Finnish sauna: features of the effect on the body. Description of what it is, how it differs from Russian + how to build it yourself

Photo from the site The heart of the Finnish steam room is the hot stones that are found in the center of the room. Lovers of intense heat gather around the stove on wooden floors. There is a belief that in the country of a “thousand lakes” there is no habit of fanning oneself with a broom; in fact, this is a misconception. This bath accessory even received a special name in Finland: “vihta” (northern part of the country) and “vasta” (eastern part).

The Finnish steam room hides such secrets and we are sure that this is not the limit. In this article we will tell you about the benefits of the Finnish sauna and the rules for visiting it.

Features of the Finnish sauna

Finland is a country with harsh climatic conditions, so the sauna is an integral part of the life of all Finns. People visit it at least twice a week, holding friendly gatherings and even corporate events in the sauna.

The main distinctive features of the Finnish sauna are:

  • Low humidity
  • Dry air
  • Chilled water

The effect of a Finnish sauna is a combination of dry hot air and cool water. The humidity in the steam room should not exceed twenty percent, since dry steam is famous for its healing properties.

A Finnish sauna has a low ceiling and should be made of wood. Thanks to dry hot air, toxins are released through sweat, which helps cleanse the skin and the whole body. After the steam room, you need to plunge into cool water, this strengthens the body and improves immunity.

How to visit a bathhouse correctly

To get the maximum benefit from visiting a Finnish sauna, you need to follow simple recommendations that are designed to prevent possible harm to the body.

  • Do not eat 2-3 hours before visiting a steam bath.
  • Do not spend more than 15 minutes in the steam room.
  • Take a warm shower immediately before visiting the steam room.
  • It is better to lie down and relax in the steam room. Afterwards, sit for a minute and then go out.
  • If you feel thirsty, drink plain water at body temperature or warm herbal tea.
  • After completing all the procedures, it is useful to plunge into the pool or take a cool shower;
  • The next visits to the Finnish sauna can be made longer by dividing them into several short sessions;

Interior made of wood Source

How a Finnish sauna works

The main feature of the room is the influence of dry heat, the temperature of which can reach 100 degrees. Hot air and low humidity are much easier to tolerate by the body, overheating does not occur, and sweat evaporates almost instantly.

A very important element is wood, which, when heated, releases beneficial resins, increasing the healing effect of the sauna.

The main difference between a Finnish steam room and a Russian bath is that under the influence of dry hot air, sweat almost immediately evaporates from the skin, due to which the body does not overheat and the heat is tolerated much more easily.

Ceilings and floors

The ceilings are mounted from beams, which in cross-section have a cross-section from 0.6 to 0.8 centimeters, and on top of them they are covered with linden boards. The beams are cut into the crown of the building at the required height through the strapping of the entire frame. The pitch between the beams can be set from 0.6 to 1 meter.

When starting construction work, we must not forget about the laying of thermal insulation materials, since the premises must be airtight, even taking into account the fact that their high-quality ventilation is the main functional element of the building.

A vapor barrier layer is laid on the top floor. The thickness of the insulation on the ceiling should be one and a half times greater than the layer on the walls, since convection leads to the accumulation of hot air at the highest point of the room.

Floors are rightfully considered the coldest surface in a sauna, since wood becomes covered with moisture over time, creating the effect of a slippery surface and causing unpleasant dampness. It would be wiser to tiling with ceramic tiles and use a concrete screed as a subfloor. It is best to use bitumen felt as a thermal insulation material.

The benefits of a Finnish sauna

The hot and dry air for which the Finnish sauna is famous is very beneficial for the human respiratory system. It is important to avoid overheating or hypothermia, as this can be harmful to health.

Useful properties include the following:

  1. Improving metabolism and burning excess weight.
  2. Cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  3. Treatment of respiratory diseases, bones and joints, as well as various injuries.

What it is?

Historically, a Finnish sauna is a low, enclosed, small space from 2 to 6–8 square meters. m, designed for 2–3 people. Previously, such baths were heated by a hearth placed in the center of the room with hot stones. There was no chimney as such; ventilation was carried out through an open door and an inlet near the floor. The room was very dry and hot.

Instead of a washing room, there was a barrel with cold water or there was a natural pond nearby.

Modern technologies have made it possible to get rid of suffocating smoke and soot using ventilation systems and new modifications of stoves with chimneys. A barrel of water has been replaced by a font, pool or shower. The absence of windows is compensated for by electric lighting.

Rules for visiting the Finnish sauna

There are certain rules that must be followed when visiting a Finnish sauna.

  • Before visiting the steam room, you should not wash with soap; just take a warm shower;
  • Hair must be dry; you cannot wet it before the steam room;
  • It is best to sit on the bottom shelf and try to relax as much as possible;

It is important to drink plenty of fluids;

Material for construction

When developing a Finnish sauna project, it is important to decide on the building materials that will be used for construction.

