If it’s your first time in the sauna: what you need to know before going to the steam room for the first time

In the bathhouse you can get a lot of positive emotions and improve the health of the whole body. The main thing is to clarify how to steam in a bathhouse correctly , so as not to harm the body and get the most from the procedure. This is a complete warming up of the body, helping to enjoy every minute in a Russian bath and feel great after it.

General rules

Before steaming , it is recommended to learn everything about the sauna . This applies to temperature, building design, technology, as well as basic tools - brooms. After this, questions about how to soar correctly will go away by themselves.

In the bathhouse , the entire building is divided into at least two main rooms. The main thing is that this is a place where everyone can enjoy vaping The temperature here is high and hot. It comes from a furnace on which stones are placed according to Russian technology. They are thoroughly heated, and then the infusions are poured, creating a unique atmosphere that allows you to steam in the sauna with maximum benefit.

After you have managed to steam , you can go to a cooler room. It's called a washing room. Relaxation, hygiene procedures, and communication are organized here. According to Russian technology, it’s worth figuring out how to steam in a bathhouse with a broom. After all, massage with its help is the basis for the procedure.

Types of brooms and their effects

Every bathhouse attendant knows how to hover with a broom. Depending on what tree it is made from, the effect on the body changes. This is influenced by the very structure of the branches, the oils released, and the aroma from the leaves.

to figure out how to steam properly if you analyze the properties of each tree. Some are able to calm, others tonify. There are those that are used to prevent diseases, as well as to improve the skin.

Preparing for the bath ritual

It can be called that way. For the Slavs, the bathhouse was an almost holy place. Sick people were brought here to heal them, a newborn child was washed in the bathhouse so that he would grow strong and healthy, the bathhouse was also flooded at the moment of a person’s death to wash him. Today we go to the steam room purely for pleasure, because every home has a shower and hot water, but the smell of warm wood and an oak broom cannot be replaced by anything else.

So, how to go to the bathhouse correctly? First of all, you should not eat enough before visiting the steam room. The last, light snack should take place no later than 1.5 hours before the event. Take kvass, mineral water, compote or natural juice (for example, birch) with you. But you need to forget about alcohol on this day.

Types of bath brooms

What is soaring ? This is a massage using specially prepared, dried brooms. Thanks to the right actions, you can warm up your skin, relax and fully relax, forgetting about all your problems.

The branches of each tree have their own characteristics, take into account these criteria and the effect will be simply amazing. In most cases, several options are offered to choose from, or the professional himself determines which steaming in the bathhouse is recommended for a particular visitor.

Birch branches

One of the most popular options is a birch broom. It helps soothe the skin. Additionally, they note that using a steamer can relieve inflammation. Often after the procedure, wound healing accelerates.

Oak branches

Most often they find out how to properly steam in a bathhouse with a broom , if it is made of oak. These branches are also at the peak of popularity. As a result of regular use, the condition of the skin can be significantly improved. The main effect is bactericidal and anti-inflammatory. Additionally , steam, sauna and oak help tighten the skin.

Eucalyptus branches

how to properly take a steam bath in a Russian sauna with eucalyptus. With its help, the entire room is filled with an amazing aroma. You can safely use these branches at the first sign of a cold. Girls in the steam room after the bath procedure notice improvement in their skin.

Juniper branches

how to steam in a bathhouse correctly with a broom to improve your body’s health. These branches are used for the prevention and treatment of radiculitis. In addition, the excellent bright aroma has a positive effect on the nervous system. As a result, during a short procedure you can not only figure out how to wash properly in a bathhouse , but also fully relax and unwind. The main thing is to learn how to hover with a broom correctly and do it with maximum health benefits and improve your mood.

Olive branches

Olive brooms will help you figure out how to steam in a sauna correctly Their main feature is that the leaves adhere perfectly to the skin, ensuring full contact. Often alone in the bathhouse steaming in the bathhouse as a group, we choose this particular broom. With its help, it is possible to cope with the first signs of a cold, as well as cure even chronic bronchitis.

If you figure out how to properly steam in a sauna for health , you can quite easily remove all toxins from the surface of the skin, as well as work on the respiratory system and achieve a significant improvement in well-being.

Fir branches

Bathhouse rules often include regular use of fir. These are not just brooms, but also an amazing aroma. steaming in a Russian sauna without the amazing pine smell. It not only creates an atmosphere, but also has a positive effect on the body.

