Russian bathhouse in photographs and pictures at different times

Author: Mithun Chakrabortenkov

25 September 2021 12:12

Tags: healthy DIY Russian sauna with light steam  



The Russian bath does not tolerate fuss. And you need to steam regularly, preparing your body to accept certain procedures. We sweat until we sweat. It takes all day. Russian bath day. The founder of the direction is bath master Georgy Borisovich Dobrovolsky.


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The well-known health formula “keep your feet warm, your stomach hungry, and your head cold” applies primarily to guests of a Russian steam bath. “A good bath is better than a hearty lunch!” Therefore, we come there only on an empty stomach, after visiting the toilet and freshening up with a warm shower. We always keep our feet warm. You should warm your feet before entering the steam room or, lying on a bath shelf, by lowering them into a bowl of hot water. We always breathe only through our nose.




Lying in the soft fragrant warmth, we return to our dear and serene childhood. The chilled soul thaws, the tired body is filled with life-giving warmth. Our heat center is the liver, the stove involved in hematopoiesis and purification of our blood. We help her warm up by stroking and steaming the liver area with a live birch or oak broom with delicious steam. This continues until the heart, responding to the thermal load, wants to rest with us and leave the steam room. The Russian bathhouse should only be enjoyed! The feeling of discomfort is eliminated by appropriate equalization of the steam-air environment “hot-warm-cool”. There is a phenomenon of the Russian steam room: “the body loves warmth, and the soul loves coolness.” The body is bathed in hot aromas, and we breathe “deliciously” and easily through a chilled bath broom, covering our face with it. During our entire stay in the steam room, terry sheets hang next to us, keeping us warm and dry. Thanks to this, when we leave the steam room, we always cover our sweaty and hot body with a dry and warm sheet. Relaxing in the living room after the first visit to the shelves. Coming out of the steam room and washing off the sweat in the hot shower, we relax in the living room at the sauna table. We do this sitting or lying down. The sheet retains our body heat longer and we continue to sweat. Thirst should never be tolerated, especially on our bath day. Fragrant herbal tea and hot honey sbitni are drunk in small sips in the living room, slowly and enjoying. This, and, if desired, a dry foot bath of heated rock salt, maintains a pleasant languor in the body for a long time and creates a feeling of deep peace.


Who reconstructed the baths

The development of Lanterns is being carried out by entrepreneurs Grigory Musil and Alexander Davidan, who also run the famous Tar Baths in the center of St. Petersburg.

When restoring the building, the contractors relied on neo-Russian style and high-quality materials. The authors wanted to restore the building to its original form, and also, if possible, return the decor and add only what was organic to the 19th century.

For example, an unpreserved fireplace in the Louis XVI style in the women's room was replaced by an antique model from the same times, ordered from France.

During the restoration, the famous steam rooms were preserved, and the stoves were repaired without making changes to the design. Some historical interiors were recreated, and the tiled fireplace in the men's classroom was restored.

The image of the updated “Lanterns” was created by the design bureau Megre Interiors together with the ideological leader of the renovation project Artyom Shakhnazarov.

We talked with Artyom about the effort it takes to restore a 150-year-old building and adapt the architectural design of the last century to new engineering realities.

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The building of the baths before restoration

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Baths after restoration


After the body has cooled down and the sweat on it has dried, we return to the steam room, increasingly using the heater and fanning, stroking and steaming our body with a broom, warming it up more and more. At the same time, peripheral blood circulation is gradually activated, breathing deepens and heart function increases. After a good warm-up, we wash off the sweat in a hot shower and, without covering ourselves with a bath sheet, go out to the hydromassage department. Mustard-salt ladka - rubbing after the second visit to the shelf On a warm massage trestle bed, well doused with boiling water, we, independently or with the help of a bath attendant, begin an extremely important and at the same time enjoyable bath procedure. With a mixture of ordinary table salt and mustard powder, moistened with bread kvass, or clean water, we thoroughly and thoroughly rub all the skin of the body with the exception of the face and eyes. In this way, the body is cleansed of dead layers of the dermis along with all its impurities, sweat, and sebum. At the same time, the skin is sterilized, freed from all pathogenic bacteria, while simultaneously stimulating all its physiological functions. Skin circulation is activated, and the osmotic effect of the salt solution on the body supports sweating. Having finished rubbing, we immediately or after resting until the salt dries on the body, we return without washing the salt from the body to the bathhouse shelf.


