It is important to know what to drink after the bath, before and while relaxing in the steam room

One well-known expert in the domestic bath business, when asked what to drink in the bathhouse, invariably answered: “Exclusively moonshine made from sugar beets or molasses, and certainly warm, moderately carbonated from a carbon dioxide cylinder of a semi-automatic welding machine and always from an aluminum mug filled to the brim . Naturally, you need to take the life-giving elixir before each visit to the steam room,” and after a significant pause, he added: “in order to fully experience the feeling that this trip to the bathhouse could be your last.” But let's not talk about sad things. There are a lot of worthy drinks around that are worth our attention. Shall we taste it?

What can you eat and drink before the bath?

It’s worth noting right away that it is strongly not recommended to eat before going to the bathhouse - this can significantly damage your health. According to recommendations created in ancient times, you can eat only 4-5 hours before the start of bath procedures. According to other sources, you can eat only 2 hours before going to the bathhouse and 2 hours after.

If you stay in a bathhouse with a full stomach for a long time, then negative consequences cannot be avoided. From an anatomical point of view, this is completely justified: the body, located in a heated steam room, experiences the effects of high temperature, as a result of which the blood approaches the skin, moving away from the internal organs.

Recipes for preparing herbal teas for baths

There are many recipes for preparing herbal drinks for baths. Before visiting the steam room, it is recommended to drink diaphoretic, tonic tea, and after - with a diaphoretic and sedative effect. You can also take preparations with a medicinal effect, for example for colds. This drink is taken before and after visiting the steam room.

When choosing ingredients, you should consider your personal tastes and health status. For scent, it is recommended to add aromatic herbs - mint, black currant, lemon balm. However, you should not use more than 2-3 aromatic ingredients, as they can interrupt each other.

Preparation of herbal teas

There are many ways to prepare teas. To prepare a drink according to a standard recipe, you will need approximately 1 tsp. herbs and chopped berries for 1 serving of drink. If you plan to brew tea in a thermos, reduce the dose of herbs and berries so that the drink does not turn out to be overly strong.

The traditional scheme for preparing herbal teas is simple:

  • prepare the teapot, rinse it with boiling water;
  • put herbs and berries in the teapot;
  • pour boiling water over the mixture, but for maximum benefit it is not recommended to use boiling water - the temperature should be no more than 90-95 degrees;
  • withstand a certain time: for flowers, leaves - about 10 minutes, for picking with fruits - about 20 minutes;
  • strain, add sugar.

Tea recipes:

  1. Sweatshop tea. Consume before visiting the steam room. Ingredients – dry mixture of black currants, raspberries, linden (flowers), rose hips. Mix in equal parts and brew for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Diuretic tea. Consume before visiting the steam room. You will need strawberry leaves, lemon balm, one part strawberry fruit and two parts rose hips. Mix, pour boiling water, leave for half an hour.
  3. Tea for colds. Use before and after visiting the steam room. For 1 tbsp. l. linden blossom will require 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for a third of an hour.
  4. Immune tea. Consume after visiting the steam room. Sage, St. John's wort, and chamomile are taken in equal parts. Pour boiling water over and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Calming drink. Leaves of mint, lemon balm, tartar, and valerian root are taken in equal parts. Pour boiling water over and leave for about half an hour. Consume after visiting the steam room, do not take more than one cup.
  6. Tonic drink. Consume before entering the steam room. Ingredients: St. John's wort, meadowsweet (meadowsweet) in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over and leave for about half an hour. The drink has a tonic, diaphoretic, and immunomodulatory effect.
  7. Vitamin drink. Take after going to the bathhouse. Prepare in a thermos, steeping time is 10-12 hours. For 1 liter of water you will need 2 tbsp. l. rose hips, currant and strawberry leaves or St. John's wort and oregano 1 tbsp. l. Used as tea leaves. The drink has a pleasant sour taste, refreshes well, quenches thirst, and tones.
  8. Tea after the bath. You will need St. John's wort, mint, currant leaf, and Crimean lemongrass. The drink tastes good, tones, quenches thirst, invigorates, improves well-being, and strengthens the body.