When I steamed with fir, it felt like it was aromatherapy, now my friends and I regularly steam with this broom. This is what the most positive post about the bathhouse , because the unique smells and relaxation are impossible to forget.

Artemisia branches

Wormwood brooms will tell you how to take a bath This is a unique tree that has collected almost all the forces of nature. After proper preparation and drying, they are perfectly preserved. All that remains is to clarify how to properly hover with a broom in a bathhouse and make the most pleasant and effective massage for your health. those who want to relax and improve their immunity at the same time take a steam bath with wormwood

Linden branches

Linden is a well-known medicinal plant. A steam bath will help reveal its main beneficial properties. As a result, you will feel great after just one procedure. I ’m working with a professional, it was he who introduced me to such a unique broom. This is a special smell and a unique sensation.

Tips for beginners

The bathhouse is not a place for haste and thoughtless pastime. The event includes preparing the body for exposure to high temperatures, distributing one’s own strength, and learning to use a broom.

Visiting the steam room is a load, and you should prepare for any load. You can’t climb onto the top shelf from the threshold, because that’s where the temperature is highest. The body must be warmed up gradually, preferably in an upright position. To do this, occupy the lower bench for a few minutes. And then rise higher. You can sit down and lower your feet into a basin filled with herbal infusion. Wait until you sweat profusely and take a break. After resting in the dressing room or rest room for about 10 minutes, you will prepare your body for the second run.

Now you can start steaming with a broom. With a certain skill, you can do it yourself, but by trusting a professional steamer, you will receive a portion of the “correct” steam. The precise movements of a wet broom bring pleasure, banish illnesses and give strength.

Broom manipulation is carried out in a variety of ways. It is then wetted, then dried, finely shaking it in the air, and lowered onto the heated body with varying amounts of force, making splashing and rustling sounds. The result is a completely unforgettable feeling of freedom of spirit and relaxation. Muscles are completely relieved of tension.

When using different brooms, the effect is different:

  • Birch. The most popular. Improves skin condition, affects the respiratory system, dilates blood vessels;
  • Oak. Normalizes blood pressure, eliminates sweating, makes skin shiny;
  • Fir. Stimulates blood circulation, good for respiratory diseases and radiculitis;
  • Eucalyptus. Rich in essential oils beneficial for the lungs;
  • Rowan. Restores strength and gives vigor.

What to take with you to the bathhouse

A Russian bathhouse can be an unforgettable vacation in every person’s life the staff will tell you how to steam properly, or you can learn on your own. First of all, you should decide whether you can take a steam bath . If there are no contraindications, then all that remains is to prepare and enjoy. You should take with you a small bag that can fit everything you need for a bath :

  • A robe or large towel to wrap yourself up after your steam bath and feel comfortable.
  • Clean sheet. It will allow you to comply with basic hygiene rules.
  • A hard glove, in the instructions on how to properly steam with a broom , there is always a point about warming up the body.
  • A cap so you can take a steam bath without worrying about hair damage.
  • Shower gel and shampoo, after taking a steam bath , you should wash thoroughly.
  • to figure out how to steam with a broom without a basic tool, so it’s worth taking it with you.

If I meet with girlfriends and friends, then many want to relax, a small snack and drink will never be superfluous to combine relaxation with the procedure. In addition, this is an excellent part of the SPA - the bathhouse; how to steam properly is not enough for complete care; you should also take scrubs and masks with you, and use cream after the procedure.

Benefits of a Russian bath

A reasonable visit to the bathhouse is definitely useful, because such procedures strengthen the human immune, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

  • Of course, during a visit to the bathhouse, not only the body, but also the soul rests, and this is important. A person relaxes while going to the bathhouse, giving his nervous system the opportunity to “sleep” at least for a while.
  • Also, during your stay in the steam room, various toxins and wastes are actively removed from the body, and this is very beneficial for the body.
  • It must be said that the bathhouse perfectly relaxes the muscles.
  • Going to the bathhouse is a prevention of various ailments of the respiratory system.
  • The bath also helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, but only if the procedures are carried out correctly.

