumer groups using labels attached to the wires and labeled.

    In our diagrams you will find a division into the following groups: lamps, sockets and power units.

    Let us explain that the last group includes devices with high electricity consumption. In the bathhouse these are most often electric ovens and washing machines.

    Principle of organization

    First of all, it should be noted that you need to start work only when the master has a plan for the placement of all devices in the room and a connection diagram. They are made in advance using the principles of creating electrical circuits and installation rules.

    Special luminaire with protective cap and sealed inlet

    Selection of materials

    • Particular attention should be paid to all devices that will be placed in the steam room and shower.
    • They must have a high degree of protection from moisture and resistance to high temperatures. Most of these products are made in a special sealed case, and if glass is used, they have high heat-resistant characteristics.
    • If you do the bath lighting yourself, then you should immediately take care of protection for wires and cables. For these purposes, a special corrugation is used, which is made of fire-resistant plastic.
    • It is worth noting that at the moment there are a lot of different fakes or low-quality products that do not correspond to the declared characteristics. Therefore, before making a purchase, you should ask the seller for a quality certificate.

    Special step-down transformer that can be used for a bath

    • It should be noted that some craftsmen, when lighting a bathhouse, try to use low voltage currents for the circuits. Then you will need a special step-down transformer, which should preferably be located in a separate protected housing or in the input panel.
    • It should be noted that the box for routing wires and placing machines must also be highly sealed, but it is advisable to place it in the dressing room.

    Advice! When purchasing all the necessary elements, you need to immediately check their integrity on the spot, and, if possible, even disassemble them to determine the integrity of all parts. Otherwise, you may buy products that were damaged during transportation.

    Location of wiring in a timber structure using protective corrugation


    • Typically, lighting for saunas and baths begins with wiring.
    • They must be immediately placed in a protective corrugation and in those places where an exit or branch needs to be made, heat-resistant insulation should be used.
    • To secure the wiring under the casing, you need to use a synthetic harness that can withstand high temperatures. Special clamps are also used.

    Step-by-step process of installing a lamp in a steam room

    • If lighting in the bathhouse is done after all the coverings have been installed, then professional craftsmen recommend installing protective boxes. They must also be sealed and are made of heat-resistant plastic. In this case, corrugation may not be used.
    • All point-of-use devices with a similar level of protection have special inlet openings that allow for a high level of sealing. At the same time, the installation instructions advise you to accurately carry out all the fixing actions that a specific design provides.

    Article on the topic: How to bake a biscuit in a water bath

    Lighting arrangement diagram

    • It is worth noting that it is recommended to place only a lamp in the steam room, and it is better to keep other systems and devices away from rooms with extreme temperatures and high humidity. This is especially important when installing a step-down transformer, since it is on it that eddy currents arise, which are transmitted using a magnetic circuit.
    • Some masters try to connect each individual device through its own machine. However, this is very wasteful, since the price of such systems is quite high, considering that they are manufactured for such conditions. That is why it is much easier to transfer all the lighting to one circuit breaker, leaving a separate lamp as an emergency system on another fuse.

    Residual current device and their parameters

    • If you plan to use devices with high power in the building, then they should be connected to a separate circuit breaker, and best of all to a dedicated phase. This will protect the entire system from short circuits and in the event of an emergency shutdown of this line, the lighting will continue to operate in standard mode.
    • Professional craftsmen advise that it is mandatory to install grounding in the bathhouse or to include an RCD in the circuit. This will serve as additional protection against electric shock, which is very important for rooms with high humidity.

    Advice! It must be remembered that the system can be connected only after it has been completely installed and tested. This will avoid electric shock.

    An example of a sauna electrical circuit

    Which RCD should I choose for a bath?

    Like any other device, RCDs or, as they are also called, residual current switches, have different technical characteristics.
    The main parameters that people pay attention to when choosing an RCD are:

    Errors when choosing an RCD

    From an isolation point of view, absolutely.

    Hello! 1. Can you tell me what kind of ouzo or difavtomat to install in the sauna? The load is in the form of three lamps in the corners, the length of the wire from the switchboard is 5 meters.

    In this article we will look at the purpose and operating principle of an RCD. Let's figure out how different types of devices differ, and determine under what conditions they are used. Let's talk separately about connecting these protective devices.

