Russian bathhouse in photographs and pictures at different times

There is nothing better for a Russian person than a Russian bathhouse. Not many people know that the Russian steam room is one of the most popular and famous baths in the world. In many parts of the world there are lovers of this entertaining form of recreation. There is a logical explanation for this. The healing properties, sung since ancient times, are increasingly attracting steam lovers. The most important thing is that there are no age restrictions. From time immemorial, people have been steaming, as depicted by E.M. Korneev in the painting “Russian Bath”, painted in 1812.

Features of Russian doubles

Subsequently, the steam room came into use and became a national symbol , uniting people of different personalities, professions and religions in this activity. Artist V.A. Plotnikov the painting “In the Bath” from 1898 captured this moment. Many other famous artists and performers were not averse to taking a steam bath and rejuvenating both soul and body. In modern society, Russian steam rooms are common in rural areas, but in cities, a movement for a healthy life is slowly developing, and with it Russian steam rooms.

How not to mention the art of massage with brooms ? It’s art because one must also be able to masterfully wield this bath item. Brooms, as before, are used from birch, fir, oak, and linden. The choice largely depends on the health benefits you want to achieve. We know the healing natural effect of steam. Together with a wonderful broom and an experienced bath attendant, time will fly by unnoticed and useful. The canvas by Alexey and Sergei Tkachev “Family Bath” from 1982-83 conveys all the beauty and life of the family. All the attributes for a pleasant time in the bathhouse are visible.

Russian bath options

As the ancestors said, purification of the soul and body . Of course, our mother nature also helps in many ways; what would we do without medicinal plants and herbs. It turned out well to depict a truly Russian maiden after a steam room by the artist V.A. Plotnikov. in the painting “In the Bath” from 1898.

According to research, the steam room removes from the body:

  • slags;
  • excess water;
  • toxins;
  • takes away fatigue and stress.

As Arkady Plastov showed in the painting “Spring” of 1954, the most important feature that the Russian steam room has is, of course, the design itself. From time immemorial, the steam room was built from a wooden frame, which gives a colossal effect during the bathing process. Many foreign travelers have written about our Russian bathhouse.

Traditional Russian steam room is divided into three types:

  1. in black
  2. in white;
  3. inside the oven.

Five “NOT” for a fir broom

Everyone wants to get the maximum benefit from a bathhouse by using various brooms.

Regarding fir, it is important to remember 5 important recommendations:

  • Do not dry the broom in the open sun - ultraviolet radiation will dry out the needles, they will turn yellow and quickly fall off.

  • Do not constantly wet the broom during storage - it will lead to the formation of mold fungi, which will quickly destroy the needles.

  • Do not steam in boiling water - the branches will become bald, and essential oils with nutritional components will quickly be destroyed.

  • Do not store the broom in the dressing room - excess moisture will lead to rotting processes in the needles, which will make the broom unsuitable for subsequent use.

  • Do not apply force to the broom - the needles are quite sharp even after steaming, so you need to work with this tool very carefully, moving the broom in the direction of the growth of the needles.

And remember, fir brooms are not suitable for long-term storage. A fresh cut works best, as it retains the needles when steamed and releases more nutrients when heated.

Black steam room

The traditional steam room was called “black” and was hot and smoky . A stone stove was placed in the corner of the bathhouse, which heated and smoked heavily. To avoid burning our feet, straw was placed on the floor, as the floor became very hot. Along the walls, trestle beds-shelves were made, and steam lovers lay down or sat on them, enjoying the aromatic, delicious kvass and the smell of straw.

Kvass played a significant role , since it was periodically poured over the brazier, and the steam room was filled with the aroma of the drink, and the air became more humid. Because of the open fireplace, the heat warmed not only the stones, but also the wooden walls. The smoke came out through a vent in the ceiling or through the door. Usually there was a boiler for hot water and a heater made of stones. The bathhouse was heated with wood, preferably hardwood. Z.I. Letunov, in his work “Russian Baths,” reflected the whole essence of those times.


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Steam room inside the oven

The word “laznya” in Ukrainian comes from another type of steam room - a sauna inside a stove. The stove was large enough to fit into. The stove was heated, water was heated in cast iron, the heat was removed and the floor was covered with straw. After that, you could climb in and wash yourself inside the oven.

Now the Russian steam room is becoming increasingly popular among young people. Quite often, a steam room is built next to a pool or bet containing cool water. Scientists have proven that the ancient tradition of jumping steamed into cold water or rolling in snowdrifts has a beneficial effect on the body, strengthening it as a whole, and also has a positive effect on the immune system and the heart and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, this process is clearly visible in the creation of Nikolai Feshin “In the Bath” 1923 of the year.

After a dull workday, a Russian steam room is just what the doctor ordered. It is recommended to almost everyone. In the bathhouse you can spend a fun and comfortable evening with friends, hold an informal meeting, or enjoy pleasant aromas and improve your health alone. It’s not for nothing that even in the old days a bachelorette party was held in a bathhouse, as Firs Zhuravlev tells us in his creation “Bachelorette Party in a Bathhouse” from 1885.

Paintings by famous artists on the theme of Russian steam room

As the outstanding German scientist Olearius wrote, “Russians adhere to the custom of washing in a steam room, and therefore they have many baths in cities and towns.” As we see in the photograph “Bath” by Zinaida Serebryakova.


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Installation of a steam room in a bathhouse

The process of constructing a steam room in a bathhouse consists of several main stages:

  • development of a design for a bathhouse and all its components: dressing room, steam room, internal contents of the steam room (what kind of shelves, heater, lighting, accessories and even stones are needed for the steam room in the bathhouse);
  • calculation of the amount of materials needed;
  • design and calculation of ventilation ducts;
  • laying a brick stove on a concrete base;
  • finishing of walls and ceilings with waterproofing and heat-insulating materials;
  • covering the steam room with natural wooden materials (lining, boards)
  • placement of shelves (beds), installation of lighting and lighting;
  • filling with decorative elements and special devices.

As you can see, making a steam room in a bathhouse is not difficult; it is important to be patient, as well as certain knowledge and skills.

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