Rules of conduct in the steam room

Despite the fact that many people neglect the advice of specialists, it is worth knowing how to steam in a sauna correctly for the best effect. If you follow all the advice, the procedure will bring maximum benefits to the body and mood. Professionals recommend simple rules on how to steam :

  • Many people make the mistake that they know how to properly go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath . In fact, it's best to do this in the morning. At the same time, it is important that the body is not tired, because temperature changes are a serious burden on the heart.
  • The steam bath technique includes time limits. In total it is about 40 minutes. In this case, the process itself with rest takes no more than 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the procedure will only cause harm.
  • A Russian bath with a broom is performed on an empty stomach; it is also better not to drink too much liquid. In the intervals between visits, you should also give up a hearty meal and alcohol.
  • how to properly steam in a sauna with a broom based on your own well-being. If the condition improves, then you can slightly increase the time of the procedure.
  • You should not pour beer or essential oils on the stones; the best steam bath is with herbal infusions.

Additionally, one of the most important tips on how to properly steam in a bathhouse is the need to remove all jewelry and cover your head. Otherwise, you can get burned, and your hair can deteriorate even from one procedure. A good sauna allows you to steam not only with benefits for the body, but also with great pleasure, especially if you follow all the recommendations.

How should you take a steam bath with a broom?

The bathhouse visitor must lie on his stomach. Light pats begin in the direction from the feet to the shoulders. After each touch, the force of the blows increases. Periodically, you need to use a broom to blow warm, steam-saturated air towards your body, trying to bypass your head.

After 2-3 passes, a person can roll over onto his back. Patting from the front should be less intense than from the back.

How steam works

To understand how to properly steam with a broom in a bathhouse, it is worth learning the movements, as well as understanding exactly how steam works. If you go to the bathhouse , your body immediately begins to produce sweat. It is along with it that pollution and various harmful substances come out. This helps to heal the body.

Additionally, blood circulation is activated and nourishes the organs and dermis with useful substances. As a result, the procedure has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Basic recommendations during a broom massage

Before you start a broom massage, you should follow a few recommendations so that the pleasant procedure does not turn into medieval torture.

To do this, it is worth remembering that the broom should always be wet during the massage. Thus, it must be periodically dipped in a bucket of water and moistened. If the broom is completely dry before the massage, it is usually steamed. To do this, place it in cold water for 10-20 minutes, and then in hot water for one or three minutes.

In addition, you should not wave a broom too intensely in the steam room if the temperature there exceeds 60 degrees, otherwise you can burn the person steaming.

Well, you shouldn’t jump up suddenly immediately after a massage with a broom. First you need to lie down for a while, rest and only then get up.

How to steam properly

The guy should represent a certain ritual, its rules are recommended to be strictly followed. Otherwise, you may put too much strain on the cardiac system. Initially, it is worth warming up the body, preparing it for temperature changes.

If you take a steam bath and feel dizzy or your blood pressure rises, it means that typical mistakes were made.

First entry into the steam room

Initially, you must do everything gradually. To understand how to properly steam with a broom in a bathhouse , you need to properly warm up your body. This means lying on the bottom shelf and waiting for the sweat to break out. If you really feel good, then you can immediately begin a light massage with a broom.

At the same time, it is worth understanding how to steam in a bathhouse . The temperature should be no more than 60 degrees, and the total time of the first entry is about 6 minutes. In this case, it is best to lie down, completely relaxing your body.

Next visits to the steam room, work with a broom

After the Russian steam room, you definitely need to rest a little, about 7 minutes. If desired, dip briefly in cold water. Then they plan the next approach. This is where it’s worth understanding in detail how to soar in a bathhouse . Every part of the body is worked well with a broom.

It is worth paying attention that the entire process should not be painful or uncomfortable. The procedures are just for pleasure.

When to stop entering the steam room and how to rest during breaks

Be sure to rest between visits. This can be a bath in cool water, it is also useful to plunge into a font or just sit in a cool room. It is worth bringing drinks with you, but no alcohol. Their temperature should not be cold. Warm tea and herbal infusions are perfect for relaxation and restoration of water balance.

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Steaming procedure in a bath

Visiting a bathhouse requires knowledge that seems simple at first glance: how to prepare yourself for the steam room, what to wear to the bathhouse, and, finally, how to steam properly.

How to prepare for steaming

You have planned a trip to the bathhouse and have already armed yourself with all kinds of accessories for water procedures. However, do not forget that you need to prepare for your stay in the steam room.