  • To build walls, you can use stone or brick.
  • The interior decoration should be made of wood, which gives the desired effect when heated.
  • The foundation can be made in any way, since the weight of the structure is small.

Window and door openings

You can install a door made of glass or wood in the steam room. It makes the most sense to use wood, since a solid door leaf will enclose the space of the steam room. All gaps between the door block and the leaf must be sealed with felt. The fittings inside the steam room should also be made of wood so that they can be used during procedures and heating the air to extreme temperatures.

It is possible to make windows in a building, but even those that will be used for natural lighting and ventilation must be placed lower and the linear dimensions of up to 50-70 centimeters must be observed.

Finnish sauna stove

You can choose any stove that the owner likes. It can be wood-burning or electric, but it is the electric stove that is considered more in demand for the Finnish sauna.

When choosing a stove, you need to take into account certain nuances:

  1. The stove must be selected with the calculation of one kilowatt of power per cubic meter of room.
  2. The stove must be placed in such a way that visitors to the steam room are safe and do not accidentally touch hot stones or metal.
  3. Fire safety regulations must be followed.

Installation of shelves and benches

Again, focusing on the beneficial effects of certain types of wood on the human body, you need to install shelves and benches in the steam room from aspen or birch. The planks are secured with a small gap using stainless steel screws and nails. Hats must be immersed in the wood at least 5-7 millimeters to protect visitors from accidental contact with hot metal.

The width of the shelves should be at least 0.6 meters, and they should be arranged in tiers to expand the area of ​​free space in the room. From the top tier to the ceiling it is necessary to make a span of at least 1.05 meters so that the visitor can sit without difficulty. For convenience, footrests should be placed under the lying shelves. It wouldn’t hurt to have a small window in the steam room design through which the sun’s rays would penetrate.

Finnish sauna: construction features

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the sauna. The standard design of a Finnish bath includes a steam room and a changing room; if desired, you can add a third room for relaxation.

The shelves are arranged in two rows, the distance between them should be at least 50cm, so visitors will feel more free. The Finnish sauna does not include a shower; you only need to steam in it.

  • The ceiling and doors need to be double insulated, in which case the heat will be better retained in the steam room.
  • Felt or veneer is used as an insulating material; in no case should you use materials with the addition of polyethylene.
  • Finnish sauna stoves can be different, but it is best to give preference to a classic heater, which gives the steam room a special atmosphere.

For construction, it is important to use only well-dried materials; as for wood, you should give preference to linden, aspen or birch. The most important nuance when equipping a steam room is the ban on the use of any dyes.

Ventilation system

When installing ventilation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the cladding of the floors must remain airtight;
  • the intake of air that will be heated must be carried out by supplying it from the adjacent room through the door;
  • the air must be exhausted in the same way until a clean corridor is created to the street;
  • the channel in the wall of the steam room must be placed under the lower tier of shelves so that during the convection process the already cooled air escapes through it;
  • a corrugated tube should be used as finishing for the ventilation duct.


Not all visitors are allowed to enter the steam room; there are a number of contraindications that should be followed.

  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Oncology.
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  • Serious skin diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Epilepsy.

In addition, it is prohibited to take children under four years of age and elderly people over sixty years of age into the steam room.

Finnish sauna traditions

For Finns, the sauna is as familiar a place as cafes or cinema halls. Gatherings and family celebrations are often held here, and visiting the sauna is a unique tradition that has not been changed for many years.

  1. Visiting a Finnish sauna has no intimate meaning. This is a place for relaxation, here Finns rest their soul and body, considering it almost a sacred place.
  2. An invitation to the sauna is a respectful sign; in no case should you refuse, only for reasons of contraindications.
  3. A Finnish sauna does not use aromatic substances; the steam room should also be quiet and the light should be dim.
  4. Finns are not shy about going to the bathhouse naked, but no one forbids wearing a swimsuit and a towel in the steam room.
  5. A broom for a Finnish bath is used very often; it can be made of birch or juniper.

Initial stage of construction

When constructing a bathhouse yourself, you must adhere to a clear sequence. Compliance with technology serves as the basis for the proper functioning of such a complex as a Finnish sauna. A bathhouse built incorrectly will cause discomfort to its visitors from the very first minutes, and the healing effect will be reduced to zero.

Even the little things matter. The construction procedure is carried out according to a certain scheme.

Initially, the floor of the steam room is arranged. It is allowed to use wood for this. However, this is not the best material for a sauna floor. It cannot be varnished. And without treatment, the durability of wood in humid conditions is reduced.

The best flooring for a bathhouse is tile. It will be durable and practical, as well as meeting all sanitary and hygienic requirements.

After this, the frame is assembled.

The box is installed according to the diagram calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the bathhouse. To do this, use wooden combs, nylon dowels, and screws.

The ceiling frame is assembled by connecting timber.

A place is provided for installing doors.

Photo of the Finnish sauna

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