What can you drink in the bathhouse?

When taking bath procedures, the body loses a considerable part of water. Naturally, it needs to be replaced so that the body can function normally. But deciding what is best to drink in a bathhouse is quite difficult - this question is too individual.

It is much easier to list those drinks that should not be drunk in the bathhouse under any circumstances:

  1. Alcohol. Drinking alcoholic beverages in a bathhouse can lead to tragic consequences.
  2. Artificial drinks. There will definitely be no benefit from them, but harm is quite possible.
  3. Drinks with fillers and additives.

By and large, all such things can be brought to one common denominator. The fact is that any liquid that includes additives is essentially food, and the body will require effort to digest it. This statement applies to everything that is eaten and drunk in the bathhouse - juices, even the weakest ones, carbonated drinks that harm the body when taken in the hot conditions of a steam room, and all other things.

Based on the rules described above, you can come to a fairly obvious conclusion - you need to decide what drinks to drink in the bathhouse individually, depending on the health status of a particular person. For some, berry juice is a good solution, for others, compote or kvass is suitable. Also, don’t forget what to take with you to the bathhouse, in addition to drinks.

However, there is an average solution, and its name is herbal tea. Of course, real tea is also not bad, but infusions made from natural herbs contain much more essential substances that help maintain the necessary balance of enzymes in the body. Herbal tea is the optimal answer to numerous questions about what to drink in a bathhouse for health.

Breaking stereotypes

During bath procedures, the body actively loses moisture and salts, which simply vitally need to be replenished in order to restore the water-salt balance as quickly and efficiently as possible. So you need to drink. What to drink, when and how much is not entirely clear.

The Internet is good for everyone, except for one thing. Some “specialist” will write downright nonsense, either out of stupidity, or for the sake of humor, and off we go. Dozens of “authoritative experts” pick up the idea from the “original source” and, twisting it in different ways, spread the “knowledge” throughout the network, like stray dogs, garbage from a container all over the street. At least take some beer in the bathhouse. We wrote about it in detail at one time. Comrade experts, why so categorically assert that it is an absolute evil and incompatible with a proper bathhouse. The question, perhaps, is not about the “right” bath, but about the “right” beer and the time of its use. The southern federal states of Germany respect beer as a traditional and deservedly revered drink. Excuse me, the Germans are literate and sensible people, they don’t completely refuse to drink a foamy drink, it’s all a matter of quantity, quality and general culture. Or the Finns. Well, who can argue with them on bathing issues? And in Finland, beer, as paradoxical as it may sound, is the most popular drink for the sauna. And we also did not hesitate to mention this when we wrote about how to properly go to the sauna. If anyone doubts the competence of the correct actions of the Finns, Swedes or Germans, then you should just look at their pensioners and compare them with ours. And if by the age of 80 they had not squandered their health, but rather vice versa, then, obviously, not everything is so simple.

Let's repeat. You can’t put real, properly prepared beer under a taboo and deny yourself a little pleasure. The main quality, measure and culture of its use. Let's go further…

Black, green, herbal teas

We have already talked in detail about tea and the place it occupies in the classic bath tradition. Let's repeat briefly but succinctly:

  • Black tea is an imported product, and in order for it to be beneficial or at least not harmful, you need to be sure of its impeccable quality. Careless manufacturers and importers often supply a product in which third-rate raw materials are seasoned with synthetic substances that simply stimulate the body, causing a feeling of vivacity and a surge of energy. But this works at the level of applied pharmacology, and not the most harmless one;
  • Green tea is in many ways similar to its black relative, both in application and in origin, so an informed choice of product is everything to us;
  • Herbal teas are bath drinks that are available, and their preparation, as well as the collection of raw materials, can be done independently. It is obvious that herbal medicine, as a method of influencing the body, is a very subtle and delicate science, therefore, in order not to cause harm, you need to avoid preparations with a pronounced clinical effect, observe moderation and always focus on your well-being. If you feel discomfort, switch to a different tea or give it up altogether.