  • two hours before soaring, it is advisable to have a light snack, but not to overeat;
  • the day before and on the day of going to the bathhouse, you should not drink alcohol;
  • when going to the bathhouse, you should dress in loose clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • girls are not recommended to wear a swimsuit made of synthetic materials, so as not to cause irritation on steamed skin;
  • before the steam room you should take a warm shower with natural soap;
  • Before directly entering the steam room, you need to remove your jewelry so that it does not burn your skin;
  • The head must be covered with a scarf (cap), and slippers must be put on the feet.

Steaming procedure

The steaming procedure is carried out differently in different baths. The following rules will help you navigate how to steam properly and what not to do in Russian, Japanese and Roman baths.

Rules of behavior in a Russian bath:

Rule 1. Take off your jewelry, remove any remaining makeup, and be sure to put a hat on your head.

Rule 2. When entering the steam room, do not grab the broom. First, sit below, warm up, and when you get used to the temperature, climb onto the shelf and lie on it for 5-10 minutes. Did you feel like you were sweating? Rinse with warm water in the shower and rest for 5 minutes. Then you can make a second pass - with a broom.

Rule 3. When splashing water on hot coals, do not overdo it, as high temperature and high humidity will make breathing difficult. Optimal values ​​are 60-80°C, humidity - 20-40%.

Rule 4. Start hovering with a broom from your feet and gradually rise higher. This sequence improves blood circulation and stimulates metabolic processes.

Rule 5. Try to adhere to the standard soaring pattern: two or three passes for 10-15 minutes, with a 10-minute rest between them.

Rule 6. The time spent in the steam room on the last visit should be no more than 5 minutes.

Rule 7. After the steam room, be sure to rinse off in a warm shower.

Rule 8. When taking cold water procedures after a bath, do not allow hypothermia.

Rule 9. In between sessions, replenish your body with fluid. You can drink soft drinks, herbal teas, kvass or juices.

Rules of conduct in a Japanese bath:

Rule 1. Before entering the premises, take off your street shoes and put on slippers, only after that you can enter the locker room;

Rule 2. Enter the toilet in special slippers located at the entrance to the stall. After leaving, put on your shoes again, and leave these in the same place, otherwise you risk becoming the subject of ridicule from visitors to the bathhouse.

Rule 3. Before entering the plunge pool, take a warm shower.

Rule 4. After the main procedures, be sure to enter the communal pool without underwear (nudity in a Japanese bath is considered a sign of pure thoughts).

Rules of conduct in a Roman bath:

Rule 1. Before visiting the steam room and pool, be sure to take a shower.

Rule 2. Do not enter the steam room with a wet head, as this increases the load on the blood vessels.

Rule 4. Pull your hair into a bun and cover it with a scarf/towel.

Rule 5. Find a comfortable place and lie down in it - this will help relax all the muscles of the body.

Rule 6. Do not exceed the maximum allowable time in the steam room, so as not to create excessive stress on the cardiovascular system.

Rule 7. In between sessions, drink liquid: herbal tea with honey, unsweetened fresh juice, still mineral water.

Rule 8. After steaming and related procedures (scrubbing, massage, peeling), be sure to take a warm shower.

Using brooms for a Russian bath

Steaming in a Russian bath requires the presence of bath accessories.

First of all, it is worth noting that for the convenience of taking procedures, the room should be equipped with special wooden shelves on which the visitor can not only sit, but also lie.
Other necessary wooden accessories are a font with ice water, a tub, a tub, a ladle, a steamer for brooms, etc. Wooden sauna accessories

The right bathhouse is one in which a massage with a broom is required. This massage has a special healing power: it relieves muscle fatigue, activates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses and renews the skin. Birch, linden, oak brooms, as well as brooms made from rowan leaves and medicinal herbs are used for steaming. Coniferous brooms also have an excellent healing effect - they help with rheumatism and quickly calm the nervous system. By the way, these are the only brooms that are harvested all year round.

The dry accessory needs to be steamed before the massage. Steaming a broom is not difficult: you need to straighten it, rinse it in warm water, and then plunge it into cold water for 2 minutes. Next, it is enough to soak for 15-20 minutes in water heated to 40°C.

You bring your own personal vaping accessories. When planning a trip to the bathhouse, be sure to purchase a felt or felt bell hat - it protects your head from overheating and your hair from drying out. Don't forget also about soap, shampoo, and washcloth.

And a few words about the couple. Steam in a Russian bath is obtained by periodically sprinkling water on the upper part of the stove, on which a row of stones is located. The most popular stone today is jadeite. Its advantage is that it provides “light” steam and retains heat longer. In addition, jadeite has a special, rejuvenating effect.

