Stars in the bath: candid photos of those who like to take a steam bath

With the onset of pregnancy, almost all women begin to monitor their health very carefully and reverently. However, I also don’t want to cancel my usual way of life. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to take a steam bath during pregnancy worries more than one caring expectant mother.

Doctors have different opinions on this matter. Some even recommend this procedure, because they are inclined to believe that a moderate and competent approach will have a beneficial effect on the health of the newborn and the woman’s well-being. Also, some claim that visiting a bathhouse throughout pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the postpartum period and lactation.

Pregnancy is not a disease, so in this state you can do the same things as usual.

Others, on the contrary, categorically prohibit bathing during pregnancy, as they fear that this will lead to premature birth or other negative consequences. But who can a woman in this position trust if even experts cannot give a clear answer?

In fact, the solution to the problem of whether it is possible to visit a bathhouse during pregnancy must be approached strictly subjectively, since everyone’s physiology is different, therefore, the consequences can be either beneficial or not.

Therefore, in order not to harm both the baby and herself by visiting the bathhouse, a woman in such a responsible position should familiarize herself with all the available contraindications, as well as the impact of these procedures in general. Moreover, all this needs to be studied and analyzed immediately, as soon as it becomes known about pregnancy.

Note! If you decide to take bath procedures during pregnancy, you should first consult with your gynecologist, who may recommend any additional examination by other specialists. This article can only be used as a small instruction.

Olga Seryabkina

“Soup from Olenka” is what fans called the shot demonstrated by Olga Seryabkina (now Molly). Not long ago, the singer admitted that she was introduced to a bathhouse for the first time and was completely delighted! To confirm this, there is a photo in which Olga enjoys swimming in a vat of herbs and pine branches. And at the same time it shows off its appetizing forms (where would we be without this?).

Fans, however, remained intrigued: who photographed Seryabkina in the bathhouse? Some believe that it is Maxim Fadeev himself, with whom Olga allegedly has a long-term affair.

The women's bath line froze.

Quite a funny picture of women in foam and leaves.

“Don’t mess with her, you’ll ruin your day,” the woman from the bathhouse line quietly advised behind her.

Then the door opened and more gypsies entered the hall, there were many of them.

“Tabor is going to the bathhouse,” Lyudmila said doomedly. The line laughed.

“We need to finish the bath procedures and look for another bath next time.” But this is such a wonderful steam room! And always clean, comfortable, friendly and attentive staff.

It’s a pity that you’ll have to look for another bathhouse,” Lyudmila was upset.

The gypsies, all as one, with huge, identical green basins, stood in a noisy crowd almost throughout the entire hall.

The bathhouse became like a trading market.

Only at the market everyone is dressed, but here it’s the other way around. An elderly woman was indignantly telling them something in the gypsy language.


Natasha Koroleva’s husband appreciates and respects the bathhouse. But a naked selfie he once shared with his followers caused widespread confusion. Tarzan shouldn’t have shown his figure, many decided.

What confused the public? The dancer's breasts, because of which he was compared to a nursing mother and Anastasia Volochkova (without whom our selection, of course, would be incomplete). Fans' opinions about Sergei Glushko's torso were divided: some advised him to go to the gym more often, others thought that he had gone too far with the iron. Tarzan himself was not at all embarrassed by the critics' unrest. He is quite pleased with himself, and his wife does not complain.

Tarzan loves to show off his figure. Photo: Instagram

Doctors' opinion

Staying in a sauna in the nude has a medical basis. Exposure to high temperatures on the body provokes intense sweating. Sweat not only removes excess fluids, but also protects the skin from excessive overheating (drops of sweat cool the body). If you have clothes on your body, sweat is instantly absorbed and does not cool the skin. Because of this, the body may overheat. In young sauna visitors with strong blood vessels, it can pass without consequences, but people with excess body weight and hypertension are at risk.

The Germans follow the recommendation to go naked to saunas (even public ones). Moreover, the first point of the rules that guests of a German sauna will see is: “Von der Kleidung verboten” (“No clothing allowed”). The democratic nature of the Germans is not entirely appropriate in a more conservative Russia. If you plan to go to the sauna with us, you should wear a more covered outfit than a hat and flip-flops.