    An RCD is a switching (switching) device that, when the differential current (leakage current) reaches and exceeds a specified value, opens the contacts and disconnects the network or its section from the power supply. This product has several names: “residual current controlled residual current device”, “residual current switch”, “residual current controlled device”. One way or another, hundreds of millions of RCDs used in the world perform two tasks - they protect people from electric shock through direct and indirect contact and prevent fires due to fires in wiring. In many developed countries, the use of differential switches is mandatory.

    Residual current devices are designed.

    Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

    This weekend I went to the sauna with my friends. In the steam room, the thought came to me, why not write an article about how to properly install electrical wiring in a bathhouse or sauna.

    The topic is, in principle, relevant, because many people build baths and saunas on their summer cottages. But these rooms are considered especially dangerous (see PUE, clause 1.1.13), have a high temperature of up to 130° and a high level of humidity (dampness) of up to 90%, accordingly, special fire and fire safety requirements are imposed on the electrical wiring in such a room electrical safety.

    In this article I will consider all the requirements for electrical equipment and wiring in a bathhouse and sauna. All you have to do is fulfill all the listed requirements. Even if you do not carry out electrical installation work with your own hands, then with the help of this article you will check the correct work of hired electricians, and if they do something wrong, you will be able to stop them in time.

    Dear CergeyB2006 wrote everything correctly, as it should be. However, given the current state of the networks, re-grounding is a very controversial issue. If there is no confidence in the quality of the re-grounding of the overhead line, the neighbors did not make grounding loops for themselves, I would not recommend being a pioneer in this area. Sufficient electrical safety measures would be the following. 1. Installation of an RCD on a two-wire line. In this case, the RCD will operate upon direct contact. It will jump, but not to death. The RCD setting is 30mA. With normal wiring there will be no false alarms. 2. Insulation of metal cases. For example, a tank heated by a heating element should be insulated and covered, for example, with a wooden, decorative casing.

    DAN And pull out the wiring from under the aluminum panels and run it some other way. However, it is difficult to give in absentia.

    Surely you know the most dangerous troubles regarding electrical wiring in the house: short circuits, network overloads and leakage currents. It is precisely this last trouble that is effectively protected by a residual current device, also called a residual current switch (RCB). We will talk further about how to choose an RCD for a house and apartment!

    Importance of the event

    If you choose the wrong RCD model, that is, make a mistake with its characteristics, this is fraught with the following consequences:

    The automation will be triggered during a false alarm, because... minor electrical leaks are always present in the wiring, especially if it is old (in a wooden house in the country). The overly high power rating of the RCD you choose will not operate during a dangerous situation, resulting in an electric shock. The device will not be able to function when connecting aluminum conductors to yours.

    Main characteristics of temperature and air humidity in baths:

    High humidity and high temperature can equally negatively affect the condition of electrical wiring and create a fire hazard.

    What you need to know before you start installing electrical wiring

    Familiarize yourself with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). The 7th edition of this document is in effect in Russia.

    In these Rules, in section 7, you will find clear requirements for the installation of electrical wiring and electrical appliances in rooms with high humidity and temperature.

    Draw a diagram of the electrical wiring in the bathhouse and decide where and what equipment will be installed in the bathhouse, where and what kind of lamps, sockets, switches will be installed, which wires and how many of them in the footage you need.

    It is best to draw a separate line directly from the shield into the bathhouse. The shield is usually located in the house. The easiest option is to throw the wire through the air. Let's consider 2 wiring methods.

    Overhead lighting in the bath

    Two ways to conduct electrical wiring in a bathhouse

    There are two ways to route the power cable into the bathhouse. The first is “air”, i.e. the cable goes over the air, the second is an underground cable. Both cases have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail. If you don’t like the “ropes” hanging over the area, go straight to the second method.

    Air way

    So, with an air connection, if the distance to the bathhouse is more than 25 meters, you need to install an intermediate support. If the cable passes over the roadway, then the height of the cable at the lowest point should not be less than 6 meters. If the cable passes over a pedestrian path, then the height must be more than 3.5 meters. When connecting to the building, the wires are secured so that.


