Why do eyes fester after a bath, what to do and how to prevent suppuration?

Inflammatory eye diseases
develop as a result of a specific reaction of the body to damage or the introduction of a foreign agent, and constitute the main part of all ophthalmological pathology. If left untreated, these diseases can lead to serious complications: clouding of the cornea, decreased vision, and spread of the process to adjacent tissues and organs.

The inflammatory process can occur in any part of the eyeball: cornea, conjunctiva, sclera, iris, choroid. Most often in the practice of an ophthalmologist, pathology of the anterior part of the eye occurs.


The conjunctiva is the outer membrane covering the eyeball and eyelids, which is the first to come into contact with harmful environmental influences. Therefore, conjunctivitis accounts for 60% of all inflammatory diseases.

According to the course, acute and chronic variants of the disease are distinguished. Main symptoms of eye diseases

in the acute stage: redness of the conjunctiva, intense lacrimation, a feeling of “sand in the eyes,” intolerance to bright light, pain and burning. In the chronic form, bilateral inflammation always develops.


This disease occurs when the cornea (the transparent membrane at the front of the eye) is damaged. A distinctive feature of the pathology is a sharp decrease in the size of the palpebral fissure up to complete closure of the eyelids, which occurs due to irritation of nerve receptors. Other signs: increased sensitivity to light, lacrimation, intense pain, foreign body sensation. With a long course of the disease, ulceration of the cornea is observed.

Barley (hordeolum)

The disease is an acute inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelid. The pathology has a characteristic clinical picture: first there is swelling and redness of the eyelid area, which may be accompanied by itching, burning, and a sensation of a foreign body. After a few days, the swelling thickens and a yellow dot appears in its center, which indicates the maturation of the abscess. Then the barley is opened with the release of pus. In severe cases of the disease, an extensive abscess forms with a tendency to spread to surrounding tissues.


This eye disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the edges of the eyelids of various etiologies. Local symptoms of the pathology: hyperemia and swelling of the eyelids, pain and burning in the eyeball, decreased clarity of vision. There may also be mucous or purulent discharge, which leads to sticking of the eyelids and the inability to open the eyes. With scaly blepharitis, intense fine-plate peeling of the skin of the eyelid is noted. With ulcerative blepharitis, superficial skin defects are formed, accompanied by inflammation of the hair follicles of the eyelashes.


Depending on the location of the lesion, anterior uveitis (iridocyclitis) and posterior uveitis (chorioretinitis) are distinguished. With iridocyclitis, pain and burning, intense lacrimation, redness, and decreased visual acuity are noted. Chorioretinitis is characterized by scant clinical symptoms. The disease occurs in a chronic form, the first signs are dull pain inside the eyeball, “fog” before the eyes, distortion of the shape of surrounding objects. Without treatment, the disease can result in complete loss of vision.


Visiting a sauna is certainly beneficial for the health of the whole body. Evaporation enhances the activation of all metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Such procedures relieve stress. The body is influenced by different temperatures. Regular visits to the bathhouse remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

We recommend reading: An adult’s eyes fester

If your eyes fester after a steam room, this may be due to exposure to foreign substances or the ingress of a foreign body. Accumulated particles in the organs of vision begin to actively come out, since evaporation enhances the function of the mucous membrane. In most cases, these symptoms go away on their own. Within a few days, the discharge from the eyes should stop. If this does not happen, the reason may lie in other factors:

  • any conjunctivitis (acute form of purulent conjunctivitis);
  • burns of various etiologies;
  • sensitive reaction to bath brooms, essential oils and other accessories;
  • insufficient moisture level in the steam room.

The reason may also lie in genetic predisposition. Excessive dead skin can also cause purulent discharge. The reason for such phenomena may lie in excessive production of lubricating fluid.

Why do my eyes hurt after a bath the next day?

One of the reasons for discomfort after visiting the steam room is thermal burn of eye tissue.
Steam and water, having the same chemical structure, have the same damaging effect on the organ of vision. Moreover, the higher the temperature in the bath, the more the mucous membrane suffers. At temperatures above 45℃, the cornea undergoes changes, and at temperatures above 80° C, the iris and lens are damaged. It is noteworthy that a burn to the eye tissue can be caused not only by high, but also by very low temperatures caused by exposure to cryogenic liquids, liquefied gases, and dry ice.

First aid

The appearance of pus has different etiologies. This may be due to the body's natural defense reaction. In this case, the unpleasant symptoms should disappear within a few days. But if the discharge does not stop, then this may become a sign of the development of a pathological process. Therefore, a person should consult an ophthalmologist to determine the etiology of the symptoms and prescribe the correct treatment.

