How to properly steam a bath broom: features and methods

A bathhouse without a broom is a waste of money. If you are well acquainted with this principle, but do not know (or do not remember) how to soak a broom for a bath made of oak, birch, spruce and other trees, it does not matter. Now we will quickly fill the gap in your knowledge, and you will be able to steam with knowledge and confidence in the future.

It's no secret that visiting a steam room has a beneficial effect on the human body. There he can relieve accumulated stress, warm up his body to prevent colds, cleanse his skin and just have a good time.

  • FAQs How to properly steam in a sauna with a broom: a detailed guide A sauna is one of the best ways to bring yourself to life.

At the same time, a high-quality broom is an integral attribute in all bath procedures. It can be birch, oak, eucalyptus, juniper, alder, fir, and this is just the beginning. It is believed that each broom has its own special properties, so knowledgeable bath attendants choose bundles based on the purpose of visiting the steam room.

So, it’s time to figure out how to properly steam a bath broom and which one to choose best.

Why is it important to follow the technology of steaming a bath broom?

It would seem that what could be simpler than soaking a broom in a tub and then enjoying its aroma. But no! Each type of broom requires an individual approach. To discover the maximum benefits for the body, it is important to take into account the type of broom and a number of other features.

Otherwise this might happen:

  • If you soak a broom in boiling water for 1 hour, it will become completely saturated with moisture, become limp, and the leaves will simply fall off.
  • A broom left in cold water for a day will turn into a mash that can only be thrown away.
  • Scald with boiling water - the broom will be hard and prickly, leaving visible damage on the body.
  • Leave in the steam room for 2-3 hours - get ready to catch burns! The leaves become saturated with heat and stick to the skin.

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

Our task is to steam the bath broom correctly so that there is benefit from it and there is no damage left on the skin after the procedure.

How to save a broom for reuse: instructions

Before storing the product, you need to clean it and dry it thoroughly.

Step one: cleansing

The item to be steamed must be freed from dirt and tiny particles of skin that have stuck to it, which can start the process of rotting; this requires:

  • Fill a basin with warm water.
  • Immerse a broom in the liquid and rinse.
  • Remove the product and shake off excess water.

Step two: drying

When stored, a wet accessory will quickly become moldy and begin to rot, so drying is an important stage in preparation for storage. The following steps are required:

  • Gently straighten the branches and leaves.
  • Hang the product in a warm room away from sunlight so that it does not come into contact with the wall or other objects. It is most convenient to use a rope stretched from the ceiling.

Drying is carried out in accordance with simple rules:

  • You cannot do this in a steam room: under the influence of heat, the product will lose its beneficial properties, and wet condensation will contribute to rotting;
  • Do not place near a stove, chimney or chimney to prevent unintentional fire.

The best place for drying is a warm attic or dressing room: there is good ventilation and no access to sunlight.

Step 3: Packing

It is recommended to place the thoroughly dried vaping attribute in a clean plastic bag or wrap it in dry white cotton cloth or craft paper.

Step 4: Provide Good Storage Space

Brooms should be stored in a dark room, otherwise the foliage or needles will turn yellow. Avoid high temperatures and excessive humidity. Experienced lovers of bath procedures even equip a mini-warehouse in their freezers. Residents of city apartments can use the balcony by placing products in cardboard boxes with slots.

Leafy products can be placed on top of each other, after laying them with straw, to preserve the aroma and healing properties. Conifers can be stored in a suspended state.

Sources: ru/articles/bannye_veniki/ispolzovanie_venika/

Birch broom: how to steam correctly and what you need to know?

Bath brooms made from birch are the most common, since preparing them is not difficult, and soaking them is a pleasure.

But here you need to take into account several nuances:

  1. Only a broom that is not overdried is suitable for the steam room, and when shaking, small twigs and leaves do not fall off to a large extent.

  2. There should be no signs of parasitic or fungal damage, including an unpleasant musty smell of rot or mold.
  3. A freshly cut broom cannot be steamed, as high temperatures will completely kill all the benefits found in birch twigs and leaves.
  4. Before steaming a dry broom, be sure to wash off the dust under running water.
  5. The lower the steaming temperature, the greater the health benefits of such a broom.

Birch broom treats skin damage, promotes healing of wounds, and also suppresses infectious and inflammatory processes. With its help, radiculitis and muscle spasms are successfully treated. Inhalation of vapors allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the respiratory organs, and also helps to remove accumulated sputum in chronic bronchopulmonary diseases.

Cold method

From a medical point of view, this method of steaming a bath broom is considered the most correct.


  1. Take a deep container so that the broom is completely immersed with the leafy part in the water.
  2. Pour cold water, it’s good if there is melted water.
  3. Soak the broom for 10-12 hours, leaving it in a cool room.

After 12 hours, you will have an almost freshly cut bath broom in your hands, with which you can conveniently and pleasantly spend time in the bathhouse. The leaves will resume their natural color, and the branches will regain their flexibility and elasticity.


