How to paint a brick stove in a house: types of paints, application methods

Category: For the bath, For the cottage, Stoves Published 11/26/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 7 min

The stove is not only a source of heat, but also an invariable part of the furnishings in houses with a similar heating system. For a number of reasons, the structure must be painted. There are several possible ways to paint a brick stove in a house. The work involves several stages.

Furnace cladding methods

The question of how to paint a brick stove does not arise if the lining is made with clinker material. For the construction of the masonry, red brick is used (without voids), and the structure is faced with clinker bricks.

It is ceramic, made from fireclay, feldspars and clay minerals. This combination is not afraid of heat and looks attractive.

Clinker cladding is not always suitable, so the question is what can be used to paint a brick structure.

There are several options:

  • painting a brick oven;
  • plastering, then water-based paint;

  • varnish coating - a special heat-resistant product is used;

  • applying a pattern (painting, relief), fixing it with varnish.

The selected coating should look beautiful, be heat-resistant, serve for a long time without losing its attractiveness.

Lime and chalk

These two solutions are often practiced when the question arises: how to paint a brick oven.
The key word here is “brick”. The choice of coloring matter will also be appropriate. The paint must have good penetration. Further differences will affect the room in which the object is located. If in a bathhouse, then the relevance of moisture resistance and invulnerability to steam increases; if in a living room, beauty is important; in garages and industrial premises, strength is important. Stoves in garages and other non-residential premises are often subject to mechanical stress - accidental impacts from handling tools, etc. Accordingly, the paint layer must adhere as tightly as possible.

Perhaps these are the most ancient and life-tested methods.

  • Advantages:
  • financial inclusion;
  • ease of preparation of the composition;
  • ease of application;
  • antifungal effect (in the presence of lime).

the need for multiple applications (otherwise the transparency of the top light layer against the background of the dark bottom layer is guaranteed);

Lime and chalk are absolutely not suitable for painting red brick stoves. In the absence of experience, it is quite difficult not to make a mistake with the consistency;

  • zero moisture resistance (accordingly, such solutions are unacceptable for sauna stoves);
  • Both lime and chalk are problematic to apply to old water-based layers. But applying the solution after plastering is an ideal option.

Useful tips from the experts

  • Experts recommend:
  • Focus on the thickness of thick kefir or liquid sour cream. This mixture will not spread during application;
  • add 30-40 g of salt, previously dissolved in warm water. This will increase the strength of the applied mixture;
  • Before starting work, if possible, remove old chalk and lime layers, thoroughly wet the base with water using a spray bottle or a wide soft brush;
  • for painting, use brushes only with natural bristles, and in some cases you can use a foam roller or short-pile fur roller;
  • Apply each subsequent layer on top of the previous one only after it has dried.

As for the number of layers, there should be 2-3 layers in total. Primary, main and fixing.

What are the reasons for working?

Can it be applied to brick, metal, enamel? As a rule, lime and chalk are used for painting brick substrates. For example, if you need to renovate a Russian stove in a residential building or a brick or stone structure in a country house.

Iron is sometimes also coated with lime (almost never with chalk), but the result quickly disappears - the coating literally comes off in patches within a few months after the work has been completed. It is best to work on iron substrates with special paints.

Neither lime nor chalk are categorically compatible with enameled bases - the applied solution is repelled by a too dense smooth base.

Requirements for oven paint compositions

The paint must withstand high temperatures and not release toxic substances

A stove is a complex device from the point of view of operating conditions, so certain conditions are imposed on the choice of paint. The material must be resistant to high temperatures. The heating ranges of different parts of the furnace are different, which must also be taken into account. The iron part heats up more, so it needs a more heat-resistant composition.

Based on the degree of resistance to elevated temperatures, paints for brick stoves can be divided into fire-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. The former can withstand temperatures up to 1800°C. They are expensive and are almost never used in everyday life. Heat-resistant painting materials can withstand temperatures of 600°C – 1000°C. Used for painting iron parts in the stove. To paint the body, special heat-resistant paints are used that can withstand 200-400°C.

Also, the coloring composition must meet the following characteristics:

  • Safety. When heated, no harmful substances should be released. For this reason, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the composition of the paint before covering a red brick stove with the mixture.
  • Thermal conductivity. The composition should not interfere with heating the room and reduce the efficiency of the stove.
  • Resistance to household chemicals. Must withstand routine care procedures.
  • Elasticity. Cracks should not form during temperature fluctuations.

There are several types of paints and varnishes for the stove.

Which one is better to use?

How to paint a metal stove in a bathhouse? To do this, it is necessary to buy heat-resistant or organosilicon enamels, varnishes that can withstand heating up to 6000. The layer must maintain its solidity and prevent the formation of rust on the structural steel from which inexpensive bath “units” are made.

As a rule, dark colors are used, even black. It increases the heat transfer level of the furnace. Aluminum based paint is not recommended. The most in demand are organosilicon enamels from Russian and foreign manufacturers. It contains:

  • organic resin;
  • aluminum powder;
  • organic radicals;
  • silicon base and oxygen.

Now let's look at specific brands:

  1. The leader among domestic brands is Cetra. Available for different heating temperatures. Black enamel can withstand heating temperatures up to 9000.
  2. Another heat-resistant paint, produced in cans and having good properties at a low price, is heat-resistant enamel of the Kudo brand.
  3. Among foreign manufacturers, we can highlight the Finnish “Thermal” from.