There are times when it is not possible to see a doctor. Then the person needs first aid. The following procedures must be carried out:

  • the presence of pus in the eyes must be eliminated using a cotton swab and boiled water;
  • to prevent infection, each eye is washed with a separate cotton swab;
  • The eyes must be washed correctly - from the outer corner to the inner.

It is useful to use herbal decoctions: chamomile, string, calendula. Additionally, you can make compresses from black tea.

Folk remedies

Must be agreed with the attending physician. Instead of boiled water, you can use decoctions and tinctures when washing your eyes to relieve inflammation.

Name of the decoctionCooking method using boiling water Application
Datura400 ml per 3 tablespoons. Leave for 40 minutes. For eye lotions for 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening.
Vasilka200 ml per 1 tablespoon. Let it sit for several hours. Lotions with a solution are applied to the sore spot.
Black teaTea should be brewed.A bag of brewed tea is used as a compress. Custard leaves wrapped in cheesecloth can also be used.
Dill100 ml per 1 teaspoon of seeds.For eye rinsing or lotions.
Rosehip berries200 ml per 2 teaspoons. Maintain a boil for 5 minutes, then leave for half an hour. For washing eyes.
Calendula200 ml per 2 tablespoons. Leave for 60 minutes, then dissolve in boiled water in a ratio of 1:10.
Daisies300 ml for 3 tablespoons of flowers. Leave for 40 minutes. For washing, preparing lotions or compresses. In case of immunopathological reactions, it can be taken orally.


After a full diagnosis, the doctor can determine the etiology of such disorders. Treatment depends on the cause of purulent diseases. These are mainly ophthalmic drops, ointments, tablets. Complex therapy consists of folk remedies. This treatment allows you to get effective results. The main treatment consists of taking medications.


In case of allergic reactions, instillation of antihistamine drops will be required. You can take Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine orally. To eliminate the inflammatory process, you will need to take painkillers and antibacterial drugs. If complications develop, surgical intervention will be required. In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed preventive therapy.

If the patient has demodicosis, then treatment is carried out with the help of antiparasitic drugs. This pathology is caused by a parasitic mite. It mainly affects eyelashes. For treatment, ointments are prescribed that are applied to the eyelids. Ointments are also used to treat barley. It is important to ensure that the barley does not burst. In this case, immediate removal of pus from the eye is required. Otherwise, a severe infection may occur. In this case, it is dangerous to self-medicate. This can lead to the development of severe complications.

Traditional methods

If your eyes hurt, traditional medicine methods will help. In most cases, itching and redness cause severe discomfort to the victim. Therefore, the patient consults a doctor in time to eliminate such signs. This reduces the risk of developing severe complications.

If treatment is not treated in time, the following complications may occur:

  • severe form of allergy (Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis);
  • partial or complete loss of vision;
  • irreversible pathological processes;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • development of glaucoma;
  • erosive formations on the mucosa;
  • the risk of developing infectious and bacterial lesions.

Complications arise due to untimely and incorrect treatment. In most cases, the patient himself is to blame for such consequences. When using traditional methods, the symptoms of an allergic reaction can intensify and cause a severe form of this pathology.

It is especially dangerous to self-medicate children. Diagnosis is carried out in the same ways as for adults. Treatment is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. Children may encounter such signs very often. But in childhood it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse. Traditional medicine in such cases is taken with extreme caution, after the recommendation of a doctor.

Preventive measures

To prevent your eyes from festering and becoming red after visiting the bathhouse, you should follow some recommendations before and after performing the procedures.

It is important to be careful about hygiene, since in places with high humidity there are many pathogenic microorganisms that easily enter the human body, causing inflammatory reactions and other pathologies. If essential oils are preferred, it is important to first test for an allergic reaction, which can cause pus and watery eyes. If a person is prone to allergies, then it is better to drip drops with an antihistamine effect before visiting the bathhouse.

During bath procedures, it is recommended to use personal products and hygiene items to avoid contracting any infection. It is also worth using homemade bath brooms to prevent pathological processes

If a person is prone to allergies, then it is better to drip drops with an antihistamine effect before visiting the bathhouse. During bath procedures, it is recommended to use personal products and hygiene items to avoid contracting any infection. It is also worth using homemade bath brooms to prevent pathological processes.


The main rule of prevention is timely diagnosis of diseases and drug therapy. It is worth noting that every person should be examined by an ophthalmologist once a year. If the cause of the pain is hidden in the development of other diseases, then an examination by specialized specialists will be required.