Important! When collecting yourself, focus on plants that are well known to you and have a mild, delicate effect: linden inflorescences, currant leaves, raspberries and cherries. Avoid growing areas located in close proximity to busy highways.

Fruit and berry decoctions and infusions

The choice of drinks of this kind is extremely wide and varied, and traditional recipes for the bath have been known for centuries. Unlike herbal tea, they do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body, therefore, they can be consumed in much larger quantities. The main drinks that are in enviable demand when deciding what is best to drink in a bath include:

  • Rosehip decoction with honey. The fruits of this prickly plant are extremely rich in vitamin C, therefore, its use can guarantee to cover the daily requirement for ascorbic acid without the use of additional sources of the vitamin. Honey will help balance the taste of the decoction; on the other hand, it will provide the body with the need for quick energy. It’s no secret that bath procedures are quite a serious test for a person, including in terms of energy costs;
  • Raspberry fruit decoction. Possessing an excellent taste, this berry has restorative and diaphoretic properties. The ability of raspberry tea to fight colds has already become a legend. You can somewhat enhance the diaphoretic qualities by adding crushed raspberry leaves to the decoction, in a ratio of 1 part leaves to 6 parts fruits. It is worth saying that you can use not only fresh berries, but also dried and fresh frozen ones;

Attention! The tea we are so familiar with, with raspberry jam, is not so good when it comes to solving the question of what to drink in a bathhouse for health. First, the fruits are subjected to deep heat treatment; after all, the jam is boiled. As a result, the raw material loses almost 80% of its original composition of useful components. Secondly, jam is preserved with sugar, and sugar and health are incompatible things.

  • A decoction of black currant berries. Another record holder for the content of microelements and vitamins, of which, in particular vitamin C, it contains more than the standard lemon. Blackcurrant, in itself, is a very aromatic berry, but a simple trick will help make the drink even more fragrant and give it a touch of piquancy. Before brewing, the berries should be thoroughly crushed in a porcelain mortar and allowed to stand for 30 - 40 minutes. And immediately, before cooking, you need to add 1 part of fresh or dried currant leaf to 5 parts of berries;
  • When discussing what you can drink in a bathhouse without much damage to your figure, it is worth recalling the decoctions of apples, pears and other garden gifts. In the first place, of course, are apples, since they are the most balanced in terms of carbohydrate content, the main suppliers of extra centimeters for the waist. A decoction of pears looks like a heavier drink; nevertheless, they are more saturated with polysaccharides. And, probably, you should completely stop making plum drinks. In everyday life, this is an excellent raw material in all respects, but after bath procedures or directly during their use, it is better to refuse such a decoction. Obviously, all decoctions are produced according to a few simple rules. The raw materials must be well crushed, the ratio of water and fruit should be within 1: 4 by weight, the broth is brought to a boil, but not boiled, sweetened with honey, but not sugar, in an amount based on personal preference. Practice shows that drinks of this type perfectly quench thirst and restore water balance. It is better to consume them warm, within 40 - 45 degrees Celsius. That’s right, flavor pallets better reveal the fruity taste and bouquet of these simple, but very healthy and pleasant drinks in all respects.

A few words about water

Beginners often ask the question, is it possible to drink water in the bathhouse? Of course it is possible, and in some cases it is simply vital. Some adherents of a proper bath believe that plain water is the only drink that can be consumed without objective restrictions. A few simple rules will help with this:

  • Water must be prepared in some way if it is drawn from a city or rural centralized water supply system. The quality of the services of the domestic water utility is known far beyond the borders of our country, so let’s not talk about sad things once again;
  • It should be moderately warm. The optimal threshold is the ambient temperature. Naturally, this is true for the rest room or dressing room. Cold water can trigger a cold or initiate inflammation in the throat;
  • You should not give up mineral water; the only limitation is that preference should be given to table water rather than medicinal water, and it should be without carbon dioxide. Natural carbonation in mineral waters such as Narzan is removed by itself when the open bottle is left open for some time. You shouldn’t rely too much on any special properties of mineral waters presented in the retail chain. As a rule, most of the market is occupied by counterfeits and, unfortunately, no one is fighting this. The matter is limited only to collecting and ascertaining sad statistics.