More banyas - good and different

Initially, at an early stage, the principle of heating a bathhouse in black was laid down. What it consisted of:

  • The bathhouse was as compact as possible and consisted, as a rule, of one internal volume - a steam room;
  • The sauna log house was very often buried in the ground to increase the level of thermal insulation of the walls, which was extremely important in the harsh conditions of the Russian North;
  • There was a stone hearth in the middle of the interior; wood was used as fuel. Smoke freely emanated from the firebox into the room and, washing the walls and ceiling, escaped into the atmosphere through openings in the walls and roof. Some of the smoke escaped through the slightly open door;
  • The entrance to the bathhouse, or rather the doorway, had a very high threshold, which prevented the entry of cold air from the street due to the absence of an intermediate room - a dressing room;
  • The absence of a dressing room also forced the construction of a canopy over the entrance to the bathhouse to store a certain supply of firewood and clothing;
  • The atmosphere and surfaces of the interior were saturated with phytoncides, especially when burning birch firewood with birch bark;
  • The smoke removal system, or rather its absence, forced a pause between heating the fireplace and the start of procedures for the flow of carbon monoxide - an inevitable companion to fuel combustion, especially in conditions of lack of oxygen;
  • The black sauna provided for preliminary cleaning and rinsing of the shelf from soot and other combustion products, and “releasing the first steam” of high intensity, for guaranteed smoke removal and final degassing. As in Vysotsky’s words: “I’ll get mad and I’ll go crazy…” there’s no need to get mad. It is necessary to prepare the black sauna well for the park.

There are many examples of such primitive baths preserved in ethnographic museums; a particularly interesting example is carefully preserved in Kizhi. In addition, in the northern outback such baths are still in use and not without success. The reasons are trivial - extreme simplicity of construction, high energy efficiency and fuel efficiency. Moreover, in the wake of increasing interest in national traditions, the reincarnation of the Russian black bath is noted, even in the conditions of the modern world and the achievements of progress. The main factor here is the special healing atmosphere of such a steam room, which, according to experts, is unattainable by other heating methods.

White bath - stability, means quality

A peculiar antagonist of the black bath is a bath heated in white. As a rule, the structure is more capital and much more spacious. There is a dressing room, a heating room, and the stove itself is, in some way, a work of art. A heater stove, depending on the type of stove and the material from which it is made, is either solid or flow-through. Visiting such a bathhouse has become a kind of ritual. The presence of a warm and dry dressing room simply requires a number of related procedures. From massage and honey wraps to drinking tea and healing infusions.

The bathhouse gradually turned into a kind of club and place for leisure activities. Moreover, well-equipped with high-quality steam, wood-burning spirit and a cozy atmosphere has become a classic commercial product - a source of income. The apogee of the commercial trend in the environment was the legendary Moscow Sandunovskie baths, the name of which has long become a household name.

Wood as the basis of the Russian bath tradition

A Russian bathhouse cannot be imagined without a wooden frame, a linden tub, oak firewood, alder benches and a birch broom. Wood gives life and is an indispensable attribute of its successful functioning.

The construction of a Russian bathhouse is simply unthinkable without wood. And wood has such an important indicator as thermal conductivity. Let's look at it by comparing different types:

Type of commercial woodThermal conductivity index
Siberian cedar95
Norway spruce110
Siberian larch130
Norway maple195
Scots pine150-400
Cork tree45

Attention! The specified parameters for calculating the thermal conductivity coefficient are valid at an outdoor temperature of −30 degrees C, indoor temperature +40 degrees C. For oak and pine, the first value is sawing commercial wood across the grain, the second - along.

Thus, cedar and spruce in northern conditions provided acceptable parameters for heat retention in such a room, which fully justifies their use both in ancient times and in modern conditions.

