Cool pictures about the bathhouse (36 photos) photos of girls in the bathhouse, women


Since ancient times, for the Russian people, visiting a bathhouse was not just a way to wash.
This is a whole ritual that has been improved from century to century. It is quite natural that a lot of attention is paid to this in folk art. Sayings about the bathhouse, like proverbs about the bathhouse, occupy a worthy place in folklore. Gradually, the bath theme penetrated into colloquial speech - “keep in a black body”, “soap your neck”, “stick like a bath leaf”, etc.


  • In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money.
  • Without a broom, the sauna does not steam, and the steam does not fry.
  • The bath broom is the main healer.
  • A bath broom is more expensive than money.
  • A bath broom soothes the soul and soothes the body.
  • A bathhouse without a broom is like a table without salt.
  • A broom in a bathhouse is the boss of everyone, the head of everything.
  • Broom, the bathhouse commander, beat everyone and didn’t let them go to the king.
  • Broom is small, but smart - he gave everyone a spanking.
  • The broom in the bathhouse is master, or the largest one.
  • A bathhouse without a broom is like a flowerbed without flowers.


  • After the bath, sell your last footcloths, but drink beer.
  • Everyone is equal in the bathhouse.
  • Sell ​​your underwear, but drink after the bath - this saying is attributed to Peter I.
  • There are no generals in the bathhouse.
  • Out of the heat, out of the heat, out of the sauna fire;
  • That speech is good, where it’s about a bathhouse and a stove;
  • Fast on Wednesdays, go to the bathhouse on Saturdays, everything in due time.
  • Forty diseases come out of a couple and a bathhouse.
  • The heat does not ache your bones.
  • If it weren't for the bathhouse, we would all be lost.
  • Without a bathhouse, the barge hauler was lost.
  • Remember the Sabbath day: go to the bathhouse.
  • The bathhouse is not a conspiracy, there is no ban on it.
  • Like water off a duck's back, they say when they douse it.
  • Water off a duck's back, thinness on you.
  • Give someone a bath, flog them.
  • I'll give you a bath so you won't forget until you get new brooms.
  • Don’t remember the baths: there are brooms for you too.
  • Lather your neck; arrange a bath.

There is no need to agitate for a Russian bathhouse; at all times, people have healed both their soul and body in the bathhouse.

Steam with a broom that helps against all diseases of birch or anti-inflammatory oak, linden, fir or juniper. Although this tradition is old, it only gets younger over the years.

Because according to the saying: “The day you sweat, the day you don’t grow old!”

“The bathhouse is the second mother: it will steam the bones and fix everything!” - Who in Rus' would think of arguing with this truth, which has taken the form of a proverb?

Sayings and proverbs about the bath

Since ancient times, for the Russian people, visiting a bathhouse was not just a way to wash. This is a whole ritual that has been improved from century to century. It is quite natural that a lot of attention is paid to this in folk art. Sayings and proverbs

about the bathhouse occupy a worthy place in folklore.


(“folk wisdom, folk knowledge”, English) – artistic creativity of the broad masses, mainly oral and poetic creativity. This term was first introduced by the English scientist W.J. Toms in 1846. Since the beginning of the 20th century, this term has been used in a narrower, more specific meaning: verbal folk art.

Verbal folk art - fairy tales, legends, epics

– helps to recreate the characteristic features of folk speech. And proverbs and sayings, for example, demonstrate its conciseness and wisdom.

We present to your attention a selection of sayings and proverbs

, dedicated to the bathhouse and bathhouse rituals of the Russian people.

  • The bathhouse is the second mother: it will steam the bones and fix things;
  • The sauna steams - it gives health;
  • The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules;
  • Bathhouse is not a nanny, but at least she will please anyone;
  • Vanya was cured - the bathhouse helped him;
  • After a good bath - like an angel in a clean wound;
  • On that day you don’t grow old and steam in a bathhouse;
  • I washed myself in the bathhouse - that I was born again;
  • A couple and a bathhouse yields forty diseases;
  • If it weren’t for the bathhouse, we would all be lost;
  • The bathhouse drives any disease out of the body.