  • Preservation of all beneficial properties of birch leaves
  • The elasticity and resilience of the branches, which does not cause unpleasant sensations when exposed to the body
  • Preservation of healing essential oils that are released at high temperatures


  • Take a lot of time

The method is not labor-intensive, but time-consuming. If you don’t have a trip to the bathhouse planned, but want to take a steam bath with a good birch broom, then the following method will do.

Rules for collecting oak branches

Oak is a majestic plant that contains essential oils and tannins. To preserve all its beneficial properties, you need to know how to prepare a fresh oak broom.

The suitable time for collecting oak branches is July and August with calm and clear weather. During the autumn months, wood is fragile and brittle. The gathering place is a dark mixed forest or oak grove. You should not collect from single trees in the park. They have small leaves and stiff stems.

Choose trees no more than 4 meters high, but be prepared that you will have to climb to the top. Good, elastic rods are rarely at arm's length. The cut branch should be good, strong, wide, have branches and a rich green color. The optimal length is 50 cm. To avoid harming the tree, cut only the side shoots with garden pruners.

Oak branches can be diluted with medicinal plants, for example, yarrow, sage, wormwood, oregano or nettle. They will enhance the healing effect on the body.

When knitting, small twigs are laid offset. The design resembles a fan connected with twine. Do not use a large number of branches, otherwise the product will turn out heavy. Once assembled, place the finished steam room accessory under pressure to give it a flat shape.

How to prepare an oak broom for a bath

An oak bath broom can be used in its original form or dried. Drying takes place in a ventilated, dark room at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees. The process takes 1-2 weeks. Check for doneness and do not allow it to dry out.

Steaming over the stove

The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes, during which you need:

  1. Rinse the broom under running water.
  2. Pour hot water into the basin so that the broom is completely immersed in it.
  3. Next, immerse the broom in hot water for 15 seconds, then place it above the surface of the oven. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times.

Features of steaming over the oven

Drops of water falling on a heated surface create steam, under the influence of which the dead wood comes back to life.


  • Very fast way
  • Can be done immediately in the bath
  • All bacteria that could settle on the surface during drying are destroyed
  • Resinous substances are activated, which come to the surface of the branch and leaf


  • If the broom is not properly dried and stored, there is a risk that the leaves will fall off due to temperature changes.

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

Here it is important to use not boiling water, which will literally cook all the living things in the broom, but rather well-hot water.

"Shock" steaming

It is also considered one of the fastest and most productive ways to make a broom soft and elastic. The method is based on the effect of temperature changes, which activates certain processes in cut branches.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Prepare 2 containers: one with very hot water, the other with very cold water.
  2. Alternately dip the broom first in hot water for 10 seconds, then in cold water.
  3. Repeat the procedure 10-15 times and within 5-7 minutes a fragrant, fluffy and flexible broom will open in your hands, which should then be used for its intended purpose.

Steaming using this method can be done directly in the bathhouse. Some experts also practice this method: the broom is washed with cold water and taken out into the cold for 20-30 minutes. Next, they take it into the steam room and pour hot water over it, after which it is dipped in the snow and immediately applied to the body.


  • Very fast and efficient
  • The leaves become as soft as possible
  • All branches are steamed and release essential oils


  • For large brooms, the duration of steaming increases to 30 minutes, since its internal parts do not have time to warm up properly

This method is especially good for those who have sensitive skin. The broom becomes incredibly gentle and fragrant, and after its use there is no irritation on the body.

What types of bath brooms are there?

To figure out which broom is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with their types and properties. Usually all brooms are divided into three categories:

  1. Deciduous (birch, alder, linden, oak, ash, and so on);
  2. Conifers (pine, spruce, juniper, fir, etc.);
  3. Herbal (from nettle, wormwood, mint and others).

For example, birch brooms are an all-time classic due to their strength, flexibility and practicality. They are not only very convenient to use, but also have a beneficial effect on human skin and quickly absorb sweat.

Another favorite of many bath attendants is an oak broom with even greater strength and wear resistance. With its help you can quickly create intense steam in the bathhouse and thoroughly warm up the body of the person steaming.

Another popular broom is the eucalyptus broom. Thanks to its properties, the steaming process with it turns the sauna into one large inhaler. They prefer to use it to clear the airways and “throw away” a cold. However, its branches are quite thin, so you can often find combined brooms with eucalyptus, birch or oak.

Essential oils of pine brooms also help to breathe properly in the steam room, however, for massage purposes, these tools may not be suitable for those who have sensitive skin or a fear of pine needles. Nevertheless, they are preferred by fans of more “hardcore” steaming.

Nettle brooms are considered an effective prevention of gout, radiculitis and diseased joints. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on human skin. However, nettle brooms are not as strong as oak, birch and even coniferous brooms. Therefore, they are also sometimes combined with other branches.

  • FAQs Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold: we answer the main question of all times and peoples. Usually it is asked after the questions “what to do?” and “who is to blame?”