How to paint a metal stove in a bathhouse from the inside? For this it is better to use fireproof paint. Its only disadvantage is its high price.

Functions of the paint and varnish coating of a brick heater

Painting a stone heating device is carried out for the following purposes:

  • protection of the stove surface from absorbed contaminants, and clothing from brick dust upon contact with brickwork;
  • facilitating daily care, that is, maintaining the necessary sanitary and aesthetic condition;
  • increasing the decorative design class of the unit;
  • adapting the design of the heating device to the existing interior.

Brick heaters coated with colorless heat-resistant varnish

If the bricklaying was done without sorting the stone by color, then painting the body with a heat-resistant paintwork material (paint and varnish material) of one or more colors will correct the situation. But even a stove finished with face brick is transformed after applying, for example, a colorless paint coating, which gives a richness and matte hue to the stonework.

Preparatory work

Without them, at a low level of adhesion, the coating applied to the surface can peel off, because when heated, it expands. The oven must be inspected before painting. If the brickwork was carried out only recently, then it does not require special preparatory measures and you only need to remove the existing dust from it.

In cases where it is already plastered, the thickness of the layer should be determined. If the coating exceeds 1 cm, then in this situation there is a significant reduction in heat transfer. Plaster coating that is too thick must be removed. If its thickness is within normal limits, then the layer should be removed only in places of shedding. If you need to remove all previously applied material from the oven, you must use a metal brush, a narrow spatula or a drill with a brush attachment installed.

Afterwards, the remaining defects must be eliminated using sandpaper, and cracks, holes, seams and plastered areas must be treated with a lime-gypsum or lime-clay mixture to level and give it a smooth and attractive appearance. In addition to them, in specialized stores you can purchase ready-made compositions designed specifically for brick stoves. When the stove surface is in ideal condition, then such actions are not necessary.

It is also not always necessary to remove old paint. If the current coating does not have significant damage, then in most cases you only need to remove dust and dirt with a damp cloth. After drying, you can coat the oven with a new layer, taking into account one important nuance. It lies in the fact that it is necessary to paint with a mixture of the same variety that was used earlier, which is why it must be determined in advance.

As an example, you can take chalk paint, which will not adhere to a surface treated with lime whitewash, since the fresh coating will fall off. In the opposite sequence, a similar result will be obtained. If it is not possible to find out exactly what material the stove was previously treated with, then the best solution is to completely remove it, to avoid possible negative consequences.

In addition, before you start painting the stove surface, you should completely cover it with a deep penetration primer, which will increase the level of adhesion and provide other positive properties. After waiting for the mixture to be completely absorbed, you can begin applying the selected coloring composition.

The need to paint the stove

When deciding on the choice of paint and varnish material, you should understand the purpose of such treatment:

  • protection of the base of the structure - a paint or varnish layer prevents cracks in the masonry and their growth;
  • giving smoothness to the rough walls of the structure, while improving heat transfer;
  • modern look, harmony with the surrounding environment.

Do I need to paint or is there an alternative?

It is recommended to paint the metal before laying the heat-resistant brick screen and cover the inside of the tank. Instead of painting, bluing is used (details below) or other methods are used:

  • Eco-friendly surface treatment with silver is quite effective;
  • A budget option is red lead, used in metallurgy;
  • A heat-resistant mixture of lime and cement provides good protection against oxidation.

It is recommended to paint the metal before laying the heat-resistant brick screen and cover the inside of the tank.

Types of paints

As already noted, not every paint will withstand the test of a hot surface and high humidity. Therefore, when intending to paint the stove and water tank, you should be very careful when choosing a paint composition. Special products are based on silicone or other substances containing silicon. With sufficient heating (up to approximately +150°C), polymerization occurs, as a result of which the paint fuses into a durable film that can withstand all types of external influences and prevent rust. The most well-known compositions include the following types:

Advantages of paint KO-8101

  1. Paint KO-8101. The most affordable option, guaranteeing a service life of up to 15 years.
  2. Varnish KO-85 based on organosilicon. Shows excellent results in conditions of high humidity, is not afraid of rust, but the maximum temperature withstand is only 250 degrees, and this may not be enough.
  3. Enamel KO-8111. A high-quality composition that not only provides the necessary level of protection and meets environmental requirements, but also pleases with a wide range of shades.
  4. Heat-resistant paint "Certa". Quite popular in the CIS countries, it has the additional name OS-82-03T.
  5. Enamel KO-8222. A coating that has the best heat resistance, up to 800°C. Because of this advantageous property, it has a high price.

In addition to painting the sauna stove, you need to take care of the hot water tank; special attention should be paid to treating it from the inside. There are several “old-fashioned” methods for this:

  1. Application of aluminum powder provides not only protection against rust, but also environmental safety.
  2. A solution of lime and cement in equal proportions. The water tank is coated inside with this mixture and dried.
  3. Treatment with red lead, which can be easily purchased in stores.

A number of modern means have been developed with which you can forget about the problem of rust forever:

  1. Anti-corrosion composition TsVES No. 2, containing zinc powder and ethyl silicate.
  2. The already mentioned heat-resistant “Certa”. The service life of the coating in a bathhouse is 7 years or more.
  3. Zinc-containing enamel "Ekotsin". Additionally, it protects against mechanical damage, which is a significant plus: the walls of the tank will not be scratched when you are trying to get rid of scale.
  4. Enamel KO-422. Treatment with this composition is called “cold galvanizing”.