It is also worth looking at the properties of other types of wood that were traditionally used in the construction of a Russian bath:

  • Oak is a strong, durable material with a unique spicy aroma and beautiful texture, which acquires a noble shade over time. Commercial oak timber is expensive, the logs are heavy and, moreover, very difficult to process;
  • Larch is close to oak in its physical qualities and durability, but is somewhat cheaper. It has a rich and original wood color that lasts for years. Saturated with resinous inclusions that have a pronounced phytoncidal character;
  • Cedar continues the line of noble conifers, along with larch. Cedar lining is not a cheap pleasure, but it has a very beautiful, and in some ways even picturesque, texture. Resistant to pests and fungi. Inherently low coefficient of thermal linear expansion. Rich in resins, which, however, easily sublimate and deactivate under conditions of high temperatures and humidity;
  • The golden mean in finishing the structure of a Russian steam room, in terms of price and quality ratio, is linden. It is easy and predictable to process, fairly durable, and has a soft, unobtrusive coloring of solid wood. It is fragrant, and the aroma is healing for people with respiratory problems. Solid linden wood is not prone to cracking;
  • Alder is the queen of the steam room. The use of its wood guarantees a comfortable stay on the shelves, due to the exclusion of skin burns. The aroma of alder is long-lasting and, due to the fermentation of the resins, becomes even more pleasant over time. As the old bath attendants say, “red alder is ripening”;
  • Birch in a steam room is exceptionally good only in the form of brooms. Possessing a dense and uniform structure, its wood is short-lived in conditions of high humidity. If the bathhouse is exclusively dry-air, like an Irish one, then it’s a good option. But in the context of our topic, it’s still not relevant;
  • Aspen, pine and spruce are the most affordable options for interior decoration. However, aspen should be used only in dry parts of the bathhouse, for example in the dressing room, and should also be well protected, while conifers do not tolerate direct contact with moisture and abundantly secrete resin, which is saturated with heavy, low-volatile components.

A word from Experienced! It must be said that these types of wood and more can be used in accordance with their properties. And for the manufacture of bath utensils and bath items and other things. In general, bathhouses in Rus' do not know any bad or useless trees.


The presence of table salt on the body in combination with the vigorous salty steam in the steam room (for this we specially add a solution of sea salt in hot water to the heater) creates an extremely beneficial environment. Active cleansing of the body begins through all the skin, nasopharynx and lungs. The salty steam-air mixture we inhale organically and easily rejects the mucus and phlegm accumulated on the mucous membranes and membranes. And now the time has come for a real parka, our original Russian bath-broom massage! Through young, already cleansed skin, profuse sweat continues to rid the body of metabolic products, toxins and many impurities. Hot soapy birch massage after the third visit to the shelves. This is a continuation of the revival of the youth of our body. Having washed off the sweat in a hot shower and doused ourselves with cool water to freshen up but not cool the body, we return to the hydromassage department on a clean, heated massage table. The last, but equally enjoyable cleansing procedure is carried out with hot, well-whipped soapy foam with a fresh birch bath broom. Brooms made from other types of wood are not suitable for this purpose. To maintain a high temperature, the bucket of foam must be in a vat of boiling water, into which a bath broom is also dipped before starting work. Along with rubbing the body, which is performed both softly and with force, especially with a dotted, intermittent drawing of a broom over the body with weights from the hand of a massage therapist, other massage techniques are also used, but affecting the body through the broom foliage. In this case, it is unacceptable for soap foam to get into the windpipe. The alkali can spasm it until breathing stops completely, so caution is needed. The person’s face is covered with a fragrant broom. As a result of the soap-birch massage, the body acquires a blissful feeling of airy weightlessness and feels like it is easily breathing with rejuvenated skin. The final chords of this action are gentle, very slow dousing of the body, always alternating between very warm and slightly cool water. Begin pouring directionally, from the head to the feet, so that the washed off foam does not get on the face.


Rest room

The dressing room is the first room in which a person enters the bathhouse. This is the coolest and most spacious room; often there is a window in the dressing room.

This room is used for relaxation between “couple sessions”. A table is often set up inside the dressing room, where people gather to drink tea or something stronger and just talk. Sofas, armchairs or benches are installed around the table.

Advice! If there is high humidity in the dressing room, it is better to install wooden furniture. Fabric sofas and chairs can become infected with mold and mildew.

The interior and style of the relaxation room largely depends on the habits and preferences of the bathhouse owners. Here you can put a billiards table, a TV, a refrigerator with a microwave, or even a karaoke system.