Sometimes brooms made of maple and wormwood are taken to the bathhouse, but they are not as widespread as the above options. Maple has antiseptic properties, improves the skin, and also tones and relieves pain in the body.

Wormwood brooms are not suitable for everyone due to their specific smell, but their use helps relax muscles, relieve nervous tension, eliminate headaches and improve sleep.

Classic way

It is used only for oak brooms, and in birch it causes profuse leaf fall.

  1. Pour cold water into a deep container and soak the broom for 20 minutes.
  2. Next, drain the water and add hot water, but not boiling water.
  3. After 5 minutes, the broom can be used for its intended purpose.

The oak leaf becomes soft and elastic, but does not lose its elasticity and does not tear off the branches in the process. The tannins included in the composition will saturate the water, so for health purposes it can be used to wash your hair and body.


  • The sheet does not become limp, keeps its shape, does not come off
  • Nutrients are preserved
  • Relatively not long
  • Suitable even for dry brooms


  • None

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

The procedure can be performed directly in the steam room, but under no circumstances pour boiling water over the broom. This will destroy all beneficial substances and also cause leaf shedding. The broom will be ruined, and you will have to steam with a prickly residue.

Steaming in a basin

The method is good for quick steaming when a trip to the bathhouse was not planned.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take two deep metal basins that are large enough to accommodate a broom.
  2. Pour boiling water into the bottom of one basin.
  3. Place a grate or some kind of support on top and lay out a broom.
  4. Place the basin on the stove so that the hot water begins to boil and release steam.
  5. Cover with a second basin on top to enhance the greenhouse effect.
  6. In 5-7 minutes the broom will be completely ready.

To further speed up the process, before steaming, an oak broom can be soaked in very cold water for 5 minutes.


  • Fast and efficient
  • The broom becomes soft, but retains all the beneficial substances on the surface
  • The foliage does not get wet or fall off


  • Care must be taken to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with boiling water.

The method is good for relatively fresh preparations, but for overdried ones it will be weak.

General recommendations for steaming brooms

Do you need to know the specifics of cooking? Obviously yes. Therefore, for those who will steam a broom for the first time, knowledge of general recommendations will be useful.

  1. You need to soak after rinsing the foliage to remove dust or dirt;
  2. When brewing, the leaves should not become soggy or flabby;
  3. There is no need to brew a fresh bath accessory - you can simply wash off the dust from it;
  4. What water to soak in depends on the type of accessory: conifers like it hot, and oak trees like it cold;
  5. After steaming, the water is not poured out, but left for washing.

Express steaming

The method is ideal for those brooms that are frankly overdried and there is a risk that when they get wet, all the foliage will fall off.

For steaming you need:

  1. Place the broom in warm water for 2 minutes.
  2. Carefully remove it, but do not shake off the water.
  3. Bring it under the hot stones and lightly and gently shake it so that the dripping water creates steam.

In just 5 minutes you will have a bath accessory completely ready for use. The work should be done carefully so that oak leaves do not fall on the coals, otherwise the aroma will not be the most pleasant.


  • Quickly restores broom while retaining nutrients
  • The sheet does not get wet
  • The branches become very soft and elastic


  • Leaves may come off with sudden movements

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

If an oak broom has dropped its leaves (this also happens), then it is better not to use it, since the bare branches will scratch the skin.

For a couple

This method helps to reveal all the benefits contained in the needles, as well as prevent them from shedding.

Need to:

  1. Dip the broom in cold water for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water into a deep container and cover it with a broom.
  3. Cover with a towel on top.
  4. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, alternating steaming sides.

Moisture gradually activates processes in green needles, and resins from the branches are released in moderate quantities.


  • The needles do not fall off, become softer, the branches restore elasticity
  • Pleasant aroma
  • Can be steamed directly in the bath before use
  • Aromatherapy will banish symptoms of a cold and normalize breathing


  • Not identified

If the broom is prepared 10-20 days before use, then you can not steam it, but simply bring it into the steam room and let it lie there for 20-30 minutes.

The effect of shock steaming for coniferous brooms is not used due to the high probability of dropping needles.

Features of steaming herbal brooms

If for you going to the bathhouse is not only relaxation, but also a way to become healthier, brooms made from medicinal herbs will help with this.

The most popular of them are:

  1. From nettle - treats radiculitis and various joint pains, removes salts, removes ulcers on the skin.
  2. Made from sage and chamomile – improves skin condition by normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. From bitter wormwood - treats hundreds of diseases, including insomnia, severe headaches and parasitic infections on the skin.

Expert opinion

Sumskikh Stas Viktorovich

Bath attendant with 10 years of experience

Steaming such brooms has a lot of nuances, but the most important of them is the absence of exposure to boiling water. Hot water significantly reduces the amount of nutrients in the broom itself, releasing them into the decoction.