Larisa Guzeeva

60-year-old Larisa Guzeeva knows a lot about relaxation and self-care for her beloved. Host of the program “Let's Get Married!” I recently showed a photo taken... unfortunately, not in the steam room itself, but after leaving it. ""Day off! After the bath... This is my time and my beauty,” the actress signed a photo showing her in a robe over her naked body.

And although Larisa didn’t really show anything in the photo, fans found the photo very exciting. “That’s how sex comes from a person,” some said. Well, the fact that Guzeeva is a beautiful woman, even in a robe and with a turban on her head, is no secret to anyone. She recently delighted fans by appearing as the Snow Maiden. Here it is, the miraculous power of the bath!

Rules for taking bath procedures during pregnancy

In the absence of the contraindications listed above, a pregnant woman should still slightly rearrange her daily rhythm of life, since the cost of the life of a child and his mother is incomparable with any habits. In order for a trip to the bathhouse not to end tragically, you should adhere to simple, but at the same time, very important rules.

Photo of a thermohygrometer which must be present in the bathhouse.

So, if the question arises whether pregnant women can wash in a bathhouse, it is recommended to follow the following tips, which were formulated over more than one year based on observations and practice:

  1. The temperature of the bath during procedures should not exceed 70 degrees. This will prevent overheating of the body, which is so harmful during pregnancy.
  2. Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed, because some people like to take an ice shower after a bath. This should absolutely not be done in this situation. You can only rinse in cool water to get rid of excess salt, which appears on the skin when heated.
  3. You cannot stay in the steam room for a long time. The time spent in the steam room should last no more than 2-3 minutes. You can alternate between entering the steam room and going out to the dressing room several times. The main thing is to let your body cool down a little before each visit. At the same time, you should definitely listen to him, because he himself will give a sign when it’s time to stop. In total, you should not spend more than 10 minutes a day in the steam room.
  4. In this situation, you should not visit the bathhouse alone.
  5. This room must have a first aid kit with a set of medications that can provide first aid. There should also be mats on the floor to prevent slipping.

Going to the bathhouse is a whole ceremony for which you need to prepare.

  1. When going to the bathhouse, be sure to take rubber non-slip shoes and a head cap with you, which will prevent overheating if the temperature is higher than normal. You will also need a clean change of underwear and a towel.
  2. If a pregnant woman does not suffer from edema, then in the bath it is recommended to drink water or herbal infusions, such as rosehip decoction, which will prevent dehydration. Alcohol is strictly prohibited, even in small doses.
  3. You need to rest for a long time after bath procedures.

Photo of a safe floor in a bathhouse.

Anna Semenovich

The busty singer once again showed off her “assets” by showing a video in the font. Visually, the footage turned out to be quite modest, but, according to many fans, still provocative. “Moos with pleasure,” this is how subscribers defined the sounds that Semenovich made while basking in the water.

Swimming in the font, Semenovich moaned with pleasure. Still from video: Instagram

Steam room material

Finest wood finish. The cheapest option is pine. But remember that under steam load it is short-lived. In addition, it releases resins that make breathing difficult.

The best steam backup for the forest beauty is linden wood. It is more resistant to thermal shock and softens the vapor for people to breathe. The long-lasting strength of linden is known to everyone.

The finishing of the linden steam room can be alternated with other wood - birch, poplar or larch, which is rich in Russian forests. It has the property necessary for a damp room - it dries quickly, restoring its structure before the next fire in the heater.

You cannot cover a sauna with adhesive wood boards for non-residential premises. They are full of phenols, toxic and extremely flammable. And from moisture they will soon simply crumble into dust.

Advice to the owner of the steam room: do not get carried away with making the sauna as closed as possible. People need to breathe, but steam makes it difficult. There must be reasonable forced ventilation of the steam room.

Do not forget to arrange a drainage of excess moisture in the floor, preventing the formation of mold and dampness. And then all the conditions of the task will be met: how to make a steam room in a bathhouse?


Pelageya’s husband once showed a bathing video. Hockey player Ivan Telegin made a short video of himself relaxing in a sauna with friends and family and posted it on Instagram. “Here we have restoration procedures. Pelageya Sergeevna. Now we are in Minsk,” Telegin commented on the footage of his wife dancing spectacularly in a red swimsuit. The figure of Pelageya evoked only positive emotions among fans!