Features of choosing paint for the stove

You can’t paint a stove with simple paints: the highest temperatures they can withstand are 45−55°C. During the first fire, this coating will swell, begin to change color before your eyes, bubble, and also spread “aromas” and smoke. Therefore, special compounds that can withstand elevated temperatures are clearly needed.

The degree of heat resistance required will depend on the type of oven. If it is a metal stove, then it can heat up more than 700-900°C: the temperature is higher in the combustion zone, but taking into account the design, the outer walls may not heat up so much. For the outer surface of the brick, increased values ​​are not required - 300 °C is quite enough.

An important requirement is that the fireproof metal paint for the furnace must be suitable for interior painting. For sauna stoves, it is best that it also protects against high humidity

Terminology of thermal paints for metal

Fire-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant paints are suitable for painting surfaces with elevated temperatures. Fire retardants should not be used. Although the name is similar, the purpose of this paint is completely different: when heated to a certain temperature (about 150°C), it bubbles, blocking the access of oxygen to the structure, thus preventing its destruction. Quite a useful effect, but not in the case of a stove.

  1. Heat-resistant paints, as a rule, have a range of application up to 700 degrees. These compounds can be used to paint metal elements of fireplaces and brick stoves, and metal heating stoves. It is not advisable to coat the body of metal sauna stoves with these paints, since in some places the temperature increases to 900 °C. For them, there are heat-resistant enamels that can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.
  2. Fireproof paint for metal can withstand open fire. Their operating temperature is even higher; however, these compositions are unprofitable for household use, as they are quite expensive.
  3. There are also high-temperature paints that are used to paint heating system radiators. As a rule, they behave normally if they heat up to no more than 250 °C. They can only be used for brick kilns - they are perfect for tinting the surface or painting seams.
  4. There are also heat-resistant varnishes. They normally tolerate temperatures up to 300−350°C. If you treat a brick with this varnish, the surface will become brighter, acquire color and shine.

Application for different surfaces

In order to decide what paint to paint the stove with, you need to pay attention to what surfaces this composition is intended for. Often the scope of application is indicated on the packaging in large letters.

For example, fireproof paint for metal. If the scope of use is extensive, then it is indicated in a smaller font, but it must be on the packaging, like the brand name. If this data is missing, refuse to purchase. Most likely, this is a fake, and the combination of high temperatures and dubious quality is dangerous to health.

In addition to temperature resistance, paint for a metal sauna stove must protect against high humidity. In this case, it will last longer.

Color selection

Heat-resistant paint is usually found in silver, gray and black. Other shades need to be looked for, but they also exist: red, white, blue and green. The coating can be glossy or matte.

Matte black thermal paint is commonly found, but some manufacturers have different shades and colors.

What kind of stove

So, some are looking for how to paint a stove in a metal bathhouse, while others are interested in how to paint a brick stove - we have answers to both questions.

Made of metal

Metal stoves for bath procedures are made of either steel or cast iron.
Both circumstances are not particularly significant when choosing paint - it is much more important that the paint is particularly heat-resistant, because it will have to withstand the temperatures of a hot stove. On sale you can find paints with different temperature limits, which are formally expressed in its definition:

Heat resistance is a word that defines the relationship of paint to temperatures up to 600 degrees. However, you can find a clearer definition on the label - there are paints that can withstand up to 200 degrees (they are useful for painting heating radiators, not your stove).

BY THE WAY! There are heat-resistant varnishes, the limit of which is around 250-300 degrees - also not an option for a stove, but they can be useful in its environment.

Heat resistance is a loose concept, but this is the name given to paints that can withstand the temperature we need above 600 degrees. Their upper limit is somewhere around 1000 degrees. It is this category that comes in handy when you need to paint the outside of a metal stove in a bathhouse(!).

Because inside it is better to use paints that are called “fireproof”, which means the following: they are not afraid of contact with open fire.

IMPORTANT! Don't confuse "fire resistance" with "fire protection". There are paints that protect the surface they cover, inflating like a pillow and preventing fire from reaching this surface, at the same time depriving it of oxygen supply

Do not cover the stove with them))).

So, to summarize: you can paint an iron stove in a bathhouse on the outside with heat-resistant paint and on the inside with fireproof paint.

All that remains is to choose the application method, taking into account that by choosing a brush, you slightly increase the amount of paint consumed (compared to a spray bottle, for example), but you benefit in price if you compare it with the price of paint in spray cans. Heat-resistant paint can be applied as usual - with a brush, spray gun, roller or spray can.

Heat-resistant paint can be applied as usual - using a brush, spray gun, roller or spray can.


The question of painting bricks does not arise very often. Previously, stoves were either left as is or painted with lime, but more often they were plastered brick stoves.

In general, stoves were plastered not just to make them more beautiful, but to ensure that the brickwork did not lose its integrity, because over time, all these temperature changes during kindling in the cold, for example, affect the masonry - it cracks, becomes painted, and opens up smoke into the room.

Therefore, the stove was plastered and covered with lime so that the cracks, which were blackened by the smoke, could be immediately seen.

Nowadays, this is more often done with chimneys, and sauna stoves are preferred to be left “in their natural state” - with bare brick. But there are also designers who paint bricks in different colors, using modern paints - this is another way to make the interior more attractive.