Mulled wine, sbiten and others

In Central Europe, a popular bath drink is mulled wine. Despite its alcoholic base, in the form of natural red wine, the specificity of its preparation, during which sublimation and removal of alcohols occurs, allows us to speak of it as a specific drink that has an excellent strengthening, anti-cold effect. To be fair, it is worth noting that this drink is especially popular in water baths, similar to the Carpathian vat. Despite the fact that mulled wine is a product of European civilization, in Russian cuisine there is its unique analogue - sbiten. If mulled wine is consumed hot in the open air, and heated when taking bath procedures, then sbiten is drunk hot on the street, and cold in the bathhouse. Hot shot is an indispensable attribute of such an extreme phenomenon as diving into an ice hole. Namely, they warmed up with a mug of hot sbiten after such a test of will and spirit, and they warmed up, more than successfully. Actually, sbiten is an ancient drink made from water, honey and spices, often with the addition of a water extract of medicinal aromatic herbs. The classic recipe for bathhouse sbiten from the late 19th century is as follows.

Prepare the ingredients:

NameMass content, in grams, and for liquids in milliliters
Ginger root20
Flower honey85
Bay leaf2 — 3

Ginger root is cut into small pieces, spices are crushed in a porcelain mortar. The water is brought to a boil, after which the prepared seasonings are added and the mixture is simmered over low heat for 10 - 12 minutes. The container is removed from the stove and wrapped warmly, and cools in this form for 10 minutes. Honey is added to the hot broth and thoroughly mixed without residue. The drink is served and consumed after complete cooling.

A word from Experienced! It is worth noting that whipping can be either simple or custard. Custard sbiten has a more complex and lengthy preparation process, based on the fermentation of rye wort. As a rule, aged sbiten can contain up to 9% ethyl alcohol by volume, which naturally affects its extremely limited use in health baths.

Kvass and fruit drinks

These are yet another primordial drinks that in the past were often used in the domestic bathhouse tradition. However, we should not forget that real dense, well-fermented kvass can have up to 7% alcohol by volume, and in some cases higher, and in Slavic usage the word “kvasit” had the same meaning as it does now - “to get drunk” " Therefore, for a classic top-fermented drink, you should adhere to the same restrictions as for drinking beer. You can drink, but only after taking all thermal procedures, when the body has rested and recovered. In general, culturally, sensibly, with arrangement.

In this regard, fruit drink, as an old traditional drink consisting of sweetened berry juice diluted with water, is more preferable.

By the way! Modern juices and industrially produced juice drinks are far from healthy drinks for a variety of reasons. First of all, due to the high content of sucrose in sugar syrup, which serves as the basis for various, often synthetic, taste and smell imitators. In general, the juice has the same name.

Tea and coffee in the bathhouse

As for whether it is possible to drink black tea or coffee in a bathhouse, the answer will be: it is not recommended. It's all about caffeine, which is found in large quantities in both coffee and black tea. Taking these drinks in combination with bath procedures can seriously strain the cardiovascular system.

However, there is an interesting recipe for devoted fans of black tea: herbs are added to the tea, which will simultaneously add benefits to the drink and will not detract from its unique taste. Herbal supplements include mint, coltsfoot, chamomile, eucalyptus or currant. St. John's wort, hawthorn or rose hips are used somewhat less frequently - these substances belong to the category of those that need to be drunk in the bathhouse for maximum effectiveness of bathing procedures.

Naturally, you can only use individual parts of plants. For example, in the case of linden, you can use leaves and flowers, raspberries - flowers and leaves, St. John's wort - the flowering part of the stem on which the leaves grow. At the very least, you definitely won’t experience a shortage of natural supplements.

Where to buy ingredients for herbal teas?