Therefore, there are several effective ways:

  1. For steaming - moisten a broom with cold water, take a deep basin, pour boiling water into it, and place a grate on top. Place a broom on it and cover it with a bath towel. Let it lie for 10-20 minutes, changing sides.
  2. In the steam room , the broom is simply dipped in warm water, and then placed on a towel in the steam room.
  3. Soaking in cold water softens the broom, preventing it from falling apart. Retains all nutrients inside the plant.

It is not recommended to soak herbal brooms for a long time. The water will remove all the benefits, leaving you with only lifeless sticks.

Broom in the steam room - types of brooms, massage procedures, how to steam a broom.

What kind of broom

and use it in a steam room?
Most bathhouse
express their ardent sympathy for the birch
- a symbol of the Russian
. Birch is a real biological miracle of our nature. In a forest where there are many birches, breathing is easy and pleasant, because birch leaves emit volatile substances that purify the air and kill pathogens.

Birch broom , as already mentioned, is the most popular among Russian bath

, its decoration and symbol.
Birch leaves are porous, and when you steam in a bathhouse with a birch broom
, they fit tightly to the steamed body and absorb sweat well.
Dry sweat that has lost its cellular fluid, and then a broom
Therefore, after each entry into the steam room, thoroughly rinse the broom
with hot water.
The cleansing properties of a birch broom
are much higher than, say, oak or eucalyptus, whose leaves are denser and not so porous.
There are different types of birch trees in Russia, there are about 50 of them, so the residents of our country have the opportunity to choose their own type of birch tree for a broom
very good broom
is also made from weeping birch, whose branches hang down in long strands; the branches of this birch are flexible and not brittle. This is usually a tree about twenty meters in height. White bark, and below there are deep blackish cracks.

The best time to harvest birch branches for brooms

ov early-mid July;
They are harvested in dry weather by cutting branches 50-60 cm long. It is advisable to cut branches from trees growing in damp, damp places, near water. The branches should be thin, straight and flexible. “Choose a broom
in a birch grove, and a birch tree near the water.”
It is usually advised to harvest brooms
from young birch trees that have never bloomed or bear fruit.
They say the leaf is more tender, softer. In general, this is fair. But we need to look here too. And not only look, but also feel. He tore one leaf from the branch and licked its upper part with his tongue. Rough - not good. This is the so-called jamming. A broom made from such branches will turn out to be rough and excessively hard. But if the leaves on top are smooth, tender, as if velvety, this is what you need. In a birch forest, choose a fluffy, low-growing young birch tree. Carefully bend its trunk and cut off a few branches 50-60 cm long. Only the side shoots should be cut, without touching the top of the tree. A true Russian bath
will never destroy a tree! Twigs growing from old stumps or birch roots are also good; they are very flexible and tender.

Oak broom - harvested in June-August in damp, dark oak forests where large burdocks grow; oak branches picked in such places are especially strong. Oak broom

good in the bathhouse, it is very durable, the leaves do not fall off, and it is enough for 3-4 visits
to the bathhouse
This broom
easily blows steam onto the body; it is usually used by those who like to thoroughly warm up in a steam room and bathe themselves in intense heat.
In general, an oak broom
is fun and comfort for healthy and hardy Russian

Eucalyptus broom . broom is also good in a bath

Its leaves are dense, bright green, and do not fade from the strongest bath heat. But for a broom
, the leaves of not just any eucalyptus are suitable, but of a twig-like one, reminiscent of our willow.
To be honest, it’s too “chic” to steam with a eucalyptus broom
Wouldn't it be better to add a few eucalyptus branches to birch or, say, oak? broom
itself is not very suitable for a bath massage.
Its branches are too flexible, and it is difficult to generate heat with them. And if you came with a eucalyptus broom
, then it’s best to put it on the shelf - let it please you with its divine smell! This “bouquet” is enough for not one, but four or five baths.

Cherry and currant broom

- very soft, it’s pleasant to steam with them and they give off a delicate cherry aroma. They are harvested in early June, cutting off young unnecessary shoots and root shoots. At the same time, you can make a broom
from black currants.
Although cherry-currant brooms
are not as durable as birch and oak brooms, they do give off an amazing aroma.
Cherry and currant brooms
are also very beneficial for the skin.

Brooms from linden, willow, alder, rowan and other trees are harvested at the zenith of summer - from early July to mid-August.

In all cases, preparing branches for brooms

They are cut from trees located no closer than 1 km from busy highways and 2 - 3 km from industrial zones. Freshly cut branches must be dried for an hour in a shaded corner of the forest, avoiding direct sunlight. The twigs should not be transported tightly packed, as they may overheat, which will lead to the leaves falling off.

Juniper broom . This shrub is called the younger brother of cypress (and indeed, juniper is a relative of an exotic southern plant), you will find it in many places in our country - in the middle zone, in the Caucasus, and in Siberia. Who hasn't feasted on its juicy, tart berries? Juniper lives for a good hundred years, but harmful bacteria cannot survive from it. It is much more bactericidal than the leaves of many other trees. Surgeons of the recent past used juniper oil to sterilize threads when suturing. A good juniper broom

for rheumatism. True, you don’t immediately get used to such a prickly friend. But once you get used to it, you won’t want anything else.