So, you can either whitewash the stove with lime or chalk, or paint it with the same heat-resistant paint. And as an example, we’ll show you a video where a stove was painted red and gray using CERTA:

But this, by the way, is a question: is it worth taking paint with a limit of 750 if such temperatures do not occur close to such temperatures on the surface of the brick? After all, the higher the limit, the more expensive the paint - you could have gotten by with heat-resistant ones...

Types of professional materials

The range of paints and varnishes for stoves is presented by Russian and foreign manufacturers. You can find paint for any budget with any characteristics. The product can repaint the stove a different color or give it a darker or lighter shade.

Organosilicon compounds

This type of composition includes various mixtures created on the basis of organic resins. These can be paints, varnishes, enamels. Used for exterior finishing work and painting interior elements in the house. The choice of dye and its characteristics is determined by its purpose.

To cover the surface of stoves and fireplaces, heat-resistant silicone paints are used. When purchasing, it is important not to confuse the composition, since moderately heat-resistant solutions are produced with a similar name. They cannot withstand temperatures above +100°C.

The positive features of such mixtures include:

  • Good adhesion. The paint is easy to apply to any texture.
  • High strength.
  • The formed shell protects the oven well from moisture.
  • Long service life.
  • Good heat resistance and elasticity. The paint can withstand about 250 cooling and heating cycles without losing its properties.

The coloring matter has one significant drawback - the limited color palette. This is due to the chemical composition and scope of application.

To apply enamels and paints, use a roller, brush or spray gun.

Heat-resistant acrylic paints

The group of heat-resistant acrylic paints includes water-based or hydrocarbon-based materials made from acrylates. They are able to withstand temperatures up to 400°C depending on the composition. In domestic conditions, water-dispersion paints are most often used, although water-based substances can be used.

Alkyd emulsions

The name of the substance “alkyd” consists of two definitions - alcohol and acid. Emulsion paint contains an alkyd varnish, a coloring agent and a solvent, which is most often white spirit. Also, different types of paints may contain marble and granite dust, as well as additives against fungi, mold, and fire.

Alkyd emulsion is used to coat the body of a stove or fireplace. The temperature on the surface should not exceed 100°C - this is the main disadvantage of such products. At the same time, the color palette is very diverse. It is also important to note the low elasticity of the solution. It does not withstand temperature expansion, which is why after a year small cracks form on the painted surface of the stove.

Heat resistance is increased by adding aluminum powder to the water-based solution. But such compositions are not suitable for painting stoves and fireplaces.


We must not forget about additional decor and harmonious coverage. A stove arch often turns black from smoke, regardless of the quality of the brick coating. To cover this part of the stove, you can use metal elements or decorative stone overlays.

The color scheme is also important, which should be in harmony with the room and furniture. It is better to choose a color based on the shades of the floor, ceiling or walls. Remember, if clear enamel is used for painting, it will still have the tint of the wall.

If you decide to install additional decorative elements, then it is important to choose the right adhesive composition for them. Not all substances can hold elements on a painted wall for a long time.

You can create an unusual design using different paint colors. For example, paint all the bricks in different colors.

Combination of paint, lime and metal elements Source

How to prepare mixtures for painting yourself?

In your opinion, does a home-made mixture for painting a brick oven have an advantage over a purchased option? Yes No

There are many options for how to paint a brick oven. You can make the coloring mixture yourself.

Based on chalk and lime

The heating structure can be covered with a solution of chalk or lime. To prepare it, it is enough to dilute the selected dry product with water, observing the proportions of 1:1.5. You can make the coating stronger by adding 0.15 kg of table salt for every 1 kg of solution. Another option is wood glue, add 10 ml per 1 kg. The adhesive additive gives a yellowish tint, which can be eliminated with blue (2 ml per 1 kg).

The quality of the solution is also enhanced by the addition of natural drying oil.

Homemade mixture has several advantages:

  • minimum costs;
  • resistance to humidity;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • excellent hiding power.

Using a chalk or lime solution, you need to know how to paint a brick stove correctly. The composition should be applied in several layers. The next layer of chalk mortar must be applied only after the previous one has dried, but for a mixture based on lime this waiting is not required.

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The disadvantage of whitewash is that it is easy to wash off. If you need to update the paint layer or want to replace it, this minus turns into an advantage.

Criteria for choosing a mixture for coloring

Having made sure that applying paint is not only highly desirable, but mandatory, you should decide what qualities and technical indicators the purchased mixture should have in order to provide complete protection for the stove and withstand various kinds of negative influences over a long period of time. One of them is high temperatures, which can quickly lead to damage and peeling of the coating, which was created using an inappropriate composition.

Taking this into account, you should choose a color mixture that meets the following requirements:

  • Its composition must contain non-flammable components that are difficult to melt, so that even under the influence of extremely high temperatures they can preserve their positive qualities and original technical indicators. Taking this into account, when purchasing a particular mixture that will later be used when painting the stove, it is imperative to pay attention to what temperature it can withstand without causing any kind of damage.
  • Environmentally friendly. The selected composition must not contain hazardous components, since when the stove surface is heated, they can be released into the air and harm the health of residents and pets. If heat-resistant enamels are preferred, then the solvents contained in them must be completely evaporated in a short time during the drying process. Otherwise, you should choose mixtures that are water-based or solvent-free and do not contain toxins, which can be verified by reading the instructions on the container.
  • Elasticity. In case of temperature changes, which will necessarily be significant, cracks should not appear on the surface of the finished coating.