You can always buy high-quality ingredients for preparing herbal teas from ecologically clean regions in the online store “Russian Roots” for delivery or in one of the herbal pharmacies of the chain in the capital.

“Russian Roots” is a reliable supplier of natural products in our country. High quality of goods, free consultation, timely fulfillment of obligations, affordable prices - a short list of the company’s advantages. The quality and safety of products are confirmed by relevant documentation.

Chemical composition of tea

The advantage of tea over other drinks lies primarily in its chemical composition. Natural tea contains several hundred microelements that have a variety of positive effects. It is impossible to achieve such a composition artificially, and that is why it turns out that drinking tea after a bath is the best and most reliable solution.

Among the beneficial properties of tea are the following:

  • Healing;
  • Restorative;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Astringents.

The degree of positive influence of tea on the human body is very high. Its use allows you to improve brain function, strengthen blood vessels and fill the body with various microelements - zinc, potassium, iodine, nickel, copper and a host of other substances.

Tea, among other benefits, is an active antioxidant. When it enters the body, it combines with any harmful substances, due to which most of the toxins are removed from the body. The maximum effect is achieved by combining bath procedures and tea.

Tea contains most of the known vitamins - primarily vitamins PP, C and B. Of course, when drinking tea you need to know when to stop - oversaturation can disrupt the body's functioning - but in all other cases this drink will be simply irreplaceable.

Which is better - hot or iced tea?

Research has shown that cold and hot tea have different effects on the body. By drinking a cup of iced tea, a person can count on a slight decrease in temperature in the oral cavity, while hot tea reduces the temperature of the entire body by 1-2 degrees, albeit not for long - the effect lasts about 20 minutes.

This phenomenon allows us to say that after a hot bath there is no point in drinking cold tea - you won’t be able to quench your thirst with a cup of drink in one gulp. It is much more correct to say that drinking hot tea in a bathhouse is beneficial - after all, a bathhouse allows you to relax, and all actions should be aimed at achieving exactly this effect.

Details about bath brooms

Always choose the fluffiest broom for your bath. The method of steaming it largely depends on the branches used.

Birch broom is one of the most popular brooms. Essential oils and tannins contained in birch leaves disinfect the air. The same effect is produced on the skin and respiratory organs.

The linden broom is very soft. It will help get rid of headaches and rashes.

Oak is known for its large amount of tannins. They are found in the bark, as well as in the branches and leaves that are used to make brooms. This bath tool will be useful for those with oily skin, as well as people suffering from sweating. A broom made from oak branches is heavier than a birch one, but it is stronger and retains its appearance during several visits to the bathhouse.

Eucalyptus broom releases bactericidal substances abundantly. They have a positive effect on both the skin and the respiratory system.

Bird cherry is very tender and has a pleasant aroma. It has a mild healing effect.

Coniferous brooms (fir, pine, juniper) help get rid of the effects of a cold. The essential oils contained in them have a calming effect. These brooms are hard and prickly. They are not recommended for use by people with sensitive and vulnerable skin.

A broom does not have to consist solely of one plant. You can use “bouquets” of tree branches and stems of wormwood and tansy in the bathhouse.

For steaming, birch and oak brooms are most often kept in a basin for about 20 minutes. The second option: quickly “bathe” the bath accessory in hot water, pack it in a plastic bag and let it lie in the steam room on the top shelf.

Bundles of coniferous branches need to be steamed with boiling water until soft. However, if you like a hard massage, you can only rinse the prickly broom without waiting for the needles to completely soften.

The most extreme broom

The most extreme brooms include nettle brooms. Only extreme visitors who are not afraid of pain will risk trying it.

Fresh stinging nettle leaves are used. The first reaction to them is very painful. However, after a while the pain goes away, and the person feels unprecedented lightness.

Other drinks after the bath

When choosing what is best to drink after a bath, you should start from the following list of drinks that are well suited for these purposes:

  • Kvass;
  • Natural berry juices;
  • Herbal tea.