    In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text presented above, we can conclude that the organization of the lighting system must be approached taking into account the technical condition of the room and its features (also find out how to ensure water heating in the bathhouse).

    In this case, special attention is paid to the choice of materials, since all of them must meet certain safety requirements associated with high humidity and temperature.

    Wiring lighting in the bathhouse with your own hands

    Lighting in the bathhouse is of great importance, especially in the steam room, since there is most often no natural light there. To do everything correctly, you must follow a number of recommendations, since operating conditions are very different from standard ones and any violations can lead to short circuits or even fire. According to statistics, fires in bathhouses most often occur precisely because of poor-quality or incorrectly laid wiring.

    Security requirements

    All standards for baths and saunas are set out in GOST 50571.12-96, SNiP II-L.13-62, as well as in the seventh edition of the PUE (Chapter 7). To make it easier to understand, the main requirements are collected in this section:

    1. Wiring can be done using both closed and open methods. The first is suitable for wooden buildings and for cases where the surface is already covered with finishing. For installation, a cable channel or PVC corrugation is used; the use of metal pipes and other elements that conduct current is prohibited.
    2. It is best to use a cable that can withstand temperatures of at least 170 degrees. Copper versions RKGM, PRKS, PVKV, PRKA are suitable. You can also use single-core or multi-core PMTC, designed to operate at temperatures up to 200 degrees. Of the foreign analogues, OLFLEX HEAT 205, designed for use in saunas, is suitable. As for other rooms in the bathhouse, where the temperatures are not so high, VVGng-LS is suitable there.

    By the way! In order not to lay wiring in the steam room, you can conduct it in adjacent rooms and make holes in the wall for connections at the locations of the lamps. In this case, you will not have to protect the cable, the work will be significantly simplified.

    Equipment items

    The time has come to consider each of the elements of the above diagrams in more detail.


    Let's start with the important thing - you need to choose the cable for a bath correctly, taking into account everything - wooden surroundings, high temperatures, fire hazard, high humidity.

    Ideal option: you do not run the cable at all either along the walls or inside the walls of two rooms - the steam room and the washing room . Instead, make through holes in the walls where the lighting point will be, and lead only the ends of the wires directly to the lamp into the steam room and washing room.

    ADVICE! The through hole should be reinforced with a metal (aluminum) sleeve. If a shift occurs in the structure, the sleeve will protect the cable from damage.

    If you don’t have any wires laid in the steam room and soap room, then you don’t have to worry about heat resistance - the temperature range (up to +60 degrees) that is typical for good, suitable wires for wiring in other rooms is sufficient. This is the NYM cable made according to the German standard and its Russian analogue VVGng.

    IMPORTANT! Both have a PVC shell, although it has additives that do not support combustion.

    There is heat-resistant insulation that can withstand elevated temperatures and is made of silicone rubber . It is used in PRKS and RKGM cables. The latter is often installed in damp and/or high-temperature rooms - bathrooms, bathhouses, basements. Be guided by the above - such a wire is needed where it is not possible to avoid wiring inside the steam room and washing room.

    ATTENTION! The requirement for the (not recommended) wire in the steam room is that it must withstand a temperature of (at least) 170 degrees.

    Cable fastening

    As we mentioned above, hidden and open wiring is allowed in the bathhouse. If the choice is made in favor of a hidden one, then it should be hidden exclusively in a plastic corrugation, and not a metal one.

    If the wiring is open, then you can use standard cable channels , choosing those that best match the color and texture of the walls, and twisted wiring through ceramic insulators.

    Cable channel, pine color

    ON A NOTE! However, it is worth drawing your attention again to the fact that all this is said about laying wires in the dressing room, rest room and other (if any) rooms, but does not apply to the steam room and soap room.

    Cable channels are not heat resistant ; they are ordinary plastic, flammable and easily melting. Therefore, you can often find a recommendation to place strips of heat-insulating material under open wiring.

    How to calculate the required cable power?

    To do this, you need to know the power of all expected current consumers - the lighting group and all connected electrical appliances. Count the number of lamps and add up their power . Look in the passport of the stove, washing machine and everything else that you are going to connect, their rated power . Add everything up into one total. Add to it 1/5 of the resulting figure - this is reserve .