  • Resistant to household chemicals used for cleaning.
  • Thermal conductivity. The applied coating must allow heat to pass through freely and not lead to a decrease in the heating efficiency of the stove.
  • The layer of paint on metal elements must withstand high temperatures, reaching +600°C or even more, without damage.

In addition, you need to choose a mixture that is resistant to moisture, dries quickly and has a long service life. It is equally important that its color also matches the interior of the room and the objects that are present in it.

What paint is best to paint a brick fireplace?

The use of conventional paints and varnishes for the practical and beautiful design of fireplaces and stoves is not suitable, given the strong heating of the surface. This will require a special heat-resistant composition, which contains components that can withstand extremely high temperatures. Thus, the ability of fire-resistant paint without loss of performance is visible even at 650 °C. This indicator is quite enough to withstand the combustion temperature of firewood at 300 °C.

Important! To paint metal heating structures, the operating temperature of the composition used must be greater than 600 °C.

When choosing heat-resistant paint, you should pay attention to its application features; it should be a paint and varnish material for indoor work. If the heating device is contained in a bathhouse, the paint must have a high degree of resistance to high humidity. Preference should be given to enamels that can withstand heating at 800-1000 °C. Surfaces exposed to high heat must be treated with heat-resistant, heat-resistant or fire-resistant compounds.

To obtain a glossy shine on a fireplace or stove, heat-resistant varnishes are used, characterized by their ability to withstand temperatures of 300 °C

1st place – Elcon (varnish)

Special varnish from a well-known Russian manufacturer of heat-resistant paints. The appearance of the treated surface, depending on the number of layers, can be from matte to semi-glossy.

One can is enough for approximately 2 m2 of brickwork. For a standard size oven when painting in 1 layer, 2 of these sprays are required


  • color: transparent;
  • maximum temperature (°C): 250;
  • packaging: spray can, jar;
  • displacement (l): 0.52 (can), 0.8 (can);
  • gloss: matte or semi-gloss.

Drying time is 3 hours, and for complete polymerization 3 days at room temperature are enough. The recommended number of layers is 1-2. Product consumption is 120-150 g/m2 for metal and up to 200 g/m2 for not very smooth brick.

The product is not demanding on application conditions. Work can be carried out at low temperatures and at high (up to 80%) relative humidity.

2nd place – Elcon (paint)

Russian-made paint often found on the market. One of its significant advantages is the possibility of machine tinting and achieving almost any color.

Black paint can withstand the highest temperatures (up to 1000°C). Then there are the color options: gray, gold and copper (up to 700°C)


  • color: 250 shades;
  • maximum temperature (°C): 250-1000;
  • packaging: spray can, jar, bucket;
  • displacement (l): 0.52 (can), 0.8 (can), 25 (bucket);
  • gloss: matte or semi-gloss.

Pigmentation leads to a decrease in the maximum permissible temperature. But for many color solutions it is still quite high (600°C or more), so it can also be used to coat metal parts of brick stoves and fireplaces.

3rd place – Rust-Oleum Specialty High Heat

Universal enamel, with the best permissible temperature indicator among paints in this rating. But it has a fairly high price, since the company enjoys well-deserved respect due to the high quality of its products.

The paint has good qualities - it adheres reliably to the surface and dries quickly. The label and all the information are in English, but you can use the aerosol correctly without instructions


  • color: transparent, black, aluminum;
  • maximum temperature (°C): 1090;
  • packaging: spray can;
  • displacement (l): 0.52;
  • gloss: matte.

This composition is used mainly for painting metal products, although it can also be applied to brick and concrete bases. This is very convenient, since one product can be used to treat both the walls of a stove or fireplace and very hot metal elements, without having to buy heat-resistant metal paint separately.

4th place – DAP Derusto Heat Master

This enamel is universal and suitable for painting surfaces made of brick, concrete and metal. Made in the USA. It has good quality and a high price.

In terms of its quality, this paint is similar to a higher-rated position, but is characterized by a lower maximum permissible temperature. But for brick surfaces this does not matter


  • color: silver, black;
  • maximum temperature (°C): 538;
  • packaging: spray can;
  • displacement (l): 0.52;
  • gloss: matte.

Usually one coat is enough for painting, and the drying time is 4 hours. After this, it is necessary to carry out thermal hardening. The paint lasts a long time on the surface and is resistant to physical impact.

5th place – Dufa Scwarzer Peter

High-quality and expensive black enamel from a well-known German manufacturer is one of the best representatives of the “family” of heat-resistant enamels. It is expensive and has small packaging, so it is used only for covering small surfaces.

This paint is rarely used for stoves due to its high cost. But if you need to treat a small area, you can use it


  • black color;
  • maximum temperature (°C): 140;
  • packaging: jar;
  • displacement (l): 0.125;
  • gloss: glossy.

Dufa products have lower temperature resistance than all other types presented in the rating. Therefore, before using this heat-resistant paint to cover the surface of a brick stove or fireplace, you need to make sure that the masonry does not heat up to temperatures above 140°C.

The paint does not require heat hardening. The interlayer drying period is a day, although usually only a single-layer coating is used.

Coloring instructions

Having learned how to paint the stove in the bathhouse, you can purchase paint and prepare the stove for painting.

Tools and materials

To do the work yourself you will need:

  • paint, preferably in aerosol cans;
  • if you use liquid paint in cans, you will need to purchase a roller and brush;
  • sandpaper to remove a layer of rust;
  • metal brush;
  • when cleaning large areas, use a grinder;
  • solvent for degreasing parts;
  • for painting you can use a spray gun and a compressor, especially with large dimensions of the structure;
  • rags;
  • paper or old sheets to protect the surface of walls and floors when painting.