An important accessory and irreplaceable part of a relaxation room in a bathhouse is dishes. It is better to choose original cups and plates with folk motifs in the ornament. The central decoration of the table in the bathhouse can be a Russian samovar, bright and colorful.


“If you steam your bones, you’ll fix your whole body!” The climax of the bath celebration is coming! A fierce battle with yourself! Our skin is cleansed, the body is deeply steamed, the purified hot blood circulates more freely, and we are already in vigorous steam. The time of sweet peace has passed. The time of inspired emotional and physiological recovery is coming. The skin burns, the blood boils, but “the steam doesn’t ache the bones, it doesn’t drive away the soul!” It begins “such a parka that the sky will be hot”, “the bones are softening, all the veins are humming”! Living bone loves warmth, and our goal is to warm up the most intimate part of nature - bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and the holy of holies - the hematopoietic red bone marrow! The place where forever young blood stem cells are born and live, which, as is now known, can turn into any other cells to restore damaged tissues of our body. That’s why “the day you steam, you don’t grow old”! People in whose lives the Russian steam room plays a significant role look surprisingly young and healthy even in their old age. Judging by their appearance, activity and mobility, they look twenty to thirty years younger. Bath procedures help strengthen and rejuvenate the senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, respiratory system of the entire skin and internal organs). A person becomes fit, energetic and efficient. Strength develops, the spine becomes more flexible, and elasticity appears in the tendons and lumbar muscles. From the bath shocks of a Russian person, “the wisdom of the whole organism and a feeling of inner freedom awaken in it.” So, having warmed up powerfully and deeply, we move on to contrasting procedures - diving into a cold pool, an ice hole or a snowdrift. Having emerged naked from the steam room and quickly washed off the sweat in a hot shower, we dive into the pool. We dive sharply, only in this case is rapid and simultaneous spasm of the entire peripheral circulatory system achieved. Pure hot blood quickly flows into our body, washing and healing the entire body. Taking a deep breath before jumping, we slowly and continuously exhale the air and jump into the pool in a “sitting” position. At the same time, we stretch our legs horizontally forward, and our arms to the sides. This achieves a slight slowdown in the descent to the bottom of the pool. Having cooled down in this way, we should not feel cold, but restore the warmth in a hot shower or by briefly returning to the steam room. All this is repeated again and again, until “the soul yearns for space” and feels the delight and joy of being.


Legends of deep antiquity

No one can say for sure when baths appeared in Rus'. Even in the pre-Christian era, they were a formed and independent product with their own culture and even traditions. Mentions of them can be found during the conquest of Constantinople by the Kyiv squad led by Prince Oleg from the Rurik family. Even then, the Russian steam bath was fundamentally different from its Byzantine relatives, who, in turn, were greatly influenced by Roman baths.

In fairness, it must be said that the bathing traditions of the Roman Empire were a classic reference product that used the most advanced technological achievements of that time for its arrangement. Even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire under the blows of the barbarians, its eastern part continued to profess and use existing developments in the field of hygiene and organization of bathing leisure.

But even such achievements, such chic and brilliance, which were inherent in Roman baths, did not in any way impress our ancestors, who, even in Byzantium, reserved for themselves the right to practice exclusively the Slavic bath rite. There is mention of our bathhouse in the classic written monument - “The Tale of Bygone Years”; sayings about the Russian bathhouse are attributed to Andrew the First-Called himself. European guests of our region, since the time of Peter and Catherine, also left their testimonies about our bathhouse. A product that is colorful, original and unforgettable.


Lying on the shelf in the fragrant and hot steam, we ourselves or with the help of the bathhouse attendant begin the general cold treatment. To do this, we use a whole arsenal of frozen items, combining the effects of cold and bath heat on the body, rejuvenating, warming and tightening our body. We relax after the fifth visit to the shelves in the living room with fragrant tea.


Modern solutions in the new architectural project of the Lantern Baths

We did not touch a single main wall, left all the ceilings in their original places, did not touch the windows, and practically did not lower the ceilings.

Under these conditions, a serious ventilation and water treatment system was created. But the main thing is that we managed to automate the restored sauna stoves.

This almost secret technology made it possible to establish an automatic control system for furnaces. So now we can monitor their performance at an advanced level. In Russia, as far as I know, there are no such technologies.