    The resulting figure must be divided by the network voltage. It can be 220, 380, 12, 24, 36 volts. If you combine them, divide the power of the group by the corresponding voltage. The result of division is the strength of the current flowing through the conductor . is this that determines the suitable cross-section of the core.

    The table below shows the relationship between the mentioned quantities:


    A transformer for a bathhouse is only needed if you decide to provide lighting in the steam room using low-voltage light sources: halogens, low-voltage incandescent lamps, LED strips . The latter, of course, react poorly to elevated temperatures, but the widespread practice of installing this type of lighting in the lower tier of the steam room, usually under the seats.

    Accordingly, a transformer is selected that transfers from the input (220 or 380 volts) to the required (12 - most often, 24, 36 volts).

    Transformers differ in power , which is as easy to calculate as in the previous example - it is desirable that the power of the transformer itself be 1/5 greater than the total power of the lamps that you intend to connect to it.

    In principle, you can purchase the same LED strips with a power supply , which itself will lower the voltage to the required number of volts. If you still decide to install a transformer, then you can install it in a panel , on a certain group of consumers - light sources in the steam room.

    IMPORTANT! When powering LEDs, current is a more important characteristic than voltage. It is advisable to further protect their network surges by installing a stabilizer.


    You can put any kind of lamps in the bathhouse. The debate is mainly about the steam room and the washing room - is there any reason to install low-voltage lamps if you already have an RCD or automatic circuit breaker. But, if you think that God protects those who are careful, then, most likely, you will put the already mentioned halogens or LEDs there.

    If you decide to install LEDs, you should measure the temperature in the heated steam room. Where it is planned to run the tape, it should not rise above 40 degrees! More information about this type of lamp can be found in the article entirely devoted to LED lighting.

    Halogen lamps can be installed where the temperature is not higher than 100 degrees , although other characteristics of these lamps are inferior to LEDs.

    Incandescent lamps - if the lamp is installed in a lamp that is attached to the wall, then the power should not exceed 60 W. We found no temperature restrictions.


    Again, the distinction: if the lamp is in the rest room, then it can be anything, even a crystal chandelier - here the choice is limited only by the taste of the owner. You can also put whatever you want in the waiting room. But when it comes to washing, the main requirement will be moisture protection. Therefore, the minimum moisture protection requirements are IP44, but it is better that the last figure is higher - for example, IP65. You can read more about bath lamps here.

    The same can be said about the steam room. In both cases, we are talking about hermetically sealed structures, in which the base is made of ceramics and the shade is made of glass . We have materials dedicated separately to lamps in the sauna and in the steam room of the Russian bath.

    Sauna, lighting under the shelf

    IMPORTANT! The fact that it will be made of glass and not plastic is significant. Because plastic melts. As for the possible breaking of glass, the installation of a decorative wooden fence, which will at the same time be an element of the decor of the steam room, will protect against this.

    There is supposed to be a gasket between the lampshade and the base. Rubber ones fail relatively quickly. Check back occasionally, because otherwise the lamp will lose its seal.

    By the way, you can read about lampshades for bath lamps here.


    The requirements for moisture protection (I P-44 / IP-65 ) mentioned in relation to luminaires also apply to sockets.

    You can install sockets in any of the rooms, except for the steam room and soap room.

    What voltage is best for wet areas?

    The light in the steam room should be not only functional, but also safe. You need to pay attention to choosing the appropriate voltage; there are several options:

    1. For the main power supply of all premises, single-phase voltage of 220 V is most often used. This is the most common solution, which is also suitable for lighting in the steam room, subject to several conditions: protection using differentiated circuit breakers and RCDs, grounding using the TN-CS system. It is also necessary to have a PUP (potential equalization system).
    2. If powerful electrical equipment with high power consumption is used, then a three-phase input is suitable. This option is used to power boilers, heated floors, pumps, etc. And the lighting requirements in the steam room are the same as for single-phase lighting.
    3. The single-phase reduced version is used for lighting. If you install a light in a bathhouse operating on a voltage of 12 or 36 volts, the level of safety for humans will be many times higher . This is the most preferred solution, for which you will need a step-down transformer. It should be installed in a panel or in a room with a normal level of humidity; it cannot be mounted in showers and steam rooms. If you implement this option not only in wet rooms, but also in the rest room, corridor and dressing room, you can save on electricity.