Fir, spruce, cedar broom

. In Siberia, they prefer brooms
made from fir.
Hunters and foresters, having worked hard for the day, are sure that such a broom
can not only drive away lead fatigue, but also any illness.

Those who are tormented by rheumatism also resort
to fir broom . Ami brooms
made of cedar and spruce
are also steamed The massage is excellent! Moreover, it is medicinal. Fir, cedar, and spruce branches release the most beneficial balsamic substances. Remember the benefits of pine baths, and in a bath, when the body is strongly steamed, the effect is perhaps stronger. The advantage of such brooms
is that they can be prepared at any time of the year.
After all, most coniferous trees do not lose their green attire. Or rather, don’t even stock up on such brooms
for future use, but prepare them immediately before the bath.

Fir, spruce and juniper broom

and cannot be harvested for future use, for a long period due to the fact that after drying all the needles fall off.
Fans of such brooms
use them only freshly cut.

Nettle broom is harvested in mid-summer before flowering and during nettle flowering. Its popularity is still undeservedly low. nettle broom

mainly revered by inveterate steamers who have learned a lot about the bath procedure. In the old days, this burning plant was used to punish guilty children. In one of the herbalists of the distant past it was written: “Such training with nettles, although extremely harsh and raises doubts about the kindness of parents, but they, these parents, do not realize that they are not only punishing their children, but also healing.” Nettle, a plant with a prickly character, should be considered very kind and useful for humans. This unassuming, semi-wild plant has more protein than parsley or celery. Even lemon is inferior to nettle in the abundance of vitamin C. And in terms of iron content, it is, perhaps, unrivaled. An infusion of its leaves helps with liver and kidney diseases, joint and muscle rheumatism, furunculosis, and acne.

Of course, it’s not very pleasant when suddenly somewhere in the forest you are stung by nettles, redness, blisters, itching. But these “bites” are useful and improve blood circulation. That is why they specially mark the “sore” place for rheumatism. Yes, nettle broom

has its undeniable advantages.
The pleasure for them to steam is great. You feel a slight, pleasant tingling sensation. The body instantly becomes ruddy. No blisters or discomfort. broom
with you to the bathhouse , the benefits of which, not to mention the pleasant sensations, are undoubted.

Wormwood broom . In Kazakhstan, in areas where there is no forest, they use - and not without success - a broom

ami from wormwood.
They are harvested soon after flowering, when the stems have become stronger but not dried out. brooms
also stored First they dry it in the shade, and then put it somewhere, say, in the attic or in the barn.

Combined broom

made up of branches of various trees and herbs: birch, oak, linden, cherry, ash, eucalyptus, currant, tansy, etc.
Every lover of a Russian bath
can, according to his desire and experience, create one or another bath “bouquet”.
The broom is made in a certain sequence: thicker branches are placed inside. This is the frame, the foundation of the future combined broom
Then, around these thick branches, a broom
and thinner branches of different types of trees.
Thus, you get an excellent dense broom
In the old days, the art of making brooms
Healers who mastered this skill and knew the healing power of herbs enjoyed great honor and respect among the people. Preparing a broom
for a bath procedure.

How to properly prepare a green broom

for a bath procedure, so that it brings pleasure and benefit, so that
the broom
can be reused 2-3 times?
Let's look at some rules for preparing various bath brooms

Fresh birch and oak brooms

and don't cause much trouble.
a fresh broom
in warm water, and it is ready to work in the steam room - whipping and steaming its owner.
cannot steam fresh brooms
in boiling water; this procedure will ruin them.

Dry birch and oak brooms

and require attention and trouble for their preparation.
First, the dry broom
is also rinsed in warm water, then it needs to be immersed in cold water for 1-2 minutes, and then kept in warm water for 5 minutes.
After you have kept the broom
in warm water, you need to add boiling water to the basin and leave
the broom
for another 5-10 minutes.
It is advisable to cover the basin in which the broom
with a lid, another basin or dense material so that
the broom
steams properly and begins to emit its aroma.
In the steam room, to enhance the aroma emanating from the broom
, you can additionally hold it over the hot stones of the stove for 15-20 seconds, turning it in different directions.
At the same time, you need to make sure that the broom
does not overcook or “overcook” (sticky leaves).

The second method of steaming a dry broom

but longer. It must be immersed in cold water for 5-10 hours in advance. Then, before going to steam, it is wrapped in a thin damp rag and placed in the steam room for 5-6 minutes on the bottom shelf of the shelf. After this procedure, the broom will be fragrant, soft and its leaves will not fall off for a long time.

There is another secret to preparing a “durable” broom

At home in the evening, a dry broom
should be rinsed in the bathroom, first with warm and then with hot water, shake off the water and put it in a large plastic bag.
On the next bathing day, this broom
can already be steamed in the steam room using an accelerated method, like a fresh
prepared in this way and the leaves almost do not fall off.