During the sixth visit to the steam room, we are already calmly relaxing in the gentle, light and fragrant steam. By continuing to sweat lightly, we gradually reduce the heat load on the body. Honey ladkiya - rubbing after the sixth visit to the shelves. Having washed off the sweat in a warm shower, we lie down on a clean, warm massage trestle bed for honey ladkiya - rubbing our body. Honey should be fragrant, soft, and not contain hard crystals. In this case, it is advisable to use 2-3 different types of honey, for example, amazing snow-white honey from white acacia flowers, golden May or linden honey, dark buckwheat honey. Before and after a honey massage, it is pleasant and especially beneficial to drink a glass of flower tea with the same types of honey. This simultaneous use of honey internally and externally gives a special healing effect and great well-being. In this action, it is important that the feet are warm and, if necessary, they can be warmed in a bowl of hot salt water or dry hot salt.


Why “Lantern” baths

In 1863, water supply began operating in St. Petersburg. According to the designs of the architect Pavel Syuzor, public baths began to be built in the city: more than ten “health complexes” were erected. It is important that Suzor viewed them this way: public spaces that solve several problems for a city dweller at once: hygiene, health, pleasant leisure.

On April 23, 1871, exactly 150 years ago, the “People's Baths” in Fonarny Lane were completed and named Voroninsky after their owner, merchant and academician Mikhail Voronin. Among the people, the name “Lanterns” or “Lanterns” quickly stuck to them.


Having rested well during and after the naked honey rub, we go to the steam room for the last time. At the same time, the temperature and humidity conditions in it should be maintained as moderate as during the first run (comfortable warmth). This is our last “clean” exit with a feeling of bliss and complete contentment. “The bathhouse fed me, melted all my joints, softened my tight cartilages.” After the seventh visit to the shelves, we wash our hair and dry our rejuvenated body for a long time and thoroughly in post-bath languor. There is no need to rush here. The song of restored health sounds in the body and you don’t want to leave this feeling of celebration within yourself. “No one ever gets sick in a Russian steam bath!” Now you should try to follow the special bath rule. “You should leave the bathhouse with the same humidity and body temperature as when you arrived.” In practice, this position can be performed in cold weather without going outside and taking a good nap in warmth and peace. And this also happens well during a friendly feast, a meal after the end of bathhouse battles. At this meal, Russian dishes are served: delicious and easy on the stomach fish boyar fish soup or large fish baked with spices and onions.


With pool, barbecue

To make your vacation more comfortable and useful, many tricks have been invented.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to a banal washing or shower stall if you have the opportunity to organize a swimming pool. Source Sauna with jacuzzi - an unforgettable experience on a winter evening! Source

Recreation is taken seriously here: a swimming pool, terrace and barbecue area. Source There is a carved log bathhouse and a swimming pool at the entrance. Life is good! Source Interesting format: a bathhouse with a gazebo and a barbecue area under a common roof. Source If you are lucky with the climate, set up a home spa. Source