Having dealt with the question of how to paint an iron stove in a bathhouse and having prepared the materials necessary for the work, you can begin to carry out the preparatory work.

Surface preparation

To do this you will need to perform a number of simple works. But surface preparation must be approached with full responsibility; this determines how the paint will adhere to the metal and how long its layer will withstand high temperatures:

  • Using a metal brush, we clean the stove from adhering dirt, soot and rust;
  • Clean the finished surfaces with fine sandpaper. This work will make the surface smooth, remove minor scratches and irregularities;
  • sweep and remove dust from the stove parts;
  • Having generously moistened a rag with solvent, degrease all surfaces;
  • If the stove has parts made of stainless steel or those that have undergone galvanic treatment, there is no need to paint them. Therefore, we will apply a layer of grease or other lubricant to the parts;
  • cover the surface of the floor and walls next to the heater, paper or cloth.

Paint application algorithm

We know how to paint an iron stove in a bathhouse, the necessary preparatory operations have been completed, now you can move on to the main stage of work. This will not require much time and effort. All work is carried out in the following sequence;

  1. open and stir the paint well. If it is thick, it can be diluted with a solvent suitable for this enamel. Be sure to read the instructions and dilute the paint only with the specified mixtures. Otherwise, you'll just throw away a can of expensive paint;
  2. if a spray gun is used to apply the layer, the paint is diluted to a more liquid state, then poured into the spray gun through a painting sieve or the wife’s old tights;
  3. first apply a layer to all inconvenient places and edges of the oven and only then treat the surfaces, slightly overlapping the previous layer. When painting with a brush, the work is done in the same way;
  4. The paint is applied in 1 layer, so do not allow any gaps, painting all surfaces evenly.

Work is done. Now leave the oven until the enamel has completely hardened.

It is important to close all doors and windows to prevent dust from entering the room. For some paints you will need to light the oven; they only harden when heated.

Therefore, carefully read the instructions and strictly follow these rules.

How often should I paint in the future?

Paint for an iron sauna stove will last for the period specified by the manufacturer

You need to pay attention to this characteristic when purchasing enamel.

In any case, if the stove is made of thin metal, it may fail before the paint coating of the surfaces. Paint is a short-lived coating, so every bathhouse owner should be prepared for repeated work to protect the stove.

Is it possible to achieve a durable protective layer on the surfaces of the heater? Yes, in this case, performing a simple galvanic method of protecting the metal will help.

Factors that have a negative effect on paint

According to experts, it can reach +600°C in the furnace due to fuel combustion. The steel becomes red hot. Periodic heating and cooling has a detrimental effect on strength indicators. A metal stove in a Russian bath is simultaneously exposed to high humidity and heat; the walls begin to rust inside and out. In a sauna the air is drier, but the air temperature is also higher.

Carbon monoxide can leak into the bathhouse through burnt walls; using an unprotected stove is dangerous to life.

Periodic heating and cooling has a detrimental effect on strength indicators.

Why do you need to paint?

The main task of paint is to protect the surface from rust. No matter how high-quality the material from which the sauna stove was made, the consequences of negative influences may appear over time. The hot water tank is most at risk of rust, and due to the fact that it forms from the inside, it is quite difficult to avoid.

The second reason why a sauna stove needs to be painted is the aesthetic component. An object made entirely of metal is difficult to fit harmoniously into the overall picture of the room. Some finished products are sold already painted, otherwise you will need to do it yourself.

How to extend the life of the oven

Stove diagram.

You can do the repair yourself. This does not require a lot of free time and skills. If the walls are renovated efficiently, the old stove will work for a very long time. The presence of cracked plaster may indicate that combustion products are penetrating into the living space, and this is already serious.

Some people simply seal the cracks with clay and paint over the stove. Experts say this is wrong. The outer masonry of the stove must first be strengthened. To do this, just make a wire tie.

For work you will need:

  • perforator or hammer and chisel;
  • steel wire;
  • a hook or rod for tensioning the wire.

From the outside, several horizontal grooves with a depth of 1.5-2 cm are cut into the brickwork. Subsequently, the wire laid in the groove should completely encircle the stove. After installing the wire, tension it. To do this, you can take a metal rod or a special hook and make twists in several places. The furrows are sealed with clay mortar. The walls are plastered with clay-asbestos mortar.

Basic rules for painting stoves

The brick surface must be cleaned and degreased. A plastered stove should be sanded and primed. Painting should be done in a well-ventilated area. Any coating, regardless of composition, should be applied in a thin layer. When using polyphenylsiloxane-based varnishes, it is advisable to heat the oven after painting.

Following these rules and following the instructions for use will guarantee a good result.

The following video will help you decide on the type of paint or varnish: “Review of varnishes and paints for stoves.”

Design Tips

Today, any designer involved in drawing up architectural projects can help you make a stylish design for the stove and answer the question of how to paint a brick stove in a house. There are also a large number of creative ideas on the Internet.

As for fashion trends, today all designers in the world recommend decorating such heating units to a minimum, resorting to natural finishing materials and uniform colors when deciding what to paint the stove with. That is, some art objects and color drawings are gradually going out of fashion. Stoves decorated with natural or artificial stone, as well as those complemented with ordinary ceramic tiles, look interesting.