Birch broom

Use only 1-2 times, oak, as a rule, 2-3 times.
To reuse the broom
, rinse it in warm water and dry it.

Coniferous broom

and only use fresh ones.
They are steamed in a basin with boiling water for 15-20 minutes, covered with a second basin or lid. Steam until the needles become soft. Russian bath
who have very delicate and sensitive skin are not recommended to use pine

Coniferous broom

can be used 3-4 times by rinsing it well in warm water and drying it.

nettle broom

- both fresh and dry, must be specially prepared so that they do not burn the body.
The broom should be alternately transferred from hot water to cold water for 1 - 2 minutes, repeating this operation 2 times. After such preparation, the nettle broom
can be used, whipping any parts of the body without fear of burns.
If you need to treat radiculitis, rheumatism, joints with a nettle broom
, then for
the broom
to burn, you only need to dip it in boiling water for 1-2 seconds and then you can steam.
Before whipping the body with such a “scorching” broom
, you should steam thoroughly to warm up the skin.
For the best therapeutic effect, treat the body with a “stinging” nettle broom
with light touches.
A nettle broom
is used only once, like all other
and herbs (wormwood, St. John's wort, tansy).

Linden, ash, alder, rowan, cherry, currant broom

and (fresh and dry) are steamed in the same way as birch ones.
A broom
used 1-2 times, depending on the resistance of the leaf to falling.
When steaming broom
with boiling water (hot), be sure to use an aromatic infusion from leaves or pine needles.
If there is no decoction of medicinal herbs, then this aromatic infusion can be applied to the heater stones. It is very useful after a bath
to rinse your hair with this medicinal aromatic infusion, which helps strengthen hair and eliminates dandruff. Constantly washing your hair with an infusion of herbs or leaves gives an amazing effect: hair stops falling out, does not split, dry skin comes back to life.

Massage procedures using a broom


Russian bath without a fragrant, green broom

but loses its colorfulness, in a steam room without
a broom
and there is no fireworks of emotional colors, the therapeutic effect is reduced.

Carrying out various manipulations with a broom

om in the steam room is a kind of body massage, activating the skin, increasing blood circulation and sweating.
You don’t need to steam with a broom haphazardly, but perform the procedures in a certain sequence. Steaming with a broom
does not mean that you need to immediately whip yourself with all your might. This is a big mistake for beginners.

It is best to steam not alone, but together. Take turns “processing” the broom

ami each other. After all, the bath procedure requires a lot of effort. But when you are floating, you spend less energy, and the “efficiency factor” increases. Sweat is coming out more profusely. And, of course, the partner can see better from the outside which parts of the body have not yet been sufficiently steamed.

The one being floated lies on his stomach. broom in each hand

The broom is manipulated, not haphazardly, but in a certain sequence. There is no need to whip if you have the strength. The trick (and the point) is to inject
hot heat into the body with the broom

If the broom

dried out in the heat of the bath, soak it in warm water, but shake it off immediately.
It should be slightly damp. the broom
from the sides , like fans.
Smoothly, without rushing. Barely touching the body. First they pass through the legs, buttocks, back, and arms. In a word, the broom
goes along the body - from the legs to the head and back.
rustles and - one on the left side, the second on the right, then along the thighs until they reach the heels. And then again from heels to head, from head to toes. This route is repeated four or five times.

Those lying on the shelf feel a pleasant hot breeze. The skill of a steamer is also to feel the temperature in the steam room. If it’s too hot, act more carefully, more measuredly - use a broom

and in the hands of the steamer they seem to slow down, and at the head they completely stop their movement.
You have to be careful here. After a pause, lift the broom
up and down, and then lower them, but on the shoulders, torso and again on the legs.
The steamer walked a broom
along his body, and then shook them over his partner, who was lying in a pleasant slumber.
Beads of sweat glistened on his back. This means that the body has warmed up thoroughly. You can act more energetically. Walk the broom
over your back, smearing the sweat. Then again, like fans, fan the body. And all this is fast, energetic, easy.

Now lightly quilt the broom

On the back, lower back, hips, legs. And then what is called birch poultices. The steamer spins the broom
over his head so that the “green compress” warms up thoroughly.
Then he lowers it onto the body, say, onto the lower back, back or buttocks, and slams it on top, pressing it with a second broom
This is done easily and freely. Not so much by strength, but by skill. Such compresses are also made to order. Let's say lower back pain. broom
there several times .
It takes skill. He raised the broom
above his head to warm it up in the heat of the bath, and lowered it onto the body of his lying partner.
And the next “compress” is with the other side of the broom
, which retains the heat.

Then rub the broom

oh, like a washcloth.
Hold the broom
by the handle with one hand, and hold the palm of the other on the foliage and lightly press it against the body.
So move the broom
along the body.
Great massage! And then rub the broom
, like a washcloth, but more easily and gently.

Now it's time to roll over onto your back. Everything is repeated in the same sequence. But the load is already less. broom on the chest (heart area)

or a washcloth soaked in cold water.