Proverbs about the bathhouse, sayings about the bathhouse:


  • I washed myself in the bathhouse and felt rejuvenated.
  • Bathhouse is the second mother!
  • The body soars, it gives health!
  • The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules.
  • It stuck like a bath leaf.
  • In the bathhouse they will throw gangs at you.
  • Who is talking about what, and the lousy one is about the bathhouse.
  • Going to the bathhouse is to wash your body, not to drink vodka.
  • Preparing a sauna is like tuning a musical instrument!
  • The day you take a steam bath, the day you don’t grow old.
  • Vanya was cured - the bathhouse helped him.
  • The bathhouse drives any disease out of the body.
  • I washed myself in the bathhouse and it was like taking a hundred pounds off myself.
  • I washed myself in the bathhouse and was born again.
  • The bathhouse will wash away all sins, rinse off the gang;
  • Here's an ice bath, water brooms, steam - don't get burned, give in - don't fall off, don't fall off the shelf;
  • A good bath is better than a hearty lunch.
  • Bathhouse is not a nanny, but at least she will please someone.
  • The bath will wash away all sins.

Funny pictures about a bathhouse with politicians

Well, these are just jokes, but apparently there is truth in them)))

Everyone's bathing traditions are different. A man wants to drink and sing in a bathhouse. Have karaoke or watch movies.

Here is also an ad from the “funny” category:

For many, a sauna is not just a place where they will tell you: “Enjoy your steam!” and whip you with a broom, but first of all a place where you can sit well with friends at a rich table, tell funny jokes and drink beer or stronger drinks . And the following funny pictures show this well.

Who doesn't take a steam bath in a village bathhouse? Both black and white, and with light steam. Have you seen funny pictures about a bathhouse with blacks?

Cool quotes about the bath

The red face is on fire! Hair on end! Eyes like headlights! This is not a thriller on TV... This is my darling back from the bathhouse!

“Sell your last trousers, but drink after the bath.” Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.

“Send healthy rich people, limping gamblers, intriguers and all sorts of bastards to mineral waters. Let them swim in the mud there. And I am truly sick. And I need prayer, a village hut, a bathhouse, porridge and kvass.” Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.

In the bathhouse everyone is equal, and the couple is subordinate (Kostanay Karataev)

The bathhouse is a joyful 100-degree torture. Georgy Alexandrov.

​In winter, when it’s cold, nudists can only be found in bathhouses, saunas, and only the bravest - in the ice hole. Vladimir Borisov.

Banya is the second mother or dear mother.

​The soul regularly asks for the sea, but its feet constantly carry it to the bathhouse. Author of the proverb: Yuri Tatarkin.

In the bathhouse, everyone is equal, and the couple is subordinate - Kostanay Karataev

I don't go to the bathhouse. They don’t let you into the women’s room, and it’s not interesting to go into the men’s room.

​Only in the bathhouse does it make sense to exchange the awl for soap. Yuri Melikhov.

About one dirty bath, Diogenes asked: “Where should those who washed here wash?” Based on the story of Diogenes Laertius.

Bathhouse in the sea. ValKA

In the program “Tales from Valka-Karalka”, a fairy tale by the writer and storyteller from Arkhangelsk Stepan Grigorievich Pisakhov “Bathhouse in the Sea”. Author-storyteller - ValKA “Once upon a time, I went out into the sea at a bathhouse. It's time to go to sea for fish. All the comrades, godfathers, matchmakers, brothers and neighbors get along and get together. And I ran away at that hour, tired of the troubles. » Irina Kozlova selected the pictures for the video. If this topic is important, tell your friends about the broadcast, make the world a better place! Be KIND!