Pelageya showed an impeccable figure. Still from video: Instagram

Reviews from women

I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I go to the sauna, but I sit there for no more than 5–7 minutes. It is better to consult a doctor, as overheating in a sauna can cause premature birth.

Julia R.

A friend goes to the sauna all the time, and doctors tell her that if the sauna is tolerated normally, then there is no need to change your habits during pregnancy.


The doctor issued a list of things that pregnant women should not do. Saunas, hot baths, etc. are strictly prohibited.


Adeline Sotnikova

The Olympic champion also admitted that she loves to steam. According to her, this is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful procedure. At least for her: the skater needs to periodically relax her muscles, because thanks to this, the body’s recovery occurs an order of magnitude faster.

And although Adeline has already finished her active sports career, fans took her advice into account. And at the same time, they appreciated the figure, which can be seen even behind the muddy water and spruce branches.

The effect of the bath on the female body during pregnancy


Photos of pregnant women in the bathhouse, who know everything about such procedures.

Since ancient times, people have used the bathhouse not only for hygiene purposes, but also to improve their health and cleanse the body from the inside. Moreover, nowhere specifically is it written that pregnancy alone is a serious reason to refuse to visit her (also find out whether pregnant women can go to the bathhouse).

And there is an explanation for this, because when a pregnant woman takes contrast procedures, not only her body is hardened, but also her baby. As long-term practice has shown, children of those women who regularly visit the bathhouse are usually born with the strongest immunity, and if they catch a cold, they tolerate the disease much easier.

After bath procedures, the tissues become more elastic, and this helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks, which often form in women while carrying a child. In addition, they improve blood circulation and metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, supply them with oxygen, due to which the female body becomes more resilient. All this contributes to an easy birth.

Photo of a strong baby born to a mother who used the bathhouse.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the bathhouse when expectant mothers have increased uterine tone? To this question, experts answer that it is possible, since bath procedures relieve muscle tension, relax them, and therefore the tone of the uterus decreases.


Regarding restrictions on bath procedures, it should be emphasized from the very beginning that they are strictly prohibited for those pregnant women who have previously had problems with bearing a fetus. A bath is also contraindicated if there are any suspicions of any deviations in the child’s development.

Can a pregnant woman go to the bathhouse if she has high blood pressure? This question is asked almost everywhere, because many people now suffer from this disease. There is a clear answer to this - no.

This is explained by the fact that such women are already at risk, and high temperature increases the load on the heart. This will only contribute to worsening the entire situation.

Note! Severe toxicosis, inflammation of various organs, heart disease, asthma, histosis - all this also does not speak in favor of visiting the bathhouse.

Is it possible for pregnant women to take a steam bath during a short period of time? During the first trimester, the formation of all systems in the child’s body occurs, so at this time a woman needs peace and the absence of strong irritants. These can also include thermal loads.

Photo of fetal development in the first trimester.

In addition, for the normal development of the fetus, an environment with a stable temperature is also necessary, therefore, in the early stages, almost all doctors prohibit going to the bathhouse. Overheating can lead to disastrous consequences, so you should not endanger your health and that of your baby. The rest may not refuse the pleasure of taking a steam bath in a bathhouse, but subject to some special rules.


The singer Nyusha was once almost pecked to death for this photo. Although there is no unnecessary pathos on it: the star was photographed at her own dacha in the Moscow region, in a rather modest and homely atmosphere. “This bath evening...” the artist wrote dreamily. But the fans were outraged. “How can you be half naked in front of the whole country?”; “What does the husband say to this?!” - Nyusha was called to account. To be fair, now the singer is posting more piquant pictures. Why everyone was so confused by Nyushin’s “bath evening” is a mystery.

Nyusha in the bathhouse at the dacha. Photo: Instagram

The number of women in the bathhouse increased.

“Dear, can I ask you to free the shower?” Lyudmila asked the gypsy.

She pretended not to hear. Lyudmila repeated again. But there was no reaction. The woman continued to shower.

And in the hall there was already a queue for one single shower.

- Can you hear me? There's already a line like in a store! – Lyudmila said very loudly. She could not calm down, as a queue had formed at the only free shower.

And the gypsy calmly washed herself alone in her own cheap cabin, so to speak.