The steamer is a kind of conductor. Conducting... a ferry. If the temperature on the shelf has dropped slightly, the broom

He doesn’t hit him, of course, with all his might, but applies the broom
to the body.
Then he carefully rubs his ward with birch leaves. If the heat of the bath is quite enough, it acts on halftones, only lightly touching the body broom
And if the heat is very strong, he lashes the broom
the broom
so that the heat wave pumped by one
is somewhat softened by the other.

What is the sequence of procedures for using a broom


Massage stroking is one of the first techniques for using a broom

and in the steam room, which increases blood circulation not only in the skin, but also in deeper tissues.
In this case, redistribution of blood, lymph and interstitial fluid occurs throughout the body. Essential oils contained in the leaves and branches of the broom
fall on the steamed skin, easily penetrate it and improve metabolism. It turns out to be a cosmetic effect on the skin, preventing its premature aging.

When the two of you are steaming; then one lies on his stomach, and the other with two brooms

ami begins to “process” him. Your comrade's hands must be in canvas or spacious leather mittens, otherwise blisters will quickly appear on the palms.

Begin the massage by stroking from the feet to the head and back. In the opposite direction one broom

should slide on one side, and the other on the other;
then a broom
and move it along the sides, thighs and calf muscles. This tight stroking should be repeated 2-3 times.

Compress is a procedure that is done after the end of massage stroking. The brooms are lifted up, they capture hot air and lower them onto the lower back, pressing for 1-3 seconds. This broom compress is applied 4-5 times to each area of ​​the body. This compress procedure is especially useful for radiculitis, injuries, and after physical activity.

Stretching is a massage technique that is recommended for pain in the sacrolumbar region. Both broom

and place it on the lower back and at the same time spread it to the sides: one
to the feet, the second to the back of the head.
Similar movements are also performed in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and knees. The brooms should touch the body tightly and not move through the air. If the air temperature in the steam room is high, and someone cannot stand the heat and asks for mercy, then the broom
should be moved slowly, without lifting them up.
In this case, the broom
needs to be periodically moistened in cool water. This massage technique is repeated 3-4 times.

Tapping and whipping are the most emotional techniques of a massage procedure with a broom


Quilting is performed with a light, quick movement of the end parts of the broom

but on the body. First along the back in all directions, then along the lower back, pelvis, thighs, calves and feet. The duration of the quilting procedure is 1-2 minutes. This type of self-massage can be continued with a subsequent, stronger technique - whipping.

Whiplash is a massage technique when a broom

lift it up, capturing hot air with it, and make 2-3 whips with the entire surface
of the broom
over all parts of the body. This massage procedure should be accompanied by periodic compresses.

Rubbing - the finale of the steam procedure with a broom

The procedure is performed as follows: take the broom
by the handle with your left hand, and with your right hand, lightly pressing on the leafy part, gradually rub the entire body. The upper part of the body can be rubbed in all directions, but the limbs only lengthwise.

The intensity of all these procedures should correspond to the temperature in the steam room. If it is low, then perform more energetic whippings and other broom

ohm, and if the temperature is high, then the movements
of the broom
should be careful and soft.
The broom should be periodically moistened with cold water. When you first enter the steam room, the duration of using a broom
should be no more than 6-8 minutes. In the second session, the duration should be reduced to 3-5 minutes, and repeated massage procedures in the second session are performed on individual areas of the body in a softer form.

Beginners are not recommended to use a broom

om on the first and subsequent visits to the steam room. Only by gradually increasing the time of your stay in the steam room to 8-10 minutes can a beginner allow himself to experience the pleasure of broom procedures for 1-2 minutes.

At the end of the paired broom procedures, you should not stand up suddenly. You need to sit on the bottom shelf for 1-2 minutes, and then you can leave the steam room.

How to steam yourself
a broom

Steam with a broom

You can go to a Russian bathhouse on your own.
First, you need to lie on your back and brush with a broom
, bending them at the knees.
The legs are stroked a broom
alternately from the feet to the hips, repeating these movements 3-4 times.
At high temperatures, the broom
should be moved slowly into the steam room, without lifting it from the body; at low temperatures,
the broom
should be moved vigorously, lifting it up from time to time.

After the feet, start using a broom

We touch the abdomen and chest, making 5-6 stroking movements from the hips and up the sides of the body, and then 4-5 movements across the body, moving to the arms, making 5-6 movements with a
from the hand to the shoulder joint. After this, you can sit down and start treating your back and neck; they need to be steamed in the same way.

Having finished stroking, you proceed to quilting, which is carried out in the same sequence as the previous procedure. In this case, you can independently pay special attention to certain areas of the body. During the procedures, sore muscles and joints are kneaded and massaged with fingers to enhance the effect of the broom


Self-massage broom

om has certain advantages.
Firstly, you yourself can easily change and dose the force of whipping and other broom
You also have the opportunity, if necessary, to use the broom
in order to better warm up some area of ​​the body.