    In addition to lighting, other equipment can also operate from a low-voltage line. If necessary, you can install sockets.

    Approximate diagram

    At the input you will have either 220 volts or 380. In the first case, if everything is done wisely three wires - phase, neutral and ground. In the second - five (three phases, zero and ground).

    Let's consider a 220 V connection. A 25 A input circuit breaker an RCD is installed on the zero and phase wires , after which the zero wire is connected to the N bus. Then three circuit breakers - sequentially on the phase wire. Each group of consumers from the N and PE buses has its own wire, so that three wires go to the consumer - phase, neutral and ground. Below is a picture illustrating the above diagram.

    ATTENTION! It is recommended to install an RCD in the bathhouse without exception. However, a differential machine is the same thing, but with more functionality.

    The above diagram is very simple and does not consider options for connecting a transformer.

    Connecting to 380 V is not much more complicated. Grounding is done at the input and an input circuit breaker . From the latter, three phase wires and zero are fed to the RCD, after which the zero is connected to the bus, and from there to all circuit breakers preceding consumer groups. phases is connected to each of the switches (the choice is distributed evenly).

    There can be an arbitrary number of consumer groups, but usually there are three - a lighting group, a group of sockets and a power group (devices with high power). In a sauna, it is customary to separate the electric furnace into a separate group . In our case, a zero machine and a switch are specially installed for it.

    Everything described is clearly shown in the following diagram:

    IMPORTANT! Don't take these schemes as a general case, there simply isn't one. Focus on your ideas about safety - the number of machines and RCDs, the number and power of consumers, and what kind of grounding system is adopted in the area where your bathhouse is located depends on this.

    If you want to make a circuit with a voltage of 12, 24, 36 volts, place the transformer in the lighting - it can be divided into a subgroup of 220 V consumers and a low voltage subgroup that will power the steam room (and, possibly, the washing room).

    What lamps are suitable for the steam room?

    First of all, you need to remember a simple rule: lamps in the steam room cannot be placed on the ceiling . They are always fixed on the wall with a distance of at least 30 cm from the ceiling. Moreover, they need to be placed in the third zone; in the second, you can only put the backlight; the easiest way to navigate is by following the diagram.

    There are a few simple tips to remember:

    1. Illumination of the second zone can be done using lamps with heat resistance from 50 degrees. But it’s better to put options there that can withstand high temperatures to eliminate any problems.
    2. In the third zone, the main lighting is installed; you should choose only lamps with a moisture resistance level of at least IP54. In this case, the lampshade and body must normally withstand heating up to 125 degrees.
    3. When choosing, it is best to give preference to models with a ceramic base; they tolerate heat much better. Plastic bases are not the best solution for a steam room with changes in temperature and humidity.

    From the video you will find out whether it is worth using LED lamps in a bathhouse.

    As for light sources, there may be several options. All of them performed well in their work, so you need to choose based on the features of the steam room and your budget:

    1. Incandescent lamps are the traditional option, still used today. They consume a lot of electricity, do not last very long, but they are cheap. Typically, lamps with a power of more than 60 W cannot be installed in lampshades, so the light is not very bright, the shade is yellow, close to natural.
    2. Halogen options work well in a steam room, as they themselves heat up to high temperatures, so hot air does not harm them. They differ in the quality of light and can operate on both standard and low voltage, which is very important. The service life is not very long; for maximum efficiency, you should purchase heat-resistant lamps.
    3. Fluorescent lamps allow you to equip comfortable lighting in a sauna or steam room, as they have different brightness options and glow with minimal flicker. They come in different shapes and sizes, the main thing is to buy a model with a high degree of protection from moisture and heat.
    4. LED lamps were not previously used in steam rooms, as they did not tolerate extreme conditions well. But now there are models that are specially designed for high temperatures; you only need to choose options for saunas; standard equipment cannot be used. Diodes consume little electricity, produce soft diffused light and operate at low voltages.
    5. Fiber optic lighting systems are considered one of the best for steam rooms. They consist of a projector and long light-transmitting elements, which are placed in the right places and provide comfortable light. This option is more difficult to install and costs much more than other solutions, but it can withstand heating up to 200 degrees and provides the maximum level of safety.