Painting with self-prepared materials

Brick processing can also be done with home-made paints.

Consider the option of homemade brick paint. The brick is ground into fine crumbs and sifted through a sieve so that the mass is absolutely homogeneous. Then mixed with country milk and egg whites. Using a wide brush, apply a solution to the warm oven, which should resemble liquid sour cream. If necessary, the top is coated with drying oil or varnish (if a shiny surface is needed).

A heat-resistant, abrasion-resistant coating of a natural brick color is formed. This is a good country option when naturalness predominates in the interior.

Painted brick will get slightly dirty. To eliminate this drawback, it is recommended to apply a layer of beaten egg white to a well-heated oven. This heat-resistant paint will protect the brickwork well from moisture and dirt. This method has been used since ancient times. This type of coating is called stove varnish.

You don’t have to add brick chips to it, then it will be completely transparent. When operating the stove indoors, there will be a faint smell of baked milk. This must be taken into account.

There is also a very economical option for making homemade paint. Turpentine and PF varnish are mixed in equal proportions. It can be tinted with dry dyes, or even dried gouache.


As in any other case, all users recommend working in a room with open doors and windows so that air flows freely and the person does not get poisoned. It is also recommended to wear protective gloves and a special protective mask when painting. Especially when it comes to using varnish. If the case takes place on the street, there is no need for any protective equipment other than gloves. Users recommend painting furnace equipment by following all operating rules provided by the manufacturer and making sure to degrease the surface.

Many users recommend using water-based formulations based on their experience, since components such as varnish can be toxic and lead to serious respiratory diseases.

Note! Some even recommend abandoning toxic paint and harsh enamel compounds if the stove will be used in the house, giving preference to natural tiles or even natural and artificial stone.

Overall, there are many ways to make a beautiful stove. There are different dyeing methods. To do everything right, you need to choose the right paint and pay attention to the recommendations presented above. If you have no experience in painting work, it is better to give preference to another facing material or hire professionals.



Types of paints and their differences from each other

You can use different paints to apply a protective coating:

  • water-based acrylic;
  • organosilicon;
  • polyurethane.

Water-based acrylic painting material is very convenient and affordable. The downside is that it can only be used for stoves located in rooms with low humidity, so this option is not suitable for saunas.

Photo 1. A jar of white water-based acrylic paint. .

Polyurethane paints are more heat-resistant and can withstand heat up to 600 degrees, it all depends on the constituent elements and additives in the paint. Study the composition in detail

Please note that polyurethane mixtures may change color when heated.

Organosilicon paint and varnish enamels are considered the most environmentally friendly and durable. They are able to withstand temperatures up to 800 degrees. There are no toxic substances in the composition, so their use is safe. The only downside is the high cost.

Types of permanent dyes, acrylic paint coating

Painting the stove with water-based paint, the first one you come across in a store, is impossible; first you need to know the components together with the method of use.

Painting brickwork

Several types can be included in the general list of coloring substances; they are combined:

  • heat resistance
  • non-flammability
  • toxicological safety

Examples include:

  • Silicate. Heat resistance is achieved by their base, which includes liquid glass, mineral pigments, and fillers. Painting is done using a simple brush; this is possible without professional skills.
  • Acrylic water-dispersed. They are made using water and add an acrylic dispersion, which makes the paint resistant to elevated temperatures. The cost of the material is high, but the stove costs little, and a wide range of colors, elasticity and durability properties compensate for dissatisfaction with the price.
  • Enamel with varnish based on silicon organics is characterized as a stable and reliable material. It is thick and will need to be diluted to achieve the desired consistency.
  • For metal structures, fire-resistant paint and an appropriate thermovarnish are suitable. They can withstand even open burning and do not crumble from the red steel from the heat.

The brickwork is coated with various impregnations and primed. At the same time, the material does not change color, the film also does not cover the surfaces, but when absorbed into the brick, it becomes wet in color, creating the appearance of a just washed area. The following recipe for making your own mixture is effective; the ingredients are selected 1 to 1:

The colorant is added until the desired color is obtained, the mixture is stirred to obtain a uniform shade.

For a budget option, acrylic water-based emulsion is suitable:

  • it can last a long time in good condition
  • does not cause harmful radiation
  • large selection in color palette

Organosilicon enamels such as KO-1112, KO-813, KO-85 are used to paint stoves, chimneys, and fireplaces.

Heat-resistant varnish

Sometimes stoves are decorated with original motifs or facing bricks with a relief surface.

Special paint will help highlight the design in this case. It can withstand temperatures from 200 to 600 °C.

In addition to high heat resistance, this product has the following properties:

  • Wear resistance;
  • Water resistance;
  • Ease of use;
  • Fast drying time;
  • Give the surface a shine.

The varnish has a pronounced odor, so the room should be well ventilated when working. Don't worry too much, after half an hour you will be able to breathe freely.

When calculating the amount of paint required, it is necessary to consider whether it is applied over a primer or directly onto the highly absorbent brick.

In this case, you will have to paint the surface 2-3 times. But the result is worth it.

Painting technology

First of all, it is necessary to remove all dirt and dust from the surface of the brick. If the slab has already been plastered and painted, the old paint must be removed with a wire brush or a special drill mount. Defects and cracks are cleaned with sandpaper. Before painting the stove, it is recommended to smooth out and sand any problem areas as much as possible.