Secondly, which is especially important in case of intense heat in the steam room, you can easily and quickly carry the broom

from one area of ​​the body to another, depending on how you feel.

Thirdly, you set your own duration of a particular pair procedure with a broom

ohm, as well as the total time spent in the steam room, in accordance with your well-being, thus regulating the load on your body.

Enjoy your bath!

Broom healer!

Birch broom

helps with pain and aching muscles after heavy physical exertion, cleanses the skin well in the presence of rashes and pustules, accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions, has a calming effect, and improves a person’s mood.
The advantage of a birch broom
is that it promotes the expansion of small bronchi, helps eliminate mucus and improves lung ventilation.
Therefore, a birch broom
is indispensable for asthmatics, experienced smokers and beginners.
After a bath
using a birch
and a decoction of birch buds, it’s surprisingly easy to breathe!
It’s not for nothing that in Russia at all times the birch broom
is one of the most beloved and widespread!

Linden broom

perfectly eliminates headaches, provides a mild effect on the kidneys (diuretic effect), accelerates sweating, has a calming, bronchodilator and antipyretic effect.
A linden broom
is indispensable for colds.

Oak broom

has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
It should be used by people with oily skin, as the oak broom
makes the skin matte and elastic.
The aroma of oak leaves prevents excessive increases in blood pressure in the steam room. Therefore, all Russian bath
who are prone to hypertension should use an oak
. It calms the nervous system after intense running, physical and mental stress. In ancient times, Russian tribes tried to settle only in oak forests - people gained strength and health there.

Alder broom

It is used mainly for colds, aching joints and muscles.

Fir, juniper broom

and stimulate sweating and increase blood circulation due to the effect of the resinous substances of these trees on the body.
Such brooms
provide a good massage to the muscles of the body; they are indispensable for pain in the spine, neuralgia, radiculitis and rheumatism.
Resinous substances perfectly disinfect steam air and prevent the spread of respiratory diseases: influenza, laryngitis, bronchitis. Fir and juniper brooms
are usually used in the evening, they promote good sleep.

Rowan, tansy broom

and enhance the processes of stimulation of the nervous system, eliminate the relaxing effect of the bath procedure, and prepare a person well for work.
Therefore, it is advisable to use a rowan or tansy broom
in the first half of the day, so that after
the bath
you will be “fresh as a cucumber.”

nettle broom

has a powerful local irritating, distracting and anti-inflammatory effect.
Nettle broom
is a good restorative remedy after prolonged physical activity, hard work, when you feel aches and pain in the joints, muscles and lower back.
All you have to do is whip from your heart in the steam room with this burning broom
, and all unpleasant pain will disappear.

Some steam room lovers prefer combined brooms

and, the basis of which is oak or birch branches with the addition of currant, linden, eucalyptus or cherry branches. A little wormwood, mint or oregano is also added there.

Thus, the broom

They are made, as a rule, from what grows nearby and is available to residents of one or another region of our country.
Of course, residents of forested areas of central Russia, the North or Siberia have the opportunity to choose
from a wide variety of herbs and trees growing there
. But even in the steppe you can find a way out by making a broom
from nettle, wormwood, tansy, and St. John's wort.
Every lover of a Russian bath
should choose
a broom
that is suitable for him, according to his state of health, and be attentive to his well-being before and after the bath procedure.

Questions and answers

Has the birch broom become sticky and sticky after soaking? Why did this happen and what to do?

Most likely, you took a freshly prepared broom that has not yet dried properly. Stickiness is a sign of the release of enzymes and resins that appear through the foliage under the influence of high temperatures. Some, on the contrary, strive to obtain this effect, while others point out its unsafety.

Is it possible to use fir brooms? Are they steamed the same way as spruce ones?

Fir is more difficult to find than spruce, but if it is available, you can prepare such brooms. They are no less healthy and steam in the same way.

What should you do if the leaves fall off an oak broom, but you soaked it strictly in cold water?

Check how long your broom has been in the water. Its excess causes swelling of the foliage, which becomes heavier and falls off the branches. If the broom has completely fallen off, then it makes sense to take a new one. The reason may also be a violation of raw material procurement technology.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the quality of a bath broom lies not only in its correct steaming, but also in its preparation. If the drying process is disrupted, then there is a risk that when it gets into the bathhouse, the foliage will simply fall off. Each type of raw material has its own requirements, compliance with which will allow you to obtain a good and high-quality instrument against hundreds of diseases.

Beneficial features

Oak has power and energy. It represents longevity, health and good spirits. Its bark and foliage contain tannins, polysaccharides and flavonoids that act against pathogenic flora. An oak broom in a bathhouse can improve well-being and prevent the development of chronic diseases. It is useful for hypertension or hypotension, varicose veins and sweating. Cleanses the skin, fights pimples and acne, and starts the process of restoring damaged tissue. Relieves stress, restores psycho-emotional state, improves mood, restores vitality, increases the flow of oxygen into the blood.

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