“You’ve already drunk all my blood!” Do you hear? - the gypsy suddenly shouted. Lyudmila dropped the bath cap from her hands.

- There is no peace from you, you tortured me! I drank all the blood! – the gypsy continued to scream.

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova also got it. And this is for a photo in a swimsuit! The singer and businesswoman took this photo in a Sochi sauna during the filming of a new video. They took place in April, and the bathhouse, according to Olga, was simply necessary. After all, during the two days of filming she was very cold.

“I took a steam bath, bathed in the font, they fed me, gave me a massage... and now I’m sitting by the fireplace, drinking tea with honey... looking at the fire... and getting high. Life is wonderful,” Buzova wrote then. But many followers, instead of being happy for the owner of the blog, began to reproach her for being too seductive in her swimsuit. Some time after this, Olga finally got tired of the criticism and made her account private.

Olga Buzova in a swimsuit somehow angered people. Photo: Instagram

What clothes does a child need in the sauna?

To choose clothes for the sauna for your child, focus on age. A terry corner is best for a baby after bathing. During the procedures in the sauna, a diaper on the bench and a headdress are enough. A child over 1 year old can be naked in the sauna, using a towel as a bedding. When taking a shower, it is best to wear special hats with brims to prevent soap suds from getting into your eyes. A child over 3 years old can choose his own robe for the relaxation area and a kilt or pareo.

Ksenia Sobchak

It cannot be said that Ksenia Sobchak intensively promoted the benefits of the bathhouse with the help of candid photos. But this year she amazed the audience by taking a steam bath with Volochkova herself! The ladies had intimate conversations, sitting and lying on the shelf, and filmed everything that happened. It was then that the figure of Ksenia Sobchak came into the frame, which, to the horror of fans, turned out to be imperfect.

She groped her breasts and filmed with a hidden camera: Volochkova spoke about Sobchak’s visit

The TV presenter asked to visit the dancer, but behaved disgracefully

People scolded the “blonde in chocolate” both for her flabby sides and for her sophisticated bullying of the scandalous ballerina. However, with Ksyusha, any criticism is like water off a duck’s back. Moreover, her program, filmed visiting Anastasia, received 2.5 million views in less than a week.

Ksenia Sobchak (left) in Volochkova’s bathhouse. Still from video: YouTube

How to properly take a steam bath for health during colds

First you need to remember that thermal procedures help very well with various colds, but for acute or chronic diseases, a steam room or sauna can create a huge number of problems. Be sure to consult with your doctor before visiting the bathhouse. Find out how to properly steam in a sauna for your health specifically in your case.

If you are a beginner or have a cold: your bones are aching, and your nose is treacherously squelching, then your optimal time in the steam room is 3-5 minutes. The higher the temperature, the less time we spend in the steam room or sauna itself. In a sauna, where the thermometer approaches 100-110 C, this is more like 3 minutes. In a classic Russian steam room with its temperature of 65-70 C, you can lie on the bottom shelf a little longer - 5-6 minutes. Experienced steam lovers can afford visits for 15 minutes.

Anastasia Volochkova

Now we have reached the queen of the entire selection. Anastasia Volochkova regularly pampers her fans with photos from the sauna and bathhouse, as well as from the ice plunge pool. She openly shares her secrets of proper “hovering”, does the splits on shelves and in the snow, poses naked, only slightly covering “strategically important places” with a broom... In general, unnecessary words are not needed here, and one photo cannot be limited.

Olga Volkova

bath candid photo Russian bath

Sauna wardrobe in detail


The hat protects the head from overheating. It’s easy to check the effectiveness of the accessory - just visit the sauna once wearing a headdress, and come to the next session without it. In the second case, the picture will be like this: your feet are still cold, your body has not warmed up, and, judging by the general sensations, you should urgently get out of the heat and dive into the pool. This is understandable - the brain sends signals to the body, and not vice versa. And if you don’t protect your head, you’ll have to forget about basking on a hot bench for a long time.

Sauna caps should be chosen exclusively from natural materials. Synthetics do not cope with the functions of thermoregulation and do not protect hair. Woolen fabrics—felt and felt—have optimal properties. Very dense, they retain heat well, which means they do not allow the head to heat up at high temperatures. Felt is a material made from sheep's wool. Felt is a noble type of felt made from finer goat and rabbit fluff.