Any drink has its own characteristics, so you need to consider them in more detail - this will make it much easier to decide what is best to drink in the sauna and bathhouse.

Kvass after the bath

The beauty of kvass is its versatility. It is equally good, regardless of the weather or mood. In addition, kvass perfectly quenches thirst and has many positive qualities.

However, all this applies exclusively to natural kvass - carbonated water diluted with flavors, dyes and additives is often offered for sale. Whether it is possible to drink water in a bathhouse has already been discussed above. It would be much better to make this wonderful drink yourself, especially since the recipe is very simple.

The preparation of natural rye kvass is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The bread is cut into slices and fried until golden brown. The resulting crackers are poured into a pan (necessarily enameled) and poured with boiling water. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. The resulting infusion is filtered through the wort. Then you need to put yeast, mint and granulated sugar in it. Covered with a napkin, the infusion should ferment for about 12 hours. You need to strain it after the foam appears a second time. Next, the workpiece is bottled, and raisins are added to each of them (5 raisins per half-liter bottle). The sealed bottles are kept at room temperature for a couple of hours and then put into a cold room.
  3. Kvass will be ready for use in three days. Drinking such a drink after a bath is a pleasure.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is what you need when it comes to drinking after a bath. Cranberry juice contains vitamin C, which lowers body temperature. In addition, cranberries contain vitamin PP, which significantly affects immunity. You can also note good removal of toxins, lowering cholesterol levels and a preventive effect on blood vessels - cranberry juice has these qualities.

True, there is also a contraindication - such a drink is not suitable if you have an ulcer, gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system. Otherwise, everything is quite familiar - you can use both fruits and cranberry leaves to prepare the drink (a kind of tea is brewed from them).

You also need to know that to preserve vitamin C in cranberry broth, the berries cannot be boiled. To make the drink, the juice is first squeezed out and then mixed with an infusion brewed from fruit residues and sugar.

Viburnum berry drink

Another good option for what you can drink after a bath is a viburnum drink. The natural benefits of viburnum have been known for a long time, and the drink made from it perfectly quenches thirst and has a positive effect on the stomach.

To make it, you need to take viburnum berries and grind them together with sugar in a 3:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is poured with hot water, not slightly brought to boiling water (this is done in order to preserve vitamin C). In just half an hour the drink will be ready to drink.

This drink should not be taken if you have increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots, or during pregnancy.


So, it's time for conclusions. If we reduce all the information to simple theses, we get the following picture:

  • Alcohol and bathhouses are incompatible in principle - you should not drink either before going to the bathhouse or immediately after bathing procedures;
  • It is extremely undesirable to eat before the bath - it is better to go to the bath on an empty stomach;
  • Food and drinks require special attention, especially when it comes to a bath - some foods can be seriously harmful;
  • To enhance the effect of being in the steam room and to quench your thirst, you can take natural drinks - herbal teas, kvass or berry decoctions.

And most importantly, you should always take care of your health, so you should pay attention to these recommendations not only when going to the bathhouse, but also in everyday life.

Toning teas: green and black

Bath tea is one of the most popular drinks that can be consumed both before the start of the procedures and after their completion. Black tea with a little sugar will invigorate and give you strength.

To fill the body with energy, it is enough to take moderately strong black tea, chilled or warm.

Iced tea will cool and refresh a warm body, while warm tea will speed up sweating and the elimination of toxins.

No less popular is green tea in the bath. It can be prepared with the addition of honey, milk or ginger. This is a wonderful remedy for quenching thirst and cleansing the body. People with blood pressure problems should not overuse green tea.

In general, green and black tea has a good effect on human health, improves metabolic processes, removes waste and toxins, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and well-being.

Various types of tea contain more than 300 unique chemical components that have powerful anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and strengthening effects. In addition, teas can improve the functioning of the digestive system, central nervous system, heart and kidneys.

Hot tea after a bath promotes rapid relaxation, rest and recovery. A fragrant slice of lemon or a teaspoon of sugar syrup added to warm tea will turn it into a light tonic drink.

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