In the Russian bathhouse, thanks to which everyone becomes beautiful and healthy, the broom rules! And a biting broom is worth more than money. Choose for yourself what to whip you with in order to get maximum pleasure and maximum effect. Birch broom Birch broom is a triple power of the healing properties of leaves, birch buds and sap. Birch leaves contain tannins, essential oil, vitamin C, carotene, and resins. Effective for aching muscles and joints after physical activity and exercise. Cleanses the skin well, accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions, has a calming effect, and improves mood. It helps improve lung ventilation, therefore, in fact, it is indispensable for asthmatics and experienced smokers. If you knit a broom yourself, knit it from curly birch, because its branches are flexible and lush. Oak broom Oak is a symbol of longevity, strength and physical health. Its bark and leaves are rich in tannins, so a massage with such a broom is better than any body wrap. If bath procedures are carried out regularly, blood pressure can be normalized. It is best to harvest oak broom in August or September: it is durable and has fairly wide leaves, which makes it easier to generate steam. Linden broom A bathhouse with a linden broom is prescribed at the first symptoms of a cold. Linden leaves contain a huge amount of essential oils and bactericidal substances. Its aroma will help get rid of headaches and have a soothing, relaxing and antipyretic effect. Eucalyptus broom The eucalyptus broom has two main advantages. Firstly, it acts as a stimulant, tones and promotes concentration. Secondly, eucalyptus is an excellent antiseptic. By putting eucalyptus infusion on a heater and inhaling the vapors, you get an inhalation effect on the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. By the way, it is not replaceable for bruises and sprains. Do not rush to steam with a broom consisting only of eucalyptus branches, because they still have a rather pungent odor. It is better to mix several branches of eucalyptus with birch, linden or oak. This should also be done because the eucalyptus branches are too thin and when swinging, a lot of effort is spent on generating steam. The broom is harvested in August. Willow broom Willow broom is for women: it has a very good effect on the skin, stimulates regeneration processes, helps maintain youthful skin, a proven remedy for colds, sore backs and rheumatism. A willow broom cannot be stored for a long time for future use - it must be used within a year, otherwise the willow wood will lose its freshness. Viburnum broom A bonus to the viburnum broom will be viburnum juice. Viburnum, by its action, is capable of mobilizing the internal forces of the body, so this broom is good for long-lasting colds or coughs. Branches for brooms were prepared in late spring or summer, when the leaves had fully blossomed, but the berries were still small. Only the youngest and thinnest branches were taken for the broom, and they were dried quickly in a well-ventilated, cool room to preserve the beneficial substances in the leaves. But the best, of course, are fresh viburnum brooms. They steam with such a broom in a special way. Firstly, the broom is soaked in lukewarm water and kept in the dressing room until the very moment of steaming. Secondly, they steam with a viburnum broom during the second and third passes (at the very end of the steaming), lying on the lowest shelf. All this is necessary in order to preserve beneficial substances in the branches and leaves, which are very quickly destroyed at high temperatures. And after the procedure - vitamin viburnum juice! Elderberry broom When steaming with an elderberry broom, try to heat the sauna not too hot, otherwise the healing effect will disappear. This broom will help you get rid of migraines and colds forever. Fragrant brooms (as well as brooms made from currant or cherry branches) are not brewed, because there is a high probability of getting burned - the leaves will instantly cook, become sticky and heavy. The most important thing is to organize the bath procedure correctly, then it will take place with maximum comfort and the desired effect.

With attic

The attic in the bathhouse is a place for a bohemian lifestyle. It’s so nice to relax here, chat, and lazily watch a movie. Rational owners will certainly arrange a full-fledged living room in the attic.

An attic with a balcony improves the appearance of the building and diversifies recreation (mainly in summer). Source An attractive bathhouse with an attic under a gable roof. This form of roof inevitably reduces the size of the room. Source Project in a modern style. They try to make the windows in the attic as large as possible; it is beautiful and convenient. Source Bathhouse made of timber with an attic room under an asymmetrical roof. Such a structure requires a solid foundation. Source Guests have a place to stay overnight. Source

Beautiful bathhouses inside are usually finished with wood. Natural material perfectly matches the relaxing atmosphere. Source

Tea, kvass, beer and excesses are bad

As is well known, in a steam room there is an active loss of moisture from the human body, and since the human body itself consists of 80% water, the losses must be restored.

The best option is herbal tea. It is herbal tea, since Indian, Ceylon and other overseas teas, in company with domestic tea - Krasnodar tea, provokes activation of the heart rate, which is useless in the relaxing atmosphere of a cool dressing room. In addition, the heart already worked actively in conditions of high temperatures. Linden tea, tea with oregano and thyme herbs are wonderful.

Classic village bread kvass quenches your thirst well. When baths appeared in Rus', this wonderful drink appeared around the same time. Bread kvass is rich in microelements, B vitamins, enzymes, which, in turn, are rich in one of its main components - grain malt.

Beer. Well, what is a Russian bath without this intoxicating, fragrant, foamy drink. When consumed in moderation, beer can provide some benefits, or at least not cause a devastating blow to your health. Excessive use is harmful. It is clear that everyone has their own norm, but practical and pedantic Germans calculated that a liter beer mug is the ceiling norm for a person of average build.

The whole truth about the Russian bath cannot fit into the volume of one article; it is a huge, interesting, original and practically inexhaustible topic. Many interesting facts were left outside the scope of this essentially review material. It is impossible to tell everything. But we will try very hard.

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