    Review of prices for popular bath lamps.

    Options for placing lamps in the bathhouse

    It all depends on the room, since there are several types with different operating conditions. It should be noted that lamps with the maximum level of protection can be installed everywhere. The main features are:

      In the steam room, it is best to place lamps on the wall or in the corners. When choosing a location, consider safety; the equipment should not interfere with people. If the room is small, it makes sense to place the light source in a wooden frame so that no one can touch it. The lighting in the bath can be located at the bottom of the wall or under the shelves, if they are not solid and allow light to pass through.

    In the corridor and in front of the entrance it is better to install lamps designed for open air. To prevent the street lights from working for a long time and turning on only when there are people in the yard, the easiest way is to install a motion sensor.

    How to connect an electric stove in a bathhouse or sauna

    The availability of electricity in a country house makes it possible to simplify the installation of a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna under construction as much as possible. The ease of installation and compactness of an electric sauna stove, see m-kamin.ru for yourself, allow you to quickly and effectively solve the issue of arranging the main place in the sauna, the steam room.

    How to choose the right electric stove for a bath

    An electric furnace for a bath is a heating electric device, which, like all electrical appliances, has one of the main parameters in its technical characteristics, power.

    The power of the electric furnace is selected at the rate of 1 kilowatt of power per 1 cubic meter. steam room meter. The calculation is simple, for a steam room 2 by 2 meters with ceilings of 2.2 meters, you need an 8.8 kW electric oven. Provided that the walls, floor and ceiling of the steam room are well insulated.

    If there are doubts about the quality of insulation, then the power of the purchased heater (the accepted name for an electric sauna stove) needs to be increased by 25%.

    The second criterion for choosing an electric furnace for a bathhouse will be the available power supply voltage. In our country it is 220 or 380 Volts. Electric furnaces with a supply voltage of 380 Volts are quite rare, although they are more economical.

    It is worth noting that sellers must indicate, along with the power, the volume of the steam room in which this stove can operate. Unfortunately, almost all sellers deliberately overestimate the volume of the steam room in relation to the power of the electric furnace. The explanations are trivial; the volume of the steam room with ideal thermal insulation is indicated.

    When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to the volume of stones loaded into the stove. The characteristic is not fundamental, but it affects the following. Electric sauna stoves with a volume of stones from 20-40 kg are more suitable for saunas, since spilling them with water should be done rarely and the air in the steam room will be dry. Heaters with a load of 40-60 or more kg of stones can be shed without restrictions and they are more suitable for baths, where the air in the steam room should be more humid.

    Installation of electric stoves in the bathhouse

    When installing (installing) electric stoves in a steam room, you need to pay attention to three important factors: safety, safety and security.

    The combination of two “enemies” in one place, water and electricity, and the presence of a person without clothes, puts the issue of safety in the first place.

    Security Solutions

    Electrical safety when installing an electric furnace in a steam room is solved by the following measures:

    Grounding. The electrical circuit for powering the heater must be made of a cable with a separate grounding conductor. The body of the heater must be grounded, that is, connected by a grounding conductor to the main grounding bus of the house or a grounding contact in the apartment's electrical panel. When powered at 220 Volts, a three-core cable is used; at 380 Volts, the cable must have 5 cores.

    Dedicated power group. To power the heater, a separate electrical group must be allocated, protected by a circuit breaker. The rating of the circuit breaker is selected based on the maximum power of the electric furnace.

    Residual current device. The electrical circuit of an electric sauna stove, in addition to protection by a circuit breaker, must be protected by an RCD (residual current device). The RCD rating is 10 mA.

    Correct choice of cross-section and type of power cable. To eliminate fire safety problems, you need to choose the correct cross-section of the electric cable powering the heater. The choice of cross-section of the cable cores depends on the power of the electric furnace.

    For power supply, a cable with copper conductors . Let's stop here.

    Any heater is not connected to the power supply directly. From the electrical panel, the power cable is connected to the stove control unit, and from it it is connected with a separate cable to the heater itself. The stove control unit is moved outside the steam room.

    With this connection we get two lines of one circuit. One goes through the normal rooms of the house from the switchboard to the control unit. The second chain goes in a super-humid and aggressive (temperature) steam room. Hence the different requirements for the cable.