About the bath broom:

  • A bath broom is older than the king, if the king takes a steam bath!
  • Without a broom, the sauna does not steam, and the steam does not fry.
  • Brooms are for a bath, like butter is for porridge.
  • A bathhouse without a broom is like a samovar without a pipe.
  • Broom killed all the generals and did not let the Tsar go.
  • A broom in a bathhouse is the head of everything.
  • A bath broom soothes the soul and soothes the body.
  • A broom in a bathhouse is the boss of everyone.
  • In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money.
  • Don’t remember the baths: there are brooms about you too
  • I'll give you a bath so you won't forget until you get new brooms.
  • A bathhouse without a broom is like a flowerbed without flowers.
  • The broom is the boss of everyone in the bathhouse.
  • The broom in the bathhouse is master, or the largest one.

Other proverbs and sayings:

  • The bathhouse is the second mother: it will steam your bones and straighten your body.
  • The bath will wash away all sins.
  • Remember the Sabbath day - go to the bathhouse.
  • It’s a good speech that there is a stove in the bathhouse.
  • The day you sweat, the day you don’t grow old.
  • A good bath is better than a hearty lunch.
  • There are no generals in the bathhouse!
  • Bathhouse is not a nanny, but at least she will please someone.
  • The bathhouse drives any disease out of the body!
  • If it weren't for the bathhouse, we would all be lost.
  • To the bathhouse, to the bathhouse, to the open space, they invite you.
  • Uma - two threshing floors, and a bathhouse without a top.
  • The light is not a bathhouse, there will be a place for everyone, or: only a place for not seven; about the peasant bathhouse.
  • The flea drowned the bathhouse, the louse steamed, and fell off the shelf.
  • Spending a day in taverns without money is boring; It’s stuffy to spend the night in the commercial baths.
  • From the bathhouse to the hole (the sentence of evil people to the death of a newborn).
  • Hand in hand and go to the bathhouse.
  • To wash in the bathhouse, to be born again;
  • There are no fools, and after the bath they itch.
  • Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish and drink kvass.
  • From one bathhouse, but not only news (fables).
  • It’s not for a single man to heat a bathhouse for a married man.
  • The commercial bathhouse washes everyone, but itself is covered in dirt.
  • A blind man is in a hurry to go to the bathhouse, but the bathhouse is not heated.
  • Don’t take away the ash, and don’t burn the bathhouse.
  • The bathhouse cannot burn, and the barn cannot be extinguished.
  • Tobacco and a tavern, a woman and a bathhouse, just fun.
  • Banya is the second mother or dear mother.
  • The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules.
  • The bathhouse rules everything.
  • Hot steam will heal any ailment.
  • Give me a parka and climb on the shelves.
  • It’s a good speech that there is a stove in the bathhouse.
  • If it weren't for the bathhouse, we would all be lost.
  • Without a bathhouse, the barge hauler was lost.
  • Remember the Sabbath day: go to the bathhouse.
  • The bathhouse is not a conspiracy, there is no ban on it.
  • Fast on Wednesdays, go to the bathhouse on Saturdays, everything in due time.
  • The bath will wash away all sins.
  • The bath will wash away, the gang will rinse.
  • Like water off a duck's back, they say when they douse it.
  • Water off a duck's back, thinness on you.
  • Get sick underground (with water), your health is on you.
  • And in the bathhouse the sore goes away.
  • When he came out of the bathhouse, they were talking about an illness that had been feigned for some unknown reason.
  • Give someone a bath - flog them.
  • Here's an ice bath, water brooms, steam - don't get burned, give in - don't fall off, don't fall off the shelf.
  • Lather your neck - arrange a bath (...)
  • Steam room spirit, holy spirit.
  • I washed myself in the bathhouse and it felt like I took a hundred pounds off myself.
  • The steam bath gives you health.
  • Go to the bathhouse, don’t be afraid of a couple.
  • The bathhouse drives any disease out of the body.

Do you know any other proverbs and sayings about the bathhouse? Write in the comments - we will always be happy!


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