Next, you need to treat the substrate with a deep penetrating primer. Such a substrate will allow you to qualitatively paint the stove with a composition of water emulsion, even if the walls absorb water very poorly. According to reviews from brick kiln owners, in many cases, before painting the walls with a water emulsion solution, Kron polymer putty was used instead of a primer to level and prime the walls.

The next step is to heat the kiln and let it cool to a temperature of 30-45oC; if you paint the cold walls of the kiln, the surface of the laid water layer will form cracks and swell due to small air bubbles accumulating in the pores of the brick. The walls of the heater must be covered with two or three layers. The oven no longer needs to be heated; it is enough to dry the first layer of water-based material well.

How to varnish brickwork

Lacquered brick oven

To coat brickwork with varnish, you need to perform a number of construction activities:

  • clean contaminated areas
  • remove defects from cracks and chips with putty
  • repair faults

Minor defects are removed with a mixture of brick flour, to which egg whites and milk are added. Apply the solution to damaged areas in the masonry with a brush. You need to wait for the work done to dry completely; the paint cannot be rushed and leads to destruction.

Any painting does not hide flaws in the area being treated; on the contrary, it will highlight the flaw, so you should get rid of them carefully, without missing even a small crack. When starting to varnish the stove you need:

  • open jar of product, mix thoroughly
  • add solvent
  • turpentine

Additives are acceptable if the consistency of the varnish is insufficient for work; they are dissolved with one selected substance. The brush for work becomes hard, cover the surface in several layers, after each it is necessary to wait for it to dry completely. The coating is completed with a finishing touch, the master chooses the last layer himself, it can be the third or fourth, until a decent appearance of the stove is achieved.

What to paint with?

There are many requirements for a paint material, but the modern chemical industry has successfully created dozens of paints that are ideal for these applications. You can find dozens of manufacturers in hardware stores, but they are all divided into several main categories.

  1. The optimal heat-resistant paint for metal stoves is water-based acrylic paint. It is actively used for painting steel, brass, copper and some other alloys. The price is quite affordable, and the performance characteristics are suitable for many customers. An important advantage is the possibility of use in rooms with insufficient air humidity .
  2. Polyurethane paint or enamel is also an excellent paint for an iron stove that gets a lot of use. The material can easily withstand high temperatures, and the metal surface acquires a beautiful silver tint.
  3. The most modern product is heat-resistant organosilicone paint for metal stoves, which is labeled KO-8101, 822 or 8111. According to research, the material can withstand temperatures above 650 degrees, and the absence of toxic substances will keep you healthy. An unpleasant feature is the rather high price, which is compensated by the high quality of the product.

Recipes from folk craftsmen

Furnaces in villages always underwent additional processing after laying. Recipes for making homemade dyes were created and passed from mouth to mouth. Due to insufficient funds, substandard bricks were taken, so after laying the structures were required to be coated.

They took clay, added horse manure and sand, kneaded it, leveled it with a wooden plank, lubricated it with a liquid clay composition, smoothing out the flaws. Then they covered it with chalk or lime mortar. To create a blue tint, it was diluted with blue. The lime was first dissolved, the pieces were poured with water, it stood for a day, after which it was used, diluting the whitewash mixture to the desired thickness.

Chalk stains clothes, it quickly crumbles, to get rid of the shortcomings of this level, you need to add 0.5 kg of table salt to 2 kg of solution.

The industry produces a large number of ready-made, high-quality dyes using modern technologies; they are harmless and come in a wide palette of colors. Craftsmen with artistic abilities have the opportunity to create not a uniform stove, but a stove with patterns, based on national or fairy tale motifs, since there are no limits to the flight of designer imagination and thought.

When purchasing finishing material in a specialized store, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging so that the paint lasts as long as possible and is changed only after it becomes possible to change the boring interior.

Some people believe that you should not paint your stove. After all, it is short-lived, quickly cracks and rolls off. But that's not true. Due to the advent of new technologies in the production of this product, it was possible to achieve the highest possible quality. Water-based paint is one of the most affordable ways to decorate a stove.

Preparing for painting

Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces to be painted - preparation methods vary depending on the external stove material:

  • Clay - before painting a clay stove, it must be thoroughly dried (if the work is carried out during the non-heating season). Before drying, you can use a wet sponge to slightly blur the top layer of clay - this will help level the surface a little.

Note! It is necessary to heat the oven several times (3-5) to dry it - undried clay tends to shrink.

If the clay shrinks greatly during drying, it is worth applying additional clay putty and drying several more times.

Plastering the stove with clay

  • Plaster – before painting a plastered stove, it must be sanded down with sandpaper. The plastered surface has a smooth, glossy appearance, which contributes to less heat transfer. To increase heat transfer, the surface is matte using sandpaper.
  • Brick - if the paint goes directly onto the brick, as in the case of clay, it needs to be dried. If this procedure is neglected, the clay seams will be pulled deep into the brick. You also need to remove greasy stains from the surface - a solvent is used for this.

How to beautifully decorate a brick stove in a modern interior

painted stove in the interior

Such greetings from the past can very interestingly fit into the modern interior of your home and become its unique highlight.

Also, today interiors in an unsurpassed chalet, an interesting country style and in a mysterious shabby chic are very common. Their main feature is the naturalness of the building materials used and the overall interior of the room, as well as their environmental friendliness.

And as you already understand, an old Russian brick stove, which will be stylishly and unusually complemented with a variety of decorative elements, will fit perfectly into this style of decorating a house or room.

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