Spa treatments in the bathhouse

The bathhouse is not just about washing. The main ritual, as a rule, is complemented by pleasant and healthy spa treatments: massages, rubbing, scrubbing, etc. All kinds of masks and gel scrubs for the body help cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells, and pores of accumulated dirt and sebum. After such procedures, your skin will become soft, smooth and silky like a baby's.

Spa treatments can be purchased ready-made, or you can make your own. There are many recipes for masks and scrubs based on natural ingredients. Body scrubs containing Himalayan salt and honey are especially good - massages using them not only cleanse the skin, but also provide an anti-cellulite effect. Chocolate, olive oil, cosmetic clay are often added to face masks, and burdock oil is added to hair masks.

Herbs will make a visit to the steam room pleasant and useful. They can be used for massage with a broom, after scattering the crushed and dry mixture on the skin, in the form of infusions, which are sprayed on stones and walls, and also as decoctions for drinking. By the way, you can sprinkle not only herbal infusions in the steam room, but also essential oils, which also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

How often can you go to the bathhouse?

Theoretically, you can visit the bathhouse every day, but such “zeal” is devoid of common sense. Firstly, taking a shower in the morning and evening for a week is enough to maintain body hygiene. In addition, frequent steaming is harmful to the body. A reasonable option is to visit the bathhouse once a week - in this case, the procedure will bring benefits and complete pleasure.

Contrast procedures

The Russian steam room has always been associated with a sharp difference between heat and cold. People jump into an ice hole, a swimming pool or snow, and their ice barrels are doused. In fact, such procedures are contraindicated for beginners. It is enough to take a good steam and then relax in a cool room.

It is worth understanding how the bath works , it accelerates the blood supply and opens the pores. Temperature changes are beneficial for a strong body, but if you are not used to it, they can cause you to feel unwell. Often, a Russian steam bath in a bathhouse can even cause loss of consciousness. That is why it is imperative to take into account which particular steaming technique is suitable for a particular situation and focus on your feelings, this is the easiest way to understand how to take a bath correctly .

Contrast procedures in the bathhouse: resting between visits to the steam room

The time spent in the bathhouse can be divided into visits to the steam room and rest. By relaxation we mean the well-known contrasting procedures, which can be carried out by plunging into a pool, ice-hole, or wiping with snow. The essence of such procedures is a sharp change in temperature after a person stays in the steam room.

You should prepare for contrast procedures

It is important to note that such procedures must be done extremely carefully and you need to prepare for them, gradually hardening yourself.

  • If you came to the bathhouse for the first time, or even the second and third time, then it is too early for you to carry out such procedures. An organism unaccustomed to sudden changes in temperature can react completely differently, so it’s not worth the risk. You can start with a contrast shower, that is, after the steam room, go to the shower and take a cool shower.
  • It’s also not worth dousing yourself with cold, and especially ice-cold, water. If you wish, in winter you can go outside after the steam room and stand there for a couple of minutes, this is also a kind of hardening of the body.
  • Avid bath lovers, of course, can afford such luxury. Therefore, in winter, they plunge into an ice hole, lie in the snow and wipe themselves with it. In the summer, such procedures are replaced by dousing with ice water.
  • In addition, while relaxing, you can drink a cup of warm tea or herbal decoction, this will relax you even more and calm your nervous system.

How to end a trip to the bathhouse

It’s worth figuring out how to hover with a broom in a bathhouse so as not to cause harm. It is imperative to complete the procedures in a timely manner. This is only 3 visits to the steam room or until the first deterioration in health.

After finishing, you should pay attention to completing the procedure in order to find out how to take a steam bath with benefit . The body should be normalized. Rest until your body cools down. Only after this should you begin hygiene procedures.

It is important to remember what the rules are in the bathhouse , which means do not eat immediately after the procedure, do not drink ice water or any liquid in large quantities. In order to learn how to take a steam bath in a Russian bath, you can consult a professional or respond to all signals from your body.

In the steam room

  1. Beginners are not recommended to steam alone. You may feel unwell, in which case you will need outside help.
  2. For the first time, it is enough to stay in a heated room for up to ten minutes. But if you already feel discomfort at the very beginning, then leave.
  3. You should start your acquaintance with the bathhouse from the bottom shelf. The upper ones are only suitable for experienced steamers.
  4. On the bench you need to sit reclining. Your feet should be level with your body or slightly higher.
  5. Breathe through your nose, otherwise you risk burning your bronchi.
  6. During your first visit, avoid using steam and brooms.