    • From the switchboard to the control unit, a cable with copper conductors with a cross-section according to the table above is used;
    • A rubber insulated cable is used from the control unit to the oven (it is supplied with the oven). The passage of the power cable through the wall in the steam room is made in a sleeve with an inclination towards the steam room.
    • To protect the rubber cable in the steam room, it must be protected in a metal corrugation or in a metal pipe. The corrugation or pipe must be grounded.
    • To reduce the length of the final power cable, a metal junction box can be installed in the steam room, in which the power cable is disconnected from the rubber hose of the oven.

    Removal of control devices. The control unit for the electric sauna stove is moved outside the steam room. The control unit includes: thermistor, control panel, external switch (if equipped), distribution cabinet, relay cabinet (if provided).


    More articles

    Source: https://elesant.ru/kak-podklyuchit-elektropech-v-bane-saune

    Stages of installation of electric lighting

    It is necessary to make not only light in the steam room, but also create a complete and safe power supply system in the bathhouse. Therefore, for simplicity, the work should be divided into stages and performed in turn.


    Even before installation begins, a number of preparatory works need to be carried out. Their list and complexity may vary. But most often the process consists of the following actions:

      Connecting the power cable to the bathhouse. An overhead line is usually used, the cable is mounted on a special bracket on the wall, the height of the location should prevent accidental contact between people and animals. The second option is underground installation, which is much safer, but also more complicated. You will have to dig a trench and lay the cable in the HDPE pipe, but you can take it directly into the room under the location of the shield.

    It is worth drawing up a project in advance in the prescribed form and agreeing on it with the supervisory organization.

    Laying and connecting cables

    Choose the location of the electrical panel; it is best to place it in a dry room near the entrance. The size is selected depending on the number of machines and RCDs that will need to be installed. Sometimes a step-down transformer is also located there. It is best if the cabinet is locked to protect it from children. The work is carried out as follows:

      The shield must be fixed at a height of 140-180 cm from the floor level. The power cable is connected through a separate circuit breaker, which can be used to turn off all power consumption if necessary. Next, all automatic devices and RCDs are installed; they can be easily mounted on a special bus. You can put stickers indicating the purpose of one or another option so as not to get confused.

    Do not forget about grounding, to the circuit of which the electrical panel and all elements that require it are connected.

    Electrical wiring installation

    Work on installing electrical wiring in a bathhouse is divided into several main stages:

    • installation of an electrical panel;
    • cabling from the panel;
    • installation and connection of lamps;
    • connecting sockets;
    • connecting an electric oven.

    Each stage is carried out in accordance with the rules specified in the regulatory documentation.

    Electrical panel installation

    The shield is mounted in a place that provides easy access to the device. It is prohibited to install it in a fire-hazardous room or steam room. The selected location should be well lit and ventilated.

    The most suitable room in the bathhouse for these requirements is the relaxation room.

    Wiring the electrical cable from the panel

    In this case, the following rules should be adhered to:

    1. The wiring from the shield is done in one piece.
    2. In a bathhouse built of wood, open wiring is allowed.
    3. All lines are oriented strictly vertically and horizontally. Twisting and bending are not allowed.
    4. Routes should not approach metal pipes and radiators at a distance of less than half a meter.

    It is prohibited to install wires above the stove.

    Installation and connection of lamps

    The permissible power of lamps in a bathhouse is no more than 75 W, protection class is no less than IP-44. The location of the lighting fixtures is the walls, since the temperature under the ceiling is the highest.

    In the steam room, the use of electrical appliances, including lamps, with a voltage of 12 V is allowed. To ensure this condition, step-down transformers are installed outside the steam room.

    Connecting sockets

    The location of the sockets in the bathhouse is the walls of the rest room or dressing room. Installation height – 90 cm from floor level. It is preferable to use sockets with covers. Acceptable protection class is IP-44 and higher.

    Features of the placement of sockets and switches for a bath

    Connecting an electric furnace

    The electric oven is connected with a wire capable of withstanding temperatures up to 170C - PRKA, PRKS, PMTK, RKGM. The power of sauna stoves is usually 4 kW, so a three-core copper cable 3x2.5 mm2 will be sufficient to connect them.

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