The development of dry eye syndrome occurs as a result of excessive stress and fatigue. Dryness provokes pain, burning, and itching. To prevent and eliminate such symptoms, you need to give your eyes a rest.

Adequate and healthy sleep is important. When working at a computer for a long time, you need to take breaks to rest. It is useful to do eye exercises at this time. To prevent dryness, you should use moisturizing drops. Instillations are done with strict adherence to hygiene rules. It is important not to touch the tip of the bottle to the mucous membrane. This may lead to infection. It is not recommended to take ophthalmic medications on your own. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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Let's figure out why your eyes fester after a bath. First of all, we note that eyeball discharge is a natural process that helps the eye get rid of dust, dirt, harmful microorganisms, etc. that get into it. Bath procedures activate all natural processes in the human body, including eye discharge. From time to time, particles of pus may appear in them. If they occur in small quantities, then there is no need to worry - this is a normal reaction. However, people quite often encounter the fact that after visiting the steam room their eyes fester. How to treat?

First, let's find out what could be the reason for this phenomenon.

Preventive actions

To prevent the occurrence of pathology, it is necessary to take the choice of a bathhouse or sauna seriously and attentively. Preference should be given to those establishments where the best sanitary conditions exist.

In addition, you must independently observe the basic rules of cleanliness and personal hygiene. Personal hygiene products and personal towels should be mandatory when going to a bathhouse or sauna.

The same applies to brooms, so popular in the sauna - lovers of bath procedures are better off choosing or making the accessory themselves from high-quality and proven materials.

Such measures will help avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions and reduce the risk of developing an inflammatory process caused by pathogenic microflora.

Eyelid hygiene

Acute conjunctivitis

This form of inflammation is also called epidemic conjunctivitis. It occurs as a result of the Koch-Wicks bacillus entering the body. This disease is usually diagnosed in children. People become infected with it in kindergartens or schools, and a large number of people get sick at once. The infection flares up in the spring and summer.

The pathology develops very quickly. The incubation period, which in other forms of inflammation of the eye mucosa can last up to 10 days, in acute conjunctivitis lasts no more than 1-2 days. Both eyes are affected. The disease begins to manifest itself with redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva, and swelling develops in the lower eyelid area.

It takes the form of a roller. Purulent or mucopurulent discharge, thin brown films are observed in the eyes, which can be removed without damaging the mucous membrane. Numerous hemorrhages are visible to the naked eye in the connective membrane. They appear as dots. The patient suffers from severe lacrimation.

Associated symptoms

Dry eyes

The development of a purulent process is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Strong headache;
  • general weakness of the body, fatigue;
  • eyelashes sticking together after sleep;
  • intense tearing;
  • heat;
  • itching in the eyes;
  • Yellow fluid comes out of the eyes.

Eye with pus leaking out

If the above symptoms appear, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications cannot be avoided.

Risks when visiting a bathhouse with conjunctivitis

But the most common cause of suppuration of the eyes after a steam bath is conjunctivitis, acquired even before going to the bathhouse. The appearance of “barley” (the popular name for the disease, associated with the visual similarity of the tumor near the eye to a barley grain) can be caused by a draft or the introduction of dirt onto the mucous membrane - by hand or even by a stale towel.

The bathhouse in this case is not the culprit for the onset of the disease, but ophthalmologists advise refraining from visiting the steam room with this diagnosis. The high air temperature in it can cause complications that will lead to the development of a pathological process in the mucous membrane of the visual organ. Due to extreme temperature conditions, the body's protective functions are reduced, which will cause a worsening of the clinical picture.

If you have been diagnosed with an infectious form of eye disease, then you should not visit the bathhouse with other people, since in a confined space there is a high risk of infecting everyone around you. The infectious form of conjunctivitis is transmitted by airborne droplets. So don't assume that you won't infect other people if you don't hug them. There is also an allergic form of conjunctivitis, in which, unfortunately, you will have to forget about relaxing in the bathhouse forever. Under the influence of high temperature, allergy sufferers experience dilation of the conjunctival vessels, accompanied by pain, itching and swelling.

In this case, subconjunctival hemorrhage may occur, when the entire white of the eye is literally filled with blood. Under the influence of high air temperature, a jump in blood pressure occurs, which is why fragile blood vessels can burst - this leads to such sad consequences.

You should not risk your child’s health by taking him to the bathhouse with pronounced suppuration of the eyes. The baby’s immunity is already weakened during this period. In the air filled with hot steam, the infection can spread further to the mucous membrane, which will worsen the course of the disease, and the organ of vision will begin to fester even more.

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