What can be cured in a bath

Taking a steam bath in a Russian bath is useful for treating many diseases. Just like in a bathhouse, it is impossible to achieve the effect at home. In particular, we are talking about the following result:

  • Taking a steam bath in a Russian bath is useful for normalizing the nervous system.
  • The rules of steaming in a bathhouse allow you to prevent diseases of the respiratory system.
  • This is an excellent workout for the circulatory system, but it’s time to go to the bath only if there are no contraindications.
  • Properly taking a steam bath with a broom can significantly improve the condition of your skin.

However, soar in a sauna not only for the sake of benefits. Many people say that this is one of the most pleasant procedures.

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Bath: benefits and contraindications

Everyone knows about the benefits of a bath. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you steam your bones in a bathhouse, you’ll fix your body.” The beneficial effect of a steam room on health is simply explained. When the air temperature exceeds body temperature, a person begins to sweat intensely. Pores open, blood circulation activates, toxins leave. If, after warming up, you dive into cold water, this will further activate the defenses and harden the body. Even a single visit to the bathhouse:

  • increases muscle tone;
  • solves a number of skin problems;
  • recovery from colds is accelerated;
  • reduces swelling;
  • reduces weight.

However, the steam room may be contraindicated in some cases. You should not stay in a room with very high temperatures:

  • those suffering from hypertension;
  • survivors of myocardial infarction;
  • people with suspected cancer;
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • epileptics.

It depends on your health status how many times a week you can take a steam bath. For healthy people - a maximum of two times in seven days. If you have heart problems, you should visit the steam room with your doctor’s permission and no more than twice a month.

Adaptation of the body to high temperatures

Before you figure out how to steam in a bathhouse with a broom , you definitely need to adapt your body. The body really does not like too sudden changes. In addition, if a person is tired, this can become an unbearable burden; I steamed in this state and my vision darkened.

It is imperative to hover with a broom in the bathhouse only when your body is warm. The rules for using the bathhouse say that you should never rush. You should immediately take a warm shower; do not get your hair wet. After this, you can rub it a little with a washcloth.

First run

Everything about the Russian bath says that it is quite a serious load. That is why the bathhouse dictates very strict rules for steaming Initially, you should carefully lie down on the bottom shelf and completely relax. It is not forbidden to turn over to make it comfortable and easily tolerate the temperature.

It is enough to lie down for about 3 minutes for your body to become covered in sweat. This means that the body has adapted to the temperature. After this you can move a little higher. Having fully warmed up the body for another couple of minutes, it is worth doing the first light massage with a broom, or you can do without it, there will be a simple parka in the bathhouse with a slight warm-up.

Short break

The Russian bath strictly dictates how to steam. Be sure to take a break of at least 7 minutes. During the process, you can plunge into cool water or just relax. This will allow the body to recover, so I took a steam bath several times.

If you are already familiar with the Russian bathhouse, the rules of steaming allow dipping into the snow, as well as a font or overturning a barrel of ice water. From such a temperature contrast, everyone can experience an unforgettable sensation.

Preparing a bath broom

to steam in a bathhouse using a properly prepared broom. They are collected and dried in advance of the season. All that remains is to restore the leaves and reveal all the power of nature from the plants, with them I soar in pleasure.

In a Russian bathhouse, you must soak the brooms in advance. That's the only way I had a good time. For this, warm water is used; hot or cold will damage the shoots. About 15-30 minutes is enough for all the benefits to be revealed and you can safely take a steam bath .

Second approach and park with a broom

At the second stage, it’s already worth figuring out how to properly steam using a broom. Technology may vary. steam the way he likes. Smooth movements with twigs warm up the skin, massage it, light claps that change the tempo. In addition, the steamer can warm up the body without touching, using a broom to create steam.

Last call

The last session is the best way to figure out how to properly take a steam bath in a Russian sauna If all standards are observed, everyone will definitely feel good and full of energy. There is no need to wait for dizziness or other unpleasant consequences, steam for pleasure.

Then you should figure out how to wash properly in a bathhouse , thoroughly wiping sweat from the skin and achieving cleanliness and proper care. Scrubs, masks, as well as special creams and other products are often used. It turns out to be a full-fledged spa, we steam for pleasure.

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