Cotton is used much less often for hats. Hats made of this fabric serve more of an aesthetic than a practical function - they quickly warm up and lose their protective properties. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to tie scarves on your head. The thin fabrics from which they are made can protect the head from the sun's rays, but not from high temperatures.

Rough, untreated flax behaves a little better. Higher density fabric retains temperature and, thanks to its special composition, has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, absorbs moisture well and cools the skin.

And a few more words about thermoregulation. Some hot air lovers claim that cold water cools their heads well. They say that all you have to do is wet your hat, and a comfortable time in the sauna is guaranteed. This statement is absolutely not true. Wet fabric instantly warms up, losing its thermal insulation properties. At the same time, you fully feel the heat of the sauna, which falls directly on your head. So to keep your thoughts clear, keep your hat dry.

For women, the cap takes on additional meaning. Hair is damaged from high temperatures, and with regular sauna visits it becomes brittle and dry. For women with long and short hair, standard felt and felt hats are suitable, and for those with medium-length hair, it is better to choose a fleece hat with an elastic band. It not only saves hair from thermal effects, but is also convenient for masks and oils - the applied composition does not flow down and does not interfere with enjoying the procedures, which is very important for both baths and saunas.

Sauna headrests can improve the sensations - special wooden devices that are placed on benches so that the head is in an anatomical position and the neck does not get tired.

Kilt and pareo

The kilt is the traditional men's clothing of the Scottish Highlanders. And when applied to a sauna wardrobe, it is a piece of fabric that is wrapped around the hips and secured with a fastener (elastic band or Velcro). A kilt is a multifunctional item. It can be used as a bedding on a bench or as clothing for a seating area. Pareos for women are modified kilts that are fastened not at the hips, but above the chest. The birthplace of this robe is Tahiti. Although Tahitian women wear this outfit also on their hips, a version of the pareo that covers the entire body has taken root in European society. These are the models offered by manufacturers of textile products for baths and saunas. Terry kilts and pareos are produced by Tylo. Additional ease of use of models of this brand is provided by spacious pockets.


Fungal spores thrive in moist environments. The main sources of contamination are benches, shower grates and floors. Ordinary rubber slippers can protect against fungus. Their second purpose is to enhance traction on surfaces and prevent slipping. That is why it is better to choose a pair of shoes with relief on the soles. You can check your purchase at home. If your soles slip in the bath, your shoes will not be safe in the sauna.


When leaving the sauna, a bathrobe will be useful. It will replace an uncomfortable towel and will be especially pleasant in a cool room. The standard cut of such clothing is a kimono. The robe has wide sleeves and a belt is used instead of zippers or buttons. The collar is most often replaced by a deep hood, which eliminates the need to throw a towel over your head.


In the case of a sauna, a towel is as versatile as a kilt. It is better if you take several towels with you. One is useful for the locker room, the second for going to the sauna, the third for wiping your skin dry after a shower or swimming pool.

Is a swimsuit appropriate in the sauna?

A swimsuit and swimming trunks are only useful in the sauna if it has a communal pool. It is not recommended to wear a swimsuit in the main room. The synthetic materials from which swimsuits are made cause discomfort to steamed skin; they do not absorb sweat and can lead to irritation. Kits with metal elements are especially dangerous: when heated at high temperatures, they can cause burns. For the same reason, before visiting the sauna, experts advise removing jewelry.

About contact lenses

Ophthalmologists also do not recommend wearing contact lenses in a sauna. The main arguments they give in support of the ban are the possibility of lenses drying out under the influence of high temperatures with subsequent deformation. The infections that opponents of lenses talk about in the sauna are quite rare. You can just as easily get an infectious disease if you do not properly care for your lenses. The solution to the problem will be disposable lenses. They are put on immediately before going to the sauna or pool and thrown away immediately after use.

DIY sunbeds

The same aesthetic exercise with wood. First, sketch out the silhouettes of what will ultimately decorate the steam room. Again, it is necessary to take into account the extreme operating conditions of wood - high temperature and humidity.

Boards made of poplar and oak, aspen and linden are suitable. What motivates this:

  • do not exude resin when heated;
  • quickly releases the absorbed moisture;
  • pleasant smell;
  • do not heat up to the stage of burning the body;
  • aesthetic and velvety surface.

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